Saturday, November 30, 2013

Barataa Sabboonaa Oromoo Yuuniversitii Gondar Keessatti Oromummaan Yakkamee Wareega Kafale.

Maqaa :-Anteeneh Asfawuu Leggesee

Bara Dhaloota isaa:-Fulbaana 1/1983 A.L.H tti.

Bakka Dhalootaa:- Godina Diillaa Aanaa Fissaah Gannat ganda 02.

Barataa Anteeneh Asfawuu LeggeseeBarataan kun akkuma ibsuuf yaalletti barataa Yuuniversitii Gondar,Marketing waggaa 3ffaa kan baratu barri inni yuuniversitii kana seene 2004/2012 yoo tahu kan xumuru waggaa kana 2006/2013 dha. Akkuma beekamu barataan kun guyyaa sadaasa 24/2013barattoota garee isaa department Marketing kan tahan barattoota 60 ol kan tahan waliin bakka Daashan Biiraa jedhamutti yeroo afeerraa godhatanii turani. Haata’u malee afeerraa qaban booda galgala keessaa sa’a 9:00 PM bakka itti afeerraa taasofatan kana irraa gara mooratti kan deebi’an yoo tahu barattootni oromoo addatti wal foo’uudhaan sirboota qabsoo kan dhageessisaa daandii gubbaa irra deemantu ture. Barattootni habashaa ammo iyya garmaleetiin naannoo jeequudhaan namoota daandii irra socho’an ille humnatti gargaaramuudhaan reebuudhaan socho’a akka turaniidha. Tahus barattootni oromoo sirboota qabsoo dhageessisaa daandii irraa yoo socho’an barattootni habashaa kunneen ammo iyyaa hedduu nama rifaasisuun jeequmsa uumanillee boroo Daashan Biiraa bakka bishaan Qahaa jedhamu ce’uudhaan ganda 18 akka gahaniin hidhattoota wayyaanee daandii irratti bobbahan irratti rukuttaa eegalan,hidhattootni wayyaanee kunis ilmaan habashaa jeequmsa uuman kana irratti kan xiyyeefatan osoo hin taanee barattoota oromoo sirba qabsoo dhageessisan kana irratti kan guddaa xiyyeefatanii fi warra ABO(ONEG) faarsu jechuudhaan dhukaasa irratti banana.Barataa adda duree tahee faaruu qabsoo oromoo dhageessisaa  ture barataa Anteneeh Asfawuu jedhamu kana irratti kallattumaan dugda isaa irra rasaasaan reebuudhaan barattoota isa waliin jiranis tamsaasani.Rukutamuun mucaa kanaa galgaluma guyyaa kanaa sa’a 9:30 PM irrattiidha.Kallattuma rasaasaan rukutameen gara Hospitaala mooraa yuuniversitii Gondaritti fudhatani, Hospitaala kanatti yaalamee maal irra akka jirullee dadhabamnaan gara Hospitaala Minilikitti geessani.Barataan kuni Hospitaala kanatti kan lubbuudhaan darbe yoo tahu guyyaa itti aanu Sadaasa 25 barataa du’e kanaan wal qabsiisanii barataan mooraa addatti ammo barattootni oromoo yuuniversitii kanatti argaman hunduu walii galatti baayinni isaanii 3000-4000 kan tahan daandii Hospitaala geessu irratti hiriira bahuudhaan “WE NEED FREEDOM” kan jedhu dhageessisaa turaniiru.
Akkasuma baratooti du’a sabboonticha Oromoo kanaan wal qabsiisee aarii fi dheekkamsa guddaa itti kaasuu irraan akkasumas gaaffii Oromoof deebiin qaama mootummaa irraa dhabamuun wal qabatee qabeenyaa mooraa yuuniversitii sanii kan mancaasan yoo tahu hanga har’aatti ilmaan Oromoo mooraa sana keessatti argamu barataas tahe,barumsa dhaabee, hojjetaas tahe hojii isaa dhaabee,barsiisaa mooraa saniis kan tahe Oromoon barsiisa dhaabee akka jiru yoo tahu ilmaan Habashootaa garuu barumsa isaanii deebi’anii akka jiranii fi tooftaan guyyaa kana uumames ilmaanuma Oromoo tooftaa hin beekamneen ficcisiisuu ture jedha maddi gabaasaa kanaa. Ilmaan Oromoo akkanatti dhiigi dhangala’ee hin hafu, guyyaa eeggata! barumsi nutti  hafee mirga saba keenyaa falmachuuf qabsoo itti fufna  jedhanii barattootni Oromoo hunduu barumsa malee akka jiran gabaasaan addeessa.
Injifannoon Uummata Oromoof!

Baqattota Oromoo biyya amba kessatti darama jiran bira dhaabbachuu dirqama Oromo maraati!

By Getinet Dinkayehu | Sadaasa 29, 2013
Getinet Dinkayehu
Getinet Dinkayehu
Akkuma beekamu yeroo ammaa gochaan sukkannessaa motummaan saudi baqatotaa biyyaa itopiyaa    irrattii gaggessa jiru waan addunyaa hunda gaddisisaa jiruu ta’uun ni bekama.baqattotaa kana kessaa bay’een isaani ilmaan oromo ta’us qubaa ni qabnaa.sabaabni hedduun oromoon itti biyyaa baqatee biyya Saudi Arabiyatii gidiraa argaa jiruus akkaa yeeroo ammaa median wayyanee fi ilmaan habashotaa sabaaba jirenya foyaa’aa barbaachuu jedhani hololaa jiran osoo hin tanee,akkuma oromoota lakkofsaan hedduu ta’anii biyyota olla fi biyyota  biroo kessatti saba ilalcha siyasa isani irran kan ka’ee wayyaneen jirenya dhowwite gidiraan heddun itti hammaannaan  sodaa lubbu isaaniif biyya irra gara biyyota Olla akka Jibuutii,somaalee fi sudaanitti baqatanii isaan boda kara adda addaatin biyya Saudi seenuun  jireenyaa sukkanessa fi jirenya sodaan gutamen biyya ambaa Saudi  kessa kan jirachaa jiran dha.
Ilmaan oromoo biyya isaanii kessattii sababa rakkoo ilaalcha siyaasaa qaban irran kan ka’e  ogummaa qabaniin hojiitti bobba’anii of gargaaruuf maatii isaanii gargaaranii akkuma ilmoon namaa tookko jirattutti jirenyaa gaariif nagaa qabuu  akka hin jiraannef asinis achinis motummaan wayyaanee gufuu itti ta’ee jirachuun bekkama dha. Oromoon harka dhibba kessa 95 ol sababni guddaan ittin  biyya jallatan irra ba’ani gidiraa heddu  biyyota ambaa kessatti argaa jiraanif jireenyaa adda ta’ee jirachuuf filatanii osoo hin taanee sababa sodaa lubbuu isaaniif sirna ajjesaa wayyaanee jala jiraachuu hin dandenyeef qofa kan baqatani ba’ani dha.
Torban darbaan kessaas warren reebichaafi samicha ummata biyya arabaatiin irraa ga’ee irraan kan ka’ee osoo hin jaallatin dirqamaan gara biyyaatti kan deebi’aan kessaa ilmaan oromoo warren ta’an wayyaneen calalamani deggertota ABO dha jechuun akkaa ija adda ta’een ilalamu qabanfi namota kana duka bu’uu akka qaban  kadirota wayyaneef dirqamni itti kennamu isaa misensotni wayyanee ifa baasani jiru.
Ilmaan oromoo ogummaaa qabaniin hojittii bobba’anii nagaan hojjetanii jiraachuuf yoo hin dandenyee,saba ilalcha siyaasa qaban irran kan ka’e carraa hojii argachuus yoo hin qabaanne ,hojii mataa isaanii umanii hojjechufis yoo hin dandenyee,lafti isaan qaban irra buqqisuun wayyaneen gaaffi tokko malee irra fudhamee abba qabenyaa habashotaaf kan biyya alaatti  yoo hiramu ,gaffii kaasaniif debiin isanii mana hidhaafi ajjechaa yoo ta’uu,ilaalcha siyaasa itti amanan qabaatani jirachuus yoo hin dandenyee,biyya dhalatani guddatan kessa akka hin jiraanne akkuma bineensaatti qawween yeroo adamsamani,biyyaarra baqataniis biyyaa amabaa kessatti nagaan jirachuu yoo hin dandenye,addunyaa kana irraa essa dhaqanii ha jiraataniree? waan nama ajaa’ibu kessaa yeroo amma finfinnee dabalatee magalota gurguddoo oromiya kessa ummatnii habashafi tigrotaa heddumminaan qubacha fi qabenyaa hedduu horachaa bakka jiranitti Ilmaan oromoo magalota oromiya irra sababota adda addaan dirqamaan akka godananfi biyya gadhisanii akka biyya ambaa kessatti dararaman  tasisaama jiraachuun hojii wayyaneen biyya oromoo gutumma gututti dhunfachuuf gochaa jirtuu ta’un waan hubatamu qabu dha . yeroo amma magaalota oromiya kessatti ijaarsaa manafii fooqii adda addaa kan ijaaraa jiruu hedduminaan ummata habasha fi tigrota dha,afaan hedduminaan dubbatama jiruus afaan oromoo osoo hin taane afaan  habashotaa akka ta’ee heddun kenyaa waan ifatti argaa  jirru dha,lafa oromoo kessaattii maannen barumsaa afaan amharaan banamee jiru lakkosaan heddu ta’ee jira. akka wali galaattii wayyaaneen ilmaan oromoo dirqamaan akka biyya isaanii gadi lakkisanii baqatan sababa adda addaa itti funaanaa biyya oromoo ammoo ummata habashaaf tigree itti naquun hojii wayyaaneen fulduratti oromoo biyya dhabsisuu dhaf irraatti hejjechaa jirtu ta’uun waan dagatamuu hin qabne dha . Motummaan wayyanee har’as ummata oromoo godaa hangaa gubbaattii siyaasa isaa akka deggeran YKN miseensaa akka ta’uu qaban dirqisisaa jira .warren didan garuu jireenya  akka hin jiraanne ifatti rakko irraan ga’aa jira.Dirqisisuu irra darbee warreen miseensa ta’uu didaniif warren ilalacha siyaasa wayyanee mormaan sababa adda addaa itti barbaaduun ABO dha jedhee mana hidhatti tortorsaa jira.warreen kaan ammoo sababa adda adda itti barbaaduun gufuu itti ta’uun hojii isanii irraa akkaa dhaabbatan fi carraa hojii biyyitti kessattii akka hin arganne taasisuun abdii murannaadhaan biyyaa isanii irraa gadhisanii godaansaa akka filataan dirqamsisa jira.Warreen dirqamaan godansa filataan kun egaa bakka godaansaattii kessattu biyyota Olla fi biyya akka Saudi Arabiyatti dararamni hedduun akka irra ga’uu danda’uu utuu hubatanii maaliif  godanuu jenne gaffii waan kasnu miti.Sababni isaas harkaa motumma wayyaneen du’uu irra jedhanii carraa biroo waan dhabaniifi yoon du’es yoon jiradhess carraa kiyya yaluun qabaa jechuun murtee ofirratti murtessuun godaansaa filatanii waan demaniif. Hala kanaan lammiwwan Oromoo hedduun yeroo dhihoo kessaa biyya isaniin gadhisanii bakkaa godaananitti rakkoon sukkannessa kana hin jedhamnee irraa ga’aa yeroo jirutti,ajjefamaa,rebamaa,mana hidhaatti ugguramaa yeroo jiran kanatti qaamni bira dhabbate falmuuf tasa dhabamun isaa waan bayyeee nama gaddisuufi haamilee ilmaan oromoota hedduu kan tuqu ta’ee jira.Akkuuma yeroo ammaa kana argaa jirruttis Motummaan wayyanee sababa siyaasa mata isaaf jecha godantota kana akka lammitti ilaalee qaama rakkoo sukkanessa kana hin jedhamne irraan gessisaa jiruu balaleffachuu dhisuu irra darbee bakka godananii jiraan kanattii qaamaa rakkoo irran ga’aa jiruu waliin tahee isan deggeruun daranuu lammiwwan kenyaa rakko sukkannessa adda addaaf akka saxilaman tasisuun isaa dinumma hangaam akka nuuf qaban nutti agarsisaa .Haa ta’u malee garuu gochaan wayyanee kun waan nama dinqisisuus miti sababin isaas gochaa sukkanessa hedduu waggota 21 darbaan kessattii  ilaam oromoorrattis ta’ee sabota cunqurfamo biraaratti gaggessa turaan waan argaa turre dha .kanaaf Motummaan ajjesaa wayyanee dhimma siyasa isaa irra darbee lubbuu ilmoo namaaf lubbu lammiwan isaaf ni yada jedhanii yaaduun gowwumma dha.
Dabalataan ammoo wayyannetti dabalamee Oromoon dina malee fira tokkolle akka hin qabnee media habshotaa irras hubachaa jirra.maqaan oromoo gafaa ka’u kan mataa isaan dhukkubufi kan  iji dhiga uffatu heddu ta’ee jira. oromoon qofatti ba’ee sagalee isaa addunyatti maalif dhagessisaa jedhanii dhugaa jiru dhoksuun akkuma abbotii isaanii afaan ilmaan oromoo ukkamsuuf hamilee kenya cabsuuf dulli karaa ilmaan Nafxanyotaa kessattu (ESAT fi saroota G7) tiin nurratti banamee jiru cimaa demee jira .Ha ta’uu malee garuu kunille daranuu waan haamilee fi tokkumma  oromoo jabessu malee kan laaffisuu waan hin taaneef duddubattii otoo hin jedhiin oromoon tokkummaan dhaabbachuun dinotatti karaa cufuun barbaachisaa dha. Ilmaan Oromoo bakka godaansaatti rakko heddu jala jiran kanaaf kan addunyaatti iyyee sagalee isaanii dhagessisufi qabuu  ilmaan oromoo  qofa malee qaama kan bira abdannu hin jiru.Furmaatni fuldurattis ilmaan oromoo gabrummafi dararama kana jalaa basuu danda’u motummaa ajjesaa kana irraa callisanii taa’ani waan biraa foyya’aa eguu osoo hin taanee yeroo kamiyyuu caalaa sagalee tokkumma fi  qabsoo cimaa  barbaachisa.
Biyyii Akka Saudi Arabiya seraa Addunyatiin bula jettuu oromoos dabalatee lammiwwan kamirrattiyyu yoo ta’ee gochaaa rawaatamuu hin qabnee raawwachuun ishee dhugumattuu biyya mirgii ilmoo nama kessatti kabajamuu hin dandenyee ta’u addunyaatti agarsisee jira .Namni kamiyyuu seraan alaa ille  yoo ta’ee sababa mataa isaa  kan  ittiin dirqamee biyya isaa gadhisee ba’eefi ni qaba,sababa dinagdee fi jirenya foyya’aa ta’uu danda’aa kallattidhanis ta’ee al-kallattidhaan sababa siyasaa ta’uu ni mala. Kanaaf biyyi kamiiyyuu kan seera addunyatiin bulaa jettee mallatteessite tokko godantota kanaa sababa isaan itti biyya isaanii gadi lakkisanii godanuuf dirqaman addaa baafachuun rakko isanii hubachuun dirqama isanii ture.Godantotni kun seraan ala waan ta’niif  biyya kenyaa ba’uu qabu jedhanii yoo murtessanille halaa  ilmoo namaa tokkoof maluun biyya isanii akka gad lakkisee ba’uu gochuun fi warreen rakko siyaasaa qabaan ammoo hala itti gaffi hirkattuummaa argatan mijjessufiin dirqama biyya seraa Adunyatinin bula jettu tokko ta’uu qaba ture.  Gidduu darbe hiriyotakoo warren Oromoo ta’ani biyya saud arabiyaa  kessa jiraachaa  jiraan kara emailtin qunnamee akkan hubadhettii heddumminni oromoota biyya Saudi kessa jiraan rakkoo siyaasaa fi hiraramaa motummaan wayyanee irraa gessiserraan kan ka’ee baqatanii karaa adda aadaatiin galanaa fi gammojji kessa lubbuu isaanii wareganii beelaaf dheebuu kanaa hin jedhamnen jala darbuun hanga fincaan isaanii dhuguttille ga’ani hiriyota isaani heddu ammo du’aan of biraa dhabuun kan achi ga’an ta’uu fi achittis rakkoo sukkanessaa kana hin jedhamee hin tilmaamamnef saxilamaa kan jiran ta’u na hubachisaniruu.Haaluma kanan yeroo ammaas sodaa kanarraan kan ka’ee ilmaan oromoo heddun of dhoksanii rakkoo heddu jalaa akka jiraan ibsaaniru.akka odeffannon jiruttis oromotni torban darbe biyyatti humnaan galan kessas tokko tokko wayyaanotan  kessa kessaa filatamani fudhamani gara hin beekamne akka gessama jirani dha.dabalataan odeffannoon hiriyotakoo kana irraa akkan argadhettiis ilmaan Oromoo heddun motummaa ajjessa Saudi Arabiya fi ummataa ajjestuu saudi Arabiyaatiin kan ajjefaaman,kan abdii kutanna fi aridhaan of fannisani lubbu isaani dhaban,kan mana hidhaa kessattii rebamaa jiraan ,dhiraafi dubartiin Oromoo kan mana hidhaa kessatti gudedamaa jiranille heddu akkaa ta’ani fi kan midiatti gadi hin banee ba’yeen akka jiruu haala sammu nama tuquun naaf ibsaniru.Egaa kana nutii ilmaan oromoo kan biyya kessafi biyyaa alaa jirru maal jennaa? Maalii mallisaa akkamiin obbolota kenya bira dhaabbannaa lubbu isaani baraaruu dandenyaa?
Ummatni oromoo ummata nagaafi bilisummaan jirachuu qofa fedhuufi ummata lafaa ka’ee nama hin tuqnee fi ummata hojii qofa jaallatuu ta’ee otoo jiruu garuu rakkoo wayyaneefi motummota biyya ambatiin nurra ga’aa jiruu irran kan ka’e Ilmaan oromoo yeeroo kamiyyuu caalaa ummata biyya isaa kessattis ta’ee biyya ambaa kessattille nagaan jiraachuu kan hin dandenyeefi ummataa dararamni kallatti hundaan irratti dagaagaa jiruu ta’un isaa waan nama gaddisisufi abdi nama murachisu ta’aa jira.
Motummaan wayyanee dula biyyaa kessatti ilmaan oromoo irratti banee jirutti dabalalee bakka baqaattille wajjin ce’uun basaastota itti ergee hiraarsaa heddu nurratti gaggessun isaa hangaam garaa jabumma oromorratti akka qabuu nutti ibsa.ilmaan oromoo maatii fi ijollee isanii dirree irrattii gatanii osoo baqatanillee heddun isaanii galaanaa fi warabessaan nyatamani jiruu,shamarraan oromoo heddun jirenya sukkannessaa biyyaa Olla fi biyyoota Araba dura dhaabbachuu(resist gochuu) dadhabudhaan sammu isaani dhabuun huccuu isaanii gatanii maraachuun qullaa isaanii biyya araba kessa yero figaan media irrattii kan argee bay’ee kenya.yeroo dhihotti Lebanon kessatti  obolettii kenyaa Alam Dachaasaa irraatti gochaa sukkanessa ga’efii lubbu ishee haala sukkanessan akka darbu kan taasisee ille seenaa sammuu ilmaan oromoo kessa yomiyyu hin baane dha kan dhohoo kana argine dha .Ilmaan oromoo heduun yeroo amma  biyyaa Saudi dabalatee biyyota Olla Keniya,somalee,Jibuti fi biyyota biroo kessaa jiraan irratti gochaan badaa ilmoo namaaf hin mallee iratti raawwatamaa jiru kana kan jedhane hin tilmamamne ta’uu irra darbee rakkoo kana  jalaa kan isaan baraaruu danda’uu qaamaa itti iyyannoo isaanii dhiheffattanii dhageetti irraa argatan kan hin qabaane ta’uun daranuu waan abdi nama murachisuu ta’aa jira. Dabalatan Ergamtotni wayyanee biyya Saudi kessa jiran Bondi wayyaneen maqaa abbayin gurguraa turtee fi Misoomaa biyyaaf qarshii fidaa jette yeroo gaafattu kan harkaa hin fudhanne waan ta’aniif dorsisni adda adda basaastotaa wayyaaneen irra ga’aa kan tureefi akka dinaatti waan ilaalamaniif rakkoo dabalataa  guddaa jala jiru.akkuma bakka hundatti bekamus Ergaamtotni fi basastotnii  wayyanee bay’inaan Tigrota ta’aan Visa wayyaneen keennisisteen biyyota Arabaa ,biyyota olla,Awuropa fi America kessa kan jiraatanifi kan hojii basasummaa wayyanee hojjetaan waan jiraniif sochiifi enyummaa baqattota oromoo yeroo yeroon hordofuun Embasi wayyaaneef gabaasaa dhihessaa akka turanif ammas akkaa irra jiraan bekkama dha.akka namota oromoo tokko tokkorra dhagahamettis biyyota akka saudifi biyyota ollaa kessattis  ergamtootni wayyanee kun hojiin isaani basasuu qofalle osoo hin tanee garee umudhaan meshaa addaa addaa kan akka Cubee fi gajaraa fayyadamuun haala irratti hin beekamneen  ilmaan oromoo bakkaa adda addatti akka ajjeesaa turani  dha.Kanaaf Biyyaa Saud Arabiya kessattii karaa motummaa biyyota kanaafi ummattota isaanitiin ilmaan Oromoo kessattuu rakko siyaasaa qabaan irra gochii sukkanessaa Rebicha, Hidhaa fi ajjeechaa irra ga’aa turee fi ammas irra ga’aa jiru akka daranuu caalatti cima demuu akkasumas dhagettii akka hin aganne fi qamnii rakko irran ga’aa jiruu akka itti hin gaafatamne dawoo  kan tasisaa jiru motummaa wayyane dha. Kanaaf biyya  amba kana kessatti rakkoon heddun utuu irra ga’aa jiru garuu qaamaa bira demmani dhibee isaanii himatan waan hin qabaanneef yeroo amma mirgaa tokkolle dhabanii gidiraan jiraachaa jiru
Sababni wayyaneen biyya amba kessatti motummota biyyota kanaa waliin ta’ee basaastota isaas duka busee ilman oromoo irratti rakko adda adda gessisaa jirus bekama dha. Ajjefamuu,hidhamuu,qaama hira’chuu,abdii jirenyaa murachuun ilmaan oromootaa siyasa gabroomfataa kan wayyaneen biyya kessatti gaggessaa jiruu waan jabessaa demu ta’uu fi akkasumas  qabsoo Oromoo karaa adda addan fininaa jiruu dadhabsisuf hala mija’aa wayyaneef kan umuu akka ta’ee hundi kenya waan hubachuu dandenyu  dha.Dhugaan lafa jiruu kana osoo ta’ee jiruu  garuu yeroo amma motummaan wayyanee carraa amma banamee kana fayyadamuun bu’uu siyasa ishee dabalachuuf akka waan Baqattota hundaa gargaraa jirtuu fakkessun holola sobaa Kara ETVtiin ofaa jirachuun waanuma guyya guyyan dhagaha jirru dha .Yeroo amma Oromotni hedduun biyya saudi kessa jiraan  rakkoo siyaasaa akka qabaan  bakka ibsaa jiranitti hololli amma motummaa wayyaneen gaggefama jiruu fi karaa Motumma Sauditiin ammoo namoota rakkoo siyasaa qabaan adda basuu dhisuun walummatti qabanii diinota isaanitti dabarsanii kennun kuni waan callisamee akkanumatti ilaalamuu ta’uu hin qabuu.Dhimmi kun yoo callisamee ilalamee fuldurattii qabsoo oromoo irrattis ta’ee hamilee qabsaa’ota oromoo hunda irrattii rakkoo cimaa fiduun isaa waan nama shakkisisu hin ta’u.warreen amma biyyatti galani wayyaneen biyya kessattii ABO dha jettee rakkoo irraan ga’uu dema jirtuus duka bunee hordofuun saaxiluun hunda Kenya irraa waan egamu qabu dha.
Kanaaf egaa Qabsa’otni fi hawasni oromoo biyyota ambaa addaa addaa kessa jirachaa jirruu fi dhabotni oromoo hundi wamichaa waliif dabarsuun bakka jirru hundattii hiriraa nagaa taasisuun Gochaa sukkanessan baqattota oromoo irra ga’aa  jiruu akka dhaabbatu cimsinee balaleffachufi ilmaan oromoo rakkoo siyasaa qabaanif addunyaan gurra akka laatu dhagessisuufi haala kara UNHCRtin galmaa’ani  biyya sadaffatti qubataniif iyyanno dhagessisuun waan hatattamaan nurraa egamu dha. Dhumarratti ummatni oromoo martii mirgaa isaa gongachuf bakka jiruu hundattii xiyyeffannoo kennee akka socho’ufii qabsoo irra egamu  hunda tasisuun sirna wayyanee  kana ofirra Garagalchuuf akka waliin dhabbatu dhamsakoon dabarsa.

Wallagga,Annaa Ebantuu Keessatti Diddaa Farra Wayyaanee Kaasaniin Wal Qabatee Sabboontoti Oromoo 40 Ta’an Magaalaa Hindee Keessatti Hidhaan Dararamaa Jiraachuun Beekame.

Gabaasa Sadaasa 29,2013 Naqamte
BilisummaaSabboontoti ilmaan Oromoo godina Wallaggaa Aanaa Eebantuu irraa mootummaan Wayyaanee dhihaa fi hiraarsa daangaa hin qabne gaggeessaa jiraachuu ilaalchisee Oromoonni biyya alaa jirtanii fi kanneen miidhamuu saba ofiif quuqqaa qabdan qaama mirga dhala namaa falmuu fi warren dhaabbotii namoomaatti akka iyyannoo nuu galchisan dhaammanna jedhu Ilmaan Oromoo mana hidhaa Eebantuu keessatti hiraaraa jiran.
Sadaasa 15,2013 irraa kaasee sabboontotiin Oromoo badii tokkoon malee hidhaa laga Abbayyaa mormitan, ABO deggeraa jirtu,sababaa jedhuun Ilmaan Oromoo aanaa Eabaantuu Magaaala Hindee keessaatti dararaa guddaa irraan gahamaa jira.Mucaa wagga 13 osoo hin hafiin aanaa Ebbantuu keessaa walitti qabamanii magaalaa Hindee jedhamutti dararaan daangaa hin qabne irra gahaa jiraachuu gabaasi naannicha irraa nu gahe addeessa.Ammatti maqaan ykn kanneen hidhamuu fi dararaan irra gahaa jiru hanga nama 40 galmeen argame kanneen armaa gadiiti.
Maqaan sabboontota dhiaman kanneen:-
1.Asfaaw Danuu Mucca isaa
2. Meetii Asfaaw umrii waggaa 13 wajjin mana hidhaa jiru!! hojjin daldalaa dha.
3.Darajjee Dhufeeraa
4.Suufaa Galataa
5.Zalaalem Ambessee
6.Jannaa Teessoo
7.Getachoo Siyyum
8.Balaay Galataa kan jedhamaam qotee bultoota dha xaa’oo liqii
fudhattanii kaffaluu diddan  jechuun kan  bara dheera ture offii isaanii nyaatanitti!!
9.Bayyanaa Abbabaa
10.Abdiisaa Garbaa  Barsiisaa
11.Tasfaayee Kinifuu
12.Mokonnoon Takkaleeny
13.Aalamuu Fiqaaduu
14.Tasfaayee Ayyalaa
15.Nagaashi Ambasaa
16.Alamuu Raggaasaa
17.Nagaashi Duubee
18.Firihiwoot Yadataa
19.Kumii Tafarraa
20.Tolaa Nugusee
21.Rabbumaa Gonfaa
22.Aaleem-Tsahaay Fiqaaduu
23.Taddaluu Aabarraa
24.Dhaabaa Gammachuu
25.Magarsaa Gammadaa
26.Gaddisaa Fatansaa
27.Nigaatuu Abeetuu
28.Waajjiraa Dhugumaa
29.Ashabbir Yadataa
30.Musee Jambaree
31.Tashoomaa FayyiSaa
32.Jireenyaa Abarraa
33.Badhaasaa Haayiluu
34.Tamasgeen Bayyanaa
35.Abarraa Likkisaa
36.Magarsaa Guddataa
37.Nugusuu  Abdiisaa
38.Dirribaa Tafarraa
39.Dirribaa Dhinsaa
40.Habtaamuu kan jedhamaan hojjettota misoomaa kan Mootumaa ti.
Fincilii fi gaaffiin sabboontotaa gaaffii mirga lafaa fi eenyummaa Oromoo akkasumas hidhaa laga Abbayyaaf horiin uumata irraa funaanamu daran Oromoo deegatti deemsisaa jiraachuu mormuun gaaffii mirgaa haa kaasan malee qondaaloti Wayyaanee garuu gaaffii isaanii kana ABOn wal qabsiisuun akka yakkamtootaatti sabboontota kana guyyaa 15 oliif dararaa jira.

Defending and Perpetuating Tyranny and Dictatorship in Africa and Ethiopia

By Gizaw Tasissa (PhD)*
Dictatorship has always been a problem for mankind. To survive, mankind must fight dictatorship, and ICC is one means of eradicating tyranny, not just in Africa, but the whole world. Dictators battle to maintain their power on the oppressed and construct defensive fence – law that suits them. In this short article, I will demonstrate how current African leaders in general, and Ethiopian in particular, betrayed the International Criminal Court (ICC) to perpetuate tyranny and dictatorship, eventually inhumane acts.
It was with shock that I heard the African Union’s (AU) decision to perpetuate tyranny and dictatorship in the continent on its extraordinary summit meeting in Addis Ababa on 11th and 12th October, 2013. It was in response to proceedings initiated by the International Criminal Court (ICC) involving Sudanese and Kenyan Heads of States and one Deputy-President. Despite the support for international justice expressed by Heads of States during the meeting or by their absence, the AU adopted a decision which undermined one of the pillars of its mandate: the fight against impunity for the most serious crimes. This officially recognizes impunity for political leaders in office and leaves victims by the wayside.
During this Summit, the AU determined that Heads of States and Governments in office should not be indicted by the ICC, arguing that otherwise the “sovereignty, stability and peace of member states would be undermined.” If they were arguing for the autonomy of the continent, they would have worried about the victims, not only for Heads of States. By the same token, on July 3, 2011, AU passed a resolution expressing a refusal on the part of its members to cooperate in the arrest and transfer of the President of Sudan to the International Criminal Court. At the summit, the first since the ICC issued an arrest warrant against Omar Hassan al-Bashir on charges of crimes against humanity and war crimes over the atrocities in Darfur, a number of African states independently expressed their opposition to the ‘unacceptable practices’ of the ICC – which they accused of having a bias against Africa.
Paradoxically, from 112 member states, 34 African States are parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and, through ratification, have voluntarily committed to protecting equal treatment for individuals in cases involving criminal responsibility for international crimes.
ICC was established in 1998, long before it was known that some current African leaders like Uhuru would be President and Ruto Deputy President of Kenya, and Hailimariam PM of Ethiopia (current chair of AU). Yet, ICC is portrayed as if it were established to maliciously and discriminately prosecute Africans.
Fundamentally, ICC was not established for Africa, but to tame dictators everywhere. And, in Africa, after independence, most countries were victims of either leftist or rightist one-party dictatorship that subjected people to so much terror and genocide, that masses wondered when African independence would end! This is what we observe in Ethiopia, too. And, as the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, a sister court of ICC, ICC is not a special court – not more special than the Special Court for Sierra Leone that was established to specifically prosecute African leaders implicated in the Sierra Leone Civil War’s war crimes. Former Yugoslavians are white people, so what makes ICC bias in this African case.
Today, African Union dictators, Ethiopia as a leader, are fighting ICC because they can not survive without killing the rule of law, putting themselves above the law, restoring dictatorship, eliminating opposition, and reclaiming absolute freedom to steal, plunder, loot, commit genocides, and crimes of war and against humanity with absolute impunity.
The human rights situation in Ethiopia is not far from, if not severe, those who are charged against human rights violations in Africa, and brawl against justice. The following evidences explicate why and how Ethiopia skirmishes the issue at a distance.
On March 10th, 2004, Insight writer John Powers reported that, uniformed soldiers of the Ethiopian government attacked a remote town in the western part of the country on December 13, 2003, and killed more than 400 members of the Anyuak people. BBC reported early 2004 that: “some 16,000 people have fled ethnic clashes in Ethiopia for Sudan over the past month.” Most of these are Oromo alleged of supporting Oromo Liberation Front.
A joint undercover investigation by BBC’s Newsnight and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism had uncovered evidences that the Ethiopian government was using billions of dollars of development aid as a tool for political oppression. The investigation has also gathered evidence of mass detentions, the widespread use of torture and extra-judicial killings by the Ethiopian government forces. Yet, Western donors, including Britain – which is the third largest donor to Ethiopia – stand accused of turning a blind eye by continuing to provide aid money despite being warned about the abuses. The aid in question is long-term development aid, not the emergency aid provided in response to the current droughts in Ethiopia and its neighbors in the Horn of Africa.
“We are just waiting on the crop, if we have one meal a day we will survive until the harvest, beyond that there is no hope for us “ (Villager in southern Ethiopia)
“They raped me in a room, one of them was standing on my mouth, and one tied my hand, they were taking turns, I fainted during this.” (Ethiopian woman from the Ogaden)
Another person says, “Whenever fighting has taken place between the rebels and the army, for each army member who is killed, the military goes to the nearest town and, they start killing people,” he said. “For each army member killed, it equals to 10 civilians losses.”
As of May 2012, the Oromia Support Group reports 992 and 4407 civilian killings and disappearances, respectively. Most of them are Oromo. Another source of evidence discloses that, in one year only, from November 2012 to November 2013, 301 civil servants and students from the Oromia region were jailed and abducted or disappeared. By no means is this comprehensive information as far as other areas are missed due to inaccessible state of affairs.
Above all, the justification for human rights is that people should live with their dignity and free of suppression. But, in Ethiopia, we notice that, leave alone freedom, human life has became insignificant that does not count even to that of insects. Racist attacks and xenophobic threats are robust in Ethiopia. In order to uncover this and their cynic behavior, they operate in the name of defending terrorism in the region while they themselves are state terrorists that the West is deceived of and pouring uncontrolled fund, which enabled Meles Zenawi to hoard $4bn. His successors pledge to follow and do the same, but nothing different. To this end, before their turn approaches, they collaborate with their neighbor fellow xenophobic criminals and facilitate impunity against the decision of ICC.
Impunity gives the green light to those who commit genocide. If they are not arrested, they and their followers will know they can literally get away with mass murder. They will kill again, and the massacres could become full-scale genocide.
The tragedy is not perpetrators of such inhumanity, but those who keep silent and assist such regimes, specially the main role players like the U.K. and U.S.A. Ethiopia is the second largest aid recipient from the U.K. next to Pakistan. The aid is incremental showing 2010/11: £241m, 2014/15: £390m & change: +61.83 – a total aid 2010-2015 accounts to £1.325bn. In both cases, this does not include military and the so called security investment. It is difficult to convince one that this money did not contribute to such inhumane acts as far as there are ample evidences for doing so.
Sometimes, it is bewildering to complain of dictators on their own for their injustice acts as far as they are supported in any aspects by democrat countries like the U.K. and U.S.A.. Their support of such totalitarian regimes like Ethiopia does escalate the fragile condition of the region in general, and that of Ethiopia in particular, rather than alleviating the problem. Therefore, it is time for the West to listen to different stakeholders of the country and settle this fragile and ferocious condition before it gets beyond reach.
* Dr. Gizaw Tasissa can be reached at

Friday, November 29, 2013

Garee Bakka Bu’oota Qeerroo Dhiha Oromiyaa Irraa Ibsa Kenname.


Sadaasa 26,2013 Jimmaa

Biyya Oromiyaa keessaatti ajjeechaa garajabinaa Mootummaan Wayyaanee Ummataa Oromoo irratti rawwaacha jiru fi Ajjeechaa suukaneessaa godaantota fi baqatoota Oromoo fi ilman cunqurfamoo lammilee biyyaatti biyya ambaa jiran irratti rawwatama jiruuf itti gaafataman Wayyaanee ta’u Hoggansii qeerroo ibsa baase.

Sadaasa 26/2013 Gareen qindeessitoota Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo biyyaa keessaa Yuunivarsiitiiwwaan:Jimmaa, Mattuu, Wallaaggaa, Wallaggaa Damee Gimbii, Amboo, Amboo Damee Walisoo, Finfinnee, fi Miizaan Teeppii, irraa Walitti dhufuun haala siyaasaa biyyattin walqabatee ajjeechaa Seeraan alaa Mootummaan Wayyaanee biyyaa keessatti yeroo irraa gara yerootti baratoota Oromoo , Ummaata Oromoo fi lammiilee cunqurfamoo irratti fudhacha jiruu fi Ajjeechaa Sukkaneessaa godantoota fi baqatoota Ilmaan Oromoo fi lammiilee cunqurfamoo biyyatti sabaa fi sablamoota biyyota ambaa garaagara jiran irratti rawwatamaa jiruu ilaalchisuun walitti dhufuun marii bal’a erga gaggeesani booda ibsa qabxii 8 qabu dabarsani jiru.
Ibsa Garee qindeessitoota Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo irraa Kenname.
1. Mootummaan Wayyaanee bara baraan ilmaan Oromoo mooraa barnotaa
keessaatti fi halaa garaagaraa keessaatti utuu hin ajjeesin jiraate hin beektu; yeroo amma kanas baratootni Oromoo dhabbilee barnotaa olaanoo irra barachaa jiran ajjeefamaa, dorsifamaa, dararamaa fi biyyaa irra wareerfamuun arii’ama jiru; kanneen bara baraan wayyanee qofaan biyyaa irra arii’ataman kumaan lakka’amu kanneen jiruuf jireenyaan godaansaa seeraan alaaf affeeraman waliin kumota dhibootan kanneen lakka’amanis bulchinsii biyyaa ambaa wayyaanee lammaffaa itti ta’uun ajjeechaan suukaneessaa fi dararamni daangaa hin qabne irraa ga’aa jiraniif itti gafataman mootummaa EPRDF wayyaanee har’a biyya bulchan jira jettu ta’uu ni hubachiifna.

2. Lammiiwwaan keenya baqattoota fi godantota ta’uun biyyota
garaagaraa keessatti ajjechan suukaneessaa irraa ga’aa jiruu fi biyyaa Ethiopia keessatti keessaattuu baratootni Oromoo qabinsa mirga namummaa dhabuun lubbuun isaani akka malee balleeffama jiru fi gochaan suukkaneessaa isan irraa qaqqabaa jiruuf gaddaa guddaa nutti dhaga’ame ibsina. gochaa diinummaa kanas nii balaaleffanna.

3. Ummaanni Oromoo fi ilmaan cunqurfamoo lammiileen biyyaatti gocha suukkanessaa fi ajjechaa gara jabinaan nurraatti gaggeeffama jiruu dhaabsisuuf, falli jiruu mootummaa wayyaanee abba irree mirga keenya sarbee, sarbisiisaa jiru irratti qabsa’uun angoo irraa darbuuf bakka jirruu wal gurmeesinee FDG haa gaggeessinu, sagalee keenyaa addunyaa haa dhageesifnu jechuun wamicha keenya dabarsina.


Thursday, November 28, 2013

From slavery to freedom: the Oromo slave children of Lovedale, prosopography and profiles

By Sandra Carolyn Teresa Rowoldt Shell 
A dissertation submitted in fulflment of the requirements 
for the award of the degree of 
Doctor of Philosphy in Historical Studies
Faulty of the Humanities
University of Cape Town, 2013
This thesis is dedicated to the memory, courage and resilience of the Oromo children
In 1888, eighty years after Britain ended its oceanic slave trade, a British warship liberated a consignment of Oromo child slaves in the Red Sea and took them to Aden. A year later, a further group of liberated Oromo slave children joined them at a Free Church of Scotland mission at Sheikh Othman, just north of Aden. When a number of the children died within a short space of time, the missionaries had to decide on a healthier institution for their care.  After medical treatment and a further year of recuperation, the missionaries shipped sixty-four Oromo children to Lovedale Institution in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. From 1890, Lovedale baptised the children into the Christian faith, taught them and trained them. By 1910, approximately one third had died, one third had settled in the Cape of Good Hope, one third had returned to Ethiopia and one had headed for the United States. The present study is a cohort-based, longitudinal prosopography of this group of Oromo slave children, based on the core documentation of the children’s own first passage accounts, supplemented by numerous and varied independent primary sources. This prosopographic technique yielded a profoundly different and more complex picture of their first passage, which emerged as a longer, more intricate and more varied ordeal than hitherto recognised. Boys experienced longer first passages, came from higher altitudes, were sold more times, endured longer periods of enslavement within the domestic system, received harsher treatment, attempted escape more frequently, and had a higher mortality rate throughout their lives. Girls, on the other hand, were rushed to the coast, presumably to expedite the higher prices that young, beautiful, intact Oromo slave women traditionally achieved in the Arabian slave markets. These findings suggest the need for a revision of ideas of the long-term physiological and psychological legacies of the first passage, as well as a re-examination of the much explored topic of mortality following the first passage. Their education at Lovedale established the children as a productive and resourceful cohort. The return of some of them to Ethiopia caused a contretemps on the eve of World War I involving the governments of four countries: the Cape, Britain, Germany and Ethiopia. This story constitutes a unique record and chronology of African slavery, its associated institutions and effects.

Top human rights watchdog investigates Ethiopia and Botswana

The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR), the region’s top human rights body, has called for the forced relocation of thousands of tribal people in Ethiopia to be halted, and has raised concerns over the denial of rights of Botswana’s Bushmen.

 The Commission urged Ethiopia to stop the forced resettlement of the Lower Omo Valley tribes to make way for vast plantations, while it investigates allegations of human rights violations. 

Ethiopia’s policy of ‘villagization’ is enforced by the military, and numerous reports of killings, beating, rapes, and imprisonment of local tribal people have surfaced – which both Ethiopia’s largest single donors, the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and USAID, are aware of. 

A recent report, ‘Ignoring abuse in Ethiopia: DFID and USAID in the Lower Omo Valley’ by the Oakland Institute, revealed that despite investigations by the donor agencies which uncovered grave human rights violations, the agencies failed to take any action and have called the allegations ‘unsubstantiated’. 

The report further states, ‘These agencies give virtually unconditional financial, political, and moral support to the Ethiopian government and DFID currently spends a larger proportion of its overseas aid budget on Ethiopia than any other country … they are wilful accomplices and supporters of a development strategy that will have irreversible devastating impacts on the environment and natural resources and will destroy the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of indigenous people.’

 The ACHPR has also sent an ‘urgent appeal’ to the President of Botswana for denying the Bushmen their right to legal counsel. The Bushmen’s lawyer Gordon Bennett was barred in July from entering the country ahead of a vital court case concerning the Bushmen’s right to their land. 

The Botswana government is doing everything in its power to drive the Bushmen from their land: as a result, Survival International has called for tourists to boycott the country. Recent revelations of large-scale fracking concessions on Bushman land have reinforced fears that the government is clearing the area for natural resource extraction. 

Survival’s Director Stephen Corry said today, ‘If they won’t listen to international protests, perhaps Ethiopia and Botswana may at least listen to what the African Commission has to say. Otherwise both countries risk becoming pariahs in the public’s eyes.’


Oromoonni Jiraattoti magaala Buraayyuu ta’an qe’ee irraa buqqifaman,Bulchitooti gandaas hojii irraa arihaman.

Sadaasa 28,2013 Finfinnee
OPDO.jpg saamtuuMootummaan Wayyaanee erga aangootti olbahee uummatni Impaayera Itoophiyaa keessaa nagaa waaraa guyyaa takka illee argatee hin beeku. Addatti Wayyaaneen ilmaan Oromoo saamaa, ajjeesaa, hidhaa, qe’ee irraa buqqisaa as gahe. Bara dhumaatii isaa keessas wayyaaneen bittaa umrii koo dheeressa jedhee kan abdatu hidhaa Jumlaa, ajjeechaa fi qe’ee irraa buqqisuun hangafoota. Haalli kunis hammaachuun wayyaaneen uummata nagaa qe’ee irraa buqqisaa jira. Naannoo magaala Finfinnee Buraayyuu keessattis mootummaan wayyaanee ilmaan Oromoo isin lafa mootummaa irratti eeyyama malee lafa ijaarrattanii jirtu jechuun manneen uummataa diiguu irratti argamu. Kanneen kana taasisaa jiran kaadhimamtoota mootummaa wayyaanee TPLF investerootaaf haala mijeessuuf tattaafatan yoommuu tahan uummatni mana isaanii wayita diigamu dura dhaabbannaa taasisaa kanneen turan waraana wayyaaneen reebamuun miidhaa jabaaf saaxilamanii jiran. Magaala Buraayyuu gandawwan shan keessatti manneen diigaman
  1. Ganda Malkaa gafarsaa keessaa manneen diigaman 138
  2. Ganda Lakkuu Kattaa keessaa manneen 76
  3. Ganda Buraayyuu Kattaa keessaa manneen 36
  4. Ganda Gafarsaa Buraayyuu keessaa manneen 100
  5. Ganda Gafarsaa Noonnoo keessaa manneen 40
Kanneen diigaman yoommuu tahu mootummaan wayyaanee investerootatti gurguruuf manneen ilmaan Oromoo diiguu irraa dura dhaabbannaa kanneen taasisaa kanneen turan Obbo Alamaayyoo Baqqalaa fi Obbo Gaarii Birraatuu ganda gafarsaa Buraayyuu keessaa waraana mootummaa wayyaaneen reebamuun miidhaa jabaaf saaxilamanii jiran. Mootummaan wayyaanees namoota uummata waliin bulchinsa tahanii hidhata qaban hojii irraa arii’ee jira. Kanneen hojii irraa arii’aman ganda Lakkuu Kattaa keessaa
Aadde Warqinesh Guddinaa bulchinsa gandaa
  1. Obbo Dabalaa Hojjetaa bulchinsa gandaa keessaa kan arii’ame
  2. Obbo Shimallis Hojjetaa bulchinsa gandaa keessaa kan arii’ame
Ganda Buraayyuu Kattaa keessaa kanneen arii’aman
  1. Aadde Yashii Aliyyee
  2. Shaalaqaa Taammanee
Ganda Malkaa Gafarsaa keessaa kanneen arii’aman
  1. Obbo Tashoomee Bafirduu
  2. Tseggaa Warquu
Ganda gafarsaa noonnoo keessaa kanneen arii’aman
  1. Obbo Kabbadaa bulchisa gandaa
  2. Obbo Tafarii KHR
Mootummaan Wayyaanee bara dhumaatii isaa keessa dhiibbaa gaggeessuu irraa dhaabuu baatus qabsootti jabaachuun furmaata jechuun jirattootni magaala Buraayyuu dhaammatanii jiran.

“Shame shame shame”; when hypocrisy took over shamefulness

November 28, 2013 | Sole Dink
One could tie, the emphatic chanting seen on the recent protest held in DC against the grueling news of immigrants in Saudi, with emotion. The chanting was “Shame shame shame shame shame on Saudi Arabia!” At a time, more so is humane to focus on the goal of the protest, at least for the sake of immigrants who faced dicey situations, than focusing on the chant. The atrocities inflicted on Ethiopians are enumerable. Thanks to social media, thousands of pictures and video clips have been posted by eye witnesses. It was nerve wrecking to view some of these pictures. What is more nerve wrecking was the fact that, out of tens of thousands other immigrants, Ethiopians are solely receiving the harshest atrocities. Everywhere, Ethiopian refugees receive the worst treatment. Then I asked myself why? Why do Ethiopians disrespected to this extent? Why do we Ethiopians stay being examples of human disgrace?  Why do we have to tail all human civilization? Aren’t we supposed to be the anointed people from the holy land?
As much as I tried to focus on the protest, I could not help asking myself the benignity of the tone of the chanting. Some protests directed towards cursing and naming all Saudis, although not sure if all Saudis have taken part in the atrocities. Triumphant the chanting was, however, one with the glimpse of Ethiopian history could not escape to think mendacity and hypocrisy in the chanting. This is more relevant in the realm of trying to inquire the root cause of the problem.
For many years, we have depicted Ethiopians as a holly Christian country surrounded by savages and adversaries. For centuries, our elites have crafted a misguided and condescending history to brainwash our people; thought us the holiness of our land and the anointment of our people. Our history has been twisted and our realities have covered. We have hushed and numbed to live with 300 years of history without 3 loaves of breads. The superiority has ingrained subconsciously to many us, hindered us to reconcile with our reality. They have advocated how Ethiopians are better than the rest of Africa, mainly based on their skin color and hair texture.
Evidence to this condescending history is the subconscious entitlement reflected on many Ethiopians without due fact. Recent frenzy of social media following the flooding of Saudi Arabia has revealed how many have portrayed the flooding as God’s punishments. Filled with hate and arrogance, many have reduced the work of God to their narrow understanding. If God was, to their take, why would He punish Ethiopia with all these miseries and draught? These sentiments of empty entitlement and superiority are the product of the groups who have ruled the country for over a century.
Ethiopians are abused and tortured more in Ethiopia than anywhere else. No matter how vehemently the elites cling on the misguided history, it is impossible to escape the fact on the ground. The legacy of ruling the country for more than a century is starvations, war, imprisonment, hate, immigration and many more miseries of our people. Today, many Ethiopians are living in destitute, whether it is in Ethiopia or outside. We cannot deny the paradox, the paradox of every Ethiopians dream to lam their “beloved” country. More so are the miseries in rural part of Ethiopia, despised like cursed plaque, the farmer along with his Ox, plough the deserted land to prolong the breath of his families. These could only be true, had his land have not grabbed and sold to enrich the pockets of the few.
Coming back to the ranting at the protest, it is more of the phrase ‘Like father, like son’. Ask a legitimate question, who should deserve all these tantrum of“SHAME”? The elites who have ruled the country to its destitute or the Saudis? Ethiopians who engage on dehumanizing and torturing their own people or the Saudis? The hypocrisy is more obvious when the ranting lacks the sincerity to admit the wicked history and when they thrive to bring the old rotten ideology that has brought us to these problems at the first place. Even today, these elites manipulate the rest to capitalize on their agenda. They use innocent Ethiopians to bring their hidden goals. Evidently, the recent incidence at DC protest makes the intention of the protest more questionable. what makes the situation more revealing, was when the rest immediately with no due diligence, has echoed the ranting. “Shame” with its emphatic tone has passed over. However, what most failed to ask was who really deserve the word? Again, indicating how brainwashed these flocks are.
This writing is not to legitimize the atrocities inflicted on immigrants in the Middle East nor is it to criticize the behavior and beliefs of Saudis. The writing is my take on reiterating the direction of our grievance and to indicate how disconnected our history from our daily reality is. The root causes of our problems are not Arabs or any other country for that matter. We are the root cause. Unless otherwise we start admitting our own problems, no lasting solutions can be reached.
This last weekend was another heart wrecking story. It was the weekend where many Ethiopians unleashed their hate against Oromos. This dehumanizing incidence ignited following the appearance of video clip, showing Oromo’s protesting the atrocity in Saudi Arabia. Soon after the video surfaced, the ecstasy of rage took over social media. It is hard to describe some of the derogatory words that were used by these people. Some have tempted to rule over the fate of Oromo’s while others decide on their very existence, again arrogance and ignorance took over their judgments.
tigree2013Not sure what makes this incident different, for many years now, Oromos have protested alone. If not looking for reasons to dehumanize them, Oromos have always said “we are not Ethiopians”. What these Ethiopians failed to understand is, for many years, Oromo’s have refuted the identity of Ethiopianism, for the very reason of hate, belittling, and dehumanization inflicted on them. It is hard today to find a single conscious Oromo proudly calling himself an Ethiopian. His/her Ethiopianism has stripped off. Today, Oromos have distant themselves from Ethiopians in most aspect of their life. In North America, the distance can clearly be seen. In Every American city, Oromos have their own community center. Big or not, Oromos have different churches and worship center. Every year, when Ethiopians hold soccer tournament, Oromos hold their own soccer tournament.
No video clip could justify the derogatory words used against Oromos. The dehumanization underscores the deep hidden hate these people have for Oromos. Preaching for unity while unleashing this kind of hateful words hinders the already compromised unity among people.
Between Ethiopia and Oromos, the crack has widened, the difference has demarcated, but those who failed to see the distinctions still dreams to live the past life. Every day atrocities of these kinds attribute to the widening of the cracks and the gaps. Time and again, Oromo’s clearly understood the impossible, the fruitless hope of trying to live with these people harmoniously and respectfully. The paradox of these people, screaming vainly for unity while unleashing irrevocable hate, has prevailed. Short memory of the campaign done on the name of Oromo First on Jawar Mohamed and his friends followed by “Chaltu ende Helen” of Tesfaye Gebreab has proven these reality.
Today most Oromos, men and women, young and old, have understood what is in the stake. It has long since these anguish of hate and atrocities led Oromos to attest to their identity of Ethiopianism. For the few Oromos, who still live under the dream of the rotten ideology, it will not be long before they get on the swagon. Sooner or later, the filth of hate will splash them on the face.

50,000 illegal Ethiopian workers in Saudi Arabia sent home

November 27, 2013, ADDIS ABABA (AFP): Ethiopia has flown home over 50,000 citizens in Saudi Arabia after a crackdown against illegal immigrants in the oil-rich state, the foreign ministry said Wednesday.
“We projected the initial number to be 10,000 but it is increasing,” foreign ministry spokesman Dina Mufti told AFP, adding that the final total once the mass airlift ends is now expected to be around 80,000.
Ethiopia started repatriating citizens living illegally in Saudi Arabia after a seven-month amnesty period to formalise their status expired on November 4, sparking violent protests between Saudi police and Ethiopian migrants preparing to leave the country.
The Ethiopian government said three of its citizens were killed in clashes.
Illegal migrants wait to be transferred by police buses to a deportation centre in Riyadh, on November 13, 2013
Dina said the government is spending $2.6 million (1.9 million euros) on the repatriation programme to bring citizens home, the majority women.
Ethiopia has said relations with Saudi Arabia remain “sisterly”, with Dina saying the government’s main priority was to bring citizens home.
“We are focussing on the repatriation… we have not evaluated that one, we have not assessed that,” he said, referring to Ethio-Saudi ties.
Large numbers of Ethiopians — often women seeking domestic work — travel to the Middle East each year looking for jobs.
Around 200,000 women sought work abroad in 2012, according to Ethiopia’s ministry of labour and social affairs.
The International Labour Organisation (ILO) said many face physical and mental abuse, low pay, discrimination and poor working conditions.
Reports of mistreatment of Ethiopians in Saudi Arabia has sparked outrage in Ethiopia.
In an emotional speech this month, Ethiopia’s Foreign Minister Tedros Adhanom said the government was in “around the clock crisis management” mode trying to bring citizens back.
With 91 million citizens, Ethiopia is Africa’s most populous country after Nigeria, but also one of the continent’s poorest, with the majority of people earning less than two dollars a day.
Around 27 percent of women and 13 percent of men are unemployed, according to the ILO.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Barataan Oromo Marketing Waggaa 3ffaa Yuunivarsiitii Gondar keessatti Ajjeefamee fi Kanneen Kaan Hidhamuun Gaaffii Mirgaa Barattootaa Duubatti Hin Deebifne,FDG Dhaadatnoo” WE NEED FREEDOM” Jedhuun Itti Fufe.‏

Sadaasa 27,2013 Gabaasa Qeerroo Uni,Gonder
OromiaALutaContinua2011FDGWaraanni Wayyaanee TPLF Yuunivarsiitiiwwanii fi nanneen barnoota biyyattii keessa jiran rasaasaan tiksuu kan eegale umrii yeroo bittaa Wayyaanee waliin wal gita. Yuunivarsiitii Gondar keessattis waraanni Wayyaanee rasaasaan barattoota tiksu barataa Oromoo Anteenee Asfaw barataa Marketing waggaa sadaffaa rasaasaan kan ajjeesan yoommuu tahu barattootni gamtaan Bilisummaa barbaadna” WE NEED FREEDOM” dhaadannoo jedhu dhageessisuu irratti argaman.
Mootummaan abbaa irree Wayyaaneen humnaan diddaa kana dura dhaabbachuuf yaaluun barattoota hedduumminaan mana hidhaatti ukkaamsus yeroo ammaa kana barattootni daran diddaa jabeessuun barattootni kanneen hidhaman haa hiikaman jechuun sagalee isaanii dhageessisuu irratti argamu. Qondaalotii fi bulchitooti Mootummaan Wayyaanees kutannaa barattootaan kan baarage gaaffiiwwan mirgaa kana kaastu taanaan nyaata isin dhorkina jedhus barattootni Oromoo gamtaan dhaadannoo hidhamtootni haa hiikaman jedhu yuunivarsiitiilee keessatti maxxansuun diddaa itti fufanii jiran. Ilmaan Oromoo marti, barattootni hundi carraan rasaasaan ajjeefamuu waan nu eeggatuuf akka mirga ofii mirkanfachuuf ka’anis Qeerroon Yuunivarsiitii Gondar dhaammatanii jitan.

Through Oromiyaa’s Lens: Focusing on the Greatest Oromo Generation

By Leenjiso Horo* | November 2013
The years 1950s-1980s were the birth years of the greatest Oromo generation.  It was and still is the greatest generation as those generations that established the Gadaa system as well as the generation that fought in the defense of Oromiyaa against the Abyssinian colonialists, who was aided by the European powers of the time, among which were Great Britain, Czarist Russia, Switzerland, Italy, France, Khedive Ismail of Egypt and etc. The major factors that helped the Abyssinians in the conquest of Oromiyaa were summarized by Earl Lytton in his book The Stolen Desert as follow:
“Menelik seems to have operated with French technicians, French mapmakers, French advice on the management of a standing army, and more French advice as to holding captured province with permanent garrisons of conscripted colonial troops. The French also armed his troops with firearms and did much else to organize his campaigns.  The Galla (Oromo) were thus conquered by Habasha for the first time in recorded history. Without massive European help, the Galla (Oromo) would not have been conquered at all.”
The second factor, probably the most important one, that helped Abyssinians in the conquest of Oromiyaa, in addition to the above mentioned, was the decline of the Gadaa System and with it, the weakening of the central national leadership – the national Office of Abbaa Bokkuu/President and the national Chaffee/parliament – that oversee the security of the nation, and mobilize the nation and the army to defend the country in a case of an outside threat.  With the weakening of the national leadership, the periodic change of the Gadaa leadership in every eight years at every level was interrupted.  As a consequence, the regional Abbaa Duulaa’s stayed in power longer than a periodic term limit of eight years.  In the process, some of them became wealthy and powerful personalities, and used their wealth to raise their own army, and used the army to control more land. Then, through time, they gained political influence over the people in their regions.  Finally, using wealth, military power, and political influence, some of the Abbaa Gadaa’s usurped the power of the Gadaa office, and declared themselves kings in their respective regions.  With this, many kingdoms appeared for the first time in the history of the Oromo people, and the elective office of Gadaa officials became hereditary succession of the Kings’ and Queens’ families. With this, the Oromo people lost the right to elect their leaders. Hence, the establishment of kingdoms put to an end to the government of people, by the people, for people and from the people.  Not only this, some of these kingdoms became rivalries of each other.  Despite this, still others in other parts of Oromiyaa remained under Abbaa Duulaa’s.  However, each of them was not strong enough to defend its region.  Because of this, each of them was defeated separately one by one – region by region by the colonizing army of Menelik II of Abyssinia.Read more at Gadaa