Tuesday, September 10, 2013

US adoptive parents convicted of Ethiopian girl's death

Carri Williams after she was found guilty in Mount Vernon, Washington, on 9 September 2013
Carri Williams was convicted of the most serious charges

A US couple has been convicted of the manslaughter of a teenage girl they adopted from Ethiopia.
Larry and Carri Williams, of Washington state, starved and beat Hana Williams until she died in the backyard of their home in May 2011.
They were also convicted of the first-degree assault of a younger boy they had adopted from Ethiopia.
Defence lawyers conceded that the couple were bad parents, but argued that they were not criminals.
Hana's paperwork when she was adopted in 2008 indicated she would have been about 13 years old at the time of her death.
The husband and wife blamed each other throughout the trial, according to the Skagit Valley Herald.
She was found guilty of homicide by abuse and first-degree manslaughter.
He was convicted of manslaughter; the jury could not reach a verdict on homicide.
The couple, from the city of Sedro-Woolley, are expected to face a maximum life sentence.
Carri Williams after he was found guilty in Mount Vernon, Washington, on 9 September 2013 Larry Williams (centre) sat a few feet away from his wife during the trial


Bole is now called Mekelle


Uummanni godhina addaa naannoo Finfinnee jiraatu bishaan summaawaan miidhamaa jiru.

BU’AA OROMIYAAN FINFINNEE IRRAA ARGATTE, Uummatni godina addaa Finfinnee jiraatan sababa xurii Finfinnee irraa gadi yaa’u hanqinna bishaan qulqulluutiin rakkachaa jiraachuun beekama. Itti gaafatamaan waajjira Bishaan Albuuda fi inarjii godina addaa Finfinnee Obbo Maatiwoos alamu akka jedhanitti aanota Finfinnee marsanii jiraatan keessaa aanaa Muloo qofaatu bishaan qulqulluu argachaa jira. Warri kaan garuu xurini Finfinnee irraa gadi yaa’u waan bishaan faaleef bishaan qulqulluu dhabaniii rakkachaa jiru jedhaniiru. Bishaan boollaa yoo qotames bishaa summaa’aa waan taeef rakkoon guddaa mudachaa jira jedhaniiru. Fakkeenyaaf aanaa Aqaaqiitti gandoota 14 keessatti bishaan boolla gadi fagoo yoo tae malee bishaan qulqulluu hinjiru. Kun bu’aa Oromiyaan Finfinnee irraa argattedha


Goota Inji. Tasfahun Camadaa fi Oromota Kofaletti Ajjefamanif Sirni Dungo Ibsuu Washington DCtti geggeffameef.

Sirni dungoo ibsuu goota Oromoo Injinar Tasfaahun Camadaa fi Oromoota nagaa magaalaa Kofaleetti mootummaan abbaa irree fi fashistii Wayyaanee ajjeese yaadachuuf Jimaata Hagayya 30, 2013 galgala galma Waltajjii Oromootti (OromoCenter) haala fi sirna boonsaatiin bakka uummati baayyeen argametti kabajame. Sagantaa kana mata durummaan ka qopheessan Waldaa Walgargaarsa Dargaggoota Oromoo (WWDO) fi Ijaarsa Dubartoota Oromoo Adunyaa (IDOA) yoo ta’an dargaggooti Oromoo naannoo DC fi Maryland jiraatan dhuunfaadhaan qophii sana keeysatti qooda fudhachuudhaan sirni yaadannoo kun akka milkaa’uu fi fiixa bahu tahee jira.
Galgala kanatti sagantaa sa’aa 6:00w.b. eegalee geggeeffameen sirni yaadanno daqiiqaa muraasaaf erga raawwateen booda seenaan goota Oromoo Injiinar Tasfaahun Camadaa ummata achitti argameef kan dubbifame yoo ta’u, haala ajjeechaa fi miidhaa ummata Oromoo magaalaa Kofalee irra gahees ibsi kennamee uummata hubachiisuun dandayamee ture. Seenaa barumsaa, jireenyaa fi qabsoo boonsaa Injiinar Tasfahun Camadaa haga dhuma lubbuu isaatiitti keessa dabre dargaggoota Oromoof fakkii gaarii fi jabinaa akkasumas kaka’umsa dargaggooti Oromoo yeroo ammaa agarsiisaa jiraniif humna akka ta’e dhugoomsee jira. Ajjeechaan Oromoota nagaa magaalaa Kofaletti mootummaa abbaa irree Wayyaaneetiin ta’es gaaffii haqaa fi ka mirga amantii ummati keeyna dhiyeessaa jiru dhaamsuu irra caalatti ka jabeessuu fi ummata Oromoo amantii Isalaamaa hordofus ta’e amantii biraa hordofu tokkomsee gaaffii eenyaumaa fi abbaa biyyummaa isaaf akka ka’u ka taasisu ta’uun isaa ibsa kenname keeysatti jala muramee jira. Gaaffiin mirga amantii impayira itophiyaa keeysatti waggaa tokkoof walakkaadhaaf ka geggeeffamaa jiru yoo ta’u mootumman abbaa irree Wayyaanee garuu sababa golga amantiitiin jibiinsa ummata Oromoo irraa qabuun kan iratti xiyyeeffatee jumlaatiin ajjeessaa turee fi ammas itti jiru ummata oromoo qofa irratti ta’uun isaa mootummoti Habashaa hagam gaaffiin Oromoo biraa dhiyaattu uute isaan qabuu akka dandeessuu dursanii waan beekaniif obsa ummattoota kaaniif qaban ummata Oromoof akka hin qabne kan mul’isu ta’uu isaa ibsuma galgaala kana godhame keeysatti addeeffameera.
Galgaluma kanatti hasawaan waldaalee fi qaamota hawaasa Oromoo magaalaa Washnigton DC fi naannoo ishii jiraataniin taasifamee ture. Bakka buutoti Ijaarsa Dubartoota Oromoo Adunyaa (IDOA) fi Waldaa Walgargaarsa Dargaggoota Oromoo (WWDO) wal-duraa duubaa hasawa taasisaaniin ummati Oromoo yeroo itti sadarkaa murteessa irra gahee irra waan jiruuf diina qe’ee isaatti dhufee isa lafa irraa bal’eessuuf muratee ka’e dura dhaabbatee ifirraa deebisuuf bakkuma jirutti lagaa fi amantii akkasumas ilaalchaan osoo wal hin qoodin gurmaa’udhan qabsoo haqaa fi kan abbaa biyyumaa isaa akka finiinsee bakkaan gahatu dhaamsi dabree jira.
Akkasumas, Oromooti bebbeekamooni fi bakka bu’ooti waldaalee amantii bakka sanatti argamanii ummata Oromoof dhaamsa ijaarsaa adda addaa kan dabarsan yoo ta’u, keeysattu dhaamsi irra caalaan ka irratti xiyyeeffate dargaggoota Oromoof ta’ee yeroo ammaan tana yeroo diinni Oromootti akkas dulaa jiruu fi jiruu fi jireenyi ummata oromoo akka hin taane ta’aa jirutti dirqami dargaggooti Oromoo irratti kufee jiru baayyee guddaa waan taheef caalaatti jabaatanii dirqama lammii isaanii badii irraa hambsuu irratti akka bobba’ani dhaamanii jiru.
Sirna dungoo ibsuu kana irratti walaloowwan goota Oromoo faarsan dargaggoota Oromoo lamaan kan dhiyaataan yoo ta’u, sagantaaleen goota Oromoo kana ittii yaadatamus addatti kan geggeeffamee ta’uun hubatameera.

OSA’s Statement on the Formation of a Committee to Facilitate Establishment of Oromo Media Organization

The following is a statement from the Oromo Studies Association (OSA).
Dear Oromo People,
Dear OSA Members,
Dear Members of the Oromo Free Press,
Dear Friends of the Oromo People,
It is to be recalled that members of the Oromo Studies Association and participants of the various OSA conferences have been asking for OSA leadership’s active role in promoting Oromo interests, facilitating discussions among the various actors and stakeholders of the Oromo social, political, economic, and religious organizations. OSA and its leadership has been striving to achieve their objectives through reasonable means.
The Oromo people in Ethiopia are politically and economically marginalized, dehumanized, and became second-class citizens in their own home country. The suffering and injustices faced by the Oromo is largely hidden away from the international media. The Oromo voices need to be heard. The Oromo people need media that could educate, enlighten and empower through provision of timely, balanced and unbiased information. There has been efforts made by few prominent Oromo personalities and interest groups to establish Oromo-centric media. However, these efforts are being made in a piecemeal fashion and lack a broad-based, all inclusive and non-partisan approach. The Oromo people in Diaspora and back home in Oromiya need a media organization that is capable of launching a competitive news network that sustains its objectives against all the odds. It is with this objective in mind and rational that we call for actors and stakeholders, who have best Oromo interests at heart, to come together unconditionally and form a public media organization. Any efforts otherwise shall compromise the momentum which exists today among the Oromo in Diaspora to have a vibrant and viable media that puts Oromummaa and Oromo interests first.
Whereas, the Oromo Studies Association (OSA) is a non-profit, multi-disciplinary organization established to promote and foster studies on the history, economy, culture, health, education, politics and laws of the Oromo people;
Whereas, in the era of information technology, all-inclusive, sustainable, strong pan-Oromo media is necessary to report fundamental freedom and human rights violations committed on our people, to promote our rich cultural heritage, and to direct the consensus of our people towards a common goal;
Whereas, it is necessary to support, and to bring together, those individuals motivated by a passion ofOromummaa to create a voice for the Oromo people in different corners of the world;
Whereas, OSA is at a special position to facilitate discussion among various groups running various media that need to be unified to establish the strong pan-Oromo media;
Whereas, OSA is mandated to promote interaction and mutual understanding among Oromo, who encounter common issues of concern;
Now, therefore, OSA has decided to establish the following ad-hoc committee of eight persons comprising of former OSA presidents, prominent elders and scholars.
1. Dr. Ezekiel Gebissa, Former OSA President
2. Dr. Hamza Abdurezak, Former OSA President
3. Dr. Mosissa Aga, Former OSA President
4. Dr. Sentayehu Bedane
5. Obbo Abdalla Sule
6. Obbo Mamma Argo
7. Aadde Asli Oromo
8. Obbo Kadiro Elemo
I ask the Oromo in Diaspora, all actors, stakeholders and interest groups to provide all the necessary support to this committee to realize its objective of helping to establish an Oromo-centric Media Organization.
We serve and work to empower the Oromo!
Ibrahim Amae Elemo, M.D., M.P.H
President, Oromo Studies Association
Contact: ielemo@weisshospital.com