Monday, December 2, 2013

Madda Walaabuu Media Foundation Launching Event

To All Oromos in Washington DC Metro Region, USA
You are cordially invited to Madda Walaabuu Media Foundation Launching Event
Theme: Oromo Voice Radio (OVR) will commence broadcasting to Oromia
Venue: 1610 Columbia Rd. NW Washington, D.C. 20009
Date: December 14, 2013
Time: 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
On January 1, 2014, the Oromo Voice Radio (OVR) will commence broadcasting to Oromia at the frequency of 17850 KHz in the 16 meter band. The new, independent broadcast will take place on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. The broadcast service will be provided in two languages: Afaan Oromo (Oromo language) and English.
The OVR broadcast will include, not limited to, the following major segments: news, news analysis, guest interviews, documentary, and cultural shows. In its English broadcast, OVR will reach out to Oromo neighbors for the purpose of exploring and identifying areas of common interests and common strategies, which are relevant to the survival of the peoples in the Horn of Africa during the 21st Century.
The Oromo Voice media website ( will operate and function as the twin media outlet of this new critical and ambitious out each to the Oromo nation and its neighbors. The Oromo Voice website, in addition to posting all the contents of the Oromo Voice Radio broadcast, will post other relevant educational materials -in that sense, the website will have more expanded educational services.
OVR and Oromo Voice website are owned and operated by the Madda Walaabuu Media Foundation (MWMF), which was established in October 2013 by a collection of concerned community leaders, human rights activities, feminists, attorneys, journalists and intellectuals.
MWMF is a non-governmental, non-partisan, and non-profit organization, incorporated and registered in Washington, D. C., USA. It is operated by the board of directors and the administrative staff under the direction of the Executive Director. The MWMF media outlets are run by experienced journalists. It is a membership based organization, which solicits the support and participation of all interested and committed Oromo and all persons of good will who have the desire to empower the Oromo and its neighbors so that that they can face the 21st Century in their own terms.
How can you support the new Oromo Voice media outlets? You can support this new, important initiative in three major ways: First, we wish to invite you to listen to the Oromo voice Radio broadcast. You can also visit our website, on a regular basis. Second, you can give us donations for seed money so that we can get this new media program of the ground. Third, you can become a member and support the success of this new media initiative on a sustained basis.
For further information about the Oromo voice media outlets and the MWMF, please visit our website:
We thank you and look forward to working with you on this new and exciting educational endeavor.

Ethiopia: Red Cross supports returnees from Saudi Arabia

Published: 2 December 2013 9:25 CET
  • Thousands more people are expected to return to Ethiopia in coming weeks. Berhanu Gezahegn/Ethiopia Red Cross Society
  • Red Cross volunteers are on hand to meet returnees and ensure they have the support they need. Gezahegn/Ethiopia Red Cross Society
Thousands more people are expected to return to Ethiopia in coming weeks. Berhanu Gezahegn/Ethiopia Red Cross Society

By Fekadu Ethiopia, Ethiopian Red Cross Society and Katherine Mueller, IFRC
The decision by the Government of Saudi Arabia to crack down on illegal immigrants is causing ripple effects at Bole International Airport in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Daily flights between the two countries have doubled to accommodate a rapid influx of Ethiopian returnees. An estimated 40,000 returnees arrived over the span of a few days and that number is expected to increase to 80,000.
One of the first sights greeting the men and women now returning to their homeland is the emblem of the Red Cross. The Ethiopian Red Cross Society is at the forefront of operations, supporting the government in ensuring returnees receive the the assistance they require. Sixty Red Cross volunteers are working around the clock, carrying luggage for returnees, providing first aid, and transportation to shelters.
“Many of these people are arriving with very little. Some have had to leave all of their belongings behind,” said Frehiwot Worku, Secretary General, Ethiopian Red Cross Society. “They need to rebuild their lives from scratch. Working with the government and other partners, we are making sure they have the basics, shelter, food, and blankets.”
Critically, Red Cross volunteers are also ensuring returnees are reunited with their loved ones. “People are arriving exhausted, but also emotionally traumatized by the ordeal of having to leave Saudi Arabia,” said Worku. “Providing a mobile phone so people can reconnect with their families helps to ease a lot of their anxiety. It is such a simple gesture, but the impact is tremendous.”
The society has also deployed five ambulances to transport returnees from the airport to nearby hospitals, including mothers who gave birth either shortly before deportation or upon arrival. Staff and volunteers have helped build 15 temporary shelters and four first aid stations. They are distributing food and non-food items, including soap, blankets and plastic sheeting and work is underway to set up two additional temporary shelters to accommodate a further 4,000 returnees.
“We would not be able to do any of this if it weren’t for our team of dedicated volunteers,” said Worku. “They are putting their own lives aside for the moment to be by the sides of these returnees in need of assistance. With international volunteer day fast approaching, it is important to recognize their valuable contributions to these smaller scale but meaningful operations.”


Y.G(2005)  | Muddee 2, 2013
Shirri diina keenya adda duraan nu irratti raawwatamaa jiru, sadarkaa shiraa dhaloota itti aanu irratti hojjatamu irra ga’eera.sadarkaa hegaree Oromoo gama hundaan laamshessanii of jalatti jiraachisuu fi shira gara jabiinaa, kan isaan waliin dhaabbate “Oromoo” ta’ee, kan isaan waliin hin hiriirre/jirre Oromoo miti Ashabbaariidhaa kan jedhu irra ga’aniiru. Kana raawwachiisuuf shiroota nu irratti gaggeessan kan wallaalu hin jiru. garuu shira kana cabsuuf ykn shira isaan nu irratti gaggeessan kana irraa of baraaruuf, jaallannus jibbinus beekuun nu barbaachisa. Shira isaan nu irratti raawwatan kana of irraa ittisuun qofa odoo hin taane, nuutis isaan irratti hojjachuun irra aanu qabna. Qabsoo Ummata tokko keessatti, waanni hangafaa shira diinaa irraa of tiksuudha. Garuu nu irra shira waggaa 100 oliif nu irratti raawwatame irraa barachuu dadhabnee ittin takaalamaa jirra. Kun hangam qaanii akka ta’e hubachuu nu barbaachisa.
Shira diinaa hubachuun dhaaba qofa irraa kan eegamu miti. Shira dursanii hubatanii dhaaba haalli itti tiksan ni jira. Diina irratti akka Ummataattis akka dhunfaattis shirri gaggeeffamu danda’u daangaa hin qabu. Wayyaaneen Qabsoo Oromoo kophaatti adda baafte, Ummatoota Biyyatti itti duulchisuu barbaaddi. Kun shira wayyaaneeti. Shira wayyaanee kana kan hubate yk kan beeke, dhaaba siyaasa isaatti huabachiisuun akka jirutti ta’ee, shira wayyaanee kana of irraa qolachuuf akka dhuunfaattu waan hojjatutu jira. Inni duraa shira kana huabchuudha. Isa booda isa kaan hubachiisuudha. Kun mindaa kan barbaachisuun miti. Odoo ijaan arguu yoo callise garuu, gabrummaa jala turu ummataaf innis itti gaafatama jechuudha. Diinni yeroo hundaa Ummati inni gabroofatu barbaadu, akka dammaqu hin barbaadu. Sabaabaan adda duraa shira hojjatamutti akka hin dammaqamneefidha.
Yaada har’aa kana gadi fageessee dirree kana irratti katabuu hin barbaadu. Garuu fakkeenya tokko tokko kaasee, shira diinaa hubachuu fi “amma cufatanitti Danqarachuu” walitti fiduun fedha . waan hundaa irra hubachuun kan nu barbaachisu, shira diinaa irra jireessa kan of irraa ittisuu danda’u Ummata. Waan dhaaba siyaasaa isaa irratti hojjatamu hundumtu naanna’ee naanna’ee Ummata irratti miidhaa fida, wanni jabiinaan irratti hojjachuu qabnu kanadha. Wanni gadi jabeesssinee qaama taasifachuu qabnus kanadha. Xiyyeeffannaan diinaa adda duraas kanumadha. Dhaaba shiraan yoo diigan hangam fagaatuu dhalooti waan jiru sirreessee qajeelchee lafaa kaasuun hin hafu. Kan argaa jirrus kanuma. Yoo Ummati tokko diigame garuu gara itti deebisan hin qaban. Qabsoon Ummata kanaas akka diinni barbaadu kan hin taaneef, kanaafidha.
Shiroota diinaa Gandummaa , Amantiin nu qoode akka barbaade nu gochuu isaa kaasuu hin barbaadu. Sababaan waggaa 100f dubbachuun hedduu nama qaaneessa waan ta’eef. Kan hedduu nama raaju shira diinaa kanaan warri jalqaba miidhamanii Ummata isaaniis miidhan hin jiran. Garuu isaan ni du’an malee waan isaan Ummata isaanii ittiin miidhan isayyuu nama barateen dabalamaa jiraachuun isaa hedduu nama raaja. Dhugaa waan raajiiti.
  1. Waan hedduu nama raaju irraa haa eegalu. Maqaan ibsitu eenyummaa nama tokkoti. Daa’immaan waggaa 20 asitti dhalatan maqaan isaanii kan isaan hin ibsine irratti fe’amaa jiraachuu wayita dhageessan maal jettu ? ijoolleen har’aa maqaan kee eenyu yennaa jedhamtu, geetaachoo fi gazzaahinyi jechuun ammallee itti fufeera. Qabsoo kana dhaloota haaraatti akka ce’uuf feena taanaan hojiin jalqabaa MAQAA moggaasu irraa eegala. Maqaa moggaasuun eenyullee guddate akka of gaafatu godha. Eenyummaa saba keenyaaf falmina yennaa jennu asi akka eegalu qabu hubachuu nu barbaachisa. Ani akkan jedhutti , Amantiin kamuu maqaa oromoo kan lagatu natti hin fakkatu . badhaasaan Amatii fe’ee keessa seenuuf maqaa geessarachuu qaba yoo jedhame ani hin fudhu.iyyarusaaleem ta’uu baannaan , amantiin tufe si gata naan jennaan na tufee haa gatuun deebi kiyya. Gama kanaan of gaafachuu kan qabnu , nuuti maqaa namaa baannee waan feenu keessa yennaa seenu yaadnu, isaan kan keenya moggaafatanii waan nu biraa barbaadan guuttachuu ni yaaluu ? mee waan qabatamaa haa kaasu. Har’a Qooqi hojii Oromiyaa QOOQA OROMOODHA. Maarree saboonni biro hojii argachuuf maqaa keenya moggaafatan ni jiru ? waan dhaloota har’aa irratti hojjannu haa hubannu. Waggaa 50 booda qabsoon keenya itti fufu qaba yoo jenne, maqaa ijoollee keenyaa irraa haa eegallu. Waan qaanii har’a dhageenyu taajjabbiidha. Amma cufannutti danqarachuun waanuma salphaa kana irraa madda.
  2. Wayyaaneen har’a Sabboonummaa Ummata Oromoo dagaagaa dhufe laamsheessuuf, ol-aantummaa qooqa tokko milkeessuuf suuta hojjachaa jiraachuu argina. Keessattu ijoolleen Oromoo gama hundaan akka Afaan kanaan hojjatan taasisuun suuta nu cabsaa jiraachuu argina.  Naannoolee biroo Qooqi hojii isaanii Afaan Amaaraa ega taasiftee bubbultee jirti. Oromiyaa keessattis suuta hojjachaa jiraachuu argaa jirra.Biiroo Barnoota Oromiyaa garba garbaa gadii kan akka Dhaabaa Dabaleefaa irra keessee akka fedha isheetti tarkaanfachiisaa jirti. Adeemsi baruu fi barsiisuu akka gufatu taasiaa jiran. Artistoota Oromoo sadarkaa Biyyatitti beekaman ofitti qabdee, agarsiisa adda addaa hojjachiisuun Amaarinyaan gannata seenamuun akka danda’amu mul’isaa jirti. Kana irra hin deemu. Shira diinaa kana fashalsuuf waan hojjachuu dandeenyu hin jiru ? Artistoonni kun maaf achi cillaanfatu ? waan isaan callaanfachiisuu kana nuuti gurmoofnee gochuufii hin dandeenyu ? Yunivarsitii haa ta’uu koleejoota keessatti Afaan Amaaraa akka babal’atu kan taasise irra jireessa Ilmaan sabootaa addatti ilmaan Oromooti. Kan har’aa hin beeku. Gama sirbaan , walaloo katabuun, Diramaa katabun , hojjachuun Amaariffi akka Ummata jilbeenfachiisuu taasisu keessatti qooda jiru yennaa qorannu, waan salphaatti dammaquu dhabuu keenyatti of qeequ qabna. Gabaabaatti waan nuuti of irratti gadi dhaabne kana buqqisuu hin dandeenyu ? sabummaa keenyaaf yoo yaadna ta’e maaf waan kun akka laafataa deemu hin taasifnu ? maaf ijoollee Afaan kana miilaan dhaabanii jiran Biyyaa hin baafnu. Nuuti akka dadhabnuuf Ummata keessaa nu ari’uu miti ?  maaf kana irratti hin hojjannu ? yoo kun ta’uu baate ammo gara Qooqa lammii isaanitti finnee, waan argachuu qaban uumnee akka kan isaanii jabeessan maaf hin taasifnu ? kun qawwee baachuu hin barbaachisu. Abbaan qabeenyaa tokko waanuma raawwachuu danda’uudha. Dhaloota har’aa shira diinaa irraa baraaruuf, waan dhalooti itti gammaduu if itti boonu hojjachuuf gama hundaan irratti hojjachuudha.Dhalootis ta’e Ummati kaan kan namaa ilaalaee akka hin mo’amneef, waan kan diinaan gitu hojjatanii dhaloota olfachuudha. Ol-aantummaa Amaarinyaa dhorguuf, Amaarinyaa irratti shira nu irratti hojjatamu hojjachaa, qixxummaa qooqa keenyaa fudhachiisuun ni danda’ama. Mormuun qofti bu’aa hin qabu. Isaan fuulleetti kan nu morman dachaan, kan shiraan lafa jala hojjatantu nu miidhe. Yeroon Afaan Oromoo Afaan saba guddaa jechaa boolla nu qotan hedduu. Nuuti garuu Diraamaa DVD isaanii qofaa miti, mobaayila keenyaa fi kompiyutara keenya guuttannee ittiin of mooksina. Dubbiin jiru, isaan keenyaaf mararfannaa akkasii qabu ? isa jedhuudha.qabaachuun mee haa ta’u . garuu kan keenya irratti hojjachuu dhiisuu keenyatti gaabbuu dhiifne bara baraan yoom akkas taana ? jennee kan keessa keenyatti gubannu meeqa ?caalaatti kan nama gaddisisu, Diraamaa jiranii fi sirboota biyyatti jiran irra jireessa kan Ummati maraatuuf, walaloo isaa fi sirbitoonni irra jireessi kan dhala oromooti. Oromoo Afaan amaaraan sirbee Amaariffaaf akka booji’amnu taasifama. Raajiidha..waan kolfaati .waan dabaati ! kun eessaanu nu hin ga’u.shira nu irratti hojjatamu beekanee, isa kaan irratti hojjachuu baannaan yeroo hundaa mo’amuun keenya hin hafu. Maaliif shirri diinni nu irratti hojjatu nu tolchuuf akka hin taane beekamaa waan ta’eef.
  3.  Gama biroon Atileetoota Oromoo Biyya keessaa irratti waan hojjatamu yeroo hedduu ka’eera. Atleetoota kana akka dhuunfaatti adda isaan baasuu ykn gargar qoodu qofaa odoo hin taane, maatiin isaanii akka diigamee adda ba’an taasifamaniiru , taasifamaas jiru.maallaqa isaaniif jedhanii , warra waliin jiraachuuf kakate adda baasanii kan isaan waliin mana dhaabbate hedduu , kana yeroo biraaf haa dhiifnu. Atileetota kana yeroo ammaa qaamni isaan gorsu ykn isaan akka isaan gorsaniif kan fialatan isaantu beeka. Garuu Hojii investimantiin jedhame wanni isaan irratti dalagamu kana callisanii ilaaluun barbaachisaa miti. Rakkoo ulfaataan Federeshinii Atiletiksii keessa jiru lakkoofsa hin qabu. Atileetinis Leenjisaanis Biyyaa akka ba’u taasisuu fi bakka isaanii warra sirnichaaf jiran barnoota gababaan bakka qabsiisaa jiraachuu argaa jirra.Atileetoonni Oromoo gurguddoo , hanga yoomitti HOTEELA ijaaruu qofaa irrratti akka duulan taasifama ? Atileetoonni Tigiree Hoteela irratti bobba’an eenyufaati ? kana waliin Abbootiin qabeenyaas ta’u beektoonni keenya Biyya keessaa maalfaa’a irratti akka bobbaafamaa jiran kan hubateef hegaree keenyaaf yaaddoo goddaa horachuun hin hafu. Kana dhaabuuf shira gaggeessuu dandeenyu hin qabnuu ? wal gorsuu hin dandeenyu ? Keessa keessaan wal deeffachuun hin danda’amu ? akkuma jirutti diinatti of laannee taa’uu qabnaa ? kan keessa isaatti hubatee jiruuf kun hundumtu salphaadha. Shirri diinaa amma nu burkuteessutti eeguu hin qabnu .
  4. Wayyaaneen Biyyatti gooxii shan-shan jedhuun adda qooddee jirti. Kun maaliif akka ta’e kan wallaale hin jiru. Ashabbaaroota tu’achuuf akka ta’e beekamaadha.dubbii osoo hin baayyifnee kun hsira wayyaanee nu irratti hojjattuudha. Shira kana shiraan deebisuutu qoricha. Kan toletti itti fayyadamanii isa kaan diiguun. Kun qooduma dhaloota har’aa ta’uu qaba.waanuma salphaa . shira diinaa kana dantaa ofiif olfatanii amma cufanitti danqarachuun ni danda’ama .
Shirri diinaa lakkoofsa hin qabu. Shira diinaaf mo’amanii ka’anii gabrummaa balaaleffachuun wal hin fudhatu. Gara laafessummaan eessallee hin geenyu. Addunyaa haqa namaa dantaan jijjiirtee dhiiga dhala namaa lolaatti fudahttu keessa jiraachuu keenya hubachuu qabna. Kolfaa kan nu ajjeese meeqa agarre. ? kana dubbatachaa jiraachuu hin qabnu. Diina jechaa nagaa yaaduufin hin ta’u. shiraa fi hammeenya nu dhabamsiisuuf deemuutu nu irratti hooajtamaa jira. Nutis kana jalaa ba’uuf shira barachuun murteessaadha. Gama kanaan waa hedduu kaasuun ni danda’ama ta’a. garuu diina sooruu ta’aa, ykn sadarkaa kana irra jiruuyi ? jecuus ta’a kan hafee rabbi itti haa guutu !!!!!!!!!!!!
Galatoomaa !

Ethiopian returnees from Saudi exceed projections

By Tesfa-Alem Tekle
December 1, 2013 (ADDIS ABABA) – The number of illegal Ethiopian immigrants returning home from Saudi Arabia has more than doubled from initial projections, the ministry of foreign affairs said on Sunday.

After Saudi Arabia recently launched a crackdown against illegal immigrants, some 23,000 Ethiopians surrendered to police and Addis Ababa projected that they would have to repatriate some 30,000 undocumented citizens who had been working in the oil-rich state illegally.

However, the ministry said citizens are returning in unexpectedly large numbers forcing the East African nation to double its daily flights between to Saudi Arabia and Ethiopian capital from six to 12 so as to hasten the repatriation operation.
"Although we first projected to bring back home maximum 30,000 but citizens seeking return is increasing" foreign ministry spokesman Ambassador Dina Mufti told Sudan Tribune
"The number of Ethiopians flown home has so far reached 70,000 since Ethiopia began the repatriation operation on November 13th" Mufti added.

Mufti said the government hasn’t yet assessed the amount of money it is spending on the repatriation operation.
Speaking to Sudan Tribune, an aviation official estimated the cost to be around $25 million.
Officials said if the ongoing mass airlift continues at this pace, the number of returnees - who are mostly women - could hit 100,000 in the coming few days.

Mufti said the exact figure of Ethiopian expatriates in Saudi awaiting repatriation is hard to verify as they are being sheltered in dozens of different temporary holding centers and as a result it has been very difficult to easily identify them.
Despite fund constraints IOM said it is also assisting thousands of the returnees by providing accommodation, food, water, and transportation money to reunite with their relatives in different parts of the regions.

According to IOM representative in Addis Ababa, Alemayehu Seifeselassie,the organization needs some $ 4.5 million to provide sufficient support considering the increasing number of arrivals.

Following the labour crack down, three Ethiopian citizens were killed in clashes with Saudi police.
Saudi Police carried out the crackdown after migrant workers failed to legalise their status within the seven-month amnesty period given by the Kingdom.

Earlier last month, the Saudi government endorsed a new law that forces migrants to have legal work permits and sponsors or face jail and deportation, a move that led to worldwide criticism by human right groups.
Eritrean political refugees are also victims of the new law.

Eritrean political activist, Amdetsion Bereket, told Sudan Tribune that Saudi Arabia’s move, particularly against Eritreans, violates international laws on refugees and the Kingdom to reconsider.

The Red Sea nation which has zero-tolerance for dissent, considers anyone who flees the country as disloyal and often issue hefty punishments if they return.


The Union of Oromo Students in Germany (UOSG/TBOJ), Ogaden Gemeinde e.v in Deutschland and People’s Front for Democracy and Justice (PDFJ) unit of Frankfurt am Mainz shall be pleased to have you join us on our Eritrea-Oromo-Ogaden Conference. This conference will be held at Frankfurt am Main, Haus der Jugend Frankfurt Jugendherberger,  Deutschherrnufer 12,  60594 Frankfurt  on 4th of January 2014 from 12:00hrs to 23:00hrs.  Official from OLF, ONLF, human right activists and political analysts have been invited to present a paper on this conference. The organizing committee invited you to take your roll in candid, dignified and constructive discourse.