Ammaan dura godina Addaa Finfiinnee A/Sulultaa,Akaakoo,Garba Gurraachaa fi Gullallee Gabir’eel keessatti diddaan sabboontota oromoon jabaatee akkasuma barattootaanis fincilli kan qabate gabaasaa turuun keenya ni yaadatama. Haaluam saniin wal qabatee gabaasaa Qeerroo magaalaa Sulultaa irra addeesaa jiruun Bitootessa 03 aanaa Gulallee Gabri’eel jedhamu keessatti barattootni mana barumsaa sadarkaa 2ffaa baratan gaaffiin yeroodhaa yerootti qeerroodhaan gaafatamaa jiru keessuma lafti oromoo hin gurguramin? barataan oromoo maalif hojii hin argatuu??? ilmaan oromoo maaliif mana hidhaatti dararamu yakka tokko malee kan jedhuuf dhiyaate ture keessatti deebiin hanga ammaatti kennamuu osoo hin taanee itti gochi kun mootummaa wayyaaneedhaan jabaachaa dhhufeera,hanga gaaffiin kun deebii argatutti nutis ta’e barataan oromoo kamuu barumsa dhaabuu qaba kan jedhu qabatanii diddaa kaasaanii jiru,Akkasuma magaalaa Akaakoo irratti manni barumsaa 1 hanga 8ffaatti barattootni osoo barsiisonni dhimma isaa adda hin baasin sochii sabboontota oromootiin gaggeeffameen mooraadhaa bahanii barumsa dhaabanii gara qe’eetti galanii jiru guyyaa lamaaf Bitootessa 02 irraa kaasanii,deebii dhaabuu gaaffii mirgaa hanga yoonatti gaafatamaa jiru sababeessuudhaan barattootni barumsa dhaabanii akka jiran akkasuma ammoo mootummaa wayyaanee balaaleffachuudhaanis sirna wayyaaneetiin hanga yoomitti gaggeeffamna kan jedhuun barumsa dhaabanii akka jiran Qeerroon gabaasee jira mana barumsaa kanattis qorannoo bal’aan gaggeeffamaa jira hedhu,sochiin Qeerroo diddaaf haalota mijeessuu dabalatee daran jabaatee itti fufa…
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Siidaan Harmaa-Harka Muraa Aanolee Dhiyoottuu Eebbifama
WASHINGTON,DC — Aanolee godina Arsii naannoon Ixxoosaa lafa jabana minilikitti Oromoo fi nama hedduu naannoo sun qubata wal-gahiif yaamanii harmaa-harka irraa itti jiran.
Mootummaan naannoo Oromoo, akka Itti Gaafatamaan Biiroo Aaadaafi Tuurizimii Oromiyaa,Mohaammad Jiloo jedhutti ummata jabana hamaa sun keessa haala hamaan suniin fixan qaabachuuf siidaan dhaabuufiitti jira.
“Laftii tun ta mootummaan minilik ka ummata Oromooti fi ummata Itoophiyaa dhibiillee humnaan bulchee aadaa fi afaan isaa humna qawweetiin irraa balleessuuf irratti duule. Haawwan harma irra ciranii,dhiiraa kolaasanii harka irraa ciran.Tun hujii Nafxanyaati.Ummata Gadaan buluu dhowwee qawween bulchuuf itti dhufe.Aanoleetti walgahii yaamee sanyii isaanii balleesse.”
Barii sun akka obbo Mohaammaditti, 1,900 keessaa minilik lafa ballifachuuf gochaa akkasii ummata irratti hojjate.
Paartiin mormituu siyaasaa Itoophiyaa ta akka MEHAD fi EDEPA faan hujiin akkanaa tun,siidaa dhaabuu tun dhaloota dhufullee haaloo fuusfitii ummati Oromo ammoo akka siidaan akkanaa ijaaramullee hin fedhu jedhan.
Obbo Mohaammad ammoo warra fedhii ummataa hin beennetti tun fedhii ummataatii miti jedhaa. jedha.
“Warraa fi paartii fedhiin ummataa maan akka taate hin beennetti tun fedhi ummataatii miti jedha.Fedhii isaa irraa kaanee hojjanneef egerilleen akkasuma.Biyya jiguu geette walti qabuutti jirra.Mootummaan durii mootummaa aadaa tokko,afaan tokko, seenaa tokko jedhee walti qabee caccarassee nama bulchuu fedhu.Warra mootummaa akkasii kuffisuuf kufee siidaa dhaabana.”
Mootummaan naannoo Oromiyaa Aanolee, Finfinnee,Adaamaa fi Calanqoolletti siidaa gootota jaaruutti jiraa,ka aanolee kana muuziyeemiillee itti dabalee qarshii miliyoona 20 itti baasee jedha gabaasii mootummaa naannoo Oromiyaa.Maqalee,BaahirDaarii faalleen siidaan akkanaa jaarumatti jrian.
Siidaa Aanoleetti dhaabuutti jiran kun Botootessa kana keessa eebbifama.
Mootummaan naannoo Oromoo, akka Itti Gaafatamaan Biiroo Aaadaafi Tuurizimii Oromiyaa,Mohaammad Jiloo jedhutti ummata jabana hamaa sun keessa haala hamaan suniin fixan qaabachuuf siidaan dhaabuufiitti jira.
“Laftii tun ta mootummaan minilik ka ummata Oromooti fi ummata Itoophiyaa dhibiillee humnaan bulchee aadaa fi afaan isaa humna qawweetiin irraa balleessuuf irratti duule. Haawwan harma irra ciranii,dhiiraa kolaasanii harka irraa ciran.Tun hujii Nafxanyaati.Ummata Gadaan buluu dhowwee qawween bulchuuf itti dhufe.Aanoleetti walgahii yaamee sanyii isaanii balleesse.”
Barii sun akka obbo Mohaammaditti, 1,900 keessaa minilik lafa ballifachuuf gochaa akkasii ummata irratti hojjate.
Paartiin mormituu siyaasaa Itoophiyaa ta akka MEHAD fi EDEPA faan hujiin akkanaa tun,siidaa dhaabuu tun dhaloota dhufullee haaloo fuusfitii ummati Oromo ammoo akka siidaan akkanaa ijaaramullee hin fedhu jedhan.
Obbo Mohaammad ammoo warra fedhii ummataa hin beennetti tun fedhii ummataatii miti jedhaa. jedha.
“Warraa fi paartii fedhiin ummataa maan akka taate hin beennetti tun fedhi ummataatii miti jedha.Fedhii isaa irraa kaanee hojjanneef egerilleen akkasuma.Biyya jiguu geette walti qabuutti jirra.Mootummaan durii mootummaa aadaa tokko,afaan tokko, seenaa tokko jedhee walti qabee caccarassee nama bulchuu fedhu.Warra mootummaa akkasii kuffisuuf kufee siidaa dhaabana.”
Mootummaan naannoo Oromiyaa Aanolee, Finfinnee,Adaamaa fi Calanqoolletti siidaa gootota jaaruutti jiraa,ka aanolee kana muuziyeemiillee itti dabalee qarshii miliyoona 20 itti baasee jedha gabaasii mootummaa naannoo Oromiyaa.Maqalee,BaahirDaarii faalleen siidaan akkanaa jaarumatti jrian.
Siidaa Aanoleetti dhaabuutti jiran kun Botootessa kana keessa eebbifama.
North Norway Oromos for Human Right
North norway oromos met in Trondheim last saturday 01.03.2014 for Human right
The Trondheim Oromo Community, Trondheim OLF together with the Trondheim Oromo Asylum seekers including other asylum seekers from all over Norway has showed up their togetherness by standing for Human Right.
The Ethiopian Government is known for using the 2009 terrorist law to classify and label journalists, opposition groups and activists who oppose the regimes political system as terrorists.
The Trondheim Oromo Community, Trondheim OLF together with the Trondheim Oromo Asylum seekers including other asylum seekers from all over Norway has showed up their togetherness by standing for Human Right.
It was around 11:00 when the gathering started in Trondheim, Norway. There was around 100 people who gathered at Trondheim torg, to say ''No'' to torturing and human right violations by the Ethiopian Regime against peaceful Political opposition groups, journalists, Oromo political activists and other politically concerned people.
The Ethiopian Government is known for using the 2009 terrorist law to classify and label journalists, opposition groups and activists who oppose the regimes political system as terrorists.
The Oromo’s who gathered today in Trondheim has got a clear message '' Human Right First'' '' Free political Prisoners'' and '' Political Opposition is not terrorism'' "stop kidnaping Oromos from exile" "freedom and justice from oromo people".
Mr Bent Houge who is advisor on human rights law in Trondheim has read a speech about human rights law.
Alemayehu Atomsa has Passed Away
Our sources reveal that Alemayehu Atomsa, the former president of both OPDO and Oromia Region has passed away. We will update you as more information comes in. Alemayhu was recently reported to have resigned as a result of health issues. He has been battling with severe diseases for the past few years. ESAT Television had reported that close to two million birr has been spent in his treatment. There were also claims he was poisoned by government agents and forced off his position.
A Tribute to the Late Dr. Paul Baxter (1925-2014)
By Abbas H. Gnamo, Ph.D.*
I am deeply saddened by the news of the passing away of Dr. Paul Baxter. I join Prof. Mohammed Hassen, OSA Board Chair, and Dr. Ibrahim Elemo, OSA president, in expressing my sorrow and my tribute to an astute anthropologist, and a meticulous ethnographer, a great friend of the Oromo people.
Dr. Baxter studied the Oromo society, culture and its principles of social organization rigorously and thoroughly, and disseminated his findings through his numerous publications. He left us with a treasure accumulated over half a century. I have cherished his writings, and read many of his chapters, conference papers and articles with delight, and learned a lot or better understood our culture and the functioning of Oromo society (both in Kenya and Oromia) and its institutions. His writings reflect the breadth and depth of his knowledge accumulated over decades of observation and careful analysis of the Oromo ethnography. I have benefited from his remarkable works and rich data for my dissertations and other writings. I am quite sure, that his works will remain the place to start for those who would like to explore Oromo culture and social organization.
My first contact with Dr. Baxter goes back to 30 years, when I was still a Graduate Assistant at Addis Ababa University. I wrote a letter requesting for two of his articles inaccessible in Ethiopia. Instead, he sent me 8 of his articles and chapters in books at his own cost, a testament to his generosity. He, jaarsa faranjii as he was known, was adored in Kofale where he conducted his fieldwork in the late 1960s, the basis for his popular articles, such as Atete, Weellu, etc. He kept sending me letters although many of them were opened as his name was on a black list of theDarg regime. Until a decade ago, he was available to help anyone and he reached out to many Oromo scholars and students he knew, specially those who studied in UK.
Above all, there is something special for which the Oromo do remember him. Dr. Baxter was one the rare people to show the Oromo predicament in the Ethiopian empire, and their political oppression and cultural marginalization openly and courageously. As far as I Know, he was the first expatriate professional and social scientist to put the Oromo question on global politics. His grounding breaking article: “Ethiopia’s Unacknowledged Problem: The Oromo”, African Affairs, Volume 77, Number 208 (1978): 283-296, is the case in point. Ever since he became persona non grata, a public enemy, in Ethiopia. Not surprisingly, he was denied a visa to attend Ethiopian Studies conferences. However, he did not bow down as he chose not to be among the “pleasers” of the empire and its politico-intellectual elites. In fact, the Oromo question was important then and now. At very least, we know much better than 40 years ago.
I highly value his scholarship and immerses contributions to Oromo studies as well his genuine friendship with the Oromo people. My thoughts and prayers go to his family and friends.
May his soul rest in peace.
* Abbas H. Gnamo, Ph.D., has authored a monograph, and many articles on Ethiopia and the Oromo as well as the book, “Conquest and Resistance in the Ethiopian Empire, 1880-1974 – The Case of the Arsi Oromo.” He has been affiliated with several research centres in Canada, and has taught at some major Canadian universities, including Ryerson, York and the University of Toronto.
Ibsa Ejjannoo Walgahii Addaa TBOJ
Itti aansuunis walgahichi dhimmoota armaan gaditti irratti murtee dabarsuun xummuurame:-
1. Deeggarsa QBO irratti
Nuti miseensonni TBOJ Walgahii kanaa irratti qooda fudhannee QBO kan kallacha qabsichaa ABOn hoogganamu of qusannaa tokko malee kan ca’aa tokko irra eegamuuu maraan kan cinaa dhaabbannu ta’uu ammas irra deebinee waadaa seenne haaromsina. Sochii Qerroo kano bifaa fi haala qindoomina haaraatiin finiinaa jiruu fi Waligalaa kan dhaabnii ABO kallachumman gaggeessaa jiru jabinaa fi murannoon wan dandeenyuu maraan kan deeggarru ta’uu beeksifna. Gachannii Ummataa Oromoo, WBOn, daran tarkanfii isa akka cimsaatuu wan qabnuu fi dandeenyuu maraan biraa dhaabbannaa.
2. Balaaleffannaa Mootummaa Impayeeraa Ityophiyaa kan ABUT-tin Hogganamtu
Miidhaa Mootummaan Impayeeraa Ityophiyaa kan ABUT-n hogganamutuu uummata keenya irraan gahaa jiru ni balaaleffanna, ni mormina, kara dandeenyu maras dura dhaabbannaa.
Akeekaa fi karooraa duguuggaa sanyii (policy of Genocide) ummataa keenyaa fi uummatoota cunqurfatamtoota addaa addaa irratti Mootumman TPLF geeggessaa jiru ni balaalleeffannaa. Yakkamtoonni sirna wayaanee miidhaa akkasii qaqabsiisan hatattamaan akka seeratti dhiyaatanii itti gaafataman Biyyootiin Demokratawwaa fi Jarmooleen mirgaa dhalaa namaaf falmaani akka dhiibbaa godhaan ni gaafanna.
3. Hariiroo mootummaa TPLF fi kan biyyoota Ollaa ilaalchisee
Biyyoonnii ollaa Itiyoophiyaa tokko tokko hariiroo mootummaa Wayaanee faana qaban hal duree tarkaanfii fi sirna mootummichaa kan hin xiinxaalle tahuu irran kan ka’ee Waligaltee idilee adunyaa tokko tokko caabsuun midhaa dangaa hinqabnee geessaa jiru.
Keesumaayyuu mootummoonni biyyoota akka Somaliland fi Keeniyaa Waligaltee Adunyaan qabduu faalleessaa yeroo yerootti baqaataa Oromoo dabarsaanii Mootumaa TPLF-tti keennun badhii tahuu hubataanii fuulduraaf dalaga akkasii irraa akka of qusatan cimsinee gaftnaa.
4. Waamicha
Tokkummaan Barattoota Oromoo Biyya Jarmanii diina miidhaa fi jibbiinsi isaa saba keenyaaf daangaa hin qabneef hojjattanii fi akkasumas bira dhaabbattan, dalagni keessan uummata keessaniif miidhaa ammamii fi akkamii akka qabu xinxaltanii hubachuun harka diinaa jalaa of baaftanii gara mooraa QBOtti akka deebitan waamicha keenya cimsinee isiniif dhiyeesina.
Tokkummaan humnoota QBO yoom iyyuu caala barbaachisaa fi murteessaa ta’uun isaa hubatamaa dha. Kanaafuu araaran moraa qabsoo Bilisummaa Oromoo gabisuuf tokkummaan jarmoolee kan kayyoo irratti hunda’ee kan kanaan dura jalqabame jiruu xumuraa itti gochaa kan hafeess fuulduratti akka cimee itti fufuu fi babal’atu qaamota dhimmi kuni isaan ilaalu maraaf waamicha keenya ammas irra deebinee dabarsina.
Dhuma irrattis tumsii fi tokkummaan saboota cunqursaa jalatti kufanii argamanii kan galii kaayyoo qabsoo isaanii as dhiyeessu akkasumas kan diina immoo naasisuu fi bir’uu guddaa irraan ga’u ta’uu isaa hubatamee, Hariiroon tarsimoo irratti akeekkatee akka cimu qaamonni dhimmi isaa isaan ilaalu akka irratti hojjatan waamicha keenya dabrsinaaf. Baruumsa barbaachisu kennuu fi haala gamtaa akkasii mimijeessu bakka hundattii fi qaama hundaan akka irratti hojjatamu jechuun ergaa keenya dabrfanna.
Injifannoon Uummata Oromoof!
Hirmatootaa Walgahii addaa TBOJ, Nürnberg, Bitooteessaa 02, 2014
Remembering P.T.W. Baxter, renowned anthropologist and pioneer of Oromo studies
By OPride Staff
(OPride) – Paul Trevor William Baxter, who spent nearly six decades studying the Oromo, has died this week in a hospital in Stockport, England, his grandson Mark Baxter confirmed to OPride on Tuesday.
Baxter is survived by his loving wife of 69 years, Pat, his son Adam as well as four grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.His elder son, Tim, unfortunately predeceased him.
Baxter began his anthropological study in the early 1950s as a graduate student, combining academic analysis, field research and unconventional insights about imperial Ethiopia into his work. In 1978, Baxter published his seminal article “Ethiopia’s Unacknowledged Problem: the Oromo” in the esteemed British JournalAfrican Affairs. As his long time friend and colleague Bonnie K. Holcomb, Senior Research Associate at George Washington University’s Institute for Communitarian Policy Studies explains, “with that act, he lent his intellectual and moral support as an established and respected scholar to those of us who were struggling to be heard as we confronted Ethiopianist scholarship which was exceedingly resistant to Oromo studies in those days.” Baxter’s undeniable arguments solidified the exigency of Oromo scholarship and marked a turning point for scholars focused on this systematically ignored group.
Born in 1925, Baxter studied at Cambridge and Oxford Universities. His interest in studying the Oromo, Ethiopia’s single largest ethnic group, dates as far back as 1952 when he first sought permission from Emperor Haile Selassie’s regime to conduct research on the Gadaa system. When Ethiopia, whose policies systematically repressed the Oromo, denied him permission, Baxter went to Northern Kenya, where he spent two years studying the social organization of the Borana Oromo. His 860 page dissertation, “The Social Organization of the Oromo of Northern Kenya”, which became an indispensable resource was published in 1954.
“He was one of the first brave and courageous intellectuals who put the Oromo nation on the intellectual map of the world and opened the door for Oromo studies in the Diaspora,” said Dr. Asafa Jalata, a professor of Sociology at University of Tennessee in Knoxville. “We can say that all Oromo scholars are his students in indirect ways. He remains an intellectual model for Oromo scholars and others who do not bow down for powerful elites and states to receive benefits and prestige in the mainstream institutions.”
His commitment to telling the Oromo story has inspired a generation of Oromo social scientists. Being and Becoming Oromo, a book edited by Baxter in the 1996 remains a fundamental text on Oromo identity, culture and political consciousness. The book is one of the earliest on the topic and provides the most extensive coverage of how sociopolitical shifts within Ethiopia continue to influence identity and belonging. What is evident in Being and Becoming is that even when he disagreed with Oromo scholars on the relationship between identity and political consciousness, Baxter respected their scholarly interpretations and allowed for a multitude of perspectives to be present in the text.
His commitment to telling the Oromo story has inspired a generation of Oromo social scientists. Being and Becoming Oromo, a book edited by Baxter in the 1996 remains a fundamental text on Oromo identity, culture and political consciousness. The book is one of the earliest on the topic and provides the most extensive coverage of how sociopolitical shifts within Ethiopia continue to influence identity and belonging. What is evident in Being and Becoming is that even when he disagreed with Oromo scholars on the relationship between identity and political consciousness, Baxter respected their scholarly interpretations and allowed for a multitude of perspectives to be present in the text.
Baxter was also a loyal friend to all who knew and worked with him. “Paul Baxter was the quintessential "gentleman and scholar." His warmth, humanity, humility, and compassion made him a wonderful, approachable person and generous friend,” Holcomb told OPride in an email. “Those qualities were matched by intellectual courage, superb teaching, brilliant insights and meticulous scholarship. I met Paul Baxter in 1972 in Manchester England where he was full professor of anthropology. I had spent one year in Oromia and was preparing to return for a second year. He encouraged me to continue to focus on the Oromo, pointing out the challenges that anyone involved in Oromo scholarship would face. He was right.”
His grandson Mark who says, “he was one of my guiding lights,” remembered Baxter as always reassuring, honest and reliable. “Together with my grandmother Pat, they made a difference in this world, not by grandiose gestures or political statements, but by simply caring for those they met and welcoming anyone who needed it into their home,” he told OPride from London.
Baxter began his work when it was unpopular to undertake scholarly studies on the Oromo. He faced persistent opposition from two major sources, on the one hand, the Ethiopian State, which “criminalized the production and dissemination of knowledge on the Oromo” and on the other, Ethiopian scholars who disapproved Baxter’s focus on “studying and sympathizing with this downtrodden and hidden people” in the words of Jalata. Baxter remained connected to the Oromo; living among the Borana, Arsi, Ittu and Karrayyu tribes during a long academic career that spanned half a century.
Baxter’s academic work irreversibly challenged official Ethiopianist hagiography. He called into question the Amhara cultural dominance that was taken for granted, and the monolithic portrayal of Ethiopia’s diverse peoples in the image of it’s socially and politically dominant minority. In his seminal article, he argued, “much of the history of Ethiopia can be viewed as a struggle between the Amhara and the Oromo and if the Oromo, almost certainly the largest ethnic group in Ethiopia, were able to realise their own cultural and political aspirations, the balance of power in Ethiopia would be completely altered.” Baxter’s writings remain as important today as ever before.
In recognition of Baxter’s enduring legacy and tireless contribution to Oromo studies, the Oromo Studies Association bestowed its highest honor, OSA's Lifetime Achievement Award, on him in 2010.
A generation of scholars have been and will continue to be inspired by Baxter’s dedication and unrelenting spirit. In the words of Holcomb, “those of us who had the great privilege of collegial and personal relationship with Dr. P. T. W. Baxter, who we knew as simply "Paul," mourn his passing with a profound sense of loss. At the same time we celebrate with great joy and gratitude that he turned his talents toward breaking down walls and creating open doors for rigorous scholarly study of the Oromo -- a people for whom he held enormous affection and respect throughout his long lifetime. Among his many other accomplishments it should not be forgotten that Paul Baxter was a pioneer and a champion of Oromo studies at an exceedingly difficult time. He was truly a great man.”
In a statement released to, his family said, “we are touched and humbled by the number and warmth of messages of condolence that have already arrived from across the globe, particularly from the Oromo diaspora that he so enjoyed working and living alongside as he recorded their culture and tradition for posterity.”
Baxter has left an indelible mark on scholarly knowledge about Horn of Africa’s largest ethnic group. His legacy will live on in the work of those who will build upon what he and others began so long ago. Baxter will forever remain a scholar who affirmed, in the words of Arundathi Roy, that “There's really no such thing as the 'voiceless'. There are only the deliberately silenced, or the preferably unheard.”
* Dr. P.T.W. Baxter's photo from the late 1980s, taken at the University in Leipzig in Germany. Courtesy of Baxter's family.
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