Thursday, March 10, 2016

Magaalaa Najjoo Keessatti Reebichaa fi Hidhaan Hammaate Jedhu Jiraatonni

Hiriira Mormii Oromiyaa (Faayilii)
Hiriira Mormii Oromiyaa (Faayilii)

Duraan manneen barnootaa keessaa erga manneen barumsaa cufamanii booda immoo magaalaa keessa adeemuun akkasumas mana jireenyaa seenuun barattotaa fi jiraattoota hidhuun akka daran hammaatee itti fufee jiraattonni dubbataa jiru. Sambata darbe barattoota lama mana murtiitti dhiyeessuun hidhaa baatii lamaan adabanii gara magaalaa Gimbiitti ergamuu isaanii kan dubbatan barattonni lameen keessaa tokko shamarree ta’uu ibsan.
Kanneen biroo hidhaman soddomii shan caalan keessaa maanguddooni umrii dheeraa qabana ilma isaanii hidhattonni qabuu waan hin dandeenyeef jecha bakka isaa hidhamuu ibsanii jiran. Waajirri polisii aanaa Najjoo garuu biyyi nagaa dha namni hidhames hin jiru barnootis itti fufee jira jedha. Barnooti addaan eega cite torban lama ta’uu jiraatonni kan ibsan ta’us amma garuu jalqabamaa jira jechuun Daayreekteerri mana barumsaa qophaa’ina Najjoo Obbo Abraam Yohaannes dubbatanii jiru.
To listen click here

Ethiopia to pay $150,000 to raped girl

Ethiopia map

(BBC) Africa's human rights court has ordered Ethiopia to pay $150,000 (£100,000) compensation to a rape victim for failing to protect her rights.
In 2003, Aberew Jemma Negussie was convicted of the abduction and rape of a 13-year-old girl.
This was overturned on appeal as the prosecutor said only a virgin could be raped, and the victim could not prove she had been a virgin.
Rights groups said this was a violation of local and international law.
In 2007, Equality Now took the case to the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights as "local avenues to justice were exhausted".

Rights violated

Nine years later the African Union court based in The Gambia has ruled that Ethiopia had violated the girl's rights to equality, dignity and a fair trial, among others.
It said the money would be "compensation for the non-material damage she suffered as a result [of] the violations".
Equality Now described this as an "unprecedented ruling" that should send a message to "all levels of society".
The girl was abducted and raped in 2001, and after the incident was reported to the police she was rescued and the perpetrator was arrested.

Abducted twice

But, after being released on bail, Aberew abducted her again.
She was held for a month before escaping, but while captive was forced to write her name on a piece of paper that would later be used as evidence of marriage.
Abducting girls to be forcibly married is a traditional practice in parts of Ethiopia.
After being caught for a second time, Aberew, and four accomplices were convicted in 2003, and he received a 10-year sentence.
They were then released on appeal, but Equality Now argued that the law had not been correctly applied as "virginity is not a legal prerequisite for the offence of rape".
Following the acquittal, rights groups used the case to get a change in the law in Ethiopia to ensure better protection for rape victims.
Equality Now says that the victim, now in her late 20s, is living in "relative safety and pursuing her education".

Ethiopia Moves Into Doping Spotlight

This year Olympic Games could feature an athletics program without two of the sport’s most powerful nations - Russia and Kenya - while a third, Ethiopia, is under immense pressure to show it has adequate anti-doping measures.
Ethiopia is the latest to have its credibility questioned after it was announced last month that six athletes, some of them elite performers, are under investigation for doping.
In addition, former middle-distance world champion Abeba Aregawi, an Ethiopian-turned-Swede, has tested positive.
Russia is currently banned from all athletics following discovery of a state-sponsored doping regime and revelations of corruption.
Kenya, having missed a World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) deadline last month, has now been given until May 12 to show it has adequate systems in place after a series of high-profile positive tests by athletes and the suspension of several leading athletics officials.
That is the backdrop to a meeting of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) Council on Thursday and Friday where President Sebastian Coe will be fighting to restore the credibility of the sport he graced on the track.
Coe won his two 1,500m golds at the 1980 and 1984 Games, both of which were hit by political boycotts, and results from Rio in August could end up carrying a similar asterisk.
Russia has finished second to the United States in the athletics medal table in the last three Olympics while it was top of the tree in the last three editions of the world championships.
The two east African countries have had a stranglehold on the longer distances for both genders.
In the last five world championships Kenya has averaged above five golds, and 13 medals, with Ethiopia not far behind. It is a similar story at the last five Olympics where Kenya have won 12 gold and 47 track and field medals and Ethiopia 15 gold and 32 in total.
That sustained success, however, is now viewed through the prism of widespread drug-taking and poor controls.
Question of sport
The IAAF will discuss progress Russia has made following visits from an IAAF task force and WADA officials but the country appears to be losing its battle to claim re-admission in time for the Rio de Janeiro Games in August.
Kenya, whose federation is in disarray after recent suspensions, has a matter of weeks to persuade WADA they are “code-compliant”, or face joining Russia on the sidelines.
Ethiopia has so far escaped censure from WADA but the organization has instructed the country to improve its program and develop its own anti-doping organization after the its athletics doctor Ayalew Tilhaun called their growing drugs problem "a terrifying development."
"Ethiopia hasn’t been declared non-compliant but it faces serious questions,” former WADA head Dick Pound told Reuters.
The head of Ethiopian athletics, Bililign Mekoya, told Reuters: We are not a country known for committing such offenses but this has become a global phenomenon. We ... are working to strengthen our capacity and have recently formed our own anti-doping agency.”
Those promises sound hopeful but one Ethiopian athletics official told Reuters that the country was a long way from establishing a credible service.
Speaking on condition of anonymity, the official said the Ethiopia's capacity to tackle doping "does not amount to having more than a few first aid kits".

Oromo protesters: 'We are still on the streets because we want self-rule'

Ludovica IaccinoBy 

Oromo students
Students believed to have been injured during protests at Wallaga University Oromo activists
(Ibtimes) Hundreds of people from Oromia, Ethiopia's largest state, are still protesting on the streets calling for self-rule. An activist who spoke to IBTimes UK on condition of anonymity explained that Oromo people, Ethiopia's biggest ethnic group, were also protesting against the alleged violence carried out by security forces against demonstrators.
Protesters in Oromia first took to the streets in November 2015 to voice their dissent against a government draft plan that aimed to expand the boundaries of the capitalAddis Ababa. They argued the so-called "Addis Ababa master plan" would lead to forced evictions of Oromo farmers who will lose their land and would undermine thesurvival of the Oromo culture and language.

The Ethiopian government scrapped the master plan following increasing agitation which activists claimed led to the death of at least 200 people.
However, Oromo people have continued their protest arguing, among other things, that they did not trust the authorities.
"The issue of the master plan was only an immediate cause," a source close to the campaigners said. "The root causes are real demands for Oromo self-rule, democracy and rule of law, among others and the government has continued to respond violently."
The activist also claimed that during student protests which occurred on 8 March, police allegedly arrested more than 50 people and injured many.
"Student protests occurred at some large universities including Addis AbabaUniversity, Jima University and Wallaga University," the source added.
"At Addis Ababa , Oromo students demonstrated for the second round in front of the US embassy chanting 'we are not terrorists, we are Oromo, stop the killings inOromia'. In Wallaga, government forces beat and injured many students. Hospital beds were overflowing with injured students and ambulances were prevented from taking victims to hospitals in other cities around that part of Oromia," the source alleged.
Government dismisses allegations of violence
The Ethiopian embassy in London has not responded to a request for comment on the fresh allegations.
On 21 February, Human Rights Watch (HRW) released a report warning that at least 200 people had been killed with further arrests of Oromo protesters by security forces, including the military.
However, Ethiopia dismissed the allegations with an official telling IBTimes UK the HRW report was "abysmal propaganda." The government claimed the death toll was much lower than 200 but did not give a specific figure. Protesters were also accused of trying to secede and create an independent Oromia state.
An earlier statement by the Ethiopian embassy sent to IBTimes UK stated that the government engaged in public consultations which resulted in the decision to scrap the master plan. Authorities also launched an investigation to identify people behind "corrupt land acquisition practices", loss of innocent lives and damage to private and public properties. The investigation has led to a number of arrests.
In Focus: Addis Ababa master plan threatens Oromos self-determinationIBTimes UK

#OromoProtests – Continued, March 10, 2016

Oromo Protests – 100 days of Public Protest

(Ayyaantuu) Oromia, the largest regional State in the Ethiopian Federation, has been rocked by series of protests in the past 100 days since mid-November 2015. The protests began with the aim of having the proposed Master Plan of the capital, Addis Ababa, officially referred as the ‘Addis Ababa–Finfinne[1] Integrated Development Plan’ (‘Master Plan’) scrapped. The Master Plan was designed by Addis Ababa City Administration in collaboration with the government of Oromia Regional State and introduced early in 2014. The protestors opposed the Master Plan, which covers 1.1 million hectare of land (approximately twenty fold the current size of Addis Ababa), saying that its implementation will result in the eviction of millions of farmers and families from their land. The first protests against the Master Plan were held mainly by students of Oromia regional State in April/May/June 2014 which resulted in deaths, injuries and imprisonment of many people all over the state. The protests erupted again in November 2015 and continued up until now.
The ‘second round protests’, as it is called by activists, took wider area and longer time than its antecedent. Police brutality have reached its climax and deaths, injuries, mass arrest, kidnapping have tragically been reported in the State. In only the first hundred days of these protests, hundreds of towns and villages have witnessed mass incidents. In addition, death tolls have reportedly reached more than four hundred, thousands of people were injured and tens of thousands people were briefly arrested. Even though the Master Plan has been officially been scrapped by OPDO, ruling party in the regional State, on 13 January, 2016, fifty four days after the second round of the protest erupted, the third round of the protests have continued with a new momentum; what has started as an opposition to the Master Plan seems to end up looking for answers of political questions that have grown in the past two decades.
The Ethiopia Human Rights Project (EHRP) has actively followed the first 100 days of the protests and summarized the issues, causes, and the human rights violations perpetrated by government security forces in response to the protests in Oromia region.
For Full Report Click Here

ሰበር ዜና ! !
የህወሓት ብሔራዊ መረጃ ከፍተኛ ሚስጥራዊ አባላት ተገደሉ!!
የብሔራዊ መረጃ የቅድመ ዝግጅት ማሰራጫና ማከናወኛ ክፍልን መሰረት ባደረገ መልኩ ለመረጃ ክፍሉ ሐገር ለሐገር እየርተዘዋወሩ ሲሰልሉና ወሬ ሲያቀብሉ እንዲሁም ያለአግባብ ወገኖቻችንን ሲያሳስሩና ሲያስገድሉ የነበሩ አራት ቁልፍ አባላቶች መገደላቸዉን ታማኝ የመረጃ ክፍሉ ምንጫችን ሚስጥር አዉጥተዋል። ተጠሪነታቸዉ ለመረጃዉ ክፍል ዳይሬክተር ብቻ እና በከፍተኛ ሚስጥር ከሌሎች አባላት እንኳ በተሰወረ መልኩ የሚንቀሳቀሱ ብዛት ያላቸዉ አባላቶች ላይ እርምጃዎቹ ያነጣጠሩ ናቸዉ ሲሉም ምንጫችን የገለጹ ሲሆን እርምጃ የተወሰደባቸዉ ግለሰቦችን ስም ከዚህ በታች አስቀምጠዋል ።
1. አቶ በኩር ባዘዘዉ ገብረህይወት
2. ቀሲስ ትንሳኤ ሃይለ መለኮት
3. ሲስተር ሳምራዊት በቃሉ
4. መምህር ጣፋ አጋፋሪ
በየካቲት 28/2008 ለመረጃዉ ክፍል የወረደዉ የሞት መርዶ ብዙዎችን ያስደነገጠ ከመሆኑ ባሻገር የአራቱም ግለሰቦች አሟሟት በተመሳሳይ ወቅትና በተለያየ ክልል መሆኑ እንዲሁም አራቱም ከተገደሉ ወዲህ ለመረጃ ክፍሉ ካልታወቁ ግለሰቦች የስልክ ጥሪ ተደርጎ በሐገሪቷ ላይ እየተካሄደ ያለዉ አፈናና ግድያ እስካልቆመ ድረስ እርምጃዉ እንደሚቀጥል ማስጠንቀቂያ መሰጠቱ ዉጥረቱን አባብሶታል።
በተለይም በኦሮሚያ ክልል እና በጎንደር እንዲሁም በኦጋዴን ክልል አካባቢ ተሰማርተዉ የነበሩ የመረጃዉ ሰራተኞች በሙሉ እርምጃ ሊወሰድባቸዉ እንደሚችል የጠቆመዉ ምንጫችን በእነዚህ ክልል የተሰማሩ አባላቶች ጠርገዉ እየወጡ እንደሆነ ለማወቅ ተችሏል።

‪‪Guyyaa Har’aa Bitootessa 10.2016 Godina Wallaggaa Anaa Jaarsoo Gandaa Haroo Biruu keessattii FXG bartoota mana barumsaa sadarkaa 1ffaa Gandichaaf ummaata waliin mormii jabaa dhageessisa jiru!
Haalumaa kanan ummannii Gadaa Gaarjoo Torbaan guyyaa har’aa Kaabinoota wayyannee kan walga’ii teesisu deeman qanneessuun nun marisistuu jechuun of irraa ari’aanii jiru!

Godina Iluu Abbaa Boratti aanaa alge magaala Algetti mana barumsaa qophaayinaa fi sadarkaa 2ffaa kan magaala suphee sadarkaa 2ffaanis barattootni waltahuudhaan kaleessa Bitootessa 9/2016 FXG guyyaa guutuu uummatallee ida’atani fininsa olan. Manneen jireenya kaabinoota fi milishoota irrattis tarkanfi fudhatanii jiru. Guyyaaa har’as barumsi dhabbate barattootni FXG bifa qinda’aadhaan gaggeessaa jiru uummannis deggeraa jira dhukaasni isaan irratti dhukaafamaa jiraatuu qeeyron nuuf
gabaasaa jira. qonan bulaan daandii cufee jira. magaalli Algee fi suphee humna diinaan toohatamtee jirti sagalen uumatas diina sodaachise jira.

#‎BilisummaaOromoo‬- (10.03.2016, ‪#‎XumuraGarbummaa‬, Oromiyaa) Diddaa fi mormii Oromoon jeequmsa keessa kan seene OPDOn dabaree isaa, miseensota sadarkaa adda addaa irra jiran gaggaragalchuutti jira. Yeroo ammaa kanatti karaa koreen qindeestuu Godinaalee fi kaabinee Naannoo Oromiyaa qorannoo gaggeessaa jiran. Qorannoo kanas Bitootessa 10, 2016 jechuun guyyaa har’a xumuru jedhamee egama.
Qorannoon kun gaaffii uummataa gara gaaffii bulchinsa gaaritti micciruuf hojjacha ajiru. Haala kanas gaggeessitoota bakka tokko irra bakka biratti jijjiruuf hojjachaa jiru; yoo kana gochuu baatan gooftoliin isaanis ni dheekkamu. Kana sirnaan hubachuun barbaachisaa dha.
OPDOn akeeka Tigiree dhugoomsuu fi bara garbummaa ummata Oromoo irratti dheeressuuf waadaa ergamtummaa raawwachaa jirti. Kana namuu hubatee tarkaanfii fashalsaa fudhatuu qaba.

Bitooteessaa 10,2016
Oduu haara ammaa magaalaa Buraayyuu nu qaqqabee
Sa’aa ammaa kanatti waraanni mootummaa wayyaanee, mana barumsaa qophaa’ina sadarkaa 2ffaa Burayyuu humna Poolisii Federaala fi waraana Agaazii itti naquun baratoota dhiiga dhangalaasa fi reeba jiraachun himamaa jira.
ammaa yoona baratoota meeqa irraa akka miidhan ga’ee hin beekamnee.
namooni gochaa kana rawwachisaa jiran keessaa ammi tokkoo maqaan isaan kan armaan gadiitti argamudha.
  1. Asfaawu Takilee ,itti gaafatamaa Damee siyaasa OPDO kan magaala Buraayyuu
  2. Abinati Fiqaadu namin jedhamus akka keessaa jiruu beekameera.

‪#‎OromoProtests‬– (10.03.2016, ‪#‎EndSlavery‬, Oromia) This is a rally of members of Victoria’s Oromo community, Australia Melbourne, at the state Parliament House today to protest treatment at the hands of the Ethiopian government.
The protest is in response to a crackdown on Oromo protesters in Oromia, who have opposed government plans to evict farmers from their land and to demand Oromo self-determination.
Hundreds of Oromo — the largest nation in East Africa, — have been killed by the Ethiopian government since last November, and thousands more have been imprisoned for opposing the government.
‪#‎BilisummaaOromoo‬– (10.03.2016, ‪#‎XumuraGarbummaa‬, Oromiyaa) Kun hiriira deeggarsaa hawaasti Oromoo Australia Melbourne guyyaa har’aa fuuldura Paarlamaa Victoria biratti gaggeesse. Hiriira kana irratti haadholii, abbootii, dargaggooti fi qaamoti hawaasicha argamaniiru. Hiriira kana irratti kanneen hirmaatan wareegama ummati Oromoo bilisummaa Oromoof baasaa jiran dinqisiifataniiru. Miidhaa mootummaan Itoophiyaa ummata Oromoo irratti yeroo ammaa kanatti geessisaa jiru immoo jabeessanii balaalefaftaniiru

ደማማቅ ኮኮቦች አቡነ ጴጥሮስ(መገርሳ በዳሳ)

Ethiopia's Oromo protests: PM Hailemariam Desalegn apologises

Hailemariam DesalegnImage copyrightReuters
Image captionPrime Minster Hailemariam Desalegn blamed "anti-peace forces" for the trouble

(BBC) Ethiopia's prime minster has apologised for the death and destruction caused by protests in the Oromia region.
But Hailemariam Desalegn, addressing parliament in the capital, Addis Ababa, said "anti-peace forces" were responsible for the violence.
He said that the government needs to listen to the grievances of the people.
Oromia has been hit by months of unrest, in which 200 people have reportedly died - a number disputed by the government.
The protests began over government plans to expand the capital's administrative control into the Oromia region, which have since been dropped.

Oromia at a glance:

Map of Ethiopia

  • Oromia is Ethiopia's largest region, surrounding the capital, Addis Ababa
  • Oromo are Ethiopia's biggest ethnic group - making up about a third of Ethiopia's 95 million people
  • The Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) is Oromia's largest legally registered political party, but holds no seats in parliament

The government later dropped the plan, but protesters dismissed the decision as "too little too late".
Oromia is Ethiopia's largest region and the Oromo people, who make up a third of Ethiopia's population, have complained of historic economic and political marginalisation.

People mourn the death a man who was shot dead by the Ethiopian forces the day earlier, in the Yubdo Village, about 100km from Addis Ababa in the Oromia region, on 17 December 2015Image copyrightAFP
Image captionPeople in the region have long complained of marginalisation

Mr Hailemariam told parliament that "anti-peace forces... in a bid to divert the people's legitimate questions... have inflicted losses on human lives and government and private property".
But according to messages on the ministry of foreign affairs Twitter feed, the prime minster admitted the problems in Oromia "are direct results of unresponsiveness and unemployment".
He added that the government recognises the need to address grievances and said it "unreservedly apologises to our people for what happened".
However, the government "will intensify their decisive actions against the anti-peace forces," he said.

PAFD’s statement on current deal of the Chinas-Ethiopia- Djibouti Gas Exploitation in Ogaden, Ethiopia

Issued by Peoples’ Alliance for Freedom and Democracy (PAFD)
pafd(Ayyaantuu) The Ethiopian government’s “development strategy,” is founded on its policy of leasing millions of hectares of land to foreign investors, regardless of the rights and consequences for the local communities that depend on those lands. Implementation of this strategy as it is observed in Gambella, Oromia, Omo, Sidama and Benishangul-Gumuz involved grave human rights violations including coerced displacement, extrajudicial killings, political repression, and neglect of local livelihoods of the peoples and nations who have historically been marginalized and neglected by the governments. The foundation stone for a new mega gas project was laid on March 3, 2016, by the presence the Djiboutian President. The project is planned to install a natural gas pipeline, a liquefaction plant and an export terminal at Damerjog, Djibouti from the Ogaden as reported by Global Energy. PAFD believes that this is targeting the most vulnerable people on the continent, the Ogaden people.
Almost all the Ogaden territory are divided into 22 Concession Blocks are being offered unscrupulous corporations or countries by the TPLF/EPRDF regime–a government that is not democratically elected in a free and fair election and do not represent the peoples in Ethiopia. The Ogaden Somali nation, the true owner of the gas fields, is not a party to the land transactions between the TLPF/EPRDF and the third parties. The local Ogaden populace is neither consulted nor compensated for giving up these lands. The regime is uprooting the Ogadenis from their ancestral land and de-stroying the scared sites and the rich and unique plant and animal resources. The people who are uprooted and became landless in this process are perishing from natural and the regime-made famine and are being forced to migrate to Europe and America. The regime is also employing other strategies that are emptying the Somalis from their territory. Since 2007, the TPLF led Ethiopian Government blockaded aid and trade, which is making life difficult for the mil-lions of Somalis affected by famine, which is well known to the international community. During the last ten years the Ethiopian regime has used its army in Ogaden to displace the rural population from large tracts of the Ogaden grassland by burning traditional pasture rich areas in order to clear the land for oil exploration. It is crystal clear that enormous internal displacement is happening from El-Kuran to Djibouti to clear for the land for planned pipelines.
The PAFD strongly denounces and unequivocally condemns this reckless land Concession policy of the TPLF/EPRDF government, which further disenfranchises and impoverishes the Ogaden people. The land transaction be-tween the TPLF regime and the third parties displaces the rightful owners of the land—the Ogaden people—subjecting millions to further poverty, starvation, and death.
The PAFD warns the third parties to the Oppressed peoples land deals that their contracts are null and void as far as the Oppressed nations and the PAFD are concerned. We stress that they are entering into these contracts with a government that is not accountable to the people. Hence we call the third parties to immediately cease and desist from participation in such deals and transactions. This a pattern is an arc that stretches from displaced the border of Sudan to Somalia- displacement of thousands of Benishangul people near the grand Dam for “security reasons; confiscating the farmlands of Amhara people farmers in Amhara regions; disowning Oromo farmers in Addis Ababa Master plan and displacing whole communities in Omo, Gambela; destroying Sidama forests for Coffee plantations; and displacing thousands of Ogaden pastoralists from oil and Gas exploration sites.
The Ogaden people have endured subjugation, massacre and extra judicial killings, loss of freedom and dignity, political repression, poverty and famine, perpetrated by The TPLF/EPRDF regime. Hence PAFD calls upon, the Ogaden people and all other oppressed peoples, to stand up in unison against the TPLF’s regime until we all achieve our freedom and dignity, the right to influence our destiny including the use of our vital assets such as land, and a decent chance at escaping starvation and poverty.
Peace shall prevail!
Issued by Peoples’ Alliance for Freedom and Democracy (PAFD)
March 10, 2016

አምስት የዩናይትድ ስቴትስ ምክር ቤት አባላት በኢትዮጵያ ጉዳይ ለፕሬዝዳንት ኦባማ ደብዳቤ ጻፉ

ፋይል ፎቶ - ፕረዝዳንት ኦባማ በዋይት ሃውስ ስብሰባ እያካሄደ
ፋይል ፎቶ - ፕረዝዳንት ኦባማ በዋይት ሃውስ ስብሰባ እያካሄደ

(VOAamharicnews)“በተቃዋሚ የፖለቲካ መሪዎች የሚፈጸመው አፈና አሳስቦናል።” አምስት የዩናይትድ ስቴትስ ምክር ቤት አባላት ለፕሬዝዳንት ባራክ ኦባማ የጻፉት ደብዳቤ።
አምስት የዩናይትድ ስቴትስ ምክር ቤት አባላት አንድ በእስር ላይ የሚገኙት የቀድሞው የጋምቤላ አስተዳዳሪእንዲለቀቁ፤ የጠየቁበትን ደብዳቤ በትላንትናው ዕለት ለዩናይትድ ስቴትስ ፕሬዝዳንት ባራክ ኦባማ ላኩ።
የምክር ቤት አባላቱ በኢትዮጵያ ይፈጸማል ያሉት የፖለቲካ መሪዎች አፈና እንዲያቆም ኦባማ ግፊት ያደርጉዘንድ ጠይቀዋል።
ላለፉት ሁለት ዓመታት በፖለቲካ እስርኝነት እየማቀቁ ነው ያሏቸው የቀድሞው የጋምቤላ አስተዳዳሪ አቶ ኦኬሎአክዌይ ይለቀቁ ዘንድ ፕሬዝዳንት ኦባማን የጠየቁበትን ደብዳቤ የጻፉት፤ የመካከለኛው ምዕራብ ዩናይትድ ስቴትሷ የሜነሶታ ክፍለ ግዛት እንደራሴዎች ሪክ ኖላን (Rick Nolan) ፣ ኪት ኤሊሰን (Keith Ellison) እና ቤቲ መኮለም (Betty McCollum) እንዲሁም የፍሎሪዳ ክፍለ ግዛቱ አልሲ ሃስቲንግስ (Alcee Hastings) እና የሮድ አይላንዱ ወኪል ዴቪድ ሲሲሊን (David N. Cicilline) ናቸው። አምስቱም የዲሞክራቲክ ፓርቲ አባላት ናቸው።
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