Friday, September 20, 2013


By: Graham Peebles

The Right To Protest

They speak of democracy, but act violently to suppress dissenting voices and control the people through the inculcation of fear: they ignore human rights and trample on the people, they are a tyrannical wolf in democratic sheep’s clothing, causing suffering and misery to thousands of people throughout Ethiopia. The Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) government repeatedly scoffs at international law and consistently acts in violation of their own Federal constitution – a liberal document written by the regime to please and deceive their foreign supporters. They have enacted laws of repression: the widely condemned Charities and Societies (ATD) law (CSO law) and the Anti Terrorism Declaration, which is the main tool of political control, together with The ‘Mass Media and Freedom of Information Proclamation’ they form a formidable unjust arsenal of government control. Freedom of the media (which is largely ‘state-owned’) is denied and political dissent is all but outlawed.
Against this repressive backdrop, the Semayawi (Blue) party, a new opposition group, organized peaceful protests on the 2nd June in Addis Ababa. Ten thousand or so people marched through the capital demanding the release of political prisoners, “respect for the constitution” and Justice! Justice! Justice! It was (Reuters 2/06/2013 reported), an “anti-Government procession…. the first large-scale protest since a disputed 2005 election ended in street violence that killed 200 people”, a ‘disputed election’ result that was discredited totally by European Union observers and denounced by opposition groups and large swathes of the population.
The Chairman of the Semayawi Party, Yilekal Getachew, told Reuters, “We have repeatedly asked the government to release political leaders, journalists and those who asked the government not to intervene in religious affairs”. In keeping with the recent worldwide movement for freedom and social justice, he stated that, “if these questions are not resolved and no progress is made in the next three months, we will organize more protests. It is the beginning of our struggle”. To the disappointment of many and the surprise of nobody, the government has made no attempt to ‘resolve’ the questions raised, and true to their word a second demonstration was planned for 1st September in Addis Ababa. In the event, as the BBC report, around “100 members of Ethiopia’s opposition Semayawi (Blue) party were arrested and some badly beaten”, and “equipment such as sound systems were confiscated”, ahead of the planned rally, which was banned by the EPRDF. Government justification formed, and a cock and bull story was duly constructed with Communication Minister Shimeles Kemal stating “the venue [for Semayawi’s event) had already been booked by a pro-government group condemning religious extremism”.
Non-interference in religious affairs is one of the key demands of the Semayawi party, a demand based upon the constitutional commitment of religious independence from the State, which Muslim groups claim the government has violated. Enraged by government interference in all matters religious, the Muslim community have organised regular small-scale protests and sit-ins in the capital for the last two years. In early August, Reuters 8/08/2013 reported “Demonstrators chanted "Allahu Akbar" and hoisted banners that read "respect the constitution", referring to allegations that the government has tried to influence the highest Muslim affairs body, the Ethiopia Islamic Affairs Supreme Council”. Around 40% of Ethiopia’s population (around 85 million) are Muslim, for generations they have lived amicably with their Orthodox Christians neighbours, who make up the majority in the country; they are moderate in their beliefs and peaceful in their ways. The EPRDF in contrast are violent, intolerant and ideologically driven; ‘Revolutionary Democracy’ being the particular tune to which the democratic dictatorship hums and drums its partisan rule.


The government’s response to the peaceful demonstrations, has unsurprisingly been intolerant and dismissive; their comments inflammatory and predictable, statingMail@Guardian 14/07/2013 record, "most of these demonstrators are Islamic extremists”, and showing their own ‘extreme’ tendencies, authoritively declaring that “the protesters aimed to set up an Islamic state in the country and were bankrolled and guided by "extremists" [this time] overseas”. Duplicitous nonsense, which serves to distract attention from the underlying issues being raised and the imperative (and legal requirement) for the government to act in accordance with its own constitution.
Along with such disingenuous comments the regime has responded to the protests in a repressive manner; imprisoning Muslims calling for justice, causing Amnesty International 8/08/2013 to be “extremely concerned at reports coming out of Ethiopia… of further widespread arrests of Muslim protesters”, Amnesty demand that the “on-going repressive crackdown on freedom of speech and the right to peacefully protest has to end now”. Despite the fact that the protests have been peaceful and good-natured the regime has consistently described the protesters as violent terrorists, in February the ‘Holy War Movement’ was shown on State Television, it presented protestors and those arrested (including journalists), as terrorists. And in a clear violation of people’s constitutional right to protest, the regime has threatened to take firm action against further protests.
Whilst the majority of actions during the last two years have been without incident, protests in Kofele in the Oromia region on 8th August ended in “the deaths of an unconfirmed number”, there have also been reports of large numbers of people being arrested in Kofele and Addis Ababa, including two journalists. Following the Kofele deaths Amnesty called for “an immediate, independent and impartial investigation into the events in Kofele, as well as into the four incidents last year which resulted in the deaths and injuries of protestors”. Legitimate demands which the regime has duly ignored.
The EPRDF does not tolerate any independent media coverage within the country and indeed does all it can to control the flow of information out of Ethiopia and restrict totally dissenting voices. And they don’t care who the journalist is working for, key allies or diaspora media; In October 2012 a reporter from the Voice of America (VOA) covering a protest in Anwar Mosque in Addis was arrested and told to erase her recorded interviews, the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) report. This was not the first time a VOA journalist had been detained. “They are criminalizing journalism,” said Martin Schibbye a Swedish freelance journalist who was jailed [in 2011] along with a colleague for more than 14 months in Ethiopia”, for entering the Ogaden region. A heavily militarized area where wide ranging human rights violations constituting crimes against humanity are taking place, which has been hidden from the International media and aid organisations since 2007. Fearing imprisonment, many journalists have left Ethiopia, CPJ report that in 2012, along with Eritrea, it was were Africa’s ‘top jailer’ of journalists”, coming in eighth worldwide.

Unjust Laws Of Control

In July last year, hundreds of protesting Muslims peacefully demanding that the government stop interfering in their religious affairs and allow them to vote freely for representatives on the Ethiopian Islamic Affairs Supreme Council (EIASC). Most were released, but 29 members of the protest committee were charged on 29th October under the universally criticized Anti Terrorist Declaration (ATD), accused of “intending to advance a political, religious or ideological cause” by force, and the “planning, preparation, conspiracy, incitement and attempt of terrorist acts.” Their arrest has been slammed by human rights groups as well as the United States Commission on Religious Freedom, who “are deeply concerned that Ethiopia’s government is seeking to silence peaceful religious freedom proponents by detaining and trying them in secret under trumped-up terrorism charges.  They should be released now and their trials halted”. The men claim to have been “tortured and experienced other ill-treatment in detention”.
The ambiguous ATD was introduced in 2009 and has been used by the Ethiopian government, “to severely restrict basic rights of freedom of expression, association, and assembly”, Human Rights Watch (HRW) state. It violates dues process, which like a raft of other internationally recognized and legally binding rights, is enshrined in the Ethiopian constitution. The legislation cause outrage amongst human rights groups and the right minded when it was proposed. HRW (30/06/2009) said of the draft law, (which un-amended found its way onto the statute books) that it would “permit the government to repress a wide range of internationally protected freedoms”, – precisely the reason for it’s introduction, and it provides “the Ethiopian government with a potent instrument to crack down on political dissent, including peaceful political demonstrations and public criticisms of government policy”. The unjust law allows for long-tem imprisonment and the death penalty for so called crimes that meet some EPRDF definition of terrorism, and denies in some cases a defendants right to be presumed innocent – the bedrock of the international judicial system. Torture is used without restraint by the military and police, under the ATD evidence obtained whilst a prisoner is being beaten, hanged, whipped or drowned is admissible in court, this criminal act contravenes Article 15 of the United Nations Convention against Torture (ratified by Ethiopia in 1994), which ‘requires that any statement made as a result of torture is inadmissible as evidence’. Terrorism is indeed an issue of grave concern in Ethiopia, it is not rooted in the Muslim community, the media, the Blue Party or the Universities, it is State Terrorism that stalks this land, that kills and falsely imprisons, tortures and rapes the innocent, it is the EPRDF; the rebel group that ousted a communist dictator in 1991 only to take up his tyrannical mantle, who manipulate the law to serve their repressive rule and who violates a plethora of human rights, consistently and with impunity. Ethiopia’s donors and international friends, (primarily America and Britain) have other, larger fish on their minds, and even though they give the country over a third of its federal budget they seem unconcerned by the criminality being committed, much of which is taking place under the cloak of development. Violent rule however is a storm that is imploding throughout the world, the people, who have suffered long enough, sense their collective strength and are awakening.

Need For Unity

Although completely contrary to the EPRDF’s pledge of Ethnic Federalism, divide and rule is the effective methodology of division employed by the regime. In a country with dozens of tribal groups, various ethnicities and different religious beliefs (Islam and Christianity), unity is the key to any popular social revolution, much needed and ardently longed for by millions throughout the land. We are witnessing a worldwide protest movement for change; age-old values of freedom, equality and social justice, brotherhood and peace are the clarion call of many marching and protesting. And so it is in Ethiopia, the Blue party and other opposition groups, the Muslim community and the students on the streets demanding Justice! Justice! Jusitce! are in harmony with the rhythm of the times. Out of step and blind to the needs of the people and their rightful demands, the ruling party acts with violence to drown out their voices and suppress their rights: in Addis Ababa, where thousands marched in June, in Oromia and the Ogaden, where the people seek autonomy, in Amhara, where thousands have been displaced, in Gambella and the Lower Omo Valley, where native people are being driven off their ancestral land into state created villages, women raped and men beaten.
Unity is the song of the day, rich with diversity united in intent, the collective will of the people of Ethiopia and indeed throughout the world is an unstoppable force for change. All steps need to be taken to remove the obstacle to the realization of unity throughout the country, ethnic prejudices and tribal differences; all need to be laid aside. The Ethiopian regime may succeed in subduing the movement for change that is simmering throughout the country, however with sustained unified action, peacefully undertaken and relentlessly expressed, freedom and social justice longed for by millions throughout the country, will surely come.
About the author: Graham Peebles is Director of The Create Trust. He can be reached via email.

Mootummaan Wayyaanee Dargaggoota Oromoo maqaa Miseensummaa ABOn yakkuun hidhuu itti fufe

Mootummaan wayyaanee gaaffii mirgaa finiinaa jiruu fi dura dhaabbannaa miidhama mirga dhala namaa itti jiramu hidhaan ala filannoo haaraa kan hin qabne Godina Shawaa lixaa magaala Amboo keessatti dargaggoota mana hidhaatti ukkaamsaa jira. Akka kanaan Fulbaana 19,2013 Mootummaan Wayyaanee waraqaalee dhaadannoo “ABOn Gaachana Ilmaan Oromooti” kan jedhu maxxansitanii jirtan jechuun dargaggoota hojii dhabdoota mana hidhaatti guuraa jira. Kanneen keessaa
1. Dargaggoo Tasammaa Taaddasaa
2. Dargaggoo Gaaromaa Immiruu
3. Shamarree Katamee Gaarii
Jedhaman mana hidhaatti ukkaamsuun reebichaa fi qorannoon dhiibbaa jabaa irraan gahaa jira. Dargaggoota Oromoo kanneen mootummaan wayyaanee warra isaanii jala adhoksuun nyaataa fi uffataan dararamaa jiraachuun isaaniis beekamee jira.
Mootummaan wayyaanee amala kana kan barate Godina Harargee keessattis dargaggoo Ahmed Jeeylan jedhamu maqaa miseensa ABOn yakkuun mana hidhaatti ukkaamsee jira.

Ethiopia Supports Campaign Against International Court

A general view shows a section of the skyline in Ethiopia's capital Addis Ababa, Sept. 16, 2013.
A general view shows a section of the skyline in Ethiopia's capital Addis Ababa, Sept. 16, 2013

Marthe van der Wolf


Y.G(2005) | Fulbaana 20, 2013
Habaabileen keenya akaakilee keenyaaf , Biyyaa fi ummata seenaa mataa isaa qabu dhiisanii dabran . akaakileen keenya ammoo,Biyya walabummaa qabdu dhaalee, Biyya gabrummaa jalaatti kufte Abbootii keenyaaf dhaalsise dabre . Abbootiin keenyaa fi dhalooti isaan harkaa fuudhes, waan Abbootii isaanii irraa dhaalan bakkatti deebisuuf qabsoo wal irraa hin cinne gaggeessaa haa jiraatan malee, seenaan waggaa 150 olii, gabrummaa waliif dabarsuudha. Qooqa, aadaa, dudhaa, seenaa gabrummaa jalatti sukkumamu walii dabarsaa har’a geenye jirra. Biyyaa fi Ummati kabajamaan kun garuu har’allee gabrummaa jala jira. Dhalooti har’as , imaanaa abbootii isaa fi akaakilee isaa bakkatti deebisuuf , lubbuu isaa bakka bu’aa hin qabne wareeguuf gama hundaan sochii taasisaa jira.
Ani akkan hubadhutti, seenaan gabrummaa wal dhaalsiisuu kun dhaabbachuu kan dadhabeef, hanqina nuuti hubachuu dadhabne lama irraati natti fakkaata. Inni duraa waan habaabileen keenya Biyya walaboomte keessa isaan jiraachise san kan dhaallee nutti fakkaatu fi nu keessa jira jennu caalaa, waan diinni ittin nu cabsu qaama taasifachuu keenya hubachuu dhabuu yennaa ta’u, inni lammaaffaan, gootummaan habaabilee keenyaa innii haqaa nu keessa waan hin jirreefidha. Ni jenna malee , hojiin nu keessa hin jiru. Kun lameen sirritti nu keessa odoo jiraate, karaa dheeraa kana hin deemnu. Walis hin dhabnu. Walis hin danqinu.
Dhaalmaayaa seenaa wal irraa hin cinnee kana keessa , Ilmaan Oromoo addatti dhalooti har’aa waan of gaafachuu qabuutu jira. seenaan inni habaabilee isaa irraa dhufaa dabraan dhaale deebisuuf, tattaafachuun akka jirutti ta’ee, ani dhaloota itti aanuuf , Biyyaa fi Ummata gabrummaa keessa jiruun dhaalsiisamoo, Biyya Birmadummaan ishee kabachiifteen dhaalchisa ? jedhanii of gaafachuu qaban. amma yoomitti Biyya gabrummaa fi seenaa gabrummaa dhaloota dhaalsiisaa jiraannaa ? dhaalmaan akkasii yoom dhaabbata ? eenyu irratti dhaabbata ? maaf nu irratti akka dhaabbatuuf wareegama barbaachiftu kafallee seenaa haaraa , Biyya walboomte haaraa hin dhaalsiifnu ? jedhanii of gaafachuu qofaa odoo hin taane , murteeffachuu qabu .
Qabsoon Oromoo adeemsa kanaatti jira miti ? gaaffiin jedhu ka’uu ni mala . garuu akka amma jirruun odoo hin taane, wareegamni Bilisummaa keenyaaf nu barbaachisu salphaa akka hin taane hubatamee , dhalli Oromoo hundumtu bakka jirutti , gabrummaan ana irratti haa dhaabbatu ! jedhee kutannoo seena qabeessa murteeffatee, gamtaan ykn tokkummaan diina irratti ka’uun ala furmaatii biro akka hin jirre, sagalee tokkon muteeffachuun murteessaa waan ta’eefidha. Diinni har’a nu dura dhaabbate jiru , kan afaan qawween qofaa nu dura dhaabbate odoo hin taane, baroota keessa eenyummaa fi maalummaa keenya dhabamsiisuuf kan deemu ta’u irraa, nuutis, diina kana dhaabuuf Qawwee baadhachuu qofaa osoo hin taane, sabummaan keenya akka dhabamuuf diinni waan nu irratti hojjatu maraa of irraa qolachuun barbaachisaa ta’uu nu feesisa.
Gama kaaniin, dhalooti jiru hundumtu amma yoomitti seenaa fi qaba ture jennee dubbanna ? jechuun , waan furmaata jedhamee akeekame irratti xiyyeeffannee hojjachuun barbaachisaadha. Aadaan, seenaan, safuun, Afoolli , Maammaaksi kkf, kan abbootii fi akaakilee keenyaa kan dubbannu malee, dhalooti isaan booda jiru, dhaloota boriif maal kaa’ee jira ? jennee of gaaffannee seenaa hojjachuuf ka’uun murteessaadha. Aadaa fi seenaa Ummata kanaan sadarkaa barnootaa addunyaan itti jirtu geenyeerra. Eebbifamnee mindaa fufurdaa arganneerra . garuu waan Ummati kabajamaan kun qabu bakkatti deebisuuf sochiin taasifnu hanqachuu irraa, Biyyuma gabroomte, seenaama gabrummaa dhaalsiisaa jirra. Kun yoom dhaabbata ? eenyutu dhaaba ? gaaffiilee jedhan ofitti fudhannee mooraa qabsoo jabeessinee salphina keessaa ba’uuf hojjachuun barbaachisaadha.
Sabni gabrummaa jala turee fi gabrummaa jibbe, wareegama barbaachisu kafalanii Bilisoomanii , dhaadannoo , gabrummaan nu irratti haa ga’u ! jedhu dhugeessanii , dhaloota itti aanutti seenaa gabrummaa dhaalsisu irraa baraaramanii, Biyya Bilisoomte itti kennanii , seenaa haaraa dhaloota jiru ilaallatu hojjatanii dabran . kun gootummaadha. Nuutiwoo ?seenaa gabrummaa dubbachuu qofa odoo hin taane, dhaabuuf hojiin haa mul’ifnu. Wareegama malee bilisummaan akka hin jirre dhaloota jiru barsiisuu qofaa odoo hin taane, wareegama ba’u sun firii akka argatuf irratti haa hojjannu . nama wareegamaan seenaa jijjiru ta’uuf of haa qopheessinu.
Dhaloota itti aanu seenaa gabrummaa odoo hin taane, ykn gabroomu itti himuu osoo hin taane, akka itti bilisoomu itti himnee fi waliin dhaabbannee, seenaa haaraa hojjannee, Biyya bilisoomte ijoollee keenyaa dhaalsiisuuf haa hojjannu. Oromoon akkas tureen dhaabbate, Oromoon akkasii jechuutti ce’uu qabna. Hojiin siyaasaa dhimma Oromoo ilaallatu irratti hojjatamu qofaa miti, waggoota 50n dhufaniif gaaffiin Oromoo dhaabbachuu akka hin dandeenye ifadha. Gootummaan abbootii keenyaa seenaa qofaa ta’ee himamu hin qabu. Nu keessas seenee hojjachuu qaba. Onnee seenaa fi gootummaa Ummata keenyaa dubbatu qofa odoo hin taane, kan itti seenee seenaa hojjatu fi dhaloota itti aanuuf seenaa haaraa dhaalsiisu ta’uuf dirqama lammummaa haa gumaachinu.
Seenaan Oromiyaa fi Oromoo seenaa addunyaa keessatti akka hin haqamnetti katabameedha. Waggoota 22 dura seenaan Oromiyaa fi Oromoo beeksiisuu wareegama kafalameen lafa qabatee jira. Amma irra deebinee kan dubbannu hin jiru. Akka haaraattis wanni dhalootaaf himnu hin jiru. Biyyaa fi Ummata wareegamaan beekame kanatti iggitii gochuuf , marxifatanii hojjachuu qofaatu nurraa eegama. Seenaan Abbootii keenyaa har’a akka haaraatti dhaloota kanatti himnu kan jiru hin fakkaatu. Waan waltajjiif qofaa itti fayyadamnus miti. Seenaa saba kanaa bakkatti deebisuuf socha’uu qofaatu nurraa eegama. Seenaa dubbachuuf yoo ta’e, jala deemtoonni wayyaanee iyyuu guyyu lallaban.
Amma Bilisummaa Ummata kanaa kabachiisanii dhaloota itti aanu daandii mataa isaa irra akka imalu taasisuuf , hojii qabatamaatu barbaachisa. Dhaloota of gurmeessee lubbuu isaa diina duratti of kennaa jiru kana dhaqqabnee, akka wareegamni isaa firii malee hin hafneef cinaa isaa hiriiru qofaatu , seenaa durii qofaa haasa’aa akka hin hafne nu taasisa. Kana jechuun, seenaa dabre kaasuun hin barbaachisu odoo hin taane, seenaa haaraa galmeesisuutti haa fulleeffanuu jechuufidha. Dhalooti sadii seenaa wal fakkaataa hojjatee dabreera. Gabrummaa wal dhaalsisuu. Dhaloota amma jiru ammo seenaa haaraa hojiin argamu danda’u, harka keenya keessa jiru, hojitti jijjiiruuf haa hojjannu.carraan hegaree keenyaa nu harka jiraachuu eenyullee ragaaf hin waammannu.
Qabsoon walii galaa Oromoon bakka jiru maratti gaggeeffachuu danda’u baafannee tarkaanfachuun barbaachisaadha. Addunyaa kana irratti wanni diinaaf dhiifne teenye ilaallu tokkollee jiraachuu hin qabu. Bilisummaa barbaanna taanaan , Bilisummaan akka itti argamu danda’u  irratti hojjachuutu qoricha. Bilisummaan , Ummata Bilisummaa qabaachaa ture jennee waan dubbanneef jijjiiramu hin danda’u. akka gootoonni keenya , waggoota 150 oliif lubbuu isaanii bakka bu’aa hin qabne akkuma kafalanii dabran nuutis, murtee akkasiin of kakaasu qabna. Seenaan wal fakkaataan yeroo daddabalamu, umama keenya irraa rakkoo qabnaa ? jechuutti nu geessa malee, furmaata biro nu argamsiisuu hin danda’u.seenaan gootummaa abbootii keenya maaliif yeroo keenyatti hankaake hafa ?
Dhuguma Oromummaa habaabilee keenyaa dhaallerraa ? aadaa, qooqa , safuu dhaalle ykn dhaloota itti aanutti dabree jennawoo, waan dhaalle kun waan nurraa eegu maaf hin gumaachinu ? Oromummaa dhaallee ittin boonaa jirra yoo ta’e, Gootummaa Oromummaa kabachiisu maaf hin dhaalle ?Gootummaan abbootii keenya dhugumatti nu keessa jiraa ? yoo jiraate, diina golatti nu seene huunee waliin kan hin duuneef maali ? mallattoon gootummaa kanawoo ???????ijoollee ofii mana hidhaa keessaa reeffa guuruun gootummaa ta’u hin danda’u. salphina malee.
Dhalli Oromoo hundumtu seenaa gabrummaa fi Biyya gabrummaa jala jirtu hin dhaalsifnu jedhee bakka jirutti socha’uu qaba. Seenaa keenya keessatti akaakilee keenya gootummaan kan dhaadheessinu ta’uun qofti bu’aa hin qabu. Nuuti akka isaanii ta’uu hafuun keenya, hanqina ykn qaawwaa seenaa uumaa jiraachuu keenya beeku nu barbaachisa. Gootummaan sun maaf akaakilee keenya qofa irratti dhaabbata ? maaf natti hin ceene ? dhiiga hankaakeen dhaladhee ? jedhanii of gafachuun dansaadha.  Abbootiin keenya, gabrummaa dhaabuuf wareegaman malee , seenaa gabrummaa dubbachuuf hin wareegamne. Warri har’a cichoominaan itii jiranis kanuma. Kanaaf, seenaa gootummaa abbootii keenyaa bakkatti deebisuuf haa hojjannu . gootummaan saba keenyaa nu irra ga’ee maaliif dhaabbate ? mammaaksaa fi afolli akaakilee keenyaa qofaa dubbachuun dhaabbatee, dhalooti har’as mammaaksa bara kana keessaa uumee dhalota boriif dabarsuu qaba. Dandeettin isaanii sun  maaf nutti hin ceene ? maaf seenaa isaanii qofaa kan dubbannu taane hafne ? hundu of gaafate gaaffii seenaa jalaa of baasuuf haa hojjatu.
Abbootiin keenya Bilisummaan dhiiga malee akka hin argamne hubatanii of laatan. Nuutiwoo ? mammaaksa isaanii fi dhaadannoo isaanii qofaa katabnee ykn dubbannee Bilisummaa argachuu dandeenyaa ? kun mataan isaa seenaa hanqina qalbii keessatti galmaa’a . kanaaf Bilisummaa qofa dubbanne eessallee akka hin geenye hubannee , Bilisummaan waan nu gaaffattu keessaa amma tokko gumaachuuf haa murannu. Seenaa haaraa haa hojjannu . amma yoomitti abbootiin keenya jennee hafna ? seenaan qabsoo Oromoo gootummaan beekamu, gootummaan isaa dhaloota kanaan mirkanaa’ee Biyya walaboomtee fi ummata bilisoome dhaloota haaraa haa dhaalsifnu.dhalootii kun seenaa haaraaf haa socha’u. Biyyoonni ykn saboonni seenaa isaanii waggoota 400 fi 150 deeffatanii nu irratti dhaadachaa fi burraaqaa jiran. Nuuti woo ? isaan seenaa abbootii isaanii dubbachuun qofa  hin hafne . hojiin argisiisanii , seenaa abbootii isaanii gabrummaa nu irratti gadi jabeessan. Nuutiwoo ? gabroomu qofaaf umamne ? moo abbooti keenyatti ba’uu dhabnee , gabrummaa of irratti kunuunsina ? gootummaan isaanii ,maaf bara keenya hankaake ? of haa gaafannu.
Tan Dabre:
5. MATAA NU MARAA JIRUU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kutaa 3ffaa
4. “MATAA NU MARAA JIRUU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” kutaa 2ffaa
3. “MATAA NU MARAA JIRUU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” kutaa 1ffaa

Paarlaamaan Awrooppaa gaazexeessota Itiyoopiyaa hidhaa keessa jiran iif beekkannaa kenne

Nigeria/Ethiopia: Edema Writes Off Ethiopia

Ex-international Benson Edema has written off Ethiopia's chances of qualifying for the FUFA World Cup in Brazil.
The Eastern African nation have been paired to face African champions, the Super Eagles in the final playoffs for the 2014 soccer showpiece and despite causing the ouster of South Africa from the qualifying race and being amongst the last 10 standing teams on the continent, Edema insists that the Ethiopians pose no serious obstacle to Nigeria's bid of clinching a World Cup ticket in November.
As a seeded team, the Eagles have the advantage of playing the second leg of the playoffs at home. The first leg holds in the period of October 11-15 in Addis Ababa while the reverse fixture in Nigeria comes up around November 15-19.
"This is about the easiest draw that I have seen in recent years in our road to qualify for the World Cup. It is just too easy to believe that we are playing Ethiopia but that s the makeup of draws. It is either easy or very difficult. And fortunately for us, we are playing against the easiest side of the lot", Edema told Sports Vanguard.
Continuing, the 1983 Flying Eagles star said "we should thank our stars that we are playing Ethiopia because it could have been a different kettle of fish if we were drawn to face any Cameroon and Senegal. Then we would have appreciated the more why we should thank our stars for this lucky draw.
"We have a crop of players who are determined to fight for their place in the World Cup. It is not Ethiopia that would stop them from reaching Brazil 2014. Certainly not. I see us beating them in their country and in Calabar, which has become a fortress for us", added Edema.
He urged Coach Stephen Keshi to stick the winning team when Eagles confront Ethiopia next month.
"This is not the time to start changing plan and players. Keshi must feature the players who earned him victory at the Nations Cup and have been steadfast in honouring the call to national duty all this while if we are qualify for the World Cup finals", said Edema

Ethiopia admits imposing new restrictions against jailed journalist

By Tesfa-Alem Tekle
September 19, 2013 (ADDIS ABABA) – The Ethiopian government on Thursday admitted imposing new visitor restrictions against journalist Reeyot Alemu, who remains in prison on terrorism-related offenses.
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Reeyot Alemu (CPJ)
“Reeyot Alemu has repeatedly violated prison laws, she is abusive and ill-reputed. As a result prison officials, according to the law, have taken disciplinary measures”, government spokesperson, Shimels Kemal told Sudan Tribune.
Kemal said the latest restrictions were only imposed on her regular visitors and not her relatives.
However, the official warned that if Alemu continues to violate prison laws and regulations, authorities have the right to even restrict her from having any visitors.
Press freedom group, the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), said the new restrictions were in retaliation against a hunger strike she began on Wednesday in protest against orders by prison authorities to turn in a list of her visitors.
Alemu, who has been a columnist for the banned private weekly Fitih, was detained in June 2011 after she was found guilty of terrorism related charges.
Her original 14-year sentence was reduced to five years last August after an appeal lodged at the Federal Supreme Court.
International right groups have condemned the measures and are calling for an urgent lifting of the new restrictions.
"We call upon the Ethiopian authorities to lift these latest restrictions and allow Reeyot Alemu to receive all visitors," said CPJ East Africa Consultant Tom Rhodes.
"She is a journalist, not a criminal, and should not be behind bars," Rhodes added.
CPJ said the denial of rights to Reeyot runs counter to the Ethiopian Constitution, which states: "All persons shall have the opportunity to communicate with, and to be visited by, their spouses or partners, relatives and friends, religious counselors, lawyers and medical practitioners."
Reporters Without Borders similarly condemned the decision and expressed grave concern over her situation.
"The denial of visitors to Reyot Alemu is endangering her mental health," Reporters Without Borders said.
"This further deterioration in her situation compounds the already deplorable conditions that she has endured for more than two years. We call for her immediate and unconditional release."
Speaking to Sudan Tribune, government spokesperson, Shimels Kemal stressed that Reyot Alemu was not a journalist and addressing her as journalist must be corrected.
“She is professionally an elementary school teacher and occasionally writing to a little known circulation won’t make her a journalist” he said.
He added she was involved with a terrorist network and was accordingly found guilty by court.
“It is not right for CPJ to stand by someone who is not a journalist. CPJ is taking wild imaginations only aimed to blame Ethiopia and tarnish [the] country’s image” Kemal further said.