Saturday, September 14, 2013

Oromo Youth protested against dictatorial Ethiopian regime in Oslo, Norway

Today September 14, Oromo youth in Norway, protested in front of Norwegian Parliament in Oslo against the dictatorial Ethiopian regime for human right violation and crimes made against humanity , on Oromo students , Oromo political prisoners as an example by mentioning what happens on Engineer Tesfahun Chemeda. Additionally the youth asked United Nation, European Union ,USA, and country’s like Norway to stop financing the TPLF regime against Oromo people !
Here are some of the pictures taken during the demonstration


Heavy fighting’s between ONLF and Ethiopia coalition Troops reported in Ogaden, 52 Ethiopian coalition troops, and 12 ONLF was killed

ONLF Fighters in Ogaden

By Mohamed Faarah

14 September 2013

Ogadentoday Press)- A heavy fighting between, Ogaden National Liberation Front, "ONLF” a secessionist group fighting for the independence of Ogaden Region in eastern Ethiopia, populated by Somali ethnic and Ethiopian Troops is reported.

A according to a report received by Ogadentoday Press , About 150 ONLF fighters attacked on military Camp located at Hoolla, a small village between Dhagahbour and Jigjiga, a capital city of local administration.

The report says, the camp surrounded by ONLF's forces near Jigjiga on 9 September.

According to a report published by ONLF, 41 attacks were carried on; the government has cut off the telecommunication on the area.

A pro-government website published on last week on Tuesday that heavy clashes took place in Ogaden, and senior Liyu Police and Ethiopian officers were killed in meanwhile ONLF senior member was captured alive in other attack.

Local residents in Kebribayah, a district at Jigjiga province confirmed to Ogadentoday Press that ONLF took control of the military Camp and took 41 guns including 9 RBG, A rocket-propelled grenade, and other guns.

52, Ethiopian coalition troops, including, local Liyu Police, a paramilitary police of regional state was killed in, meanwhile report says 13 ONLF fighters were killed in the operation.

It is very hard to prove, how well, the attack happened and the number of death, since there is no an independent media allowed in Ogaden, Ethiopia has barred off, Ogaden Region international media.

Government and ONLF has not yet commented officially the attacks.

ONLF (from Somali Region)is the most effective secessionist Somali rebel group in Ethiopia, and seeking the self-determination of Ogaden Somali Region in eastern Ethiopia. They have waged a war against Ethiopian troops in Ogaden since 1994.

Last year, Ethiopia and ONLF held a peace-negotiation in Kenya but stalled, there are ongoing efforts to continue the dialogue, a source close to mediators told Ogadentoday Press.

Right groups accused the government of Ethiopia committing genocide in Ogaden region; same experts label the region, as Darfur of Ogaden, Ethiopia denies the allegation.

Western countries view ONLF as secessionist group fighting for self-determination of their people and region, but wants to solve the conflict on politically peaceful way. 

According to the historians and the colonial agreements records Ogaden was handed over to Ethiopia by the British kingdom in the late of 19Th century. Britain ruled the Ogaden after when the Italian was ousted from the Horn of Africa.

Britain administration in Ogaden was formally known as, British Military Administration of Ogaden(BMAO).

The region is populated by Somali ethnic group, and estimated 5.5 but Ogaden people believe in that they are 7 million.

The natural resources mainly Gas and Oil is believed in reserved in Ogaden Somali Region.

Ambo Micro College Keessaa Barachaa Kanneen Turan Barattooti Oromoo Lama Bakka Buuteen Isaan Dhabme.

Sochii warraaqsa Bilisummaa fi Dimokraasiif dargaggoonnii fi barattooti Oromoo deemsisaa turan waliin kan wal qabate yeroo adda addaatti mootummaa Wayyaaneen doorisifamaa kanneen turan barattooti Oromoo hordoffii tikni diinaa yeroo gara garaa irratti taasiseen tureen ,barattooti Oromo lama Mesgene Dhimmaa fi Ababu Dhimmaa Baayyisaa kanneen jedhaman Hagayya 07,2013 irraa eegalee Kolleejjii  barataa turan keessaa bakka buuteen isaanii dhabamuu gabaasi Qeerroo Ambo irraa addeessa.
Haalli kun kan yaaddesse qeerroon nanneen hidhaa naannoo Amboo fi bakkoota biro keessatti iyyaafachiisaa akka jiru dhaamsi dhaqabe beeksisa.
Kana maleen mootummaan Wayyaanee yaaddoo barruuleen warraaqsaa bakkoota adda addatti maxxanfamaa fi raabsamaa jiru irraa kan ka’e godina Ilu-Abbaa Booraa magaalaa Baddallee keessatti humna waraanaa fi tikaa heddummeessuun dabballooti ABO magaala kana seenaniiru sababa jedhuun bufata adda addaa fi bakka oolmaa dargaggootaa sakata’aa akka jiru Qeerroon godhina kanaa gabaasa.

Konyaan ABO Adelaide Yeroo Duraaf Kora Waggaa Gaggeeffatan

Haala qabsoon Oromoo irratti ibsa godhameen boodas gaaffilee mana keessaa ka’aniif deebiin kennamee jira. Keessayyuu, Kaayyoo Oromoo tiksuu fi milkeessuu irratti sochiin karaa ABO godhamaa jiru amma illee kana hin daddaaqamne ta’uun marii kana irratti ibsamee jira.
Xumura irrattis hirmaatoti Kora Konyaa ABO Adelaide ibsa ejjennoo baafatan keessatti kutannoo fi murannoo qabsoon Oromoo milkeessuuf qaban irra deebi’anii mirkaneessuun, umurii sirna wayyaanee dararaa fi dhumaatiin adeemaa jiru gabaabsuuf waan danda’an maraan akka hojjatan waadaa isaanii haaromsanii jiru.More at gadaa

Statement of peaceful demonstration of the Oromo Community in the United Kingdom

Demonstration 13 Sept 2013 002

Today, 13 September 2013, members of the Oromo Community in the UK, protested against human rights violations and brutal killing exercised by the criminal Ethiopian Government.
The aim of the protest was to stand against Human rights abuses and the brutal killings of thousand s of Oromos including Engineer Tesfahun Chemeda and the Massacred Muslim Oromos in Arsi.  The arbitrary arrest, torture, extra-judicial killings, mass murder & disappearances are not only the day- to- day practices in Ethiopia, but also reached the highest peak.  For example,  the Oromia Support Group in United Kingdom, a non-political organization that raise awareness of human rights violations in Ethiopia, has reported four thousand two hundred seventy nine (4,279) extra-judicial killings and 987 disappearances of civilians in Ethiopia from 1994 – 2010. These figures do not include the unreported killings and secret arrests that are exercised at several corners in the country particularly in Oromia region. The recent shocking incidents were the killings of twenty- seven innocent civilians including five children in Kofale, Arsi region of Oromia on August 3, 2013. and the murder of Engineer Tesfahun Chemeda who has been tortured and killed in Kaliti prison custody on August 24, 2013.
The surprising news was that, despite all the repressions and killings, the Ethiopia Government was privileged to be the top aid recipient in Africa. Currently, the Ethiopian government is receiving $500,000,000 every year ($2 billion in the next 4 years) from the UK government alone.  According to the current trend, the size of this aid is increasing and there is also a plan for huge investment at the cost of poor Oromo farmers’ displacement due to the land grab. The donors say ‘’we are trying to help the millions of very poor, very vulnerable Ethiopians improve their lives’’. But the reality on the ground is that they are financing the government who is terrorizing and suppressing its people and increasing poverty, while enriching the government officials and few of their cliques.
A number of independent bodies accused the Ethiopian government for using the aid money for repression and sidelining the opposition into submission.  Also the Ethiopian Government officials openly use their power to enrich their families and close friends with the aid money. The corruption, poverty and injustice increased alarmingly at a higher rate in Ethiopia as the aid money goes up. Sowhere is the help for the poor?
We believe that the UK and US Governments are fully aware of all sorts of human rights abuses exercised by the Ethiopia Government. However, they give deaf ears to these repressive and brutal government actions and provide the huge tax payers’ money and give moral and technical supports.  Therefore, we appeal to the UK government, the US government and the international community:
  • To stop indirect or direct involvements in activities suppressing the struggle of the Oromo and other victims of the brutal Ethiopian Government by revising their aid plan.
  • To seek justice for Engineer Tesfahun Chemeda who has been murdered while he was under the custody of the Ethiopian regime.
  • To seek justice for the twenty seven innocent Muslims, including 5 children, who have been massacred in Kofale, Arsi region of Oromia by the Ethiopian Government?
  • To support the Oromo and other victimized communities in Ethiopia to overcome injustice and help them to live in freedom, peace, and democracy and achieve stability in the region.
The Oromo community in the UK
London, September 13, 2013.
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