Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Godina Shawaa lixaa keessatti diddaan Uummataa fi barattootaa itti fufe. Wayyaaneen duula hidhaan Uummataa fi barataa dura dhaabbachaa jirti.

Gurraandhala 19,2014 Finfinnee
Diddaan Uummata Oromoo Mootummaa Wayyaanee irratti eegale haalaan jabaachaa dhufuun mootummaa Wayyaanee yaaddoo guddaa keessa buuse. Haalli kunis haalaan jabaachaa kan dhufe Yuunivarsiitii Amboo keessatti Wayyaaneen barattoota Oromoo isintu diddaa kana jabeessaa jira, Adda durummaan kan gaggeessaa jiru isini jechuun barsiisota mana barnootaa sadarkaa lammaffaa fi Hojjetoota dhuunfaa mana hidhaatti ukkaamsaa jira. Uummatni Oromoo naannoo Amboo 40 ol tahan mana hidhaa mootummaa wayyaaneetti kan ukkaamsaman yoommuu tahu, Ilmaan Oromoo mana hidhaa mootummaa wayyaanee keessatti ukkaamsaman keessaa
1. Barataa Jabeessaa Nagarii Barataa Civil Engineering waggaa 3ffaa
2. Barataa Kamaal Sulxaan barataa seeraa waggaa 4ffaa
3. Barsiisaa Solomon Gaarii barsiisaa mana barnootaa sadarkaa lammaffaa
4. Barataa Fayyisaa Habtee barataa Afaan Oromoo waggaa 2ffaa
5. Hojjetaa dhuunfaa Gaaddisaa Reebaa jiraataa magaala Amboo
Kanneen tahan kanneen mana hidhaa mootummaa wayyaanee keessatti ukkaamsaman keessatti argamu. Diddaan Uummataas daran jabaachaa deemuun sakattainsi olaanaan magaala Gincii, Gudar, Geedoo keessatti gaggeeffamaa kan jiru yoo waraanni 200 ol tahu magaala Baakkootti ramadamuun wayita seenaa jirutti Uummatni karaa itti cufuun deemsa waraana mootummaa wayyaanee karaatti hambisee jira. Mootummaan wayyaanee shira kamuu gaggeessus diddaan Uummataa hanga bilisummaa jabaatee akka itti fufu qeerroon Godina Shawaa lixaa addeessee jira.

Sudan declares neutrality in Renaissance Dam problem, offers mediation between Egypt and Ethiopia

Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam

Sudanese Foreign Minister Ali Karti told the Sudan Tribune on Tuesday that his country remains neutral toward the Renaissance Dam problem between Cairo and Addis Ababa.
“We do not take part in that problem because we have common interests with both countries,” he said.
“The outstanding differences between Ethiopia and Egypt will not be resolved by screaming condescending statements in the media,” he said. “We will mediate for a solution.”
The minister's statement marks a shift in Sudan’s position, as it had announced before that the dam is a common interest.
He added that Sudan is providing technical assistance for the construction of the dam.
Karti also said he would visit Egypt soon.
In a related development, Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir praised relations between his country and Ethiopia, saying they are eternal. “Sudan is a second home for Ethiopians,” he said on Tuesday during a celebration of the Tigrayan Popular Liberation Front that leads the ruling coalition in Ethiopia on its 39th anniversary.

Tension mounts in Moyale after latest clashes

_h353_w628_m6_otrue_lfalseFebruary 19, 2014 (MSN Kenya News) – Tension remains high in northern Moyale following renewed inter-ethnic clashes on Sunday night between Borona, Gabra and Burji and left thousands of families displaced.
Isaiah Nakoru, Marsabit County Commissioner, said on Monday that the number of those killed and injured in the renewed inter-tribal clashes was still not clear and some of the families that fled into Ethiopia were vulnerable groups that included women, children and the aged.
“The clashes started on Sunday and we have not established the number of those killed or displaced but tension is high in the area.”
He, however, confirmed that hundreds of people had fled the area due to the fighting but assured that the police would restore peace and order in the trouble town.
Nakoru said the government had deployed contingent of security officials to battle it out with the militias in the region which has been experiencing one of the worst continued inter-clan feuds.
He said the police and the Kenya defence forces will also use choppers to locate the militias and flush them out of the region.
“We have hundreds of officers now patrolling the border areas to seal their escape routes in order to apprehend them,” he said.
Diba Huka, a villager from Gurumesa, attributed to deep seated issues that outweigh the inter-communal crisis previously believed to have been worsened by cattle rustling and dispute over pasture and fuelled by historical land differences.
He said the families were forced to flee after the fighting intensified with a section of groups using mortars and sophisticated arms to attack and loot shops and homes.
“We could not establish the number of those killed or injured because everybody was struggling to get out of the villages to Ethiopia,” He said.
“The Kenyans in Moyale started moving into Ethiopia on Sunday after clashes that saw gun battles rage throughout the night.”
Analysts said the feuding pastoralist communities in Kenya’s north and southeast where recent clashes have been occurring have easy access to illegal weapons since the regions are close to porous borders with neighbouring countries that are either war-torn or are emerging from conflict.
It said the conflict over natural resources, especially access and utilisation of the waters of the River Tana, has been contentious for a while, leading to frequent clashes by pastoralists and farmers in the county.
Also the relief agencies said political competition for positions in the newly restructured seats in the legislature and administrative posts which were created in a new constitution that Kenya adopted in 2010 is causing the violence.

Ethiopia: Land, Water Grabs Devastate Communities

Satellite Images Show Devastating Toll on 500,000 Pastoralists
FEBRUARY 19, 2014
Ethiopia can develop its land and resources but it shouldn’t run roughshod over the rights of its indigenous communities. The people who rely on the land for their livelihoods have the right to compensation and the right to reject plans that will completely transform their lives.
Leslie Lefkow, deputy Africa director
(Nairobi) – New satellite imagery shows extensive clearance of land used by indigenous groups to make way for state-run sugar plantations inEthiopia’s Lower Omo Valley, Human Rights Watch and International Rivers said today. Virtually all of the traditional lands of the 7,000-member Bodi indigenous group have been cleared in the last 15 months, without adequate consultation or compensation. Human Rights Watch has also documented the forced resettlement of some indigenous people in the area.

The land clearing is part of a broader Ethiopian government development scheme in the Omo Valley, a United National Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Site, including dam construction, sugar plantations, and commercial agriculture. The project will consume the vast majority of the water in the Omo River basin, potentially devastating the livelihoods of the 500,000 indigenous people in Ethiopia and neighboring Kenya who directly or indirectly rely on the Omo’s waters for their livelihoods.

“Ethiopia can develop its land and resources but it shouldn’t run roughshod over the rights of its indigenous communities,” said Leslie Lefkow, deputy Africa director at Human Rights Watch. “The people who rely on the land for their livelihoods have the right to compensation and the right to reject plans that will completely transform their lives.”

A prerequisite to the government’s development plans for the Lower Omo Valley is the relocation of 150,000 indigenous people who live in the vicinity of the sugar plantations into permanent sedentary villages under the government’s deeply unpopular “villagization” program. Under this program, people are to be moved into sedentary villages and provided with schools, clinics, and other infrastructure. As has been seen in other parts of Ethiopia, these movements are not all voluntary.
Satellite images analyzed by Human Rights Watch show devastating changes to the Lower Omo Valley between November 2010 and January 2013, with large areas originally used for grazing cleared of all vegetation and new roads and irrigation canals crisscrossing the valley. Lands critical for the livelihoods of the agro-pastoralist Bodi and Mursi peoples have been cleared for the sugar plantations. These changes are happening without their consent or compensation, local people told Human Rights Watch. Governments have a duty to consult and cooperate with indigenous people to obtain their free and informed consent prior to the approval of any project affecting their lands or territories and other resources.

The imagery also shows the impact of a rudimentary dam built in July 2012 that diverted the waters of the Omo River into the sugar plantations. Water rapidly built up behind the shoddily built mud structure before breaking it twice. The reservoir created behind the dam forced approximately 200 Bodi families to flee to high ground, leaving behind their crops and their homes.

In a 2012 report Human Rights Watchwarned of the risk to livelihoods and potential for increased conflict and food insecurity if the government continued to clear the land. The report also documented how government security forces used violence and intimidation to make communities in the Lower Omo Valley relocate from their traditional lands, threatening their entire way of life with no compensation or choice of alternative livelihoods.

The development in the Lower Omo Valley depends on the construction upstream of a much larger hydropower dam – the Gibe III, which will regulate river flows to support year-round commercial agriculture.

new film produced by International Rivers, “A Cascade of Development on the Omo River,” reveals how and why the Gibe III will cause hydrological havoc on both sides of the Kenya-Ethiopia border. Most significantly, the changes in river flow caused by the dam and associated irrigated plantations could cause a huge drop in the water levels of Lake Turkana, the world’s largest desert lake and another UNESCO World Heritage site.

Lake Turkana receives 90 percent of its water from the Omo River and is projected to drop by about two meters during the initial filling of the dam, which is estimated to begin around May 2014. If current plans to create new plantations continue to move forward, the lake could drop as much as 16 to 22 meters. The average depth of the lake is just 31 meters.

The river flow past the Gibe III will be almost completely blocked beginning in 2014. According to government documents, it will take up to three years to fill the reservoir, during which the Omo River’s annual flow could drop by as much as 70 percent. After this initial shock, regular dam operations will further devastate ecosystems and local livelihoods. Changes to the river’s flooding regime will harm agricultural yields, prevent the replenishment of important grazing areas, and reduce fish populations, all critical resources for livelihoods of certain indigenous groups.

The government of Ethiopia should halt development of the sugar plantations and the water offtakes until affected indigenous communities have been properly consulted and give their free, prior, and informed consent to the developments, Human Rights Watch and International Rivers said. The impact of all planned developments in the Omo/Turkana basin on indigenous people’s livelihoods should be assessed through a transparent, independent impact assessment process.

“If Ethiopia continues to bulldoze ahead with these developments, it will devastate the livelihoods of half a million people who depend on the Omo River,” said Lori Pottinger, head of International Rivers’ Ethiopia program. “It doesn’t have to be this way – Ethiopia has options for managing this river more sustainably, and pursuing developments that won’t harm the people who call this watershed home.”
Ethiopia’s Lower Omo Valley is one of the most isolated and underdeveloped areas in East Africa. At least eight different groups call the Omo River Valley home and the livelihood of each of these groups is intimately tied to the Omo River and the surrounding lands. Many of the indigenous people that inhabit the valley are agro-pastoralist, growing crops along the Omo River and grazing cattle.

In 2010, Ethiopia announced plans for the construction of Africa’s tallest dam, the 1,870 megawatt Gibe III dam on the Omo River. Controversy has dogged the Gibe III dam ever since. Of all the major funders who considered the dam, only China’s Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) provided financing (the World Bank, African Development Bank, and European Investment Bank all declined to fund it, though the World Bank and African Development Bank have financed related power lines).

The Ethiopian government announced even more ambitious plans for the region in 2011, including the development of at least 245,000 hectares of irrigated state-run sugar plantations. Downstream, the water-intensive sugar plantations, will depend on irrigation canals. Although there have been some independent assessments of the Gibe dam project and its impact on river flow and Lake Turkana, to date the Ethiopian government has not published any environmental or social impact assessments for the sugar plantations and other commercial agricultural developments in the Omo valley.

According to the regional government plan for villagization in Lower Omo, the World Bank-supported Pastoral Community Development Project (PCDP) is funding some of the infrastructure in the new villages. Despite concerns over human rights abuses associated with the villagization program that were communicated to Bank management, in December 2013 the World Bank Board approved funding of the third phase of the PCDP III. PCDP III ostensibly provides much-needed services to pastoral communities throughout Ethiopia, but according to government documents PCDP also pays for infrastructure being used in the sedentary villages that pastoralists are being moved to.

The United States Congress in January included language in the 2014 Appropriations Act that puts conditions on US development assistance in the Lower Omo Valley requiring that there should be consultation with local communities; that the assistance “supports initiatives of local communities to improve their livelihoods”; and that no activities should be supported that directly or indirectly involve forced evictions.

However other donors have not publicly raised concerns about Ethiopia’s Lower Omo development plans. Justine Greening, the British Secretary of State for International Development, in 2012 stated that her Department for International Development (DFID) was not able to “substantiate the human rights concerns” in the Lower Omo Valley despite DFID officials hearing these concerns directly from impacted communities in January 2012.


Sudan FM criticises Egypt over Ethiopian dam dispute

(KHARTOUM) –Sudanese foreign minister Ali Karti has criticised Egypt for its handling of a dispute involving the construction of a massive dam project in Ethiopia, which it has vehemently opposed over concerns it could disrupt water flows from the Nile river.

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Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, when completed, will reduce the capacity of the Aswan High Dam, helping to save about six billion cubic metres of water. Image courtesy of Hajor.
Karti said Egypt was further inflaming the situation by making critical comments in the media, adding that Sudan would continue its efforts to bridge the gap between the two countries.

“The position of Sudan is clear and we have already called on Egyptian officials to take advantage of the central role that Sudan could play regarding the crisis, but the arrogance of the previous government did not allow them to accept this idea,” he said.

“If there is a room for a role that Sudan can play then the atmosphere must be clear away from the tensions and the cries over the media that do more harm than good,” he added.

Karti and Sudanese president Omer Hassan al-Bashir returned home from Ethiopia on Tuesday from Ethiopia, where they were participating in celebrations marking the 39th anniversary of the establishment of the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front (TPLF). Sudan played a key role in supporting the Ethiopian rebel group, who managed to bring down the regime of Mengistu Haile Mariam in 1991.

Bashir also held talks with Ethiopia’s prime minister Haile-Mariam Desalegn on the sidelines of the events, which Karti said addressed ways to strengthen bilateral trade to serve their countries’ interests.

Speaking to reporters at Khartoum airport following his return, Karti said Ethiopia and Sudan had agreed to open border crossings and activate existing economic and trade committees between the two countries.
He denied that Sudan is taking sides in the dispute over the Ethiopian Grand Renaissance Dam (EGRD) because of it has joint interests in both nations.

Egypt fears that the $4.6 billion hydropower plant will diminish its share of the river’s water flows, arguing its historic water rights must be maintained.

Ethiopia is the source of about 85% of the Nile’s water, mainly through rainfall in its highlands, with over 90% of Egyptians relying on water from the Nile’s flows.

In June, a panel of international experts tasked with studying the impacts of the Ethiopian dam on lower riparian countries, including Sudan and Egypt, found that the dam project will not cause significant harm to either country.
Cairo remains unconvinced and has sought further studies and consultation with Khartoum and Addis Ababa.
Sudan angered its Egyptian neighbour to the north by accepting the final findings and offering to send experts and technicians to help in the dam’s construction, a move welcomed by Ethiopia.

The Sudanese foreign minister is expected to travel to Cairo in the coming days, local media have reported.

Duula karaa Qindaayee fi Walirraa Hin Cinneen Oromoorratti Gaggeeffamaa Jiru!

Baarentuu Gadaarraa | Guraandhala 18, 2014
Yeroo ammaa kana akkuma hunduu quba qabu karaa qindaawee fi walirraa hin cinneen duulli maqa baleessii, seenaa Oromoo xiqqeessanii fi xureessanii dhiheessuu midiyaalee adda addaatiin geggeeffamaa jira. Duulli jumlaadhan saba Oromoo arrabsuurratti fuullefate kun kan gaggeeffamaa jirus karaa medialee Nafxanyootaa fi leellistoota sirna gabrummaan marsaalee adda adaa, TV fi Raadiyoolee biyyoota Lixaa keessa maadheeffatanii fi fakkaattoota isaanii biyya keessa jiraniin ta’uun ifaa dha. Midiyaalee kana ammoo akkuma beekamu kan abbummaadhan gaggeessaa jiru harcaatoota ilmaan Nafaxanyootaa fi warreen wayyaaneedhaan harka lafa jalaan mahaalaqaan hirphamanii dha.Diinoonni Oromoo kaleessaa hanaga ammaa rafaniifii hin beekne kun har’a yeroo kamiyyuu caalaa karaa qindaayeen kan itti jiran karaa midiyaalee hololaa biyyoota alaatti banatanii fi biyyaa qabaniin ifatti bahaniis, dhokatanis ummata Oromoo maqaa balleessuu fi seenaa isaa dabsuun arrabsoo gaggeessaa jiru. Ilmaan weerartootaa biyyoota lixaa keessa maadheeffatan kun hojiin isaanii duula walirraa hin cinneen ummata Oromoo arrabsuufi xiqqeessuuf yaalu dha. Warreen biyya keessa jiran muraasnis haaluma wal fakkaatuun gargaarsaa fi hirpha ilmaan nafaxanyootaa fi wayyaaneetiin kan afaan hiikkachaa jiran ummata Oromoo arrabsuu fi seenaa isaa jaldhisanii dhiheessuuf dogoggora oolee bule isaanuma hubu tarrisaa oolu dha. Har’a eenyumtuu yoo marsaalee/weebsaayitoota dhimma Itiyoophiyaarratti xiyyeeffatan saaqe kan muldhatuu fi dubbifamu harki 90 fi sanaan ol kan saba Oromoorratti xiyyeeffatuu dha. Innis beektoota ykn hayyoota Oromoo maqaa dhahanii arrabsuu, xiqqeessuu, tuffachuu, akkasumas dhaaboolee siyaasaa fi jaarmiyaalee Oromoo kanneen bilisummaa Oromootiif hojjetan tuffachuu, yakkuu fi holola maqa balleessii irratti gaggeessuu dha. Uummata Oromoo akka sabaatti jumlaadhan arrabsuu, seenaa isaa dabsanii fi xureessanii akka ofii barbaadanitti karaa midiyaalee isaanii dhiheessu dha.
Yakkamtoonni saba Oromoo fi beektoota isaa arbasuu fi xiqqeessuurratti akkasumas dhaabolee fi jaarmiyaalee Oromoof hojjetan maqaa yakkuurratti bobba’an kun kan ifatti eenyummaan isaanii beekamu akkuma jiran kanneen hafan ammoo ajajaa fi deeggarsa mahaalaqaa ilmaan Nafaxanyootaa fi Wayyaaneerraa argataniin maqaa masoo adda addaa moggaafatanii karaa marsaalee diriirfatan kanaan saba Oromoo arrabsaa oolu. Seenaa saba Oromoo ta’e jedhanii dabsaa fi seenaa abbootii isaanii; seenaa afoola fi diritoo Qeesota isaanii facaasaa oolu. Ilmaan nafaxanyootaa fi jaleewwan isaanii kun haaluma wal fakkaatuun karaaRaadiyoolee fi TV biyyoota lixaa keessa madheeffataniin kan xibaaraa oolanii fi bulan harki guddaan kan saba Oromoorratti, hayyootaa fi jaarmiyaalee isaarratti xiyyeeffatuu dha. Kan hojii isaanii ijoo ta’eef dursa kennaniifi irraa hololaa oolanii bulan seenaa sobaa fi dabaa isaanii hafarsuu, seenaa saba Oromoo ammooo xiqqeessu, seenaa diritoo fi sobaa Dabtaroota isaanitiin barraawe jedhan kaasanii Oromoorratti duula walirraa hin cinne gaggeessuu dha.
Hololli kun akkuma hundi keenyaa quba qabnu yeroo ammaa kana baldhinaan walitti hidhamiinsa midiyaalee biyya alaa jiranii fi biyya keessa jiran muraasaan gaggeeffamaa jira.Walitti hidhamanii alaa manatti saba Oromoo arrabsuurratti bobba’uu isaaniitiif ammoo ragaan tokko akkuma warreen biyoota lixaa keessa maadheffatan seenaa Oromoo dabsaa fi xiqqeessaa oolan; fixiinsa miniliki saba Oromoorratti raawwate haaluun ykn akka gootummaatti dhaadheessuun Sirbituun Habashaa Teedyii Afroon dubbate biyya keessatti maxxansanii facaasuu isaanii ti.
Ilmaan Nafaxanyootaa biyya keessaa fi ala jiran kanaaf beekaa fi hayyuun Oromoo beekaa miti, isaaniif doofaa homaa hin beekne dha. Sabboontoonni, Dhaaboleen siyaasaa fi jaarmiyaaleen mirga Oromootiif qabsaawan isaan biratti warra biyya diigu, farra Itiyoophiyaa fi Fenxaalessitoota. Fixiinsii miniliki Oromoorratti raawwates isaaniif biyya ijaaruu dha. Boddeessitonni arrabsoo fi tuffii Oromoorratti bobba’an kunkana bira darbaniis ifatti “Sabni Oromoo dhiheenya Itiyoophiyaa dhufee, isatu biyya isaa malee dhufee nuweeraree”jechuun holola walirraa hin cinne gaggeessaa jiru. Gaafi fi deebii karaa Raadiyoo fi TV dhiheessaniin, barruulee karaa marsaalee adda addaa facaasaniin Oromoo fi beektoota isaa, dhaaboolee fi jaarmiyaalee isaa arrabsaa oolu. Dhugaa kana namni Raadiyoo fi TV akksumas marsaalee ilmaan nafaxanyootaatin banaman, kanneen wayyaaneedhaan harka lafa jalaatiin deeggaraman kana dubbisee fi dhaggeeffate hubachuu danda’a.Arrabsooni fi gochi maqa balleessii saba Oromoorratti gaggeeffamu guyyuu tamsa’aa oola waan ta’eef. Warreen kun maaf seenaa sobaa, seenaa diritoo Qeesonni isaanii barreessan qabatanii kaaniis ofii uumanii fi itti dabalanii saba Oromoo xiqqeessuu fi arrabsurratti bobba’an? Maaf hayyoota fi beektoota Oromoo akksumas jaarmiyaalee fi dhaaboolee Oromoo bilisummaa saba Oromootiif wareegama kaffalaa jiran tuffatu, Yakku? jennee yoo gaafanne deebin isaa wal xaxaa fi dhokotaa miti. Kaayyoon ilmaan Nafxanyootaas ta’ee kan wayyaanee saba Oromoo maqaa balleessuu fi xiqqeessurratti bobba’aniif; akkuma abbootii isaanii saba Oromoo gabrummaa jala tursanii saamaa fi dhiitaa jiraachuu dha. Ofitti amanuu fi abbaa biyyummaa isaa irraa mulqanii ergechaa fi gadootti ilaalaa olaantummaa isaanii mirkaneessanii biyyaa fi qabeenya isaa kan ofii taasifachuuf carraaquu dha. Akka Oromoon “ani saba biyya qabu” jedhee mataa ol qabatee hin deemne; sammuu isaa keessa seenaa sobaa; seenaa “ani nama iddoo biraatii godaanee dhufee” jedhuu himatuuf humnaan fudhachiisuuf hidhatanii ka’uu dha. Kunimmoo waan yoomuu ta’uu hin dandeenyee dha! Waan yoomiyyuu ta’uu hin dandeenyeetti yeroo fi humna isaanii qisaasu!; waan kaleessa yaalamee dadhabame jaarraa 21ffaa kana keessa itti dadhabuun ammoo dhamaatii qofa.  Afoola sobaa adda addaa diritanii, oduu sobaa, seenaa jaldhataa Dabtaroonni isaanii barreessan asiif-achii walitti ciranii galgalaa ganama karaa TV, Raadiyoo fi marsaalee isaanii facaasun of dadhabsiisuu malee Oromoo biratti bakka hin qabu. Kanaaf yoo sagalee hayyootaa fi sabboontota Oromoo, sochi qabsaawoota Oromoo fi jaarmiyaalee Oromoo arganii fi dhagahan waan qabanii gadhiisan wallaalu,aaru,cinqamu. Alaa manatti holola sobaa facaasu. Tokkummaa Oromoo diiguuf, gootummaa fi abbaa biyyummaa Oromoo haaluuf dhamahu. Garuu tokkoo hin milkoofneef fuunduraafiis hin milkaawuf!!! Yakkamtoonni kaleessaa hanga har’aa saba Oromoo weeraranii saamuu, ajjeesuu, hidhuu fi gadootti ilaalurratti bobba’an kun haalli amma alaa fi biyya keessatti itti jiran kan yeroo kamiyyuu caalaa sochii sabni Oromoo Bilisummaa isaaf taasisutti kan yaadda’anii fi goolaman fakkaatu. Fakkaatuu qofa Osoo hin taanee akkasumas! Gochi tuffii, gochi saba tokko akka sabaatti arrabsuu, hayyootaa fi beektoota isaa xiqqeessuuf asiif achi kaachuu kun maddi isaa sodaafii cinqii bilisummaa Oromoorraa qabaniin akka tahuu danda’u shakkiin hin jiru. Afaan Isaanii hin leenjine kanammoo Sabni Oromoo, sabboontoonni Hayyoonni fi beektoonni Oromoo, qabsaawonni bilisummaa Oromoo fi jaalattoonni bilisummaa Oromoo luugama itti godhuun dirqama. Tarkaanfii deemsaa fi gocha isaanitiin wal madaalu fudhachuuniis kan yeroon kennamuufi qabuu miti.
Wanti osoo Gaafa hin baafne ta’uu qabu sabboontoonni hayyoonni fi beektoonni Oromoo, qabsaawoonni bilisummaa Oromoo waliin tumsinee ilmaan nafaxanootaa fi wayyaanee duula warra gabrummaaf nu hawwu, warra sirna gabrummaa jiraachisuuf habjootu, maqa balleessii fi tuffii saba Oromoorratti gaggeessaa jiran kana asirratti dhaabbadhaa jechuuniin dirqama lammummaa nurraa eegamuu dha. Biyya abbaa keenyaa keessatti arrabsamaa,tuffatamaa, akka gadootti ilaalamaa, gochi maqa balleessii Aadaa fi Seenaa keenya xureessuu fi xiqqeessu gaggeeffamaa callisnee taa’uunii fi caqasnee dhiisuun qaaneessaa dha.!!!
“Surree Jilbarraan Dhumtee…….. !!!!!!!!!Hinjenneeree Oromoon Yoo geeraru…!!!!

TPLF/EPRDF’s regime once again plotting to cause further bloodshed in Sidama land

Kukkissa, Our Reporter from Sidama Capital, Hawassa, February 18, 2014

Imprisoning the weakest groups of criminals leaving key players makes no change in Sidama land and beyond’

The unsettling situation unfolding in Sidama region is becoming worse than it’s even been since TPLF led regime assumed power in June 1991. The discontents between the regime’s regional/Sidama Zone authorities who are labouring day and night to implement their and their federal bosses’ anti-Sidama policy on federalising Sidama capital city which has been vigorously rejected by the Sidama people of all walk of life on one hand; ongoing Sidama nation’s constitutional quest for regional self-administration on the other- makes the situation so complicated and profoundly difficult. To date the regime’s illegal and non-representative cadres are plotting against the rights of the Sidama nation -seriously undermining their own constitution which states otherwise.
The inner sources from Sidama land discloses this evening that the regime is showing that it isn’t resting at all.
The current Ethiopian PM Hailemariam Desalegn (who was elevated to his current position for his unlawful actions against Sidama nation immediately after the Looqqe massacre) who is key player during the said massacre of hundreds of purely Sidama civilians (amounting genocide), is once again recklessly plotting for another massacre whilst the 12th anniversary (May 24, 2014) is just under 4 months away.
Currently, the cadres are beating war-drum in Sidama land and the situation might not be as easy as they might think, simply because the power and determinations of wounded Tigers and Tigress can’t a simple one. They don’t understand the extent of Sidama nations’ psychological preparation for their ongoing issues involving defending its ancestral land from being taken away without price. The indefatigability of the nation shouldn’t be underestimated although the weapon with which the regime slaughters civilians is heavier than the Sidama nation can put up with. However, the Sidama nation has got the power of will and purpose, therefore they can defy odds to convincingly defend their rights; if the need arises.
As the regime itself is uncontrollably shaking, playing such game with the Sidama nation might prove that its interests of the amalgamated south will be at stake if the situation gets to whole scale conflicts which will be inevitable if the regime continues with its constitutionally unlawful actions against the right of the Sidama nation.
The source from Sidama disclose this evening that they regime is also confusing things by arresting the least wanted groups of corrupt employed cadres so that the attentions of the Sidama nation diverts from more important issues to somewhere else whilst they are undertaking their hidden meeting which is due to take place in Hawassa town on February 19, 2014, the source says.
Additionally the source elaborates that the regional TPLF cadres are testing the strength of Sidama’s TPLF cadres by advising them to remove their administrative capital from Hawassa to somewhere else which hasn’t yet to be seen.
The following is from face book information posted by the one of the trusted Sidama personnel whose information is reliable and accurate.
በዚህ ሰሞን የተከናወኑ ዋና ዋና ጉዳዮች በሲዳማና አካባቢዋ [core issues of the week from Sidama region]
1) 23 mangisitete loosaasine Hawaasi tamira meታሰራቸው:- [23 government employees were arrested allegedly with corruption case]
12 ከቱላ /ከተማ ///ቤት (እነ በጋሻው ባልጉዳ፣ኤልያስ ሚካኤል፣ሣሙኤል ዩን ኩራ፣ተስፋዬ ፋይሳና….) እና 11 ከባንሳ ወረዳ ///ቤትና ፋይ/ኢኮ///ቤት ሰራተኞች (እነቶማስ ጫዊቻና…)፡፡
2) 11 የደ/// ክልል አድማ በታኝ በሚል የሚታወቁ ፖሊሶች ከነ ትጥቃቸውመጥፋታቸው፡፡ [11 police personnel from the southern regional anti-demonstration and rapid response team are absconded with their weapons te source says]

3) በሀዋሳ ከተማ ከደቡብ ኢት/ ህዝቦች ዴሞክራሳዊ ንቅናቄ(ደኢህዴንዋና //ቤት ጋርበአንድ አጥር ግብ ውስጥ የሚገኘውን የሲዳማ ዞን ደኢህዴን //ቤት አፍርሳችው ወደፈለጋቹበት ቦታ ወስዳችው መገንባት ትችላላችው ተብሎ በክልል ባለሥልጣናት መነገሩ፡፡
The above informant finalises with [This is the zero sum game of TPLF] remark.

Another informant also suggests as follows:-
For the question I have asked the source about what is the news and what are the regime’s cadres in Sidama are doing this week; the sources says it’s very difficult to summarise as the issue are multidimensional. However he say the following:-
Assitanno farra hiittee kule hiitte agureemmohero diafoommo [I don’t know what and which to tell and which one to leave aside from all injustice they plan to implement in Sidama land against Sidama people]. Xaa yannara umi istraateejensa 2007 doorshshira eela gaxararete geeshsha dirrite arsoaddere amadatenna addi addi horonni dogate.[The primary and currently ongoing strategy of the regime’s Sidama cadres is planning to control all peoples of the Sidama in particular focus on rural areas involving paying them bribery with minimum cash until the election is over]...ikkirono mannu qarrinsaralla insawii addi addi horo adhinona giddoodinsay tenne mangiste horo effire giwino [Although the farmers who are bribed by the regime’s cadres are taking money due to regime induced poverty and deprivation in Sidama region, however in their hearts they know that the regime is playing game against their constitutional rights].
For the question I have asked about the rumour on the fact that the regime is preparing some form of hidden agenda which it might uses to deceive the Sidama people, the source replied:-
Bashsho gede sanadda xawoho fushsha agurtinowe....[Not to repeat the mistake the regime committed during the June 12, 2012’s Hawassa federalising document that caused series of demonstrations across the entire Sidama region and obliged the regime to take U-turn, they cadres are working sensitively on it]ikkiro kayi ninke macca kayinse agarre hee'noommona xaa geeshsha hattoori dino [However, the Sidama nation is vigilant and keeping an eye on the situation, thus never rest at all].
Ikkino sibsaba qixxeessite barra 11/6/2006 M.D yaano techcho barra 22 nku woradinni 2 geerranna,3 woradu dehiden kaadirra woshshite hasaawissanni noona hanni mayira woshshitinoro afate guungiissanni noommona anfeemmona [to hold secret meeting on 11, 06, 2006 Ethiopian calendar the cadres’ invited 2 Sidama elders and 3 regime’s cadres from the entire Sidama’s 22 districts; for the meeting invitees already arrived on the evening of 18 February 2014]
Techchooti baalanta woradda eine galle yitinohuna rosonsa mite sanade qixxeessite doggannonsa yine macca kayinse agarre hee'noommo. [As the invitees were told to arrive today (18 February 2014) as usual they might have a hidden agenda to be discussed up on without the knowledge of the Sidama people].
Mahooýe.ane nafa diafidhinoena woloota ooso baara widoo noo manni dirijjitenkera xilaashete buurtanno mannaatina insa ledo hasaabbinoonni insa poste assitannore like assitinoonni yite gamaggamtanno yinanna macciishshoommo [the cadres alsoseriously warning their members as well as those who are government employees by stating that the Sidama Diasporas are blackmailing their party and damaging Ethiopia’s reputation, therefore they advise not to read anything written by Diaspora Sidama’s and don’t like anything they post’]
Lai ninke gobba heeshsho togoote free press yinanni qoosso agarama gatteenna like assinoyihura calla waajjishiinshanninke, [Such is a life in this country the source adds:--let alone having a freedom of expression and assembly, we are not fortunate enough to ‘like’ something Sidama Diaspora written issues about the matters important to Sidama nation and its constitutional rights to regional self-determination; Maganu kaa'lonke! [May God almighty help us and our nation the source finalises] summarises the source.
