Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Ethiopia - Land for Sale

NGO’s and policy advocates say the true consequences of the land grabs are almost all negative [Reuters]

As the economy thrives, we examine the plight of Ethiopians forced from their land to make way for foreign investors.

Just a few decades ago, Ethiopia was a country defined by its famines, particularly between 1983-1985 when in excess of half a million people starved to death as a consequence of drought, crop failure and a brutal civil war.
Against this backdrop, it is impressive that in recent years, Ethiopia has been experiencing stellar economic growth. The headline statistics are certainly remarkable: the country is creating millionaires faster than any other in Africa; output from farming, Ethiopia’s dominant industry, has tripled in a decade; the capital Addis Ababa is experiencing a massive construction boom; and the last six years have seen the nation’s GDP grow by a staggering 108 percent.
But it is not all positive news, because for all the good figures there are still plenty of bad ones.
Around 90 percent of the population of 87 million still suffers from numerous deprivations, ranging from insufficient access to education to inadequate health care; average incomes are still well below $1500 a year; and more than 30 million people still face chronic food shortages.
And while there are a number of positive and genuine reasons for the growth spurt - business and legislative reforms, more professional governance, the achievements of a thriving service sector - many critics say that the growth seen in agriculture, which accounts for almost half of Ethiopia’s economic activity and a great deal of its recent success, is actually being driven by an out of control ‘land grab', as  multinational companies and private speculators vie to lease millions of acres of the country’s most fertile territory from the government at bargain basement prices. 
At the ministry of agriculture in Addis Ababa, this land-lease programme is often described as a "win-win" because it brings in new technologies and employment and, supposedly, makes it easier to improve health care, education and other services in rural areas. 
"Ethiopia needs to develop to fight poverty, increase food supplies and improve livelihoods and is doing so in a sustainable way," said one official.
But according to a host of NGO’s and policy advocates, including Oxfam, Human Rights Watch and the Oakland Institute, the true consequences of the land grabs are almost all negative. They say that in order to make such huge areas available for foreign investors to grow foodstuffs and bio-fuels for export - and in direct contravention of Ethiopia’s obligations under international law - the authorities are displacing hundreds of thousands of indigenous peoples, abusing their human rights, destroying their traditions, trashing the environment, and making them more dependent on food aid  than ever before.
"The benefits for the local populations are very little," said renowned Ethiopian sociologist Dessalegn Rahmato. "They’ve taken away their land. They’ve taken away their natural resource, because these investors are clearing the land, destroying the forest, cutting down the trees. The government claims that one of the aims of this investment was to enable local areas to benefit by investing in infrastructure, social services … but these benefits are not included in the contract. It's only left up to the magnanimity of the investor."
And those investors, he continued, are simply not interested in anything other than serving their own needs: "They can grow any crop they want, when they want it, they can sell in any market they want, whether it’s a global market or a local market. In fact most of them are not interested in the local markets.” 
He cited as an example a massive Saudi-owned plantation in the fertile Gambella region of south west Ethiopia, a prime target area for investors: "They have 10,000 hectares and they are producing rice. This rice is going to be exported to the Middle East, to Saudi Arabia and other places. The local people in that area don’t eat rice."
But the most controversial element of the government’s programme is known as 'villagisation' - the displacement of people from land they have occupied for generations and their subsequent resettlement in artificial communities.
In Gambella, where two ethnic groups, the Anuaks and the Nuers, predominate, it has meant tens of thousands of people have been forced to abandon a traditional way of life. One such is Moot, an Anuak farmer who now lives in a government village far from his home.
"When investors showed up, we were told to pack up our things and to go to the village. If we had decided not to go, they would have destroyed our crops, our houses and our belongings. We couldn't even claim compensation because the government decided that those lands belonged to the investors. We were scared … if you get upset and say that someone stole your land, you are put in prison. If you complain about being arrested, they will kill you. It's not our land anymore; we have been deprived of our rights."
Despite growing internal opposition and international criticism, the Ethiopian government shows no sign of scaling the programme back. According to the Oakland Institute, since 2008, an area the size of France has already been handed over to foreign corporations. Over the next few years an area twice that size is thought to be earmarked for leasing to investors.
So what does all this mean for the people on the ground? In Ethiopia – Land for Sale, filmmakers Veronique Mauduy and Romain Pelleray try and find out.

Ethiopia: Humanitarian Requirements - 2014

The food security situation improved in most parts of the country following normal to above normal 2013 kiremt/deyr/hagya rains, except in pocket areas that received insufficient rains and areas affected by various hazards. The food security situation is particularly concerning in the north eastern parts of the country following three to four consecutive inadequate seasonal rains.
The requirements identified in this document are based on the 2013 meher assessment, a five years’ historical sector and weather trend analysis and the National Meteorological Agency (NMA) preliminary forecast for 2014 belg/gu/sugum/ganna rains.
An estimated 2.7 million relief food beneficiaries are identified to require emergency relief food assistance in 2014. The total gross emergency food and non-food requirement for 2014 amounts to USD 403 million. Considering available resources amounting to USD 51.6 million, the net total requirement stands at USD 351 million. The net food and TSF requirement totals to 359,589 MT, estimated to cost around 282.4 million. In addition, a total of net USD 68.8 million is required to respond to the non-food needs of identified beneficiaries in the health and nutrition, WASH, agriculture and education sectors.


VLUU P1200  / Samsung P1200
Ayyanni kun gaafa Amajjii 25, 2014 biyya UK, magaalaa London keessatti kabajame ayyana kana irratti kan hirmaata miseensota ABO, deggartootaa fi hawaasa Oromoo biyya UK magala adda adda irraa  heddumminaan dhufan ture.
Kabajaan ayyana kanaa kan eegale manguddoo fi ibsa gabaabaa I/G ABO kutaa UK, Obbo barsiisaa Guutamaa kennanii ture. Itti annasee, Obbo Xahaa Abdii, MGS ABO, seenaa guyyaa WBO bal’inaan ibsaniiru. Itti annansee miseensotni WBO kabajamoon- J/ Lalisee Roobaa, J/ Obsaa Milkeessaa fi J/ Fayisaa (Mul’is) wal duraa duubaan muuxannoo WBO fi aarsaa qabsoon hidhannoo feessisu dhiheessuu dhan dargaggoo fi shammarran hamileessanii jiru.
J/ Abdii Raggaasaa, mataan Damee Waraana Bilisummaa Oromoo, karaa bilbilaa irratti qooda fudhataniiru. Bara 2013 keessaa sagantaalee WBOn baafatee fi tarkaanfiilee fudhataman; injifannoo WBO galmeesse ibsuu dhan waan qabatamaatti WBOn diina waliin falmii godhaa jiru addeessaniiru. Sochiin WBO goddinalee Oromiyaa mara keessaa fi handhuura Oromiyaa, magaalaa Finifinnee, keessatti tarkaanfiileen fudhataman diinaaf raffanna guddaa yeroo tahu, ummata oromoof abdii guddaa akka kenne ibsaniiru. Wagga dhufu keessa WBOn daran jabaatee hanga bilisummaan Oromoo fi walabummaan Oromiyaa dhugoomutti akka itti fufu hubachiisanii, Kanaaf ummatni Oromoo deeggarsa isaa daran akka jabeessu hubachiisan.
VLUU P1200  / Samsung P1200Itti annee Obbo Siifan Midhaqisaa, ilaalcha dhaaba siyaasaa alaatti, akka gaazexxeessaa tokkootti sochii qeerroo fi WBO biyya keessaatti godhamaa jiruuf maal akka fakkatuu fi hangama akka diina rifachiise ragaa bahaniiru. Sagantaan addatti WBOf qophaawe shamarran Oromoo London kennaa aaddaa (special surprise gift) qopheessuu dhan WBOf kennaniiru; jaalala WBO qabanii fi fedhii deeggarsa bilisummaa Oromoof qaban ibsaniiru. Sagantaa caal baasii fi tinnisaa ta’ee ummatni Oromoo biyyaa UK maalla guddaa WBOf gummachaniru.
Dhuma irratti ibsa ejjennoo armaa gadii bafatuun ayyanni WBO bara 2014 milkii, injifannoo fi hamilee guutuun kabajame.
Nuti misensonni ABO, deggartoonni fi hawaasi Oromoo biyya UK magaala adda adda irra ayyaana guyya WBO kabajachuuf wal geenye haala keessa dabarree fi itti deemaa jirru gadi fageenyaa fi bal’inan irraatti mari’anne jirra.
Haala yeeo amma ilaalchise
VLUU P1200  / Samsung P1200Yeeron amma keessa jirru, gama tokkon yeero mootummaan abba irree TPLFn durfamu sodaa ummata Oromoof qabu irra  ummaticha addatti akka diina innikkatti fudhata ajjeesaa, qe’ee isaa irraa arii’aa, seera ala; yaakka tokko malee mana hidhaatti dararama  ulfaataa dhala namaaf hin-malle irran geessisaa, baratoota qaroa fi egeree Oromoof bu’aa buusuu danada’u jedhaman ajjeesaa hidhaa, barumsaa irraa ar’aa,  kaan ammoo  qabsoo irra fageessuuf  doorsisaa jiru. Kana malees  humnoonni duran angoo irra turan ammas angootti ol-ba’uuf shira ifa  fi lafa jalaan nurraatti xaxaa jiraan keessa jirra.
Gama biraan ammo qabsoon ummata Oromoo daran dagaagaa tarkaannifin WBO daran jabaachaa, dammaqinsi fi gurmuun Oromoo dabalaa, qabsoon ummata Oromoo fi ummatoota cunqurfamoo biyyatti daran dhageetti argachaa, keessi mootumma Wayyanee daran tasgabbii dhabga, boora’aa adeemaa jira, Qeerroon Oromoo, murannoo dhan mootummaa amma funyaanitti hidhate dura dhaabachaa fi qabsoo saba isaaniitiif wareegama kamiyyuu baasuuf qophi ta’u mirkaneessaa jiran.
Halleen armaan olitti ka’faman gadi fageenyaan erga irraatti mar’annea booda nuti misensonni ABO, degartootnii fi hawaasi Oromoo biyya UK  ibsa ejjennoo armaan gadi baafanne jirra:
  1. Haala rakkisa fi ulfaata ta’e keessatti mootummaa amma funyanii itti hidhate, afaan qawween ummata keenya irratti roorrisaa jiru dhabamsiisuf fi dararaa jarra tokko-ol ummata keenya irra ture hundeen buqqisuuf qabsoo hidhannoo ABOn gageeffamaa jiru keessatti qooda ol’anaa gochaa kan jiru, WBO ni mararffanna, muranno fi injifannoo WBO tiin godhamaa jiru ni dinqisiifanna, waan dandeenyun  bira ni dhaabbanna.
  2. Sochi baratooni Oromoo QEERRON haraka du’uwwa mootumma amma funyanitti hidhate dura dabatanii falama mirga ummata Oromoof gocha jiran ni dinqisifanna, itti boonnas. Fincila didda gabrummaa bifa adda addatiin  biyya keessaa fi alatti adeemsifamaa  jiru ni deggarra, qooda keenyas ni gumaachina.
  3. Moora qabsoo Oromoo jabeessun galma hawwamu shafisiisu keessatti haala gurmuu fi wal-hubannoo dhaabota siyaasaa Oromoo fi hawasa Oromoo murtessaa ta’uu beekne nutis  kara kenya waan nurraa eegamu ni gumaachina.
  4. Qabsoo ummata tokko keessati qoodni shamarranni fi dargaggoo bakka guddaa qabaachuu beekne haala shamarran fi dargaggoota   Oromoo jabeessinuu fi ijaarru irratti ni hojjenna.
  5. Sadarkaan qabsoon Oromoo irra ga’e hirriba kan isaan dho’wwe diinnonni qabasoo Oromoo ammayyuu qabsa’ota Oromoo addan babasuuf carraqii gochaa akka jiran ni hubanna; duras ni dhaabbanna. Ummatni Oromoos bakka jiru akka sochi diinotaa kana dura dhabatu fi sochi isaanis damaqinsan hordofu fi fashalsiisu dhaamsa keenya dabarfanna.
  6. Mootumma TPLF bu’ureffama isa irra ka’e mootumman kun kara naga a’ango ni lakkisa jedhanii yaaduun kan hin-danda’amne ta’u isa ni hubanna. Kanaafis dhaabota kara nagaa ni qabsofna jedhaniif haalli ammaan dura isaan mudate ragaa quubsaa dha. Biyya ol-antumman seeraa kessaatti hin-kabajamne, manni murtii bilisa hin taane; biyya komishinni filannoo walaba ta’e fi meeshaan sab-quunnamti mootumma abba-irrettin dhunfatame jiru keessaatti filannoo walabaa gaggeessun tasa akka hin danda’amne irra deddbi’e waan mul’ataa tureef filannoo sobaa maqa ummatootatiin ammas mootummaan abban irree aangoo irra ittiin turuus  bara dhuftu ni deemsifama jedhamu kana irras Oromoon bu’an inni argatu tokkoyyu akka hin-jirre beeke filmaata dharaa kana haala ittin dura dhaabbattu irraati ammumaan akka yaadnu waamicha keenya dabarfanna.
  7. Qabsoo haqaa ummatni keenya adeemsisaa jiru, akka firoota horatu gochuu keessatti hubannoo hawaasaa fi mootummaan biyya UK caalatti ol-kaasuaf ni hojjenna, deggarsa barbaachisu ummata keenyaaf akka godhan qabsoo haqa ummata keenya cinaa akka hiriirani gochuu irratti ni hojjenna.
  8. Duula farren ummata Oromoo fi cunqurfamoo biyyatti,  amma ille Minilikiin farasaa jiraniin madaa ummata keenya utuu hin-qoorin ammas deeb’ani nutti bubu’a jiran ni balaleffanna.
  9. Maqaa investmenti jedhamuun dacheen Oromoo samaamun, Oromoon dachee isa irra buqifamuun, bosonnii fi garreen ibiddaan  barbadeeffamuun; lageen keenya summaa’un hattattamaan akka dhaabbatu ni gaafanna. Ogeeyyiin Oromos bakka jiran hundatti dhimma kana irraatti daran akka hojettan dhaamsa lammumma dabarfanna.
  10. Dhaabni kallacha qabsoo Oromoo, Addi Bilisumma Oromo, halla amma keessa jirru; haala fuula keenya dura  as adeema jiruu  fi haala amma dura nu mudatani irraa muuxxannoo argame irraatti hunda’udhan xiinxala jabaa akka godhu jabeesinee gaafacha nutis akka miseensota dhaabaa, yookan hawasaa akkasumas akka nam-tokkootti bakka jirru hundatti murannoon hojechuun waan dandeenyu hunda gumachuuf BO kara dandeenyu hundan deggarsa lammumma nurra eegamu baasuuf waada keenya ni haromfanna.
Injifannoo Ummata Oromoof!
Gadaan gadaa bilsummaa ti!
Miseensota ABO, Degertoota fi Hawasa Oromoo biyya UK
Amajjii 25, 2014

Ethiopian refugee misunderstands South Sudan curfew, nearly loses life

© UNHCR/K.Gebre Egziabher
Ochalla receives treatment for a bullet wound at a UNHCR-run clinc in Gorom settlement near Juba, home to some 2,400 Ethiopian refugees.
GOROM SETTLEMENT, South Sudan, January 27 (UNHCR) Punctuality is usually praised as a virtue, but how often is tardiness fatal? For Ochalla Omot, an Ethiopian refugee, a misunderstanding over an hour and a half nearly cost his life.
"I just could not believe I was going to die like that," the 27-year-old says while receiving treatment for a bullet wound incurred after he got the hours of a government-imposed curfew wrong. He's receiving treatment in a UN-run clinic in Gorom Settlement, some 25 kilometres west of Juba, the South Sudanese capital. The settlement is home to 2,400 Ethiopian refugees who live in their own small houses and compounds.
After fighting broke out in Juba last month and quickly spread to seven of the country's 10 states, the government imposed a curfew requiring all civilians to stay off the streets during specified hours. It was relaxed slightly last week, but for more than a month, civilian movement was banned in the capital from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m.
However, Ochalla was firmly convinced he could stay out two hours later. He set out for Juba one morning earlier this month to look for work as a casual laborer and got caught up in the crisis, which is taking a heavy toll on South Sudanese. UN reports show the month-old conflict has claimed more than 1,000 lives and displaced more than 500,000 people, including more than 120,000 who fled to neighbouring countries as refugees.
"I spent the day looking for work and it was about 7:30 pm when I finally set out to go to the area of Juba where I sleep with friends," he says, still visibly shaken, despite receiving medical care.
He was stopped by armed men who ordered him to sit by the side of the road  still unaware he had violated the curfew. "I sat down, but when I saw one of them preparing his gun to shoot, I started running without even knowing it, with bullets being shot at me."
One of the bullets hit his left arm. But he kept running, ignoring the blood gushing from his arm. When he finally reached his destination, the only thing his hosts could do was tie a cloth around his arm to staunch the bleeding. "They could not take me to a health centre because of the curfew." He only got medical care the next day when he returned to this settlement.
Since he fled ethnic tensions in Ethiopia's Gambella region in 2008, Ochalla has occasionally worked in Juba to earn money to supplement his monthly food rations. It's also an escape from the boredom of the camp.
He had been an 11th Grade student when he had to flee Ethiopia, but for one reason or another, has never been able to complete his education in South Sudan.
Now, he says, his close brush with death has rekindled an old dream  to become a doctor. "The fact that I survived all the shooting in Juba means that I will live long enough to achieve my dream," he says, as a medic  a fellow refugee  tends to his bullet wound.
By Kisut Gebre Egziabher in Gorom Settlement, South Sudan

The Ever-increasing Crime of TPLF/EPRDF Brutal regime

By Getinet Dinkayehu

The continuous arrests, detention, torture and disappearance of people in Oromia should indeed be a cause for concern to every Oromo people living in the country and abroad. The past 22 years have been the most painful period in Oromia. A week hardly passes without someone being picked up and detained by the TPLF security agents for one unexplained reason or another. The Last couple of weeks I have received a lot of messages from Oromo nationalists residing in western parts of Oromia through my emails, which I preferred not to mention their names here because of their security. Here is the message I received from one friend in “Afaan Oromo” and I wanted to put it in English as follows; “I am in deep tensions and annoyed because of the case associated with my family. My father was a respected businessman in our local area. Now about two weeks are passed since my father left his home and his whereabouts still unknown. Following his disappearance the TPLF Trojan horse better known as OPDO imprisoned one of my family members and coercing to reveal where my father is. What I knows about my father is, after he openly started criticizing the evil doings of the TPLF led Ethiopian regime and the Puppet OPDOs on different public meetings; he was continually harassed and even received several death threats including the family. He was arrested at different times suspected of OLF member without due legal process and without family visitations, tortured and interrogated at gunpoint to reveal the agents he was working with for OLF. The reason why he was mainly targeted as criminal and went to jail at different times is not because he was a criminal or have done anything wrong against anybody, but only because he protested that why his Oromo brothers and sisters were cold-bloodedly killed by TPLF securities without any reasons and because he protested against the widespread injustices being committed by the regime agents in Oromia. When my father was in woyanes secret detention center, the inhuman treatments he experienced at the hand of the torturers were horrible and even some part of his face was disfigured because of the massive tortures”.
Indeed this is a daily practice of the regime against many Oromo in wider scale. I personally know many Oromo; outstanding students, teachers, business men who were unlawfully detained by woyane securities or disappeared and their families are not informed of their whereabouts.
The most worrisome situation still going in various parts of western Oromia is that, people always branded as criminals and unlawfully detained only for being an Oromo and alleged association with the OLF or sympathizing with Oromo opposition political organizations. Despite a lack of any evidence against those people, the security agents continuously torture them in secret detention centers. Also other friends from the same area said that, to pick up peoples at night and take to prison is still a daily practice of woyane securities. Imagine sitting with your family waiting to have the dinner only to receive a knock on your door that you are wanted for questioning. You are then whisked away from your beloved family without anyone knowing your whereabouts, condition of detention or what crime you might have committed. This is exactly what peoples in many parts of Oromia still going through. Many people disappeared or been killed in a very systematic way simply because they exercised their fundamental rights. Diverting the mobile phone to their security forces and internet censorships are being practical on many people. The current human rights situation in western Oromia is terrible and repugnant. There is woyanes rule that does not tolerate any form of criticism in the area at all. Even the very slightest criticism of the government in the area could land a person in jail and charge with terrorism or “shororkeessumma”(in puppet OPDOs definition). Now this situation is highly forcing people to live under great fear and uncertainties than ever. It has become normal for the people in western Oromia to simply disappear into thin air; especially those who dare to criticize the government or who are reported by their adversaries to the regime securities.
It is very annoying when the TPLF minority led regime blatantly continues through its security forces to unlawfully arrest and detain anybody they perceive as an opponent. To add insult to injury, Most of the detainees are seldom informed of their rights and/or reason for their arrest or detention and are often held beyond the time limit without charge contrary to the edicts of the so called constitution. Several productive youths are running away to escape the difficult life that controlled the area. Activism for democracy, human rights and justice are being met with secret killings, torture, arbitrary arrests and detention. The name TPLF security or “Dehninet” has brought a great fear to every Oromo hearth, whenever someone is picked up. Some remain silence because they are afraid to speak up against what is going on.
We have seen that On the beginning of this year January 2014, when people on the world joyfully celebrated the New Year and wished peace, security improvements and prosperity to their own people, in contrary the Ethiopian Federal Court gave a prison sentence to 45 people, Most of them are Oromo nationalist political prisoners sentenced to three to twelve years in prison. Without committing any crime against anybody, they were unlawfully arrested in 2010 and were accused of being members or sympathizers of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF). This alone can publically tell that TPLF/EPRDF regime has totally cracked down on political freedoms and continued committing widespread human rights violations with total impunity. Ethiopia today is ;the only country where the government publically labeled genuine dissents as terrorists and criminals, the worst kept secret killing field and the most politically intolerant regime in Africa. It is the country where the rule of law, good governance and the sanctity of human life are alien concepts. It is the country where torture, enforced disappearances, extra-judicial executions, detention without trial, statutory murder and extra-judicial convictions has become officially rooted as normal governance practices and intensifies its containment of democracy each day, and rules strictly through the instrument of paralyzing fear and the practice of brutality against ordinary citizens.
We have seen that when told the reality of Oromo, they call it anti-national or terrorism. For long we have seen that the TPLF owned Media distort the truth of Oromo for their own cause. For long we have seen that their Media created false and fabricated stories on Oromo nationalists. For long we have seen that several Oromo nationalists who were unlawfully detained And languishing in prison have been denied justice by TPLF court judges who were hired by a regime whose sole aim is to brutalize, torture and silence anybody against their tyrannical style of governance. For long we have seen that many innocent people unjustly sentenced to life term and death.
The TPLF minorities are all the leaders of the executive the legislative, judiciary and military branch, their words are final and anyone who goes against their authority is doomed. They are all the lawmen’s, the judges, the jury and the executives. They act as the ‘Creators’ of the people in Ethiopia, They decides who walks freely or shackled in jail, live, work and/or die. Judges are hired and fired by the TPLF cadres without any explanation. They owe their entire livelihoods to them and they determine who comes before these judges and the sentences they receive. Now, getting justice for Oromo in Ethiopia under TPLF is compared to hunting for a dinosaur in this day and age. It is very dangerous for the people when a single party members from one minority group has all such powers and even more dangerous if there is no accountability and no limit. No single party or leaders should have absolute power to run a nations single handily and with iron fist.
What is the future for Oromo?  Will there be any conductive environment where all Oromo people will be free from such kinds of fear, intimidation, torture, arrest and humiliation to express their legitimate rights and fundamental human rights which remains Unthinkable under TPLF gangs?  No family, groups and businesses should count themselves safe from persecution, arrest, humiliation, detention without trial and torture under this brutal regime. We Oromo should be brave enough to come out from every corner and fight against the ever worsening injustices that continue to bedevil our motherland. Everyone, irrespective of party or group, is duty bound to act. In our journey to Demand our freedom, we must be ready to use every Avenue.  The injustices meted on us are enough.
We should not  expect the westerners to bring about the change we are seeking for in our Land, it’s we” Oromians ” who has to come together under one umbrella  with a sole purpose of eradicating Dictators and liberating our people. We might not be united in the same political party but we should be united in the same course in fighting dictatorship. Look at the likes of Tunisia, Libya and Egypt. It’s the voices of the people that brought about change from the streets of Tunis to Tripoli to Benghazi and from the Cairo to Alexandria. It has come to a point in which we also need to do anything to get our freedom. For any meaningful political change to take place, the people must take it upon themselves to effect the change. As a result, we must not expect that an angel will descend from heaven and liberate us from Dictators. But the onus of liberating Oromia from oppression is every Oromians obligation.
Fellow Oromians, Let us ask ourselves these simple questions. With logic, we understand how our people are dying in silence.
Why TPLF led Ethiopian regime mainly targets Oromo people; intellectuals, Businessmen, teachers, university students, artists and entrepreneurs?
Why many Oromo on a daily basis are being arrested and detained without genuine reasons?
Why many Oromo are missing and their whereabouts remain unknown by their family and love   ones?
Why many Oromo are still languishing in jail without trial or have had their trials delayed?
Why many Oromo Nationalists were shot dead in their home and in public by TPLF securities?
Why many people have been fired from their jobs and schools for no apparent reasons?
Why many lands and properties have seized and looted from Oromo under this regime?
Why many Oromo on daily basis are fleeing TPLF/EPRDF persecution and suffering in neighboring countries and dying in deserts?
How on earth one can be sentenced to life term or death penalty only for demanding his Freedom without committing any crime against anybody?
Tsunamis of Human right violations of the above are well documented and are available online.
Do we as a people only have to speak the truth and or condemn injustice only when it affects us directly and or personally? This is a question that I am posing to some people who are in a position of this regime today. To those dummy OPDO leaders who continue to carry out TPLFs dirty works be warn that you will all be going down with them. The world is now a global village and war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by any person or party will never go free. The choice is yours.
To those who think they have no say or voice on the atrocities committed against our people, Martin Luther King Jr. In the end, we will not remember the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. Oromia is under silenced bleeding by this evil regime. If we see injustice and remain silent, we have sided with evil. We have seen that Killing Oromo is the trade mark of this regime. These killings are not spontaneous or accidental they are done intentionally to silence the whole people.
Therefore, to prevent further injustice and sufferings there needs to be a collective response to the giant atrocities in Oromia. We all have a duty to ensure that we free our land from TPLF/EPRDF dictatorship.  This should be done with united front and sincere commitments. I hope the sooner we all look at freedom as an inherent human right that is a prerequisite for any society to progress, and not as a “gift” to be given to only to the deserving, the sooner we will face this challenge as one nation UNITED in the destruction on tyranny!  Oppression cannot stand forever, and it shall be replaced with freedom.
So, Fellow Oromians at home and Diaspora, Let us all rise up in unison and demonstrate against this brutal regime and fight for our freedom and for the freedom of all political prisoners who are inhumanly suffering in Ethiopia.

Getinet Dinkayehu
Victory for oppressed people!
Getinet can be reached at “getinetdinkayehu@gmail.com”

The Continued Repressive Strategy of Menelikians, and the Trajectory that Leads to Freedom and Justice of Nations

By Tolera Fikru Gemta*
Merara Gudina (PHD), 2006, explained that the Ethiopian political system has been dominated by three contending perspectives, namely, the nation building (Menelikian) perspective, the national domination perspective and the colonial thesis. He further explained that nation building (Menelikian) perspective, which considers all atrocities committed on the oppressed peoples as holy actions to build a nation, is no longer relevant and dominant in the Ethiopian political arena. However, the Menelikian block recently came with a revised open strategy to reclaim the past tyrannical imperial legacy. Perhaps, in this brief essay, I will explain that the revitalizing actions being undertaken by the counterparts of Menelik II provide both threats and immense opportunity for genuine political engagements.
The Menelikian Effect: Fragility and Disintegration of Political Forces
The experiences of organized political forces since 1960s (from which political organizations and mobilizations had commenced) are explained by notions of political fragility and disintegration. Among other factors that caused such fragility and disintegration among political forces, the Menelikian-masked objective is the chief one. The recent practices of opposition political forces can clearly show this fact. I would like to elaborate this fact using a case study.
In 2008, as an input for my former newspaper – Raji, I had conducted a small survey to understand what really constituted a multinational political organization in Ethiopia. Most of the leaders of the parties that organized along ethnic/national lines responded that “a multinational organization in the Ethiopian context must be the organization that represents the interests of all peoples.” The responses of some of those who claimed to be of the multinational organization was, on the other hand, read as, “a multinational political organization is a group that is not organized along ethnic/national lines, but that which represents the unity of the entire Ethiopia.”
This small survey was conducted during the time the opposition political forces in Ethiopia were discussing a new umbrella organizational framework called Medrek. Though the finding of the small survey (that was published on Raji newspaper) showed that the parties in Medrek were pursuing most divergent political objectives, they established the new umbrella organization without giving focus for such a fundamental issue. The ultimate fate of Medrek indeed could not be different from the preceding similar organizations. The parties that bogusly claimed to have a multinational institutional base (such as, the Unity for Justice and Democracy – UJD) started ridiculing those organized across respective ethnic/national lines (such as, Oromo, Sidama and Somali) to denounce their political bases and adopt a pseudo-multinational representation. UJD and its counterparts attempted to learn from their preceding similar organizations and tried to comprise of some elites from Oromo and other nations, such as Negaso Gidada (PHD) and others. The final fate ofMedrek is, however, what Obbo Bulcha Demeksa recently disclosed to the media. “UDJ’s political objective made Medrek fragile. The UDJ’s consider themselves as the only capable organization to lead the country. They undermine political parties organized across ethnic/national lines while they themselves are predominantly promoting the interests of Amhara,” he told a reporter from the Voice of America (VOA). This is a trajectory that led many political forces to vanish without serving the intended purpose. We can mention similar experiences from Diaspora, such as UEDF and AFD. Though the influences of the ruling party, EPRDF/TPLF, on the fragility and disintegration of political coalitions – take lions share, the Menelikian’s bogus political objectives have significantly contributed for the disintegration and fragility of such organized political alternatives. Such actions were most of the time pursued in covert aspect to garner supporters from various ethnic/national groups.
What Forced Menelikian to Pursue Overt Actions?
Recently, we are observing a shift in the Menelikian political block – in which they are openly pursuing the political campaign that promotes the tyrannical old empire. The move is a rapture which has got threats and opportunities, for me. In my opinion, the major cause that has forced Menelikians to pursue the open strategy (contrary to their past) is the level of awareness and conscious attained by peoples and nations. The understanding of the peoples on the formation, consequences and future prospects of the Ethiopian polity has significantly increased during the past decades. Particularly, the Oromo people, as a major nation representing the largest ethnic group in the country, have come through a series of political developments – in terms awareness and organization – which have appeared as threats to the Menelikian Ethiopia, which still pursues the imperial nation-building project of one-nation (Abyssinia), one-language(Amharic) and one-culture (Habesha), and so on. As I have argued in my previous article (Unmasking the Pseudo “Multinational-ism” in the Era of Social Media), in the past decades, the Amhara elites – who have preferred to promote the Menelik-type of political system under the cover ofmultinationalism, have faced political bankruptcy while the oppressed peoples have relatively gained by reviving their lost identities. The current shift by the Menelikians to an open action to blatantly promote the despotic regime of Menelik should indeed be the final response to such achievements of the targeted peoples. I hope the Menelikians shall fully unmask their political objectives through fully abandoning the pseudo-multinationalism claim and organize themselves across their real national pictures (if they want their own nation to keep abreast of the existing trend).
Holy War – In the Name of Unity and Love
The “holy war” campaign of the Menelikians – which is being currently conducted in an organized way – will hopefully be the final effort of this camp in the political history of the Ethiopian polity. It has been witnessed that the camp is using media outlets and celebrities, such as Teddy Afro and others, to accomplish its mission. Both the targeted media outlets and Teddy Afro are not new instruments of the camp. These are the instruments that have been bitterly worked to reverse the relative achievements of the targeted peoples on one side, and garner all efforts of the “united” (i.e. pseudo-multinational forces) together, on the other hand. Teddy Afro was keen in praising Ethiopian despotic kings and had boldly worked to contribute for the political purposes of the Menelikians, in manners that have attracted the interests of the targeted groups, particularly the youth. He was also instrumental during the 2005 election to forge strong unity between pseudo-multinational parties, which were organized to restore the tyrannical imperial regime based on one-language, one-culture and one-history. His music album, titled “Yasteserial,” was just released at the start of the political debates ahead of the 2005 election to influence the system in favor of those advocating for one-language, one-culture and one-history. In his recent music album, titled “Tikur Sew,” he also openly praised Menelik II and Menelik’s counterparts. This same artist did not have the courage to use his talent to promote a system of justice, equality and democracy – which is more relevant and important to present days. Finally, Teddy Afro expressed his deep love-affair with past despotic kings by declaring Menelik’s brutal actions as “holy war.” In collaboration with like minds, he was ready for a campaign to promote the despotic political motive in the name of unity and love – well, until #BoycottBedele nipped his promotion of tyrannical kings and their brutal actions in the bud.
The irony is that – the Menelikians and their instruments are promoting a despotic and brutal system in a provocative approach, which may influence the actions of the peoples who belong to the targeted nations. Most of the promoters of Menelik’s brutal actions know naturally that, their actions will neither be entertained by the targeted peoples nor serve as a mutual agenda to pursue real multinational interests. The consequence of such a campaign may not be easy as they have originally thought. The more they promote the past despotic regimes, the more grievances, mistrust and aggressiveness it will establish among peoples and organizations. This is why those collaborators, sponsors and promoters of such despotic political motives should stop and rethink about the consequences of their actions. As matter of fact, the continued promotion of Menelik-type system shall never bring the intended objective, but to the contrary, it will complete the trajectory that leads to freedom and justice for nations and peoples in more autonomous and self determined framework. One can easily understand this reality by monitoring the level of social-media-based counter-actions of Oromo elites to the Menelikian actions.
Menelikian’s Revised Strategy as an Opportunity for Nations
As I have explained above, the pseudo-multinational strategy pursed by Amhara elites have been destructive in the entire history of organized political frameworks to ensure sustainable democracy, justice and equality. Thus, the revised strategy of the block – i.e. the open promotion of the tyrannical imperial system, has unmasked the pseudo-multinationality claims by Amhara elites. The revised strategy of Menelikians is, thus, useful – not as such for the block itself – but for other forces that aspire for freedom, justice and equality of their respective peoples. It is also helpful to rethink viable and functional framework based on clear objectives – without committing similar mistakes, which lead to disintegration and fragility.
The current despotic political choice of the Menelikian block has emerged as the final response to the ever-increasing awareness of the oppressed peoples towards the realization of self-determined, free and democratic nations. By openly praising the Menelik-type authoritarian and imperial political objective, the block has clearly shown its historical antagonistic position to interests of most of the peoples targeted by Menelik’s brutal actions. In doing so, the block has unmasked itself of its pseudo-multinational representation claim – which has been one of the causes for fragility and disintegration of political alternatives. This indeed provides an opportunity for genuine political actors to rethink viable frameworks based on clear objectives to ensure the intended results. For the Menelikians, however, it will be more helpful if they completely unmask themselves of their pseudo-multinational objective and opt for an institution that represents their real aspiration, i.e. an Amhara-based political organization. The open campaign that promotes Menelik II’s brutal actions as holy warshall mark the final demise of the block, but such a motive will lead to disastrous consequences. That is why all bodies that are currently sponsoring and promoting Menelik II’s brutal actions should stop and rethink before actual intervention.
Tolera Fikru Gemta was as a Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the former Seife Nebelbal independent weekly newspaper. He was also the founder and Editor-in-Chief of the former, ‘The Voice’ and ‘Raji,’ independent weekly newspapers. He has authored well-known Afan Oromo novels: Imimmaan Haadhaa (2007, 2010) and Qeerransa Bokkaan Dhaane (2012).