Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Latest News Updates on #OromoProtests FDG

Abay Tsehay, One of the Top TPLF Men, Said: “Nothing Will Stop the [Addis Ababa Master] Plan”

(May 4, 2014)
#OromoProtests OPDO senior leaders who returned from their failed attempt to persuade students in number of universities unanimously recommended that Addis Ababa Master Plan should be postponed in order cool things down and conduct ‘educational’ campaign. However their recommendation was rejected by Abay Tsehaye, veteran strongman of TPLF, who is currently serving as the ‘Prime Minister’s advisory for urban development. He reportedly told them, ‘Nothing will stop this plan’. It is said that even Kuma Demeksa, who is seen publicly defending the Plan endorsed the recommendation to postpone but only to be overruled by the real power holders.
You might recall that in 2003, at the meeting held in Ziway, Abaye Tsehaye proposed Afaan Oromo to be removed from being working language of a dozen of towns in Oromia, because ‘not even 30% of urban population is Oromo.’ At the time, Suleyman Dadafo, then head of the propaganda department of OPDO walked out of the meeting in protest, never to be seen again in high level meeting. Abay’s plan at the time did not go through. Now it seems he has found an even grander plan to eliminate any thing Oromo from major urban centers.
(Caamsaa 4, 2014)
#OromoProtests Hogganoonni Dh. D.U.O mooraalee Yuniversitiiwaaniitti boobbaafamnii joollee tasgabbeessuu yaalan milkii malee erga deebi’anii booda, ummata tasgabbeessuufi mari’achiisuuf jecha karoorri ‘Maastar Pilaani’ yeroof akka dhaabbatu waliif galaniis, yaanni isaanii Abbaay Tsahaayyeetin fudhatama dhabsiifame. Abbaay Tsahaayyee bu’ureessitootaafi hoggannoota gameeyyii TPLF keessaa tokko yoo ta’u yeroo ammaatti dhimma guddina magaalaa irratti gorsaa muummicha ministraati. Karoora Maastar Pilaanii kana wanti fedhe dhaabuu hin danda’u jechuun qondalonni OPDO hojirraa oolchutti akka seenan akeekkachiisun himame. Wanni ajaa’ibaa Kumaa Dammaqsaatuu, kan yeroo ammaa midiyaalerraa deemee Pilaana kana faarsu, yaada karoorri kun yeroofis ta’u haa dhaabbatu jedhu deeggaree ture.
Yoo yaadattan ta’e namichi Abbaay Tsahaayyee jedhamu kun bara 2003 keessa walgahii Ziwaay keessatti godhamerratti, magaalota Oromiyaa kurnan tokko, kan akka Jimmaa, Asallaa, Gobba, Ciro, Adaamaa kkf keessatti Afaan Oromoo afaan hojii ta’uurra akka hafu yaada dhiheesse ture. Sababni inni kennes ‘magaalota kan keessa lakkoofsi Oromoo dhibbeentaa 30 ol hin ta’u, sunuu Afaan Amaaraa beeka. kanaaf Afaan oromoo hin barbaachisu yaada jedhu ture. Gaafa san Suleeyman daddafa kan hoggus itti gaafatamaa Damee Ololaa Dh. D.U. O ture yaada Abbaay mormuun walgahii dhiitee yoo bahu, qiondaalonni hedduun faana waan ka’aniif, yaanni sun achumaan kufe. gaafasi as Suleeyman Daddafoo aangorra darbamee biyyoota hiyyeeyyii Dhiha Afrikaa keessa joorfamaa ture. Hanga Dhihoo kanaatti Jabuutitti ramadamee ture.
Kana qofaa miti. Ragaaleen Seenaa akka mul’isanitti Kaartaa naannoo Tigraay kan Raayyaafi Azaboo Oromiyaarraa mure fudhate san kan kaaye, erga aangoo qabatan boodas oromummaan ummata Raayyaa keessa dhiqame Tigrummaan akka bakka bu’u suduudaan itti hojjataa akka jiru beekama. Namoota Wayyaanee keessatti tuffiifi farra Oromoo ta’uun beekaman keessaa hangafni Abbaay Tsahaayyee ta’uu ragaa qondaalli Dh.D. U.O cufti bahuudha.

Haramaya Still Under Siege

(May 4, 2014)
#OromoProtests Haromaya University still under siege by (in)security forces. Students unable to leave campus. Those who ran away during the beating are denied entry as well. Also banks given strict order to not payout money sent by parents to any one using student ID. Many students stranded outside campus without means to pay for food and shelter. Residents in neighboring towns have been extremely gracious in hosting them. We are grateful to our people of Haromaya and ask them to continue with their solidarity with the defenseless students.

From Qeerroo Oromia

ለኦህዴድ ባለስልጣናትና አባላት፣
ለኦሮሚያ ፖሊስ አባላት፣
ለኦሮሚያ አድማ በታኝ ፖሊስ አባላት፣
ለኦሮሚያ ማረሚያ ቤቶች ፖሊስ አባላት እንዲሁም
የፌዴራል ፖሊስ አባል ለሆናችሁ የኦሮሞ ልጆች እንዲሁም በወያኔ መከላከያ ሠራዊት ውስጥ ለሚትገኙ ወገኖች በሙሉ
እናንተስ ከየትኛው ወገን ናችሁ!?
ይህንን ወቅታዊና ታርካዊ ጥያቄ ትመልሱ ዘንድ ጊዜው ደረሰ። እናንተ የሚታገለግሉት አሸባር ቡድን ጠላትነቱን በገሃድ ባረጋገጠ መልኩ ህዝባችሁን በገዛ ሃገሩ
ላይ በአልሞ ተኳሽ ነፍሰገዳዮች ጥይት ሲያስረሸን ከዓይናችሁ ኣልፎ የድፍን ዓለም መነጋገሪያ ሆኗል። ከዚህ ህዝባችሁ ላይ ከተቃጣ ወደር የለሽ የጂኖሳይድ
ጭፍጨፋ ተሳታፊነት ራሳችሁን እንዲታቅቡ፤ እንዲሁም ይንን የዳግማዊ ነፍጠኞች ወረራን ለመቀልበስ ይቻል ዘንድ ከህዝባችሁ ጎን በመሆን ሰልፋችሁን
እንዲታስተካክሉ ታሪካዊ ጥሪ ቀርቦላችኋል።
ከዚህ በፊትም በህዝባችሁ ላይ ስደረግ የነበረውን መሰል ጭፍጨፋና ፈርጀ ብዙ ጭቆና ተባባሪ እንዳትሆኑ ፣ ከተቻለ ደግሞ ከህዝባችሁ ፍላጎት ኣንጻር
እንዲትሰለፉ ህዝባችሁ ተመሳሳይ ጥሪዎችን ስያቀርብላችሁ መቆየቱ ይታወሳል። ሆኖም ግን በወቅቱ ለዚህ ሕዝባዊ ጥሪ አዎንታዊ ምላሽ ባለመስጠታችሁ ይባስ
ብሎም ተሳታፊ ሆኖ በመገኘታችሁ የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ለአሳቃቂ እልቂት ተዳርጓል።
ይህ ተደጋጋሚ ጭፍጨፋና ጭቆና የበዛበት ህዝብ ራሱን ለመከላከልና ብሔራዊ ነፃነቱን ለመጎናጸፍ ያለዉን ብቸኛ መንገድን በህይዋቱ ቤዛ ተያይዞታል።
ታላቁ የኦሮሞ ህዝብ በዳግማዊ ነፍጠኛ ኃይሎች እየደረሰበት ያለውን አሰቃቂ ጥቃት በመመከት ለትግሉ ያለውን ጽናት ና ቁርጠኛነት በውል አራጋግጧል። ይህ
ህዝባዊ ንቅናቄ ለመጨረሻ ግቡ እስኪ በቃ ድረስ አጠቃላይ ሕዝባዊ ኃይሉን በማቀናጀት በተጠናከረ መልኩ እንዲቀጥል ለህዋታቸው ሳይሳሱ የሚተጉ ኣእላፍ
የቁርጥ ቀን ልጆቹን ኣሰልፏል።
በመሆኑም ከላይ በተጠቀሰዉ መዋቅር ዉስጥ የሚትገኙ የኦሮሞ ልጆች፣ በተለይ ደግሞ የወታደራዊና ፖሊሲ አባላት ለሆናችሁ ታጣቂ ኃይሎች ህዝባችሁን
የማዳን ብሔራዊ ግዴታን ትወጡ ዘንድ እነሆ ይህ ታሪካዊ ጥሪ በዲጋሚ ቀርቦላችኋል። ስለዚህ በመፍረስ ላይ የሚገኘውን አሸባሪ ሥርዓት በመልቀቅ ለዚህ
ብሔራዊ ጥሪ ፈጣንና ተግባራዊ ምላሽ በመስጠት ራሣችሁን ከተጠያቂነት እንዲታድኑ ይሁን!
ዘለዓለማዊ ክብር ለተሰው ንጹሃን የኦሮሞ ተማሪዎች!!


Akkuma Magaalaa Amboo keessatti tahaa tureefi jirutti guyyaa kaleessaa yuunivarsiitii Haroomayaadha koottaa wal gahii bahaa,gaaffilee keessaniif deebii finneerra qaama dhimmi ilaallaturraa jechuun erga walitti qabanii booda ilmaan Oromoo 150 tahan gara mana hidhaa waajjira poolisii Haroomayaa fidanii sinirraa hin fuunu jennaan gara hin beekkamnetti geessuun dhagahameera.
Yuunivarsiitii Adaamaafi magaalaa Adaamarraayis gara namoota 200 ol tahantu hidhameera.
Haa tahu malee achittis poolisoonni Oromiyaa barattoota Oromoo akka hin tumamneefi hin hidhamne wal dura dhaabbachuu isaanitu gabaaafama.
maqaa hidhamtoota kanneenii akka gabaasni nu gaheen ilmaan Oromoof qaamota mirga namoomaaf dhaabbatan hundaaf ni gabaasna.
“Wal-basaasuun hafee diina Oromummaa callaadhaan namatti dhufe irratti xiyyeefachuun baay’ee waan gameessa. Nama morman fakkaatanii ijoollee keessa dhaabachuun warri guyyaa iyyaa oolanii galgala ammoo dabarsanii ormatti ijoollee kennan of-eeggadhaa. Yaa namicha hojjetaa poolisii federaalaa turtee har’a garuu Yunivarsiitii Adaamaatti barnoota irra jirtuu gochaa akkanaa irraa of-qusadhu si gaagaati. Gaaffiin barattootaa, gaafii haqaati.”
Oromoo wal malee nuti fira hin qabnuuti waliif haa birmannu.Sochiin amma kahe kuni fiixa bahuu dhabee duubatti deebinaan gaaffi seenaa jalatti na gatee darbuu isaa hin dagatinaa.
Injifannoon uummata OrOMOOF!

ULFO Statement: No Barrage of Terror Stops the Struggle of the Oromo Nation for Inalienable Human Rights and Democratic Rights

May 1, 2014
The TPLF-led regime of Ethiopia has perpetrated once again heinous crimes against the Oromo people. The state terror that it has unleashed in the last couple of days across Oromia is another reminder for the Oromo nation that the regime is bent to annihilate the Oromo people by all means possible.
Dispatching its barbaric and fascistic Agazi security forces all across Oromia, the regime has massacred university students and unarmed civilians in Ambo, Robe, HaraMayaa, Gudar, Gedoo, Naqamte, Bishoftu and Incinni. In these and many other areas, the death of over 70 people has been reported. This death toll is representing only the broad daylight killing by Agazi snipers. Many more are suspected to have been killed outside the public eye as the Agazi force went on rampage of hunting students in rural communities surrounding the university towns.
Mass arrest, torture, and raping of female university students have been reported to be quite rampant. The whereabouts of the detainees are unknown to relatives as the security force took them to undisclosed locations. Not only detainees, the Agazi denied relatives even bodies of their loved ones for burial. All this is to hide its heinous crime.
We are deeply saddened with the loss of lives of our people. We condemn the TPLF-led regime in the strongest term possible and hold it accountable for the mass killing, torture, rape, and unlawful mass arrest of our people.
No massacre, no torture, no mass arrest, and no other forms of terror could flinch the resolve of the Oromo people and stop them from struggling for their inalienable human rights and democratic rights. The TPLF-led regime of Ethiopia may perfect its terror methods and continue launching what amounts to genocidal war against the Oromo nation. However, with the Oromo people now impressively standing shoulder to shoulder it won’t be too long when we see the departure of the enemy force of TPLF from the soil of Oromia.
At this critical juncture in the history of the struggle of the Oromo people, we call upon and appeal to all organized Oromo political forces to come to their senses and jointly address the current situation in our country as a national emergency. The situation is extraordinary and its needs an extraordinary measure on the part of those who claim to lead the struggle of the nation. The time is now or never.
