Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Addunyaa qaroomtee irraa booda hafnee ,osoo afaan qabnuu dubbachuu dadhabnee…

Addunyaa qaroomtee irraa booda hafnee
,osoo afaan qabnuu dubbachuu dadhabnee
,,,osoo aadaa qabnuu kan ormaa hordofnee,
seenaas hedduu qabnaa kan hin dagatamne,
miidiyaa alagaan keenya qoqqoobamnee,
jaarraa tokko oliif qawweef miidiyaadhaan waa hedduu reebamne,
waltajjii diinaatiin seena dhablee taanee
Addunyaatti himamne.
SEENAA hedduu qabnaa kan himamee hindhumne,
aadaa keenya boonsaa kan yoomu hin duune,,,,,
SIRNA DIIMOKRAASII kaleessa Addunyaan qaroomaan nuuf TUME,
osoo kana qabnuu luugamaan hidhamnee,
MIIDIYAA dhabuudhaan dukkanatti hafne. Keenyaan faallaa taanee namatti mul’annee,
xurree diinnii saaqee irra imaluudhaaf dhiittaadhaan dirqamne.
Nutis kunoo amma mataa ol qabannee
tarree hawaasa addunyaa keessaatti hirmaannee,
Miidiyaa waaltessaa oromoo dhaabbanne
sabaa himaa jabaa
dhuunfaan YAYYABANNEE,
hundi ilmaan oromoo gammachuun guutamne,
lammiileen biyyarraa biyyatti facaane,
tamsaasa wal qixa guutuu addunyaatiin kunoo tokko taane,,, Hayyuun keenya ka’ee dhaamsa waliif dhaamee,
beekaanis bikkayyuu lallabee wal yaamee,
miidiyaa nuudhaabuuf YAA’II gamtaa uume,
Inni abbaa qabeenyaas lammiidhaaf arjoomee
,kunoo akkasittiin humnaafii beekumsi walitti gamtoomee,
yaroo gabaabduutti waltajjii tokkummaa oromoo dhugoome. Kunoo nuufis guyyaan gammachuu nuu dhufee,
dubbachuu dandeenyaa afaan keenya guunnee,
karaa miidiyaadhaa kunoobilisoomnee.,,
EENYUMMAAN OROMOO maal akka fakkaatuu,
seenaan awwaalame
akka ifa baatu,
biyyaaf biyyeen keenya maal akka fakkaattu,,
tamsaasuudhaaf jirraa ADDUNYAA MARATTUU,
sagalee qaradhaa qophaa’aa martinuu
,dhageettii halagaa haa barbadeessinuu,,
keenya wal fakkaannee keenya haa leellifnuu,
keenya gonofamnee kan ormaa gonfamnee, osoo hayyuu qabnuu doofaa alagaatiin hammeenya gorfamnee, seenaa goota oromoo baruuf mirga dhabnee,, dabeessa HABASHAA faarsuuf ajajamne. Alagaan sobamuun yaroonsaatu dhumee, Beektota keenyatu afaan nutti UUME, jechaa gammachuudhaan lammiin biyya keessaa oduu waliif dhaame. Xumureera Galatooma * Birkii Burqaa Kaleessaa.”

Hundreds Protest against Ethiopian human Rights Abuses in Ogaden at Geneva Conference


Hundreds of Somali people from Occupied-Ogaden region and ONLF supporters protested against Ethiopian human rights abuses in Ogaden region on Monday march 10th, in front of Geneva compound where the United Nations’ Human Rights Council held its annual human rights hearing conference.
The protesters carrying flags that represent an Independence state of Ogaden region and pictures of Ethiopian victims made a long-line facing towards the Geneva Compound as they raised slogans for freedom in Ogadenia, down-down Ethiopia down and international intervention in the ongoing hidden genocide in Ogaden Region of Ethiopia.
At the gathering Representative of various Ogadenian activists and community-leaders addressed the protesters who came from UK, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Holland, Belgium and Switzerland showing unity and a single purpose amid to advocate against the Ethiopian atrocities in Ogaden Region.
“We have gathered here to show the World our unity and how we are ready to gain all our rights including our rights of self-determination”, said one of the lecturers.
Yesterday’s protest was jointly organized by four major Ogadenian NGOs, Ogaden Communities in Europe, Ogaden youth and Students Union (OYSU) Ogaden Mother and Child Relief (OMCR) and Justice for Ogaden.
“The crisis in Ogaden region has only worsened, which is why Somalis from Ogaden are in exile and seek refuge in neighboring countries such as Kenya, Djibouti, Somalia, Yemen, Eritrea and South Africa. Ogadenian activists are around the globe working day-and-night to urge International Community including Ethiopian donors to build pressure on Ethiopian government to end the Ogaden blockade and allow Aid agencies and human Rights campaigners such as Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, International Media and aid agencies to have freely access”, said Abdullahi Yare, An Ogadeni community leader.
“By working tirelessly and in unity against Ethiopia we can pressure Ethiopia to stop massacring the innocent civilians in occupied Ogaden Region and to sit for genuine peace negotiations because Ethiopia has tried many years to keep Ogaden under its protectorate but failed to create peace by practicing inhumane acts to the Ogaden Somalis.”
Many Western Diplomats believe that the Ogaden region is like the Darfur of Sudan and since 2007, Addis Ababa has been denying any access to the Ogaden region by the International Human Rights NGO, aid agencies and Independent Journalists, imposing a violent crackdown that continues until today.