Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Miseensotni Hawaasa Oromoo Ayerlaand Gochaa Mootummaan Sawudii Raawwate balaleefatani.

Nutii miseensotni Waldaa Hawaasa Oromoo Ayerlaand, uumatoota nagaa fi tasgabbii jaallataniin harka wal qabachuun haala suukanneessaa mootummaa fi uumata seer-dhaboo biyya Saawudii Arabiyaatiin uummata keenya irratti raawwatame balaleeffachuu , jaalalaa fi  deggersa lammummaa  miidhamtoota  gochaa kanaan gaaga’amanf ibsuuf hiriira nagaa  baanee jirra
Miseensotni waldaa keenya  gochaa mootummaa fi uumatni seer-dhabiin biyya Saawudi uummata keenya irraan ga’an jechaa cimaa balaaleffachuu dandaa’amu hundaan ni balaleeffanna. Akka hubannutti namoota gaagamni irraa ga’e keessaa harki caalaan ilmaan Oromoo yammuu ta’an, namootni kun biyya isaanitti dararamaa, hidhaa fi ajjeechaa shorokeessa mootummaa Itoophiyaatiin irra ga’een baqatanii golgaa barbaacha biyyaa sana seenani dha.  Waanti nama gaddisiisu garuu  ummatni kun  shororkaa dacha ta’en  dararamuu isaanii ti. 

Amma akka daamsa qobnuu fi akka miidiaa irra argnutti ilmaan Itoophiyaa warri golgaa hin qabne kun humna ajjeestuu fi darartuu Sawudiitii fi uummata jarri lammiiwwaan keenya irratti kakaasaniin kaan reebamnii, kaan du’anii, kaan gudeedamanii, kaan mana hidhaatti naqamanii jiru. 

Uummatni Itoophiyaa uummata nagaa, uummata boonaa fi kan namaaf jaalalaa fi kabajaa qabu ta’uu irra deerbee  biyyaa namaa keessatti mitii biyyaa isaa keessatti iyyuu kan nama hin tuqne dha. Wanti nama dhibu garuu uummatnii fi mootummaan Sawudii maaliif uummata golgaa isaanii barbaacha biyya isaanii deeme dararaniif dha.

Nuti miseensotni waaldaa hawaasa Oromoo biyya Ayerlaan gochaa mootumman Sawudii lammiiwwan keenya irraan gahe jechaa fi miira dandaa’mu hundaan balaalefatna. Aarii fi gadda nutti dhagaame hundaa ibsuun gochaa  suukanneesaa, gochaa hammeenyaa mootummaan biyya sanatiin uummata keenya irraatti raawwate ni balaaleftna. 

Mootumaan Sawudii Arabiyaa isaa baqatoota siyaasaa baqatoota gosa biro irraa addaan baasee ilaaluun utuu irra jiraa, hundaa waliigala akka tokkotti fudhatee gochaa sukanneessaa akkasii keesumaa iyyuu lammiiwwan Itoophiyaa adda baasee jara qofaa irratti xiiyyeefachuun sirrii miti. 

Mootummaan Sawudii Arabiyaa akka oodeesu yoo dhuguma seera mootummaa addunyaa hojii irraa oolchaan yoo jechu, seeraa addunyaa isaatti bakka kamitti iyyuu baqataa biyya kee dhufte, ajjeesi, gudeedi yookaan  reebi kan jedhu hin jiru. Kanaaf nuti yaadaa fi sagalee tokkoon dhaabota mootumaa addunyaa keesumaa iyyuu UNHCR, “Human Right Watch” fi Ligiin Mrga Dalamaa kan Ganfa Afrikaaa gochaa suukanneessaa ilmaan Itoophiyaa irratti raawwate kana akka qo’atanii warra daba kana geessise aka seeraan gaafatani cimisinee gaafatna. 

Mootummaan Sawudii Arabiyaa itti gaafatumummaa seeraa addunyaatiin ala waan ta’uu hin dandeenyeef, dhaabotiin addunyaa warri dhugaa jaallatani hundi dhugaa dabee kanaa fi seera addunyaa warra cabsan kana gara mana murtiitti akka dhiiheesaniif badii isaaniitti akka gaafatamaniif adabaman gaafatna.
Shorokaan haa Dhabamu!
Waldaa Hawaasa Oromoo Ayerlaand

Members of Oromo Community Ireland Show their anger at inhuman Act of the Saudi Arabians against Citizens
We came out today on November 18 2013 to voice our anger at Saudi Arabia action against our fellow brothers and sisters. We take in hands with other peace loving Ethiopians living in Ireland to show our love, support and solidarity to our brothers and sisters attacked by Arabs forces and nations in Middle East.  We are here to show and send our disappointment and anger against the savage, cruel and menacing act the Saudi government and public committed our nations in their country.

We the members and supporters of Oromo Community in Ireland oppose in any strong possible words the inhuman and autocracy perpetrated against Ethiopian refugees, particularly against Oromo refugees flee their home country in search of safe heavens from the continuous government sponsored terrorism against them in their own country. It is pity that peace loving Ethiopian are double victims of terrorism in the home country as well as in a country they sought protection. 

We came to learn that thousands Ethiopians were, much of whom obviously Oromos were surrounded by Saudi Arabia’s killing squad, these unfortunates and helpless immigrants were beaten, tortured and killed by the so called National Guard and Special Force of the country and, the government agitated mob of public elements.
Ethiopians are very social and peaceful people of dignity and pride never attack any body in their own country let alone while looking for protection and refuge in somebody’s county.  It is unimaginable why the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia organised and perpetrated selective attack targeting only Ethiopians and Oromo nationals who left their country for search of international protection against attacks in their homeland.

We the members of Oromo Community Ireland, condemn the action the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia committed against our fellow brothers and sisters seeking protection in that country. We express our anger, outrage and condemnation in all possible terms against the ruthless and brutal acts taken against our nationals in Saudi Arabia.  
The Saudi Arabian rules where supposed to distinguish among different refugees, rather than assuming all in one category and grossly attacking only immigrants from Ethiopian origin. 
Though, the Saudi Arabian government claims that it is implementing the international law, there is no anywhere in the international law that state hosting government can kill, rape or torte immigrates in their country. Therefore, we call on the international organisations including UNHCR, Human Rights Watch and Horn of African Human Right League to seek justice for those helpless victims of inhuman, degrading and devising savage attacks committed against them.
The Saudi Arabian authorities cannot be immune to the international laws and we call ll justice loving and organisations in charge of human right to initiate probes of this crime against humanity and gross violation and breach of International Human Rights Laws.
Down with terrorism!
Association of Oromo Community Ireland.

50th Anniversary of Oromo Struggle for Freedom led by General Wako Gutu – Dr Ibrahim Elemo

Waamicha Hiriira Mormii (Oslo, Norway) – Sadaasa/November 22, 2013

Ilmaan Oromoo Oslo fi naannoo jiraattan hundaaf:
Akkuma hundi keessan quba qabdanitti lammiiwwan keenya biyya Saudi Arabia jiran miidhaan guddaan irra gahaa jira. Gocha raawwatamee fi raawwachaa jiru kana balaalefachuuf akka dhaabbatus gaafachuuf gaafa Jimaataa, guyyaa (Sadaasa/November) 22.11.2013 Embassy Saudi Arabia fi Ministeera dhimma alaa Norge fuulduratti IHOO’n hiriira mormii qendeessaa jira.Kanaafuu guyyaa jedhame kana sa’aa 10:30 bakka Trafikanten jedhamutti walgeeyna. Sa’aa 11:00 tti mormii keeyna Embassy Saudi Arabiatti, Drammensveien 102H, dhageessissun miidhaan lammiiwwan keenya irra gahaa jiru akka dhaabbatu haagaafunnu. Kara embassy Saudi deemuf trikk lakk. 13 qabachuudhan buufata “Nobels gate” jedhutti bu’uun ni danda’ama.
Ilmaan Oromoo Oslo fi naannoo jiraattan hundinuu hirmaattanii rakkoo lammiiwwan keenna irra gayaa jiruuf akka mormii dhageessiftan kabajjaan isin waamna.
Nagaa wajjin,
Koree, Ijaarsa Hawaasa Oromoo Oslo
Bilbila: 99 55 79 06 (Guddataa)
92 69 13 72 (Dammalaash)
40 04 55 92 (Abbaadiimaa)

Let no one Rob you of your Identity

By  Roba Pawelos*
In Psychology and Sociology, Identity is a person’s conception and expression of their individuality or group affiliations (such as national identity and cultural identity). The concept is given a great deal of attention in social pyschology and is important in place identity.
In Ethiopia, the identity of one have to be told thousand times but ignored for the others, must be praised too much for one but have to be abused and humiliated for others, positive to talk about it for one and unspoken taboo for the others, the conept seems a difficult one to understand but not in reality. Generally, weather we like it or not human dignity, freedom, independence and the like must be build on the base of the recognition of his own or her own identity.
One important thing throughout the history of the Oromo nation, and particularly in the last 50 years, is that the Oromo people’s life is a progression, a journey of the forgotten towards their own origin, self-rediscover for some and self-build and lifting up of them selves which suffered all the evils under the earth a human can do to his/her fellow human kind. There for today when one says I am an Oromo it means a lot for the nation and even for the whole of Africa if one understands. Another is that Abyssinians stand to resist every step and to hinder the journey in every way possible. As an Oromo, to advance against these powerful and brutal opposition requires unity and stead-fast courage from every Oromo individual, institution, organization and community.
As many died for their country, they declared their own determination to advance against all obstacles of Oromo identity including the Abyssinians and ignorant westerns towards Oromo nation. Their sacrifice showed the light, prosperity, joy, pride, freedom, peace and soverignty to come in time. Eventhough these has yet attained unto the goal set before them, they did their part and left a big shoe to be filled by their children and grand children. But today who can boldly say I press on toward that goal, that goal of prosperity, freedom, peace, and soverignty of the Oromo nation? This is an assignment to be worked on by all Oromo people specially the young generation today.
There fore, in the generation we are living every oromo have to say I will fulfill the goal of my fore fathers with everything I have at hand. To say so, one have to be sure and confident of his/her own identity. So don’t throw away your confidence about your about your identity, the more they became ignorant, you must come out and shine your identity up. I am an Oromo first wheather you like it or not, sing it like your daily prayer., why not. For every Oromo knowing and respecting your identity and even paying sacrifice if it demands, will be richely rewarded. The idea of Ethiopianism which is widely decorated with back ward errors will pay the price for the war against oromo identity in more than a century long wide range violence and abuse.
Every Oromo have to stand together and block the unrenewed idea of hate towards Oromo identity in Ethiopian empire. We have to be in unity and bulid unshaked self-respect which doesnot mean hating others.
The current domains of old Ethiopian empire including TPLF/EPRDF (The killer brutal regime in the horn of Africa for more than two decades), the so called Ethiopian opposition parties in the empire and in diaspora that created not to fight for their own freedom but to stand against Oromo nation’s freedom, have one things in common which their hate and dream of robing every Oromo his/her oromo identity and swallow being habesha.
Finally know that much present-day anti oromo propoganda parrots the egotistics of a past Ethiopian generation. There fore, don’t allow one of them to rob of your identity.
I am Oromo first
Oromia shall be free
*Roba Pawelos can be contacted at

Barattooti Yuniversitii Jimmaa Governance and Developmental Studies Kanneen Baratan Gaaffii Belbeltuu Kaasan.

“Mootummaan Wayyaanee bakka dimokraasiin hin jirretti dimokraasii lallaba,bakka mishoomi hin jirretti mishooma lallaba,iddoo nagaan hin jirretti nageenya lallaba” Barattoota Yuni Jimmaa
QerroooGabaasaa: Sadaasaa 19, 2013 Baratootni Yuunivarsiitii Jimmaa Mummee Baranota ”Governance and Developmental Studies” waggaa
tokkooffaa hanga waggaa sadaffaa barachaa jiran walitti dhufuun imaamatni barnota Wayyaaneen gaggeessaa jirtu, sirrii akka hin taane ibsuun ifatti mootummaa EPRDF balaaleffatan.
Imaammatni barnotaa Wayyaanee TPLF fi EPRDF baasee ittiin ummata barsiisu biyyattiis ta’e uumataaf faayidaa kan qabu osoo hin taane dabballoota sirnicha tajaajilu oomishee akka baasu kan gargaaru qofa ta’uu hubachiisan. Lammiileen biyyaattiis ogummaa qabaniin uummata isaanii tajajilanii ofis kan gargara jiran miti.
Yeroo ammaa kanatti baratootni dhaabbiilee olaanoo biyyaatti hunda keessaa waggaa waggaatti baratootni kumaataman lakka’aman degree jalqaba fi lammaffan ni eebbifamu, garuu hojii dhabdee ta’uun jiruuf jireenyaan dararamaa jiraatu.Gama biraan lafa dimookiraasiin hin jirreetti maqaa dimookiraasiin lallabuun lafa mishoomi hin jirretti maqaa mishoomaan lallabuun EPRDF haadhaabbatu kan jedhu kaasanii dabarsaniis department head mummee barnotaa ”Governance and Developmental Studies tti dhiyeeffatan. Gaaffii kana gaafachuuf kan nu dirqee yeroo hundaa biyyaa Ethiopia jedhamtu kan amma Wayyaaneen EPRDF gaggeessaa jirtu kana keessaatti ” barnoonni saayinsiin” barannuu fi kan qabataman argaa jirruu tasuma kan wal hin madaalle ta’uu waan hubanneef sirni kun lammii biyyaa kanaa midhaa jira malee fayyada hin jiru jedhuu baratootni gaaffii mirgaa kaasan. Barattoota Developmental Studies Jimmaa