Friday, April 18, 2014

APR 18 EPRDF’s “Addis-Oromia Special Zone Master Plan” for Committing Large-scale Genocide on the Oromo People

By Qeerransoo Biyyaa

The Issue

Under the excuses of “joint development” for cities of Oromia and Finfinne[1], the Tigirean minority regime of Ethiopia has secretly created a master plan it calls “Addis Ababa and the Surrounding Oromia’s Special Zone Common Development.”[2]   Using buzzwords of “development”, “investment” and “industrialization” as  “benevolent” justifications, the Tigire People’s Liberation Front is in a feverish campaign mode to implement the next large-scale genocide it wishes to invisibly commit on the Oromo people by depopulating cities and rural areas inhabited by Oromo farmers and urban residents in and around Finfinne (Addis Ababa).

The plan is explicit about the regime’s intentions to incorporate over 6 Oromia’s cities and 8 rural Aanaalee (Counties) in the vicinity of Finfinnee into Fininne against the will of the Oromo people.  Sululta, Bishoftu, Sabata Dukem, Holeta and Ambo are among the cities planned to be gobbled up by Addis Ababa. Regime authorities are estimating Finfinne, which currently sits on 54,000 hectares of Oromo land obtained through 19th and 20th century crimes of genocide, now wants to gain 1.1 million hectares of land from Oromia by the same criminal method—genocide.[3]

 The plan comes in two forms based on the kind of thrust TPLF wants to make into grabbing  Oromia’s rural and urban lands: (a) the plan that allows to make inroads into Oromia in all directions by 140 kilometers from the centre of Addis is set to expire in 25 years; (b) the plan that will be used to make inroads into Oromia by 30-40 kilometers in all directions from the centre of Addis is planned to last 10 years.[4]   Even the Oromo People’s Democratic Organization (OPDO) members, which forms one of the four arms of the TPLF-run Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front, is being cowed into affixing   Oromia region’s name as the “co-creator” of the master plan when in fact the plan was created without their knowledge and presented to them in Adama as a surprise for implementation.  TPLF members in the Addis Ababa city government unveiled the secret plan  in April 2014, 3 years after they first started to work on it (in 2011.)


It is obvious that the master plan’s goals are to enrich Tigirean elites and their collaborators at the expense of slowly exterminating Oromos from the area.  Some Oromo lawyers, politicians and academics like citing TPLF/EPRDF’s  constitution of 1994 (specially article 39 on self-determination) and article 49 (5) to say that the implementation of the master plan proves once again that TPLF officials are above the constitution and the law, and that Oromia region lacks any form of autonomy to rule itself and develop its own cities. Yes, but it really doesn’t matter citing provisions in this sham document because everyone knows that the TPLF elites have always been above the law (and that they are the law). They have been committing the ultimate crimes of genocide against the Oromo people using OPDO as a glove for the last 24 years, pretending that they would not leave fingerprints behind at the crime scenes. Ironically, on its 24th anniversary OPDO condemned the 19th century genocide perpetrated against the Oromo by Menelik II, but it wimply accepted its 21stcentury version under TPLF. 

Enhanced Master Plan to Continue Committing the Crime of Genocide

The master plan described above is nothing short of adding another layer of committing genocide under misleading and false labels of  connecting Oromia’s cities to  fictitious development “benefits” from Finfinne.  How can Abyssinian elites benefit Oromia by dispossessing Oromia of over 1.1 million hectares of land under the pressures military occupation?   What is clear is that “development” has become a new terminology for genocide in Oromia.

Evicting farmers because of membership in a group is an internationally recognized crime of genocide under the 1948 UN Convention on Genocide Article II (A-E).[5]  The land grab in Oromia, which has had genocidal characteristics, started in the last quarter of the 19th century and it is ongoing.  While crimes listed under the UNGC are being committed against the Oromo people on a daily basis, including “killing members of the group,” (Art 2(A) and “causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group,” (Art II (B), a provision that is specially applicable to the mass eviction and impoverishing of  Oromo famers is UNGC Article II (C) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”[6]    

The research conducted for this article indicated that almost all ethnic Amhara and Tigire sources never mention the negative consequences of the master plan.  They deliberately avoid talking about the crimes the regime they support has been committing and is about to commit some more through the master plan. In fact, a lot of the headlines of newspaper articles and online articles reviewed from northern Ethiopian media glorify and propagate the master plan as some kind of successful “land reform in Oromia Regional State”[7], stating “The Oromia regulation will have land given out through auction and assignment and avoid inheritance and succession, which had been part of the practice in the region.”   The Habesha press has fully avoided talking about the people inhabiting the cities and the rural counties (Aanaalee) on which further genocide is planned.  Their audiences, of course, are the Abyssinian millionaires and billionaires who are interested in acquiring Oromia’s lands through complicity with the actions of the Tigire government of Ethiopia. They are telling the so-called investors that they can lease a square meter of land from as high a rate as 1011.50 Br (USD 52)  to as low as 160.69 Br (USD 9) depending on the location and the quality of the land.  None express concerns about the Oromo population already on the land.  

Oromo Actors Oppose the Genocide Plan

Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC), the only lawful Oromo opposition party in Ethiopia, was among the first Oromo political actors to issue a statement and to condemn the master plan as a plan created in order to to incite conflict between Oromo natives and Abyssinian settler colonialist self-identifying as “investors.”   OFC clearly understood that the master plan is part of the TPLF culture of condemning Oromo rural and urban communities to lethal poverty “in the name of investment and development” for those with links to the totalitarian ruling party, EPRDF.  The OFC contextualizes the master plan as follows[8]:

In the countryside, Oromo farmers are being evicted from their plots of land without compensation and without any employment guarantee. In cities, the houses and properties of [Oromo] persons are being demolished and the owners are rendered propertyless and sanctioned to perpetual poverty. In contrast, it is seen that individual supporters of the regime (EPRDF/TPLF) are amassing wealth upon wealth by acquiring land in urban and rural areas using their connections, relatives and group memberships to get 30-40 maps  and then trading in those maps to generate profit.  


The OFC statement doesn’t call the massive evictions genocide, but the rate and conditions under which Oromo farmers are evicted and exposed to poverty-stricken and diseases-infested life conditions that will cause their demise is clear. It is also clear that this is centrally (by state) planned in the name of “development.”

OFC’s statement also notes that the severity of the consequences of the master plan goes beyond land grabbing in Oromia.  

It is not only land that is going to be taken from the people [the Oromo], it is also the right to speak and learn his[9] own language [Afan Oromo], the right to be judged in courts in his own language, the right to develop one’s own culture…all of these will be gone. As a result, the harm that will be inflicted on the region [Oromia], on the people [Oromo], and the farmers around these areas will be very heavy [difficult].

Of course, a good genocide scholar would look at this and infer: this paragraph from the OFC statement is talking about cultural genocide, sometimes, also termed “assimilation” under previous Ethiopian regimes.


The TPLF is determined to pass the master plan onto OPDO to implement. OPDO is under pressure to persuade people in coerced meetings to accept the terms of the genocide without reading or writing anything in the master plan for it directly.  One arrogant Tigrean official was heard at the venue of Oromia state delivering a veiled threat that OPDO had no choice but to accept the master plan for genocide against Oromo:  “we have no problem implementing the master plan from top-down.”[10] By “we”, he meant TPLF/EPRDF and by the lack of problem he was boasting the military power of the group to impose the order it wants, including genocide.


The amount of international visibility we can garner to stop this master plan and the genocide that has been ongoing prior to the master plan, depends on our concerted political muscle on the ground to organize people to resist Abyssinian genocidal campaigns in the 21st century.  The Oromo liberation camp needs to step up from issuing statements of condemnation to organizing relevant collective actions that shall meet the challenges of these difficult times for the Oromo people who are trapped under imposed life conditions threatening their survival as a nation.  





[1] Finfinne is the indigenous Oromo name for the colonial city of Addis Ababa built on depopulated Oromo villages and tribes during the last quarter of the 19th century. 
[2] Zenebe, W. (2013, September). “What are the benefits of Addis Ababa’s and the surrounding Oromia Special Zone common master plan?” [Translated title from Amharic]. Retrieved February  January 10, 2014, from
[3]Zenebe, W. (2013, April 2014). “The master plan created for Addis Ababa and Oromia Raided Governmental Questions” {Title translated from Amharic.] The figures cited about the sizes of land were excerpted from Wudneh’s news article in The Reporter.  
[4] See endnote number 1 page 2.
[5] UN. 1948. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.  Retrieved April 16, 2014 from
[6] Emphasis added.
[7] Endale, A.  (2013, July). “ Land reforms in Oromia Regional State.” Addis Fortune. Retrieved on April 15, 2014, from

[8] Gadaa.(2014, April).  “Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) Sounds Alarm about the Ongoing Land-Grab in Oromia; Condemns the Ethiopian Govt’s Land Policy Being Enforced in Oromia Without Oromo’s Participation as Plan to Ignite Violence between Oromo Farmers and Investors.” Retrieved April 16, 2014 from

This is a news item from based on statement by OFC. Translation of parts of the statement from Afan Oromo into English is by the current author. 

[9] “His” is possessive for the Oromo people. The noun “Oromo” is masculine- gendered in Afan Oromo grammar.  

[10] YouTube video of Oromiya television news: “Addis Ababa-Finfinnee surrounding master plan faces fierce opposition from Oromos.” Via Oromia Times. Retrieved on April 16, 2014 from


11. Bulcha, M. (2013). “A Decade after the Aborted Oromo Eviction from Finfinnee: A Persistent Story of Expropriation, Humiliation & Displacement.” Retrieved  April 16, 2014, from

12. Map Credit : Addis  Fortune. The same map also appears on

Source: Oromopress

Godiina Adda Oromiyaa Finfinneti dabaluun Heeraa Ethiopia diiggudha!

Godiina Adda Oromiyaa Finfinneti dabaluun Heeraa Ethiopia diiggudha.
Getachew Jigi Demekssa PhD/
Oromoon yeroo saamamu caalisee ilaaluu hin qabu.
Mootumma Ethiopia Keyata 49 lakkoobsa 5 irratti Finfinnen waan Oromiyya keessa jirtu fi lafa Oromoo waan tateef Tajjajila fi dhiiyeesii  hunda Oromiyaa irra waan argatuuf Oromiyyan Finfinne irratti mirga qabdu fi fayidaa isheen argachuu qabduu kun ammoo balinan seeran mirkana’af jeedha. Kun Heera biyyati olanaa fi waan seera birran hin jijiramnedha. Ummata biyyati qoofatuu heera kana jijira.
Oromiyaan Mirga fi fayida Finfinnee irra argachuu qabu Heera Fedaralan keyata 49 lakobsa 5 irrati keenamee waggota 23 gutuu utu hoji irra hin oliin turun isaani dadhabina OPDO fi Tufii TPLF OPDO irrati qabduu argisisa. Oromoo mirga isaa Heera Federala mirkanayee kana falimacha jira. Mootummaan Heera kana haala dure tokko malee hojii irra olchuu qaba ture. Lamafaan Heera Federalan Dangan Oromiyaa Sararamee Kabajamuu qaba. Federali lafa Naannolee fudhachuu hin danda’uu, lafi kan uumataa fi mootummoota naannooti. Heera kana ala mootummaa Nannoo irra lafa kurmana tokko ile fudhachuu weerara ykn Heera cabsuu dha.  Oromoon lafa isaa akka barbadeeti yeeroo barbadeeti misomsuuf mirga qaba. Mirga Oromoo kana cabsuun Danga fi heera federala cabsuun Godiina Adda Oromiyaa Finfinneti kutun Heera Fedrala Ethiopia diiggudha. Kana malee Mootumman Federla lafa hin qabuu, Mootumma Nannoleetu waligalten Federala humee, busii Mootummaa Naannolen jirachuu qaba. Federal  lafa Nannoolee irrati mirga hin qabu. Lafa ykn Magala Federala kan jeedhu adunya irra hin jiru.
Finfiinen wagoota 130 hunda darban keessati kan babalate Hektara 54 qoofa kan qabatee yamuu ta’uu. Maaster Plani ama kana amoo Godiina Adda Oromiyya irra Hektara Milliona 1.1 (1, 100,000 Hektar) yeero tokkon fudhachuun lafa kana gurgurachuuf yaadameti moo Oromiyya misomsuuf yaadameeti? Kayoon Master Plan kana Ummataa Oromoo millona 5.7 million buqisun,  Aannalee 17 Magaloota 36 dhabamisisun lafa hektara milliona 1.1 gidugalessa Oromiyaa dhunfachudha. Afaan Oromoo fi Adda Oromoo Naannoo sun irra irra baleessan akuma Finfinne ama kana goochudha. Utuu dhugumaa mirga Oromo egan ta’ee, 1faa Kutale Magala 10 fi Annalee Finfinne 116 keessati Mana barumsa Afaan Oromoon banuu turan. Fayida Oromiyyan Finfinee irra argatuu mirkaneesu turan. Gidugalessa Aadaa fi Afaan Oromoo Finfinneti banuu turan. Affan Oromoo Afaan hoji Finfinne goodhu turan. Hojeetan Nannoo Oromiyya Finfinne keessati dura akka argatuu goodhu turen. Wajjirale Oromiyya Finfinne keessa Gamoo mootummati kafalti tokko malee akka fayadaman goodhu turan. Kun hundi waggota 23 kana keessati hin goodhamnee. Oromiyyan Xurii fi Summii Finfinnee keessa dhagala’uun badaa jirti.
Oromoon hundi kana beekee fi xinxalee falmachuu qaba. Misoonsoon OPDO tokko tokko falamii isaan dhagesisaa jiran kan nama boonsuu yamuu ta’uu. Kara birra amoo Yeroo Tigiren Lafa Oromoo Godina Addaa Oromiyya fudhachuf dhadatuu: Oromoon akkamitti caalisee Galee mana rafa?. OPDOn (Abdulazizi Mohamad, Abdulqadirii Husen, Diriba Kuma fi Dhaabbaa Dabale) kan beekuu qaban, Kiyata 49 lak.5 irratti Oromiyyan Finfinnee irra Fayida argachuu qabdi kan jeedhu Oromiyyaf erga Heeran mirkana’ee waggoota 23 Finfinnee irra mal argate? Oromiyyan Mallaqaa Finfinnee irra argate qabdi? Ijoolle Oromoo finfinnee keessatti Afaan isaanin baracha jiru? Finfinneen Oromiyya irraa Bishan, Ibsa, fi Muka argatuuf mal kafala jirti? Xuriin Finfinnee keessa Oromiyyatti gadi ya’ee Oromiyya Baleessa jiruf Finfinnen Beenya hangama kafalte? OPDOn mirga Oromoo Kabachisan jira jeedhu Oromiyyan mirga isheen Finfinnee irratti qabduu maliif hin kabachifne?, Finfiineen duguma Magaloota kana misomsuuf yaadeti moo Wayyanetu lafa  Naannoo kana samee gugurachuuf? Hayyama uumataa Oromoo malee, marii Caffee Oromoiyya malee xalayadhan lafa Oromoo fudhachuun ummaticha tufachuu miti? Fayidan Oromiyya Finfinnen irra argachuu qabdu wagga 23 dhorkatamee utuu deebi hin argatiin Godiina Adda Oromiyya waliin misomsu irra Oromiyyan atamiin fayida argati? Maliif akuma Horii nama gowomsuu yaaluu? Kun deebi argachuu qaba.
Waggota 100 ol Oromiyyan Finfinne Bishan Qulqulu Obaftee, Muki Nannoo Finfinne Qooran ta’ee finfinne tajajilee dhumee, Ibsa Finfinne Oromiyyatu madisisa, biyoo fi dhagaan nannoo Oromiya Finfinne fayada jira. Oromiyyan bishan qulquluu Finfinne Obasa jirtu Finfinnee irra kan argatuu garuu Sumii fi Xurii warsha fi Hosptalota qoofa. Waan birran hafnan Hojetoon Mootummaa Nannoo Oromiyya Magala Finfinneti akka hin qacaramne ykn akka jijira hin arganee ajeeja Tafara waluwa fi Kuma Damaqisan waggota 23 ol dorkamee jira. Wajjirleen Oromiyya Gamoo Finfinne keessa hunda basii gudaa kafaluuf, wajjira Mootumma fi Orotodoks Ethiopia keessa dirqaman argi’aman akka mana dhunfa kireefatan goodhamuu. Budjeet wajjiralee heedun kafalti kara manati dhumaa. Finfinnen Fara Oromiyya dalaga jirti malee Oromiyya misomsuuf akka hin yaanee beekamuu qaba.
Finfinnen akkuma Magalota Adunya Gamoo gurguda ijaruun fi manen duloman diigun Mana jirenya amayaa gamoo gurguda ijarun gara samiti ol gudachuu qabdi. Kana malee ummataa lafa irra buqisun caalisan babalisun balaa heeduu qaba. Dogogora bara durbe itti dabala adeemudha. Finfinnen seeran ala babalacha jiru, bala gudaa gesisa jira, uumanii nannoo seera ala buqa’ee qeeyee isaa dhabee dhagga bacha jira. Uumani kun mana jirenya dhabee, maatiin isaa digamee, enyumaa isaa, addaa, afaan isaa dhaba jira. Kan falmacha jiru lafa qoofaf utuu hin tanee Uumata Shawwa Oromoo siirna dhufa darban buqa’aa jiru kana bararudhaf. Finfiinnee fi Federal Oromiyaa irrati murteesuf mirga tokko ilee hin qaban. Finfinnee fi Federala irrati mirga kan qabuu Oromiyya dha. Oromiyyan Godina Addaa Oromiyyan waggotoa meqaa Misoomisaa ba’ee Finfinneef keenina jeechun hangam Oromoo Tufachudha? Dargaggoon Oromoo fi Ummani Oromoo guutun dhimmaa kana irratti yoo caaliftan Oromoo dha ofin hin jeedhina.
Kalessa Naannoo Finfinne uummati jiru harki 95% qoonan bula ture, harraa harki 63% egiduu qabeenya Tigire Wardiya (Guard) yamuu ta’uu, harki 30 ammoo Tigiroota naannichatti mana ijaratanfi dhagga akka batuu raggaan achi irra arganee ni mulisa. Haaluma kanan Oromoon naannoo Laga Lafto /Laga dadhi, Alemtena-Sebeta, Burayu-Ashewa Meda, Lebu-Lafto fi Akaki Beseqa buqa’aan enyuma isaan dhabani jiru. Finfinnen kanan dura gaafa Qaliti humnan Oromiyya irra fudhatuu qabeenya Oromiyyan Qabu fi Misooma Oromiyyan achi irratti geggesa turef beenya tokko ilee utuu hin basin irra fudhate ammas akkas gochuuf deemu, kana Oromoo hundi dura dhabachun falmachuu qaba.
1.       Mirga Oromiyyan Fifinnee irratti argachuu  qabduu Qooratamee akka hojii irra oluu Oromiyyan bara 2003/1995 koree tokko hundese ture, koree kana keessa wara jiran kessa Dhaabba Dabalee, Ittigaafatama wajjira Dargaggoota  yeroosi fi Jamal Abaso  kkf koreen ijaramee hojiin isaa hanga ammatii maliif hin xumuramne? Wagga 5 dura seeri hangi tokko qoophayee ilee hoji irra hin olee. Oromiyya mirga ishee gaafatee deebi dhabdee? Kun Uummata Oromoof malif ifaa hin godhamnee? Kun dura Murte atatama barbada.
2.       Finfinnee keessatti Kuta Magala 10 keessati fi Aanaa 116 hunda keessatti mani barumsaa Afaan Oromoo banamee akka ijoolleen Oromoo Afaan isaani baratan karoorii ba’ee sagantan ba’e Ittiaanan Mootumma Naannoo Oromiyya yeroosi obbo Dagafee Bulaa bu’uura isaa ebban banani turani garuu ijoolle Oromoof hanga amma mani barumsaa Aanalee Finfinee tokko keessatti ilee hin banamne maliif? Ijoolleen Oromoo lafa isaan Finfinnee irratti afaan isaan barachuu dhabuun maliif kana siirresun dirqama OPDO miti?  Kun Haala duree tokko malee hoji irra oluu qaba.
3.       Mirga Oromiyyaan Finfinne irratti qabachuu qabdu Heera Federala Ethiopian murteese TPLF hojii irra olchuu didee wagoota 23 ukamsee jira. Kun akka Hojii irra oluu Miseensoon Paarlamaa OPDO maliif hin goone?. Bakka Mirgi Oromoo hin egaminiti, lafa Oromoo samuu fi Oromoo buqisun Hayamamuu hin qaban, Finfinnee Kara Gengoo ykn Kara Qubela Finfinee marsitu ala ba’uu hin qabdu.
4. Finfinnee keessa xurii fi summin laga Oromiyyati gadii dhagalayee ijoolee Oromoo fixaa jiru atataman dhabachuu qaba. Waggoota 100f xurii fi Summi Oromiyyati dhagalee uumataa fi qabeenya naannoo baleese Finfinne Beenya kafaluu qabdi.
5. Wajjiralee Oromiyya Finfinne keessa jira Wajjira Mootummati basii tokko malee fayadamuu qabu. Bakka Barbadan Giduugalessa magalati bakka wajjiralee itti ijaratan tola argachuu qabu. 
6.       Waggoota 23 mirgi Finfinne irra Oromiyyan qabachuu qabdu seeran mirkana’ee utuu hojii irra hin oliin dabalatan lafa Oromoo Goodina Adda Oromiyya Finfinne jala akka oluu gaafachuun tufii Tigiren Oromoof qabduu miti? Kana Abdulazizifaa atamiin fudhatani seena hin sodatan? Miseensoon OPDO Millioon 4 yeroo Oromoon samamuu caalisee ilaalu fi Uummataa isaa ukamsee ta’uun siiridha?. Kanaafu Oromiyyan qoofa ishee Goodina Adda Oromiyya irrati Master Plan Mata ishee fayadamete uumataa ishee gudiisuf mirga gutuu qabdi.
7.       Uummani Oromoo fi Dargaggoon Oromoo yeroo Tigiren lafaa Oromoo humnan fudhatu caalisun maliif? Waggaa meeqa sodacha jiratuu? Baratoon Oromoo Godina adda kana keessa jiran Tigire achii ari’uu hin danda’ani? Hanga yoomitti gadii gugufani diina jala adeemtun?. Kanafu murteen hayyama Oromoo malee murtatee kun akka dhabatuu dargagoon dura dhabachuu qaba, wareegamaaf of qoophesuu qaba.
8.       Diasporan ala jiru akka Bedele Biraa irratti Petition Malateese mormii isaa argisisee kana irratti Petition Malateesun Moormii isaa argisus qaba; yakka Wayyane kana biyya jiru fi Mootummta adunya hunda birrati iyyachuu qaba.
9.       Dhabbilee siyyassaa Oromoo hundi dhimmaa kana irratti mormii isaan ibsa basuun mulisuu qabu. Dhaabileen Oromoo caalisuun hin qaban. Falamii fi lola uumani lafa isaa irrati goodhu ciina dhabachuu qabuu.
10. Oromiyya Goodiina Adda kana kan Misoomsa turte, Ashura naannoo kana irra argatun uummataa Nannoo kanaaf Addaa fi afaan isaa ittin gudisuuf malee misoomsite Tigiref lachuuf miti, amma garu Tigiren jalatansi jibitansi isiin irra fudhana jeedhe yeroo falimu arga fi dhaga’aa jira, oftuluma Tigire kana warii nu irra ka’aan OPDOn of irra buqisuu qabu.Ummani Oromoo TPLF of irra darbachuu qaba.
11. Finfinne qabiyeen ishee duran Kara Gengoon Marsuu keessa qoofa ammas achi ala ba’uu hin qabu, Finfinnen gudachuu qabdi warii jeedhan Finfinnee daliga gudachuu utuu hin tanee ol gudachuu qabdi, Gammoo dheedheera ijaruun Wajjiralee walti qabun bakka gammoo gurgudati galchuun rakkon furama malee qotatee bula buqisun ta’uu hin qabu, OPDOn fi Uummanii Oromoo kanan falmachuu qaba.
12. . Master Plan bafatan lafa Hektara Millioona 1.1 lafa hanga gudatu humanan fudhachuun Heera Federla Ethiopia diiggu dha. Kanaafu siirn Wayyane TPLF wagoota darban lafa Oromoo kukute naannole birrati dabala ture fi lafa Oromiya Investerota biya alaaf latee seera qabessa waan hin taneefi gara fula durati uumataa Oromoof akka deebiyuu TPLF beekuu qaba.
Uummanni Oromoo biyya keessa fi biyya ala jiru dhimma kana irratti hirira nagaa gochun falmachuu qaba, Media hunda irratti iyyata bareesuun wal damaqisee Petition mormii mallateesun dura dhabachuu qaba, Konkoolata Finfinne dha ba’uu fi galuu yabachuu dhisuu qaba, Konkoolata kan Oromoo ta’aanfi Gabatee ORO qaban qoofa fayadamuu qaba,  Habashoota naannoo sun qubatan irra bituu fi itti gurguru dhisuu qaba, Hotela, Mana Barumsa, Suuqi, Takisi, Habashoota fi kkf hund fayadamuu dhisuu qaba. Oromoon mormii fi Uguraa Habashoota irratti gochun diini akka naannoo Oromiyya keessa ba’uu dirqisisuu qaba. Namoon lafi isaan irra fudhamee hundi wal gurmeesun hanga dhumati falmachuu qabu. Sababin isaa gara fulaa duratti seeri gaafa dhufu qabeenya kun hundi isaanf ta’uu mala. Kanaaf ammoo hara falmachuu qabu. Kana haraa hin falmatiin bara Oromoon abba biyya ta’uu gaafi dhiyeesuf isaan rakkisa.
Mirgi Oromoo soda fi dhadhabna OPDO hubachuun lafi Oromoo Harari Hundane, Diredawa, Dasee fi Gutuma Walloo, Wando Genet, Moyale fi Naannoo Oromiyya yeero yeero yamuu Fedrali humanan fudhatu uumani Oromoo caalisuu hin qabu ture. Uumani Oromoo lafa isaa irra yeero heeran ala buqa’uu dhabbileen Oromoo, hayyuleen Oromoo fi Dargagoon Oromoo calisuu hin qaban. Oromoon biyya keessa fi biyya ala jiru, Median Oromoo bakka jiru Mormii isaa dhageesisun Oromoo lafa isaa irrati wareegama barbachisuu kafaluun salphina jala of basuu qaba. Haawwasi Oromoo hundi Petition Malateesun Mootummota Gamtoomanti dhiyeesu goocha Wayyanee Morumuu qaba. Wayyanen atataman goocha kana dhabuu bana Heei Federala waan ofuma cabsiteef Oromiyyan siiran Fedrala Ethiopia keessa of basuuf OPDO dabalatee Oromoo hundi sagalee tokko Bilisummaa labsachuu qabna. Walumaa galati gaafin Goddina Adda Oromiyya Finfinne jala galchuu fi Master Plan Oromoo lafa isaa irra buqisuu Heera adunya kamiin fudhatama hin qabu.
Ebla 2014 


kenyaoromo(OPride) — Since Kenya began its security operations on March 31, nearly 6,000 foreigners and some Kenyan citizens of Somali origin have been arrested.

So far, close to 200 people, mostly undocumented Somali immigrants, have been deported, according to local media reports. Thousands of detainees are being held in a temporary makeshift “prison” at Kasarani Stadium, the site of President Uhuru Kenyatta’s inauguration last year. Kenya is upping its counterterrorism measures in response to an upsurge in grenade attacks — the worst of which hit the 
Westgate Mall in Nairobi’s suburb last September.

 The indiscriminate swoop has drawn the ire of human rights organizations. In addition to poor prison conditions, the Kenyan police is accused of not arraigning those detained within 24-hours stipulated by that country’s law. But these stories have already been reported in the mainstream media. With all attention focused on the prejudiced profiling of ethnic Somalis, Oromo refugees from neighboring Ethiopia say they are caught in the crossfire and that their plight have been overshadowed.

More than 400 Oromos and other Ethiopian immigrants have been arrested in these crackdowns,” Canada-based Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa (HRLHA), said in a statement this week. HRLHA listed the full names of 49 Oromos it said were caught in the security dragnet. Over the last two decades, as the Ethiopian regime intensified crackdown on Oromo dissent, millions of Oromos have crossed into Kenya seeking asylum. Last July, theUnited Nations Refugee agency estimated there were more than 600,000 asylum seekers and refugees in Kenya out of which some 56,000 lived in Nairobi alone. Some 10,568 of those registered with UNHCR were from Ethiopia, the second largest segment after Somalis.

 Nairobi’s Eastleigh neighborhood, where the crackdown is still ongoing, is home to Somali and Oromo refugees. Speaking to the Voice of America’s Jalane Gemeda on Wednesday, two Oromo migrants currently being held at Kasarani said they are legal refugees carrying UNHCR identifications.

Those on the outside say they can’t leave their homes due to fear of arrest. “We closed our doors and turned off the lights, but they are still banging on it,” Abdul J told OPride last night in an email from Nairobi, where the Kenyan police is still going door-to-door “literally arresting anyone who looks different.”

Others are desperately searching for and trying to free their loved ones arrested during the Stop-and-Frisk style sweep. “My pregnant wife, 17-month-old child and sister are in there,” Mahdi Ibrahim, 39, a refugee from Ethiopia told the New York Times. “This is the second time they come and arrest my family. Our refugee papers are valid.”

The refugees are calling on the international community to intervene on their behalf. They are also asking the Oromo diaspora to help amplify their “cries.” Kenya occasionally repatriates asylum seekers from Ethiopia. Several Oromo activists who have been refouled back to Ethiopia have disappeared and at least one person has died in Ethiopian prison over the last few years. Most Oromo refugees fear for their safety upon return to Ethiopia.

A few of those still in Nairobi have setup a Facebook page, “
Justice for Oromo Refugees in Nairobi,” to create awareness about their plight. Anthropologist Mohammed Isa, one of the group’s coordinators, have written about their ordeals in greater details on CNN’s iReport page.

TBOA UK successfully delivered its especial annual conference in London

The Union of Oromo Students in Europe (UOSE-UK Branch) or TBOA UK successfully delivered its especial annual conference in London on April 12, 2014

The theme of the conference was maximising awareness about the current alarming situation in Oromia and empowering the young generation to lead and finalize the century old struggle. The speakers include Jaal Galasa Dilbo, Jaal Taha, Obbo Denebo and Obbo Gamachu. The morning session started in Oromo custom, after elders blessing and afternoon session opening was with remembering Oromo heroes and heroines who sacrificed their precious life for freedom and equality.
Obbo Gamachu enlightened the participants with Gada values focusing on how to unify Oromo from different walks of life based on this value. Obbo Denebo’s presentation focused on leadership structure of Gada system and challenged the participants if the current leaders of Oromo are living to the standard of this value.
Both Jaal Galasa and Jaal Taha made detailed analysis as well as moving and sensational speech on their respective topics. Both of them sincerely highlighted the very memorable month of remembering Oromo heroes and heroines of which many of them were their comrades. They underlined how honour it is to remember them and living to the value they sacrificed for. They also educated the participant about TBOA and other Oromo students’ contribution for Oromo struggle so far and the massive responsibility currently expected from the student union.
Jaal Taha focused on the current situation of TPLF, i.e. its structure, strength and weakness, the current situation of opposition parties in the country and what can we learn from events in the past. Particularly, he advised on what Oromo should do to ascertain our people’s right of self-determination by managing our minor differences and focusing on the bigger picture which is our common interest. He recommended working on values we have in common, minimize our differences and tolerate each other then discuss on issues to resolve it peacefully.
Jaal Galasa shared his life experience on Oromo struggle in the past, current and the way forward.  The emphasis was what lessons learned so far and what can we benefit from this experience. He underlined that we should transform our resource, energy and all key capabilities we have into organizational and institutional power. He demanded all to understand that unless we strengthen our military and other institutional capacity that protects our fair share interest, there is no short cut to freedom. He advised, to unify our massive and potential power which requires discussion within us regardless of our minor differences.
In general the meeting was very constructive in which all participants fully engaged from beginning to the end. Finally participants made financial contribution to support our people’s struggle and concluded the meeting peacefully.

Africa: World's Media Chiefs Press African Leaders on Freedoms

Photo: Gwen Lister
Mostefa Souag of Al Jazeera, right, and IPI's Alison Bethel McKenzie, centre, join a call on Egypt to free Al Jazeera staff on trial in Cairo.
Cape Town — Editors and publishers from across the world have singled out the governments of Egypt, Ethiopia, South Africa and Swaziland for threatening free expression and media freedom.
At a meeting in Cape Town this week, the general assembly of the International Press Institute (IPI) - a global network of editors, media executives and journalists - adopted resolutions which called on:
  •  The Ethiopian government to stop arresting journalists under anti-terrorism laws and to review its anti-terror statutes to protect freedom of the press;
  •  The Swazi government to release unconditionally the editor of The Nation, Bhekitemba Makhubu, and human rights lawyer Thulani Maseko, who have been arrested, released and re-arrested by a succession of judges, some with personal interests in their case, in recent weeks;
  •  The Egyptian government to end arrests of journalists under anti-terrorism laws; and
  •  South Africa's President Jacob Zuma to submit a new secrecy law for court review.
The assembly also called on the South African government to explain why it placed obstacles in the way of African, Eastern European and Russian IPI members when they applied for visas for the IPI's World Congress.
In its resolution on Ethiopia, the IPI said that the use of anti-terrorism laws against journalists had "fuelled a sense of fear among media workers, both foreign and domestic."
At least six journalists had been jailed under the 2009 anti-terror law, it added, "some of whom are in failing health and have had restricted access to lawyers, friends and colleagues...
"The government must ensure that journalists are allowed to report on national security, unrest and dissenting politics without fear of arbitrary arrest, harassment or intimidation under laws intended to prevent attacks or prosecute terrorists seeking to do physical harm."
On Swaziland, where King Mswati III reigns as Africa's last absolute monarch, the IPI urged the government "to respect the fundamental right of freedom of expression and the role of journalists to raise alternative perspectives in Swazi society."
In Egypt also, the use of anti-terrorism law generated fear among media workers, the IPI said.
"Since the military-led ouster of Egypt's democratically-elected president in July 2013, more than 20 journalists have been indicted on terrorism-related charges, including several Al Jazeera employees now facing trial in Cairo."
The assembly called for media laws to be revamped to comply with the country's new constitution, and on Parliament to use its authority to investigate the use of anti-terrorism laws against journalists.
South Africa's Protection of State Information Bill had been improved since it first came before Parliament, the IPI said, but "further improvements are needed if the draft law is to shield journalists and whistle-blowers from wrongful prosecution that could have a chilling effect on press freedom and access to information."
It called on President Zuma to use his power to ask the country's Constitutional Court to review the law to see whether it complied with the Constitution.
Protesting at the treatment of IPI members by South African diplomatic missions, a resolution accused them of giving the impression the government was trying to prevent them from attending the congress.
"By placing obstacles to the issuance of visas," the meeting said, "South Africa lost an opportunity to showcase the country to journalists from a wide variety of foreign countries..."
The last time the congress was held in Cape Town, before the country's first democratic elections in 1994, it was addressed both by Nelson Mandela and former President F W de Klerk. This congress was addressed by a minister in the presidency.