Wednesday, January 29, 2014

‘Evils must be challenged’ the Sidama human Rights Defender advices!!

(Revealing Shiferaw Shugute’s wicked acts against the rights of Sidama Nation)

Moderator, Sidama National Regional State Information Network

Kaala Baqaala Wariyo, one of Sidama's human rights defender intellectuals emphasises that, an evil minded individual could obliviously continue with his/her wicked actions against the fundamental rights of citizens if left unchallenged by those against whom he/she commits crimes. To this light, he brings the aspects of Sidama nation’s on going quest for constitutional rights which was illegally and unconstitutionally denied by the regime in power- for the last 22 years. He further recalls that for this very reason, hundreds of Sidama civilians were slaughtered in broad day light by the army and security forces of the regime whilst peacefully and non-violently demanding the aforementioned rights.

Kaala Wariyyo reminds us all once again that the Sidama civilians have paid ultimate sacrifices with their precious lives although their death still remain in vain as long the noble cause they have been massacred for isn't constitutionally and legally responded and those who’re responsible aren’t brought to justices. Until then, the souls of Looqqe massacred Sidama civilians cry for justice to be served on their behalf. Their spirits lingers seeking rights to fundamental respects to individual and collective rights for which they have been slaughtered to be materialised.  

There are variety of reasons for the failure of the Sidama nation to succeed in asserting their constitutional rights to regional self-determination in addition to others gross violation of human rights common in the entire empire. Needless mentioning, the regime in power is Sidama nations’ adversary number one. The first and foremost, Mr Wariyyo says, are a handpicked Sidamas’ pariah cadres such as ‘Shiferaw Shigute’ who is for his past and present anti-Sidama actions rewarded by the regime in power therefore he keeps moving upward in the regime’s authority ladder. He is no body without his anti-Sidama campaign, sadly watering down on the Sidama nation’s needs under whose name he is given these privileges.   

Thus, Mr Wariyyo adds, hundreds of Sidama civilians became the victims of government and its cadres’ orchestrated crime against humanity despite unambiguous clarity stated in Ethiopia's constitution that allows nations and nationalities to the extent of secession let alone becoming regionally self-administrative which is given to others nations and nationalities of Ethiopia. No one is held accountable for their crimes against the massacred Sidama civilians either.

The Sidama nation was denied these rights time and again. It was primarily granted in 1993/4 for brief period of time when today’s amalgamated- pressure cooker SNNPR’s were 5 independent regional self-administrations partitioned based on socio-culturally, linguistically and others attributes that helps nations with similar background to coexist peacefully and fraternally. These 5 independent regional constitutional arrangements subsequently reversed by the sole decision of late PM Meles Zenawi without the knowledge and agreements of his pseudo-parliamentarians who uttered no word. Ever since the people of Sidama nation are hunted down like antelopes for asking for its reinstallation. Since the late PM reversed the previous arrangements to create the aforementioned SNNPR, he had lied to the Sidama nation on several occasions; physically going to Sidama region, promising to the Sidama SONGO (elders council and Sidama Zonal general assembly where all unanimously agreed that the Sidama to be regionally self-administrative); that the Sidama nation will be regionally self -administrative once he wins election after election simply kidding our peoples by hoodwinking the nation with his usual deceits and pretences.  

In particular when TPLF/EPRDF was shocked by unexpected ground slide victory of the then Amhara dominated Kinjit; Meles’s regime needed the support of the SNNPR with particular focus on the largest ethnic nationals in the south, the Sidama. For this reason, once again he has physically travelled to Sidama Zone where he had officially announced that once the 2005’s election is over with his party’s victory; the Sidama nation will be regionally self-administrative. Similar unfulfilled promises were made on previous two occasions for which he gravelly apologised stating that the Sidama nation will be regionally independent for sure after this particular victory. The Sidama nation voted for his party as promised, yet the Sidama wasn’t granted its regional autonomy until he was given a final farewell after he has been called by the supernatural power. His promises remained just a simple lie and deceit.

Therefore, the Sidama elders cursed him on several occasions for his failure to fulfil his promises. The Sidama elders who had genuinely thought that he was telling the truth, failing to understand the heinousness of the late PM and his followers who are still following on his footsteps to continually deny the Sidama nations’ legitimate rights felt very sad and angry at him and his regime ever since.

Some of the key players in implementing an anti-Sidama polices in Sidama-land are the Sidama cadres who are all trading by the name of the Sidama nation involving the aforementioned culprit and his second mentor, the current PM Hailemariam Desalegn and numerous others Sidama pariahs all of who are good for nothing.  

Shiferaw Shigute (also known as Shiferaw Shuguxe) with central his governments and regional authorities premeditates, plans, implements and monitors the unlawful killing, extrajudicial arrests of civilians and Sidama professionals and more essentially who facilitates the blockage of Sidama regional rights to self-governance is still at large. Additionally, he ordered the closures of the only Sidama language primary Scholl in in its capital city Hawassa, seriously undermining the rights of Sidama children to learn with their mother tongues in their tender ages, where they form their identities. This person is such heinous for the entire times he had worked for, for the past over 15-17 years, and remains so and isn’t refraining from playing a wicked game against the legal, legitimate and constitutional quest of the Sidama nation.  

Kaala Baqaala also informs us that he is playing his ugly game against the interests of the Sidama nation as we speak. Unsatisfied with his previous numerous coward actions he played against the nation, Shiferaw Shugute is still playing his similar card both covertly and overtly. His anti-Sidama thirst is unquenched even after he has been uprooted from his regional post from where he used to terrorise the Sidama nation on daily basis. This brief, yet informative message Kaala Baqaala sent us reveals his barbaric ant-Sidama nature, which further help us to understand the gravity of his hideous roles in stifling Sidama nations’ just causes to its rights to regional self-administration. The nation must take an urgent action to officially denounce this pariah!

Since Jan 25/2014 the SNNPR cadres including the current PM Haile/Mariam Desalegne are holding an urgent meeting in his office to discuss about Sidama’s ongoing quest to its regional self-administration. As kaala Baqaala Wariyyo’s contact, almost 90% of the participants unanimously agreed to unconditional grant to Sidama nation of their rights to regional self-administration. The leaked information from the inner circles further affirms that only 10% involving Shiferaw Shugute are arguing against this. He cowardly leads the staunch opponents of such a grants.

Kaala Baqaala says their final decision will be open for public domain as soon as it’s being received and further advises the Sidama community at large how the aforementioned Sidama cadre is playing against the rights of Sidama nation whom he pretends legally representing as he remains accountable to Sidama nation. Therefore, the actions of this person and his accomplices must be categorically denounced and rejected by all Sidama and its friends from within Sidama land and beyond. The Sidama nation must be unconditionally granted its constitutional and legitimate rights!! All political prisoners from Sidama, Oromia, Ogadenia and others part of the empire must be released for the rule of law to become supreme.

Kenyan Police investigating alleged abduction of two ONLF members in Nairobi.

Police investigating alleged abduction of two Ethiopians in Nairobi
Police investigating alleged abduction of two Ethiopians in Nairobi Updated Wednesday, January 29th 2014 at 14:46 GMT +3 0 inShare By Cyrus Ombati Nairobi, Kenya: Kenyan police are investigating alleged abduction of two top officials of Ethiopia’s Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) from outside a popular restaurant in Upper Hill, Nairobi.
The two who were identified as Mr Sulub Ahmed and Ali Hussein were members of the ONLF negotiation team that was in Nairobi for a proposed third round of talks. Other officials said the two were members of ONLF central committee.
ONLF officials who asked not to be named claimed security agencies from Ethiopia and Kenya were involved in the kidnapping. They had been invited for a lunch date at a restaurant near TSC headquarters on Sunday afternoon when they were abducted by men who were in three waiting cars.
One of the cars, a black Toyota Prado was seized and detained at the Turbi police station on Monday but the two were missing amid speculation they had been taken across to Ethiopia. Moyale OCPD Tom Atuti said there had been complaints of abduction of the two officials but they were yet to confirm who were behind it.
“The vehicle and driver are under police custody to establish if indeed he was involved in the alleged kidnapping of the officials,” said Atuti.
The ONLF officials who spoke in Nairobi said the two officials were invited by the Kenyan government for peace negotiations. “This is not the first time that such an incident happens and we urge that the government of Kenya provides us with security. We do not know the fate of our officials but we know they were taken to Ethiopia,” said an official who asked not to be named.
He asked Kenya, which took the responsibility to be a neutral venue, and as a facilitator to investigate fully the incident and request the Ethiopian government to return the abductees. Analysts say that this move may affect diplomatic negotiations between ONLF and Ethiopia brokered by Kenyan Government on 2012.
ONLF is a separatist rebel group fighting to make the region of Ogaden in eastern Ethiopia an independent state.
ONLF, established in 1984, demands for the autonomy of this region, and claimed responsibility for several attacks since the beginning of 2007 aimed at Ethiopian forces in the area, which the government considers a region under the new federal system.
There live nearly eight million people, mainly Somali. Because Ogaden is populated by many ethnic Somalis, the ONLF claims that Ethiopia is an occupying government. However, the Ogaden people are represented in the Ethiopian government by a number of groups, including the opposition Somali People’s Democratic Party (SPDP).


SEENAA Y.G (2005)   =kutaa 3ffaa

Qabsoon Oromoo gaggeeffamaa jiru, waan ykn rakkoo keessa keenyatti nu mudatee jiruun madaalamee, lakkii Qabsoon keenya duubatti harkifame ykn waa tokkollee hin hojjanne , jennee kan goolabnu yoo ta’e, dogoggora keessa jirra. Waan nu mudataa jiru hundi isaa, kan addunyaan keessa dabartee fi rakkoo qabsoo keessatti isaan mudate ykn dogoggora keessa dabran irraa baratanii , adeemsa isaanii gama hundaa sirreeffatanii injifannoo goonfachuu isaanii wayita ilaallu, dhugumayyuu haalli keessa keenyatti umame ,waan sirraa’uu ykn hiikamuu hin dandeenyedha jennee,  madaallii Qabsoo keenya isa dhumaa taasisu akka hin dandeenye hubachuun rakkisaa hin ta’u. haqi tokko garuu waan irraa barannee jirru hedduu ta’ee, sirreeffachuuf yeroo fudhachuun isaa hanqina jennee fudhachuu dandeenya. Keessattu yeroo amma keessa jirru kanatti.
Jaallannus jibbinuus yeroon keessa jirru ykn waggootiin 3n ykn 5n dhufan nuuf murteessaadha. Qaawwaa hundaa duchachuun murteessaadha. Adeemsa keenya ariifchiisuu fi galii keenya dhiheeffachuu irratti halkanii fi guyyaa hojjachuun akka nu irra jiru gadi fageessine waliif dhaamu qabna. Waggootiin kaa’e kun, diinaaf yeroo lubbuutii. Humni nu dura dhaabbatuu hundumtuu yeroo itti siyaasa isaa itti xumuratu ta’a. faallaa kanaa , gaaffiin Ummatoota cunqurfamoo kan ol ba’ee itti mul’atu ta’a jedheen amana. Raagutti kaatee ? hin jedhiinaa. garuu. Kun haqadha. Kun jabiina keenya irratti hundaa’a. Humna taanee ba’uu dhabuun keenya irraa kaanee murteessuuf nu rakkisus, Amala Siyaasa warra Gabroonfattootaa yoo ilaalle garuu , wayyaaneen kana irra deemu hin danda’u. kan isa dhiibu yoo dhibellee, rakkoon keessa isaanii isaan salphisaa deemuun waan hin oolle. Hattun yeroo waa hattu waliif galtee , yeroo waan hatan itti hirmaatan wal ajjeesuu jedhama. Wayyaaneenis adeemsa kana keessa jirti. Carraa kanatti OROMOON waan qabu hundaan fayyadamee Biyya isaa irratti ol aantummaa isaa kabachiisuun murteessaadha.
Ummati keenya hangam jabaataa akka dhufee fi gaaffii isaa dhageesisuuf sochii akkamii taasisaa akka jiru, warra abbaa dhimmaa kan taane caalaa diinoota keenyatu hubataa jira. Kanaaf keessaa fi alaa nutti iyyan. Akka baalagee daandii irraa Arraba safuu hin qabne sana nutti haqatan. Humni sadarkaa kana irra jiru, mo’aa odoo hin taanee , mo’amaa jiraachuu isaa argisiisa. ‘Yeroo kana jabaachuu nu barbaachisa. Gootummaan Abbootii keenyaa kan afaaniin dubbannu ykn seenaa kaafnee dubbannu odoo hin taane, hojiin itti argisifnuudha. Dhalataan Oromoo addunyaa kana irra jiru, har’a siyaasa haaraa itti himamu waa tokkollee hin qabnu . maal akka isa barbaachisus kan itti himamu hin jiru. kan nu hafu yoo jiraate, maraamrtoo hawwii keessaa baanee, waan nu irraa eegamu hojjannee argamuudha. Yeroo itti Oromummaa ykn sabboonummaa ofii argisiisuuf haasaan of mul’ifnu odoo hin taane, Oromummaa fi sabboonummaa keenya kabachiisuuf hanga wareegamaatti falmannudha. sochii qabatamaan humnatti jijjiiramnee argamuudha. Addunyaanis haqa keenya simachuuf , Biyyatti sana keessatti humna qabaachuu keenya hanga argisifnutti nu eegaa jiran. Hamileen bakka maraa mul’taa jiru kan takkaa ka’ee , deebi’ee qabbanaa’u osoo hin taane, hanga mirga keenya goonfanutti kan itti fufu taasisuuf hundi keenya bakka jirru yeroo itti sacha’uu qabnuudha. Kana dhugeessinaan Gootummaa keenyaan Bilisummaa mirkaneessine jechuudha.
Ilmaan Oromoo Addunyaa kana irra jiran wanni jabeessanii hubachuu qaban,Qabsoo Ummata ofii keessatti hirmaachuuf Ulaagaan kaa’ame akka hin jirredha. Waan Ummata koof fayyada jennee itti amannee hojjannu hundumtuu qabsoo keessa jiraachuu keenyatti fudhachuu qabna. Kana jechuun ammo warra bakka Ummata isaaniif hin tollee dhaabbatanii  seenaa xureessan hin ilaallatu.warra halgaatti hirkatanii ofii quufanii bulanii ummata ajjeesisanis hin hammatu. Garuu walaba ta’anii, hegaree Ummata keenyaa qalbeeffatanii, har’a irraa kaasee kana gumchuun dirqama kiyya/tiyya jedhanii kanneen socha’an hundi, qaama qabsoo ta’u isaanii hubatanii, waan itti jiran irraa duubatti deebi’uu akka hin qabne hubachuu qaban.
Hojiin ykn gumaachi qabsoof taasifnu , akka hojii tokkoffaatti fudhannee irratti hojjachuun murteessaa ta’uu, yerootu nu dirqisiisaa jira. Hundumtuu bakka jirutti haa hojjatuu, miseensummaa dhaabaa qofaan qabsoon hin gaggeeffamuu, qabsoon miseensa qofaa hin jedhu wayita jennu maal jechuu keenyadha ? hundumtu bakka jirutti gurmaa’ee qooda isaa haa gumaachu wayita jennu, maal jechuu keenyadha ?asi irratti waan of eeggachuu qabnuutu jira. hundumtuu bakka jirutti haa qabsaa’u wayita jennu, hundumtu dhaabsa siyaasaa ykn waanuma kanaan wal fakkaatu ijaarratee wal dura haa dhaabbatu jechuu akka hin taane akka gaaritti hubachuu nu feesisa. Kun qabsoo keenya caalaattu laaffisuu danda’a. humna silaa bakka tokkotti ititee diina dura dhaabbatu harcaasu ta’a. kanaaf sochii sabummaa keenya nutti mul’ate wayita gaggessinu, Dhaabbilee siyaasaa Oromoo haaraa ijaarrachuu akka hin ta’iin qalbeeffachuu nuu barbaachisa.yoo akkas goone yoomillee injifachuu hin dandeenyu.
Afriikaan Kibbaa Addunyaa irratti kabajaa argaa jirru kan goonfachiiseen, Barattootaa fi Dargaggoota ishee akkasumas Ummata ishee , Barnoonnis ta’ee jireenyi BILISUMMAA booda jedhanii , kan wareegames wareegamee, kana barbadaa’es barbadaa’ee of kabachiisuu qabna jedhanii warra of kannaniin ta’uun hin shakkisiisu. Bu’aa Sabummaa qofaa irratti hundaa’anii waliin dhaabbachuu kanadha.
Taaddasaa Birruun Dhalli Oromoo hundi akka baratu kan dhaammatee dabreef maaliif ? akka kiyyatti , yeroo sanatti waan inni hubate hundaa dhaloonni akka hubatuuf barachuu qabaa jedheetu. Waan inni yeroo sana dhaame har’a irra dhaabbannee wayita ilaallu, kan har’a jiru, kan waa hubatee beekaa duude yk dabe dhiifnee, dhalooti har’aa mana barumsaa sadarkaa tokkoffaa jiru iyyuu hundee qabsoo keenyaa ta’aa jiraachuu yennaa arginu , yaada Taaddee dinqisiifachuu hin dhiifnu. Taaddeen yaada yeroo fagoo qabaachuu isaa kanas yennaa ilaallu, yaada Maandeellaa kutaa lameen dabran keessattis kaafneef hundee ta’u mirkaneeffanna. Taddasaan Bilisummaa akka gaafannuuf dhaamsa barachuu qabanii nu dhaamee yoo ta’e, kan abarate daangaa olitti qabana. Kan barate kun hundi ammo Bilisummaa gaafachuuf sagalee tokko qabaachuu dhabuun isaa, dhaamsa Goota keenyaa naaffisuu ta’uun hin hafu. Inni hunda irra nama gaddisiisu ammo, inni barate jedhamu, waan Gootoonni isaa dhaamaniif irraa maquu isaati.  Waan barnootaa fi beekumsa namoota keenyaa yoo ilaallees, waggoota 50 dhufaniif ijoollee barsiifachuu dhiifnee, ijoollee Ummata isheef of kennite mooraa waraanaatti naqinee odoo barsiifneyyuu waan miidhamnu hin qabnu . isaantu fala Ummata keenyaa ta’aafi.
Bara biyya keessa turre sababaa hojiin, carraa Godinaa Oromiyaa waliin ga’uu argadheen ture. Carraa kanaanis, Namoota hedduu waliin mari’chuuf carraa argadheera.hunda irra kan nattii toluu fi itti boonu garuu, Maanguddoota keenya warra waa hin baratiin waliin mariin gaggeesseedha. Akka isaan Umama Namaa kanaa fi addunyaa har’aa kana itti ibsan Nama ajaa’iba. Waan Umamaa kana tokko tokkon yennaa ibsan, waan dhalli namaa bira ga’uuf waggoota dheeraa itti fudhatee Piroofesaraa fi Dokitara ofiin jedhee dhaadatu kana , Maanguddoota waraqaa argee hin beekneetu tokko tokkoon ibsa. Seera Umamaa addunyaanu hin beekiin namattii himan. Kana irratti ragaa fira Oromoo kan ta’an Piroofeesar Asmaroom Laggasaa jedhaman kan dubbatan  tokko haa kaasu. Isaan qorannoo samii irraa ykn Urjiilee kan gaggeessan , Hayyoota Booranaa waraqaa fi qalama tokkolee hin beekne irraa ture. Akkas jedhan,,,,
“Ani Boorana keessatti waa hundaa xumure. Sirna Gadaa Oromoo addunyaa kana irratti kan jalqabaa ta’e kan na barsiise Boorana . dhalli OROMOO hundi waan kana bifa barnootaan argchuu qaba. beektoonni keessan kana irratti hojjachuu qabu. Kun akka seenaa qofatti ijoolleetti himamuu hin qabu.kun qabeenyaa keessan isa guddaadha. Kun addunyaa irratti kabaajaa ol aanaa isin goonfachiisa. Nageenya addunyaa hegareef Gadaan qoricha. Ani yeroon waa’ee Urjiilee qoradhu, Booranni Hayyuu tokko naaf kennee, gara Finfinnee dhaqinee, galgala galgala Gaara Inxoxxoo irra teenyee Urjiilee kana tokko tokkon barachaan ture. kan yeroo san hedduu na ajaa’iibu, waa’ee umama Urjiilee Sanaa Odoo hin taanee, Oromticha quba isaatiin urjiilee hundaa na lakkoofsiisaa tureeti. Eessaa barate ? inni isa barsiisee eenyu irraa barate ?bara addunyaanu mataa ol hin qabatiin Oromoonni waa’ee Urjii akkamiin barachuu danda’an ? kun har’ayyuu anaaf gaaffiidha.”biyya alaa dhaqee beektoonni kana irratti kan kataban irra , hayyuu Booranaa irraa kanan baradheetu caala. Qabatamaadhas. Bakka tokko tokkotti waanuma isaan qaoratan katabanii kan dhiheeffatan natti fakkaata.beekumsa ga’aa hanga isaanii iyyuu hin qaban. Isaanuu eessaa kana hubatte jedhanii na gaafachaa turan…….  Jedhan.
Anaan kan mudate ammo itti aansa . Bara 1997 fi 1998 Booranaa fi Baalee hojiif dhaqeen ture. Maanguddoota Godinaa lameeniif gaaffii wal fakkaataa kaasee , deebii wal fakkaataa argadheera. Gaaffiin kiyya , Oromoon duri Umamaa Namaa ykn jecha “NAMA” jedhu kana akkamiin ibsaa?kan jedhu ture. Nama jechuun jedhan, 1.Hayyuu kan ta’e, 2.Arjaa, 3.Goota, 4.Soba kan hooddate,5.dhugaaf kan du’u jedhan. Mee 5n isaa hiikkaa isaa waliin naa himaan gaaffii kiyya itti aanee dhihaateef ture.deebiin isaanis,
  1. Hayyuu:-Hayyuu jechuun Sirnaa fi Seera Gadaa keessa warra dabraniif kan kennamuudha. Kana jechuun Gadaan jiraatanii fi  Gadaan Bulchuu ni dabalata. Yoo xiqqaate waa’ee gadaa fi Oromoo gadi fageenyaan beeku qaba. kun ragaa Maanguddootaan mirkanaa’a. Warri miidiyaa keessa hojjattan kun, warra barnoota addunyaa kana irraa baratee kanaan Hayyoota jettu. Garuu Hayuummaan Gadaa keessa dabruu gaafata akka Oromootti. Hayyummaa kana halgaan addunyaa kana irraa kamuu Namaaf kennuu ykn nama muuduu hin danda’u. Oromoon garuu halagaa addunyaa kana irraa ulaagaa hayyummaa guuteef , Hayyummaa kennuu danda’a.
  2. Arjaa :- Arjaa jechuun waan qabeenyaan, Maallaqaan, beekumsaan waan hundaan of harkaa qabanitti dhimma ba’uun Nama gargaaree nama taasisuudha. Maallaqa firfirsuun odoo hin taane, kan humna hin qabne barsiisanii haa ta’uu waan biraan, akka of danda’u ykn Nama ta’u taasisuudha.
  3. GOOTA :-Gootummaa raawwachuun karaa hedduu ibsamu danda’a. Gootummaa ol aanaa kan jedhamu, Ummata ofiif haqa argamsiisuuf gama hundaan of laachuudha. Gootummaa lolaan mirga Ummata ofii fi warra cunqurfamee kabachiisuu kaasee , waan qabaniin Ummata ofiif dhaabbachuun Gootummaa nama goonfachiisa. Waan Ummata ofiif tolu, Ummatis itti amanee harka rukuteef ykn deeggarsa barbaachisu taasiseef Goota jedhama. Dhimma Ofii irra kan Ummata ofii dursanii Ummataaf fakkeenya ta’uun, saba ofii addunyaan bakka geesseen geesisuuf tattaafachuu fi bu’aan isaas kan ummata gammachiisuu fi boonsu yoo ta’e, Gootummaatti ramadaa Oromoon.Gootummaan Lolaan, Biyya beeksisuun, Biyya gama hundaan guddisuun, Biyya Abbaa ofii irratti of kabachiisuuf hojjachuun Gootummaadha.
  4. SOBA HOODDACHUU:- Nama kan jedhamu kan hin sobneedha. Addunyaa keessaa sadarkaa tokkoffaatti soba diina kan godhatuu NAMA jedhama. Sobuu jechuun waaqaan wal dhabuudha. Hanqachuu argisiisa.Nama ta’ee Nama sobuun of sobuudha. Kun waan hoodaati. Keessattu wal sobuun waan qaaniiti. Sobi kun aadaa keenyas hin turre. Gabrummaa keessa nuttii dhufe. Har’a maddi jireenyaa soba ta’ee jira. Jireenya gaarii jiraachuuf sobuun ulaagaa tokkoffaa ta’eera. Sobaan lubbuu namaa dabarsuun hammaateera. Sobaan haqa awwaaluun jabaateera. Kana  ammo diinatu nama keessa naqa. Maaliif akka ta’ee beektaa ? akka wal sobnee daandii tokko irra hin hiriirreefi. Kan nu diigaa jiru isa kana . nu jabeessuu irra kan nu laaffisu sobuudha. Har’a waliin kakatta. Bor wal ganta . kun sobdee waliin kakachuu irraa dhufa. Yoo dandeessan kana Ummata keenya barsiisaa .
  5. DHUGAAF KAN DU’U:-Namni dhimma isaa kaasee hanga sabummaatti waan jiru hundaaf dhugaaf dhaabbachuu qaba. Oromoon waan dhugaa malee ,waan dharaa hin dubbatu , hin godhu. Dhugaan ulaagaa Namummaa ishee hangafaati. Ofittummaa keessaa ba’anii dhugaaf du’an. Of jaallachuu f jecha dhugaa hin dabsan. Dhugaan Hundaaf bu’ura. Namni dhugaaf hin dhaabbannee, dikee bishaan irraa oofamaa jiraattun tokko. Gaafa isheenu bishaaniin dhuubamtee achumatti dhidhimti. Dhalli namaa dhugaa hin feenes kanuma. Dhugaa irra maquun salphinaaf nama kaadhimti. Dhugaaf dhaabbachuun diina heddumeessuu danda’a. diinni hedduun dhugaa hin qabne umuriin gabaabaa yennaa ta’u, kan dhugaa garuu galgalli isaa baredaadha. Naan jedhan. Gabaabseen waan yaadadhun katabe.
Gama kanaan gara fuula duraatti waa hedduun walitti dhufna. Namummaan keenya Oromummaa keenyaaf hundeedha. Oromummaan  keenyas, Sabboonummaa keenyaaf bu’ura. Sabboonummaan keenya ammo, GOOTUMMAA keenyaaf gaachana. Gootummaa kana qofaatu bilisummaa mirkaneessa. XUMUREERA .
Barruu kutaa sadiin dhiheesse xumureen jira. Dargaggoonni akka dhuunfaatti yaada naa laattanii fi kanneen biroo hedduun galateeffadha. Waan katabdu kana kitaabatti odoo geeddartee kan jettaniif, GALATOOMAA !!!!!!!!!!  kan waaqaa haa caalu. Horaa bulaa !!!!!!!!!!!

Kutaa dabran: