By Awwal Nagawoo | January 2, 2015
Before we have been fighting with Abyssinians and their made systems, but now on there will be unprecedented future and we (Oromo’s) are going to fight with a lot of creepy land grabbers from West, Middle East, Southeast Asian (China) and other continents by the name of investment, with sophisticated technologies and twisted repression systems.
It is up to all of us to change our mind individually, and change the future collectively, especially up to the Oromo young generation (Qubee generation) to act locally and thinking globally, to take action and make sure you are not sleep walked into the agendas of others, any fractions and fictions. In the creative explosion of youthful energy from young minds, happenings of future change is inevitable. When on here I am emphasizing more on the Qubee generation whose are in productive age and the future, I am not discarding and discrediting the past generations and/or old adults.
When I discuss about change here we have to focus on different causes– from personal to collective level, social justice to economic development to the environment, but we all have to see and understand change mind as vital to our common change of future change. We have to create the compelling reasons for what we wanted to change and the ultimatum change we want. Wanting without pleasure, if we do cultivate the skills needed to control our thoughts the mind will create wants that do serve our well-being. By quieting our minds through physical activity, controlled breathing and meditation, we can begin to hear what we truly desire. Happiness, joy and peace. Thus, we have to have the frequencies of life and inspiration; the feeling of joyful, strengthens and happiness; the cluster of quality, compassion and give it us the sense of confidence, to our community, and the world as whole.
“The future must not belong to those corrupt few who steal a country’s resources, it must be won by the students and entrepreneurs: workers and business owners who seek a broader prosperity for all people. Those are the men and women that America stands with, there is the vision we will support” U.S President Barack Obama speech while address the UN General Assembly. I quoted Obama’s speech not because of he is the U.S. president or the president is fulfilling his promises, just only because it’s powerful and inspirational speech for those who are ready to change their mind and change their future. Interestingly, the Obama administration is fully funding and holly supporting those few who are stealing the country’s resources and carrying out atrocities on humankind.
I would strongly suggest to my fellow Oromio’s to introduce ourselves to others either socialize or join resume building activities and networking, ought to be inspired and inspire human generation, share information of Oromo’s and Oromia, remove barriers, learn from others and teach them, create a new incentives to change future. The approach we think here is to change our own mindset to change ourselves first, and thereby change the world as we are part of the world. I am extremely passionate about creating and influencing change in myself and optimist that these changes will gradually change me future. In order to make the greatest impact that we can, we have to realize and accept that if we embrace ongoing change, we can lead that change towards our way, not any changes lead us towards itself. So that these changes will create the life the way we have always wanted it to be. Some changes can be for the worse, but if nurtured brought about with the right people, change can bring about good. My point here is that, the small changes we will bring to ourselves success will leads us towards our common purposes that will affect the other individuals, groups, and/or countries positively.
People might fear freedom and democracy because they have been living under dictatorial and repressive regimes for centuries. It may need some efforts to detach few self-centered minds from loving Abyssinians dictators. People should be able to imagine how good governance, tolerance, equality and equity, just & fairness and unity look like. Our film makers and legend singers should transform from comedy and romance to such ideals as they have been doing it restlessly. TV screen crew members, investigative journalists, radio shows presenters, social media bloggers, authors, story tellers, community elders, religions leaders, politicians, professional advocacy groups, teachers, students, farmers, businessmen, and all other communicators have to contribute and influence the minds of international communities to accept the Oromo people quest for freedom, democracy, and justice for all. Somebody should make a movie of independent Oromia where all human beings and natures are protected and preserved.
Use it or lose it, my message is very simple if we are interested in making difference and making history in our live, there is never be a better time than now for all of us to go out of our comfort zone and spread the words about Oromo the only people under colony and in armed control in 21century to the world communities. There is no one we ask to allow us to speak, to do whatever we want, to take destiny and/or future into our way, except our own natural leader which is our mind (sammuu kenaa). Because no one has been allowed to do whatever they wanted. We are living in extraordinary times, times of potential opportunities and change, times of great hope when the Qeerroo roaring from within and outside of Oromia. With election is due mid of this year 2015, now is the time for all Oromo’s to get united, to speak loudly in one voice to others surround us, to our neighbors and to the world, wherever we live, whatever social group or status we acquire and/or affiliated with any political portfolio.
I reflect on the past years and seeing where I am today compared to last year. It seems like so much has changed internally and externally with me. I know that tomorrow, it will be different again and different the next day. How do I knew? Because I made a promise to myself that in order to change my life, the lives of my dependents/family and my people, I have to change something I do daily. The secret of my success or failure will be found in my daily routine, thinking pattern and behavior. I am not going to experience any different results if I keep doing the same thing over and over. I cannot become what I need to be by remaining what I am. It is I who will get me to where I want to be because it is only me and my natural leader who knows where I want to be too. Why I am writing my reflection? Because I have a believe that people who have an access to read this piece will get some hint and hot inspiration which will make them to reflect on themselves and enable them to promise themselves to change their mind and change their future.
Our world is evolving and changing tremendously. The end result will be something very positive, but there are a lot cleanups that required to get there. Part of this change is a shift in the energy that flows through everything. Change your mind, change your future is the ultimate personal development testimony if you prepared to live in a new, very different paradigm where individuals play life in a win-win way rather than a win-lose or lose-lose situations. Its paradigm and paradise where individuals are respected, encouraged and fascinated to reach their highest potential rather than exploited, subjugated, used and abused. Is this a kind of change something that you want? The decision is your and its free. “Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday” Dale Carnegie.
Awwal Nagawoo