Saturday, September 20, 2014

SBO: Artistootni Oromoo 3 Sirna Wayyaanee Jalaa Miliqan

Sagalee Bilisummaa Oromoo (SBO) | Fulbaana 19, 2014
Artiin Oromoo guddisuu fi hojiilee isaanii ummatatti dhiyeessudhaan tattaaffiin taasisan mootummaa wayyaaneetiin dhiibbaan irra geessifamu hammatuurraa biyya abbaa isaanii dhiisanii baqachuuf dirqamuu artiist Amiin Huseeni fi Artist Mihrat Waldamaariyam (Haati Shumbee) gaaffii fi deebii SBO waliin taasisaniin ibsan.

Sirba isaa “Baaleen Bu’aa, Baaleen Bu’aa Biyya Loowwanii …” jedhuun ummata Oromoo biratti dhageettii kan horatee fi beekame wellisaan dargaggeessi Artist Amiin Huseen, biyya keessatti artii Oromoo guddisuu fi quuqqaa saba Oromoo ibsuudhaaf bilisummaa dhabuu akkasumas kaasetta dhiyoo kana baaseen walqabatee humnoota tikaatiin doorsisnii fi hiraarri itti hammaachuurraa lubbuu isaa baafachuuf baqachuu gaaffi fi deebii SBO waliin taasiseen ibseera.

Kanaan dura wayta hogganootni Waldaa Maccaa fi Tuulamaa wayyaaneedhaan yakkamanii hidhaman innis Oromummaa isaatiin yakkamee waggootaaf hidhaa keessa turuu kan ibse Artist Amiin Huseen, erga hidhaadhaa bahee boodas hojiin artii inni hojjetu humnoota tikaa wayyaanee fi dabballoota OPDO amanamtoota TPLF tahaniin ija shakkiin ilaalamaa fi si’a hedduus waamamee doorsifamuu dubbate. Keesssumaa Albama haaraa mata-dureen isaa “Yoomi Guyyaan?” jedhu erga baaseen booda sirbichi akka ummata bira hin geenye danqaa uumuu fi humnoota tikaatiin waajjiratti waamamee doorsisni deddebi’ee irra gahuus ifa godhe.

Artistoonni Oromoo sabboonoon waa’ee mirga saba isaanii fi haala jiruu-jireenya ummataa ibsuuf yaalan rakkoon ulfaataan akka irra gahu kan dubbate dargaggoon Oromoo Artist Amiin Huseen, innis hidha laga Abbayyaatiif qooda laatu gaafatamee diddaa agarsiisuu fi “Boondii bitadhaa jechuu mannaa, boombii bitadhaa jechuu hin wayyuu?” jedhee dubbachuu isaatiin ummata nurratti kakaasta jedhamee humnoota tikaatiin hiraarfamuu ibseera.

“Ummanni Oromoo erga bara Minilik gabrummaaf affeeramee kaasee hiraarri gabroomfattootaan irra gahu irraa hin dhaabbanne” kan jedhe Artist Amiin, “OPDOn dhaaba namoota dhiiga Oromoo hin qabnee fi fira fakkaatanii Oromoo miidhaa ulfaataaf affeeraniin guutamtee dha.” jedheera.

Ummanni Oromoo biyya keessaa mootummaa aangoorra jiruun rakkoon jabaan irra gahullee mirga abbaa biyyummaa fi bilisummaa isaatiif kutannoodhaan falmaa jabaatti jiraachuu sochii Qeerroo Bilisummaa eeruudhaan kan ibse artist Amiin Huseen, “Dhaloonni ammaa ho’aan, ‘QUBEE GENERATION’ mirga biyyaa fi ummata isaatiif murannoon diina dura dhaabbatee wareegama ulfaataa baasaa jiraachuun bilisummaan dhiyoo tahuu akka agarsiisu addeessa.

Haaluma walfakkaatuun maqaa masoo Haadha Shumbee jedhamuun kan beekamtu Artist Mihrat Waldamaariyamis dhiibbaa sirna abbaa irree Oromoo gabroomfatee jiruun irra gaheen kan kahe hojii ishii hojjechuu dadhabuurraa biyyaa bahuuf dirqamuu gaaffii fi deebii SBO waliin taasisteen ibsiteetti.

Diraamaa fi baacoo adda addaa hojjechuudhaan ummata Oromoo biraa jaalalaa fi dinqisiifannoo guddaa kan horatte Artist Mihrat (Haati Shumbee), waltajjiilee irratti bilisa tahanii akka hin hojjenne danqaan itti heddummaachuu, ajaja qondaalota OPDOtiin hojiin isaanii TV-Oromiyaa irratti akka hin dhiyaanne taasifamuu akkasumas hojiileen artii tattaaffii fi baasii dhuunfaa isaanii hedduu booda baasanis qabiyyeen isaa ykn uffannaan uffatan dhaamsa biraa dabarsa kan jedhuun dhoowwamuurraa rakkoo hamtuuf saaxilamuu ibsiteetti.

Qondaalonni OPDO TV-Oromiyaa keessa hojjetan Afaanii fi Artii Oromootiif kabaja kan hin qabne tahuu fi articha guddisuu fi artistootas jajjabeessuurra hamilee cabsuu fi Afaan Oromoo awwaalanii kan alagaa mul’isuuf akka hojjetaa jiran dubbatte, Artist Mihrat – Haati Shumbee. Dhaabbatni Raadiyoo fi TV Oromiyaa jedhamu maqaadhumaaf hoogganaa qaba jedhama malee, kan akka fedha isaa sukkuumu ergamaa gaafatamaa waajjira Qonnaa Oromiyaa jedhamu Zalaalam Jamaanee tahuu kan saaxilte Artist Mihrat W/ Maaryam, Artistoonni Oromoo akka garaa isaanii Oromiyaa keessa naanna’anii hojii isaanii ummatatti akka hin agarsiisne ajaja qal’aa Zalaalamiin ugguramuu fi kanneen tattaaffii taasisan ammoo doorsifamuu ibsite.

Fincilli Diddaa Gabrummaa ummannii fi Qeerroon Oromoo gaggeessaa jiran dargaggoonni Oromoo hedduun kan irratti wareegaman tahuu isaarraa gaddi nutti dhagahamus, gatii qaalii malee Injifannoon hin argamu” kan jette Haati Shumbee, “Sochiin Daraggoota Oromoo kunis guyyaa tokkummaan Oromoo caalaatti itti mirkanaahee fi Oromoon jirra jedhee socho’ee wal sochoose waan taheef, moo’insa” jetteetti.

Gaaffii fi deebii Artist Amiin Huseenii fi Artist Mihrat W/ Maariyam (Haadha Shumbee) SBO waliin taasisan sagantaa SBO fuula duraa keessatti kan isinii dhiyeessinu waan ta’eef, akka hordoftan isin afeerra.

Artiistiin Oromoo beekamtuu fi sabboontuun Meetii Jamamaa gaafii fi deebii Sagalee Bilisummaa Oromoo (SBO) waliin taasifteen miidhaa mootummaan abbaa irree wayyaanee ishii fi abbaa warraa ishiirraan gahaa turee fi jiru jalaa baqachuun biyyaa abbaa ishii dhiiftee godaanuu ibsite.

Art. Meetii Jamamaa gaaffii deebii Fulbaan 17 bara 2014 SBO waliin taasifteen dhiibbaa fi hiraarrii mootummaan wayyaanee ishii fi abbaa warraa ishiirratti raawwachaa tureen gar malee kan miidhamaa fi hiraaraa turte ta’uu ishiitiin biyya abbaa ishee fi ummata Oromoo ogummaa ishiin ishee jaalatu dhiiftee akka baqachuuf dirqamte SBOf ibsitee jirti. Art. Meetiin akka jettetti mootummaan wayyaanee dhiittaa mirgaa ummata Oromoorraan gahaa jiruun kan ka’e yeroo ammaa kana kan yeroo kamiyyuu caalaa ajjeechaan, hidhaa fi dararaan hammaatee jira.

Miidhaan saba Oromoorratti gahaa jiru jabaachaa deemuun wal qabatee artiistoota sabbontoota ta’anii fi kanneen rakkoo ummata isaanii ogummaa qabaniin calaqqisiisan addatti tika wayyaaneetiin irratti xiyyeeffatamuun hiraarfamu jechuun rakkoo artiistoota Oromoo garaaf hin bullu jedhanirra gahu ibsitee jirti.

Artiistoonni sabboontonni garaaf hin bullu jedhan akka hojii ogummaa isaaniin wal qabatu hojjetanii hin jiraannelleen dhiibbaa adda addaa irratti taasisuu fi danqaa uumuun, yeroo barbaachise ammoo hidhuu fi ajjeesuun hojii ijoo mootummaa wayyaanee waan ta’eef, artistiin Oromoo jireenya akkasii keessa jira jechuun SBOf ibsitee jirti.

Art. Meetii Jamamaa anis akkan ogummaan qabuun ummata koo hin tajaajillee fi biyya koo keessatti hojjedhee hin jiraanne ati miseensa ABO ti jechuudhaan humni tikaa fi qondaalonni wayyaanee/OPDO yoo guyyaa ayyaana keenyaa dhuftee nu biratti sirbite malee hin hojjettu jechuun walatajjii na dhorkachaa fi ukkaamsaa adda addaa narratti raawwachaa turan jetteetti. Itti dabaluudhaanis Art. Meetii Jamamaa akka SBOtti himteetti heyyama baafadhee akkan hin hojjenneefis mana qabsiisi, qarshii kuma dhibba shan argisiisi naan jechuun ta’e jedhanii waanan gochuu hin dandeenyeen jiruu fi jireenya na dhorkan jettee jirti.

Art. Meetii Jamamaa itti dabaluudhaan akka SBOtti himtetti abbaa warraa ishii Obbo Gammachiis Magarsaa humni tikaa wayyaanee miseensa ABO ti itti jechuudhaan waggoota 10nii oliif hidhee akka dararaa adda addaa irraan gahaa ture fi ishiiniis kophaa ishii daa’ima waliin akka dararamaa turte addeessite. Abbaan warraa ishii Obbo Gammachiis Magarsaa reebichaa fi dararaa irra gaheen miidhaan qaamaa guddaan kan irra gahe ta’uu ibsitee jirti.

Yakki mootummaan wayyaanee OPDO of jala oofuudhaan ummata Oromoorratti raawwacha jiru kana qophaa miti kan jette Art. Meetiin, ummata Oromoo naannawa Finfinnee qeeyee fi qabeenyarraa buqqisuudhaan lafa Oromoo gurgurachuuu fi Oromoo biyya dhablee gochuuf deemuunis kan mataa nama dhukkubsuu fi kan hundi keenyaa tokkummaadhaan irratti qabsaawuu qabnuu dha jettee jirti.

Guutuu gaaffii fi deebii Sagaleen Bilisummaa Oromoo (SBO)n Art. sabboontuu, beekamtuu fi jaalatamtuu Meetii Jamamaa waliin taasise guutummaa isaa sagantaa SBO fuula duraa keessatti akka hordoftan kabajaan isin beeksisna.


UN appeals to Ethiopia to not use anti-terror laws to suppress human rights

GENEVA (18 September 2014) – A group of United Nations human rights experts* today urged the Government of Ethiopia to stop misusing anti-terrorism legislation to curb freedoms of expression and association in the country, amid reports that people continue to be detained arbitrarily.

 The experts' call comes on the eve of the consideration by Ethiopia of a series of recommendations made earlier this year by members of the Human Rights Council in a process known as the Universal Periodic Review which applies equally to all 193 UN Members States. These recommendations are aimed at improving the protection and promotion of human rights in the country, including in the context of counter-terrorism measures.

 “Two years after we first raised the alarm, we are still receiving numerous reports on how the anti-terrorism law is being used to target journalists, bloggers, human rights defenders and opposition politicians in Ethiopia,” the experts said. “Torture and inhuman treatment in detention are gross violations of fundamental human rights.”

 “Confronting terrorism is important, but it has to be done in adherence to international human rights to be effective,” the independent experts stressed. “Anti-terrorism provisions need to be clearly defined in Ethiopian criminal law, and they must not be abused.”

 The experts have repeatedly highlighted issues such as unfair trials, with defendants often having no access to a lawyer. “The right to a fair trial, the right to freedom of opinion and expression, and the right to freedom of association continue to be violated by the application of the anti-terrorism law,” they warned.

“We call upon the Government of Ethiopia to free all persons detained arbitrarily under the pretext of countering terrorism,” the experts said. “Let journalists, human rights defenders, political opponents and religious leaders carry out their legitimate work without fear of intimidation and incarceration.”

The human rights experts reiterated their call on the Ethiopian authorities to respect individuals’ fundamental rights and to apply anti-terrorism legislation cautiously and in accordance with Ethiopia’s international human rights obligations.

“We also urge the Government of Ethiopia to respond positively to the outstanding request to visit by the Special Rapporteurs on freedom of peaceful assembly and association, on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and on the situation of human rights defenders,” they concluded.


(*) The experts: Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism, Ben Emmerson; Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, Maina Kiai; Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, David Kaye; Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders, Michel Forst; Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, Gabriela Knaul; Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, Juan Méndez.

Special Procedures is the largest body of independent experts in the United Nations Human Rights system. Special Procedures is the general name of the independent fact-finding and monitoring mechanisms of the Human Rights Council that address either specific country situations or thematic issues in all parts of the world. Currently, there are 38 thematic mandates and 14 mandates related to countries and territories, with 73 mandate holders.

Special Procedures experts work on a voluntary basis; they are not UN staff and do not receive a salary for their work. They are independent from any government or organization and serve in their individual capacity

For more information log on to: Countering terrorism: of assembly: of expression: Independence of judiciary: Rights defenders:

Torture and Inhuman treatment:

UN Human Rights, country page - Ethiopia:

For more information and media requests, please contact Claudia Gross (+41 22 917 9187 / or write to

 For media inquiries related to other UN independent experts:Liz Throssell, UN Human Rights – Media Unit (+ 41 22 917 9466/

 UN Human Rights, follow us on social media:Facebook:

 Check the Universal Human Rights Index:


Baarentuu Gadaa: Dhiibbaa fi Dhiittaa Mootummaan Wayyaanee Irraan Gaheen Artiistii Beekamtu fi Sabboontuun Oromoo Meetii Jamamaa Biyyaa Baqatte

Baarentuu Gadaa Irraa*
Artiistiin Oromoo beekamtuu fi sabboontuun Meetii Jamamaa gaafii fi deebii Sagalee Bilisummaa Oromoo (SBO) waliin taasifteen miidhaa mootummaan abbaa irree wayyaanee ishii fi abbaa warraa ishiirraan gahaaturee fi jiru jalaa baqachuun biyyaaabbaa ishii dhiiftee godaanuu ibsite.
Art. Meetii Jamamaa gaaffii deebii Fulbaan 17 bara 2014 SBO waliin taasifteen dhiibbaa fi hiraarrii mootummaan wayyaanee ishii fi abbaa warraa ishiirratti raawwachaa tureen gar malee kan miidhamaa fi hiraaraa turte ta’uu ishiitiin biyya abbaa ishee fi ummata Oromoo ogummaa ishiin ishee jaalatu dhiiftee akka baqachuuf dirqamte SBOf ibsitee jirti. Art. Meetiin akka jettetti mootummaan wayyaanee dhiittaa mirgaa ummata Oromoorraan gahaa jiruun kan ka’e yeroo ammaa kana kan yeroo kamiyyuu caalaa ajjeechaan, hidhaa fi dararaan hammaatee jira.
Miidhaan saba Oromoorratti gahaa jiru jabaachaa deemuun wal qabatee artiistoota sabbontoota ta’anii fi kanneen rakkoo ummata isaanii ogummaa qabaniincalaqqisiisan addatti tika wayyaaneetiin irratti xiyyeeffatamuun hiraarfamu jechuun rakkoo artiistoota Oromoo garaaf hin bullu jedhanirra gahu ibsitee jirti.
Artiistoonni sabboontonni garaaf hin bullu jedhan akka hojii ogummaa isaaniin wal qabatu hojjetanii hin jiraannelleen dhiibbaa adda addaa irratti taasisuu fi danqaa uumuun, yeroo barbaachise ammoo hidhuu fi ajjeesuun hojii ijoo mootummaa wayyaanee waan ta’eef, artistiin Oromoo jireenya akkasii keessa jira jechuun SBOf ibsitee jirti.
Art. Meetii Jamamaa anis akkan ogummaan qabuun ummata koo hin tajaajillee fi biyya koo keessatti hojjedhee hin jiraanne ati miseensa ABOti jechuudhaan humni tikaa fi qondaalonni wayyaanee/OPDO yoo guyyaa ayyaana keenyaa dhuftee nubiratti sirbite malee hin hojjettu jechuun walatajjii nadhorkachaa fi ukkaamsaa adda addaa narratti raawwachaa turan jetteetti. Itti dabaluudhaanis Art. Meetii Jamamaa akka SBOtti himteetti heyyama baafadhee akkan hin hojjenneefis mana qabsiisi, qarshii kuma dhibba shan argisiisi naan jechuun ta’e jedhanii waanan gochuu hin dandeenyeen jiruu fi jireenya na dhorkan jettee jirti.
Art. Meetii Jamamaa itti dabaluudhaan akka SBOtti himtetti abbaa warraa ishii Obbo Gammachiis Magarsaa humni tikaa wayyaanee miseensa ABOti itti jechuudhaan waggoota 10nii oliif hidhee akkadararaa adda addaa irraan gahaa ture fi ishiiniis kophaa ishii daa’ima waliin akka dararamaa turte addeessite. Abbaan warraa ishii Obbo Gammachiis Magarsaa reebichaa fi dararaa irra gaheen miidhaan qaamaa guddaan kan irra gahe ta’uu ibsitee jirti.
Yakki mootummaan wayyaanee OPDO of jala oofuudhaan ummata Oromoorratti raawwacha jiru kana qophaa miti kan jette Art. Meetiin, ummata Oromoo naannawa Finfinnee qeeyee fi qabeenyarraa buqqisuudhaan lafa Oromoo gurgurachuuu fi Oromoo biyya dhablee gochuuf deemuunis kan mataa nama dhukkubsuu fi kan hundi keenyaa tokkummaadhaan irratti qabsaawuu qabnuu dha jettee jirti.
Guutuu gaaffii fi deebii Sagaleen Bilisummaa Oromoo (SBO)n Art. sabboontuu, beekamtuu fi jaalatamtuu Meetii Jamamaa waliin taasise guutummaa isaa sagantaa SBOirraa dhaggeeffadhaa!
Baarentuu Gadaa:

Scotland vs Oromos : When the uncomparable is compared

Hawi Chala |

UK_EthiopiaSince a couple of weeks ago, I have been reading some articles and posts on social media arguing the Scotland referendum which can be a good lesson and role model for the Oromo struggle for independence. Contrary, I object this argument and rather argue that the Scottish referendum cannot be a lesson and role model to Oromo struggle for independence. There is no common historical experience that resembles our struggle to the Scottish. Neither social nor political nor economic resemblance prevails, at all, that makes it a role model for Oromo quest for independence. Here are my major points.
  1. Scotland and Britain married each other in 1707 in Act of union voluntarily, by mutual agreement for mutual intest of both nations. It was neither invasion nor colonialism. While case of Oromia and Ethiopia is a forced one, without the will of the Oromo people. It is a real invasion and colonialism.
  1. The Scotland and Britain have lived together for over 300 years peacefully, as a mother and a daughter, depending on one another. The Scots have never complained of the oppression, persecution, imprisonment or brutal rule of Britain. Simply speaking, no one was either imprisoned or inflicted or killed for just advocating for the independent of Scotland.
The Ethiopians and Oromo have lived together as an oppressor and oppressed, as an exploiter and the exploited or as master and slave. The Oromo have been complaining about the brutal rule of the Abysinians’ dictators and violation of basic human rights. You will hardly find a single Oromo individual whose family has not been either persecuted or imprisoned or exiled or killed for just voicing for the legitimate right of Oromo people.
Through all these years, Scotland could retain its major institutions like legal system, education,…etc.
  1. The main driving force behind the Scottish independence is the presence of natural oil resource in Scotland. To access a better social welfare for the 5 million of Scots from the high revenue of oil is a must NOT miss opportunity for them to seek for secession from England. Free health service, free tuition, fee from rather skyrocketing tuition fee of England and some others social benefits are some of the driving forces for independence.
I don’t think that the Scottish would even think of secession from UK if there happened to be no natural oil resource in Scotland.
Being endowed by natural resources, economic advantages have never been the primary driving force of Oromos’ struggle for independence. Rather, the main driving force behind the Oromo struggle is the real need to get free from oppression, persecution, brutal rule, imprisonment, basic human right violations and similar legitimate political rights. In Oromo’s struggle for independence, the economic reasons followed the political reasons, unlike the Scotland.
  1. As long as I understand, Scots are moving from economic dependence to independence, rather than to political independence as the oppressed Oromos and other oppressed nations of the world strive for. The recent voting polls shows very close percentage (between 52 % to 48 % ). This figure simply shows that their vote of yes or No, is not the vote that an oppressed nations votes for.
If Oromo people get the same chance of vote for referendum, the YES vote percentage will double the above number.
  1. While living under the umbrella of UK, Scots have not lost their national pride and national feeling of being Scottish. They have been Scotland first, and for being so they didn’t challenged or refused. Through multiple cultural and social genocides, Oromos were forced to loss the feeling of Oromuma, and made us ashamed for being Oromo. The recent challenges, resistances and insults for saying ” I am Oromo first ” is a recent example.
  1. Geographic advantage.
Scotland is located in the northern periphery of UK. And this by itself adds an opportunity for scots to easily apart themselves from the center. Oromia is located as the heart of the Ethiopia and share boundaries with almost all of other sister nations. There are some Oromo tribes residing within other ethnic groups. This diversified and complicated geographical location will not ease ways for secession as same as the Scots. This doesn’t mean that geographical location will hinder the quest for independence but might not be as easy as the one located at the periphery.
I want to quote two comments given by the Scottish boy and an Oromo boy for the question: why do you need independence?
The Scottish boy answered: “It is because I don’t want to be 40% or 20 % of something (UK), I just want to see Scotland. And I don’t want to be part of the extremely socially unequal part of England.”
The Oromo boy answered: “It is because I want to be free of oppression, persecution, and killing. I don’t want to be treated inhumanely.  I want to live in a country where my basic human rights get respected.”  The difference is visible.
There are some positive experiences we can gather from the Scottish independence, but taking their lesson as role model for the Oromo struggle will make us illusionary. Their struggle and our struggle have a very different paths, aspirations and goal.  In order for us as oppressed people to become part of a society that is meaningful, the system under which we now exist has to be radically changed. Our struggle for independence needs a huge sacrifice than that of Scottish. Independence to Oromo and Oromia will not be attained only through campaign and debates like that of Scots, it might rather require a life sacrifice.
Therefore, Scotland referendum can be a better role model for Catalonians of Spain than Oromos. The struggle and independence of South Sudan can rather be taken as a better role model for Oromo struggle for independence.
Hawi Chala
Oppressed nation will not remain oppressed.

Hawi Chala
