Thursday, February 27, 2014

South of Ethiopia: - a Systematised Prison for 56 Nations and Nationalities

I. Back Ground of Abyssinian Empire and its Colonial Subjects since the Conquest.
During the scramble for Africa’s German summit of 1884, Abyssinian colonisers have taken part to plan their strategy on how to conqueror, systematically enslave, subjugate and civilise their prospective subjects (the slogan of colonisers’ under the pretexts of Commerce, Christianity and Civilisation-known as triple ‘C’, heinously concealing the fourth ‘C’ which was their ultimate motto –the ‘Conquest’. With regards to Abyssinia, during its pre and intra-colonial occupation, there were wars of varying degrees in the entire regions of the South, West, Central and East which is lingering to this date seriously overshadowing the prospective of peace and stability. The term I used as an ‘Intra –Colonisation’ is to show the fact that the nations and nationalities of Abyssinian Empire are under similar occupation to this date.
The subsequent war of Abyssinia’s colonial masters with its Italian counterpart in its Adwa war in 1896 has involved over 100, 000 well-armed personnel with modern European weaponry, therefore, has outsmarted the enemy, decisively annihilating it’s over 20,000 highly mechanised counterpart. Over two decades and a half subjects’ slave trade obtained money lavishly equipped Abyssinian King Menelik II to record the said victory over European power -which can only be comparable with its European counterparts’ such as Great Britain, France, Spain and Portugal. During the said period, defeating such a highly armed and trained European army needs certain degree of technical sophistication and tactical organisation of the forces, therefore undoubtedly qualifies the Abyssinia’s King Menelik II to be one of the few colonial masters of the entire global colonial powers during his era.
Ia. The colonies were obliged to take part in Adwa war
The heroes and heroines of subjugated nation’s and nationalities were obliged to equally take part at the said war of Adwa to defeat Italians, besides, the whole aspects of war and its objectives wasn’t representing their interests. Its’ objective was about purely defending the colonial assets of Abyssinian King Menelik II and sustaining its domination and exploitation of its subjects. This was and is the case with British colonisers’ adopting similar methods under the pretexts of ‘Common Wealth Countries’ to use their colonial subjects to defend their global interests. Tens of thousands are recruited from their former colonies to fight along the actual British infantries all over the globe. Such actions of colonisers’ deceits and manipulations under various pretexts unites both Abyssinian and British colonial masters with their intents; systematically undermining the identities of their respective subjects. The British de-colonies to date allow their fundamental rights to be continually crushed and their wounds persistently ooze reminding them of their actual subjugation and enslavement. How the latter’s perceive their freedom under such anachronism remains.
However, the above example unequivocally shades lights on sceptics’ attitudes & ditches the arguments of Abyssinian King’s successors’ who claim that the Adwa war was being fought by the entire colonial subjects, therefore it was of the entire peoples’, in Armageddon. Therefore, for this particular piece of article, the theme of my discussion isn’t about condoning the victorious Abyssinian Menelik’s army or belittling the defeated Italians. My objective however is something timely, relevant and pervasive needing serious attentions of both antagonising parties; the colonisers and the subjects.
II. The Theme of this Article
I’m not going to argue and deny the fact that the current Ethiopia’s regime and its 130 year predecessors’ are just and fair to others nations and nationalities of the Abyssinian Empire which was crafted by their king Menelik II. And I’m not defending the actions of both culprits with further emphasis on eithers’ being good to others subjects other than 56 South’s’.  I’d rather argue that both cousins are brutalising the subjects under various justifications and definitions since the subjects’ became their victims. I’m going to discuss this as follows.
The former has completely denied peoples of nations and nationalities of their fundamental rights to identities involving disallowing them from mentioning their personal and collective identities. All peoples of nations and nationalities were often groomed and ultimately coerced to glorifying their being Ethiopians’ without mentioning their own both identities such as being an Oromo, Sidama, Ogadenia, Wolyta, Kambata, Gedeo, Hadiya…..& others, the actions fully assimilated most peoples of their colonies.   
The latter ironically allowed nations and nationalities to artificially claim their both identities, however remote controls the subjects through its surrogate conformists who are all groomed to these positions under the pretexts of representing their own nations and nationalities- by superficially propagating their own distinctive nationhood; strict preconditions are placed on their shoulders and harsh penalties are added to the former if the renegades act out of these orders.
Those enlightened nationalists of the subjugated nations and nationalities who genuinely attempt to claim these rights are automatically regarded as an anti-peace, anti-security and anti-development elements-the slogans of the current authoritarian’s regime to use its military muscle to silence any person (individual rights) or groups of people’s (collective rights). The former used both covert and overt marginalisation and subjugations to enforce its subjugating rules through the slogan of Ethiopianism; whereas the current has crafted beautiful document under whose name it brutalises the subjects; by telling them that it has emancipated them from the century old colonisation for the first time since the conquest. It further claims that it has brought them excellent privileges enshrined in the constitution; in practice without allowing the nations and nationalities of the empire to exercise them.
Therefore, it rules as its’ predecessors’ are based on enforcing the well-established colonial systems adopting similar methodologies of systematically enslaving and denying fundamental rights of people to their basic rights. The rules of the current mainly focuses on economic exploitation, political marginalisation and socio-cultural subjugation; all acts of brutality characterises both the current and its predecessors.
III. Further Injustices and Subjugation on already existing slavery on 56 Nations and Nationalities of South Ethiopia (the direction).
It’s morally deeply repugnant, intellectually inadmissible and politically incorrect to silently observe both the current as well as its predecessors’ using the entire south Ethiopian’s 56 distinct nations and nationalities as their virtual commodities and systematic slaves in the 21st century. The aforementioned 56 nations and nationalities of the south are brought to be imprisoned in such a manner that as if they all were Godly presents to all Abyssinia’s successive rulers (including the current) on whom they can do whatever they wish- from generation to generation. In front of our eyes, today as always, the entire nations and nationalities of the south are depersonalised and systematically dehumanised by the current regime.  
Therefore, majority peoples of this particular regional are driven to accept an artificial identity imposed on them by conquerors’ since the conquest; therefore most subjects appear to be in a compete identity crisis- without hope and directions. I’m inclined to saying this simply because most of the subjects lost hope/aspiration and obliged to remain docile and inactive. Otherwise expecting complete subservience whilst their very being is seriously compromised in the 21st century can’t have another explanation. All Abyssinian rulers & their successors strongly believe that south Ethiopia’s nations and nationalities are God-given rights to them; as it was the case with attitudes of European colonialists when they first saw Africa and believed that it was barren land readily awaiting to be sliced and partitioned between them like pieces of cakes and loafs of breads’; totally ignoring and at times considering the legitimate owners of the lands as virtual commodities to be purchased and exchanged.  
None of Abyssinian intelligentsia, religious leaders and the wider members of elite groups utter a single word about this fact. Whenever they criticise the current regime for its gross violations of fundamental rights of Amhara ethnic nationals with aim of undermining the rule of their cousin as they try to reclaim their rule, they choose obliviousness for the fact that if they were in position to reclaim their lost power, they endorse these enslaving rulers as they have done for the past 130 years. Therefore, the claimants of their lost hegemony deliberately undermine the quests of forcefully imprisoned 56 distinct nations and nationalities of the Empire. A good example could be drawn from the example of current their Diaspora Medias such as Ethsat (Radio and TV) which remain silent and agree with the regime in power on this sole agenda of enslaving 56 nation and nationalities.
III a. The Biggest Question!
Is it calling and reinforcing the previously Abyssinian King Menelik II created misnomer of the southern Ethiopian’s 56 distinct nations and nationalities with ‘Direction-South’ in the 21st Century is justifiable? Does any person with genuine humanitarian beliefs believe that the region which has been violently created & maintained with violent means to this date should be left unchallenged to eternally continue? It is obvious that the Empire they call it theirs was crafted with crushing natives, causing genocides against the peoples of indigenous nations and nationalities. The current incumbent is reinforcing the former with the same means adopting slightly different methods of implementation. Don’t we all have moral obligation to reject the continued denial of fundamental rights to 56 distinct Nations and Nationalities of the direction’s peoples? Since the Conquest and subsequent Domination of original Ethiopian nations and nationalities by the Abyssinian Conquerors whose residue deny this fact, the said dehumanisation and subjugation remain active and on-going.

Numerous historians wrote on the fact that the motive, the action, attitudes and practices of Abyssinian conquerors isn’t different from their European counterparts under whatsoever definitions. Persistent conflicts that stained the history of the whole Empire on one hand, the continued plights of subjugated nations and nationalities on the other darkens the whole issues surrounding this matter needing final remedy. Not only has the situation become serious about subjugated nations and nationalities of the direction south; but also the subjects are misled into believing these deep rooted beliefs based on relentless propagandas about the status-quo’s being their own mistakes. They are also coerced to believe that the unfolding tragic situations are the responsibilities of all stakeholders without actually allowing the subjects to manage their own affairs without the involvements of colonial residues.  
IV. Conclusion
It’s becoming crystal clear that the entire south as well as others subjugated nations don’t have option other than demanding for their total emancipation from the 130 year’s old colonial occupation with its enslaving systems and concomitant abject poverty, misery & deprivations it has brought. To avert the inevitable eventuality of the said tragedy awaiting to shake the Empire, the current regime must unconditionally release the entire 56 nations and nationalities of the south from their prisons in particular, others colonial subjects in general. Equally, we call upon all humanitarians to denounce and reject the continuations of 56 nations’ imprisonments and their misnomer the south. These people’s all aren’t direction- but are nations and nationalities with distinct identities, cultures, ways of life and needs and interests and ultimately with capability of managing their own affairs.  And these nations and nationalities were during the periods of pre-conquest have effectively managed their own affairs, the rights which must be unconditionally reversed.

Finally, the subjects must wake up from their deep sleep and the regime in power must behave humanely to address the needs of its subjects in a manner that is compatible with 21st century. Otherwise, the consequences will be dire for the empire and its rulers.

Muktar Kedir Becomes the New President of the Oromia Region


Sources that would like to remain anonymous reveal Muktar Kedir is the new president of the Oromia Region of Ethiopia.
The former President of the Oromia Regional State, Alemayehu Atomsa, had resigned recently because of illness. His resignation was accepted by the Executive Committee of his party, Oromo Peoples’ Democratic Organization (OPDO).
However, who will succeed him had been a closely guarded secret until now. In the past the late Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi used to assign whomever he preferred as the head of OPDO or the Oromia Region. Meles Zenawi’s death has made the selection process a bit difficult this time around.

Diddaan baratoota Oromoo Yuunivarsiitii Jimmaa jabaatee itti fufuu irraan Mootummaan Wayyaaneen humna Poolisa dabalataa itti bobbaase.

Gabaasaa: Guraandhala 27,2014 Jimma
2014-02-25 09.07.52Yuunivarsiitiin Jimmaa tajajiila baranootaa kennuu irra gara tajaajila Waraanaa kennuutti darbee jira. Yuunivarsiitii Jimmaatti goototni baratootni Oromoo guyyoota shaniif haala itti fufinsa qabuun diddaa sirna abba irree Wayyaaneef qaban itti fufanii jiru. Goototni Baratootni Oromoo Yuunivarsiitii Jimmaa hanga gaaffiin keenyaa karaa nagaa nurraa fuudhamee deebiin nuu hin kennamnetti FDG jabaatee kan itti fufu ta’uu hubachiisuun diddaa isanii nyaata dhaabuun, barnoota dhaabuuni fi qabsoo FDG Qeerroon gaggeessuu itti fufuuf murteeffatan.
Haala kanaanis mootummaan Wayyaanee seeraa haaraa mirga baratoota ugguru barruu fuula torba qabu Wayyaaneen baastee mooraa Yuunivarsiitii Jimmaa keessa fi doormii baratootni keessa jirattan hunda irratti maxxansitee goototni baratootni Oromoo fi ilmaan cunqurfamoo sabaaf sablamootni biyyatti fudhatama dhabsiisuun bakka Wayyaaneen maxxansitee walitti funaanuun ibiddan gubuun fudhatama dhabsiisan, seeraa jaamaan uummata itti miidhuuf baastu dhabamsiisuun Wayyaanee qaanessan. gochaan kun mootummaa Wayyaanee maraachee jira.
Yuunivarsiitiin Jimmaa ergama Wayyaanee hojii irra olchuuf jedhee tajajila barnootaa fi hawwaasummaa irra gara tajaajila Waraana kennuutti darbee jira, waraannii wayyaanee Mooraa Yuunivarsiitii Jimmaa kessaa qubsiifame jiru yeroo amma kanatti tajajilaa nyaataa kaffee baratoota irra argachaa jira, tajajila geejjibaa immoo konkolaataan service adda addaaf ramadame hojii gaggeessa Yuunivarsiitichaaf ture sana dhaabuun waraanaa fee’ee mooraa Yuunivarsiitii Jimmaa keessa nanna’a oola.
2014-02-25 09.31.372014-02-25 09.36.00DSC00625Yeroo amma kanatti waraanni wayyaanee mooraa Yuunivarsiitii Jimmaa, Magaalaa Jimmaa, fi Aggaaroo irra rabsifamee jira, keessaattu waraannii heddumina qabu mooraa Yuunivarsiitii daandii gara hospitaalatti geessuu fi nannoo caffee baratootni fayyaa baratan irraa nyaatan gararraa kan qubsiifame ta’uun bira ga’amera. Mootummaan Wayyaanee waraana kana illee halkanii guyyaa ta’umsaa fi dhaabii dhorkaa jiraachuun ibsamee jira. Ilmaan Oromoo waraanaa kana keessatti argaman akka baratoota Oromoo Yuunivarsiitii keessa jiran kan ijaan beekan, hiriyummaan wal beekan, kan waliin baratan fi firumma dhiigaa wal irra qaban illee yoo argan akka hin dubbifnee, fi dubbisee kan argamee seeratti kan dhiyaatu ta’uu isaa odeessii keessa waraana wayyaanee kana ba’uu saaxilee jira.
Haala kanaan mootummaa wayyaanee dabalatee Yuunivarsiitiin Jimmaa fi Magaalli Jimmaa raafama guddaa keessa seentee jirti.


Taammanaa Bitimaa irraa | Guraandhala 27, 2014
Barreeffama kutaa tokkoffaa akka argattanii dubbiftan nan abdaddha. Isa dabre matadurree “SEENSA” jedhamu jalatti otoo hin xumuratin bulleeyyu. Kunis waan barreeffanni sun dheeratee isin hin nuffisiifnee fi yeroo keessan isin jalaa hin balleessineef jedhameeti. Yeroo ammaa kana jiruu fi jireenyi namoota keenyas tahee kanneen biroo olii-gadi fiffiigsisaa, waan jiruuf yeroon nama jalaa hanqata. Ani kanaafan barreeffata kanas tahee, kanneen biroo kutaa kutaan gaggabaabsee dhiyeessuu filaddhe. Isinis mala kana akka deeggartan nan abdaddha. Egaa, mee amma bakkuma dhaabate sana irraa kaaafameeti itti-fufamaa, kutaa isa kanas mee duukaa-bu’uuf yaalaa!
Ammas seenaa Oromoota Kurnan Gullallee isa nama boochisuu fi isa nama boonsisuu sanitu itti-fufama. Kan nama boochisu: waan gara-jabeessummaan daangaa hin qabne, warra Minilik gorraatota uummata Oromoo fi uummatoota Kibbaa sanaan irratti adeemsifameefi. Kan nama boonsisu garuu, kutannoo fi jagnummaa Oromoota Gullallee kana. Ni yaadattu yoo tahe, kutaa tokkoffaa keessatti: “Akkuman kanaan dura barreefamoota kiyya lamaa-sadii keessatti ibsuuf yaale, gichilloonni Gullallee kun, ee gichilloonni sanyii gichillootaa waraana Minilik isa guguddaa ennaa lama moyanii ofirraa deebisaniiti, isa sadaffaa irratti humna qawwee ibiddaatiin moyamuu dandayani.” Jedheetan tureeyyu.
Namoonni keenya tokko tokko, kanneen keessaa gariin kan waayee seenaa Oromoo sirriitti hin qalbeeffatin, “raas” warra Habashaa Goobana Daaccii waan naannoo Oromiyaa isa Tuulamaa-Macca, jechuun Oromiyaa Waltajjii irraa bayeef, Oromoonni naannoo kanaa marti waan isa duukaa turan itti-fakkaata. Barumsa Oromoo: isa mana ofiitti ibidda qaqqaammachaa baratan san, isa bakka Oromoon walgaye maratti ibsamu san, isa gaafa namni du’ee beektonni seenaa namoonni sadii ka’anii lallabaan ibsan san, isa gafa goonni, jagni, gamni, arjaanii fi namni uummataan jaalatamu du’e, fardi maxaabiriin fe’amuun yaa’ee, namni akka loltuu warra Lixaa kanaatti kan qabu qawwee qabatee, kan dhabe immoo eeboo faa, shimala faa qabateetoo tarree galee yaa’u san keessatti beektonni seenaa sangaa fardaatiin olii-gad garmaamaa “eessan dhaqxu” jechaa, seenaa nama sanii, kan warra isaa hanga babala 12 faatti, seenaa lammii (qomoo) fi gosa isaa faa himan keessatti kan dhiyaatu san callaa irraayyii miti. Isa gaafasuma yeedalloo “oofan” jedhamuun:*
“Oofan, oofan-oofan! (isa baasu)
Oofan, oofan! (warra jalaa qabu)
Oofan, oofan-oofan!
Oofan, oofan!
Abbaan biyyaa du’ee
Egaa seerri badee maaltu walgaafataa? (tarreen afran kunis kan isa baasuti)
Ee, maaltu walgaafataa! (w.j.)
Abbaa bokkuu du’ee
Egaa seerri badee maaltu walgaafataa?
Eekaa, maaltu walgaafataa!
Qaccee gootaa,yaa gootakoo! (i.b.)
Ee, yaa gootakoo! (w.j.)
Sanyii Abbaa Gadaa, yaa leencakoo! (i.b.)
Ee, ee yaa leencakoo! (w.j)
Qaccee Halloo Bokkuu yaa leencakoo! (i. b.)
Dhuguma-kaa yaa leencakoo! (w j.) **
Dhiyaatu san qofa keessattis miti. Barreessitoonni Biyya Faranjii jechuun Oroppaa bara akaakayyuu Minilik faa irraa kaasanii, waraanuma warra Habashaa duukaa deemuun kan barreessanii, tarreessanii kaayantu jira. Barreessitoota keenya keessaa isa kana kan faaraan dubbisee faaraan dhimma ittiin bawu, obboleessi keenya Barachiis (Pirof.) Makuraa Bulchaa qofa, jechuutoo dandayama.*** Anis wanneen akkanaatti hedduun giroo ittiin baya. Amaan tana silaa ijoolleen warra abbaa mancaas sun nutti ka’anii, waraana isaanii xuraawaa fi cubbamaa kanaanillee “waraana qulqulluu” jedhanii, nuti sirriitti galmee seenaa jala-deemuun isa keessaa, dhugaa fi dhugoo guggurree addunyaa fuulduratti akka jarreen kun qullaa ofii dhaabatanii muldhatan isaan taasisuu dha.
Naannolee Afran Walisoo fi Jahan Bachootti: “Oromoon goonda-dhaa boolla goondaa harka hin kaayini! Oromoon kanniisaa gaagura kanniisaa hin horfini!“, jedhe Bitimaa Soondhessaa jedhama. Kan inni jedheef, nafxanyoota fi mootummaa isaanii isa manneen hidhaa Karcallee faatti, mana hidhaa namni seene hin baane, kan golfaan nama galaafatu, “Mana Hidhaa Ejersaa” isa magaalaa Walisoo cinaatti Laga Ejersaa irratti ijaarame faa sanaafi. Warra hardha “boolla goondaa harka” kaawuu fi “gaagura kanniisaa” horfuun, addunyaa gara fuulduraatti daran tarkaanfatte tana keessatti gara duubaatti daran deebiyuun: Aannolee, Calanqoo, Gullallee fi Darraa faatti “siidaan Minilik haa ijaaramu” nuun jedhan kana, dhugaa fi dhugoo qabannee dura gorra! Yommuu kana goonus miseensota gita-bittee isaanii fi muummiyyeewwan (iliitota) isaanii kanaa fi uummata isanii addaan-baafachuuni. Aadaa keenya keessaa isa safuu fi safeefata jedhamuu fi isa amantii Oromoo Waaqeffannaa keessatti: “ilmoon namaa hundi, afaan namaa hundi, amantiin namaa hundi — faa waan uumaa WAAQAA tahaniif kabajamuu qabu!” jedhamu, daqiiqaa takkaafillee hin irraanfannu! Eekaa, otoo Tokkummaan Mootummoota Waltahanii (ToMoWa - “UNO“) bara 1945 keessa kanneen akkanaa kana hin labsin dura, durii durii yaa’ii ofii kan Gadaa irratti tumateeyyu Oromoon keenya. Nuuf kana faatu qaroomina (“civilization“) sonaan tarkaanfate keessatti ramadama.
Akkanuma warra ammas, bardhibbee 21-ffaa kana keessallee uummata Oromoo isa naannoo magaalaa Finfinnee Shaggar, warra dur buqqifama Minilik faa adeemsisan sana irraa mimmiliqee hafe, buqqisaa jiran kanas dhugaa fi dhugoo qabannee dura gorra. Dura gorrees sagalee tokkoon addunyaa guutuutti, ilmoo namaa hundatti dhageessifanna! Haa tahuutii, kutaan kun asuma irratti dhaabata. Kutaa isa kanatti aanee dhufu keessatti waayee seenaa Oromoota Gullallee, seenaa isaanii isan waggaalee hedduu dura walitti qabe keessaan waa isiniif dhiyeessaa, mee hammasitti nagaa fi nageenyi qeyee hunda keessanii irraa hin dhabamini!
==============    Hubachiisota Miiljalee    ==============
* Inni “oofan” jedhamu kun keessumaa naannolee: Sadeen Sooddoo, Afran Walisoo, Kudhalamaan Caboo, Jahan Ammayyaa fi Torban Kuttaayee faatti akka malee beekamaa dha. Kun kan jedhamuuf: warra abbootii biyyaa, abbootii Gadaa, gootota, jagnoota fi gamnoota fayiifi! Waanan bara 1998 keessa magaalaa Walisootti waayee naannoo Wancii, isa magaalaa Walisoo irra kiilomeetira 30 callaa fagaate argamuu, abbootii seenaa Afran Walisoo beekamoo keessaa tokko kan ture, Baqqalaa Bantii Beellamoo Roggee irraa dhagayeen as irratti isiniif yoon dhiyeesse, waayee “Oofanii” kana sirriitti isinii addeessa. Bara Darguu irraa kaasee: “dhuudhaan oofanii kun borcamaa deemee, abbaadhuma fe’eefuu “oofan” jechuun calqabame. Booda beekaa fi gamni Wancii, Baqqalaa Magarsaa Ita’aa yaa’ii Wancii irratti yaada tokko dhiyeesse. Kunis dhuudhaan oofanii baduu hin qabu. Yoo namni hundumtuu wal haa qixxaatu kan jettan ta’emmoo eenyumaafuu “oofan” jechuun haa hafu.” Erga baay’ee irratti mariyatamee booda walumaa galteen nama hundumaa walqixxeessuuf jedhamee, akka gaaf sana irraa kaasee eenyumaafuu “oofan” hin jedhamne dhoowwame. Booda xinnoo ture Baqqalaa Magarsaa du’e. Wanci guutuun yaa’ee, Qaqaldhii fi Caboonis itti-dabalamanii isa “oofan” jechaa awwaalani. Warri Baqqalaa Magarsaa Ita’aa Golgaa Goolee otoo Sidaamni biyya keenya hin qababatin, warra yaa’ii gadaatiin filamuun biyya bulchan turani. Isaan warra abbootii biyyaa kan Wancii keessatti argamu. Kanaaf, gaafa inni du’e sana biyyi buqqa’ee bawuun isa “oofan” jechuun gaggeesse.
** Halloo Bokkuu gootota akkaan beekamoo kan naannoo Afran Walisoo keessaa isa tokko. Inni abbaa Ilaansoo Halloo, gooticha bara warranni Minilik biyya Afran Walisoo
dirree waraanaatti cabsee qabate sana qabamee, gara Ankoobaritti dabarfamuun mana hidhaa keessatti du’ee sanaati. Ilaansoo Halloo otoo gara biyya Habashaatti hin
dabarfamin mana hidhaa isa jalqabaa, kan nafxanyoonni naannoo kanatti dursanii ijaarratan keessa taa’ee, walaloodhaan kan dhaadate kanaan dura isinii dhiyeesseen ture.
*** Mee barreeffata Prof. Makuraa Bulchaa isa ““, irratti baye: “A Decade after the Aborted Oromo Eviction from Finfinnee: A Persistent Story of Expropriation, Humiliation
and Displacement
“, ilaalaa!
Kutoota darban:

Dhiha Oromiyaa Wallagga, Ona Limmuu Ebantuu fi Aanota Adda Adda Addaa Keessatti Gaaffiin Mirgaa Barattootaan Ka’e Daran Jabaachuun Beekame.

Gurandhala 26,2014 Naqamte
Saboontootni baratootni Oromoo manneen barnootaa sadarkaa 2ffaa Onotaa Wallagga Bahaa manneen barnoota akka: M/B Haroo Limmuu sadarkaa 2ffaa, M/B Leeqaa Dullachaa sadarkaa 2ffaa, M/b Ukkee sadarkaa 2ffaa, M/B Jimmaa Arjoo, M/B Kiramuu sadarkaa 2ffaa, jedhaman keessatti argaman gaaffii mirgaa qabna gaaffii keenya nurraa fuudhaa jechuun directors mannen barnoota kanneenitti dhiyeeffachuun hanga gaaffiin mirga fi mirgi uummata Oromoo kabajamutti nurraa hin fuudhamnetti barachuu hin dandeenyu, mirga hin qabnu, rakkoo keenyaa fi rakkoo uummata keenya hiriira bahuun ibsanna mirgi hiriira nagaa gochuu fi rakkoo ofii ibsachuu nuf haa eeyyamamu jechuun gaaffii FDG kaachiisan. saboontotni baraatootni Oromoo kun dhaadannoo Oromiyaa ni bilisoomti (Oromia shall bee free), ka’ii ummata Oromoo mirga kee falmadhu, qabeenyaa uummata Oromoo saamuun dhaabbachuu qaba, Oromoo ilaalcha siyaasaan qoqqodanii bituun ni dhaabbata, dhaaba keenya tokkicha ABO ni jaallanna, Ummatni
Oromoo abba biyyati, Ummatni Oromoo lafa isaa irratti of bulchuu qaba, yoo Mirgi Oromoo kabajame malee nagaa fi Misoomni guddinni itti fufinsa qabu dhufuu hin danda’u.
Kanatti dabalees mirgi dimookiraasii nuf kabajamuu qaba. hidhamtootni siyaasaa Oromoo fi kaanis hundi gadhiifamuu qabu, Oromiyaan mootummaa mataa ishee malee waggoota 23 dabarsitee jirti amman booda mootummaa mataa keenyaa hundeeffachuuf ni qabsoofna, dhaadannoolee jedhan uummata keessa fi baratootni walii isaniif rabsuun diddaa Wayyaaneef qaban argisiisuun jaalala ABOf qaban mul’isa jiru.
Haaluma walfakkatuun Onoota kanneen keessatii fi Onotaa guutummaa godina wallaaggaa bahaa cufa keessatti barruun warraaqsa FDG bittinneefamuun dhaaba lukkee wayyaaneetti yaadddoo dhalchee halkanii guyyaa wardiyyaa dhaabbachaa jiraachuun gabaafamera.
Maatii fi uumanni Oromoo jiraattota naannoo ta’an gaaffii barattootaa hordofuun ykn cinaa dhaabbachuun gaaffiin keenya fi gaaffiin baratoota keenyaa yeroo garaagaratti dhiyeessa turre deebii argachuu qaba, jechuun guraandhala gaafa 25/2014 Onotaa akka Limmuu Galiilaa, Haroo Limmuu, Sassiggaa fi kiramuu keessatti uummanni hanga gaaffiin keenya deebii argatutti mootummaa wayyaaneef gibra hin kaffallu, walga’ii wayyaneen gootu hin hirmannu, ajaja gama kamiin iyyuu lukkee wayyaanee irraa darbu hin fudhannu, wayyaanee irratti fincillee mirga keenya ni kabachiifanna jechuun uummanni murtee waliifdabarsee jira.
Ergamtootni Wayyaanee haala sochii diddaa FDG uumamaa jirutti rifachuun humna poolisaa kora bittinneessaa jedhamuu Onoota hundaa irra qubsiisuu fi uummata ittin sodachiisuf halkanii guyyaa uummata keessa baattee fiiga jirachuun gabaafamera.
Kana malees barruuleen FDG Godina Wallagaa dhihaa magaalawwaan akka Mandii, Ginbii, Danbii Doolloo fi Gullisotti bittinneffamuun lukkele Wayyanee wareersaa jirachuutu gabaafame jira. uummannis waamicha dhaabni kallacha qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo ABO irraa bifa garaagaran godhamaa jirutti gammachuu gudda qabachuu isa FDG mul’ifachuuf qophii xummuraa jiraachuu isaa gabaasa nu qaqqabe irra hubanne jirra.