By Ibsaa Guutama
August 21, 2014 (gubirmans) — Birth control schemes had been used from ancient times to the present for the purpose of keeping natural balance between land, economy and users. That is supposed to help sharing scarce resources, protect health of mother and child and also to maintain purity of race in cases like fascist policies of eugenics. The Oromo love for children are phenomenal. |
Jaalalli Oromoon ijoolleef qabu hammana hin jedhamu. Oromoon yeroo hunda ijoollee guddifachuuf qophee turani. Warri Oromoo naannichaaf akka galma qaallota jara lixaa bakka ijoollee hin barbaadamne itt gatanii ture. Ijoollee godhatanii fi guddifatan gidduu sanyiin haa ta’uu ogooman fanfanuun hin turre. Taadhomni eebba Waaq karaa Ateetee dhufutt amanama. Dhabduun taadhomuuf Ateetee yoo kadhattu kan ilmoo argatan karaa see Waaqa faarfatu. Ilmoon dhalachuun gammachuu addaa warraaf yoo fidu dhabduuf mararfannoo argamsiisa. Dhabuu, salleessuu kkf karaa Uumaan baayyina namaa itt to’atu keessaa hamma tokko. Namooti yeroo ilmoo guddisuuf hin qophoofne saala lagatu turani. Humnaan taadhoma dhaabuun hin beekamu ture.
Si’ana sabi Oromoo dhukkuba daddarbu, busaa, balaa uumaa akka bubbee roobaa, beela, dhukkuba taraa fi kkfnin dorsifamaa jiraa. Oromo garri caalu, Uumaan ilmoo abbaa barbaadu kennee kan hin barbaanne waan dhowwatuuf eenyuu hojii saa keessa seenuu hin qabu jedhu. Garuu hawaasi ammayyaan dilormaan (lakkoofsi namaa) hammaa bahuun lafaa fi wanti ittiin jiraatan hanqachuu danda’a jedhanii yaadda’aa jiru. Kanaaf mala adda addaa ittiin da’umsa too’atan, akka laguu, qaama ofii dhaggeeffachuu fi danqaa adda addaatt dhimma bahuu yaada kennuu. Hindiin addunyaa keesssaa biyyoota dilorma gudaa qaban keessaa isa lammafaa ture. Imaammati maseensaa Indiraa Gaandii waca guddaa akka kaasee fi dhuma irrati kufaatii seef kaasaa tahuun ni yaadatama. Karaa biraa mmoo utuu mootummaan keessa hin seenin dilormaan biyyoota hedduu misanii gadi guddachuun 0 % gad darbuu fi yartuu qofti “taadhoma bakka buusaa” kan jedhamu (dubartiin ilmoolee akka baayyinni dilormaa gadi hin buune qofa taasisu itt godhatan) keessa akka jirantu mullata. Hamma yoonaa imaammata warraa biyyoota misanii duuba madaala sanyii fi gitaa eeguuf dira’inni jiraachuu dhiisuu dhugaatt hin beekamu. Garuu kan Itophiyaaf mamii sirinyaa qabna.
Empayerri Itophiyaa bara hundaa to’annoo abba hirrootaa garajaboo jala akka turte beekamaa dha. Dilormaa kolonotaa garri caalaan Oromiyaa kan tahe gad cabsuuf mala hedduutt dhimma bahaniiru. Mootummaan amma jiru isaan irraa adda miti. Gochaa fi irra darbuun dilormaa Oromo yarsuuf mala adda addaa dhahe jira. Beekaa ajjeechaa seermalee fi lafarraa buqqisa qacceefixaa gad hin taanee hojii irra olchee. Ijoollee Oromoo loltummaan foo’ee yeroo lola saa garmalee, miinoo irraa oofuun ficcisiiseera. Oromoon dhaqanii dhumuuf kan guuraman fedha malee yk bu’aa bubuutuun sossobamanii ture. Naannaa beelli galett hedduun kan dhuman, yeroon dhaqabuufii dhabuuni. Oromoon magaalaa fi baadiyyaa qeyee saaniirraa buqqifaman biyyuma ofii keessatt kan qaban saamamanii karaarratt darbamuun bakka qubatan dhabanni. Bishaan saanii fi lafti saanii haddhaan faalamuun nagaa saanii fi kan horii saan irra hamaa geessiseera. Magaalaa mummitii Oromiyaa Finfinnee keessatt ulaagaan dorgomuu afaan Amaaraa beeku wan godheef ijoolleen Oromoo hojii argachuu hin dandeenye. Magaalaa muummittii keessatt waabarii ambaa waan hin argamsiifneef ijoollee Oromoo barumsatt saaqaa dhabsiiseera. Kurnan sadiyiif Oromoo akka nyaaphaa saa sadarkaa tokkoffaatt fudhachuun kan manca’uu yk sadarka saatt gadi buufamuu qabu jedhee fudhateera.
Oromoon badii irraa ooluu fi qabaa seermalee jalaa birmadoomuuf lolataa jiru. Kan qabatee gara saatiin olhaantummaa saa itt fufuuf lolataa. Kanaaf karoorri baafatu hundi gara sanatt kan geessuu tahuu akka qabu ifaa dha. Karoorri guddina dilormaa isaan wuxiname sanaan adda hin tahu. Karaan doofaa inni baayyina namaa gad cabsuuf baafate, ajjeechaa, qeyee buqqisa, hidhaa, biyyaa ariisaa fi guraaraan sangoomsi hin quufsineenii. Kanaaf guddina dandeettii saa ol kaafafatee lakkofsa Oromoo hamma danda’amutt quucarsuuf mootummoota alaa fi kubbaaniyyoota afeerrataa jira.
Oromiyaaan qabaa jala jirtii. Kan qabate hafee mootummaa ofii kennatanuu wan dhuunfaa fi warraa irratt amanuun rakkisaa dha. Mootummaa qabate hafee kan ofii kennatanuu dhimma dhuunfaa fi warraa kan akka too’annaa da’umsaa ta’ett e amanuun enyuufuurakkisaa dha. Yeroo sabichii roorroo ango qabeessaa, imaammata beekaa callisanii beela irra darbuu, AIDS, busaa fi dhibee biraan dorsifamaa jiru waa’ee too’annaa da’umsaa Oromiyaa dubbachuun gamnummaa miti, Sanatt dabalatee waraana isaan hin laalletti giddisiifamuun dilormaa saanii keessaa gara guddaa dhabaa jiru. Kooriyaan hamilata safuu tahe akkasii irratt tumsuufiin tolaa saa irra hamaa saatu caalaa. Bara mootii mootichaatii kaasee waajjirri karoofata warraa Shaggariin ture. Haadholii waa’ee fala akka laguu fi yeroo eeggachuu barsiisaa turani. Waa’ee danqaa fi farreenrimaa (contraceptives) biraas hubachiisaniiru. Kana irra darbee ogummaa alaa wanti barbaachiseef jira ta’aa. Karoori warraa Itoophiyaa hanga yoonaa dhimma itti hin bahin jiraatinnaa jedhamu fala maseensaa kan Koriyaan Kibbaa muuxannoo fi ogummaa itt qabu. Kanaaf hamaa haamilati kun fiduu dandahu sabboonoti dammaqanii hordofuu qabu. Dandeettii saa argannaan akka dargaggoo Oromoo keessaayyuu hidhamtoota 90% ol Oromoo tahan irratt hin shaakalle iggitiin hin jiru.
Oromoo murna taa’omaa keessa jiran deegaa haa tahuu badhaadhaa fedha abbaa irratt xiyyeefamee malee eenyuu surrii akka dhiqu itt dhiifamuu hin qabu. Kan Oromoon fedhu barumsa qajeelaa iyyaatii barbaachisaatt saaqaa baanuuf malee too’annaa dahumsaa miti. Addunyaa keessatt kan hubatamaa jiru akka warri baratee fi magaalawe lakoofsi ilmaan qabaatanii dangeeffama tahee dha. Maqaa warraa fi of tursuuf dharraan dudhaan ilmoof qaban amma hin mullatu. Gudddinni teeknooloojii hamma hin qabnee dubartii fi dhiira hojjetanii buluu carraaqaniif ilmoo qabaachuun baa’aa itt taha jira. Kanaaf qooda fudhannaa mootummaa malee dilormaan sadarkaa yaaddesutt 0% gad gara -0tt bu’aa jira. Kanaaf maseenummaa fafeessaa irra barumsa rogaa fi deettii du’a daa’imaa gadi buusuu irratt xiyyeeffachuun caalaa gumaachuu danda’a. Bulcha Itiyoophiyaa imaammata dilormaa irratt amanuun, waan walfakkaatuuf Hitilariin amanuu irra hin wayyuu. Kan beekamuu qabu akka bulchi Itophiyaa fedha Oromoo hin wakkalle. Gargaarsa argatu kamuu Oromoo qaamaa fi hamileen butuchuuf akka dhimma itt bahamu beekamuu qaba.
Waliigalatt deettiin guddina dilormaa Empayera Itophiyaa sadarkaa rifachiisaa hin geenye. Statistiksiin kenname madda amanamaa irraa argame yoo jenne biyyoota 233 keessaa kudha arfaffaa dha. Oromiyaan waan dilormaa gad cabsan akka balaa nama fi uumaan dhaqabsiisaniitt saaxilamtuu dha. Balaa caalaatt saaxiluun, dandeettii diigota akkasii ol kaasuufiin bulchi Itophiyaa fixaqaccee qaata oofaa jiru caalaaf jajjabeessuu ta’aa. Bakka moo’ummaan falmamaa jirutt gartokko goranii gargaaruun hangameessa kamiinuu qajeelaa hin ta’u. Oromo wayyabi kan fedhan filachuuf iyyaatiitt saaqaa hin qabani. Akka akeekaatti karoorri warraa akkaa,madala dilormaa eeguu qofaaf utuu hin ta’in nageenya dhalootaas waan gargaaruuf nammuu mormii hin qabu. Haa tahu malee kan dhimma itt bahan waan inni dhaqabsiisuu dandahu dursanii beekanii guddifachuuf fedhuu qabu. Sun jedhamus, halagaan Oromoof murteessuu hin dandahu. Kanaaf waliigalanii rimsama karoora warraa isaanii tahu keessa facaasuun qooda beekota Oromo, keessaayyuu cireessotaa fi qubqabsisotii Oromo walabaati. Mirga ilmoo namaaf kan falmanis dhimma kanaaf hiriirsuu dandahuun anjaa qaba. Naannaa karoora warraa mootummaa shaakalli badaan akka jiraachuu dandahu ummata dammaqsuu dha. Hamaa sabicha qabame irra marsaa jiruf kun hamaa dabalataati. Hundaafuu baraar haajennuu!!
Ulfinaa fi surraan gootota kufaniif; walabummaa, walqixxummaa fi bilisummaan kan hafaniif; nagaa fi araarri Ayyaana abboolii fi ayyoliif haa tahu!
Ibsaa Guutama
Hagayya 2014 | Oromo are always willing to adopt children. For the region Oromo families of olden days were like convents in western countries where unwanted children were dropped. They make no difference between children they begot or adopted from any race or caste. Fertility is considered a blessing of Waaq through the Ayyaanaa “Ateetee”. One who is barren prays Ateetee for fertility while those that are bestowed with children praise Waaq through her. The birth of a child brings special joy to the family and society and sympathy to the childless. Being barren, miscarriages etc. are birth control methods of Nature among other things. People used to abstain from sexual activities when they are not ready for a child. A forced curbing of fertility by the powerful and its allies was unknown to them.
At present Oromo nation’s population is under threat of dwindling by epidemic, AIDS, malaria, natural calamity, famine, common deceases, etc. Majority Oromo believe that the Creator gives and denies off springs and no one should interfere with his work. But modern societies are worried about the possible overpopulation that available land and means of subsistence may not be able to support. For that reason they suggest different methods of birth control like abstinence, rhythm and barrier methods. India was the second populous country in the world. It will be remembered that the sterilization policy of Indira Gandhi said to have been directed against poor men and political opponents created great uproar and her ensuing downfall. On the other hand populations of highly developed countries have gone down below zero growth rates with only very few in what is called replacement fertility rate (women producing babies enough to sustain population levels). So far we cannot say for sure if there are sinister motives to balance race and class behind s world family planning policy of developed countries. But we have serious doubts about those of Ethiopia.
The Ethiopian Empire has always been controlled by ruthless dictators. They had used different methods to reduce population of their colonies, the greater part of which is Oromiyaa. The present government is no different. It has tried to reduce Oromo population by commission and omission against its own laws. It has engaged intentionally in illegal killings and dislocations to a level of genocide. It has exposed Oromo recruits to its army to danger by driving them over mine fields during its senseless wars. The Oromo were mobilized without their will or lulled by remuneration to go and die in masse. Several have died in famine stricken areas of Oromiyaa being denied timely attention. Oromo dislocated from their homestead in urban and rural centers had been thrown to the streets in their own country after being robbed all they had. Their water and soil is poisoned affecting their s and their animal’s wellbeing. It has made it impossible for Oromo youth to get jobs in their own capital making knowledge of Amharic criteria for competing. I t has denied several Oromo youth access to learning in their own language by not making public schools available in capital of Oromiyaa. It has come for three decades considering the Oromo nation as its number one enemy that has to be destroyed or reduced to its level.
The Oromo are fighting for their survival and freedom from illegal alien occupation. The occupier on its part is fighting to continue its domination. Therefore all policies that it makes are meant to help it towards that end. Population growth policy drawn by it cannot be different. Its crude means of reducing population increase, killing, dislocation, imprisoning, chasing out of the country and castrating by torturing did not satisfy it. Therefore it is inviting foreign governments and companies to enhance its capability in diminishing Oromo number to the smallest possible size.
It was announced that South Korea is going to assist Ethiopian Empire in controlling population of its colonies. (English 07/11/140). According to CIA World Factbook 2013 population growth rate in Ethiopia and S. Korea are 2.89 and 0.16 respectively. As a result of its family planning policy South Korea’s birth rate dropped from 6.1 in 1960 to the present level. South Korea is going to transfer experience it gained from that policy which included sterilization. It is promising to help Ethiopia to reduce “its population” with input of W2.2 billion (US$ 2157386?) and expertise. From its population size the target could be no other than Oromiyaa. One of the reasons for Habashaa elites for fearing democracy is the largeness of Oromo in numbers. Family planning may help leveling that.
Oromiyaa is under occupation. Let alone an occupying power it is difficult for anyone to trust even own elected government on personal and family matter like birth control. When the nation is under threat of being wiped out by abuse of power and intentional policy of passing in silence famine, AIDS, malaria and other deceases, it would be unwise for anyone to talk of birth control in Oromiyaa. Over and above that they are losing big chunk of their population as a result of being forced to take part in wars that do not concern them. The collaboration of South Korea in such unethical colonial project will be more harmful than good. There was a family planning office in Finfinnee since the time of the Emperor. They had been teaching mothers about methods like abstinence and rhythm technics. They had also made them aware of barriers and other contraceptives. There must be another method that required foreign expertise. Sterilization is a method in which South Korea’s has experiences which Ethiopian family planning might have not used so far. Therefore it is the obligation of all Oromo nationals to be on guard against possible harm this project might entail. Once the regime gets the knowhow there is no guarantee that it would not use it on prisoners which are more than 90% Oromo.
No one should be allowed brainwashing Oromo fertile age grade poor or rich without free will of the target group. What Oromo need is proper education that could give them access to necessary information not birth control. From what is observed throughout the world educated and urbanized family have limited off springs. The traditional desire of having children for family name and sustenance is no more valid for them. Highly developed technology has made children more of a burden for struggling working men and women. As a result population is going down without needing government involvement. It has gone down to worrisome level of below 0% and even zero minus. Therefore, concentrating on educating the population and decreasing infant mortality works better than crippling sterilization. Trusting the Ethiopian regime on population policy will not be less dangerous than trusting Hitler for the same purpose. What everyone should understand is that the Ethiopian regime does not represent Oromo interest. Any help it gets will be used to crush the Oromo physically and psychologically.
Overall, population growth rate of the Empire is not that alarming. Taking the given statistic as driven from reliable source, it ranks 14th out of 233 countries. Oromiyaa is vulnerable to so many manmade and natural calamities that reduce its population. To expose it for more of those calamities by raising destructive skill for the regime would amount to encouraging it for more genocide than it is already committing. In a situation where sovereignty is contested to side one against the other will not be fair by any standard. Majority of Oromo are having no access to information to choose between options. In principle one may not be opposed to ethical family planning for it helps not only population balance but also for the development of healthy generation. However those that receive have to be aware of the consequences and willing to adopt it. Even then aliens should not decide for the Oromo. Therefore it is incumbent up on all Oromo knowledgeable in particular Oromo health experts and Oromo free media to collaborate in disseminating the concept of family planning best fitting them. They have also to be able to rally human right advocates for the purpose. The people should be made aware of the possible existence of malpractice around regimes family planning. This is another danger added to the danger already looming over the occupied nation. Let us say save us from every thing evil!!
Honor and glory for the fallen heroines and heroes; liberty equality and freedom for the living and nagaa and araaraa for the Ayyaanaa of our fore parents!
Ibsaa Guutama
August 2014 |