Tuesday, May 14, 2013

When will Oromo artists work in peace in their own country?

By Adugna Dinka

It is known to everybody that there had never been time in the history of Oromia under Ethiopian empire that Oromo artists work in peace and develop our culture. During Haile Sillassie time, well known eastern Oromia artists were forced to leave their country which in most cases they move to Somalia. In some cases the government of Haile Sillasie hunts them down in Somalia through the security forces of the empire. Those who remain behind were just reduced to local singers.

During Derg time, most of the artists were forced to work for the junta. Moreover they were under heavy censorship. If they manage to evade the censorship and sing something important about an Oromo cause, it obviously lands them in prison which in most cases ends in torture and killing.  But still they manage to teach us much and develop our culture.

The Worst happens to our artists under the TPLF led government of Ethiopian empire. Under the present government, Oromo artists were killed or just disappeared or in most cases they were imprisoned and tortured. Some were forced to be the member of Oromo people’s democratic organization (OPDO) and forced to work for the party without their will. But most are forced to leave their beloved country and people. Recently, it is reported that the legendary artist Fayessa Furi was forced to leave his country. 

Adugna Dinka (re_appear1@yahoo.co.uk)

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