Yaadasaa Dafa | October 12, 2013
Yaadasaa Dafa
Can a Democracy trickle down the pipe line of the African states’ governmental apparatus when the dictators of African nations declare to follow the Democratic governing system? I wish it could be that simple, but practical experiences after experiences had proved to the contrary. This could be fundamentally due to their undemocratic nature and means they contrived and captured their respective country’s central governments. Once they succeed to overthrow the previous regimes with power of the gun, they often declare to be a better, and the only democratically oriented governing system, as opposed to the previous regimes. But in reality, it will be the beginning of yet another subjugation and government corruption system for the people of that nation under the tribal self proclaimed supremacy, or hegemony of the dictator’s tribe who happen to climb unto the power of the country. It is true that when they just appear on power, such dictators will swear in all the preludes of the Democracy so as to gain the internal as well as the international agencies support for their governments.
When changes of government occurs in majority of the African Nations, people often witness and conclude that the era of wrong imprisonment, mistreatment, and violation of basic human rights is over for that African nation. But as soon as it appears to these dictators that they have consolidated their power in running the country, they suddenly suffer memory loss or sever amnesia of their previous promises/claims to their people, but to the contrary, strengthen their spies and secret services agents, polish their power abusing techniques so as to manipulate and circumvent the established law and order of their developing nations, including all the Democratic principles known to other Democratic Nations of the world. Sooner, these dictators prove to the whole peace loving Nations of the World that the Democratic principle they are proclaiming is just a trade mark, and what a marvelous conundrum and means of justifying their regime’s corruptions and abuses of power can the pseudo claims of Democracy serve, and be enjoyed at the expenses of the majority of their respective Nation’s!!!! To this end we do have abundant practical examples of regimes of Africa nations robbing their own people in the day light, while swearing to be following principles of Democracy!!!!!
The moral and material International support obtained during the length of stay of such regimes on the power, often obtained under the presumptions of undertaking legal and institutional reform are frequently sent to the banks in the most safer foreign lands such as Switzerland, or utilized purposefully to consolidate their power by dismantling the established state apparatus and replacing it by their own sectarian/tribal controlled institutions. More rapidly, there will be no public institution — the military, judiciary, civil service and regulatory agencies — outside the control of these dictators and their surrogates. Military assistance is one of the plan regularly targeted to be among the major programs sponsored by the Foreign powers to be misused for their own inhumane agendas. Judicial independence will be something alien to them. The appointment, training, promotion, transfer, and tenure of the civil servants are subject to heavy-handed manipulation by these regimes to subvert the legal system of their countries to serve the political and economic interests of those in power. There will be no safeguard against arbitrary decisions by such government officials. In effect, the regime will have the absolute power to pass any legislation, to enforce or ignore any of the procedural status. In other words, such dictators will appoint themselves to be the kings of that Nation for life. As we have seen and heard on the news, in many African countries, the dictators do control their Nation’s electoral boards so that no other citizen will have the chance even to challenge them, let alone winning the election and forming another administrations. The World have witnessed what had taken place just within this half of a century in African Nations such as Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Kenya, and the list goes on. In the case of Ethiopia, the following dealings are the daily living facts for the hard working proud Ethiopian people.
Short Review of the relationship between OPDO and its creators/founders:
…..” The President of the Oromia Regional State by then, Abadula Gemeda (real name: Menase Wolde Giorgis), has accepted to hand a villa back to the State in response to an appeal by Prime Minister Meles Zenawi. The former minister Junedin Sado yielded a plot of land he owned but did not use. Other officials in the EPRDF (governing coalition) and the TPLF (the regime’s hard core), however, have declined to follow the example, stating that they had paid with blood for all they own today. Executives in the ANDM such as Addisu Legese (the owner of the Papyrus Hotel in Bahar Dar), Bereket Simon (road haulage) and Tefera Walwa (refuse collection) preferred to remain silent on the matter. Meanwhile, Abadula Gemeda has attributed land to President Girma Woldegiorgis at Alem Gena, near Addis Ababa, where the expropriated peasants are complaining that they have not been paid any compensation. Source: The Indian Ocean Newsletter, The book and the corruption January 29th, 2009 Right after a book, published by insider, exposes corruption scandals, Aba Dula Gemeda (real name: Menase Wolde Giorgis), president of the Oromia regional state has donated his villa to the Oromo People’s Democratic Organization (OPDO). OPDO is one of TPLF affiliates created by Meles Zenawi mainly from the captives or POWs of the Derg army during the war aiming at controlling and subjugate the Oromo’s.
According to a book by an insider journalist and a writer close to the ruling party, Tesfaye Gebreab, Aba Dula Gemeda was unable to disclose his income source, to OPDO executives, of building a villa that worth 700,000 ET. Birr. “The issue was brought to the late Meles Zenawi” The book reads, “We can’t touch Aba Dula as we don’t have any loyal person [from OPDO] to replace him. ” Zenawi responded. The puppet president of the Oromia Region, Aba Dula Gemeda, who faced another challenge, had donated his villa to OPDO sometimes ago, according to the weekly reporter, Amharic news paper. The news paper also commented on Mr. Junedin Saddo, by then, a senior OPDO member and minister of science and technology who donated his embezzled plot of land in Adama to his party. “Junedin didn’t say anything about his 3 million Birr worth villa at Letafo.” The paper said, OPDO is accumulating wealth embezzled from the poor by its leaders. Several sources are unfolding that the looting and suffering of citizens has continues in the last two decades and half of TPLF’s rule. Government’s anti-corruption efforts are meant to destroy political foes than the loyal corrupts like Aba dula Gemeda. To that end an anti-corruption commission has been formed in Ethiopia since 2001. By then former prime minister, Tamerat Layne and defense minister, Seye Abraha were victim of dubious corruption charges who served 12 and 6 years respectively in prison.
According to Transparency International, Ethiopia is still classified as one of the most corrupt states in the world, as close circle of people in power are looting the nation. The anti-corruption commission itself has proved to be the most corrupt organ of TPLF’s regime. It is very difficult to abandon corruption so long as Meles Zenawi himself is benefiting from it. A recent report indicates that the late Meles Zenawi’s wife, Azeb Mesfin has rented her modern building to state owned telecommunication for 60 million birr. News obtained from Indian Ocean Newsletter exposes the late Meles Zenawi’s top men are accumulating wealth at the expense of the majority poor. TPLF top people, including Azeb Mesfin, are owning and running dozens of multi-billion companies. All reporters link the systemic and structural nature of corruption with ethno-centric minority rule. One cannot reasonably expect to root out corruption by a one-party, one-man dictatorship setting up a fake anti-corruption commission. It is simply meant to paying lip-service to the cause of good governance to deceive donor countries. To end up corruptions and sufferings of the Ethiopian nation, people must join hand and fight the root cause of these miseries which is the TPLF regime. Two decades and half in power, but the people in “Ethiopia” have transited from bad to worst in enduring government imposed miseries. It is true that “TPLF cannot be reformed; same as the apartheid, it should be abolished.”
It is true that change often scares people. As we all know, change could be fruitful, achievable, and a goal to aim for purposefully. But change is also one of the human observable facts that is misused and habitually abused standard for African Nation’s governance. As we have witnessed practically over and over again in different parts of the African nations’ experiences, the coup de’etas in the government will entitle the dictator and his surrogates to rule and exploit that African Nation for centuries by appointing each-other to the highest post of the country: Case in point; the present shenanigan of Prime Minister ship in Ethiopia. Furthermore, the inferences of the Ethiopian kings makers the Ethiopian Orthodox Churches present also another scenario of democracy being on the slippery slope in Ethiopia. Therefore, we cannot assure ourselves, let alone the readers, that Democracy can trickle down the pipe line of the African states’ governmental apparatus when the dictators of the Africa Nations often declare to follow the pseudo/fake Democratic governing system!!!! It could be an excellent trade mark for soliciting donations from others, but the citizens do know the true reality.
Yaadasaa Dafa
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