Over the past 22 years, the TPLF-led and dominated Ethiopian government, has imprisoned tens of thousands of oromo political opposition and citizens, . As the result of the government’s repressive policies, thousands of innocent citizens have been languishing in prisons and secret camps and many have been severely tortured and killed. Others have been abducted and made to disappear. Hundreds have been murdered in broad day-light. Well respected human rights organizations such as Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and the US State Department’s own annual reports have documented rampant arrests,tortured and Extra-judicial killings and disappearances (hidden assassinations) and other human rights abuses by TPLF government.today, there are more than 30,000 Oromos jailed and being torturing in Ethiopian prison centers being suspected of Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) members and supporters and Prominent Oromo individuals, civil servants,teachers and students, farmers are being murdered, detained, kidnapped, displaced and harassed for no crime committed.
The TPLF-led regime mainly targets the Oromo people and oromia because of the economic resources and political resistance. Now a days, there is no single independent media in Ethiopia.News papers, websites,bloggs have been closed by the government. In addition oromo Journalists and activists have suffered for the last 22 years under TPLF because of their peaceful struggle for justice of Oromo people in Ethiopia.
Today, the Oromo people can’t live in their own country and on their own land ; they are unable to cultivate, trade, produce and study in peace and freedom,the farmland which the oromo people used for centuries to produce different crops to meet their dietary needs has been taken by the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) led Government of Ethiopia and leased to the foreign transnational companies and states to produce food for exports. This massive land grabs targeting tens of millions of acres of land in Oromia,Gambela and Benishangul regional states for the benefit of private investors and for the interests of foreign states, violate the rights of our people by depriving their rights of livelihoods, restricting their access to natural resources, and exacerbate poverty, hopelessness, insecurity and loss of their cultural identity. It will also accelerate eco-system destruction and the climate crisis which affect the future generetion.
Being educated can be a risky business in Ethiopia especially if you are from ethnic group of Oromo. Students and teachers, are often among the most politically active elements of society, and are frequent victims of human rights violations including extrajudicial killings, arbitrary arrest, and denial of freedom of association and expression.
Oromo refugees and asylum seekers who escaped such gross human right violation and dispersed to neighboring countries like Kenya, Somaliland,sudan and Djibouti are being abducted and forcefully sent back to Ethiopia by TPLF security agents (NISS) who are working crossing the border in Kenya, Somaliland, sudan and Djibouti . The TPLF security forces(NISS) hunting down prominent oromos by crossing the international border to take them back to Ethiopia and locking them in prison for the rest of their lives- or killing them (hidden assassination), as a number of international Human right organizations repeatedly witnessed in their reports, those who sent back to Ethiopia were being tortured, sentenced and murdered in Ethiopian prison.the recent detaintion of Engineer Tesfahun Chemeda in the kalliti prison center, held in solitary confinement, with no access to medical treatment and severe beatings for nearly two years which resulted in his death in August 2013 in such inhuman way is witnessing the continuity of TPLF government targeting and hunting down of highly qualified Oromo elites and nationalists. Tumsa roba katiso, Chala abdela, Nami abdela are the recent kiddnaped persons by NISS from neighbouring country.
Therefore, this all systematic genocidal war waged on the Oromo people needs an urgent solution and needs an urgent intervention from all sectors of the Oromo society , oromo political organizations ,oromo nationalists and oromo activists to stand up together and fire up the struggle to bring an end to this era of darkness and genocidal in Oromia.
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