Aad. Obse Lubo of the East African Medical Relief Foundation (EAMRF)
Do you recall the first time you came to the United States? Chances are you can remember vividly all the minute details: the places you had visited; the people you had met; the landmarks you had toured; and not to mention the dreams you had about becoming famous and/or wealthy. Many of us aspire to climb the clichéd term, “the ladder of success” or to be specific, “the corporate ladder.” However, a few of us achieve financial success. We dream big, but often our dreams fail to become reality, and we are stuck at the mundane job we wish we have never had. We shoot for stardom, but so often, we let fear of failure keep us from doing what we love most. The woman whom we will highlight in this incredible story managed to dodge the clichés of life to achieve incredible successes and help alleviate the medical concerns plaguing her native town of Nejo in Western Oromia, Ethiopia.
Which leads us to believe the character of every individual today is both a diverse and a complicated subject matter – where an individualistic society prevails with so many people from every walk of life arriving in the United States with the hope of achieving personal successes. Only very few would choose to do something more substantial, grand, or noble and try the impossible while maintaining their day to day routines. Others likeObse Lubo go above and beyond to change the lives of poverty-stricken children while putting their own lives on pause. Thus, a question that we often struggle with regarding our own personal character can be broken down into that of nature versus nurture. Simply put, how much of our character has been defined by our life experience, or nurtured by our parents and society at large. For Obse Lubo, much of what she does emanates from both her life experiences growing up in the small town of Nejo and her parents, whom, from young age, instilled in her the need coupled with her own desires to help the less fortunate.
- Read the Full Article (OromoTV.com)
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