Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Failure of abay dam fund raising.

By Adugna Dinka

Abay dam or Millennium Hydropower Plant as they call it is a hydropower plant that is under construction by the TPLF government of Ethiopia. It is said to generate 5250 MW of electricity and the purpose of the construction is said to cover the energy demand of the empire as well as for export.

The cost of the dam is about 80 billion birr or about 4.76 billion dollar. The government is said to fund the project locally by selling bonds partly and some international partners. They also say that the government is ready to fund the project even if a loan is not available internationally. Due to this it appears as if the TPLF officials are running a marathon to collect money to cover the project. They are trying to co-ordinate fund raising meetings all across the world from Ethiopian diaspora. But the TPLF official’s assumption of collecting money from diaspora appears to be a failure.

This is due to the human right record of the TPLF government. Most of the diaspora communities of Ethiopia are those who were chased away by the weyane government or clearly aware of what the government is doing to any opposition group in the country. The TPLF government of Ethiopia is harassing and imprisoning any opposition group by categorizing them as a terrorist, even to a level that journalists cannot dare to report about them.

The recent fund raising activities of TPLF officials in Norway both at Stavanger and Oslo ended a failure. This is due to an effective protest of Oromo diaspora in Norway and others against the fund raising. It is also said that the failure of the fund raising program is everywhere. So, the success of abay dam is yet to be seen without a fair human right record at home. 

by Adugna Dinka (

SBO/VOL Silver Jubilee- 25th Anniversary 0n air! – June 15, 2013

SBOLogoAnimationSagalee Bilisummaa Oromoo/ Voice of Oromo Liberation will mark its 25th anniversary on 15thJune 2013. Launched on June 15th 1988, SBO/VOL has been contributing a lot in the long journey of Oromo struggle for freedom, despite several relentless attempts of the enemy to quit the media. This quarter-a-century contribution of SBO in informing, organizing and agitating the Oromo nation for the struggle to self determination enables the OLF organ the first Oromo media launched to entertain Oromo cause.
It is our great pleasure to celebrate this historical Silver Jubilee with our people in Oromia and around the world. You are all invited to take part in this historical celebration, being in your localities. We are so grateful to those who have made unforgettable contributions to keep SBO staying on air to this very day. Your contributions to make this celebration successful and still keeping the radio on air in the future (by donating money, sharing idea and forwarding your constructive comments or suggestions) are much appreciated.
Contact us:
Victory to the Oromo People!
SBO/VOL Editorial Board

Jubilii Meetii (Waggaa 25ffaa) Tamsaasa SBO!
Waxabajjii 15, 2013
Sagaleen Bilisummaa Oromoo (SBO) waggaa 25ffaa tamsaasa raadiyoo itti eegale Waxabajjii 15, bara 2013 kabajata. SBOn guyyaa itti hundeeffame, Waxabajjii 15, bara 1988 irraa qabee hanga har’aantanaatti adeemsa qabsoo dheeraa keessatti carraaqqii qilleensa irraa dhaamsuuf diinni taasisu hundumaa dandamatee gumaacha oláanaa waliin waggaa 25ffaa isaa kabajuuf qophaawaa jira. Kurmaana bardhibbee tokkoof ummata Oromoo barsiisuu, ijaaruu fi qabsoo hiree murteeffannaaf kakaasuudhaan gumaachi SBOn taasisaa yoona gahe arraata ABO kana meediyaalee dhimma qabsoo Oromoof hundaawan kamuu keessaa isa hangafa taasisa.
Jubilii Meetii (Waggaa 25ffaa) guyyaa hundeeffama keenyaa kana ummata keenya Oromiyaa fi addunyaa mara irratti argamu waliin yoo kabajannu gammachuu gudaatu nutti dhagahama. Hundi keessanuu bakkuma jirtanitti nu waliin tahuun ayyaana seena qabeessa kana irraa akka qooda fudhattan afeeramtanii jirtu.
Waggoottan 25nan dabraniif SBO jiraachisuuf karaa adda addaa haala seenaan hin daganneen warra gumaachaa turtan maraaf galatni bilisummaa dha. Ayyaana kana milkeessuuf, akkasumas, gara fuula duraattis SBO raadiyoo keessan tamsaasa irra jiraachisuuf karaa maallaqaa, yaadaa fi gorsa ijaaraa gumaachuun akka nu cinaa dhaabbattan hiree kanaan waamicha goona.
Nu qunnamuuf:
Injifannoo Ummata Oromoof!
Boordii Gulaalaa SBO
source ayyaantuu