Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Roorroo Abbaatu Dhoowwata!

Jiituu Lammii – Unbarsiitii Finfinnee
“Karaa nama yartuu sareen abidda qaqqaammatti.” jedha Oromoon yoo mammaaku. Akkaataa duudhaa Oromoottii, Uumaafi uumamni, jiruufi jireenyi, hangafaa quxusuun, dufaa darbaan, dhiyaa bariin,…. Hunduu safuu qaba. Safuutti bula. Kanaafidha hagamuu jaalatanillee kan sareen gulantaa ol tarkaanfattee namaan qixxee abidda bira hinteenyeef. Kun safuudha! Safuu sabaa eegun ammoo matuma isaattuu ammas safuudha. Kanaaf safuudhaan safuu keessa jiraatu. Maammaaksa olii yoo ilaallu irra keessoon isaa safuu kana tiksuuf. Keessa isaatti garuu dhugaa fageessee akeekutu jira.
Mammaaksi koobaa dubbiitii isaa koobaa beekutu qalbeeffata. Irra keessoo namaatiif dubbii hinmammaakani. Gamna aqlii qabuuf ammoo mammaaksa hiniikani. Abbaatu haala dubbichaa keessaa dhimbiibee baafata. Kanaafan faana mammaaksa kiyyaa isinuumaaf dhiiseen gara waliigala dubbii kootti fuulleffadha. Roorroon salphina dhala. Salphinni dhukkuba. Huuqqisee, yuuyyesseetu cabsee nama hambisa. Kana abbaatu alaalatti ofirraa eega. Kanaaf akka namuu dagatee roorroofi salphinni ulaa isaatiin biyya hinseenne yaadachiisuuf buleessi Oromoo dubbii kana dhalootaaf mammaake.
Sareen uumamaan akkatti namatti siqxu qabdi, eegee mirmirsaa, sagalee sossobbii dhageessisaa, mataa gadi qabattee miila arraabaa namatti siqxi. Sana booda yoo dagataa argatte gulantaa tarkaanfattee gola seentee maatii gidduu teessi. Salphinni dagannaa namtokkeetiin mana seente maatii hunda yeellesiti. Ulfina lammii laaffisuu malti. Namni laaffina isaan qaawwa akkasii uumee, sarittiif karaa saaqee, lammiitti salphina galche nama qaaniiti. Kanaaf jibbama. Rakkoo akkasii maqsuuf jecha beekaan dursee namaaf akeeka. Kana dagatanii kan mammaaksaa ta’uun matuma isaattuu ammas qaanii biraati.
Ulfinni sabaa baraa barattuu tikfamuu qaba. Kanaaf dhaloonni bara hunda keessayyuu jiraatu ulfina kanaaf tiksee ta’uu qaba. Nama ulfina ofii tikfachuu malutu ulfina sabaa eeguu danda’a. Kanaaf dubbichi dubbii seenaa kaleessaa ittiin yaadatan qofa otoo hintaane dubbii har’aa borullee ittijiraatan ta’a. Caalatti ammoo, sarittiin yoomuu balbala namaa duraa hinfagaattu waan ta’eef jabaatanii ofiis salphina of oolchanii sabattis kabaja horuun yoomuu dirqama qalbii namaarraa fagaachuu hinqabne ta’a. Madaa kaleessaa har’allee sabni kun ittidhukkubsataa jiru fayyisuufis ta’ee, madaa biraa saba oolchuuf dhaloonni hundi mataa mataan roorroo dhoowwachuu qabna. Kuni dhugaadha. Dhugaa kana keessatti of eeguuf madaalliin kan abbaati.
Gara ijoo dubbii kiyyaattan deebi’a. Diinni akkuma sarittii qaawwa laaftuu ilaallatee gola nama seenti. Hanga gola namaa seentutti: eegee mirmirsitee, sagalee toltee, gadi jettee jilba nama qabatti; miilatti nama kuftee garaa nama laaffiffachuu yaalti. Erga gola nama seentee booda eenyummaa ishii dhugaatti deebiti. Ishuma akka sarittiitti ol aseentetu akka leencaa bookkisuu jalqabdi. Ishuma miillatti nama kuftetu akka qeerransaa hudhaasuuf morma nama kajeelti. Ishuma akka saree ifatanii ofirraa hari’uu danda’antu tulluu ta’ee rakkoo nama kaaya. Waanuma alaalatti ofirraa tiksuun danda’amutu boroo nama dhuunfatee, qarriiffaa muul’isee, gururi’ee dheekkamee nama ciniina. Bubbultii keessa manaa nama hari’a. Akka daanawoo gumbii boqqoolloo seentee ilmaan hortee ulfinaafi kabajaa bara dheeraaf horatan qinqineessitee duwwaa nama dhaabdi. Foolii yakkitee, bifa nama jijjiirtee, firaa lammii nama lagdee moggaatti nama gatti. Gaafas quba namatti qabee isa hinagarre agarsiisaa kolftee namatti kofalchiifti. Saree lallaaftee mana seentetu saree akka saree manaa nama baasa. Salphina sanatu isa kana. Kanaaf kan abbaan ulaa isaarratti jabaachuu qabu.
Firoota kiyya, yaada waliigalaa kana erga qalbeeffannee booda dubbii buruksinee ilaalu qabnutu jira. Diinonni amala sarittii kanaan fakkeeffamu qaban gola “namoota jajjaboodha.” jedhamaniille otoo hinafne seenanii ulfinaafi jaalala isaan gatii qaaliin qalbii lammii isaanii keessatti horatan harkaa fixanii, foolii yakkanii, bifa geeddaranii salphinatti dhiisanii yoo deeman waa hedduu yaadannoo qabna. Kaayyoofi akeekni isaan namoota akkanaa adamsaniif tooftaa kanaan gurmuu Oromummaa laaffisuudha. Kanaaf dhimmichi “…dhimma abbaati…” jennee ittidhiisuu dadhabne. Dhugaaf yoo ta’e, gamtaan Oromoo sadarkaa gateettii namtokkeetiin utubamu bira darbeera. Ta’us garuu diinni hojii kana abdii kutee dhiisuurra bifa geeddaree, darbaa wal furee hojiitti waan jiruuf salphifnee ilaalla yoo ta’e jaraaf milkiidha.
Oromoon roga hedduun namoota adduunyaarratti ulfina guddaa qaban horachaa jira. Kuni diinaaf dhukkuba. Kanaaf saroota bobbaasanii namoota akkanaa adamsanii gola Oromoo keessaa moggeessuuf carraaqu. Carraaqqii isaan dhiyeenya kana ittijirantu yaada kana akkan kaasu na taasise. Dubbichi gabaabumatti akkana. Waggaa 50mmaffaa Aartisti Alii Birraa hojii muuziqaa ittijalqabe yaadachuuf akkasumas ulfina hayyuu kanaaf jecha ayyaanni guddaan biyyoota alaa akka USA Waashingiton DC fi Kanaadaa Torontootti qophaa’ee Oromoonni naannichaa ulfinaaf jalala hayyuu kanaaf qaban muul’isanii ture. Ergasii diina garaan hintolle. Rafaniis hinbulle. Aliif “Ayyaana” qopheessuuf isaanis kufanii ka’aa jiru. Ayyaana diinaa! Jarri kun Oromoof diina. Aliin ammoo hayyuu Oromooti. Nama waggaa shantamaaf aarsaa qaalii baasee Oromoof sagalee ta’e. Herreega maaliitiin jarri kun Artist Aliitiin jaalachuu danda’uree!? “Dhunguu harree duraanuu hinbarre” jedhan. Dubbiin kuni dubbii sarittiit. Akkuma sarittii sobanii sossobanii hayyuu kanatti seenuudha. Shira Oromoo Oromoon jibbisiisuuf qophaa’e ta’uu isaati.
Shira kana caalatti hubachuuf eenyummaa namoota “ayyaana” kana qopheessuuf Wayyaaneerraa muudama fudhatanii ilaaluun gaariidha.
1. Mahammad Qophee: Dallaala Wayyaanee Oromoo gabrummaa baqatanii hambatti kooluu galan sossobee diinatti maadaqsuuf hojjatu;
2. Letinal J/Baacaa Dabalee: Qondaala Wayyaanee dhiiga ilmaan Oromoo dhangalaasaa jiru;
3. (Artisti) Wubishet Warqaalammaahu: Habashaa mootummaa dhufee darbu hundatti maxxanuun sagalee Oromoo ukkaamsuuf hojjachaa ture har’as ittijiru;
4. Iqubay Barihee; Miseensa TPLF guddina Aartii Oromoo (fiilmii fi sirboota) ukkaamsuuf harka lafa jalaan hojjatu;
5. Dawwiti Yifru: Nama hogummaa muuziqaa qabu; akkuma warra kaanii dhimma Oromoorratti ilaalcha diinumma qabu.
Egaan, warra kanatu Kaampaanii Habashootaa “PRAXIS Midia & Promotion” jedhamu waliin ulfina Alii Birraa himuuf qophiitti jira. Saroonni kun bifa kanaan gola hayyuu kanaa seenuuf yaalii erga jalqabanii bubbulaniiru. Duulli inni kun duulaa ijibbaataati. Warra dhiigni ilmaan Oromoo harkarraa cophu wajjin ayyaana godhachuu dhiisii karaa tokkorrayyuu waliin darbuun gatii nama baasisa. Gatiin bahuuf jiru ammoo ulfina umrii guutuuf qalbii lammii ofii keessaatti kuufatan dhabuu ta’uun du’a caala ulfaata. Otoo akka ilaalcha kootii arjummaa diinaa duubni salphinaa didaniitu laphee saba ofii keessatti ulfinaan bara baraan jiraatu. Yoo akka koo kana ayyaantuutu argata. Ulfaatanii salphachuurra akkuma ulfaatanitti dhalootaan yaadatamaa hafuutu caala. Garuu, filannoon kan abbaati. Xumureera!!

Oromo: Saving Endangered Species at Home and Abroad

Photo Credit: HRLHA

It is rare to come across any other nationality groups like the Oromo from the Horn of Africa who are as subjected to overwhelming abuses at home under subjugation and occupation and overseas as refugees with no safe haven. From destructive events developing at unprecedented rate in Oromia and in countries of exile, we can observe that the Oromo people are facing a greater danger to their survival as a group and as individuals from Ethiopia to Saudi Arabia, Yemen to Libya, Somaliland to Kenya and everywhere in between. We hear of increasingly darker and gorier circumstances our people find themselves in every passing day.

The recent crackdown in Saudi Arabia on immigrants and refugees from Oromia and Ethiopia and this Qeerroo report on massive rights abuses inside Oromia from 2012-2013 demonstrate just how much fragile, weak and endangered the Oromo species has become everywhere. The suffering is obviously enormous, but the local and global voices conveying these sufferings are tragically dwindled or hijacked. It behooves every concerned Oromo to pause and think: where are we headed as a people? And it is necessary that every Oromo political and economic organization rethinks home-based, Oromia, approaches to preventing the slow extinction of this species from the face of the earth.

Documenting extreme brutality against Oromian/Ethiopian refugees and immigrant in Saudi Arabia, the Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa presents us with 13 confirmed deaths most of whom are expected to be Oromos. Surely the three who were killed brutally were clearly Oromos. The dead are not just numbers coming out of a building somewhere; they are human beings with names, goals, aspirations, families and many other unknown stories just like the rest of us. But, their dreams were cut short in brutal ways they may have never imagined. HRLHA puts the extreme brutality as: 
...the information from the migrants and from the publicly released video confirmed that the three Ethiopians killed were murdered by the brutal action of police. Among the victims was Umere Abdurahiman Ali , 24 an Oromo national from Ethiopia who was gunned down on November 5. After the crackdown resumed, more than 10 Ethiopians were killed and thrown into the bush and eaten by hyenas.
These are the number of confirmed deaths. The murders are likely to be higher given the fact that it is commonly reported that people are wantonly taken out of cities and killed out of sight in surrounding deserts. How can they communicate when they are denied access to any type of phone or communication? Denial of access to communication devices is also the main feature of repression behind the closed door at home.

These developments at home and abroad are worth sharing because we have been following them on social media for a few days now. There has been numerous actual protests around the world and tons of information, hate speeches and misinformation shared on social-media under the untwitterly long and opposing hashtags #SomeOneTellSaudiArabia and #SomeoneTellEthiopia.The hashtags are channels for further escalating conflicts online.

One would say any opposition against the abusive actions of Saudi Arabia under whatever banner is welcome, minus hate-based nationalism thing. This is not without reservation. I have my doubts about how things are developing online.

Three Worrisome Trends 

1) Endless racist slurs from Saudi Arabian tweeps who are comfortable pictweeting the picture of a banana with  accompanying racist captions such as: 

"@TheAdele_ #SomeoneTellEthiopia this is a banana.You illegal monkeys like it.
http://twitter.com/TheAdele_/status/402165965355745280/photo/1pic.twitter.com/ISw6BtXCxs #SomeoneTellSaudiArabi.
The Saudis are vehemently denying that the killings happened and pointing out how "evil" and "criminal" the immigrants were, mostly falsely. Also, KSA police were coercing immigrants to pose for pictures with them to show how "nice" and "warm" people they are. Oil-fattened Saudi hypernationalits share pictures of Saudi police taken handing food and bottled water to immigrants ad nauseam. It is clear there is so much hatred even toward our people who share the same values, names and faith with the Saudis, which failed to spare them, including the ones murdered.

2) The way Ethiopianists are using social media and actual rally opportunities to promote reactionary Ethiopian nationalism, aka preaching unity and "national pride" as if there is one. Ethiopian nationalism and all its symbols from the use of Amharic to the imperial tri-color flag to "we are one" mantras are actually scary if you think about it. Interestingly, it is also non-Oromo Ethiopian tweeps (Twitter users) who are dominating the social media landscape and standing up to Saudi Arabia. That is a plus. Other than the obvious and welcome pro-immigrant advocacy, it is not clear why Habeshas are much more intensely invested in this than any other group. At some of the rallies, Oromo voices and symbols are not visible. Those who are Oromo also tended to use Amharic and call themselves Ethiopians effectively rendering themselves invisible. This raises an additional identity issue and many other questions, which I will pass for now.

3) Ethiopia regime's crackdown on anti-Saudi Arabia protesters in Finfinne instead of leading such a protest as any other legitimate regime would do. The Ethiopian government is not telling the public whether the dead bodies of the 13 above were returned to home to families for burial. This is important given the sacredness attached to the burial customs of our society.

What you see is a pattern of Oromos becoming an endangered and muted human species in exile and in the homeland, Oromia. This path is a path of inevitable extinction. Everybody should be hard pressed to think about the future of the stateless Oromo people and the dangers they face at home and abroad and come up with domestic solutions.

  • Gabaabumatti waantoota godhuu qabinu himoota lamaanan kaa'a: 

  • Ajjeechawwan sukaneessoon lammii Oromoorra biyya baqaatti raawwataman, adeemsi qabsoo keenyaa irra deebi'amee akka laallamu affeera 
  • Ummata keenyaaf baqattummaa akka fakkeenya gaaritti kaa'ufirrra, dhaabbatee biyya abbaa isaarratti falmatee akka jiraatu barsiisuu qabina.