Saturday, April 5, 2014

Who are the Garri and Gabra Oromos?


Abishe Gerba April 4, 2014

Following the unfortunate clash between two Oromo tribes, last week I wrote a short note about the evil strategy of TPLF to spark conflict within Oromo nation to keep the entire southern Oromia in a constant state of turmoil in a bid to counter OLF insurgency. Thanks to Oromo elders, the Guji-Borana conflict is over and solution on the Negelle Borana town’s name case is pending. Perhaps, as we have heard, the name Negelle Borana is restored and those responsible for removing the word ‘Borana’ would be brought to justice.
Now, after reading more on the issue, I have realized that the matter is much complicated. Nevertheless, one important fact remains. The centre of TPLF’s strategy is to make the Oromo nation busy by dividing and exploiting the nation thereby obscuring the fundamental questions of Oromos and the struggle of OLF. The Guji and Borana Oromos are the victims of a strategy to force them to dwindle their support to OLF.

There are two Oromo tribes I have come to know closer- the Garri Oromo and the Gabra Oromo. Let me tell you a bit about them.
The Garri, as they call themselves in Oromo language and Ghari, as they call themselves in Somali language live in Oromia, Somale region, somalia and Kenya. They occupy border regions of these countries and states. So they don’t have common language. Most speak Afaan Oromo and some use Somali. Both in Oromia and Somalia regions, it appears have been asking for self-rule and they have been denied both Oromia and Somali region. 

Garri people are believed to be very close to Borana. In fact, they share about everything except those in Somali only know Somali language. Yet the Garri have not been easy with the Boranas on land, pasture and water issues. Borana Oromos believe the land Garri occupy is theirs while Garri have even developed their own map to create Garri Republic. Garris even do have liberation militia that is believed to be supported by the Liyu Police of Somali region and TPLF that clearly shows Wayane cares less for sustainable peace and stability. Garris are almost entirely Muslim. The Gabra Oromos are very similar to Guji or Borana Oromos. They have same language, same way of life, same culture and understanding of their environment. Gabra Oromos have almost the same problem as Garri. Gabra Oromos have been asking for their own Wereda or zone but have been denied. That has made them insecure about the geography they occupy as the Borana Oromos claim it.
Most Oromos in central, eastern and western Oromia have probably never heard Gabra or Garri Oromos. First time I heard about Gabra Oromo was when Abbush Zalaqqaa released a single Heellemmaa. Garri is even newer to me.
From online resources I have read and videos I have watched, almost no work have been done to create the spirit of Oromummaa in this two Oromo communities. Some Garri and Gabra don’t even know they are Oromos. In fact, the Garri know more about the mythical Abyssinia than Oromummaa.
Borana, alongside Barentuma, is the father of every Oromo. That is what I believe as an Oromo and genealogy proves it. However this does not go easy with other Oromo tribes of the region. The exclusive emphasis and reference made to the Borana Oromos as the sources of Oromummaa and the center of Oromo wisdom has made other Oromos in the region feel neglected and ignored.
So we know TPLF is arming the likes of Garri militia to deploy them against OLF insurgency or just to keep the conflict going. It is igniting conflict between brothers on minor issues such as names of locations. It is the source of all conflicts in that region. To make the situation worst, OPDO the puppet organization have almost forgotten about the Garri and Gabra.

Solutions on the entire issue of self-admjnistration should be analysed closer. Oromos in diaspora should know better about the Garris and Gabras just like any other Oromo tribe.

Terrorising the Sidama Nation By Federal And Regional TPLF Agents Intensifies.

On April 3rd, 2014, the regime in power newly began targeting Sidama nation and its students who have demanded their constitutional rights to be unconditionally implemented in their region. In Yesterday’s particular demonstration, the Sidama students have asked one of their long overdue demands for their language to be used in their high schools and primary secondary schools in and around Hawassa. In their claims in which the core quest remain demanding the regime to answer Sidama nation’s regional quest to self-administration. They’ve also emphasised that the names written in Amharic in their Schools to be replaced with their Sidaamu affo.  
Following their yesterday’s demands, at least two hundred Sidama students were arrested and remain in jails; unknown numbers were brutally beaten by regime’s federal vicious forces where severe injuries causing various degrees of fractures have been involved. Whilst some were beaten and wounded, one particular student has been shot dead whose body was taken away by the federal forces and its whereabouts remains.  
Meanwhile, the regime’s regional and federal cadres and Federal security forces continued their systematic terror of Sidama people in general, Sidama Liberation Movement (SLM) leadership and members in particular. As a part of their undemocratic and unlawful campaign against Sidama nation and its only political party, SLM, they have arrested two sons of one of the SLM leaderships’ who is staunch advocate of Sidama national rights and overt critical of the undemocratic and authoritarian nature of TPLF/EPRDF led regime. Therefore, it seems that the regime’s cadres target his children with aim of intimidating and silencing him. However, after 24 hours in jail, both son of SLM leadership were released after some rumours that an unknown groups of Sidama right defenders threatened to retaliate if they weren’t released.
In another development, SLM members who have attended the March 29th 2014 SLM/Medrek conference in Hawassa are also being targeted in various districts of the Sidama region- most of whom are said to be arrested. The latest report from SLM’s office suggest that its at least 45 members were detained throughout the region and others were psychologically terrorised with regime’s agents. The entire leadership of SLM are being shadowed by the regime’s security agents 24/7 in entire region.  
The recent development suggest that the regime in power is in a state of complete chaos, therefore, doesn’t know how to handle the situation unfolding in all regions  which is becoming out of control. For instance, the grievances in entire regions of the Empire are growing to the extent where peoples’ are expressing their frustrations by stating the fact that life under such circumstances isn’t worth living; therefore majority feel compelled that the only way forward is devising an alternative way of defending own rights. This is palpable in all regions from south to west, east to north.   
This is the case in Oromia where the regime is displacing legitimate owners of land from Finfiinee and others areas of region’s vast land, in Ogaden Somali where genocide is taking place, in Amhara region where people are seriously concerned with border with Sudan therefore telling they had enough of brutality of the current regime, in Tigray itself where people are expressing their utter dismay for the fact that the regime’s apparatuses are abusing others Ethiopian peoples by their names whilst brutalising Tigreans, Gambela where the regime uprooted tens of thousands of civilian to sale their ancestral lands to transnational companies; in the entire south where 56 nations and nationalities are involuntarily kept under the prison known as southern nations and nationalities regional state where brutality is being openly exercised in various forms and shapes, in Benshangul where their lands are being given to international traders those who are destroying nature and natural environments and more others.
These all trends show how the regime in power is at the verge of final destruction. Weapon can intimidated peoples to a degree where reasonably able to silence all; however when majority had enough, all will be meaningless. The main issue here is that there must be utmost care so that its’ demise doesn’t cause major problem for nations and nationalities of the empire. The authorities of the current regime have built their personal empires with the bloods and sufferings of majorities of various regions of country for the past 22 years. If the right time comes (which is inevitably nearing), however, their personal wealth can be out of order within a day- if they don’t listen to the ongoing outcries of the peoples of all regions. The Sidama nation’s ongoing suffering therefore is beyond comprehension and part of the whole saga.  
Therefore, the federal regime’s Sidama terrorising agents must unconditionally leave Sidama region and Sidama students who are unlawfully arrested on April 03, 2014 for claiming their constitutional rights must be automatically released. Those who have killed one of the Sidama students and hid his body must return back his body to his family to be properly mourned and buried; those who have killed him must be brought to justice. The Sidama regional quest and ongoing Hawassa discontent must be unconditionally addressed and others regional issues must be dealt by the legitimate owners, the Sidamas!

Haala Yeroo Ilaalchisee Ibsa Sochii Dargaggoota Biyyoolessaa Irraa Kenname


Haala Yeroo Ilaalchisee Ibsa Sochii Dargaggoota Biyyoolessaa Irraa kenname

(Qeerroo Bilisummaa)

Ebla 2,2014 Jimmaa

Bakka bu’oonni Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo godinoota adda addaa irraa walitti dhufuun Ebla 1 fi Ebla 2,2014 walgahii guyyaa lamaaf gaggeefatan irratti haala yeroo uummata Oromoo fi Qabsoo FDG bilisummaa Oromoo daran jabeessuu fi haala waliigala raafama siyaasa Impayeera biyyattii irratti marii bal’a gochuun ibsa armaan gadii dabarsee jira.
1.Dugugginsa Sanyii (Genocide), moototni Habashaa erga Oromoo afaan qawween cabsanii bulchuu eegalanii hanga har’a jarraa 21ffatti dabaree angootti dhufan rawwatanif Oromoon tolee jedhee jilbeeffatee bitamee, hin bule. Utuu falmatuu diina kufaa kiffisaa har’a as ga’ee; qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoos bu’awwaan dagatamuu fi eenyu iyyuu haalu hin dandeenye dhiigaa fi lafee isaa itti cabsee fidee har’a dhaloota haara nu Qeerroo Oromoo qaqqabsise jira. Haata’uu malee ilmaan mootota habashaa kaleessaa har’a illee qabsoo Oromoo dhaamsuuf Oromiyaa deebisanii qabachuufi sirnota abbooti isani sirna nafxanyaa kaleessa deebisuuf nurraa hin dhaabbanee hojii idilee isanii godhachuun hanga sadarkaa mana maxxansaa banachuun Oromoo arrabsuu, xiqqeessuu, tuffachuu fi Oromoon biyya hin qabu jechuu irra gahani jiru.Nafxanyaa har’a qawwee fi golgaa dimookiraasiin biyya lafa gowwomsaa jiru of jabeessuun umrii bittaa isaa dheereffachuuf yeroo kallatti hundaan tattafatan ifatti ba’een mu’acha jirra, sochii farrummaa Oromoo nafxanyota kaleessa fi har’a kana dhaabamsisuuf Oromoon bakka jiru hundaa dammaqee qalbiin qabsoo FDG keessatti qooda guddaa ba’uu qaba.

Amma yoomittii Meeshaa Wayyaanee Taanaa? Ifaatiin Wayyanee Nu Hin Gahuu?

Alemayehu Tilahun G | Ebla 4, 2014
Sababa “misooma waliinii” jedhuun godina addaa naannawaa finfinnee magaala finfinnee jala galchuuf akkuma karoorfametti yeroo ammaa pilaanii waliinii kana hojiirra oolchuuf sochiin guddaan godhamaa akka jiru odeeffannoon karaa mootummaa ballinaan nutti himamaa jira.
Akka maastar pilaanii harawaa baheetti bulchiifni magaalaa finfinnee lafa heektaara kuma 54 fi godinni addaa magaalota 6 fi aanaalee baadiyyaa 17 walumaa galatti lafa keektaara miliyoona 1.1 kan haammatu dha.
Kan nama gaddisiisu garuu dhimma kana ilaalchisee dhaabbilee fi namoonni Oromoo bakka buuna jedhan tole ykn bade jechuu dadhabuu isaaniiti. Kuni gaaffii guddaa dha. Ummatni naannoo kanaa uummata Oromoo godinaalee kamiyyuu caala rakkoo guddaan saaxilamaa kan jiruudha. Sababni isaa ammoo magaalaa guddoon biyyattii uummata kan gidduutti hundeeffamuu isaati.
Mootummoonni hundi miniliki irraa eegalee hanga ammaa kan jiran uummata kana buqqisuu malee ijaarsa guddina magaalaa kana keessaatti osoo hin hirmaachisiin lafa isaanii irraa fudhachuun akka uummanni irraa buqqa’ee badu godhamaa tureera ammas itti fufee jira.
Sababni Oromoon naannoo kanaa caasaa mootummaa federaalaa fii bulchiinsa magaalaa finfinnee keessaatti hirmaachuu dhabeef sirni mootummaa miniliki irraa eegalee hanga ammaatti kan jiru Afaanii fi aadaa saba kanaa jibbuu fii jibbisiisuun afaanii fi aadaa isaanii fudhachuu dhabuun uummatni kun akka aadaa fii afaan isaatti qaana’u/saalfatuu fi gadaantummaan itti dhagaahamuu itti yaadamee waan hojjetameefi.
Sirna amma jiru keessatti naannawaan kun yeroo jalqabaa godinaalee shawaa arfan jalatti caaseffamanii akka bulan godhamee ture. Yeroo dhihoo qabee ammoo maqaan godinaa addaa naannawwaa finfinnee jiedhu kennameefii jira. Garuu caasaan ammaa jirus ta’ee kan duri uummata kana buqqisuurraa hin ambifne.
Rakkoon uummata kana qunnamaa turee fi ammas jiru lafarraa buqqa’uu qofa osoo hin taane, sababa keemikaala industrii adda addaa keessaa baahu osoo kunuunsi naannoo hin godhamiiniif gadi gallakkifamaniin faala’iinsa bishaanii fii qilleensaatiin dhibeen sanyii balleessu (genetic problem) tiin saaxilamaa jiru.
Gama siyaasaatiin yoo ilaalle fedhiin habashootaa uummatni kun akka buqqa’u gochaa jiraniif, Oromoo fi Oromiyaa kan jedhu giddu gala biyyatti irraa fageessuun tokkumman Oromoo akka hin cimne gochuudha. Karoorri waggaa 25 dhufutti karoorfamaa jiru naannoo shawaa jedhamu hanga kilo meetira 150 mootummaa giddu galeessaa keessa galchuu dha. Kana jechuun maappiin Oromiyaa ammaa bakka saditti cituun dirqii ta’a. Kun ammo tokkummaa Oromoo akka cabsuu beekkamaadha. Bu’aan siyaasaa kanaan wal-qabatee irraa argatan, naannoon Oromiyaa jedhamu tarii sodaa naannoon kun gara biyya Oromiyaa jedhamutti ce’uu danda’a jedhamee shakkamullee abdii akka hin qabaanne gochuudha. Karaa biraatiin tuffii uummata kanaaf qabaniin buqqa’iinsii fi rakkoon saaxilamuun uummata kanaa habashootaaf homaa jechaa miti.
Kanaaf jecha Oromoonni hundi dhimmi kun nu hin ilaalu jennee ilaalla taanaan (hanga ammaatti callisnee ilaalaa jirra), rakkoon kun rakkoo uummata kanaa qofa akka hin taane beekuu qabna. Giddu galeessi biyyatti hanga km150 Oromiyaa irraa cite taanaan maqaan Oromiyaa jedhu akkamitti jiraachuu akka danda’a namni sammuu qabu yaaduu waan danda’uu dha.
Karaa biraatiin uummatni tokko lafa irratti dhalatee, horee, jiraate irraa sababa misoomaatiin buqqa’uu jechuun namni kamiyyuu akka dhala namaatti callisanee ilaaluun rakkoo maaliirraa akka maddu naaf gala hin jiru. Hardha lafa irraa buqqa’uunii fii weerrarri lafaa maqaa inveestaraan naannoo Gaambeellaa, Beeneshaangul, uummattoota kibbaa miidiyaa addunyaarratti darbaa jira. Kan qote bultoota naannoo finfinnee garuu akka waan hojii qulqulluu ta’eetti namni abbaa kanaa jedhu hin jiru. Kuni maaliif ta’e laata? Ammas kan anaan nadhibaa jiru callisuu habashootaa ykn mootummaa Itiyoophiyaa miti. Kan ajaa’iba natti ta’aa jiru kan Oromoota mirgaa Oromoof qabsoofana jedhanii sadarkaa adda addaatti wal-ijaaraa jiraniiti. Dhimmi kun dhimma Oromoo fi ajandaa Oromoo hin taane yoo ta’e ammo ifaan ifatti itti himamee uumatni kunis baree furmaata mataa isaatii qopheefachuu qaba. Akka qaama Oromoo fii Oromiyaatti dhimmi uummata giddu galeessaa kanaa Oromoota naannoo biroo biratti fudhatama hin arganne taanaan, faayidaan waliin jiraachuu maalinni? Uummatni kun karaa isa baasuun mirga dhalootan qabu addunyaatti iyyatee ofiisaatiin Oromiyaa irraas ta’ee finfinneen ala of bulchuun aadaa isaa fii afaan isaatiin dhimma bahuu akka danda’us baruu qabna. Uummatni kun osoo rakkoo irra jiruu lafa isaa kan saamaa jiru habashoota ykn mootummaa qofa miti. Oromoonni naannawaa biroo illee lafa uummata kanaaa saamaa jiru. Kanaaf uummatni kun fedhii mataa isaatii hin qabu kan jiraachuu qabu faayidaa namoota birootiifi moo maal jechaa dha? Dhimmi kun kan akka salphaatti ilaalamuu miti, boru hunda keenya akka Oromootti kan nu gaabbisiisu ta’uu irra deddeebinee osoo ilaallee gaariidha. Waggaa 100 oliif sabni kun ba’aa nafxanyootaa baatee jira. Ammas rakkoo bara minilikii caaluun saaxilame malee waanti bu’eef hin jiru. Adeemsa kanaan gara fuulduraattis yoo Oromoon akka waliigalaatti mirga isaa gonfate iyyuu uummatni giddu galeessaa kanaatiif waanti bu’u akka hin jirre muuxxannoo argame waan tokko nutti agarsiisaa jir!
Qaamni kamiyyuu maqaa Oromootiins ta’ee habashaa kan barbaadu uummata kanaaf akka darbu osoo hin taane lafa uummata kanaa saamuu akka ta’e hubannoon hedduun argamee jira. Giddu galli Oromoo fii Oromiyaa osoo horfamaa jiruu fi qaamni afuura baafatu bakk hin jirretti bilisummaa Oromoo fi mirga Oromoof qabsoofana jechaa of gowwomsuu Oromo saamsisuufi meeshaa alagaa ta’uu otoo dhiifnee gaarii natti fakkaata.

Medrek’s Meeting in Hawassa Successful Despite Harassment from Government
Medrek has successfully held a public meeting in Hawassa on March 29 (Megabit 20, 2006 EC), which was organized with the objective of public discussion of its “Political Manifesto” issued last year. This meeting was held by overcoming severe obstacles imposed by the ruling party/EPRDF Cadres and its government officials. The obstacles included: preventing/forbidding announcement of the meeting through public mass media; posting posters and distributing fliers about the meeting; announcing the date, time and place of the meeting using loudspeakers, etc. As a means of intimidation, they also detained 7 Medrek members, including Mr. Tilahun Endeshaw, the Vice Chairman of Ethiopian Social Democracy-Southern Coalition Unity Party (ESD-SCUP), in Hawassa, and  Mr. Bekele Gabiso in Bansa District in Sidama. Mr. Bekele Gabiso, who was arrested and put in jail since March 27, 2014 in Banssa District, has not been released to date. This flagrant violation of the rights of our political organization and its members was committed by EPRDF in spite of the fact that Medrek had obtained “permission” to hold the public meeting in Hawassa by overcoming the daunting delaying tactics of EPRDF officials, as a result of a relentless follow up of the matter for 16 days.
Furthermore, EPRDF cadres have also tried to forcefully prevent people from different Districts coming to Hawassa and participate in the meeting – they have detained all suspected meeting participants; they have impounded transport vehicles which the participants were using to come to the meeting, up until the meeting was over. They also have forced civil servants and university students by calling unplanned spontaneous compulsory meetings and examinations on the day and time of Medrek’s public meeting.
In spite of all the machinations to frustrate Medrek’s efforts to conduct discussion with the public, more than 2,500 residents of Hawassa and its surroundings participated in the meeting. Most importantly, the meeting participants expressed a very strong commitment to continuing the struggle for democracy, the rule of law and guarantee for the rights of all nations, nationalities and peoples in a prosperous Ethiopia. To this effect, Medrek was urged by the participants to redouble its political activities against the dictatorial EPRDF regime.
The Executive Committee members of Medrek briefed the meeting on the Political, Economic and Social aspects of Medrek’s manifesto.
The Hawassa public meeting was the continuation of the meeting that Medrek held in Mekele, Adama and Addis Ababa last year. It is pertinent to note that, in all these public meetings, our peoples have shown a strong resolve to stand by the side of Medrek as it launches the decisive struggle to bring about a democratic transition in Ethiopia. The events also attest to the capability of Medrek to provide a viable alternative to the dictatorial rule of EPRDF and the unrealistic agendas of some political groupings that swear in the name of our country. The inalienable linkage Medrek has to  the wishes and desires of our peoples, as expressed in all these meetings, should send a clear message to all who may be trying to undermine and question Medrek’s capacity to lead Ethiopia into democracy.
One blimp that needs mention was the failure of both Ethiopia-focused international and local Journalists to publicize the situation around Hawassa public meeting. This was unfortunate because the journalists were provided with all timely information about the Hawassa meeting and the difficulties Medrek has been facing. We only hope that they will be professionally bound to serve the public in subsequent events that Medrek would organize.
Finally, Medrek would like to thank all those who extended their cooperation for the success of the meeting and would also like to call upon Democratic Ethiopians in the country and abroad to provide an all rounded support which is a very necessary input for the continuation of similar meetings and the struggle for democracy, in general.
Note: This report was sent out by Ato Tilahun Endeshaw (Member, Executive Committee and Public Relation Committee of Medrek) and edited to improve readability by Beyene Petros (Chair, ESD-SCUP)
April 03, 2014