Thursday, June 26, 2014

Mootummaan Wayyaanee Gaazexeessitoota STVO 16 Oduu fi Dokumentarii Dharaa Dubbisuu,Dhiyeessuu Dhabuu Irraa Kan Ka’e Qorannaa Hamaan Booda Hojii Irraa Dhorke

QEERROOWaxabajjii 26, 2014, Finfinnee (Qeerroo) — Mootummaan Wayyaanee bara dhufaa darbu mara Olola dharaa keessumaa ammo Raadiyoo fi Television mataa isaaf dhaabbateen dhimma bahuun ilmaan Oromoo afaanfaajjessaa, Ololaa fi Dokumentarii dharaa qopheessuudhaan bittaa Umrii isaa dheeressuuf hojjechaa ture. Gaazexeessitootni Raadiyoo fi Televiizyinii Itoophiyaas tahe Oromiyaa dhugaa argan Uummataaf himuu irra dhugaa irraa dabsuun oduu dharaa Uummataaf gabaasuu dirqamu. Sagantaan Raadiyoo fi Televiizyinii Oromiyaa dhimma Uummata Oromoo, aadaa fi duudhaa Oromoo guddisuuf dhaabbate jedhamee lallabamaa ture dhugaa Uummataa dhaloota isaa irraa kaasee osoo hin baasiin as gahe.Hojjettootni Dhaabbata kanaa yeroo mara oduu dharaa dubbisuun seenaa xuraawaa dibachuu hin barbaadne, Kan seenaan uummata Oromoo akka ukkaamamu hin barbaadne gaazexeessitootni STVO hedduumminaan Mormii dhageessisuu fi oduu dharaa hin dubbisnu jechuun wayita gaafatanitti mootummaan Wayyaanee dirqama isinitti kenname hojjettu malee kaan dubbachuu mirga hin qabdan jechuun gaazexeessitoota ilmaan Oromoo qorannaan rakkisaa turuu irraan darbee hojii irraa arii’ee jira. Gaazexeessitootni kunneen Fincila keessatti hirmaannaa qabdu, Uffata gaddaa uffattanii jirtan, dirqama keessan seeraan bahaa hin jirtan jedhamuun kan hojii irraa dhorkaman yoommuu tahu isaanis
  1. Gaazexeessaa Abdiisaa Fufaa
  2. Gaazexeessaa Yusuuf Warqeessaa
  3. Gaazexeessaa Abdii Gadaa
  4. Gaazexeessaa Darajjee Gonfaa
  5. Gaazexeessaa Olaansaa Waaqumaa
  6. Gaazexeessaa Baqqalaa Atoomaa
  7. Gaazexeessaa Isqaa’el Aragaaw
  8. Gaazexeessaa Bosonaa Dheeressaa
  9. Gaazexeessaa Margaa Angaasoo
  10. Gaazexeessaa Anuwaar Sirriisaa
  11. Gaazexeessaa Xilahuun Magarsaa
  12. Gaazexeessaa Birraa Laggasaa
  13. Gaazexeessaa Zallaqaa oljirraa
  14. Gaazexeessaa Abdiisaa Taganyii
  15. Gaazexeessaa Ayyaanaa Cimdeessaa
  16. Gaazexeessaa Kibabaw Obsaa
Yoommuu tahan Gaazexeessitootni kunneen Oduu dharaa fi olola sobaa Uummata Oromoo irratti gaggeeffamu akkasumas Dokumentarii dharaa Uummata Oromoo fi Qabsoo Oromoo irratti gaggeeffamu keessatti akkaataa dirqamni kennameen bahachuu diddan jedhamuun kan qorannoo hamaan booda hojii irraa kan arii’aman yoommuu tahu Uummata Oromoof dhugaa dubbachuuf kutannaan diina dura dhaabbachuun dirqama Oromummaa bahachuun gahee hundaa tahuu Qeerroon Bilisummaa waamicha dabarsa!

Ethiopian Security Forces Arrest Dozens of Civilians in Degahbur

By Ahmed Abdi
Ethiopian Security Forces arrested dozens of civilians in Dehehbur, about 135 kilometers southeast of the regional Capital city of Jigjiga on Wednesday, following after ONLF insurgency killed 10 Ethiopian Security forces and regional administrators on Monday. Local sources said that the Ethiopian-appointed regional President Abdi Mohamoud Omar better known as Abdi Iley ordered the arrest and killing of anyone suspected of aiding ONLF in part of security swoop.
Abdi Iley reappointed infamous Omar Gamble as the Police commissioner immediately after the administration had been sustained heavy assaults by the ONLF in a bid to strike the town residents with an iron fist.
"I have seen at least 50 people that the security forces arrested and loaded on pickup trucks," said an eyewitness who asked not to be identified.
The source added that 20 civilians that have been transferred to Guna'gado another town near Degehbur, went missing since yesterday and their fate remains unknown.'
ONLF has been fighting against Ethiopian regimes since 1984 and wants its oil and gas-rich Ogaden region to gain full Independence from Ethiopian highlanders. Peace-talk between ONLF and Ethiopia stalled in Oct 17,2012 ,after the ONLF refused to accept Ethiopian constitution which it says it says the Ethiopian constitution does not concern the Somalis in Ogaden.