Sunday, November 17, 2013

Advocacy4Oromia: Jitu Dhabassa Reads “I Have A Dream,” An Adapted Speech

Ethiopians back from Saudi recall attacks

Returning after clampdown, former migrants say they were beaten, robbed and jailed, and that they will never go back.

Police this week broke up a protest outside the Saudi embassy in Addis Ababa [AFP]

When Abdallah Awele moved to Saudi Arabia from Ethiopia last year, he thought he would land a good job and earn enough money to send home to his family.
But instead, Abdallah, 21, said he was beaten, robbed and jailed for living in the country illegally.
"I wanted a good salary and a good life, that's why I crossed the border," he said.
"When I was in Saudi Arabia, I was successful, I was saving a lot of money and I had nice things. But I lost all of it. Now I am home and I won't go back there."
Abdallah was one of at least 23,000 Ethiopians living illegally in Saudi Arabia, and part of a group of close to 400 flown home on Friday after being expelled.
According to Ethiopian officials, three of their nationals were killed this month in clashes with Saudi police as the clampdown - set in motion after a seven-month amnesty period expired - got under way.
"I had 3,500 Saudi Arabian riyals (930 dollars, 690 euros). We were taken to prison, I lost my luggage, and all of my money was collected by the police," Abdallah said.
"Even my shoes were collected by the police," he said, speaking barefoot after leaving the airport with about 30 other men and showing scars on the back of his neck.
Abdullah, who had a job guarding animals, was jailed for six months - during which he said he was denied food and medical help.
Ethiopians unemployed
Facing limited job prospects and harsh economic realities back home, large numbers of Ethiopian men and women head to the oil- and gas-rich Arabian peninsula every year seeking work.
The International Labour Organisation said many face physical and mental abuse, menial pay, discrimination and poor working conditions, and the Ethiopian government announced last month it was banning domestic workers from travelling to the Middle East to look for jobs after widespread reports of mistreatment.
I would never go back to Saudi Arabia.
Ahmed Abduljeba, former migrant 
Like Abdullah, Abdurahman Kamal said he too was beaten before being jailed for ten days. His employer revoked his salary and his visa before handing him over to the authorities, he says.
"The police asked for money but at that time I didn't have the money, so the police beat me," said Abdurahman, 21, who worked as a driver.
Now he says he is relieved to be home after three years in Saudi Arabia.
"I get to go back to my family," he said, wearing a torn shirt that revealed his scarred torso.
With 91 million inhabitants, Ethiopia is the most populous country in Africa after Nigeria, but also one of the poorest. Ethiopia's unemployment rate - 27 percent among women and 13 percent among men, according to the ILO - is the main driver for young people seeking better opportunities abroad.
The UN refugee agency says that over 51,000 Ethiopians risked their lives this year alone on the risky sea crossing across the Gulf of Aden, where reports are common of ships sinking or refugees drowning after being thrown out too far from the shore.
'Thousands' in prison
It was greener pastures that led Ahmed Abduljebar, 25, abroad three years ago. He moved to Yemen to work as a waiter and was arrested when he crossed into Saudi Arabia without a visa.
He said he was robbed and beaten before being jailed for three months, and complained that the Ethiopian embassy should have responded faster to release Ethiopians from prison.
Ahmed said while he is happy to be home, he "feels sick" knowing there are still thousands of Ethiopians still in jail.
While they now face the difficult task of finding work at home, they agree they have no plans to go back.
"I would never go back again to Saudi Arabia," Abdurahman said.

The Distress of Ethiopian Immigrants in Saudi Arabia

By  Mekonenn Elalla Fekadu 
Yesterday around 5:15 AM Ethiopia local times many protesters were out on the street federal police were attacking them. Among them there were old people. What’s even more heart breaking was the Saudi Embassy people were sitting on their roof tops and smiling when the TPLF federal police beat up their own people? The idea of coming together today was not about the current government. It’s about our people who are being brutalized in Saudi Arabia. That shows the ruling party TPLF how they are brutal when they beat the innocent people at the demonstration, this is painful and sadness. TPLF is evil. Really I never heard or seen this kind of government that doesn’t care for its own people. This is coldblooded and shameful act
In Saudi Arabia capital city Riyadh – Thousands of Ethiopian immigrants have been subjected to murder, rape and beatings in a savage Saudi crackdown on “illegal immigrants.” many have been killed, an Ethiopian told activist Sadik Ahmed from a Saudi town last week. “I’ve seen with my naked eyes Ethiopian women being dragged by Saudi thugs for a gang rape.” Ethiopians don’t have an Ethiopian government since 1991, when a mercenary tyrant called Meles Zenawi took over power and soiled the good image and respect Ethiopians had in the international community.
Ethiopian migrant workers never deserved the kind of humiliation and punishment from a country which had a unique historical link directly to the Prophet Mohammed.
Fearful for their lives, tens of thousands of Ethiopian workers were being sheltered in temporary camps in Manfouha district of Riyadh, awaiting repatriation to their native country.
The weak and corrupt Hailemariam Desalegn regime remains indifferent to the plight and suffering of the migrant workers who were being hunted down like pests over the week.
Video clips showing the brutality of Saudi security forces have gone viral over the Internet, thus fueling the anger of many people around the world whose compatriots were being displaced from Saudi towns with the most dehumanizing ways.
Saudi investors have in recent years acquired vast tracts of agricultural land in southern Ethiopia. They plan to meet the rice needs of the kingdom from their Ethiopia harvest alone. But given the deepening animosity of the Saudis against Ethiopians, their dream for agricultural bonanza from the lush green tracts of land of Ethiopia may turn into a nightmare. Saudi Arabia shame on you, shame on you, shame on you when you kill innocent Ethiopian immigrants!

ህዳር 9 የሚከበረውን የፀረ-ባርነት አመፅ ቀን አስመልክቶ ከኦሮሞ የወጣቶችን ነጻነት (ቄሮ) የተሰጠ መግለጫ


ህዳር 9 የሚከበረውን የፀረ-ባርነት አመፅ ቀን አስመልክቶ

ከኦሮሞ የወጣቶችን ነጻነት (ቄሮ) የተሰጠ መግለጫ 

ባለፈው አንድ አመት (ከህዳር 2012 እስከ ህዳር 2013) ውስጥ የታሰሩ፣ የተገደሉና የደረሱበት ያልታወቀ የኦሮሞ ልጆችን በተመለከተ፤

የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ለወያኔ አገዛዝ አንድም ቀን ፍቃደኛ ሆኖ አያውቅም፡፡ በመሆኑም ባለፉት 21 ዓመታት ይህን ጨቋኝ ስረዓት በመቃወም ብዙ መስዋትነትን ከፍሏል፡፡ በኦሮሚያ ውስጥ የመብት ጥያቄ የሚያነሱትን በየጊዜው አድኖ ማሰርና ማፈን የወያኔ መንግስት የአስተዳደር ስረዓት ባሕል እንደሆነ ይታወቃል፡፡
ከህዳር 9/2012 እስከ ህዳር 9 2013 የፀረ-ባርነት አመፅ እያካሄዳችሁ ነው ተብለው በርካታ ቁጥር ያላቸው ኦሮሞዎች እስር ቤት ውስጥ የታፈኑ ሲሆን ገሚሶቹ ደግሞ የተገደሉና የደረሱበት ያልታወቁ ናቸው፡፡ ባጠቃላይ በዚህ አንድ አመት ውስጥ በርካታ የፀረ-ባርነት አመፆች በመላው አገሪቷ ተካሂዷል፡፡ ወያኔም እስራትና ግድያ ሲፈፅም ነበር፡፡ በዚህ አመት ውስጥ ለኦሮሞ ነጻነት ሲታገሉ የታሰሩ፣ የተገደሉና የት እንደደረሱ ያልታወቁትን ለማስታወስና በአለም ላይ የሚገኘው ብሔረሰባችን የታጋዮቻችንን መብት ለማስከበር በሁሉም ቦታ እንዲፋለም የኦሮሞ የወጣቶች ነጻነት ንቅናቄ የታሰሩትን፣ የተገደሉትንና የት እንደደረሱ የማይታወቁትን መችና የት እንደታሰሩ ችምር መዝግቦ እንደሚቀጥለው አቅርቧል፡፡
በህዳር 11 2012 ምዕራብ ሸዋ ዞን ኤጄሬ ወረዳ ውስጥ የሀገር ባለቤትነትን የሚመለከቱ ጥያቄዎች ጠይቃችኋል ተብለው ከስራ የተባረሩ የኦሮሞ ልጆች፡-
1. አቶ ግርማ አራርሳ – የኤጄሬ ወረዳ ረዳት የእንሰሳት ሀኪም
2. አቶ አበበ ግዲራ – የኤጄሬ ወረዳ ረዳት የእንሰሳት ሀኪም
3. አቶ ደቀባ ተፈራ – ረዳት የእንሰሳት ሃኪም
በኢሉባቦር ዞን ጮራ ወረዳ የተጠየቁትን የመብት ጥያቄዎች ከኦነግ ጋር በመሆን እያቀናጀ ነው ተብሎ መምህር አበበ ተካ ህዳር 14/2012 እ.አ.አ ወያኔዎች አፍነውት እስር ቤት ወስደውታል፡፡
ህዳር 15/2012 እ.አ.አ በዩኒቨርሲቲዎች ውስጥ በተከታታይ ሲነሱ ከነበሩት የመብት ጥያቄዎች ጋር ተያይዞ መደወላቡ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ለወያኔ መንግስት ጥላቻ አላችሁ ተብለው ከዩኒቨርሲቲ የተባረሩ የኦሮሞ ልጆች፣-   Read More:- ህዳር 9 የሚከበረውን የፀረ-ባርነት አመፅ ቀን አስመልክቶ

Ibsa Ijjannoo hirmaattota MiseensootaTBOJ fi Hawwasa Oromoo Biyya Jarmani, Frankfurt

Guyyaa Finciilaa Diddaa Gabirummaa (FDG)
Tokkummaa Barattoota Oromoo Jarmanii (TBOJ) Sadasaa 10 bara 2013 saatii 13:00 irraa egalee waaree booda amma saatii 19 :00 magaalaa Frankfurt, galma Universitii Joon Volfigaang kessatti haala owwan geggefame milkiin xumuramee jira. Kaayyoon waligayii: 1ffaa Guyyaa FDG kabajinee ooluuf akkasumas waadaa QBOf gale haaromffachuuf fi QBO waan dandeenyen uttubuuf 2ffaa haala qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo (QBO) yeroo ammaa irratti mariyatuun hubannoo siyasaa argatuu ture.
Walgayiin kuni ergii Eebbaan mangudoon banamee boodee, Alaabaa teenyaf Jaallan keenya warren FDG irrati lubbuu isaan darbef shamaa qabsisuun faaruu alaabaa Oromiyaa gamtaan farffamee, booda miseensi gumii sabaa Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo (ABO), Jaallee Aster Gammadaa mata duree “Guyyaa Finciilaa Diddaa Gabrummaa fi walumaa galati haala QBO keessa turteef keessa jirtuu” ibsaa balinaan hirmaatota waligayiif dhiyessan. Itti fufuun Obbo Dejanee Abdisaa “Disproportionately Torturing of Oromos in Ethiopia” mata-duree kana jalatti haala garaa jabinaan mootummaan Ethiopia ajeechaa fi hiidhaa akkasumas jireenyan mankaraarisuu Umataa Oromoo irrati gageessaa ture fi jiru akkasumas Oromoo Biyya baqatee ree akka duuti isa irra gaha jiru ibsaa balaa hirmaatoota walga’iif xiinxala siyaasaa dhiyesaniru. ibsa kennun ergi xummuramee booda hirmaattooti walgayiis gaaffiilee fi yaada ijaaroo dhiheessuun mariin gadi fagenyaan mata duree lamanuu kana jaallan dhiiyaate.
Ibsa ejjennoo
Nuti miseensotiin TBOJ fi hawaasa Oromoo walgayii Guyyaa FDG kana hirmaannee ture haala siyaasaa QBO irratti ergi mariyanneen booda, ummata Oromoo fi Oromiyaa sirna gabiromfannaa (kolonii) bara ammaa motummaa Habashaa, gartuu wayaaneen (TPLFn) hogganamaa jiru, jalatti gidirfamaa jiru bilisomsuuf qabsoo hadhooftuu hogganummaa jaarmaa ABOn geggefamaa jiru gutummaan tumsaa, gumaata nuu irraa barbaadamu gama maraan kennuuf qophii ta`uu kenya ni mirkaneessina.
1. QBO hirmannaa ummata Oromoo fi hogganummaa ABOn geggefamaa jiruu ni deggerra!
2. Qabsoo hidhannoo, siyasaa, fi dipilomasii ABO geggessaa jiru diinagideen ni utubna!
3. Qabsoo fincila diddaa gabirummaa karaa qerroo Oromiyaa, barattotaa, fi ummata Oromoo geggefamaa jiru waan nu irraa barbaachisu maraan ni tumsina!
4. Sagalee QBO haala hundaa kessatti firotaa fi dinoota ni dhageessifina!
5. Saamichaa fi shororkaa ummata Oromoo irratti dinoti fi farreen QBO raawataa jiraatan injifachuuf hubannoo fi kutannoon sagantaa QBO milkomsuuf heera jaarmaa ni tiksina!
6. Hogganummaa jaarmaalee QBO itichuun (qindeesun) ilaalcha siyaasaa tokkoomeen (walitumsuun) qabsaawuf waamicha ABO labsee ni deggerra!
7. Yakkoota dhittaa mirga-namomaa fi Ajeechaa fi dhaabin nama mankaraarsuu ummata Oromoo irratti karaa motummaa gabironfataa TPLF (wayaanee) raawatamaa jiru ni balaaleffanna!
8. Hogganummaa motummaa wayaaneen yakkoota dhiittaa mirga namaa ummata Oromoo irratti raawatamaa jiru hambisuuf akka hawaasoti Adunyaa dhibbaa godhan ni gaafanna!
9. Lammii Oromiyaa kanneen meeshaa motummaa TPLF ta’uun yakkoota hiriyaa hin qabne ummata Oromoo irratti raawachisuun sirna motummaa Habashootaa tiksuuf boojiyamtan akka gara moraa QBO makamuun mirga abbaa biyyummaa ummata Oromoo kabachisuuf qabsooftan waamicha ilaalcha Oromummaa hundeefate isiniif erginerra!
Injifatnnoon ummata Oromoof!
Hirmaattota Walga’ii guyyaa FDG miseensaa TBOJ fi akkasumas Hawwas Oromoo (Jarmanii, Frankfurt)






Mootummaan wayyaanee duula hidhaa gaggeessuu itti fufe. Ilmaan Oromoo kitaaba Afaan Oromoo dubbisanis qajeelfama ABO dubbisaa jirtu jedhamuun hidhamaa jiru

Mootummaan Wayyaanee duula hidhaa gaggeessaa kan as gahe ammas jabeessuun dargaggoota Oromoo yakka tokko malee hidhuun rakkisaa jira.
Godina Horroo Guduruu wallaggaa aanaa Abbay Coomman keessattis dargaggoota Oromoo isin meeshaa waraanaa dhoksaan qabdu maqaa jedhuun duula hidhaa gaggeessaa jira. Meeshaa waraanaa kana ABOtu isinii kenne jechuun sakatta’insa jabaa duulaan gaggeessaa jira. Barataa kutaa 10ffaa kan tahe Barataa Dabalaa Hirkoos ati boombii qabda baasi jechuun reebanii miidhaa jabaa irraan geessisanii jiran. Mootummaan wayyaanee duula hidhaa gaggeessus gaaffiiwwan mirgaa irraa kan nu dhaabu humni kamuu hin jiru jechuun dargaggootni Oromoos guutummaan qabsoo jabeessaa fi waamicha walii dabarsaa jiran. Jala deemtotni mootummaa wayyaanee duula hidhaa kana gaggeessuu gooftolii isaanii irraa kan fudhatan yoommuu tahu uummatni gamtaan dura dhaabbachaa jira.
Duula sakatta’insa manaa fi karaa irratti jabaateenis uummatni Oromoo qabsoo irraa duuba akka hin deebine qeerroon Horroo Guduruu addeessee jira. Haaluma wal fakkaatuun Godina shawaa Kibba lixaa Alamganaa keessatti ilmaan Oromoo kitaabawwan afaan oromoo dubbisan qajeelfama ABO dubbisaa jirtu jedhamuun hidhamaa jiru. Haala kanaanis Obbo Baqqalaa Aangeessaa jedhamu kitaaba Afaan Oromoo SAFUU jedhu osoo dubbisuu mana hidhaa mootummaa wayyaaneetti darbamee qorannoon rakkachaa jira.