Saturday, April 12, 2014

Ethiopia groups to stage anti-gay protest

Two groups say they are holding April 26 demonstration in response to alarming rates of homosexual acts in the country.

Two groups in Ethiopia said they will hold an anti-gay demonstration later this month, a move that puts Ethiopia in line to become the next African country to increase the public demonisation of gays.
The government-affiliated Addis Ababa Youth Forum and a religious group associated with the Ethiopian Orthodox Church told a news conference on Thursday that an increasing rate of homosexual acts in the country had reached an alarming rate.

"Children are being raped by gay people in this country. Just yesterday we have met a woman whose boy was raped by two other men. All in all, gay acts are against health, the law, religion and our culture, so we should break the silence and create awareness about it," said Dereje Negash, chairman of the church group, the Weyiniye Abune Tekelehaimanot Association.

Although gay sex is already outlawed in Ethiopia, the rally set for April 26 in the capital Addis Ababa comes as parliament considers making homosexual acts ineligible for presidential pardons.

The bill was sponsored by the Ministry of Justice and could be put to a vote this month. In Ethiopia, same-sex acts are punishable by up to 15 years in prison. A 25-year jail term is given to anyone convicted of infecting another person with HIV during same-sex acts.

The Ethiopian government, however, insisted that any group had the right to freedom of expression and that it was not for or against the rally.

Government 'indifferent'
"We are indifferent, we just see it as the right to have a demonstration, otherwise we don't support or oppose," Information Minister Redwan Hussein told AFP news agency.

Though the organisers said that there was no specific reason for the timing of the planned demonstration, a prominent blogger and gay activist said that gay-bashing rhetoric was likely to increase in the run-up to elections for parliament next year.

Ezana Solomon said the anti-gay movement was trying to invade personal privacy under the banner of child protection.

"I refuse to be labeled a rapist, molester or an abuser since I have never committed those things ever. I think the logical or right thing to do is when I have committed those crimes, I should [be] put to justice. This campaign is not justifiable under any circumstance," Ezana said.

"If someone thinks my being gay is a sin, in my opinion the only thing you are allowed or should be allowed to do is to pray for me and your boundary ends there."

The demonstration organisers said the protest would be held under the theme "Keeping alien culture and homosexuality at bay".

They said they hope to see thousands of residents and some senior government officials come to the protest.

"Gay practices are not our culture so we wanted the society to be aware of the danger and protect itself,'' said Tsegaye Gebretsadik, chairman of the Addis Ababa Youth Forum.

New legislation in Uganda and Nigeria this year increased penalties for homosexual acts sending many gays underground and some out of the country.


Oromo Heroes and Heroines Day April 15, 2014

An Oromoo hero/heroine is one that effects change or dedicated one’s life to change Oromo life with his/her determination and sacrifice.  An Oromo hero/heroine is known for bravery, generousity and wisdom and never flinches in the face challenges and temptations.  Oromo hero/heroine is a patriot for whom national cause and love of the people stands first rather than personal interest. Oromiyaa has produced numberless heroes and heroines for whose sake Oromo started walking with heads raised.  A people without a hero do not express its feelings even when it is hurt. It is afraid of aggravating the already worst situation. But if it has a hero to guide it, fear and pain will no further intimidate it.  That is what Oromo heroes did. They helped their people to attain political consciousness and recognize their identity and rights pertaining to it.  That is why the enemy pursues them. The number of unknown Oromo heroes, those that became meals for birds of prey, those that are suffering under enemy captivity and those that disappeared and not looked for is greater than the known ones. For all we owe a lot. We remember Oromo Heroes’/Heroines’ Day to show our gratitude for their contribution and also to help the new generation learns from their patriotism.  

Oromo youth started discussion about liberation of their country in the 60’s; in the seventies they came out with the vanguard of Oromo liberation movement the OLF. Hearing that this grand people after a century of oppression is coming out organized to fight for its liberation there were commotions in all enemy camps. When Zaid Barree and Darg with their allies went to war they hated and feared the Oromoo movement more than each other. They attacked it from both sides and fatigued it but were unable to wipe it out. The brave Oromo raised havoc both enemies never expected. Because war has weakened them it was decided that ten members of the leadership go to Somalia and look for help and consultation. But an unexpected catastrophe betook them on April 15, 1980. From then on it was decided that April 15 be remembered as Oromo Heroes’/Heroines’ Day for past, present and future.
How do we remember our heroes and heroines? One is meeting each year as usual, preparing songs, dances, poems,   reading materials, arts that reflects the occasion and sing and dance together in their honor. On that day we renew our vows to continue the struggle they started to the finish. By doing so, we appease the spirit of our heroes and our ancestors. Not only that we will also discuss how we can strengthen the struggle based on future plan of action not on emotion scratching handout seeking annual presentations. This day will give us the opportunity to reflect where we started and where we have reached now and to assess conditions in which our people find themselves at present and what to do next. We may also hear more about our heroes and heroines. 

We appreciate and honor not only heroes that passed away but also those that survived and are still heating up the struggle with people they initially agitated to rise. Heroes fallen in Ogden did not budge for the gun pointed at their forehead and give up their unity and national pride for life in return.  They stood together with courage and determination to the end and paid the ultimate sacrificed for their nation. They were entered into the same grave holding to their nation’s dawn kaayyoo without religion and tribe dividing them. Pushing back personal comfort and family interest for the sake of the fatherland they taught us what firmness on objective, generosity, commitment and determination means. When we remember our martyred heroes, heroines and those that are still languishing in enemy’s captivity we should also not forget that they like us have old parents, children without support and someone they love to care for. 

Honor and glory for the fallen heroines and heroes; liberty equality and freedom for the living and nagaa and araaraa for the Ayyaanaa of our fore parents!

Ibsaa Guutama

Guyyaa Goototaa Oromoo
Ebla 15, 2014

Gooti Oromoo nama kutannoo fi wareegama saatiin jireenya saba Oromoo keessatt jijjiirama argamsiisu yk argamsiisuuf dabarsee of kenne. Gooti Oromoo didhaa fi sossobbiin karaa irraa kan hin ceesifne, jagnummaa, gamnummaa fi arjummaan beekamu.  Gooti Oromoo, jaalbiyyaa dantaa dhuunfaa kaasaa sabawaaf  wareegu.  Oromiyaan gootota lakkoobsa hin qabne, Oromoon aarsaa isaan baasaniin  mataa ol qabatee deemuu eegale qabdi. Ummati goota hin qabne yoo hubamellee miidhama saa hin aaduu.  Ittuu natt hammeessa jedhee ciniinnata. Garuu goota masakuun yoo qabate soda fi laalaan isa dorsisan hin danda’an. Goototi Oromoo sana godhani.  Akka dammaqina malbulcha argatanii eenyummaa saanii fi mirga sana waliin deemu hubatan gargaaran.Kanaaf diinni reebaani. Lakkofsi gootota Oromoo hin beekamin, irbaata allaattii kan ta’an, qabaa diinaa jalatt gidiraa argaa kan jiranii fi badanii barbaacha kan dhabantu kan beekaman caalaa.  Hundi saanii ida nurraa qabu. Guyyaa gootota kan yaadannu gumaacha saaniif galata galchuu fi dhalooti haaraan jaalbiyyumaa saanii irra akka waa baratu gargaaruufi. 

Jaatamoota keessaa kaasanii dargaggoon Oromo waa’ee bilisumma biyya saanii mari’achuu eegalanii torbaatamoota keessa kallacha sochii bilisummaa ABOn gadi bahani. Sabi guddaan kun hacuuccaa jaarraa tokkoo olii jala bahee dhaaba ijaarratee qabsoo walabummaaf bobba’uun diinota Oromo bakka jiranii sochoose. Ziad Barree fi Dargiin yeroo tumsa addunyaa kara karaan dabalatanii lola walitt banan, wal caalaa sochii bilisummaa jibbus sodaatus turan. Gara lamaan itt duulanii ni butuchan malee balleessu hin dandeenye. Goototi Oromoo balaa hamajaajii lamanuu hin yaadne irraan gahaa turan.  Bututi garlaman itt dhufuu fi nagaan keessaa dhibuun hedduu waan dadhabsiiseef gadi bahani marii fi gargaarsa soquuf miseensoti hoggansaa kudhan gara somaleett bobba’ani. Garuu karaatt balaa rifachiisaan Ebla 15, 1980 irra gahe.  Bara sanaa ka’ee gootota Oromoo kan darban kan hardhaa fi kan egeree dhufaniif Ebli 15 akka Guyyaa Gootota Oromoo ta’e yaadatamu murteeffame.

Gaaffin itt haanu goototaa akkamitt yaadanna kan jedhu ta’a. Tokko akkuma beekamu wagga waggan walgeenyee, karaa karaan faaruu, walaloo, weeduu, barruu dubbifamu fi oginaa ulfina saaniin walgitu qopheessina, waliin  weedddisna ni sirbinas. Gaafas qabsoo isaan jalqaban hamma dhumaatt itt fufuuf kakuu keenya waliin haaromsuun waan eegamu. Sana gochuun ayyaana gootota keenyaa fi akaakilee keenyaa araarfanna. Isa qofa miti, qabsoon kun akka jabaatee itt fufu waan dandeenyu hundaan karaa itt bira dhaabbanu mari’achuu dha. Kan kana goonu gabaasa jabduu garaa nu laffisuu dhihataniif utuu hin ta’in karoora fulduraaf qophawe irratt hundoofnee yoo ta’e dansa.  Guyyaan kun eessaa kaanee eessa akka geenyee, haala ummati keenya hardha keessa jiruu fi tarkaanfiin itt haanu maal ta’uu akka qabu xiinxaluuf carraa nuuf kenna. Waa’ee gototaas caalaatt ni dhageenya ta’a.
Gootota darban qofaa utuu hin ta’in kan lubbuun jiraatanii hardhas ummata kaleessa kakaasan waliin dhaabbatanii qabsoo finiinsuu itt fufanis ni kabajna ni dinqisiifanna.  Gootota Ugaadeenitt kufan qawwen adda saaniitt aggamamullee sana sodaatanii tokkummaa fi sabboonummaa saanii lubbuun hin jijjiirre. Jannummaa fi kutannoon waliin dhaabbatanii saba saaniif aarsaa isa dhumaa baasani. Amantee fi gosaan utuu gargar hin qoodamin kaayyoo saba saanii isa ganamaatt cichuun bolla tokott nam’an. Biyya Abbaatii jedhanii qananii ofii fi fedha warraa duubatt dhiibuun arjummaa, dudhama fi kutannoon maal akka tahe nu barsiisani. Gootota keenya dabaankufootaa fi kanneen harka diinaatt guraaramaa jiran yoo yaadannu isaanis akka keenya kanneen silaa gargaaran, haadhaa fi abbaa dadhaboo, daa’imman gargaarsa hin qabne, hiriyaa jaallatan qabaachuu saanii irranfachuu hin qabnu. 

Ulfinaa fi surraan gootota kufaniif; walabummaa, walqixxummaa fi bilisummaan kan hafaniif; nagaa fi araarri Ayyaana abboolii fi ayyoliif haa tahu!  

Ibsaa Guutama

Ulfinaa fi surraan gootota kufaniif; walabummaa, walqixxummaa fi bilisummaan kan lubbuun jiraniif; nagaa fi araarri Ayyaana abbooliif haa tahu!

Ibsaa Guutama

Source: gubirmans