Sunday, June 30, 2013

Jawar Mohammed is a hero and a genuine Oromo young leader.

I am pound of him and stand with him all the time. He is targeted by hard core Ethiopianists because he could not denounce his very being; Oromo young man. They are “insulting” him because he could not turn his back on his own people. They wanted him to identify himself with what he is not and cannot be. Their rage and anger against him is the logical extension of their century Oromo-phobia, and in fact is the old evil desires and practices of Abyssinians to kill Oromo personhood within Oromo bodies. Every bad word directed against him should be taken as it is directed against all competent, self-confident young Oromo man who is with clear and unanimous visions and strategies for his people’s struggle.
The historical facts he presented at Aljazeera is neither new nor contested by many Oromo Historians and other independent scholars and researchers. Rather they have been the confirmed and verified historical facts which are still alive in present day Ethiopia. The problems, causes and manifestations he described during that TV show are the main part and parcel of Oromo National narratives which has got widespread acceptance among writers and researchers who have established their profession on Oromo studies. The only “crime” he committed and blamed for is that he could not praise Ethiopians and recite their “national” myths which they thought us as “Ethiopian history” in Ethiopian schools.
I am sure every Oromo would be surprised if hard Core Ethiopianists keep quite or say any good words about people like Jawar or any Oromo leaders at any given time. After all, these groups of Ethiopianists were busy in distributing their fear and contempt about Aljazeera story even before it was aired. What do any reasonable person expects from these people than the rude and unrestrained expressions of their hate and fear that they have developed against Oromo people over a century?

Symposium: Ethiopia’s Nile dam cuts Sudan’s expenditure on siltation

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June 29, 2013 (ADDIS ABABA) – The Grand Ethiopia Renaissance Dam (GERD) which is being built on the Blue Nile river will enable neighbouring Sudan to save millions of dollars a year in clearing sedimentation, Ethiopian scholars and researchers have said.
In a high-level symposium held on Friday at Addis Ababa University researchers said Ethiopia’s massive dam, which is just 30km from the Sudanese border, will highly reduce the quantity of silt that accumulates in Sudan, enabling Khartoum to save annually up to $20 million.
Yilma Seleshi a representative from the Ethiopian Water Resource Institute said that the dam will also reduce the frequent floods that affect people and infrastructure on the banks of the Blue Nile.
Khartoum, Sudan’s capital is where the Blue Nile meets the longer but slower moving White Nile that has travelled north through Uganda and South Sudan.
Egypt has expressed concerns over Ethiopia’s dam building programmes but Seleshi said that the GERD will benefit downstream countries in terms of reducing sedimentation and evaporation without diminishing the amount of water that flows to the countries.
Addis Ababa University President, Dr. Admasu Tsegaye, said such symposiums will enable uncertainties, confusion and doubts raised by concerned groups with regard to the dam project to be cleared up.
“It will contribute to creating mutual understanding and trust among upper and lower riparian countries. These two things are decisive to collaboratively work towards reaping shared benefits from the construction of the GERD,” he said.
The symposium titled "Opportunities for Regional Development" brought together over 300 scholars, Ethiopian and foreign researchers, government officials diplomats and representatives from development partners.
Researchers presented some 12 papers on subjects including dam safety, geological hazards, environmental dimensions of the Nile’s water, development and regional integration.
One of the participants, Solomon Belay, who is a hydro-geologist and researcher told Sudan Tribune that hydro-solidarity must be a binding rule between lower and upper riparian countries with regard to Nile water resources.
Citing the recent strong rhetoric by some Egyptian leaders, Belay added that Egypt must end its historical hegemony over the Nile’s water and start to cooperate with others so all riparian countries will have equitable access to the Nile’s water.
Many country’s in the Nile basin argue that a fairer distribution of the Nile’s water would enable them to execute developmental projects that will help lift their people from poverty.
A pre-colonial era treaty has given Egypt 80% of the Nile’s water resources, allowing the North African country a veto against any project by another country.
When asked about concerns large parts of Sudan would be flooded if the Grand Ethiopia Renaissance Dam collapses, another researcher, Girma Abate told Sudan Tribune that the tripartite panel of international experts, which had been assessing on the dam’s impact, have given assurances that the power plant project meets international standards.
He added the construction site - in Ethiopia’s Benshangul Gumuz - is safe from earthquake concerns.
When completed, the $4.8 billion Grand Ethiopia Renaissance Dam will have a power generating capacity of 6000 MW. Ethiopia says the move to harness the river aims to curb poverty by exporting hydro-electricity.
Ethiopia could earn up to 2 million euros a day by selling electricity to neighboring countries.
Currently the East African nation is exporting electricity to Sudan and Djibouti.
After assessing the Nile dam impacts for over a year a panel of international experts recently released its final report concluding that the dam poses no significant harm to downstream countries.
The report revealed that the dam brings benefits to Egypt and Sudan by protecting them from flooding, reducing sedimentation, enabling irrigation expansion, boosting water use efficiency and providing them with cheap and clean energy.


Wayyaaneen Oromotaa lafa irraa duguguun itti fufee jira!

Balaan waayyaaneen Oromoota Harargee bahaa ona anniyyaa irraan geese hammaachaa dhufaa jira. Hamma ammaati furmaani argame tokkolleen hin jiru. Aanaa Mulluqee mayyuuti namooni lafa isaani irraa buqa’an kuma hudduti lakkaawamu.Akkasumaas namooni amma dura Aanaa Minoo naannawa qumbi irraa arihataman akkuma qa’ee isaanii irraa baqa’anitti rakkoo cimtuu keessa jiru. Rakkoolee ummata kana irra gahaa jirtu keessaa hammi tokko, beelaafii dheebuuf saaxilamuu,Kan balaa beelaatiin dhukkubni irra gahe dawaa dhabuu, dahannoo aduufii roobaa (shelter) dhabuudha. Haali kuni hatattamaan furmaata argachuu yoo baate lubbuun namoota baayyee bahuuf deemti.Waraanni liyyuu police kan wayyaaneen oromootarrati bobbaafte ammaallee oromoota naannawa kanaa ajjesaa jiraachuutu himama.
Dhimmi kuni furmaata argachuutu irra jira. Oromoon isin hayyoota waa barate kana malee kan biraa kan rakkoo isaanii iyyatuuf hin qabdu. Gara VOAtiin Odeefatini Aaddee Jaalannee Gammadaa fii Obbo Namoo Daandii dhaan odeefatame hedduu gaariidha. Galatomaa! Rakkoon kuni ammallee itti fufaa waan jiruuf, jala bu’amee haalli amma achitti deemaa jiru kuni ammas yoo odeefatame ummata kanaaf gargaarsa guddaa hata. Odeefata Obbo Jalil Abdella Sagalee Oromiyaa irraa, Obbo Aana Fuad (Radio Hawaasa Oromo) duguuginsa shanyii oromoota ona Anniyyaa irrati wayaaneedhaan baname laalchisee jiraattota lafa isaani irraa buqqa’e waliin taasisan dhageefadh