Monday, February 3, 2014

Diddaan Barattootaa Yuuniversitii Haromaya Itti Fufee Gaga’amni Barattootaa Daran Jabaate. Diddaan Gara Biraas Gara Yuuniversiti Hawaasaatti Cahe

Gabaasa Qeerroo Haromaya, Gurraandhala 03,2014
Barattoota OromooNyaanni summiin makamee barattootaa kenname barattoota hedduu lubbuu darbaa fi dhibee gurguddaaf kan saaxile irra taree barattoota hedduu barnoota isaanii irraas akka har’iman taasisaa jira.Barattoonni lakkoofsi isaanii hedduu ta’anii fi galmee isaanii Qeerroon qindeessaa jira,hanga ammaatti karaa mootummaa ifa hin ta’iin lubbuun isaanii darbee fi kanneen dhukkubsachuun mana yaalaa galan kumaatama.Irra guddaan barattootaa hama yeroo ammaatti illee yaala gahaa hin argatiin mana yaalaa ciisanii akka jirantu mul’ata.kanumaan dhimmi kun gaaffii gurguddaa barattoota keessatti kaasees mootummaa Wayyaanee biratti gaaffii biroo tahuun ergama ABO qabu jechuun barattoota hedduun humna poolisa Federaalaan dallaa gad-dhiisanii akka bahan taasifamaa jiru.
Haala kanaan barattooti hedduus magaalaa keessatti rakkataa akka jiran gabaasi qeerroo Haromaya addeessa. Kanneen heddumminaan miidhamanii mana yaalaa jiranii fi kanneen arihaman keessaa sochii dargaggoota Oromoo ta’uun beekama.
Gaaffiin FDG barattooti kaasan kun  har’a itti fufuun gara university Hawaasaatti tarkaanfatee gaaffii gurguddaa kaasaa jira. Kanneen gaaffii kana kaasan barattoonni Oromoo hedduus humna poolisa Federaalaan adamsamaa akka jiranii fi dallaan Yuniversitichaas humna waraana adda addaan marfamee eeggamaa akka jirudha.barattoonni dallaa lameeniis dallaa kanneen hafan maraaf iyyannoo nu qaqqabaas iyyachaa jiru.
Gabaasi dabalataa gama fuula dura itti fufa.

Ethiopian prisoner of conscience Mr Bekele Gerba life in danger due to lack of medical care

Ethiopian prisoner of conscience Mr Bekele Gerba life in danger due to lack of medical care

Mr Bekele Gerba Ethiopian prisoner of conscience and lecturer in Addis Ababa University life is in danger due to lack of medical care. He has served the 3 year and 6 months imprisonment almost one month ago. However, he is still suffering in notorious Ethiopian prison with serious ailment because Ethiopian government doesn’t want to release him even after he has served his time behind the bar. Mr Bekele is a father of four young children who needs him most this time.

In the interview with local radio Afuura Biyyaa, his daughter Ms. Bontu Bekele clarified the problems she observed while visiting her father recently. She told the journalists ‘’more than 200 prisoners of conscience in the same prison are suffering from similar ailment.’’ The probability of having contagious disease in that cell shades dark light on the life all prisoners as all of them are suffering from similar symptoms like; night sweats, body fatigue, weight loss and heavy fever. The families of Mr. Bekele are left helpless as their mother has also lost her job due to political views of her husband which resulted in his imprisonment and immediate suspension of his wage from the day he was arrested. Ms. Bontu pledged all humanitarian and international community to put pressure on Ethiopian government to save her father’s life.

The following paragraph is quoted from Mr. Bekele’s speech in court after hearing his fine.

"I have dedicated my life to fight injustice, inequality, racism and oppression with passion. Not by my choice but by the will of God I was born as an Oromo. To fight for the human rights dignity and equality of my people by peaceful means and pay any price for this struggle is an honor for me. If I have to ever apologize in this life I dedicated for the struggle it is only for two things. One, if I chose not to speak spoken against the sufferings and anguish of Oromo people enough and if my motive in hiding this suffering was for a lesser purpose than the brotherhood of all people, I will ask the Oromo people to forgive me. Second, if I have ever exaggerated the injustice against the Oromo people and I did this to gain personal fame and fortune, I will ask God to forgive me. ~ Bekele Gerba

Two police officers arrested over abduction of Ethiopian officials

By CYRUS OMBATI  NAIROBI, KENYA: Two Kenyan police officers were Monday arrested in connection with the abduction of two top officials of Ethiopia’s Ogaden National Liberation Front ( ONLF) from outside a popular restaurant in Upper Hill, Nairobi last week.

The officers, an inspector and a constable attached to Nairobi Area CID are expected to face charges of espionage for Ethiopia’s intelligence services. 

 Nairobi head of CID Nicholas Kamwende confirmed the arrests and said the officers expected in court Monday morning. 

 “They will face various charges following the abduction of the two ONLF officials,” said Kamwende. 

He added the officers had been identified by witnesses as having participated in the abduction of Mr Sulub Ahmed and Ali Hussein who were members of the ONLF negotiation team that was in Nairobi for a proposed third round of talks. 

 Ahmed and Hussein were members of ONLF central committee and were abducted on January 26 from outside Arabian Cuisine in Upper Hill area. 

  They were later driven out of the country to Ethiopia by intelligence officials from Addis Ababa and their whereabouts are not known.  

ONLF officials who asked not to be named had said security agencies from Ethiopia and Kenya were involved in the kidnapping. 

 They had been invited for a lunch date at the restaurant near TSC headquarters when they were abducted by men who were in three waiting cars.  

 One of the cars, a black Toyota Prado and the driver were seized and detained at the Turbi police station the following day but the two were missing amid speculation they had been taken across to Ethiopia. 

 The ONLF officials who spoke in Nairobi said the two officials were invited by the Kenyan government for peace negotiations. Their whereabouts in Ethiopia are yet to be known. 

“This is not the first time that such an incident happens and we urge that the government of Kenya provides us with security. We do not know the fate of our officials but we know they were taken to Ethiopia,” said an official who asked not to be named.  

Analysts say that this move may affect diplomatic negotiations between ONLF and Ethiopia brokered by Kenyan Government on 2012. 

ONLF is a separatist rebel group fighting to make the region of Ogaden in eastern Ethiopia an independent state.  

 ONLF, established in 1984, demands for the autonomy of this region, and claimed responsibility for several attacks since the beginning of 2007 aimed at Ethiopian forces in the area, which the government considers a region under the new federal system.


Ergamtooti Wayyaanee Abbaa Duulaan durfamu Embassy Itophiyaa Washington, DC keessatti ergama raawwatuuf yaalaa jiru., Washington, DC
Abbaa Duulaa G. ( Minaasee W.Giorgis) - 2.2.14Ergamtooti mootummaa abbaa irree Wayyaanee/TPLF kan Abbaa Duulaa Gammaadaa (Minaasee W/Giorgis) durfamu ajaja TPLF irraa itti kenname qabatee gara Washington, DC dhufuun beekame.
Abbaan Duulaa ykn Minaaseeni fi gareen isaa Embassy Itoophiyaa Magaalaa Washington, DC jiru keeyssa riphuudhaan warreen faayidaa dhuunfaa isaaniitif akkuma isaanii mirgaa fi haqa ummata Oromoo fi Oromiyaa dabarsanii gurguran/kennan waliin ta’uudhaan dhoksaadhaan kaayyoo dharaa kan manneen barumsaa Oromiyaa keeysatti babal’isuuf jedhuun gargaarsa qarshii walitti qabuuf yaalii gochaa akka jiranii fi sochii dhoksaa kanas sabboontoni Oromoo irratti dhaqqabuu ifa ta’ee jira.
Yeroo ammaan tanatti barattoota Oromoo fi kanneen biroo Yunivarsity Haromayaa keessatti barachaa jiran summ’ii nyaata barattootaa keeysatti naquudhaan miidhaa fi yakka hiriyaa hin qabne raawwachaa kan jiru mootummaan abbaa irree Tigree, sababuma nyaata summaa’e kanaan hanga harraatti barattooti ja’a (6) lubbuun isanii darbuun gabaafamaa jira. Kun osoo kanaan jiruu, mootummaan abbaa irree Tigree ergamtoota isaa kanneen akka Abbaa Duulaa jiran biyyaan alatti ergee mana barumsaa ijaaruuf sababa jedhuun karoora kanaan dura maqaa hidhaa laga Abbayyaan walitti qabachuuf yaalee dura-dhaabbanoo sabboontota Oromootiin addunyaa kana marattii fi bakka hundumaatti harkatti faashale bakkka buufachuuf ijjibbaata haarawa dhokaasaadhaan kan eegale ta’uun isaa saaxilameera.
Kanaaf, hawaasi Oromoo marti yaalii Wayyaaneen gama ergamtoota isheen Kaaba Ameerikaa, magaalaa Washington DC fi Stetota adda-addaa keeysatti gochuuf yaaltu akkuma barame tokkummaan dura dhaabbatanii gara warreen isaan ergateetti harka qullaa fi qaaniidhaan akka deebisan sabboontonni Oromoo waamicha lammummaa dabarsanii jiru.

Ambassador David Shinn: This abduction does not auger well for successful peace talks between the ONLF and Ethiopia

David Shinn
Ambassador David Shinn: This abduction does not auger well for successful peace talks between the ONLF and Ethiopia
Ogadentoday Press has asked Ambassador David Shinn- A former US ambassador to Ethiopia 1996-1999 about ONLF’s official’s abduction In Kenya.
1-    ONLF, Ogaden National Liberation Front has said in statement that two of their senior leaders have been kidnapped in Kenya? What is the impact of the action of proposed peace talks between ONLF and Ethiopia?
2-    Will this affect the Kenya and Ethiopian relationship, since we know that Kenya and Ethiopia have signed security pact last years?
3-    Does this mean that Ethiopia is not ready for real and meaningful peace talks in Ogaden?
Ambassodor David Shinn’s answers are here below:
Press reports from Kenya indicate that two members of the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) were abducted on 27 January 2014 outside a restaurant in Nairobi.  Kenyan police are reportedly investigating the incident.
Unnamed ONLF officials stated the two persons were ONLF central committee members invited by Kenyan officials to participate in peace negotiations with Ethiopian government officials.  ONLF officials further alleged that security agencies from Ethiopia and Kenya were involved in the abduction of the two ONLF negotiators.  I have not seen any official response from either Kenyan or Ethiopian officials.  The facts surrounding this abduction are not clear, especially from my location in Washington, which is more than 12,000 kilometers from Nairobi.
This abduction, whoever is behind it, does not auger well for successful peace talks between the ONLF and Ethiopia.  Nor does it reflect positively on security in Nairobi.  However, there will not necessarily be any impact on Kenya-Ethiopia relations. Any impact on this relationship will depend largely on who was behind the abduction.  Nor does it necessarily reflect that Ethiopia is not ready for peace talks with the ONLF.  Again, it depends on who carried out the abduction and the nature of their motives.
Ogadentoday Press