Sunday, April 20, 2014

Yuuniversitiin Jimmaa Mooraa Waraana Wayyaanee Fakkaata. Diddaan Barattoota Oromoo Ebla 19,2014 Itti Fufeen Barattooti Gaga’amaa Jiru.

OromiaALutaContinua2011FDGEbla 19/2014 FDG Goototni Qeerroon Barattootni Oromoo Yuunibarsiitii Jimmaa torbee tokko oliif gaggeessa jiiran daran jabaatee itti fufe.
Warraaqsii Fincila Diddaa Garbummaa (WFDG) guyyaa har’aa haalaan jabatee Mooraawwan Yuunibarsiitii Jimmaa Main Cumpas, Mooraa Agriculture fi mooraa saayinsii fi teekinooloojii keessaatti fincillii guddaan itti fufee oleera. Sagaleen mormii guddaan dhageesifamera, Waranaa poolisii federaalaa Wayyaanee Waliinis w alitti bu’insii guddaan Uummamee Mooraa Agriculture fi mooraa Saayinsii fi Teekinooloojii irraa Baratootni hedduun humna Waraanaa mooraa 44 (arba arattanya kifile xoorii) kan dhihaa Oromiyaaf ramadamee ta’uu humnaan Mooraa Yuunibarsiitii cabsanii galuun baratootaa konkolaataan Ukkamsaa jiru. Yuunibarsiitiin Jimmaa fi magaalaan Jimmaa dirree Waraanaa fakkaatee jiraachuu Qeerroon gabaasa.
Ammaan dura gaaffiin barattoota Oromoo Jimmaa bulchinsi Finfinnee mootummaa nannoo Oromiyaa jala galuu qaba, Magaalawaan Oromiyaa naannaawaa Finfinnee , bulchiinsa Finfinnee jala galuu hin qaban, kaayyoo mootummaan Oromiyaa gargar qoodee lafa uummata Oromoo gurguracha jiru hatattamaan dhaabbachuu qaba, kan jedhuu fi Oromummaa keenyaan manni maxxansaa ‘hinquu’ jedhamu nu arrabsuun maxxansii maqaa balleessii kun seeratti dhiyaachuu qabu, namoonni Oromummaan nu arrabsan seeratti dhiyaachuu qabu jechuun iyyannoo dhiyeeffatan, gaaffii deebii keenyaa hanga nuf hin deebinetti

GGO’n Oromiyaa Bakkoota Adda Addaa Keessatti Haalaan kabajame.

Gabaasa Ebla 15/2014 Guyyaan Gootota Oromoo(GGO) dhihaa Oromiyaa goodinota garaagaraa keessatti haala gammachiisa fi damaqinsaa qabsoof qaban mul’isuun sabboontotni Oromoo Maddheewwaan ABO garaagaraa irraa walitti dhufuun kabajatan. Akkuma Hoogansi Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo haala kabaja ayyaanichaa irratti ergaa fi dhaamsa karaa miseensota qeerroo uummataaf dabarsetti uummaanni haala baay’ee ajaa’ibsiisa ta’een guyyaa kana irraa qooda fudhachuun kabajatan. Godinota dhiha Oromiyaa kanneen akka:

Godina Jimmaa: Sabboontootni fi miseensotni Qeerroo dargaggootni Oromoo Yuunibarsiitii Jimma jalbultii Guyyaa gootota Oromoo ebla 11/2014 fi 12/2014 Warraaqsaa FDG gaggeessuun kaayyoo bilisummaa uummata keenyaa goototni ilmaan Oromoo lubbuu isaanii itti wareeguun asiin ga’an itti xummura haa goonu jechuun guyyaa gootota Oromoo kayyoo goototni Oromoo irratti waraeegaman finiinsuun kabajachuu eegalan. Goototni Sabboontotni Oromoo Yuunibarsiitii Jimmaa FDG eegalan itti fufuun, cinatti Ebla 15/2014 Guyyaa Gootota Oromoo sirna ho’aa ta’een kabajatan, Seenaa Gootota Oromoo ilaalchisuun Guyyaan Gootota Oromoo akkamittini fi eessatti isa jedhuu, eenyufatuu wareegameef, maaliif eenyuuf wareegaman isa jedhuu irratti ibsa gaggabaaba waliif kennuun haala ajaa’ibsiisa ta’een kabajatan. kana malees goototni baratootni Oromoo department garaagaraa irra barachaa jiran walitti dhufuun namotni 100 olitti lakka’aman bakkatokkotti walitti dhufuun haala qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo fi warraaqsaa FDG eegalanii jiran irratti marii bal’a gaggeeffachuun guyyaa seena qabeessa kana haala nama gammachiisuu fi onnachiisuun kabajataniru. Godinichuma keessatti sabboontotni hojjetootni Mootummaa, daldaltootni, dargaggootni, barsiisotni, fi dafqaan bultootni dhalotaan Oromoo ta’an gurmuun walitti dhufuun guyyaa seena qabeessa kana kabajataniru.

Godina Iluu Abbaa Booraa: Goototni Sabboontotni baratootni Oromoo Yuunibarsiitii Mattuu, kolleejjii Barsiisota Mattuu, Jiraattootni Magaalaa Mattuu, fi Sabboontotni Magaalaa Beddelleetti argaman namoota dhunfaa fi gurmuun maadheen ijaaramanii kanneen jiran walitti dhufuun guyyaa Gootota Oromoo haala walfakkaatuu fi akkam miidhagaa ta’en kabajataniru, Guyyaa Gootota Oromoo(GGO) sababeeffachuun haala qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo irratti marii guddaa gaggeeffachuun, gumaacha qabsoon isaan irra barbaaduu bahuuf waadaa isanii haaromsuun kabajatan.

Godina Lixa Shawaa: Sabboontotni Oromoo Godina Lixa shawaa gurmuuhawaasaa kanneen akka dargaggootaa, baratoota, hojjettootaa, fi bakka bu’oonnii qeerroo dargaggoota Oromoo fi bakka bu’oonnii madhee garagaraa irraa walitti dhufuun Magaalaa Amboo keessatti GGO haala midhagaa fi dadamaqinsaa qabsoo guddaa qabuun kabajataniru, Guyyaa gootota Oromoo kana sababeeffachiinis haala qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo irratti marii bal’aa gaggeeffachuun kabajatan, guyyaadhuma kana bakka bu’onni gurmuulee hawaasaa kunneen ilmaan oromoo lafa rakkinaa fi mana hidhaa wayyaanee garaagaraa keessatti dararamaa jiran ittin jajjabeessuuf kan oolu buusii maallaqaa walitti qabuun qarshii 700 kan walitti buufatan ta’uu bakka bu’onnii qeerroo godina lixa shawaa gabaasaniru,kana malees godinuma Lixa shawaa Aanota garaagaraa fi manneen barnoota sadarkaa 2ffaa fi 1ffaa garaagaraa keessatti GGO haala ho’aa ta’een kabajameera. keessattuu Aanota kanneen akka Midaa Qanyii, Geedoo, Xuqur Incinnii, Iluu Galaan, Baabbicha, Tokkee Kuttaayee, Jalduu, Gudar, Amboo, Giincii, Adaa’aa Bargaa, Gindabarat, fi Meettaa Roobii, kanneen jedhaman keessatti qonnaan bultootaa, Barattoota, Barsiisotaa, fi hojjetootaan akka kabajamaa ture maddeen keenya gabaasaniru.

Godina Kibbaa Lixaa Shawaa: GGO’n bifa adda ta’een sabboontota Oromoo maagaalaa Walisoo,fi Aanota Wancii, fi Sadan Sooddoon kabajamera. Sabboontotni Oromoo haaluma walfakkattuun walitti dhufuun Ebla 15/2014 bifa adda ta’een kabajachuun haala yeroo qabsoon Oromoo irra jiruu fi Oromiyaa irra jirtu irratti marii guddaa gochuun qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo fulduratti tarkaanfachiisuuf dandeetii keenyaa, beekumsa keenyaa fi waan qabnu hundaan qooda kan irraa fudhannu ta’a jechuun waadaa isaanii haaromsuun guyyaa kana kabajatanii oolaniru.

Walumaagalatti: Sabboontotni Qeerroon Baratootni Oromoo Dhabbilee barnoota Olaanoo fi Manneen barnootaa sadarkaa 2ffaa keessa jiran GGO haalan kannan kan kabajatan yoota’uu, keessattuu dhabbilee barnoota olaanoo Yuunibarsiitota akka Jimmaa, Amboo, Walisoo damee Amboo, Wallagga, Wallagga Damee Gimbii fi Shaambuu, Miizan Teeppii, Walqixxee, Finfinnee fi Kolleejjota Barsiitotaa kanneen akka Jimmaa, Neqemtee,Mattuu fi shaambuu keesatti illee GGO’n ilmaan Oromootiin haala aja’ibsisaa fi jajjabinaa fi dammaqinsa qabsoo argisiisuun haala howaa ta’een kabajachuun gabaasaan bakkota garaagara irra nu qaqqabee jiru ifa godhee jira.

Injifannoon U/Oromoof!.
Gadaan Gadaa Bilisummaati!
Ebla 17/2014


Leading Surgeon, Philanthropist and Author Dr. Gudata Sado Hinika Selected as Keynote Speaker for the 2014 Oromo Studies Association (OSA) Annual Conference

It is with great excitement that I announce to you, OSA members, supporters, and the Oromo, that Dr. Gudata Hinika has been selected as the Keynote Speaker for the 2014 Oromo Studies Association (OSA) Annual conference. He is an inspiration to many Oromo and African born immigrants in the Diaspora. His achievement is stellar! His commitment to empower the Oromo people and other peoples of Ethiopia is commendable.
The Annual Conference of the Oromo Studies Association will be held onAugust 2-3, 2014, in Washington D.C. Metro area. The Theme of the conference is “Gada & Oromo Democracy: Celebrating 40 Years of Research and Oromo Renaissance.” The Deadline for submission of articles and panels is May 21, 2014.
Please send articles and panel proposals to OSA President at Below is the full profile of the distinguished scholar, Surgeon Physician and Philanthropist Dr. Gudata Hinika. It is a great honor and privilege for me to introduce our keynote speaker.
Dr. Gudata S. Hinika was born in rural Oromia, Ethiopia, and was raised by his grandmother in the hinterlands of southern Oromia, in a village called Gode. As a child, he lived through the strife of starvation, drought and communist occupation. As a young physician, he had the distinction of serving as a chief surgical resident at King/Drew University Hospital in Los Angeles. Thanks to his rich academic experience and robust surgical residency training, his career has since blossomed. Since 2004, he has served as the Chief of Trauma, General and Critical Care Surgery at California Hospital, the busiest private trauma center in Los Angeles. Throughout his distinguished career, Dr. Hinika has dedicated his life to alleviating adverse health conditions in underserved communities. His commitment extends far beyond hospital walls – locally and globally.
Dr. Hinika’s concerns focus on introducing sustainable solutions to communities in need, both in the United States and in his native Oromia, Ethiopia. Seeing similar alarming disparities in health, wealth and education, Dr. Hinika has been delivering sustainable solutions in rural Ethiopia and South Los Angeles. Dr. Hinika started his work in the rural village of Gode, Ethiopia, in 1995 by funding college scholarships that enabled deserving high school students to pursue their college education, all expenses paid. This commitment evolved into the construction and development of elementary, middle, junior high schools, and most recently, the first high school in the area. Gode High school has been cited by the Ethiopian Ministry of Education as a model of public-private collaboration.
In 2007, Dr. Hinika founded Ethiopia Health Aid, a not-for-profit organization that is dedicated to providing access to care from rural villages, townships and cities in remote areas in Ethiopia. He currently leads the development of a Health Village composed of a hospital, medical school and satellite clinics in the rural township of Arsi Negele, to provide basic hospital care and education to a population of 1.2 million – that is currently bereft of resources. To bridge the continuum of healthcare access, Ethiopia Health Aid has also developed a unique Knowledge Exchange Program in collaboration with the prestigious Adama General Hospital and Medical College, a tertiary care facility midway between rural Ethiopia and the country’s capital city. This Knowledge Exchange Program sponsors medical professionals at all levels (physicians, nurses, technicians and administrators) to mentor and learn from each other through actual site visits (medical missions) and virtual communications (telemedicine and webinars).
In the US, Dr. Hinika worked for many years in the healthcare-challenged community of South Los Angeles. In 2008, he established Crenshaw Medical Center, a multi-specialty health facility that provides access to primary and specialty care to the underserved. He has been recognized for his outstanding community service by such national, state and community leaders as the former US Representative Diane Watson, County Supervisor Mark Ridley Thomas, City Councilman Bernard Parks. As the head of Trauma, General and Critical Care Surgery at California Hospital Medical Center, Dr. Hinika has been instrumental in establishing the hospital as a vital force in trauma care. In 2010, Dr. Hinika received the Treasure of Los Angeles award for his leadership in trauma care.
In 2011, under his exemplary leadership, California Hospital received its third consecutive rating of “Zero Deficiencies,” the highest quality rating awarded to trauma centers by the American College of Surgeons. With this remarkable achievement, California Hospital’s trauma center is now one of a select few in the nation to hold such a distinction. Dr. Hinika received his medical degree from Loma Linda University. He completed his General Surgery residency at Martin Luther King Hospital. He is Board Certified in his specialty and is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons. Dr. Hinika is a recognized speaker and educator, working with both the American College of Surgeons in the US, and the International College of Surgeons to promote advances in general and trauma surgery. He is also recognized for his work with Adama General Hospital and Medical College as well as the Ethiopian Medical Association.
The Charles R. Drew University Lifetime Achievement Awardee for 2011, Dr. Hinika is the recipient of the prestigious 2012 National Meritorious Award from the National Medical Association. He is also a recipient of the 2012 Distinguished Africans in America award from the American Medical and Education Services Foundation. In September 2012, the United Nations Association recognized Dr. Hinika’s work by presenting him with their highest honors, the Global Citizens Award. Dr. Hinika is the author ofHealer’s Light: Achieving the Impossible.
Ibrahim Amae Elemo, M.D, M.P.H
President, Oromo Studies Association
Senior Resident, Internal Medicine
Weiss Memorial Hospital

Kidnaping, jailing and killing will not stop the Oromo people from demanding their rights

Statement of the Oromian National academy (ONA) | April 20, 2014
As the Oromo people are increasingly opposing against the Abyssinians scramble to annex central Oromia into their business district known as Addis Ababa, the Oromo youth struggle to stop this process is also growing by every passing day. In the process, many Oromo artists are exposed to the Tigreans intelligence services abduction and torture.
Obsessed with becoming richer and richer, Ethiopia’s superpower tribe, the Tigre, once again turned it’s attention to land garbing activities and they are in the process of evicting the Oromo people from their lands. To make their robbery look legal and legitimate, the Tigre tribe leaders hold meetings and conferences at their parliament Halls and address their Trojan Horse, the OPDO. Few days after they were into the meeting, artist Jafar Yesuf released new song dedicated to land grab and human rights abuse in Ethiopia. Fearing that his new song will ignite opposition, the Tigre tribe kidnaped Artist Jafar Yesuf following it’s tradition of kidnaping and murdering.
It is clear that the Oromo people do not have the resources and means to expose the ruling tribe’s crimes. But truth being on the side of the Oromo people, we feel the need from time to time to restate the facts plainly, and trust that this will serve the cause of truth and justice. Hence, this statement addresses the fundamental question of the status of Oromia, the invalidity of the Tigre tribe claim to “ownership” of the Oromo land (Oromia), and the Oromo people’s right to self-determination and the negative effect of the Tigre tribe domination in Oromia.
It is very important to understand that the Oromo people’s situation has been insufficiently highlighted in the past, and understand it now in the context of much of what is happening in Oromia today.
Basically, the Tigre tribe sell of the Oromo lands reflects a profoundly colonialist nature of the Tigre rule in Oromia. This being the case however, the world tend to identify colonialism with European colonial expansion in the past two centuries. But colonialism in all its manifestations must be brought to an end, whether perpetrated by another black tribe from north of empire Ethiopia or from the north East.
The Abyssinians themselves view the Oromo people and Oromia in colonial terms: that is, not as a part of the Abyssinian proper, but as a non-Abyssian, culturally, linguistically and traditionally, while beliveing that they have the right to own and exploit the Oromo land on the basis of a relationship that they claim existed one hundred fifty years ago, or, at best, two hundred years ago. This attitude is evident from Tigreans eviction of the Oromo people from their lands and sell it to foreigners. Further more, the very notion of “ownership” of Oromia by the Tigre tribe is both colonialist and imperialist in nature.
Colonialism is characterized by a number of important elements, all of which are abundantly present in the Abyssinians cruel practices in Oromia. The most common characteristics of colonialism are:
  • Domination by an alien power
  • Acquisition of control through military force; unequal treaty
  • Frequent insistence that the colony is an integral part of the “mother” state
  • Maintenance of control through instruments of military or administrative and economic power in the hands of the colonial power
  • Active or passive rejection of alien domination by the colonized people
  • Suppression, by force if necessary, of persons opposing colonial rule
  • Chauvinism and discrimination
  • Imposition of alien cultural, social and ideological values claimed to be “civilizing”
  • Imposition of economic development programmes and the exploitation of natural resources of the colony, primarily for the benefit of the colonial power
  • Promotion of population transfer of citizens of the metropolitan state into the colony and other forms of demographic manipulation
  • Disregard for the natural environment of the colony
  • An obsessive desire to hold on to the colony despite the political and economic cost
All of these characteristics are reflected by the ruling alien tribe in a manner and style which only confirms the tribe’s colonialist and imperialist view of Oromia.
At the time of its invasion by troops of the Tigre People Liberation Front in 1991, the people of Oromia were fighting for their independence. The Tigre military which took over Oromia in 1991 constituted an aggression on a sovereign state and it’s continued occupation of Oromia with the help of several hundred thousand troops represents an ongoing violation of international law and of the fundamental rights of the Oromo people to independence.
The tribe continued to sell the Oromo lands claiming that it has a right to “ownership” of Oromia. It does not claim this right on the basis of similarity with the Oromo people but only based on its military conquest in 1991 and based on the Amhara tribe conquest of Oromia and alleged effective control over Oromia since 1882. Further, the Tigre government of Ethiopia does not base its claim to “ownership” of Oromia on any form of agreement between the Oromo people and the Abyssinians. However, their alleged legal claim is based on the invasion of Oromia by their ancestors and based on the master-slave relationships they’ve established since then.
In general, the Tigre tribe rely on the events that occurred after the height of the Abyssinians imperial expansion, when their emperor known as Minilik extended his political supremacy over Oromia and the southern people. Prior to the Abyssinians invasion of Oromia, the Oromo people exercised power and influence on their neighbors, including the Abyssinia. It would be hard to find any state in the world today that has not been subjected to foreign domination or influence at some era in its history. In Oromos case, the degree and length of the Abyssinians influence was quite limited to the times after 1882. Moreover, the relationship that the Oromo people have with the colonialist tribes from Abyssinian has been poor, insignificant and thus did not at any time imply a union or integration of Oromia with Abyssinia.
However confusing Oromia’s relatioship with the Abyssinians may be, its status at the time of the Abyssinians invasion must, of course, be judged on the basis of its position in modern history, especially its relationship with Tigre tribe invasion since 1991 when they overthrew the Amhara rule and became the masters over the Oromo people.
Rundassa Eshete,
Chairman, Oromian National Academy (ONA)