Saturday, May 31, 2014

Australia’s Oromo people rally in Canberra, Australia


Rally starts at Parliament Drive in Canberra on Monday 2nd June at 10am
australiaMore than 400 Oromo across Victoria, NSW, QLD, TAS, SA and WA will be gathering at Canberra’s Parliament house in a bid to expose the Ethiopian government’s recent human rights violations dubbed “Oromo Protests”. Since April 25, leaked photographs and videos show Ethiopian security forces shooting live ammunition at unarmed students in universities across Oromia. Reports of 85 students are confirmed as dead, 500 protestors wounded and over 5000 people detained in unknown camp locations as the Ethiopian government restriction of public media is in full force.
In response, more than 30 international cities including Washington, Oslo, Tel Aviv and London have staged mass peace protests, picking up interest globally and trending heavily on social media. US Congress members have also released legislature on May 9 to publicly condemn the violence perpetrated by the Ethiopian government against its people as well as publicly acknowledge and urge the Ethiopian government to respect human rights and democratic processes.
The government violence in Ethiopia continues to escalate in a bid to silence dissent for the proposed land grabbing in the capital city Finfinne (Addis Ababa). The “Master Plan expansion” seeks to dispossess Oromo farmers and displace 1.1 million hectares of land.
Ethiopia’s human rights abuses are well documented by human rights watch and US state departments and the current Oromo protests has renewed support to launch an international investigation to bring the responsible perpetrators to justice.
Federal Melbourne MP, Adam Bandt called for support of the Oromo people during Oromo protests held at Victoria’s State Parliament House.
On Monday, Australian Oromo communities will call on the Australian government to set an example by using its influence in the United Nations to put political, economic and diplomatic pressures upon the Ethiopian government to stop its continued attack on Oromo lives, their political organisations, educational establishments and the right to self-determination.
400 people from Australian Oromo communities Victoria, NSW, QLD, TAS, SA and WA will be gathering at Parliament Drive in Canberra on Monday 2ND June at 10am.
For information, please call Aliye (0422602204) Dereje (0432 639 074) or Yadata (0412 795 909

Leenjiso Horo: TPLF’s Master Plan for Mutilation of Oromiyaa Must Be Stopped Now

By Leenjiso Horo* | May 2014
Over a century ago, during the campaign for the conquest of Oromiyaa, the Abyssinian emperors mutilated the limbs of Oromo men, women and children.  Millions killed; hundreds of thousands sold into slavery; and remaining population lost their lands to the conqueror.  With the conquest, the Abyssinians made the Oromo socio-economic and political system illegal, and the feudal system was imposed on the Oromo people.  It was a socio-political system entrenched in hereditary privileges.  The core of feudalism was that, only the divinely anointed ruler held the “natural” right to own land, and only he/she could assign title to it.  Emperor Haile Selassie I was among such rulers.  He claimed his rule as a gift from the God.  To this effect, his full title reads as: “His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, King of Kings of Ethiopia and Elect of God, Emperor of Ethiopia.”  He and his predecessors were the “owners” of the lands of the conquered countries, such as Oromiyaa.  With this, millions of Oromo farmers were thrown off their land, and the land was assigned to the new settlers.
On the other hand, Emperor Haile Silassie’s successors, among whom TPLF regime is the one, claimed the right to the conquered land, and the right to rule not as a gift of God, but as a gift of gun.  Its legitimacy is based on gun.  Hence, it has been defending its need of evicting million of Oromo farmers from their land, grabbing of the lands and assigning them to the newly arriving setters, mutilating Oromiyaa, committing genocidal crimes on the Oromo people, and the legitimacy to rule the empire as a gift of gun.  Gun is TPLF regime’s God.  Ethiopian empire has seen many cruel, brutal and bloody regimes, but none of them was more barbaric, inhumane, savage, cruel and bloodthirsty regime than the fascist TPLF.
Ever since the conquest of Oromiyaa, successive Abyssinian colonial authorities systematically denied the Oromo people their own organization and leadership.  Today, under the TPLF predatory anti-Oromo hostile regime, the killings, the disappearances, the arrests and tortures of the Oromo intellectuals, journalists, politicians, artists, and students, and youth are the longstanding policy of the Abyssinian rulers.  Its goal is and has always been to deny the Oromo people any type of leadership.  Leadership is a symbol of a nation; a legitimate voice of its people; it speaks on behalf of its nation; it inspires, motivates, mobilizes, organizes and leads its nation; it protects and defends its people and the territorial integrity of its country; it works for the best interest of and for well-being of its nation and for its glory.  TPLF’s policy is to deny the Oromo people such a leadership.  Without leadership, a nation stagnates and gradually declines, disintegrates, and eventually dies as a nation.  It is to this end, TPLF has been steadily and consistently working towards denying the Oromo people the development of leadership.  To achieve this goal, since it arrived in Finfinnee twenty three years ago, it has been systematically murdering Oromo leaders.  The regime’s jailing and killings of Oromo leaders and students are part of this sinister plan.
The inception of the crises in the Oromo struggle commenced with the London “Peace” Conference of May 1991 in which the enemy’s army – the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) – was allowed to enter Oromiyaa.  This was followed by the disarming and encamping of the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) – the defense force of Oromiyaa.  This was a tragic mistake of historic proportion.  It was at this point the Oromo political leadership failed to exercise its role of leadership by lacking foresight, and consequently, it exposed its country, its people and itself to the mercy of the vicious fascist TPLF.  TPLF was able to swiftly take advantage of this condition and forced the whole leadership of all Oromo political organizations to leave Finfinnee.  Then, the final blow came to the struggle with the leaving of the leadership for exile – that was followed with the “Agenda for Peace.”  These conditions created moral, political, ideological, and organizational crises within the nationals.  The consequences of these have been splits, desertions, neutrality, confusion, and hopelessness.  With these, the Oromo struggle came to standstill, stagnated and weakened.  Some Oromo nationals, who were on the political borderline and those who were the instrument in creating these conditions, have now left the organization to join the Abyssinian political camps.
Now, it seems the organization is re-covering; nationalists are coming together.  Despite this, the leaderships of all Oromo political organizations are still in exile.  It must be understood that, with this style of leadership, it is impossible to defeat the enemy, and to put an end to colonialism.  This condition must be reversed and must be put to an end, immediately.  All the Oromo organizations – those for the independence of Oromiyaa – must unite into a single whole.  A unified central leadership of the liberation front must be immediately established.  The struggle must pass beyond the mere radio interviews and press releases to real and visible armed struggle on the ground.  This must be done sooner than later.  What the enemy is doing to Oromiyaa and the Oromo people do not afford us to wait.  The unified central Politico-Military leadership must be in the country.  Unless these are done, it is impossible to foil the enemy’s sinister scheme of dismembering Oromiyaa in the name of the “Addis Ababa Master Plan” and its genocide of the Oromo people.
Today, we are seeing history repeating itself. That is, the second wave of genocide of the Oromo people is underway.  Furthermore, Oromiyaa itself is also a target for mutilation.  Oromiyaa is losing its limbs to the new fascist Tigrayan colonial regime through mutilation.  The mutilation of Oromiyaa’s limb, i.e. Finfinnee, was accomplished in 2004 as the OPDO accepted it, allowed it and approved of it.  Today, a new project is on the making to cut off more limbs of Oromiyaa.  For this, the colonial regime has devised the “Addis Ababa Master Plan” for mutilation of more limbs of Oromiyaa, such as Ambo, Holeta, Sululta, Buraayu, Mojo, Bonsa, Galan, Lagatafo, Sandafa, Bishoftu, Dukem, Sebata, etc. from the body of Oromiyaa.  Hence, the “Addis Ababa Master Plan” is a euphemism for the uprooting of the Oromo population from these areas and populating them with non-Oromo.  It is an alien agenda set up by the alien rulers to evict Oromo.  Again, the OPDO is in compliance with this alien agenda.  This would be its kiss of death.  To achieve this, TPLF has resorted to trickery, bribery, deceits, extortion, intimidation, bulling and other means, such as using some Oromo mercenaries to promote its dominance, its capture of Oromiyaa and plundering of Oromo resources.  TPLF is an arch-enemy of the Oromo people, and hence, it has to be exterminated from Oromiyaa.  As Emperor Menelik II has been known as the mutilator of the breasts of Oromo women and girls so has the fascist Tigrayan regime of TPLF become to be known as the most vicious and barbaric killer of Oromo infants, children, and youth, and the mutilator of Oromiyaa.  It is a terrorist and a robber organization that encrusted itself with the name government.  It is time to drive out this enemy from Oromiyaa. For this, the Oromo people must rise up against it and fight it in unison, and bring an end to the TPLF colonial occupation of Oromiyaa and its genocide of the Oromo people.
The driving passion behind TPLF’s Master Plan of bringing these areas and towns under the administration of Addis Ababa is primarily for dismembering, or for splitting Oromiyaa into East and West.  Its first step is to evict Oromo from Central Oromiyaa – i.e. East Shawa, Southwest Shawa, and North Shawa, and populated these areas with non-Oromo nationals making Oromo a minority in these areas.  After having assured itself that the Oromo are a minority, the regime’s second plan is to give referendum to this area to decide whether it wants to be within Oromiyaa or become an autonomous state.  This was the method used by the United States in its Southwestward expansion from its first thirteen colonies. Certainly, a non-Oromo majority will choose to be an autonomous state.  This will make the end of Oromiyaa as we know it.  Therefore, this colonial scheme must be opposed, fought, and stopped.
We should never forget that TPLF came to Oromiyaa with a full license of OPDO in 1991.  With the help of OPDO, TPLF raped Oromiyaa; evicted millions of Oromo from their farmlands in the vicinity of Finfinnee, and brought Oromiyaa under the Tigrayan dominance.  With occupation, TPLF found Oromiyaa, a land of superlative fertility and blessing.  Then, it announced the proprietary right to Finfinne, and chased OPDO out of it.  OPDO accepted and left it for Adama.  With this, OPDO “legitimized” TPLF’s claim to Finfinnee.  Since then, in Finfinnee and in Oromiyaa, only what TPLF says and what it wants is implemented.  Hence, OPDO shamefully and wickedly allowed the fascist TPLF regime to trample over the right of the Oromo people.  Having accomplished this, TPLF turned to infiltrating Oromo political and social organizations in the Diaspora in the name of “investment.”  Many fell to this and rushed to Oromiyaa to grab the Oromo land from Oromo.
Finfinnee is the political capital of Oromiyaa.  It is the social, cultural, political, economic, educational, and historical center of the Oromo people.  It is the home of Odaa Nabee, the symbol of political power and cultural institutions of the Oromo people.  The name Finfinnee itself is our national identity asOromiyaa is.  Hence, Finfinnee’s soil, the Oromiyaa’s soil and Oromo soul are inextricably interlinked and interweaved, and so it is impossible to separate one from another.  For this, Finfinnee’s language must be Oromo language.  Furthermore, the Oromo land is a common land to the benefit of the entire Oromo nation – not for the profit or advantage of any special or private interest or multinational Corporations.  It is the sacred land of our birth.  It cannot be leased or bought or sold.  The attack on one is an attack on all.  Hence, the occupation of Finfinnee by alien forces should not be allowed, and its separation from body of Oromiyaa and removal of administration from the Oromo people means death to the Oromo body politic and to the Oromiyaa itself.  This must to be stopped by any means.
The Oromo struggle has counted nearly a century and half.  In this struggle, millions have sacrificed their lives, and many are still sacrificing.  In their sacrifices, the new independent sovereign State of Oromiyaa is in the process of re-birth.  In defense of Oromiyaa and its people, many brave men and women, living and dead, had fought and paid heavy sacrifice.  Still today, we have patriotic men and women of action, but we have to organize them in millions into armed militants.  In this struggle of ours, the expulsion of TPLF from Oromiyaa is the first requirement.  This cannot be done without a formidable fighting force.  We cannot achieve this by mere talks, slogans, and writing letters.  “An empty sack,” remarked Benjamin Franklin “cannot stand upright.”  This is to suggest that one cannot liberate one’s country by mere words alone – political sloganeering and political speeches at meeting and rallies.  Speeches and slogans, though important, in and by themselves, cannot be the sources of defeating the enemy.  We need to do more than talk.  In order to defeat the enemy, we must organize a superior fighting force of armed militant nationalists, a strong political organization, and a strong mass movement.  The enemy’s violence has to be met by the revolutionary national liberation armed struggle.  It is vitally important to undertake a well organized military action across the country.  It is important to force the enemy’s army to fight everywhere in Oromiyaa so as to make it physically exhausted and morally broken down until it losses the will to fight, and the economy of the empire cripples.  The Oromo organizations have to earn the name liberators by such actions, not by mere names.
The war for liberation must be fought by huge army of peasants, farmers, intellectuals, workers, and students.  Hence, every Oromo must be a soldier.  Such army has to be raised from among the population.  Without such an army, it is impossible to bring the enemy to its knees.  Without large army, it is impossible to take a complete control of the country, towns and cities and cut off access to roads and highways to the enemy.  We must take the advantage of our country – its vastness.  The number of Oromo freedom fighters must correspond to the size of our country and population to be defended.
It is time to learn from our past great military leaders, such as Roba Bultum and Leenjisoo Diigaa.  These military leaders had raised a fighting army of hundred thousand to a million against Menelik II’s campaign of conquest, from one region of Oromiyaa alone, according to historian Prof. Abbas Haji Gnamo.  Those fighters fought for seven years with spears and shields against the enemy that was armed by the European powers of the time with modern military weapons of destruction, trained and assisted by the European military advisors.  What are today’s Oromo leaderships missing?  The answers lie in the lack of unity – unity of purpose, of goal and objective of the struggle.  Today, forty-five million to fifty million Oromo people are united, willing, and ready to fight.  And yet, the leaderships are unable to organize themselves.  National Liberation struggle needs decisive leadership with a clear political goal to mobilize, organize and lead the nation.  It is time for the Oromo leadership to raise the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) qualitatively and quantitatively at least to a million fighting force.  Oromiyaa is a vast country, and the struggle needs a large army to cover its territory.  For this, first and foremost, the Oromo nationalists must unite and commit themselves unconditionally for the independence of Oromiyaa.
The Oromo nationalists must take decisive action.  It is time to go eye-for-an-eye.  If we fail to effectively respond immediately to this genocide of the Oromo people and mutilation of Oromiyaa, we are doing to ourselves and to our country an immense long-term damage.  And the time is long over due to take revolutionary action against those perpetrators, the architects and implementers of the Oromo genocide and the mutilation of Oromiyaa.  TPLF came to Oromiyaa with the sole purpose of killing Oromo men, women, and children; to eliminate Oromo leadership; to split Oromiyaa; to own it and to plunder its resources.  TPLF is a foreign organization; an alien in Oromiyaa.  It has no right to decide as to what Finfinnee looks like.  The purpose of the “Master Plan” is to drive the Oromo people in the vicinity of Finfinnee from their land.  TPLF is a regime that is not governed by the dictates of conscience and the principle of justice.  It is a violent and criminal regime.  It has been using violence to take our rights.  It has desperately resorted to force and violence to silence the Oromo school children who voiced opposition to its “Master Plan.”  Oromo youth in universities, in high schools, children in elementary schools, and residents in towns, cities, villages, and rural areas have been and are the constant victims of the Tigrayan barbaric, cruel and brutal attacks.  This fascist regime and its accomplice have now turned Oromyiaa universities, high schools, elementary schools, villages, towns and cities into killing fields.  Indeed, the fascist regime has now turned Oromiyaa into graveyards and rivers of blood of the Oromo people.  Now is an urgent time for us to unite against this fascist regime and fight it out.  We do not, and will not, condone the taking of our rights.  It is preposterous, an outright abuse and usurpation of the basic rights of the Oromo people.  We do not, and will not, condone the killings of Oromo children and youth, whom are the future of our nation.  We have to fight to stop it.  We have every right to fight it back on our land.  We have every right to liquidate the enemy from our country.  It is our right to use any means available to us to fight it, to liquidate it and bring its rule to an end on our soil, to defend our country and our home – Oromiyaa.  It is our inalienable right to defend and protect our people and our country.  To this end, we must unite and rise up to defend our people’s rights, our people’s dignity, our people’s honor, our country, and our people in a patriotic fight against the TPLF fascist regime and its Agazi fascist army.  This is a war of national liberation, the war of freedom, liberty and justice against the TPLF fascist regime.  We are a colonized people.  For this, we have an inalienable right to complete independence; we have an inalienable right to the exercise of our sovereignty; and we have an inalienable right to the integrity of our national territory.  Hence, let the rapid mobilization begin. It is time for Oromo nationalists and the Oromo people to rise up; to stand up and fight back; it is time to take an active action, including armed struggle and nonviolent/peaceful protests, against the fascist TPLF regime so as to stop its “Addis Ababa Master Plan” of splitting Oromiyaa.
Oromiyaa Shall Be Free!
Leenjiso Horo can be reached at

Friday, May 30, 2014

BBC condemns Ethiopian broadcast jamming

Liliane Landor, acting Director of the BBC World Service Group, 
has called on the Ethiopian authorities to stop jamming BBC 
broadcasts in the Middle East and North Africa.

She joined directors from Deutsche Welle, France 24, and the US Broadcasting Board of Directors which oversees the Voice of America, in condemning the flagrant violation of the clearly established international procedures on operating satellite equipment.
Liliane Landor said: “The BBC calls upon the Ethiopian authorities to end this interference. They are disrupting international news broadcasts for no apparent reason. This is a deliberate act of vandalism that tarnishes their reputation.”
During the past week, BBC television and radio broadcasts on the Arabsat satellites have been affected by intentional uplink interference. Many international television broadcasts, including those from France 24 and Deutsche Welle, have been badly affected.
The satellite operator Arabsat has reported that the interference has come from within Ethiopia. The interference is intensive and affects services on all three Arabsat satellites. Unlike previous instances of intentional interference, these events do not appear to be linked to any particular content or channel on these satellites.
The interference is contrary to the international regulations that govern the use of radio frequency transmissions and the operation of satellite systems, and inhibits the ability of individuals to freely access media according to Article 19 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights.


Egypt: FM holds talks with Ethiopian counterpart in Algeria

Foreign Minister Nabil Fahmy held talks with his Ethiopian counterpart Theodoros Adhanom on Wednesday evening on the sidelines of the ministerial meeting of the Non-Aligned countries in Algeria.
The meeting dealt with bilateral relations and the Renaissance Dam crisis, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Badr Abdel Aaty said in a press statement Thursday.
Fahmy stressed Egypt's welcoming position to negotiate at any time if there is goodwill and seriousness on Ethiopia's part, according to Abdel Aaty.
Fahmy hoped talks would make progress and help find solutions to disagreements without harming the interests of both countries.

Fahmy also held talks with Ugandan Foreign Minister on means to develop bilateral relations between Cairo and Kampala in politics, and the economic, investment and trade fields to serve both countries, said Abdel Aaty.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Ambo Protests: Spying the Spy?

Previous eye witness by Jen and Josh:  Ambo Protests – Personal Account
May 29, 2014 (Jen and Josh in Ethiopia) — After the protests and violence in Ambo, we fled to the capital city of Addis Ababa and stayed at a little hotel called Yilma. Immediately, we started telling everyone about what happened in Ambo. We called and texted our friends, we talked to anyone at the hotel that would listen, and we posted things on Facebook. If we tell everyone about the protesters in Ambo being imprisoned and killed, surely it will stop, we reasoned.
The next day, two strange men – one tall with dark skin, the other short with lighter skin – struck up a conversation with us in the hotel restaurant.
“We’re from Minnesota, here to visit our family in Wollega,” they said.
“Oh, we’re from St. Paul!” we replied, excited.
“Oh, we’re from St. Paul, too!” they said, pulling out a fake-looking Minnesota driver’s license.

The address said Worthington, not St. Paul.

“How long have you lived in St. Paul?’ we asked.
“Yes.” the tall man said, nervously.
“I mean…how long have you lived in St. Paul?” we said, slower.
“Just 2 weeks.”
“And you’re already back in Ethiopia. And you just drove through Ambo, past all the protests and the police, to visit your family in Wollega?” we asked, thinking about the single paved road that heads west through Ambo.
“Yes.” he replied.
“You must be very brave,” we said, thinking about how the road was closed due to the violence.
“Why?” he asked, baiting us with a stoic face.

We froze, afraid to speak further. At that moment, after 20 months in Ethiopia, we finally understood why so many people in Oromia are afraid of spies. When we first arrived in Ambo, people thought WE were C.I.A. spies, which we found amusing…spies who couldn’t even speak the language? If we had been spies, we certainly weren’t very good at our job. But now, the tables were turned.

The two men began following us around the hotel area, sitting next to us whenever possible, walking slowly past our table, then returning slowly past our table – sometimes up to 10 times per hour. A different man followed us to a restaurant about a mile from the hotel, then sat at the closest table to ours, rudely joining a young couple’s romantic dinner.

For the next three days, we stopped telling people about the protests and the imprisonments and the killings in Ambo. We were afraid that the two men would be listening. We were afraid that someone was monitoring our communications on the government-controlled cell phone service and the government-controlled internet. Were we just paranoid? Were we really being monitored? Maybe we had just integrated too much, to the point where we had become Oromo, afraid of government spies and afraid of speaking out and being put in jail. While being ferenji (foreigners) gave us some level of protection, thoughts of the Swedish journaliststhrown into an Ethiopian jail in 2011 lingered in the backs of our minds. The journalists “were only doing their jobs, and human rights group Amnesty International said the journalists had been prosecuted for doing legitimate work.” Did we seem just as suspicious to the government as those Swedish journalists? We didn’t want to find out.

Peace Corps gave all the volunteers strict instructions NOT to blog or post on Facebook about the protests or killings across Oromia. It is just too dangerous to say anything about the Ethiopian government, they pointed out.

That’s when we decided to leave Ethiopia. For us, staying in Ambo, not ruffling any feathers, was not an option. How could we go back and pretend that our neighbors, students, and and fellow residents didn’t die or didn’t end up in prison?

Yuuniversitii Haromayaa har’aa nyaata lagachuun mormii isaanii dhageessifataa oolan

Guyyaa Ayyaana Wayyaanee Caamsaa 20 jechuun kabajamu mormuun barattooti Oromoo Yuuniversitii Haromayaa har’aa nyaata lagachuun mormii isaanii dhageessifataa oolan. Haala kanaan galgala ammaa sa’aa muraasa dura humni loltuu Federaalaa mooraa Yuuniversitii Haromayaa seenuun barattoota Oromoo 10 bakka ciisicha isaanii irraa deemee funaanuun ukkaamsee mana hidhaa hin beekamnetti geessee jira. Haalli kun haalaan sukkanneessaa ta’ee jira.
Sabboonaa barataa Leencoo Fiixaa Hordofaa agriculture waggaa 3ffaa ,bakki dhaloota Godina Shawwaa kibba lixa Aanaa Daawo
Ararsaa Laggasaa kan inni baratu engenering waggaa 4ffaa,bakki dhaloota Godina kibba lixa shawaa aanaa Tolee
Jaarraa Margaa,kan inni baratu water engenering waggaa 4ffaa bakki dhaloota Godina shawwaa kibba lixaa Sabbata
Alsan Hassan bakki dhalootaa shawaa dhihaa Ambo,kan inni baratu electrical engenering wagga 2ffaa
Walabummaa Goshee kan inni baratu Economics waggaa 2ffa bakki dhalootaa godina shawaa lixaa Ambo,
Irranaa Kabbadaa kan inni baratu agricultural wagga 2ffaa bakki dhalootaa godina Shawaa lixaa Ambo
Sanyii Yaalii kan inni baratu economics waggaa 3ffaa bakki dhalootaa godina Shawaa lixaa AMBO
Biqila Toleeraa kan inni baratu veternari Medecine waggaa 6ffaa bakki dhaloota godina kibba lixa Shawaa AMBO
Raggaasaa kan inni baratu waggaa lammaaffaa water engenering bakki dhalootaa Godina Shawa lixati 10.maqaan nu hin geenye
Ammaaf maqaan hin baramne.
Barataa Fiixaa Hordofaa agriculture waggaa 3ffaa
Barataa Fiixaa Hordofaa
agriculture waggaa 3ffaa//
Updated News: [Ten Oromo Students Abducted From Haramaya University on May 27]
Ten Oromo students were abducted from Haramaya University by Ethiopian security forces on Tuesday, May 27, 2014. Their where abouts is unknown. Among the abductees are:
1. Lencho Fita Hordofa, 3rd year in the Department of Agriculture. He was born in the district of Dawo, South Shewa Zone of Oromia state
2. Ararsaa Lagasaa, 4th year student in the Department of Water Engineering. He was born and rised in the Tolee distrit of South Shewa Zone
3. Jaaraa Margaa, 4th year student in the Department of Water Engineering. He was born and raised in Sabata, South Shewa Zone
4. Alsan Hasan, 2nd year student in the Department of Electrical Engineering. He was born and raised in Ambo, West Shewa Zone
5. Walabummaa Goshee, 2nd year student in the Department of Economics. He was born and raised in Ambo, West Shewa Zone The names of the other five students are unknown at this time.

Wallagga, Anfilloo Gada Yettii Keessatti Gaaffiin Mirgaa(FDG) Ka’e Daran Hammaatee Waraanaa fi Qondaalota Wayyaanee Sodaa Keessa Buuse.

DiddaaGuyyaa har’aa Caamsaan 28/Ginbot 20 akka mootummaa Wayyaaneetti guyyaa kabajaa isaanii kan ture godina Qellem Aanaa Anfilloo irratti guyyaan kun dagatamee Wayyaanotii fi ergamtooti isaanii gara diddaa dhaamsutti bobbahaa oolan. Guyyoota muraasa dura aanaa Anfilloo ganda Yattii irratti ergamtooti Wayyaanee fi kanneen sirna EPRDF jalatti amanamaa ta’anii tajaajilan tuffii fi uummata Oromoo arrabsuu irraan kan ka’e uummanni ganda kanaa gara tarkaanfiitti seenee akka jiru gabaasuun keenya ni yaadatama.
Walitti bu’iinsi Oromoo fi ergamtoota Wayyaanee jidduu jiru daran  cimaa dhufuu irraan humni waraana Wayyaanees dachaadhaan halkanii guyyaa gara ganda kanaatti bobbahaa jira. Kaleessa jechuun Caamsaa 27,2014 Aangawoonni mootummaan Wayyaanee ayyaana Gibot ykn Caamsaa 20 fi sababaa uumata tasgabbeessuu jedhuun humnaan uumata walgahiitti yaasuu yaalan, Ummanni Oromoo hamma xiqqaa ta’e walgahii kana irratti argaman iyyuu dabballootaa fi aangawoota Wayyaanee akka biyyaa gadhiisanii fi biyyi Oromoo kan Oromoo ta’uu qabdi kanaafi barattootii fi uumanni Oromoo gaaffii mirgaa kan kaaseefii jechuun qaanyessuun walgahichi akka fashalu taasisan.
Haala kanaan uumata diddaa dhageessise battalumatti nama 16 hidhuun mana hidhaa magaalaa Anfilloo Muggii keessatti reebichaa fi dararaa ulfaataa akka irraan gahaa jiran beekamee jira.Kanneen keessaa:-
1.Kaasayee Tasfaayee-Qote Bulaa gandichaa
2.Taaddalaa Qana’aa -Qote Bulaa gandichaa
3.Gabayyoo-Qote Bulaa gandichaa
4.Wandimuu Asaffaa -Qote Bulaa gandichaa
5.Qannaa Tafsaayee-Barataa
6.Ebbaa Abboomaa-Qote Bulaa gandichaa
8.Obbo Goobanaa-Qote Bulaa gandichaa
Kanneen jedhamaniidha.Isaan kun namoota maqaan isaanii nu
dhaqqabeedha.Namootni kun waraqaa ABO ganda keessatti kan
maxxansu,uummata mootummaa irratti kanneen kakaasu sababaa jedhamuun dararaa haalaan ulfaataa ta’etu irraan gahamaa jira.
Gama biraan humni addaa uummata kana boodaan jira kan jedhuufis mootummaan Wayyaanee raafamaa jiru tikoonni isaa boqonnaa dhabanii halkanii guyyaa uummata nagaa keessa meeshaa lolaa guuranii yaa’u, waraanni konkolaataa hedduun guyyoota
lamaa asitti dhufee gandoota Anfilloo keessa qubataa jira,sochiin uummataa gandoota aanaa kanaa keessaa addatti kan ganda Yattii,Ashii fi Garjeeda irra jiru mufannaa guddaa mootummaan Wayyaanee irratti uumee jira.
Gama biraan Caamsaa 28,2014 barihuun Magaazina kuufama meeshaa waraanaa Wayyaanee kan ta’e weeraramee humna hin beekamneen qabeenyi waraana Wayyaanee fudhatame. Haala kanaan loltooti Wayyaanee Taammiruu fi Taaddalaa jedhaman kan Magaazina eegan tohannoo jala galuun dararaan guddaa irraan gahamaa akka jiru gabaasi naannicha irraa nu gahe addeessa.

Ethiopia holds editor-in-chief without charge

Elias Gebru is being held without charge. (Enku)
Elias Gebru is being held without charge. (Enku)
New York, May 28, 2014--The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns the detention of a journalist without charge since Monday and calls on Ethiopian authorities to release him immediately. An Ethiopian court on Tuesday extended by 14 days the pre-trial detention of Elias Gebru, according to news reports.
Ethiopia's federal police in the capital, Addis Ababa, summoned Elias, editor-in-chief of the independent news magazine Enku, for questioning in connection with a column published in his paper, according to news reports. The Awramba Times reported that the column discussed a monument recently erected outside the capital in honor of ethnic Oromos massacred in the 19th century by Emperor Menelik's forces. The monument has ignited divisions between some Oromos and supporters of the emperor's legacy.  
Local journalists said authorities were attempting to link the paper's publication to the deadly clashes between Oromo student protesters and security forces last month. Ethiopian authorities claimed eight protesters were killed in the violence, while news outlets and human rights groups cited witnesses as saying that security forces killed more than a dozen protesters.
At least 17 other journalists are in jail in Ethiopia in connection with their journalistic work, according to CPJ research. Only Eritrea holds more journalists behind bars in Africa, CPJ research shows.
"The detention without charge of Elias Gebru is the latest move by the Ethiopian government to tighten the noose on the country's independent press," said CPJ Africa Advocacy Coordinator Mohamed Keita. "We call on authorities to release Elias immediately and to stop arresting journalists as a means to quell information and debate."
Elias is being held at the Maekelawi detention center, according to local journalists.  
In 2008, thousands of copies of Enku magazine were seized by Ethiopian authorities in connection with the paper's independent coverage of the trial of a pop singer who had been critical of the government, according to news reports. The copies were later returned. 


Haala yeroo ammaa irratti hubannoo waldaa Hawaasa Oromoo magaalaa Wellington (New Zealand) fi waamicha Oromummaa

Waldaa Hawaasa Oromoo Wellington, New Zealand | Caamsaa 29, 2014
Nuti Oromoonni biyya New Zealand magaalaa Wellington jiraannu biyyaa fi mirga umamaa sarbamuu ummata keenyaa irraa kan ka’e dararaan motummaa abbaa irree Ethiopia ummata keenya irraan gahaa jiru hedduu nu dhukkubsa. Keessattu dhiheenya kana maqaa ‘Integrated Addis Ababa master plan’ jedhun Lafaa fi Magaaloti Godinaa addaa Oromiyaa jala jiran magaalaa ‘Addis Ababa’ ykn Finfinnee jala galchuuf motummaan abbaa irree kun karoora karoorfate mormuun hiriira nagaa barattoonni guutuu Oromiyaa keessaatti bahaniin ajjechaan, reebichi fi hidhaan barattootaa fi ummata Keenya irratti raawwatee fi raawwachaa jiru hedduu nu laaleessa. Haa ta’uti Barattoonni fi Ummaatni Keenya kabajamuu mirga abbaa biyyummaa keenyaaf jeettanii gotummaan motummaa abbaa irree dura dhaabbachuun keessan hedduu nu boonse.
Akkasumas maqaa ‘Integrated Addis Ababa master plan’ jedhamu kanaan Oromiyaa iddoo lamattti muruuf karoorri motummaa abbaa irree kanaan hujii irra oolfamuuf deemu hedduu nu yaaddeesse. Sababaan isaas jireenya biyya Oromoo Oromiyaa fi Oromummaa dhabamsiisuuf waan fuulleeffateefi. Walumaagalatti maqaa ‘Integrated Addis Ababa master plan’ jedhamu kanaan wareega qaaliidhaan adeemsa Bilisummaa fi Walabummaaf godhamaa Jiru keessatti mirgoota haga ammaa arganne haquuf kan aggaamame ta’un isaa hedduu nu yaaddeessa.
Sagantaa motummaa abbaa irree kana irratti mormii qaban hiriira nagaa bahun sagalee isaanii waan dhageessisaniif qofa ajjeechaa, reebinsaa fi hidhaa barattotaa fi ummata keenya irratti raawwatme nutis biyya jirrutti hiriira nagaa bahuun sagalee mormii dhageessifanneerra. Lubbuu Lammii keenyaa harka motummaa Abbaa irreetti dabree fi Lammii keenya motummaa kanaan dararaan irra gahaa jiru walitti qabamuun gaddaan yaadanneerra. Miidhaa Oromiyaa keessatti Lammii Keenya irra gahaa jiruu haga tokko yeroofis ta’u hadhaadhiyyuuf haga humna keenyaa maallaqa walitti qabaa jirra. Haa ta’uti biyya dhablummaa, bara braan ajjeechaa fi dararaa motummaa abbaa irree kanaan nurra gahu furmaata maayyii itti gochuuf maaltu mala isa jedhu yeroo lama walitti deebine mari’anne. Marii keenya kana booda murtiilee irra geenyee fi waamicha Lammii keenyaaf qabnu akka itti’aanutti dhiheessina;
A) Ummatni keenya Bilisummaa isaa gonfatee Oromiyaa Walaboomte keessa jiraachuuf qabsoo karaa Nagaa, qabsoo hidhannoo, fi qabsoo biyyoota alaatti godhamu waliin qindeessun gaggeessun murteessaa ta’uu hubanne. Keessattuu Oromiyaa keessatti qabsoon hidhannoo gaggeeffamu qindomina haaraan jabaatee utubamuun hedduu murteessaa ta’uu Isaa hubanne. Haluma kanaan qabsoo kallattii sadeenin karaa Nagaa, Hidhannoo fi biyyoota alaatti gaggeeffamu irraa qooda fudhachuuf murteeffanne,
B) Qabsoo kallattii sadeen olitti tuqneen gaggeessuuf dinagdeen qooda guddaa akka qabu hubanne. Haaluma kanaan buusii dhaabbataa gaaddisa Jaarmayaa Hawaasaa qabnu jalatti bufachuuf murteeffanne,
C) Nuti Oromoonni Oromiyaa ala jirru Beekkumsa, Sagalee fi Dinagdee qabnu waaltaa tokkko jalatti yoo qindeeffanne irra bu’a qabeessa ta’u isaa hubanne. Haaluma kanaan sadarkaa duraatti Oromoon biyya dhablummaa fi gidiraan Oromiyaa keessatti Lammii Keenya irra gahaa jiru kan isinitti dhagahamu hundi naannoo jirtanitti akka ijaaramtan kabjaa Oromummaatin waamicha isiniif dhiheessina. Itti aansunis Jaarmotin Hawaasaa Oromiyaa ala jiran hundi agobara tokko jalatti walitti dhufnee akka ijaaramnu waamicha Oromummaa insiniif dhiheessina. Isa kana milkeessuf carraaqqin Oromoo hundaa murteessaa ta’uyyu keessattu akkuma falmaa Oromiyaa keessatti gaggeeffamaa jiru adda durummaan abdii Keenya kan ta’an Qeerron gaggeessaa jiran Qeerron Oromiyaa ala jirtanis adda durummaan gaggeessun dirqama seenaan isin irra kaahe ta’uu hubattani dirqama kana akka baatan kabajaa Oromummaatin waamicha isiniif goona,
D) Dhaabbileen Oromoo maqaa Oromootin dhaabbattani jirttan hundi garaagarummaa isin giddu jiru dhiphisuudhaan rakkoo yeroo ammaa  Uummanni Oromoo keessa jiru fi fuldureen Oromummaa fi Oromiyaa balaa jala jiraachuu Hubattanii Oromummaa fi Oromiyaa Walaba taate ijaaruu irratti akka waliin dhaabbattan kabajaa Oromummaatiin isin gaafanna,
E) Waggaa tokko dura ABO- Shanee Gumii fi ABO – Qaama Cehumsaa adda fotoqquu isaanitiif sababaalee ta’an furmaata itti gochun walitti deebi’anii ABO tokkicha waliin ijaaruuf waliigalle jedhanii labsuun ni yaadatama. Labsiin kun qabsoo laaffate deebisee jabeessa abdii jedhuun Oromoota gammadan keessaa nutis tokko. Haa ta’uti waliigalteen kun yeroo gabaabaa keessatti xumurama jedhamee hogganoota gara lameeninu irra deddeebi’ame ibsamus haga ammaa xumura otoo hinargatiin jira. Haalli  kun dararaa ummata keenya irra gahaa jiruu fi tattaaffii diinni Oromummaa fi Oromiyaa dhabamsiisuf godhaa jiru waliin yeroo madaallu hedduu nu gaddisiisas nu yaaddessas. Kanuma irraa ka’un hogganni gara lameenuu akkuma ibsa keessan duraa keessatti waadaa sentanitti hatattamaan mooraa ABO iddoo tokkotti akka deebiftan kabajaa Oromummaatin isin gaafanna. Akkasumas hoggana bara dheeraaf qabsoo kana keessatti qooda fudhachaa turtaniif jaalalli fi kabajaan isiniif qabnu ol’aanaa ta’us qabsoo Bilisummaa fi Walabummaaf goonu qindomina haarawaan gaggeessun keessattu qabsoo hidhannoo jabeessun hedduu murteessaa akka ta’e isinis akka hubattan ni amanna. Kanaaf akkuma gaafa dargaggummaa keessanii qabsoon isin kaadhimmatte har’as qabsoon hidhannoo hoggana Dargaggummaa qabu humna haarawaan utubamuu feesisa. Isinis  kana hubattanii ba’aa hogganummaa yeroo dheeraaf ofirratti baadhattan Dargaggotti akka dabarsitan kabajaa Oromummaatin isin gaaffanna. Nuti karaa keenyaan qabsoo karaa hidhannootin godhamu daran jabeessuu irratti tattaaffii godhamuuf qooda nurraa eeggamu gumaachuuf qophii ta’uu keenya ibsaa Lammiin keenya marti milkaayina kanaaf akka waliin dhaabbannu kabajaa Oromummaatiin waamicha isiniif gonna,
F) Oromoonni bulchiinsa Oromiyaa keessatti sadarkaa adda addaattti tajaajila kennaa jirtan, miseensoonni fi hogganoonni OPDO, miseensonni Humna Polisa Oromiyaa fi miseensonni waraana  biyyaa  kanneen murannoodhaan dorsisa, hujii irraa ari’amun, hidhamuuni fi ajjeechaan gara jabiinaa Halagaa biyya keenya qabatee jirun nurra gahuu mala jettanii otoo hinsodaanne of kenniinsaan  karaa adda addaatiin Sabaa fi Biyya keessaniif dhaabbattan kabajaa Oromummaa isiniif qabna. Akkasumas warri isinitti fakkaatee yokan dantaa yerootiif jettanii diina Ummata keessanitti rorrisaa, qabeenya biyya keessanii saamaa, Oromummaa fi Oromiyaa balleessuf hojjataa Jiru wajjin dhaabbattan haa turuu haa dafuu Halagaan har’a waliin dhaabbattan qabsoo Sabni keessan tokkummaan godhuun akka buqqa’u hubattanii yeroon isin Ummata keessan wajjiin dhaabbattani mirga abbaa biyyummaa Oromoo deebisuuf falmattan amma Jenna. Asirratti makmaaksa Oromoo kan Qotiyyoolee sadeen Adii, Diimaa fi Gurraachaa isin yaadachiisuu feena. Bineensi Qotiyyoo Adii dura nyaate Diimaa ittiaansee Gurraachas hinhambisne. Humna Qotiyyoolee sanii bittinneesse dabareen nyaachuuf tokkoo isaaniitti waan firoome haa fakkaatu malee Bineensaaf sadeenuu Foonuma nyaatamu qabani. Alagaan har’a biyya Keenya harkaa qabus Oromoo hunda ija tokkoon akka ilaalu hubadhaa. Dabareedhaan nu nyachuuf yoo ta’e Male Oromoo kamiifu mararfannoo akka hinqabne hubadhaa. Kanaafuu kabajaa umamaan qabnu gonfanne biyya keenya irratti nagaa fi qananiin jiraachuuf nutis akka Oromootti waliin dhaabbannee akka falmannu kabjaa Oromummaatin waamicha keenya isiniif dhiheessina.
Tokkummaan qabsoofnee mirga sarbamne ni deeffanna !!!
Waldaa Hawaasa Oromoo
Wellington, New Zealand

Kenya: 29 Ethopians Arrested in Murang'a

Police in Murang’a south have arrested 29 middle aged men suspected to be of Ethiopia origin at Kabiti along Makuyu-Sagana highway in Murang'a County.
According to Murang'a South Deputy County Commissioner Geoffrey Kigochi police got a tip-off from the members of the public that two cars make Pro box were exchanging passengers at Kambiti. He said police were dispatched to the scene where they managed to apprehend the 14 suspects and the drivers of the cars. The Commissioner said that one hour later police again discovered that another 15 aliens of the same origin had been arrested after they found locked in a house at Kabiti in the same area.
The administrator said the aliens did not have legal documents and that they were traveling in sections that is from Isiolo-Kabiti, Kabiti-Thika and later Thika –Ruiru-Nairobi. The aliens are now been grilled by Makuyu police to assist in investigations. One of the youth who managed to speak in poor English language said they were coming to Kenya to search jobs. The two drivers were from Murang'a and Meru Counties. The commissioner said the suspects were due in court soon.


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Waaqeffannaa Association Condemns Human Rights Violations in Oromia

(Melbourne, Victoria, 27 May 2014) – The Waaqeffannaa Association in Victoria Australia
(WAVA), a non-profit religious organization incorporated under the Associations Incorporation
Reform Act 2012 in Victoria, condemns the killing, torturing, and arresting of students in
Oromia. As religious organisation, we affirm that life is sacred.
The situation in Oromia has been very disconcerting. The vast ongoing human rights violation by
the government has urged the Waaqeffannaa Association in Victoria Australia (WAVA) to speak
and condemn the ongoing onslaught on peaceful Oromo protestors. The level of instability in
Oromia has never been more apparent than ever before.

Oromo students have been peacefully protesting against a land policy where the government
intends to implement. Largely, the protests took place in universities and various schools in
towns such as Robe, Bule Hora, Haromaya, Dire Dhawa, Ambo, Jimma, Naqamte and so on.
According to BBC, in Ambo, 125km (80 miles) west of Finfinne, eye witnesses reported at least
47 students were killed by security forces during the days preceding May 2, 2014.

Instead of addressing the issue peacefully the government security forces used live ammunition at
unarmed protestors killing and leaving several hundred causalities in various universities,
colleges and schools of Oromia. However, the killing of defenceless civilians by live ammunition
for no other reason than exercising of their Waaqaa given right is inhuman, unconstitutional and
unacceptable at any international standard. Killing of civilians just for participating in a peaceful
rally is a violation of human rights and a crime against humanity.

According to human rights watch the Ethiopian government is, “showing increasing intolerance
of any criticism of the government and further restrictions on the rights to freedom of expression
and association.” Hundreds of students and perhaps in the thousands now have been so far
imprisoned and expelled in relations with the protests.

The regime has been systematically implementing an ethnic cleansing and marginalisation policy
in Oromia. The land policy is a façade to extend its systematic implementation of confiscating
land from poor Oromo villagers around cities, especially around Finfinne. The regime also
systematically incites violence between ethnic groups to create mistrust and hate among them.
This agenda disguised as policy is eroding the communal relationship and harmony that has
existed for centuries.

The Oromo students, as any other group of students, have the right to peacefully protest and be
herd, Oromos have the right to live where they wish, and Journalists and bloggers have the right
to free speech without any form of repression and intimidation. As a religious organisation based
in democratic country, we support and believe in these basic human rights ideals. Preserving and
promoting Waaqeffannaa’s religion is only possible when the rights of the people are respected.
Thus, WAVA decries the cruel act of violence that ended the life of more than 200 Oromo
students and condemns the government for its heinous crimes.
Waaqaa knows best!

Waaqeffannaa Association in Victoria Australia


Submission from the HRLHA 26th Regular Session of the Human Rights Council (10 – 27 June 2014)

HRLHA FineMay 27, 2014
Submission from the HRLHA 26th Regular Session of the Human Rights Council (10 – 27 June 2014)

Item 3:Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development

(Country- Ethiopia)
HRLHA is a non-political organization which attempts to challenge human rights abuses suffered by the peoples of various nations and nationalities in the Horn of Africa. HRLHA is aimed at defending fundamental human rights including freedoms of thought, expression, movement and organization. It is also aimed at raising the awareness of individuals about their own basic human rights and that of others. It focuses on the observances as well as the due processes of law. It promotes the growth and development of free and vigorous civil societies.
Executive Summary
This report covers mainly the gross human right violations in Ethiopia that have happened in the past twenty- three years in general, and the current human rights crisis in the Regional State of Oromia in Ethiopia in particular.
The EPRDF/TPLF Government has committed gross human rights violations against the people of Ethiopia since it came to power in 1991 after toppling the dictatorial Dergue regime,   contrary to the constitution of Ethiopia (1995) and international human rights treaties it has signed and rectified. It has continued to suppress the freedom expression, political and civil rights and, as a result, has sent dozen of journalists, bloggers, and hundreds of leaders and members of opposition political parties to jail. In violations of the right to protest and demonstrations, peaceful demonstrators have been shot at and killed, kidnapped and disappeared; hundreds have been arrested in mass and detained. A good case in point is the most recent very violent attack against unarmed and peaceful protestors of Oromo students of universities, colleges, and high schools in the regional state of Oromia.
The information in this report is mainly based on HRLHA’s reports on human rights violations in Ethiopia as well as reports from other sources such as various international human rights organizations and civil society groups, and the US State Department annual country report of 2013.
Violations of Fundamental Rights
The current EPRDF government claims that the basic and fundamental rights of the citizens are respected in Ethiopia, and that the country is heading towards democracy. However, on the contrary, the basic  and fundamental rights  of citizens   enshrined in  the Ethiopian Constitution of 1995, under Chapter three  (fundamental rights and freedoms,  articles 13-28 and democratic rights ,articles 29-44)[1]  which  guarantees civil liberty  and  life in peace and harmony has been extremely violated.  In the above articles are included individuals and common rights, such as equality before the law, freedom of speech and expression, freedom of association and peaceful assembly, freedom to practice religion. All are highlighted on paper only for the political consumption. In other words they are used as a cover-up for the gross violations of human rights..
Democratic Rights
After the first global expression of rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to which all human beings are inherently entitled, has been adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948. The international, regional  and national  documents were created to enforce  the promotion of the rights enshrined in the declaration.  Peaceful assembly (Article 20(1)) in the UDHR, while often characterized by marches, rallies and mass demonstration, which obviously involves the presence of a number of individuals in the public places, has been echoed in international law, regional standards, and national constitutions throughout the world.
It becomes customary that in different parts of the world people are expressing their grievances/ dissatisfactions and complaints against their governments by peaceful demonstrations and assemblies.  When such nonviolent and peaceful civil rallies are taking, place it should always be the state’s responsibility to respect and guard their citizens’ freedom of peaceful assembly and demonstration. These responsibilities also should apply even during times of political protest, when a state’s power is questioned, challenged, or perhaps undermined by assemblies of citizens practicing in nonviolent resistance.
The 1995 Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, articles 29 and 30 also grant these democratic rights to the Ethiopian citizens without distinction[2].  The Right of Thought, Opinion and Expression, The Right of Assembly, Demonstration and Petition are the rights of Ethiopian citizens through which they can express their opinions and dissatisfactions with the performances and activities of their government
However, in the past two decades the current Ethiopian government proved that peaceful assemblies and demonstrations, expression of thoughts are not tolerated. Since the current government came to power in 1991, thousands of citizens who held political agenda different from the ruling party’s were systematically jailed, abducted or killed. Those who criticized the government of Ethiopia including journalists, bloggers, universities and high school students and teachers who took to streets to demand their rights peacefully were beaten, arrested and detained or killed. The Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa has been reporting in different ways on the systematic human rights violations by the Ethiopian government and its security agents against peaceful demonstrators. These include the recent case of Oromo students from different universities and colleges. The Oromo students were discriminately targeted particularly in the past six years[3].  The current political crises in Oromia regional state of Ethiopia is the continuation of the above facts.  Peaceful protests against the so called the Master plan of  Addis Ababa, which is likely to cause the estimated eviction of around 6 million Oromo  peasants around the area and planed to be sold to the wealthy non-Oromos, should not be considered as  a criminal activity. Instead it should be tolerated and be considered as one of the ways that the citizens can express their thoughts and concerns on the development plan of the government in which they were not consulted and did not give their consent.
The Addis Ababa Expansion-related protests quickly spread around universities, colleges and high schools all over Oromia. And in response, contrary to the provisions in the constitution of the land and international basic and fundamental rights of the citizens, the Ethiopian government launched a brutal crackdown against peacefully demonstrating Oromo students in order to freeze the peaceful demand of the protestors. As a result of this brutal crackdown by special squads, more than 36 students were killed, hundreds wounded and thousands of others arrested and thrown into detentions. The protest against the expansion of Addis Ababa was not limited to students only, but also involved city dwellers, farmers and workers in Oromia. The most affected area was the Ambo Town and its surroundings where 16 University and high school students were killed, including the eight (8) year old boy.
The Ethiopian Government’s atrocities that targeted  the Oromo nation during the nationwide protest from April 24 to May 24, 2014 have been condemned by worldwide human rights organizations, public media, and other civic organizations..
The Human Rights Watch[4], Amnesty International[5], Oromia Suport Group[6], Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa[7], The guardian[8], BBC[9] , CNN[10] and  The Create Trust[11]   are among the organizations which  condemn and reported  the crime against humanity taken against the Oromo nation by Ethiopian armed force.
The Ethiopian Government has repeatedly implemented various excessive forces to dissolve peaceful protests in violations of international treaties it has signed and ratified. The responses to legal, constitutional and peaceful protests should not include actions that violate human rights, such as arbitrary arrests and detentions, even guns or other violence.  HRLH believes many atrocities, that were not reported on due to the tight controls, restrictions, and censorships on all local and international media, are taking place. The Ethiopian Government does not have any justification for the illegality of the protests for taking such brutal action against peaceful and unarmed students and other protestors.   An illegal protest may happen if the protest becomes violent or is in violation of the state’s laws of public order and civility.
Even if some peaceful protests include deliberate acts of civil disobedience, in which case it is permissible for states to make individual arrests of law offenders. However, as recognized by an HRC panel discussion on the matter (A/HRC 19/40)[12], the increasing use of criminal law against protest participants may ultimately contradict the states’ responsibility to uphold the right to peaceful assembly.  In this situation the Ethiopian Government clearly violated the right to legal peaceful protest.
  1. The Ethiopian Government first of all must respect and implement the rights of citizens enshrined in the constitution of the country (1995) and enforce the Ethiopian penal code of 2004
  2. Ethiopia must avoid an excessive force in response to Oromo protests
  3. The Ethiopian Government must abide by all international human rights instruments to which the country is a signatory
  4. The Ethiopian Government must allow a fully independent, civilian-led investigation into the death of Oromo students and civilians including gross human rights violation in Oromia.
  •  Address:-  994 Pharmacy Avenue,   M1R 2G7  Scarborough  Ontario, Canada
  • Tel:-  (416) 492 2506 or (647) 280 7062,  E-Mail:-
  • Web site;-
[6] Press Release from the Oromia Support Group (OSG) on the Oromo demonstrators arrested, beaten and shot dead by the Ethiopian Agazi Security Forces, 7 May 2014,
[7] Ethiopia: Ambo under Siege, Daily Activities Paralyzed HRLHA Urgent Action, 13 May, 2014
-ETHIOPIA: Region-Wide, Heavy-Handed Crackdown on Peaceful Protesters HRLHA Urgent Action, May 01, 2014
-Ethiopia: Worrisome Situations in Detention Centres HRLHA – Urgent Action, May 24, 2014
[8] Ethiopia crackdown on student protests taints higher education success,
[9]Ethiopia protest: Ambo students killed in Oromia state,
[10] Ethiopian Security Forces Open Fire on Students,
[11] When Enough is Enough: Rise up People of Ethiopia, May 23, 2014
[12] Summary of the Human Rights Council panel discussion on the promotion and protection of human rights in the context  of peaceful protests prepared by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights