Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Oromo Mini Documentary from Oromo activist.

Wallagga Qeellam Keessatti Guyyaan FDG Sadaaasi 9,2013‏ Kabajame

Sadaasa 13,2013 D.Doolloo

Yaadannoo Sadaasa 9 FDG yeroo 8ffaa oromiyaa keessatti kabajamaa ture ammas haalota ho’aadhaan bakka adda addaa irratti kabajamaa turuu isaa gabaasota Qeerroo adda addaa irraa kan nu gahaa jiruudha.

Madda gabaasaa Qeerroo Qellem Wallaggaa irraa addeessuun Magaalaa Dimbi Doolloi fi aanaalee godinoota kanneen jalatti argaman ifatti aanaa Anfiilloo,Qeebbee, Daallee Waabaraa,Sayyoo,fi mana barumsa Qellem,Beezii fi Oliiqaa Dingil keessatti haala ho’aadhaan kabajamee akka oole gabaasaan isaa addeessa. Guyyaa kabajaa kana irratti wareegamtootaa qabsoo bilisummaa oromoof lubbuu isaanii dabarsan yaadannoo guddaa gochuudhaan barruulee uummata oromoos yaadachiisuu fi suurawwan adda addaa kaasuudhaan wal yaadachiisuuun kabajanii oolaniiru,dabalataan ammoo huyyaa kana hojiin addaan bakkoota kanneen irratti dalagamanii jiran uummata oromoof waamichi qabsoo tahee jira, mirga ofii falmachuun nama hin yakkisiisu,dhugaadhaafis miidhamuun boruu lammii ofii biratti galata guddaa argachuutu jira jechuudhaan barruu adda addaa raabsanii jiru. Akkasuma abbootii qabeenyaa Oromoo godina kana keessa jiraniif waamichi qabsoo oromoo addaan tahe ejira,gumaatni garagaraa maatiwwan dhuunfaa irraa qabsoo oromoof kan tahee jiruudha,kunis gumaacha qarshii,tajaajila tolaa kan akka geejjibaaf malu konkolaataan Qeerro qabsoo irra jiruuf baasii horii tokko malee yoomiyyuu bakkaa bakkatti sochoosuu dirqama lammuummaa ni baana jedhuun waadaa yeroo seenaniidha,
Guyyaama kana sadaada 9 sababeessuudhaan qooda shamarraniii qabsoo irratti gahee ofii bahuu irratti harmootin sabboonummaa qabanii fi shamarran Oromoo magaalaa Dambi Doolloo Hoteela Abbunash keessatti wal gahuudhaan sa’a gabaabaaf ibsa ejjennoo baafatanii jiru.
-Nuti sharamarran oromoo godina Qellem magaalaa Dambi Doollo keessa jiraannu bilisummaa saba keenyaa fi walabummaa biyya keenyaaf wareegama barbaachisu gochuuf boodatti hin jennu,
-Qabsoo Bilisummaa Oromoo gumaacha tahu deggersa qabsoof waan qabnu irraa baatii baatiidhaan buusi qabnuun ni dhaabbanna.
-Miidhaa uummata keenyaa ilaallee yoomiyyuu hin callisnu hanga mootummaa abbaa hirree mootummaa wayyaanee hiddaan buqqisnutti tokkummaan hiriiruu keenya waadaa seenerra.
-Afaan,Adaa fi Seenaa saba bal’aa saba oromoo babal’isuuf waan barbachisu hunda ni baafna,ni bal’ifanna,jennee murtoo keenyas dabarsina.
Jedhuun maadhee Guddattuu jedhu jalatti of ijaaruudhaan shamarran magaalaa Dambi Doolloo sadaasa 9 kabajuudhaan sodaa fi shakkii tokko malee qabsootti hiriiruu isaanii waliin Gabaasaan Qeerroo G/Qellem addeessa. Waraabbii qabnu akka kuusatti kan of biratti qabnu irraa kan hafe ykn kuusaa CD fi filashiitin kan dhaamnu irraa kan hafe toora interneetaa maagaal kana keessatti waan hin qabneef nu hoofkalchaa dhaammanna jedhu.

Lubbuun Biyyatti Galuu Qofa Feena

Jaallannee Gammadaa

Sadaasa 13, 2013, WASHINGTON, DC (VOA Afaan Oromoo) — Hokkarri Saa’udii Arabiyaa keessatti lammiwwan biyya alaa irratti qiyyaafate hammaachuu isaa irraan kan ka’e biyya ofiitti deebi’uuf carraaqaa kan jiran ta’uus hatattamaan kan milka’uu hin taane jedhu kanneen yaaddoo guddaa keessatti kufanii jiran.
Feedhiin galmaa’aatii biyya irraa dhuftaniitti isin deebifana jechuun eega nu galmeessanii booda lafa guyyaa ho’isaa nama gubuu halkan qorri isaa nama kotteessutti geessanii nu gatan jedhu kanneen raadiyoon sagalee Amerikaa haasoofsisee.
Humnaan gudeeddii hamaa dubartootaa fi shamarran irratti rawwatame dheessuun kanneen biyya ofiitti deebi’uuf harka kennataniis du’aa fi jireenya gidduu jirra jedhu.
Dubartoonni ulfaa kanneen da’anii baatii lama hin guunne akkasumas ijoollee kan qaban gaaga’ama kana keessa jiru. Gama kaaniin Embaasiin Itiyoophiyaa Riyaad jiru kan humnii ehamee maraan carraaqqii gochaa jiru akka itti fufeera jiru ibseera
Embaasiin kun Polisoota saa’uudii wajjin ta’uun lammiwwan Itiyoophiyaa lafa jiraaniitti dhaqqabuuf irratti hojjachaa kan jiran ta’u kan ibsan Obbo Ahmaad Xalahaa
Obsaan eeggatanii gara biyya ofiitti nagaan deebi’uun akkaan barbaachisaa ta’uu hubachisan.  Hokkara Saa’udii keessatti giddu kana uumameen waluumaa gala lammiwwan Itiyoophiyaa sadii ajjefamuu Obbo Ahmaad ibsanii jiru.

23,000 undocumented Ethiopians surrender to authorities

Around 23,000 illegal Ethiopian workers have surrendered to the Riyadh police, with the Saudi authorities now arranging for their repatriation, the Ethiopian ambassador told Arab News on Tuesday. 
Muhammed Hassan Kabiera said the Ethiopian mission had intervened because many illegal workers were unsure about how to proceed when the amnesty ended.
“So our mission had discussions with the Saudi authorities and made arrangements to enable such citizens to hand themselves in,” the ambassador said.
Under the agreement, Kabiera said the workers would be kept at various holding centers until they could get exit visas. “We have been informed that so far about 23,000 Ethiopians have handed themselves in.”
The Ethiopian Embassy assisted 38,199 workers to correct their employment status during the amnesty period, which ended on Nov. 4, he said.
The envoy said the embassy’s officials and volunteers, with various Saudi government agencies, were working to get the workers travel documents.
“Ethiopia was one of the first countries to request an extension of the initial amnesty so that citizens would benefit and correct their status.” He said the extension “was gracefully accepted.”
However, when many workers could not rectify their status, the embassy began preparations for them to go home.
Referring to the incident in Manfouha on Saturday, where three people including a Saudi was killed, the envoy said it was unfortunate that clashes occurred between some Ethiopian nationals and Saudi youths. He sent his condolences to the relatives of those who lost their lives.
He said the clashes occurred because the illegal workers were frustrated they did not have a way to surrender to the police. They then took to the streets to voice their concerns, which led to clashes with some youths in the neighborhood.
“Such confrontations and clashes are unacceptable.” He said the safety and human rights of all people should be respected.

Oromo Studies Representation at African Studies Annual Meeting

African Studies Association (ASA) will hold its 56th annual meeting under an encapsulating theme "Mobility, Migration and Flows" in Baltmore, Maryland, November 21-24, 2013. 

Qeerransoo Biyyaa, host of Oromo Press Radio (OPR), spoke to Bonnie Holcomb, the founding mother of Oromo Studies Association and co-author with Sesai Ibsa of Invention of Ethiopia: The Making of Dependent Colonial State in Northeast Africa about the line-up of events leading up to and during the ASA conference. From the feature interview OPR conducted with Qabbanee, two Oromo Studies panels and several individual presentation slots have been secured at ASA. 

A panel on the history and achievement of the Oromo Diaspora rightly identified as, "Past and Present Oromo Diasporas: Experiences, Identities and Achievements," will be chaired by a renowned Oromo Sociologist Professor Mekuria Bulcha.  Sandy Shell will fly in from the University of Capetown in South Africa in time to present a doctoral research  on liberated Oromo slaves in South Africa under this panel. The title of Sandy's work is  The Oromo Children of Lovedale, South Africa: A Prosopography of African Slavery and its After-Effects

Many in the Oromo diaspora and Oromia know Sandy Shell for authoring a  popular  article titled, "How an Ethiopian [Oromian] slave became a South African teacher" for BBC-Africa.  This article has not only been shared thousands of times online, but it also generated immense interest from the Oromo as well as from Oromo rivals who wished to suppress the story. Our sources say Abyssinians tried to discourage Sandy by heckling her and sending vitriolic messages to her employers. Far beyond the BBC article, she wrote a doctoral dissertation by investigating the details of the subject noted above. 

An Oromo Studies Association-sponsored workshop will be conducted to honor and introduce Sandy Shell and her much anticipated work to the Oromo Community residing in Washington DC, Maryland and Virginia. Veteran OSA scholars Mekuria Bulcha and Guluma Gemeda will join Sandy at at the pre-ASA meeting workshop in Washington DC.  If you can't have enough of Sandy Shell, a 30-persons RSVP-based event that exclusively features Sandy Shell is going to be held at Georgetown University in Washington DC on November 19 from 11-12:30pm prior to  the workshop and the ASA conference. Try to make it by all means. If she comes all the way from the South Africa, you can surely make a short metro trip on one of DC's colored lines.

Asebe Regassa,  a new Oromo Studies  face and an independent researcher from Germany, will also be speaking at the ASA conference on the topic of land grabbing in Oromia. Mardaasaa Addisu, a veteran  advocate for Oromo refugee rights is expected to speak on the devastation of environment in Oromia as the leading cause of of Oromo migration or exodus out of the land of repression. 

Review excerpts from ASA schedule below to see the panels, topics and  panelists representing the Oromo nation and the Horn of Africa at the 56th convention of the African Studies Association. 

The Oromo Studies Panels at African Studies 

1) Past and Present Oromo Diasporas: Experiences, Identities and Achievements 

Chair: Mekuria Bulcha, Malardalen UniversityOromo Diaspora Institutions in the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area: A Glimpse into a Transnational Sociocultural Field Zakia Posey, Michigan State UniversityDiasporic Contributions to the Development of Oromo Studies Mekuria Bulcha, Malardalen UniversityThe Oromo Children of Lovedale, South Africa: A Prosopography of African Slavery and its After-Effects Sandy Shell, University of Cape Town (UCT)The Significance of the Oromo Diaspora in Europe for the Beginning of Oromo Studies in the 1840s Guluma Gemeda, University of Michigan-Flint
 2) Oromo On and Off the Land 
Chair: Bonnie Holcomb, The George Washington University
Competing Notions of Nature: The Guji Oromo Ecological Wisdom and its Encounter with State Conservation Discourse, Asebe Regassa, IndependentEnvironmental Destruction in Ethiopia: A Leading Factor in Oromo Migration Mardaasa Addisu, Macha Tulama Cooperative and Development, USALand and Environment: The Oromo in the Horn of Africa Daniel Ayana, Youngstown State UniversityOromo Religion and Ecology Bonnie Holcomb, The George Washington UniversityDiscussants: Ezekiel Gebissa, Kettering University