Thursday, October 24, 2013

Ordinary Oromos retain an almost messianic belief in the OLF

by OLFist

This short essay is just presented as a clarification for Oromo foes, who are nowadays delighting by “perceiving” a division of the Oromo liberation vanguard into “three.” For their information, OLF has got, from the very beginning, only one Kaayyoo (goal), which also at the same time can be interpreted as three Kaayyoos in a pocket, and it plays with the three cards based on the objective reality it is in, aka according to the “here and now” of the situations. Even though the only one Kaayyoo is self-determination, the three interpretations of the Kaayyoo are:

- independence without a union,
- referendum on the issue: independence without a union Vs. independence within a union, and
- independence within a union.

OLF permanently advocates that it fights for the independence of Oromia, for Oromos’ right to self-determination, and for a union of nations in the empire/region. It emphasizes one of the three interpretations according to the condition of the time (Zeitgeist). Whenever Abyssinian elites become arrogant and start to sing about the unconditional unity of their empire with suppression of Oromos’ rights, it stresses the independence of Oromia from Abyssinian colonialism undermining the possible union. The logic behind this is, whenever there is suppression, there will be a move for separation. When reasonable politicians from different nations in the empire start to recognize the God-given right of the great Oromo nation to self-determination, it starts to play the card of self-determination (decision per referendum either for ‘independence within a union’ or ‘for independence without a union’.

Now, the one structural OLF we Oromos have believed to have been divided into three, each of them just taking as a goal one of the three interpretations of the Kaayyoo:

- OLF1 seems to make no compromise on independence without a union.
- OLF2 has self-determination as its goal (being open for both ‘independence within a union’ and ‘independence without a union’ as far as Oromo people decide for one of the two).
- OLF3 (the new) seems to have decided for the independence within a union of nations in the empire/region so that it sympathizes with and seems to seek an alliance with Oromos in the ruling party aka OPDO and strives for an understanding from the reasonable “pro unity” Abesha forces. Here I must say, it is not yet clear whether this group moves to the position of OLF1 for it wants to consolidate all members of ULFO, who do stress independence without a union under one structural organization. Time will tell us, whether this group will be either pro OPDO or pro ULFO. Or is there any association between the two (OPDO and ULFO)?

Anyways, a Merdo to the foes of Oromo Liberation Movement is that the one/three OLF(s) will never give up the struggle for the right of Oromos to self-determination till we Oromos become the determiners of our own destiny, be it within the Ethiopian/Great Oromian union or without the union.

Otherwise, let’s differentiate rhetoric from conviction! I do hear nowadays certain Oromo politicians talking about the “fact” that Oromo people do not want “secession”. I do consider talking about “Oromos wanting independence or not” is a wrong generalization. One thing we need to know as a fact is that almost all Oromo politicians (including those who do make the above mentioned rhetoric), deep in their hearts, believe in the right of Oromo nation to self-determination. This is the hallmark of Oromos and aim of our mindset (spiritual organization) aka OLF. This mindset, OLF has got one Kaayyoo, but also three Karaas (including three rhetoric.)

- OLF mindset in the rebel organizations has got an explicit rhetoric of self-determination and it fights for this Kaayyoo by all means,
- OLF mindset in the opposition organizations has got the rhetoric of struggling for liberation in the Ethiopian context, but it covertly struggles for the Kaayyoo,
- OLF mindset in the ruling organization has got the rhetoric, which says: “we have already achieved the liberation”, but yet it covertly pushes for the Kaayyoo.

So fellow Oromos, let’s allow the mindset move to the Kaayyoo in all the Karaas, despite the rhetoric of some Oromos in the opposition and ruling Oromo organizations. Let our foes know exactly, despite the different rhetoric, Oromo Liberation Movement can never be stopped till it achieves the Kaayyoo. We need to motivate ourselves to do our rhetoric and our practice in the liberation movement on the Karaa each of us chooses to come to the Kaayyoo. Long live OLF as a trinity (OLF with one Kaayyoo, but with three Karaas)!

We have to forget the current rhetoric of Oromo politicians in the ruling party and in the opposition parties, who are doing their talks under the gunpoint of Weyane (they are just denying the right of Oromo people to self-determination at gunpoint) and let’s strive to our END Kaayyoo, which is already determined by our mindset.

I am personally against any sort of dictatorial unity, and I am a supporter of a union of free nations in the empire/region based on free will. Any unity without Oromo’s public verdict will fail, take it only 1 year, about 10 years or as long as 100 years. That is why I do advocate for a lasting solution based on free will of all stakeholders, instead of the temporary hoyaa-hoyee of unity as a wishy-washy solution. MEDREK seems to have chosen unconditional-unity as a precondition for the alliance, but the unity they do strive for will surely never last long, because it is not based on self-determination of peoples, but on predetermination by only few elites. TIBIBIR aka revived AFD, which may be forged by OLF et al must be based on a solid ground and take self-determination rather than unconditional unity as the precondition for an alliance!

Anyways, our foes need to know that, they can only manipulate and delay the realization of Oromo’s right to self-determination, but they can never hinder it. Oromo’s mindset is leading us to our Kaayyoo aka self-determination, however long it may take it. Our foes like it or not, in reality almost all Oromos are led in our liberation struggle by this mindset. That is why the International Crisis Group (ICG) put it:

“Despite its organizational flaws and divisions, many ordinary Oromos retain an almost messianic belief in the OLF as the major nationalist organization”!

Tingvoll and Møre og Romsdal Celebrate New Oromo Community

(Madda Walaabuu Press) – On October 12, 2013, the Oromo Community of Tingvoll and Møre og Romsdal, Norway, celebrated the foundation of its community organization in the presence of more than 100 participants, including Norwegians and other nationals as well as Oromos who came from other parts of Norway for the celebration.
The community held the historic occasion at Tingvoll Aldershjem in the town of Tingvoll, and the event included different programs celebratingOromummaa.
The celebration began with “eebbaa” (blessings by elders, according to Oromo tradition), and it was followed by one minute silence for our fallen heroes and heroines.
After the one minute silence, the leader of the program, Obbo Badhassa Dalassaa, invited the community organization’s chairperson, Obbo Aadam Jaalatoo, for a brief presentation about the Oromo people and the community. Obbo Aadam presented about the Oromo people’s culture, identity, country, tradition and history. He indicated Oromia (Oromo’s country) is the richest region in the Horn of Africa. He introduced well about the Oromo people, specially to members of the audience who had not heard much about the Oromo nation before. Obbo Aadam Jaalatoo also presented about the Tingvoll and Møre og Romsdal Oromo Community – including their plan for the future.
The presentation of Obbo Aadam was followed by speeches from the contact person of the community, Miss Åshild Husby Bergem, and the Mayor of the Tingvoll Municipality, Mr. Peder Hanem Aasprang. Both appreciated and praised the Oromo Community and wished it more successes in its commitments, and promised to work with the Oromo Community in their areas of specialty. Moreover, they also confirmed that they had got better understandings about the problems the Oromo people face in the Ethiopian empire.
The presentation by Obbo Masfiin Taaddasaa about the human rights violations against the Oromo people in the Ethiopian empire, was also part of the occasion. The next speaker was Aaddee Tigist Jima, in charge of the Women and Youth Affairs in the Community, also gave a speech on Oromo women and youth.
The audience was entertained by walaloo (poem) entitled, “Oromiyaa Biyyaa Koo” (Mother Oromia), by a 9-year-old Oromo girl, Falmatuu Aadam – who also encouraged the Oromo community living outside Oromia to teach the Oromo language and culture to their children.
The Oromo coffee ceremony as well as a traditional dinner were parts of the celebration; the event was concluded with a night of Oromo music and traditional dances.
To read more about the Oromo Community in Tingvoll and Møre og Romsdal, visit:
Video report from the event:

Eebbi Hawaasa Oromoo Tingvoll fi Møre og Romsdal’s (Norway) Sirna Ho’aadhaan Kabajaame

Ittaanaa Guuttataa Irraa* | 19 Onk. 2013
Hawaasni Oromoo Tingvoll fi Møre og Romsdal’s (Norway) yeroo dheeraaf karaa marsaa interneeta kan beeksiisaa turan Sirni kabajaachuu ayyaana isaanii milkaa’ina argattee guyyaa gaafa 12 Onkoloolessa 2013 bakka galama Tingvoll Alder Senter jedhamutti waaree booda sa’aa 4:00 hanga sa’aa 11:00 tti bakka Saabboontoonni Oromoo, Lammiwwaan Norwayii fi sabaaf sab-lammiin addaa addaa kannen Eriteriyaa, Somalee, Kongoo fi Keniyaan irraa dhuufan argamaniitti sirna ho’aadhaan kabajaamee oleera.
Oromoon aadaa, afaan fi seenaa nama boonsu qaba, biyya hambaa jiraannuus aadaa keenya guddisuu kan nu dangeessu hin jiru jechuun, gara kuuteenyaan wal gurmeessanii baayyinni isaanii lakkofsaan nama torba kan ta’aa hawaasni Oromoo Tingvoll fi Møre og Romsdal’s (Norway) abjuun isaanii dhugoomee sirna kabajichaa irraatti kaka’uumsii fi ifajjee isaan taasiisaan namoota heedduu lammiwwan norwayii dabalattee guddaa ajaa’ibsiiseera.
Walgaa’iin kan eegalamee Gootoota Oromoo seenaan kan hin dagannee, lubbuun isaanii saba Oromoof wareegamtee daqiiqaa tokkoof yaadachuun yommuu ta’uu itti aansuun akka aadaa Oromootti manguuddoota nama sadiin eebbissuun sirni kabajiicha baname.
Sirna eebba manguuddootaatti aanssuun geeggeessaa sagantichaa kan ta’aan Obboo Badhaasaa Dalaassaa, Itti gaafataamaan Hawaasa Oromoo Tingvoll fi Møre og Romsdal’s (Norway) Obboo Aadam Jaallatoo Sirna hundeeffama hawaasa Oromoo ilaalchiisee asawaa akka godhan afeeramanii, Aadaa fi seenaa Oromoon qabuu irratti gadi fageenyaan ibsa bal’aa keennaaniiruu. Aadaa fi seenaan Oromoo haala gaaragaranii dangeeffamaa kan turee fi dhibbaan irraa kan turee ta’uu isaa kan dubbatanii Obboo Aadam Dhibbaa fi daararama ilmaan Oromoo bakka addaa addaatti argamanii irra ga’aa jiruus mirga dhala nama kan eeguu aduunyaa ti beeksiisuun sochii keenya isa guddaa dha jechuun ibsaaniiru. Aadaa Oromoo guddissuuf qophii barbaachiisa ta’ee kan xumuraanii ta’uu isaanii kan dubbaatan Obboo Aadam, lammiwwan Norwayii, Sabboontoota Oromoo bakka gaaragartti argamanii wajjin hojeechuu dhaaf akka jiraan karooraa fi sagantaa gara fuuladuraatti qaban ta’uusaa dabalanii ibsaaniiru.
Ibsa isaaniitti aansuun Asawaa gabaabaa kan godhanii dhiyeenyaan Hawaasa Oromoo Tingvoll fi Møre og Romsdal’s wajjin kan hojjeetanii fi hundeeffamuu hawaasichaa keessaatti yaadaan, yeroo isaanii kennuu dhaan gumaachaa guddaa kan godhaan Aaddee Åshild Husby Bergem fi Itti gaafatamaa Bulchiinsa magalaa Tingvoll kan Ta’aan Obboo Peder Hanem, Asawaa godhaaniin Hundeeffamuu hawasaa Oromoo Tingvoll fi Møre og Romsdal’s gammachuu itti dhaga’amee mullisanii yeroo kam caalaa iyyuu seenaa fi aadaa Oromoon qabuu akka hubatan dabalanii ibsaaniiru.
Impaa’eera Itiyoophiyaa keessaatti rakkoo Ilmaan Oromoo qabuu hubaachuu isaanii dubbatanii hawaasni Oromoo Tingvoll fi Møre og Romsdal’s Aadaa fi seenaa isaanii guddisuu keessaatti hirmaanna fi tumsa akka godhaanii bulchiinsi magaliicha Obb. Peder ibsa kennan kessaatti hubaachuun danda’ameera.
Mirgii dhala oromoo kabajamaa akka hin jirree fi daararamni guddaan ilmaan Oromoo irraa Impaa’eera Itiyoophiyaa keessatti irra ga’aa akka jiruu Obb. Mesfiin Tadaassaa ibsanii isa kana beeksiisuu fi irratti hojeechuun hawaasicha keessatti qooda isanii ta’uu isaa asawaa godhan irraa hubaachuun danda’ameera.
Itti gaafaatamtuu duubartootaa fi dargaaggootaa kan ta’aan Aaddee Tigist Jimaa Asawaa godhaaniin Impaa’eera itiyoophiyaa keesatti dargaaggoonii fi dubbartoonni Oromoo of ijaaruu fi aadaa guddisuu guddaa akka rakkisaa ta’ee ibsanii biyyaa walaaba taatee Norway keessaatti qoodnii duubartootaa fi Dargaagootaa aadaa guddiisuuf jaabattee itti fufuu qaba, kanarraattis jaabannee hojjeenna jedhaaniiruu.
Falmaattuu Aadam biyya itti dhalattee keessaatti yeroo keessaa godaanuun dirqama itti ta’ee afaan ishee (Afan Oromoo) akka gaariitti dubbissuu hin dandeessuu turte kan jedhan maatiin ishee biyyaa hambaa kana keessaatti akka baraattuuf gaargaarsa ishee godhaniin milkooftee Waalaloo «Oromiyaa biyyaa koo» jedhuu dubbifteen namonni heedduun aja’ibsiifataniiruu.
Biyyaa hambaa keessaatti ijollee ofii afaan fi aadaa barsiisuuf hubaachiisuun ulfaata yoo ta’eeyyuu Falmattuun fedhii qabaanan waan ulfaatuu akka hin jirree gaafii dhiyeessineef irraa hubaachuu dandeenyeerra.
Gara dhumaattiis qophii irbaataa, fi bashaanana addaa addaa tiin qophiin guyyichaa kan goolabamee yommuu ta’uu «ijii waan argee soodaata, fedhii fi kaka’umsii jiraannan baayyachuu fi xiqqeenyii hawaasaa Aadaa keenya guddiisuu f kaayyoo keenyaas bakkan ga’uu tasa nu hin dangeessu» jechuun Hawaasnii Oromoo Tingvoll fi Møre og Romsdal’s(Norway) ergaa isaanii dabarfaataniiru.
* Ittaanaa Guuttataa:

Godina Jimmaa aanaa Saqqaa keessatti hojjettootni qonnaa Almii sirna Wayyaanee irratti diddaa kaasan

Mootummaan Wayyaanee fi jala deemtotni garboomfataa wayyaanee dhiibbaan isaan ilmaan Oromoo irratti gaggeessaa as gahan daangaa hin qabu. Investerootni habashaa fi alagootaas saaminsa gaggeessuu irraan darbee dhiibbaa daran sirna bulchinsa wayyaanee ol gaggeessaa jiran. Godina Jimmaa aanaa Saqqaa keessatti investimentiin qonnaa Almii jedhamu hojjettootaaf miindaan kaffalaa ture hedduu xiqqaa tahuu irraan darbee yeroon kaffaluu dhabuu irraa hojjettootnii fi uummatni gamtaan diddaa dhageessisanii jiran. Hojjettootni qonnaa kanaa guutumman hojii dhaabuun mootummaan wayyaanee garboomfataa dha. miindaan kaffalamu gahaa miti jechuun dhaadannoo dhageessisanii jiran. Namoota isaan dura dhaabbachuuf yaalanis waardiyoota gorsanis waan didaniif reebuun tarkaanfii sirreessaa irratti fudhatanii jiran. Mootummaan wayyaanees gocha kanaan dhiphachuun waraana hedduumminaan bobbaasee dargaggootaa fi hojjettoota hidhaa jira. Ilmaan Oromoo
  1. Jamaal Nuuree
  2. Caalii Abbaa Gaarree
  3. Sintaayyoo Lammeessaa
  4. Mohaammed Aliyyii
  5. Suraafel Kamaal
Jedhaman mana hidhaatti kanneen ukkaamsaman yoommuu tahu gariin doorsifamaa jiru.