Monday, April 14, 2014

TPLF/EPRDF’s Anti-Sidama Campaign Intensifies in Hawassa.

TPLF/EPRDF is using non-Sidama, Sidama region residents, Sidaamu affo speakers to spy on people of Sidama nation in their capital city Hawassa and its environs. This is said to be an ongoing acts as we speak. In its latest twist & attempts on psychological and socio-political warfare of the regime in power with the aim of terrorising the Sidama nation, it’s gasping for the support of any person who can stand against the Sidama nation’s legitimate rights to its city (Hawassa) ownership and unabated quest to its rights to regional self-determination, time and again denied. 
According to this particular credible information we’ve obtained from our reliable sources, in Hawassa on every 300 meters, there are non-Sidama Sidaamu affo speakers’ assigned to spy on Sidama people surreptitiously following potential targets. Speaking Sidaamu affo in own soil is becoming costly to the people of gallant Sidama nation.
The groups of non-Sidama, Sidaamu affo speakers who are being deployed for such heinous anti-Sidama campaigns in particular are said to be the sons and daughters of Nefitegna residues- whose ancestors have brutally enslaved our people. These groups of people are still repeating their dirty old jobs in Sidama land once again as they agree with brutal incumbent only when they oppress our nation. The informants as well as the following brief Amharic version information seems to be pretty consistent.  
In particular there are several police officers who are born and bred in Sidama soil but are ethnically non-Sidamas who are also surreptitiously doing their dirty jobs in Sidama land whilst appearing an ordinary employees. These groups in particular are potentially dangerous- the people of Sidama nation must be aware of.
The following Amharic written information on the other hand emphasis that, the regime is also deploying countless numbers of online spies to follow up on, online Sidama related activities including Diaspora Sidama groups and those who are engaged in critically writing in Sidama human rights issues from Sidama land. Such groups of coward spies hid their identities using pseudonyms whilst introducing themselves with potential targets. In particular, the focus is to be on Sidama peoples within the Empire, thus requiring utmost precaution (not at all fearing regime sponsored criminals dehumanising powerless and helpless civilians whom they are supposed to defend).
Sidamas of all walks of life (online communities) are strongly advised that, unless you know the identity of any person and agree on principle, don’t sell your opinions and decisions. Stay away from such coward groups, however never stop doing your blessed job on defending the rights of your down trodden nation and never stop working with others brothers nations.
The writer also exposes that the current regime differently spy on Sidama nation for variety of reasons including Sidama nation’s disagreement with the regime in power for the last 22 years which remain active and ongoing. This seems the final gasp of the regime to head towards its final demise.    
ኢህአዴግ በሀዋሳ ከተማ በየ300 ሜትር ልዩነት ሲዳማን እየሰለለ ነው። ሰላዮቹ የሲዳማ ብሔርተወላጆች ያልሆኑ ነገር ግን በሲዳማ መሬት ተወልዶ፣ አድጎና ተምሮ ሲዳሚኛ ቋንቋን አቀላጥፎየሚናገሩ ግለሰቦች እንደሆነ አንድ የሲዳማ ዞን ፖሊስ አባል ነግሮኛል። ለዚህ ተግባር ከተሰማሩግለሰቦች አንበሳውን ድርሻ የሚይዙ ፖሊሶች ናቸው።
ይህ በእንድህ እንዳለ ከማህበራዊ ድህረ-ገፆች (internet services) ማንነታቸው በማይገልፅሁኔታ facebook (ፊት ገፅከፍተው ኢህአዴግ በሲዳማ ህዝብ ላይ እያደረሰ ያለውን አሉታዊድርጊቶች በተመለከተ መልካም አስተያየት የሚሰጡ ግለሰቦችም አሉ። ተልኳቸው ግን ቀስ በቀስእንደ እነርሱ በማይታወቅ ስም facebook በመጠቀም ስለሲዳማ መብት ጥሰቶች በጥልቀትናበስፋት ከሚፅፉት ጋር መተዋወቅ ከዛም በኋላ ለኢህአዴግዎች(ጅቦችአጋልጦ ለእንግት ማስዳረግነው። ወገኖቼ ልብ በሉይህ ሁሉ በሲዳማ ላይ ብቻ ነው ወይስ ሌላ ክልል/ዞንም አለብዬመረጃ ሰጭውን ጠየኩት። እንዲህ ስል መለሰልኝ፡ትግራይ፣አማራና ኦሮሚያ INTERNETስለላ አለ።
ሌላው ግን በሲdama ውስጥ ነው የሚበዛው አለኝ። ለምን አልኩትመረጃ ሰጭው በአሁኑ ጊዜለኢህአዴግ ትልቅ ስጋት ሲዳማ ነው ለዚህም ማሳያ የሚሆነው ላለፉት 23 ዓመታት ከኢህአዴግጋር ተስማምቶ አያውቅም። ምክንያቱም ሲዳማ በኢህአዴግ የተለያዩ መብቶች ሳይጠበቅናሳይከበር ኖሮል። ወገኖቼ ምንም አያመጡም ሆኖም ግን እንጠነቀቃቸው።
Finally, the sources advise the Sidama people to be at most vigilance and stand their grounds to wisely and continually demand their constitutional rights without fear and despair despite the risk the nation is subjected to. Therefore, utmost vigilance and precaution is highly recommended for the sons and daughters of the Sidama nation and those who are in Sidama nation’s positions, in particular Oromo. However, let’s never rest until our nations are free from oppression and subjugation.
Moderator, Sidama Nations Regional State Information Network

Press Release from International Oromo Youth Association

April 14, 2014                                    
The first International Oromo Youth Leadership Conference was organized in 2006. It resulted in the creation of the International Oromo Youth Association. Every summer since 2006, OYLC has brought together youth across the diaspora to discuss issues pertaining to Oromo communities and build leadership skills. The eighth annual conference was held on June 29th, 2013 at Augsburg College.
The theme for last year’s conference was Re-Visiting the Past; Re-Imagining the Future.The gathering created space for dialogue about the organization’s main objective, its past accomplishments, and future goals. The conference resulted in the creation of a task force, whose main goal is to ensure the sustainability of the organization. After multiple deliberations, a consensus was reached to re-orient IOYA’s objective by focusing on Leadership and Networking. The decision to re-focus on such a platform will result in the organization’s ability to more effectively empower Oromo youth both at home and in the diaspora. A six-member board has been selected to lead the way. The Executive members are President Amane Badhasso, Vice President Sinqee Wesho, Public Relations Chair Lokho Jarso, Co-Public Relations Chair Barite Bedasso, Secretary Muna Osman, and Treasurer Kadiro Nurie.
We are also pleased to announce the launch of our organization’s new website on April 18th, 2014. The site will contain a video of the new executive board and information on the history of Oromia, along with other materials. All who are interested in becoming members and sponsors of IOYA may also send their information through the website. On the launch date, the URL for the new website will be posted on Facebook and Twitter at 5:00pm central time. You may contact IOYA with questions and concerns at To stay informed on future updates, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
The following individuals will serve on the Advisory committee for IOYA: Birhanemeskel Segni, Ayantu Tibeso, Obsa Hassan and Kulani Jalata.
We are looking forward to a successful year.
IOYA Board, 2014-2015

Ayyaanni Guyyaa Gootoota Oromoo Tokkummaa Barattoota Oromo Biyya Jarmanii (TBOJ) Dame Hessen-TBOHn Kabajame
(Frankfurt, Germany, Ebla 12, 2014) Guyyaa kabajamaa kanarratti Keessummootni adda adda kan  afeeramanii yemmu ta’u, saganticha akka Aadaa Oromoootti eebbaa Manguddoota Oromoon jalqabame. Itti aansuudhaan, kabajaa guyyaa gootota  oromoo ilaalchise Jaal Harun Kalil Bati barumsa fi  ibsa bal’aa miseensootaf kennani jiru.
Jaal Haruun, muxaannoo qabsoo hidhannoo kessa argatani caqasudhaan barumsa kennan kessa, ummaani oromoo maliif guyyaa kana akka kabaju, wareegama goototni Oromoo gochaa turan, gootota Oromoo maqaa dhahun ibsaa bal’aa laatani jiru. Akkasumas  goototni Oromoo saba saaniif wareegama kan kafaliini fi bu’aawwaan heedduu kan galmeesisan ta’u isa mirkanessan. Dhaalootni har’aan immoo bu’aawwan argaman tiksudhaan Qabsoon gara fulduratti akka tarkanfachisu qabu fi gummaa isanni kafaluuf nutii ilmaan Oromoo harka walqabanee tokkumman qabsa’u akka qabnu dhamsa dabarsani jiru.
Itti ansudhaan miseensoota keessa Jaal Robera Bultee fi Addee Nagase Adunya wa’ee guyyaa gootota ilaalchise walaloo moraa hirmaatoota cimsuu dhiyeessani jiru.
Seena Gootummaa qabsoo hadhawaa fi Waregama guddaan galmaa’ee kuni, waggaa waggaan yaadachu ala, qabsoo bilisummaa jalqabame fixaan baasu fi ummata Oromoo waanjoo gabrumma Motummaa abbaa irre Wayyaane jala baasuf ilmaan Oromoo maraa tokkummaan akka dhabaatan  marii misensoota walin geggeeffamettin  wali galame jira.
Maayyiirrattis miseensootni Tokkumma Baraattoota Oromoo Biyyaa Jarmani damee Hessen ibsaa ejjeennoo armaan gadiin kabajaa ayyaannicha xumurre jirra.
  1. Oromoo biyyaa irra baqate biyya Kenya kessa hirkachaa jiru, hidhma fi gara motummaa TPLF dabarsani kan kennama jira ta’u isa baayyee nu gaddisise jira. Kanaaf tarkaanfii kuni waligaltee Biyyolessa adduya kan Mirga dhala nama fi Mirga baqattoota kan Fallessu waan ta’eef, gocha kana cimsine balaaleffanna akkasumas Motummaa biyyaa Kenya deemsa kana hatattaman akka sirressu  waamicha kenya dabarsiina.
  2. Motumma abba irree  TPLF-woyyaanettin, mirga dhabinsa, hidhaa fi ajjeechaa saba Oromoo irraa raawatama jiru akka dhabaatu cimsine gaafana, gocha badiisa kana karaa kaminiyyu falmuuf qophii ta’ukenya ni mirkanessina.
  3. Ummaanii Oromoo bakka itti dhaalate Oromiyyaa lafaa bal’aa fi laliistu ishee irratti mirga jirenya fi lafaa isaa misoomsu osoo qabu, sababa Saamicha lafaa ykn “ Land grab” dhaan biyya abba isaani irra humnan buqqisudhaan gara  biyyaa ormaatti akkan baqaattani dirqama jiru. Motummaa woyyaanne mirga ummaata oromoo cabsun lafaa Oromoo sammuu fi gurgurruun umrii isaa itti dheeressu kana akka dhabu cimsine ni hubachifna.
  4. Mootummaan TPLF aangoo humnaan qabate turfachuuf tooftaa gosoota walitti bussuu kuni beekama dha. Haluma kanaan wal dhabbii gosoota Oromoo lamaan, Gujii fi Booranaa gidduu ummee kun tooftaa dullowma angoo irraa turuf akka ta’e Oromonnis hubatani waldhabu irra akka of qusatan fi tokkummaan akka dhaabatan waamicha kenya ni dabasina.
  5. Ilmaan Nafxanyoota, marsaale hawaasa adda addaa irraatti duli  ilmaa fi Afaan Oromoo irraati banan ni balaleffana.
  6. Maqaa misoomaattin motumooni Dimokratawaa gargaarsa motumma woyyaannetti laacha jiran. garuu gargaarsi horii kuni kallattiin itti faayadamu dhisee haala siyaasa abba irrummaa motummaa TPLF itti cimsutti faayadama jirachu isaa hubachu dhaan gargaarsa godhama jiru akka dhabatu dhamsa dabarsina.
  7. Gara Jaarmayole siyaasa Oromoo immo, garaagarummaa xixiiqoo isin giddu jiru dhipphisuudhaan  Qabsoo Bilisummaa Oromoof tokkummaan akka diina dura dhaabatani waamicha kabajaa dhiyyeesina.
Injifannoo Ummata Oromoof
Oromiyaan kan Oromooti
TBOJ Dame Hessen-TBOH
Ebla 12, 2014
Frankfurt am Main

Ethiopia slams International Rivers organisation for supporting Egypt

Ethiopia's National Panel of Experts linked to the Renaissance Dam project dismiss as biased to Egypt criticisms of the dam levelled by US-based environmental group

Grand Renaissance dam
A general view shows construction activity on the Grand Renaissance dam in Guba Woreda, Benishangul Gumuz region March 16, 2014 (Photo: Reuters)

The National Panel of Experts linked to the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) has slammed the International Rivers Network (IRN) for criticising the Renaissance Dam project, accusing the body of being biased and supporting Egypt against the dam.
The panel accused, in a statement issued Thursday, the US-based environmental organisation "of subverting Ethiopia’s efforts to develop its water resources and lift its vast and growing population out of poverty." It accused the IRN of being paid by Egypt in order to lobby against the Renaissance Dam internationally. 
"Again, the IRN never loses opportunity to lobby for its Egyptian paymasters. Not only does the IRN talk about the 'oversize' of GERD, but also about the Egyptians’ negative emotions over GERD: anger and fear."
The IRN issued 31 March 2014 a statement about Renaissance Dam along with a leaked version of the report of the tripartite technical committee assigned to study the probable impact of the dam on Egypt and Sudan issued last year. 
"One international dam expert who has seen the report states that it shows that construction on the project is proceeding on an aggressively accelerated schedule with little room for adjusting key elements of dam design to reduce harm or prevent problems," the IRN said in its statement. 
The environmental NGO called on Ethiopia to halt construction of the dam until studies on the impact of the dam on the downstream countries are continued.
The IRN added that it would work on keeping international donors from investing in the GERD project while providing alternatives to Ethiopia for water and land reclamation. 
Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan formed a tripartite technical committee to study the probable effects of the Renaissance Dam. But the committee's discussions were thwarted in December when Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir announced his support for the dam during a meeting with Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn.
Talks between Ethiopia and Egypt broke down in recent months. Yet officials from both countries insist they will continue to hold talks in order to solve the dispute over the dam. Earlier this month, the foreign ministers of both Egypt and Ethiopia held talks in Brussels on the dam. 
Founded in 1985 as an international NGO, the International Rivers Network is an environmental anti-dam organisation that aims to protect rivers and local communities that depend on those rivers. The US based organisation is known internationally for its stances against dams in general.