Friday, February 28, 2014

Ethiopians return home to a bleak future

More than 150,000 Ethiopians have been deported from Saudi Arabia in recent months.

Ahmed woke up in a Riyadh hospital with his kidney removed [Rebecca Murray/Al Jazeera]

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - Ahmed, 20 years old, weakly sits down in a chair under the hot sun, dazed, as young men and women jostle in the yard around him. He has just been deported from Saudi Arabia after a month-long imprisonment, like the others at this crowded migrant transit center in Ethiopia's capital.
But Ahmed's ordeal is unique. He bears fresh scars across his knees, down his upper arms, and across his stomach. With a medical investigation by an Ethiopian doctor still ongoing, preliminary results show so far that Ahmed is missing his left kidney. 
His short-term memory fails him. Ahmed, who comes from Ethiopia's central Amhara region, does remember paying a couple hundred dollars to human smugglers for the dangerous, illegal passage to Djibouti, across the sea to Yemen, and north to Saudi Arabia. 
He worked for a year and a half as a carpenter in Riyadh, living with other Ethiopian migrants and sending home meagre wages to his impoverished family. 
Three months ago Ahmed recalls waking up in a Riyadh hospital room with jagged wounds crisscrossing his body, but with no recollection about how he got them, or how he got there. Promptly transferred to an overcrowded Riyadh prison because of his illegal immigration status, Ahmed was finally deported home by plane a few weeks ago. He is waiting to hear the doctor's final prognosis before he returns to his village, a sickly version of his former self. 
Saudi deports 'up to 150,000' Ethiopians

'Coming back empty-handed'
"It's not just the return, it's also the effect of what happens after," explained Sara Hamo, a protection officer with the International Organisation of Migration (IOM) in Addis Ababa, about the thousands of deportees. "They are coming back empty-handed. They used to supply money and now they are a burden on the families they used to provide for. So the return is just the beginning."
While accounts like Ahmed's missing kidney are rare, many Ethiopians at the migrant transit centre talked about torture in ad-hoc detention centres run by traffickers, most often for ransom, as well as beatings, sex abuse, gruelling work hours and wages withheld by Saudi employers. 
Bereket Feleke, a health ministry official, said respiratory tract infections were the most common ailment returnees suffer, which they get from being held for weeks in overcrowded and filthy detention centres before deportation. 
Ethiopian women and girls, often recruited by employment agencies as domestic workers, fly to Saudi Arabia and are legally bound to their employers, who withhold their passports. If the workers break their contract - willingly or forced - their status becomes illegal. A similar system of employee "sponsorship", known askafala, exists across many of the Gulf states. But many more Ethiopian migrants in Saudi Arabia are smuggled in, further increasing their vulnerability for exploitation. 
Travel ban
Because of widespread abuse, the Ethiopian government has issued a temporary travel ban on domestic workers while it works on a protection law. Critics say this could encourage more illegal migration. 
Last November, the kingdom's authorities enforced strict labour laws governing foreign workers after a seven-month reprieve, spurred partly by the potential security threat of thousands of unemployed Saudi youth. And Saudi Arabian vigilante groups in Riyadh, armed with clubs and machetes, brutally attacked Ethiopian migrants in November, prompting tens of thousands of the workers to turn themselves in to the kingdom's authorities out of fear.
When I asked for payment, and permission to call my family, the man of the house said: 'You have no family, so why do you need money?' He tied my hands behind my back, put cloth in my mouth and beat me. He then kicked me out of the house.
Abigail, Ethiopian orphan

Unskilled labourers from neighbouring Yemen, the Horn of Africa and southeast Asia have been particularly hard-hit by the deportations, which the Saudi Arabian interior ministry claims have reached around a quarter of a million. Adam Coogle, a Middle East researcher with Human Rights Watch, suspects the number is much higher. "I think workers from different nationalities are taking a wait-and-see approach to what is happening in Saudi Arabia," Coogle said. "They will want to see if this is a labour crackdown that is sustained, or if it is just to scare them, and will end up being business as usual."
IOM in Addis Ababa estimates that nearly 160,000 Ethiopians have been detained and deported from Saudi Arabia because of their irregular status. The peak was in November, when 9,000 deportees arrived on planes to the Ethiopian capital every day. These days, the numbers have dwindled to around 300 a day. 
At nearly 92 million, Ethiopia has Africa's second-largest population after Nigeria, and a rapidly growing economy. Agriculture is the country's leading economic sector, but drought, poor cultivation practices, land-grabs and mass displacement of rural populations have garnered headlines recently. The youth unemployment rate is high. Many choose to seek work abroad and send remittances home.
'They have been targeted'
Abigail is a 15-year-old orphan from an Amhara village who quit school when she was in the second grade. Her seven-month trip to Saudi Arabia was arduous. Her uncle paid an agency to find her work in the kingdom, and send money home. With her passport withheld, she cleaned and took care of the children in the household she was assigned to, as well as their relatives' homes.
"When I asked for payment, and permission to call my family, the man of the house said: 'You have no family, so why do you need money?'" she recalled. "He tied my hands behind my back, put cloth in my mouth and beat me. He then kicked me out of the house."
The police arrested Abigail. Without her passport and valid working papers, she was imprisoned and deported. "There is an anger within the Ethiopian population," said Temesgen Deressa, a guest scholar with the Africa Growth Initiative at the Brookings Institute. "They have been targeted - killed, or tortured and dehumanised."
"In terms of the whole economy, the remittances might not be significant, but the returnees' families are going to be hard-hit," he said. "There is a high level of poverty in Ethiopia, and I don't think the Ethiopian government has the capacity for rehabilitation. Basically, the returnees will have a very hard time."
Follow Rebecca Murray on Twitter: @BeccaMurr


SEENAA Y.G(2005)      kutaa 2ffaa | Guraandhala 28, 2014
Maraammartoon siyaasaa akaaku hedduu qabaachuu mala. kan irratti walii galuun danda’amu, shira diinni Maraammartoo keessa nu galchee kasaaraa siyaasaa keenya ol kaasuuf itti fayyadamu ta’uu fi dhiisuu adda baafachuu irratti dha. Maraammartoon kun wayyaaneen qofaa odoo hin taanee, humnoota alaa fi Biyyoota ollaan kan gaggeeffaman ni jiru. Ajandaa namaa uumanii nama tilmaaman. Qalbii namaa gara barbaadanitti naanneeffatan. Hammeenya ofii hojjatan ittiin dagachiisu barbaadan. Badii ofii ittiin dhokfatan. Humna saba tokko ittiin ilaalan . waa hedduu itti fayyadaman. Inni hangafaa garuu, mata duree isaan umamniin alatti Ummati tokko ykn gareen tokko yk namni tokko Ajandaa mataa isaa akka hin qabaanne taasisuudha. tarkaanfii ykn mormii kamiyyuu gaggeessuun dura kana adda baafachuun faayidaa guddaa qaba.
Akka walii galaatti, wayyaaneen Maraammartoon siyaasaa Ummatootaaf keesse, Sirna Fedaraalizimii kijibaati. Maraammartoo kanaan har’allee of wallaalee kan wayyaaneef ragaa ba’ee, Ummata isaa miidhaa jiru hedduu. Sooressa akka ta’an yk maqaa kubbaaniyaa fi dhaabbilee gara garaan Ilmaan Oromoo Biyya keessaa bakka meeqa dhaabdee, sheerii seeneef wayyaanee jiraachisu filmaata isaa ykn mormii itti kaasuu irraa kan of qusatee taa’ee jiru manni haa lakaa’u. kun Maraammartoo siyaasaa keessaati. Biyyoonni madda Dimokiraasii ofiin jedhanii addunyaa tu’atan hundumtu shira kanatti itti fayyadaman. Walii gala maraammartoo siyaasaa uumuun shiraa fi toftaa Abbootii irree umurii dheeraffannaaf gaggeessaniidha.
Maraammartoo siyaasaa keessa bifa adda addaatu jira jennee jirra. Maraammartoo siyaasaa, yeroo dheeraa fi gabaabaa jedhee dinni namaa kaa’uutu jira. Kan yeroo gabaabaa jedhamu, siyaasa yeroo kan isaa tursiifachuuf kan gaggeeffamu yennaa ta’u, inni lammaffaa, Maraammartoo siyaasaa dhalootaan nama keessatti hojjatee Ummata tokko akka walii galaatti naaffisuudha. Naaffisuu irra dabree waaqaa gaditti isaaniin eeggachaa jiraachiisuudha.
  1. Maraammartoo siyaasaa yeroo gabaabaa :-
Maraammartoon kun Ummata tokko siyaasa ofiin xaxanii tursuuf waan inni barbaadu tokko uumaniifii achi keessa odoo gangalatuu yk dhimma waan Sanaa odoo bara baraan dubbatuu fi haasa’uu , dhimma ofii raawwachuudha.
  1. Inni lammaffaan, dhaloota akkaataa itti of dhabsiisan, yk ummata tokko gama diinagdee yk gama hundaan boruu akka hin kaaneef, waan eenyummaa isaa ittiin dagatuu fi achi galagalee of hin gaafanneef , Maraammartoo siyaasaa keessa seensisu.
Maraammartoo siyaasaa keessatti wanni har’a jedhamee raawwatamu hin jiru. humni haala kana gaggeessu qorannoon kan deeggaramuudha. Diinni keenya wayyaaneen, waa tokko raawwachuun dura, dantaa ishee yeroo gabaabaa fi dheeraa jettee gamaaggamteeti malee, calliftee waa tokko hojii irra hin oolchitu. Waan Oromoo irrattii gaggeessan hundumaa sagantaa fi toftaa adda addaan gargaaramanii nu irratti hojjatan. Waggaa tokko booda waan nu irratti raawwatuu barbaadaniif, har’a bitamtoota bifa adda addaa nu keessaa kaadhimatan karaa barbaadan irra leenjisan. Har’a inumaa ijoollee akka keenya dubbattuu fi aadaa, qooqa, seenaa , gadaa nu caalaa lallaban qopheeffatanii jiran. Jarri kun maraammartoo siyaasaa warren nu irratti taphataniidha. Fakkeenyaaf, Maraammartoo siyaasaa akkasiin kan burkutaayee tokko , Qinijiti.
Maraammartoon siyaasaa akkasiis jira. Dhaabbilee siyaasaa adda addaa akka baayyatan taasifama. Isa keessaan namoota Afaan Oromoo beekan galfatan. Isa booda dhaabbileen siyaasaa kun akka wal dura dhaabbatan taasisan. Akka waliif hin galleef, Maraammartoo siyaasaa Ilaalcha sirnoota dabraniin warra mo’aman taasisan. Kunis GADAA jedhee kan lallabu garuu, adeemsa gadaa hojiin kan hin argisifne baayyisan. Humna barbaadan keessatti seer-dhablummaan akka babal’atu taasisan. Walumaa galatti aadaa miniilikii fi Tewudiroos faa’aa nu keessa kaa’aniin akka masakamnu nu taasisan.kana jechuun ammo, akka of dhabnuu fi Angoof wal galaafannu nu dhaaban jechuu.
Kana malees, maqaa siyaasaanis haa ta’uu kan biroon, gurmaa’aa , ijaaramaa jedhan. Gurmuu kana keessaan ofittummaa dagaagsan. Kaayyoof dhiifnee ofittummaaf akka fiignuuf aadaa isaanii nu keessaan dubbatu nu fudhachiisan. Haala kanaan nu joonjeessaa jiraatan. Maraammartoon siyaasaa wayyaanee inni hangafaa nu irratti hojjataa jirtu, waan jirru akka nutti fakkaatu taasisuudha. Gadaan , seenaan, aadaan kkf kan haasa’aman malee, kan hojiidhaan hin argamne taasisuudha. “Isa Biyya keessa jiruun, gaaffii nuuti gaafannuuf deebiin, sirba jaalalaa sirbuu qofaadha. Isa Biyya alaa jiruuf ammo, nu mormaa jiraadhaa garuu qawwee hin kaasiinaa” jedhu. Kana jechuun, akka walii galaatti jecha tokkon kaa’uu dandeenya. “MINIILIKIIN YKN TEWUDIROOSIIN MORMAA, garuu SIIDAA ISAANII KUNUUNSAAN” tokko.
Boruu Mormii amma Biyya keessatti ilmaan Oromoo kaasaa jiran caalaa waan saboota biroon walitti nu buusan nu kaa’uu danda’an. Kana jechuun diinni kaleessa nu miidheef keessa keenyatti gubannaa hin qabnuu jechuu miti. Waan nuuti odoo itti hin qophaa’iin, waan goonuu fi dhiifnu adda hin baafatiin, keessa keenya hin cimsatiin, irratti hin hojjatiin gaggeessinu, tarii bifa adda addaan nu miidhuu danda’a. waan yeroof tarkaanfiin ykn mormii ummataa irratti gaggeessanii of irraa dhaaban ni jiru. waan akka miniiliik kan ilaallatu fi qabxiilee kanneen biroo ilaallatan qophii isaan barbaachisa. Hundeetii buqqisuu malee bara baraan dhagaa itti darbachaa jiraachuun furmaata hinta’u. kun add baafannee irratti hojjachuu qabna.
Maraammartoon siyaasaa kan biroo mee haa ilaallu. Bara meeqaaf TOKKUMMAA UMMATA KEENYAAhawwaa jiraanne ? tokkummaan garuu hawwiin hin dhufu. Tokkummaan waan tokkummaa jedhaniif ofii guutanii argamuun dhufa. Tokkummaa keenya kan har’a duubatti harkisaa jiru, diina qofaa miti. Nuutis qooda mataa keenyaa akka gaaritti keessaa qabna. Tokkummaa keenya kan diige,GANDUMMAA FI AMANTII akka namaatti dhiheessuu yaalla. Gandummaa sanaaf garuu sababaan nu mataa keenyadha. tokkummaa keenyaaf gufuun Gandummaa fi Amantiin gumaacha yoo taasisan malee, bu’ura ta’uu hin danda’an. Kana dhugeessuuf, yaada TOKKUMMAA jedhu kanaaf dhalli Oromoo hundi hiikkaa maalii akka kennu beekuun barbaachisaadha. tokkummaa kana akka salphaatti ilaallee ykn madda isaa beeku dhabuu irraa Maraammartoo keessa jiraanneerra.
Tokkummaan sadarkaa Ummataatti odoo ol hin guddatiin, jalqaba abbaa tokkummaa gaafatu keessatti ulaagaan tokkummaa guutamuu qaba. Gandummaa fi Amantiin wal qooduu kan nama yaachisiisuu maalii ? jedhanii deebii odoo hin argatiiniif, tokkummaa sirbaa fi harka wal qabatanii weellisuu qofaan waan mirkanaa’uu miti. Kun arrabsoo miti. Tokkummaa keenyaaf , sirbi odoo ani hin dhalatiin sirbamee, har’a illee dhalooti jiru dhaggeeffatee irra deebi’ee ija imimmaanii cobsaa sirbaa jira. Maaliif ?????maaf furmaata dhabe ?bara sana tokkummaa dhabuun waan nu miidhee irraa barannee, kan har’aa maaf qajeelchuu dadhabne ? deebiin isaa gabaabaa fi ifadha. Waan dura hojjatamuu qabutu hanqate. Kun dhala Oromoo sadarkaa dhuunfaa kaasee ilaallatuudha. Waan hundeetii buqqisuun nu irra jiru dhiifnee , damee isaa qofaa ciruun ni dhaabbata kan jenne hundi, har’allee nu miidhaa jira. Nama aarii irra hin dabarre nu taasiseera.
Beektoonni keenya waggaa amma kanaaf rakkoo keenya kanaaf furmaata argachuu ykn furmaata ta’uu dhabuu isaanitti dhalooti har’aa gadduu nan dhaga’a. yaadaa fi fedhii kiyya odoo itti hin daballee, waan Maanguddoon warra Tuulamaa, Bokko Cittuun gaafa deebitee ayyaaneffatamuu eegale kan naan jedhani (waggaa 18n har’aa) fi Maanguddoon Walloo(kamisee) waggaa 20 dura isaanis abbootii isaanii irraa hubatan  haa kaasu. Yaada isaa walii galaan dhiheessa.kana dura waan hubachuun nu irra jiru, Tokkummaa siyaasaa, tokkummaa ummataa , tokkummaa ilaalchaa , tokkummaa waa hedduu akka jiru hubachuu qofaa odoo hin taane, tokkummaa isa kami akka barbaannu adda baafachuu dhabuu fi adda baafannee irratti hojjachuun murteessaa ta’uudha. Kana waliin qabatamaan TOKKUMMAA isa kamtu bara keessa jirru waliin mirkanaa’uu danda’a ? tokkummaa nuuti barbaannu dizaayiniin isaa isa akkamiiti ? tokkummaa Ilaalchaa siyaasaa ilamaan Oromoo, hiddi dhaloota keenyaa tokko ta’uu isaa, isa kam ? kam irratti hojjanna ? haala amma keessa jirruun , tokkummaan kun dhufe malee jennee harka marannee teenya moo, kan yaadaan walii gale muratee diina dura dhaabbatee , wareegama baasee injifannoo argamsiisee waan barbaannu gara feenutti qajeelchuutu nu gabaabbata ? isa jedhullee ilaalun baroodha. Gama kanaan ka’umsi keenya kana irratti hundaa’ee ? kun gaaffii birooti. haasaa Maanguddootaatti haa deebi’u….
Bara sana maanguddoota  waliin kan mari’adhee fi miidiyaa irratti dabarsuu dhorkamnee, tokkummaa Ummata Oromoo deebisuuf , jiruu fi jireenyi umama OROMOO dursa deebi’uu qabaa , Tokkummaan dhugaa Bilisummaa booda kan dhufuudha. Amma kan yaadaan walii gale muratee diina Oromoo ukkaamsaa jiru irratti bobba’uu qabaa. Wareegamaan waltajii ummannu irratti , dhimma tokkummaa kaasee dandeenya. dhalli Oromoo bakka maraa jiru kanatti amanee irratti hojjachuu qabaa kan jedhuu fi haasaan hafe sirnichaaf yaaddoo ta’uu irraati.kan nama gaddisiisu, gaaffii fi deebii kana akka hin dabarre kan dhorkan, Ilmaanuma Oromoo wayyaaneef yaadda’aniitii. Biyya keessa wayitan jiru kanan taajjabee fi Biyya alaa ba’ee kanan argees, Maanguddoonni kan dubbatan dhugeessu . Akkas jedhan…
“ Tokkummaa ummachuun waan salphaa miti. waan waggoota gabrummaa keessa nu irratti fe’aman of irraa buusuuti. Ykn bara Bilisummaa keessa waan tokkummaa keenyaaf hundee ta’ee nu keessaa haqanii, bara gabrummaa keessa waan nu keessa naqan of keessaa baasuu ulfaataa jedhan. Gandummaa fi Amantiin, madda rakkoo tokkummaa keenyaa miti. Maddi rakkoo tokkummaa keenyaa hunda keenya keessa jira. Innis Oromoo ofiin jechuu malee Oromoo ta’anii argamuu dhabuudha. Oromoo jechuun ulaagaa mataa ishee qabdi. Oromoo ta’uun dhiiga irra ni dabra. Dhiigaan Oromoo ta’ee qaamnii fi qalbiin isaa kan halagaan yoo ijaarame, akkamiin Oromummaan dhaabbatee tokkummaf hojjata. Aadaan keessa jiru waliin jiraachuu hin hayyamu. Maddi rakkoo tokkummaa keenyaa of dhabuu keenyadha. Maddi rakkoo tokkummaa keenyaa , sirna gadaa Faarfachaa ykn sadarkaa barnootaa keenyaa ittiin guddifachaa, waan gadaa keessa jiruun jiraachuu dhabuu ykn hojiin argisiisu dhabuudha. Sirna gadaan bulaa turre jechaa, Angoof jedhanii imaanaa Ummataa dagatuudha. Ummata tokko dhiisii nama lama giddutti tokkummaan jiraachuuf , aadaan keessa isaanii jiru murteessaadha. Aadaa akka hantuutaa fi adurree isaan taasisuun jiraatu taanaan akkamiin tokko ta’u ?
Maddi rakkoo tokkummaa Ummata Oromoo , umama keenyatti deebi’uu dadhabuudha. Maddi rakkoo tokkummaa keenyaa  aadaa diinaa dhaaluu keenyadha. Maddi tokkummaa ummata keenyaa, Oromummaa isa dhugaan jiraachuu dhabuudha. Maddi rakkoo tokkummaa keenyaa, OFITTUMMAA diinni bara miniiliik nu cabsee kaasee nu keessa kaa’ameedha. Gandummaa fi Amantiin yaadutti kan nama geessu, Ofittummaadha. Ofittummaan aadaa keenya keessa hin jiru. kana dura of keessaa dhabasiisuutu karaadha.
Akka waliigalaatti, tokkummaa keenyaaf dhibdeen, diinni dantaa isaaf ykn jooraa akka jiraannuf aadaa keenya nu harkaa gate deeffachuu ykn akka dhuunfaattu ittiin buluu dadhabuu keenyadha.kana irra dabree , aadaa isaanii dhaallee Ummata Sirna gadaa fakkeenya addunyaa jennee ittiin dhaadannu waltajjiif qofaa itti fayyadamuu keenyadha.
Furmaati Tokkummaa keenyaa, hundee keenyatti deebi’uudha. Akka habashaa yaadaa fi of tuulaa, ilkaaniin walitti kolfuun keessa keenyatti mana ijaarratee odoo jiruu, gonkumaa tokkummaan hin yaadamu . tokkummaa nuuti barbaannu, odoo qotee bulaa ykn Ummata keenya baadiyyaa keessaatti deebisuuf yaallee , yeroo nu jalaa hin fudhatu. Eenyummaa isaanitti dhihoo jiran. Rakkoon magaalaa kan of jalaa bade keessa jiraatutu madda kanaati. Qaroominni Faranjootaa irra jireessi ofittummaattii nama oofa. Jireenyi isaanis ofittummaatti nama geessa. Kana irra kan dabre, eenyummaa ofiin kan boonnu odoo hin taanee, waraqaa isaan nu laataniin akka of tuullee gubbaa sanatti akka of rarraafnu nu taasisu.
Jireenya hawaasummaa keessatti jireenya gamtummaa kan hin beekne, akkamiin tokkummaa fiduu danda’a ? umamni isaa kan harkaa bade waan halagaan keessa kaa’een joonja’u akkamiin tokkummaa dhugoomsuu danda’a? kanaaf kana hanga har’aa faarfatame milkaa’uu dide. Kana deebisuuf hundee isaatii irratti hojjachuu ykn itti amananii ofiin eegaluu barbaada.madda rakkoo qoratanii wanni hundeetii dhabamsiisuu qaban, tokko isa kana. Irra irra isaa suphinee furmaata hin finnu. Diinni guyyuu maraammartoo hedduu nu qopheessa. Kana waliin wajaguun furmaata hin ta’u. furmaata kan ta’u, waan diinni nu keessa gadi dhaabe, sadarkaa dhuunfaa eegalee of keessaa buqqisuu eegaluudhaa.” Jedhan. Hangam akka isiiniif liqifamu hin beeku. jacha isaanii kana mee fakkenyya Biyyoota har’a qabsoo keessa jiraniin haa mirkaneessu.
==Masrii / Gibtsi, maaliif qabsoon isaanii karaa yaadan deemuu didee, kasaaraatti isaan oofaa jira ? kan irra keessa mul’ataa jiru, dubbii Amantii fi waan biraa fakkaachuu danda’a, garuu walii galtee maaltu isaan dhawwee ? Biyya addunyaa irraa seenaa guddaa qabduu fi waamamtu, maaf yaadaan walii galu illee dadhaban ? yeroo waggaa 2 dura sochii eegalan, tokkummaa qabaachaa turan booda irra maa dhaban ? namoonni qoratan akka jedhanitti, Ummati Gibtsi yaadi isaa seenaa isaan wal haa qabatu malee, seenaan isaa hojiin mul’ataa waan hin jirreef, bakka hedduu isaan dhaabee wal falmiin dhiiga dhangalaasisaa jiraa jedhu.
Warrii dhihaa fi dantaa isaaniif warri isaan barbaadan, hangam bifa gara garaan isaan seenanii eenyummaa isaanii ittiin boonan jalaa dhabamsiisan ? hammaayyoomuu fakkeessanii qalbii isaanii hirkattoota isaanii taasisanii har’a akka wal galaafatan taasisan ? kan jedhan heedduudha. Kanaaf akka aadaa isaanitti wal dhaggeeffachuun dhibee seenaa gaddisiisaa wal irratti raawwatu kan jedhan jiru. addatti qaroomiina mataa isaa keessa ofittummaan waan jiruuf beektoonni isaanis kanaan taakaalamanii wal afarfachaa jiru. Nuuti Gibtsoota seenaa qabnu ofiin jedhu malee, warra seenaa sanaan bulan miti . kanaaf ijoolleen abbaa tokko wal fixu. Maraammartoon siyaasaa waggoota dheeraaf isaan odoo hin qalbifatiin irratti hojjatamaa ture, har’a seenaa gaddisiisaa kanaaf isaan afeeru isaanuu dubbachuu eegalaniiru.
==somaaliyaa biyya addunyaa irraa Ummata qooqa tokko dubbatuu fi Amantii tokko qabu jedhamanii faarfamu. Kun garuu har’a hin jiru. inumaa kan nama gaddisiisu, humnoonni Addunyaa keenyaa jedhaman gama tokkon Ummata kana faarsaa, gama biraan Ummata addunyaa keenya irraa adda ta’an kana sirna fedaraalizimiin akka bulan taasisuu isaaniiti. Lammiileen somaaliyaa kunis kana fudhachuun isaanii maaliif akka isaan gargaaru hin beeku. akka fakkeenyaatti , Oromoo , Oromiyaa keessatti sirna Fedaraalizimiin Bulchuu jechuudha. Akkam nama sodaachisaa ? waan maraafuu lammiileen somaaliyaa rakkoo keessa jiran kanaaf sababaan maalii ? sadrkaa tokkoffaatti humnoota alaati. Humnoota alaatu maraammartoo siyaasaa ittin kufanii fi dantaa isaanii itti kabachiifatan umaniif. Bor ammo itti seenanii waan har’a hin jirreen adda qoodanii, akka kooriyaa kibbaa fi kaabaa godhan.
Lammiileen Somaaliyaa yaada addunyaan ittin isaan faarsuun haa boonan malee, ittiin jiraachaa hin jiran. Warri har’a Biyya bulchaa jiran irra jireessi isaanii , Aadaa warra dhihaan warra masakameedha. Beekumsi isaanii furmaata isaanii akka hin taanees, waan irratti wal ta’aa jiraniin madaalaman. Waan maraafuu hundee isaanii gadhiisanii jiran. Maraammartoo qophaa’eefiin xaxamanii jiran. Nuuti Ummata Amantii tokko fi qooqa tokko dubbatuudha jedhanii waltajjii irratti haa dubbatan malee, aadaan keessa isaanii keessaa isaan sochoosu kan kaleessaa miti. Kan boora’eedha. Abagaazootaan akka sana wal fixuun isaanis, waan ittiin of waaman kanaan jiraachuu dhabuu irraa madda. Kanaaf saba adda addaatti wal bulchuuf taa’an. Kana jechuun tokkummaa isaan itti dhaadatan sun haasaa isaa ykn seenaa isaa malee , har’a qabatamaan isaan keessa akka hin jirreedha. Kun ammo rakkoo keessaa ba’uu hin dandeenye keessa galcheenii jira jechuu dadeenya. Furmaati kanaa takkaa dhaabbatanii keessa isaanii ilaaluu ture. garuu hin taane.
===Sudaan kibbaa , Bilisummaa waggaa lamaa booda, waan jiru hundi dacheetti makamee dhiigni dhangala’aa jira. Sabaabaan dhiiga wal dhangalaasuu kanaaf waa hedduun tarrifamaa jira. Garuu ka’umsa Bilisummaa irraa yoo kaane, Bilisummaan sudaan Kibbaa Maraammartoon Siyaasaa kan uumeedha. Keessattu dantaa warra dhihaaf jedhamee , akka Uffataatti lammiilee sudaan kibbaatti kaa’an. Kana jechuun Bilisummaa isaanii mormuu miti. Bilisummaan kun garuu, warri abbaa dhimmaa yeroo yaadanitti odoo hin taanee, ajandaa warra kaaniif daddaffiin kana taasifameeddha. Abbootiin bIyyaa waan kanaaf qophii akka hin turre kan raga ta’u waggoota 2n kana akkaataa itti deemaa turanii fi waggaa lama booda rakkoo seenuu isaaniiti.
Maddi rakkoo har’aa, warrii Bilisummaaf dhaabbatan rakkoo keessa isaanii hundee isaatii buqqisanii waliin dhaabbachuu hanqachuu irraa , dubbiin irra dibaan gaggeffamu har’a isaan miidhaa jira. Qabsaa’oonni isaanii bilisummaa jedhanii dubbachuu malee, ykn qawwee baadhachuu malee, Bilisummaa booda maal taana ? akkamitti bulla ? dhimma alaa fi keessaa akkamiin ilaalla ? humna namaa hangamii qabnaa ? boba’aa qabaanneef qofaa Biyya ta’uu dandeenyaa ? rakkoon keessa keenyaa maalii ? dhuguma aadaa ummata keenyaan jirraa ? wal galaafachuu fi abbaa irrummaa sudaan gudditti irraa dhaalleen wal bulchuu dandeenyaa ? kkf waan itti yaadan ykn qophaa’an hin fakkaatu. Kaan gochuu baannaan waan hundi humnaa ol taa’aa dhufee, rakkoo har’aa dhalcha. Rakkoon kun ammo akka salphaatti kan hiikamuu miti. Amma isaan rakkoo keessa isaanii, rakkoo sudaan gudditti fi rakkoo warri dhihaa akkasumas,Biyyoota ollaa irra bulchaniin unkuramaa jirti. Furmaati kanaa, ofitti deebi’uudha. Hiixachuu irra amma xinneenya ofii yaadanii, adeemsa hirkattummaa keessaa ba’anii dandii xaliila’aa, maraammartoo siyaasaa keessaa bilisa ta’e baafachuudha.
Ummata ofiin boba’aa qabdaa abdadhu jechuu qofaa odoo hin taanee, hannaa fi saamicha aadaa isaa hin taane keessaa baasanii , waan qabutti sirnaan akka itti fayyadamu barsiisuu hanqachuu irraa har’a dhiiga dhangalaasuun dirqii taate.adeemsa kana keessaan of ilaalaa turaa . kutaa 3ffaa keessatti ammo , maraammartoo wal fakkaataa akkasii keessaa of hin baafnu taanaan waan nu eeggatuun akeeka. Hundeen barruu koo kanaa, “Miniilikiin dorsifamuun kan adhaabbatu, Siidaa fi afuura miniiliik OROMIYAA keessaa buqqisuu qofaatu furmaataa” kan jedhu ta’uu hin dagatiinaa !!!!!!!!!!HORAA BULAA !
Kutaa 3ffaan itti fufa.
Kutoota dabran:

Barattooti Oromoo 15 Yuuniversiti Mattuu irraa arihamuun osoo isaan hin dhaabiin gaaffii mirgaa fi FDG Qeerroon Bilisummaa Oromoo Mattuu amma illee itti fufe.

QerroooGabaasaa Mattuu: Guraandhala 27/2014 FDG Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo gootota baratoota Oromoo Yuunivarsiitii Jimmaan belbelfamaa jiru gootota baratoota Oromoo Yuunivarsiitii Mattuun walqabatee itti fufee jiraachuun beekame. Goototni baratootni Oromoo Yuunivarsiitii Mattuu guraandhala 23-24 barruulee warraaqsaa FDG magaalaa Mattuu fi Yuunivarsiitii Mattuu keessa uummataa Oromoo fi baratoota Oromoof bittinneessuun, diddaa sirna Wayyaaneef qaban beeksisan.Guraandhala 26 irraa eegaluun fincila nyaataa lagachuu itti fufanii jiru.
Itti fufuun baratootni Oromoo Yuunivarsiitii Mattuu balleessa tokko malee baratootni keenyaa 11 baatii darbee keess barnoota irra arii’atamanii jiru, nutis boru teenyee carraa obbolaa keenyaa eeggachuun walaalummaadha, kanaafuu class gallee hin barannuu dursinee mirga keenya haa kabachiifanu jechuun dhaamsaa waliif dabarsaa barnoota irraa arii’amuu baratoota Engineerota Oromoo 11f itti gaafatamaan bulchiinsa Yuunivarsiitii Mattuu fi mootummaa Wayyaanee ta’uu hubachiisuun, baratootni barnoota irra arii’ataman jedhee wayyaaneen maqaa ijoollee Oromoo 11 maxxansee jiru, baratootni kun nu gidduudha akka hin deemnee fi harka wal qabannee mirga keenya akka kabachiifannuu jechuun FDG haalaan cimaa fi abdachiisaa ta’ee itti deema jiraachuu ibsatan.

The battle to keep racism alive!

The case of racist Getachew Haile

Rundassa Asheetee | February 28, 2014
Getachew Haile
Getachew Haile
There is no doubt that all ethnic groups of empire Ethiopia are victims of the political catastrophe that the Abyssinian kings and clergy men have created.
Thought such catastrophe can and should be left behind as history, the Abyssinians who interpret this catastrophe as a Nobel work based on their narrow perspective have opened unhealthy conversations between them and their victims. Interestingly, this situation allowed the minority Tigre tribe to rule the country for 23 years with iron fist and the tribe is  going to stay in power as long as past continues to occupy, disturb and divide the people of empire Ethiopia, particularly the Oromo and the Amhara.
One way of finding meaningful and accurate reason that contributed to these misunderstandings is the poisonous opinions that old dying racist men like Getachew Haile and his parent’s slaves such as the Larebos are spewing against the Oromo people.  As far I can see, Amhara’s dying black Hitlers such as Haile and the like are so angry and restless by the victory that the Oromo people scored and spiting out the filth of hatred in which they were born and raised with.
In contrast to Oromo and other nations historians and educated men and women, racist men such asGetachew Haile like to stress certain basic Amhara specifics, consistent with their clergy men’s behavioral pattern. For example, they view their non-logical argument about the greatness of their cruel and inferior monarchs as an asset, not as a liability to themselves and to nations and nationalities of empire Ethiopia. They are proud of king Minilik’s breast cutting practice in places such as Anole and Calanqo of Oromia and wish to practice this tradition again because they think that it is efficient civil service methodology. The reason behind such conviction is that they believe they are different from the rest and thus they’re superior because of the Orthodox religion that they’ve borrowed from Greece and because of the Amharic alphabet they copied from Hebrew.
As it happens, the rest of ethnic groups in empire Ethiopia are increasingly being angered by the Amhara dying racists failure to stop promoting deceptive history and become agents of change.
Nevertheless, their attempt to promote false history continues to drain the trust which the society have built over a period of century and half. As expected, the Amhara’s little hitler named Getachew Haile ridicules Oromians state system known as the Gadaa system as a mafia system because he and his likes are increasingly frustrated by the return of the Gadaa system and the Oromo culture in general. Worse, this uneducated Arab Diqaalaa speak against the Oromo nation in a manner the street girls and bar prostitutes speak.
Obviously, this is an expected role that the son of those girls can play. Ever since these sick racists came to power in empire Ethiopia, they have used hate and the ridiculing of those whom they fear the most to shape government policies. Ever since then, they have marginalized tens of millions from being a part of the economic development by dismissing any talk of honesty and decency.
Thanks to these sick little racist Diqaalaas, their cousin, the Tigreans are ruling the country now for 23 years justifying their intervention to stop the conflict these little Hitlers artificially produce.
To intentionally confuse the mass, these little Hitlers often use terms such as “We” and “Unity” to suggest that people are united, of course as long as one interprets term “Unity” similar to their interpretation of hatful historiography.
Interestingly, even little old Hitler Getachew Haile attempts to explain the history of the Oromo people in a manner his racist parents taught him. All this is done to hide the undeniable and terrible part of their own historical heritage of cruelty, cheating, immorality and hate of black people.
Nonetheless, even if these dying racists will not admit the fact that their chauvinist political views were and still are the focal point and a driving force for secessionist tendencies that links the Eritreans experiences and the current Oromo and Ogadenia demands to liberate their own free state, the day in which their grand children will suffer the consequence of their racist hatred is not too far.
Certainly, there are few Amhara historians who do not deny the fact that their monarch’s approach to nation building has been the factor that contributed to the separation of Eritrea and they know that it will be their attitude that will lead to the collapse of empire Ethiopia. In short, the Amhara racism is the reason for the rise of the Oromo and other nations and nationalities nationalist movement and secessionist tendencies. Yet, old racist Diqaalaas such as Getachew Haile intentionally overlook these danger because they think that denial will fix the danger that their ignorance and hateful hearts produced. They do this because they think it is humiliating to accept and defeat and that is racists rationale.
But, at the same time, the Oromo people have already looked back to the nineteenth century and identified that Abyssinians political structures and it’s processes, of course was the factor and hindered the development of liberal democracy and ultimately facilitated the rise of the Eritrean, the Tigre and the Oromo nationalism. Further, a wide range of foreign scholars contributed to this argument without necessarily using the term “Oromo Nationalism.”
Basically, the Amharas racists rigid behavior became the main factor that manifest the past, current and future problems by  making every system that has been tried so far to malfunction.
Convincingly, the Amharas had been the elites of empire Ethiopia, particularly, hateful men likeGetachew Haile and the like were considered as senior civil servants who retained much power and influence well into the 1970s.
When mass revolt took place in 1974, they tried to  stand in the way of the revolution; a case in point was Getachew Haile’s ill advice to Mangistu Hailemariam to deny his Walayita linage and call himself Dejazmach Kebede’s son. By manipulating ignorant Mangistu, Getachew Haile, Shimalis Mazengiya, Alemayehu and the like played detrimental role in the death of hundreds of thousands young and intellectuals though the military was blamed for all the killings.
Getachew Haile’s script in PDF
To be continued………
Rundassa Asheetee

Magaaloti Oromiyaa guguddoon bulchiinsa Federaalaaf Kenname,Baadiyyaan Oromiyaa ammo Dureeyyii halagaaf gurguramaa jira.

Qeerroo bilisummaa
Mootummaan gabroonfataa uummata Oromoo qe’ee fi lafa isaa irraa buqqisuu aadeffate har’a illee saalfii tokko malee magaalota naannoo FF kan akka L/Xaafoo L/Daadhii,Burraayyuu,Sabbataa fi Duukam fa’aatti lafa qonnaan bulaa irraa saamee maallaqattii gurguratuu irra darbee qonnaan bulaa Oromoo lafa isaa ifaan ifaatti irraa fuudhuun ummaata Amahaaraa fi Tigrree naannoo isaanii irraa fiduun sababa rakkattoota jedhuun qubachiisee uummata Oromoo jireenya gadadoo keessatti kuffisaa jiraachuun hubatamaa jira.kana malee sirni abbaa hirree uummata Oromoo lafuma isaa waliin uummata Oromoo dhabamsiisuuf tattaaffataa jiru,magaalota Oromiyaa kan akka magaalaa Jimmaa fi Adaamaa godina addaa jechuun Oromiyaa jalaa baasuun harka federaalaa galchuun beekkame,dabalataan magaluma Jimmaa kana keessa uummattoonni jiraatan harki guddaan/74%/ saboota biroo waan tahaniif afaan hojii fi barnootaa afaan amariffaa tahuu qaba jechuun illee jijjiiruuf tattaaffii godhaa jiraachuun
dhagahamaa jira.
Gabaasa KSBO!

US slams Ethiopia's human rights abuse

us state dept(OPride) — The United States in a scathing report on Thursday accused Ethiopia of curtailing freedom of expression and association, using politically motivated trials, harassment and intimidation of activists and journalists.

Ethiopia holds estimated 70,000-80,000 persons, including some 2,500 women and nearly 600 children incarcerated with their mothers, in severely overcrowded six federal and 120 regional prisons, the U.S. said in its voluminous 2013 Human Rights Reportreleased by Secretary of State John Kerry. “There also were many unofficial detention centers throughout the country, including in Dedessa, Bir Sheleko, Tolay, Hormat, Blate, Tatek, Jijiga, Holeta, and Senkele,” the report said.
While it said pretrial detention in local police stations were marred with poor hygiene and police abuse, the report also highlighted impunity for security forces who often commit politically-motivated killings against dissidents and opposition party members as “a serious problem.” The Ethiopian government rarely, if ever, took actions “to prosecute or otherwise punish officials who committed abuses other than corruption,” the report added.
The report named some of the well-known political prisoners and journalists including Eskinder Nega, Bekele Gerba, Olbana Lelisa, Reeyot Alemu and Woubeshet Taye.“Federal Supreme Court upheld the 2012 convictions under the criminal code of Bekele Gerba and Olbana Lelisa, two well-known political opposition figures from the Oromo ethnic group, for conspiracy to overthrow the government and conspiracy to incite unrest,” the report noted.

“The Supreme Court subsequently determined the Federal High Court did not consider mitigating circumstances and reduced Bekele’s sentence from eight years to three years and seven months. The Supreme Court also reduced Olbana’s sentenced from 13 to 11 years. Courts convicted 69 members of Oromo political opposition parties, charged separately in 2011 under the criminal code with “attacking the political or territorial integrity of the state.”
Gerba, who has fully served out his reduced time, was widely expected to be released last month. However, according to family sources, prison officials gave conflicting reasons for his continued imprisonment, including that his time at the Maekelawi prison doesn’t count or his file was misplaced. Meanwhile, both Gerba and Lelisa are reportedly ill with restricted and limited medical care.
Terminally ill
Lelisa is a longtime Oromo rights activist with Oromo Peoples Congress (OPC), who rose through the ranks of the organization from a sole member to top leadership. He competed in the last three elections representing the Caliya district in West Shewa. He was elected to the Oromia regional parliament in 2005. He was subsequently arrested on concocted charges of plotting to overthrow government by working with the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), recruiting youth for armed rebellion and for inciting the frequent youth revolt in Ambo and West Shewa.
Lelisa, who has so far served three years of the 11 years sentence, reports being mistreated while in prison. He has repeatedly been beaten by unidentified men at Kaliti prison with orders from security services. He has sustained serious wounds from the beatings by government agents who pose as prisoners, according to OPride sources. Lelisa, who is terminally ill and said to be on a long-term medication for undisclosed condition, had repeatedly appealed to the higher court about his mistreatment but received no response to date.
Singling out the Oromo
While the State Department’s report is short on details, there are several evidences that show the Ethiopian government continues to single out Oromo dissidents. Last year, the OLF released a partial list (independently verified by a reputable OPride source) of 528 individuals sentenced to death and life imprisonment on purely political grounds.
The list includes names of individuals, their gender, and ethnic backgrounds. Underscoring the disproportionate repression of the Oromo, of the 528 individuals who were sentenced to death or life imprisonment by the Ethiopian courts, 459 are Oromo nationals followed by 52 Amhara nationals. “This list clearly indicates that the minority regime in Ethiopia is using its kangaroo courts for destroying Oromo and Amhara nationals who are viewed as potential threat to the regimes hold on to power,” one informant, who asked not to be named, told OPride.
As documented by various international human rights organizations, today, it is a serious crime, under the Tigrean dominated Ethiopian government to support any independent Oromo organization. Thousands of Oromos have been imprisoned, tortured and killed extra-judicially for no apparent reason other than expressing Oromo national feeling and for their support of Oromo organizations such as the OLF.
The selective and systematic targeting of Oromo in Ethiopia by the current began in 1992 when the OLF which jointly ruled Ethiopia from 1991-1992  with the Tigrayan Liberation Front (TPLF) was banned and its members and supporters jailed for years and hundreds executed without due process of law. Although Oromia, the Oromo regional state in Ethiopia, is autonomous in name, the Oromo do not have any meaningful voice in the affairs of their own state, which is totally controlled by the TPLF.
The later represents no more than seven percent of the population of Ethiopia, while the Oromo, who constitute the single largest national group in Ethiopia and the third largest national group in the whole of Africa. The Oromo are denied the basic democratic rights to organize freely and legally and express their political opinions. There is no single independent newspaper or media outlet catering to the Oromo populace in their native tongue.
The TPLF fears the Oromo numerical strength deliberately characterizes all independent Oromo organizations, which it does not control as the “terror wing” of the OLF.  The goal for such characterization is to persecute peaceful supporters of the OLF behind the façade of fighting against a “ terrorist organization.” Under the anti-terror law of the current Ethiopian regime, anyone who is suspected of peacefully supporting the OLF, could be sentenced to life imprisonment or executed. The above mentioned 459 Oromo nationals who were sentenced to death or life imprisonment are all  suspected OLF supporters.

Destroying the lives of 528 innocent human beings on political ground is a crime against humanity, which must be condemned by all civilized nations. The tearless cry of the U.S. AnnuaL Human Rights report notwithstanding, at this moment no calling is more urgent and more noble and no responsibility greater for those who believe in human rights than raising their voice for pressuring the government of Ethiopia to free the 528 innocent individuals who were sentenced to death and life imprisonment  on purely political grounds.

In the last year alone, two Oromo activists have died in prison under mysterious circumnances. Last year, OPride reported about the death in prison of former UNHCR recognized refugee, engineer Tesfahun Chemeda. Last month, a former parliamentary candidate from Chalenqo in Western Hararghe, Ahmed Nejash died in prison. According to an OPC source, Nejash successfully run and challenegd Sufian Ahmed, Ethiopia's Minister of Finance and Development, during the 2010 elections. He was subsequently arrested in 2011 alleged of being an OLF activist. Although his death recieved scant media coverage even within the Oromo community, a close relative of the late Jarra Abba Gadaa, Nejash is one of the veterans of Oromo people's struggle. "He was sentenced to seven years, which was also upheld by the higher court," the OPC told OPride source said. "He was in Zuway with Bekele and Olbana and he was healthy the last time I saw him in 2013."

Siidaan Yaadannoo Oromoota Aanoleetii Fixaniif Dhaaban Falamaa Uume

Ethiopia: 2013 Human Rights Reports


Ethiopia is a federal republic. The ruling Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), a coalition of four ethnically based parties, controls the government. In September 2012, following the death of former Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, parliament elected Hailemariam Desalegn as prime minister. In national parliamentary elections in 2010, the EPRDF and affiliated parties won 545 of 547 seats to remain in power for a fourth consecutive five-year term. Although the relatively few international officials allowed to observe the elections concluded that technical aspects of the vote were handled competently, some also noted that an environment conducive to free and fair elections was not in place prior to the election. Authorities generally maintained control over the security forces, although Somali Region Special Police and local militias sometimes acted independently. Security forces committed human rights abuses.
The most significant human rights problems included: restrictions on freedom of expression and association, including through arrests; detention; politically motivated trials; harassment; and intimidation of opposition members and journalists, as well as continued restrictions on print media. On August 8, during Eid al-Fitr celebrations, security forces temporarily detained more than one thousand persons in Addis Ababa. The government continued restrictions on activities of civil society and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) imposed by the Charities and Societies Proclamation (the CSO law).
Other human rights problems included arbitrary killings; allegations of torture, beating, abuse, and mistreatment of detainees by security forces; reports of harsh and, at times, life-threatening prison conditions; arbitrary arrest and detention; detention without charge and lengthy pretrial detention; a weak, overburdened judiciary subject to political influence; infringement on citizens’ privacy rights, including illegal searches; allegations of abuses in the implementation of the government’s “villagization” program; restrictions on academic freedom; restrictions on freedom of assembly, association, and movement; alleged interference in religious affairs; limits on citizens’ ability to change their government; police, administrative, and judicial corruption; violence and societal discrimination against women and abuse of children; female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C); trafficking in persons; societal discrimination against persons with disabilities; clashes between ethnic minorities; discrimination against persons based on their sexual orientation and against persons with HIV/AIDS; limits on worker rights; forced labor; and child labor, including forced child labor.


Thursday, February 27, 2014

South of Ethiopia: - a Systematised Prison for 56 Nations and Nationalities

I. Back Ground of Abyssinian Empire and its Colonial Subjects since the Conquest.
During the scramble for Africa’s German summit of 1884, Abyssinian colonisers have taken part to plan their strategy on how to conqueror, systematically enslave, subjugate and civilise their prospective subjects (the slogan of colonisers’ under the pretexts of Commerce, Christianity and Civilisation-known as triple ‘C’, heinously concealing the fourth ‘C’ which was their ultimate motto –the ‘Conquest’. With regards to Abyssinia, during its pre and intra-colonial occupation, there were wars of varying degrees in the entire regions of the South, West, Central and East which is lingering to this date seriously overshadowing the prospective of peace and stability. The term I used as an ‘Intra –Colonisation’ is to show the fact that the nations and nationalities of Abyssinian Empire are under similar occupation to this date.
The subsequent war of Abyssinia’s colonial masters with its Italian counterpart in its Adwa war in 1896 has involved over 100, 000 well-armed personnel with modern European weaponry, therefore, has outsmarted the enemy, decisively annihilating it’s over 20,000 highly mechanised counterpart. Over two decades and a half subjects’ slave trade obtained money lavishly equipped Abyssinian King Menelik II to record the said victory over European power -which can only be comparable with its European counterparts’ such as Great Britain, France, Spain and Portugal. During the said period, defeating such a highly armed and trained European army needs certain degree of technical sophistication and tactical organisation of the forces, therefore undoubtedly qualifies the Abyssinia’s King Menelik II to be one of the few colonial masters of the entire global colonial powers during his era.
Ia. The colonies were obliged to take part in Adwa war
The heroes and heroines of subjugated nation’s and nationalities were obliged to equally take part at the said war of Adwa to defeat Italians, besides, the whole aspects of war and its objectives wasn’t representing their interests. Its’ objective was about purely defending the colonial assets of Abyssinian King Menelik II and sustaining its domination and exploitation of its subjects. This was and is the case with British colonisers’ adopting similar methods under the pretexts of ‘Common Wealth Countries’ to use their colonial subjects to defend their global interests. Tens of thousands are recruited from their former colonies to fight along the actual British infantries all over the globe. Such actions of colonisers’ deceits and manipulations under various pretexts unites both Abyssinian and British colonial masters with their intents; systematically undermining the identities of their respective subjects. The British de-colonies to date allow their fundamental rights to be continually crushed and their wounds persistently ooze reminding them of their actual subjugation and enslavement. How the latter’s perceive their freedom under such anachronism remains.
However, the above example unequivocally shades lights on sceptics’ attitudes & ditches the arguments of Abyssinian King’s successors’ who claim that the Adwa war was being fought by the entire colonial subjects, therefore it was of the entire peoples’, in Armageddon. Therefore, for this particular piece of article, the theme of my discussion isn’t about condoning the victorious Abyssinian Menelik’s army or belittling the defeated Italians. My objective however is something timely, relevant and pervasive needing serious attentions of both antagonising parties; the colonisers and the subjects.
II. The Theme of this Article
I’m not going to argue and deny the fact that the current Ethiopia’s regime and its 130 year predecessors’ are just and fair to others nations and nationalities of the Abyssinian Empire which was crafted by their king Menelik II. And I’m not defending the actions of both culprits with further emphasis on eithers’ being good to others subjects other than 56 South’s’.  I’d rather argue that both cousins are brutalising the subjects under various justifications and definitions since the subjects’ became their victims. I’m going to discuss this as follows.
The former has completely denied peoples of nations and nationalities of their fundamental rights to identities involving disallowing them from mentioning their personal and collective identities. All peoples of nations and nationalities were often groomed and ultimately coerced to glorifying their being Ethiopians’ without mentioning their own both identities such as being an Oromo, Sidama, Ogadenia, Wolyta, Kambata, Gedeo, Hadiya…..& others, the actions fully assimilated most peoples of their colonies.   
The latter ironically allowed nations and nationalities to artificially claim their both identities, however remote controls the subjects through its surrogate conformists who are all groomed to these positions under the pretexts of representing their own nations and nationalities- by superficially propagating their own distinctive nationhood; strict preconditions are placed on their shoulders and harsh penalties are added to the former if the renegades act out of these orders.
Those enlightened nationalists of the subjugated nations and nationalities who genuinely attempt to claim these rights are automatically regarded as an anti-peace, anti-security and anti-development elements-the slogans of the current authoritarian’s regime to use its military muscle to silence any person (individual rights) or groups of people’s (collective rights). The former used both covert and overt marginalisation and subjugations to enforce its subjugating rules through the slogan of Ethiopianism; whereas the current has crafted beautiful document under whose name it brutalises the subjects; by telling them that it has emancipated them from the century old colonisation for the first time since the conquest. It further claims that it has brought them excellent privileges enshrined in the constitution; in practice without allowing the nations and nationalities of the empire to exercise them.
Therefore, it rules as its’ predecessors’ are based on enforcing the well-established colonial systems adopting similar methodologies of systematically enslaving and denying fundamental rights of people to their basic rights. The rules of the current mainly focuses on economic exploitation, political marginalisation and socio-cultural subjugation; all acts of brutality characterises both the current and its predecessors.
III. Further Injustices and Subjugation on already existing slavery on 56 Nations and Nationalities of South Ethiopia (the direction).
It’s morally deeply repugnant, intellectually inadmissible and politically incorrect to silently observe both the current as well as its predecessors’ using the entire south Ethiopian’s 56 distinct nations and nationalities as their virtual commodities and systematic slaves in the 21st century. The aforementioned 56 nations and nationalities of the south are brought to be imprisoned in such a manner that as if they all were Godly presents to all Abyssinia’s successive rulers (including the current) on whom they can do whatever they wish- from generation to generation. In front of our eyes, today as always, the entire nations and nationalities of the south are depersonalised and systematically dehumanised by the current regime.  
Therefore, majority peoples of this particular regional are driven to accept an artificial identity imposed on them by conquerors’ since the conquest; therefore most subjects appear to be in a compete identity crisis- without hope and directions. I’m inclined to saying this simply because most of the subjects lost hope/aspiration and obliged to remain docile and inactive. Otherwise expecting complete subservience whilst their very being is seriously compromised in the 21st century can’t have another explanation. All Abyssinian rulers & their successors strongly believe that south Ethiopia’s nations and nationalities are God-given rights to them; as it was the case with attitudes of European colonialists when they first saw Africa and believed that it was barren land readily awaiting to be sliced and partitioned between them like pieces of cakes and loafs of breads’; totally ignoring and at times considering the legitimate owners of the lands as virtual commodities to be purchased and exchanged.  
None of Abyssinian intelligentsia, religious leaders and the wider members of elite groups utter a single word about this fact. Whenever they criticise the current regime for its gross violations of fundamental rights of Amhara ethnic nationals with aim of undermining the rule of their cousin as they try to reclaim their rule, they choose obliviousness for the fact that if they were in position to reclaim their lost power, they endorse these enslaving rulers as they have done for the past 130 years. Therefore, the claimants of their lost hegemony deliberately undermine the quests of forcefully imprisoned 56 distinct nations and nationalities of the Empire. A good example could be drawn from the example of current their Diaspora Medias such as Ethsat (Radio and TV) which remain silent and agree with the regime in power on this sole agenda of enslaving 56 nation and nationalities.
III a. The Biggest Question!
Is it calling and reinforcing the previously Abyssinian King Menelik II created misnomer of the southern Ethiopian’s 56 distinct nations and nationalities with ‘Direction-South’ in the 21st Century is justifiable? Does any person with genuine humanitarian beliefs believe that the region which has been violently created & maintained with violent means to this date should be left unchallenged to eternally continue? It is obvious that the Empire they call it theirs was crafted with crushing natives, causing genocides against the peoples of indigenous nations and nationalities. The current incumbent is reinforcing the former with the same means adopting slightly different methods of implementation. Don’t we all have moral obligation to reject the continued denial of fundamental rights to 56 distinct Nations and Nationalities of the direction’s peoples? Since the Conquest and subsequent Domination of original Ethiopian nations and nationalities by the Abyssinian Conquerors whose residue deny this fact, the said dehumanisation and subjugation remain active and on-going.

Numerous historians wrote on the fact that the motive, the action, attitudes and practices of Abyssinian conquerors isn’t different from their European counterparts under whatsoever definitions. Persistent conflicts that stained the history of the whole Empire on one hand, the continued plights of subjugated nations and nationalities on the other darkens the whole issues surrounding this matter needing final remedy. Not only has the situation become serious about subjugated nations and nationalities of the direction south; but also the subjects are misled into believing these deep rooted beliefs based on relentless propagandas about the status-quo’s being their own mistakes. They are also coerced to believe that the unfolding tragic situations are the responsibilities of all stakeholders without actually allowing the subjects to manage their own affairs without the involvements of colonial residues.  
IV. Conclusion
It’s becoming crystal clear that the entire south as well as others subjugated nations don’t have option other than demanding for their total emancipation from the 130 year’s old colonial occupation with its enslaving systems and concomitant abject poverty, misery & deprivations it has brought. To avert the inevitable eventuality of the said tragedy awaiting to shake the Empire, the current regime must unconditionally release the entire 56 nations and nationalities of the south from their prisons in particular, others colonial subjects in general. Equally, we call upon all humanitarians to denounce and reject the continuations of 56 nations’ imprisonments and their misnomer the south. These people’s all aren’t direction- but are nations and nationalities with distinct identities, cultures, ways of life and needs and interests and ultimately with capability of managing their own affairs.  And these nations and nationalities were during the periods of pre-conquest have effectively managed their own affairs, the rights which must be unconditionally reversed.

Finally, the subjects must wake up from their deep sleep and the regime in power must behave humanely to address the needs of its subjects in a manner that is compatible with 21st century. Otherwise, the consequences will be dire for the empire and its rulers.