Sunday, May 11, 2014


SEENAA Y.G (2005) | Ebla 11, 2014
Seenaan Gootummaa Oromoo bakkatti deebi’uuf, Mallattoon isaa mul’achuu eegaleera. Oromoo shiraan dadhabsinee gabroomsinaa jedhanii kanneen Maallaqaa fi qabeenyaan nutti duulan , deebii keessa deebii hin qabneen shirri sun hundumtuu fashaluu haa hubatan. Kanneen dantaa bubuutuuf of gurguranii, qabsoo saba isaanii seenaa xuraa’aan faaluu barbaadanis, Ummata Oromoo, Sirnoota Itoophiyaa irraa muuxannoo qaban dhiisaatii, dhaloota har’aa illee, gabrummaaf abbaluun akka hin danda’amne, Seenaa Gootummaa Biyya keessatti galmaa’aa jiru irraa barachuu qaban. Sochiin qabsoo Oromoo guyyaa tokkotti Oromiyaa waliin ga’uu akka danda’amu , firaafis diinaafis hojiin argisiisuun, maal irraa akka maddu kan ofittummaan maraate qofaatu irraa barachuu hin fedhu. warri Qabsoo Oromoo dhabamsiifnee, Oromiyaas dhaallee, jireenya bara baraa jiraanna jedhanii shira dhaloota isaanii dhabamsiisu kanneen dalagaa jiran, Ummati Oromoo Biyya keessaa fi alaa sadarkaa maalirra akka jiru odoo hubatanii hegaree isaaniif tola.
Wayyaanee fi kanneen qabsoo Oromoo bifa garagaraan jibba irraa qaban, Sochii Qabsoo Ummata Oromoo ifatti addunyaa irratti gaggeeffamaa jiruun rifatanii waan jedhan wallaalanii jiran. Wayyaanoonni rifaatuu bifa sadiitu irraa mul’ate. sochii akka tasaa isaan rifaasise kana, Mormii isaan mudate qofatti ialaalanii bira dabruu hin barbaanne jedhama. Hiwaatoonni qophaatti kan xiinxalan akkasitti jedhan.
    1.Biyya waan hundaa dhuunfanne jirra jedhanii yaadan keessatti, Sabboonummaa Ummata kanaa dhabamsiisuuf shiroota amma kana raawwannee, miidiyaa isaanii Ukkaamsinee, keenya chaanaalootaa fi FM kudhanootaan lakkaa’aman itti gadhiifnee, meeshaa hammayyaa Intarneetaa fi bilbila tu’atu galchinee tu’achaa odoo jirru, humnoota tikaa maanguddoo hanga daa’immanii hiriirsinee odoo jirru, Dargaggoota miliyoonaan lakkaa’aman maallaqaan gawwamsinee gurmeessinee ofiitti qabnee osoo jirru, kkf, maallaqa Biyyatti biliyoonaan lakkaa’amu dhangalaafnee odoo jirru, akkamiin humni Oromiyaa guutuu kun sa’a tokkotti sochaa’uu danda’ee ?
    2. Sochiin Gootummaa Ummata Oromoo bakkatti deebi’uuf mallattoo ta’e kun Oromoota irra diinatu hubatee jira. Sochiin kun ammoo dhaloota har’aa qofaa odoo hin taanee, daa’imman mana barumsaa sadarkaa 1ffaa gadii hirmaachisuun isaa, waan gara fuula duraatti isaan eeggatu irraa rifataniiru. Haala kanaan, Karoora dhoksaa keewwatan , suuta Dizaayinii siyaasaa jijjiiruuf keewwannee itti fufna ? moo , ni dhiifna ? tarkaanfiilee fudhatamn irraas waan akeekkannu qabnaa , hegaree Ummata keenyaa akkam goona ?
    3.waggaa 23f Qabsoo Ummata Oromoo dhabamsiisuuf shiroota Biyya keessaa hanga Biyyoota alaatti gaggeessaa jirruun milkaa’aa jirra odoo jennuu, Sochiin amma argaa jirru, akkamiin Biyya keessaa fi alatti qindaa’ee hojii irra ooluu danda’ee ? kana irraa kaanee hegareen keenya maal ta’uu danda’aa ? waan hanga har’aatti hojjanne hundi bishaantu itti naqamee . toftaa akkamiin   nu jalatti waan amma kana ga’u gaggeeffamu danda’ee ? akkamiin shariikoota keenyaaf wabii ta’uu dandeenya ? sochiin kun dhufaatii Mummicha ministeeroota Chaayinaa fi Ministeera Dhimma alaa Ameerikaan akkamiin wal irra ooluu danda’e ? humni tikaa fi nageenyaa akkamiin bira ga’uu dadhabe ? jechutti jiru.
Wayyaaneen ala kan jiranii fi Qabsoo Ummata Oromoo dhabamsiisanii habjuu isaanii ummata kana irratti fe’achuu kanneen barbaadan , Sochii Gootummaa Ummata Oromoo addatti Dargaggootaa kanaan hedduu rifatanii jiran. Shirri Nafxanyoota durii , wayyaaneen akka nu rukuttuu fi isaan ammoo, Wayyaanee rukutanii bakkatti deebi’uu barbaadu. Wayyaaneen ammoo, Oromoon Amaara akka rukutuu fi isaan humna amma qabaniin Oromoo rukutanii jiraachuu barbaadu. kana malees Oromoo fi Amaara walitti naqixee ofii diriiffattee jiraachuus ni yaaddi. Sochii ammaan garuu, Nafxanyoonni dubbii hamaa akka ofitti harkisaa jiran hubatanii , sochii kana deeggaruu kan jedhu keessa ilaallataa jiru. Oromoon garuu Tapha akka isaanii kana irraa bu’aa kan argatu hin fakkaatu. Of danda’ee lamaanuu of irraa haleeluu qofaadha carraan qabu. kana jechuun, Ummatoota isaanii fayyaaleyyitti duuluu akka hin taane gadi jabeessinee hubachuu nu feesisa. Ummati Magaalaa Amboo hojiin siyaasaa dhiheenya kana raawwatan barnoota nuuf ta’uu qaba. Oromoon dhala Namaaf kabajaa kan kennu, waan isaan waliin wal fuudheef, yk heerumsifateef , ykn wal irraa ilmaan godhateef ykn michoomeef miti. Dhala Namaa ta’u isaanii qofaan kabajaa kennaaf. “Quphannaan na tuffattee, ol kaanaan na baqattee”jedhee Mammaaksa haaraa kanan uumeef kanaafi.
Sochiin Ummataa fi Qeerroo Biyya keessaa fi alatti bifa qindaa’een gaggeefame jiruu fi wayyaaneen ajjeechaan Dargaggoota irratti gaggeesse, Miseensoota OPDO lamatti qooduun ibsamaa jira.  Kunis, Deeggartoota Hiwaatootaa Maastar Pilaanii kana hojii irra oolchuuf shira gara garaa raawwatanii fi warruma dura irraa kaasee Maastar Pilaanii kana morman giddutti rakkoo Ulfaataan umamee jiraachuu warri keessa beekan ibsanii jiru. warra hiwahaatiin deeggaran keessaa inni adda duraa Kumaa Dammaqisaa wayita ta’u, inni Bulchaa Magaalaa Finfinnee wayita ture, Maastar pilaanii Magaalaa Finfinnee 10ffaa raggaasisee kan ka’ee fi harka hiwaatootaa kanjiru yennaa ta’u. Daangaan Magaalaa Finfinnee, Burraayyuu, Sulultaa, Laga Xaafoo, Laga Dadhii, Galaan, Dukam, Sabbataa kan of keessatti hammatu ta’uu keessa beektoonni odeeffannoon baasan ni ibsa. Mukitaar Pirazadantii Oromiyaa kan ta’ee muudame waan kana raawwachiisuuf ta’uun beekameera. Obbo Alamaayyoo Atoomsaa lubbun wayita jiranitti, warra Maastar Pilaanii kana hin fudhanne keessaa tokko turu warri keessa beekan ni dubbatu. Dhugaan ni qallatti malee hin cabdu kan jedhan kanadha. Kan nama raaju, Hiwaatoonni Maastar pilaanii kana maaliif akka itti fayyadamuuf deeman miseensoonni OPDO irra jirees duuba keessa irratti Dammaquutu dubbatamaa jira. Wayyaanoonni waan yaadan kan biroo yeroo isaatti itti debi’a. amma keenyatti haa deebinu.
Yaaddoon wayyaanee inni adda duraa, Sochii dhaloota har’aan gaggeeffamaa jiru kana ka’umsa isaa wallaaluudha. Dhugumatti jabinni Qeerroos isa kanadha. Kun wayyaaneen xiyyeeffannaa ol aanaa kennameefii irratti hojjatamuun waan hin hafnee, of eeggachuun gaariidha. Gootummaa Oromoo bakkatti deebi’uuf Mallattoo argaa jirra kan jedheef kanaaf. Bara Oromoon GADAAn bulaa ture, waan deemaniif mana keessatti fixatanii, akka Galaanaa diina irra garagaluu malee , waan ta’uuf deemu kan beeku hin jiru ture jedhama. Kufaatiin kan isaan mudachuu eegale, gaafa diinni qaawwaa isaan giddutti uumedhaa jedhama. Har’a scohiin Biyya keessaa hanga Biyyoota alaa addunyaan raajeffateetti gaggeffame kun , yoo irratti hojjanne , yaadaa fi qalbiin Kenya bakka tokko jiraachuu keenya nu mirkaneessu irra dabree, Gootummaan keenya balbala keenya irra ga’uu nu dhugeessa . Hojii nu hafuuf waan har’a eegallee kun, bu’ura ta’uu qaba. Tumsi keenya keessa keenyatti hamilee seexaa of keessaa qabu uume kun, gonkumaa deebi’ee badu hin qabu. Ijoollee rasaasa diinaan ajjeefaman eenyuf jedhanii akka ta’ee qalbeeffachuu qabna . Dhalli Oromoo Guddaas ta’ee xiqqaa, faajjii ijoollee kanaa ol kaasuun ala furmaata akka hin qabne hubachuu nu feesisa. Gootummaan kun akkaataa hangafoota isaanitti tarkaanfatee, duula Hojii dhaabuu fi daldala dhaabutti ce’uun dirqiidha. Kanaaf ammoo, dhalli Oromoo Biyya alaa jiru, Ummata Biyya keessaa bifa danda’een ijaaree qabsoo Ijaarsa dhaloota har’a cinaa dhaabuun dirqamadha.
Oromummaan har’a kan madaalamtu dhiigaan qofaa miti . waan sabummaa ofiif hojjataniin madaalamti. Hedduu Odeessu irra , waa xiqqoo qabsoo Oromoof gumaachutti haa jijjiiramnu. Humnaa fi beekumsa muraasaan hojii gootummaatti nu geessu mirkaneessinee jirra. Kana irra yoo hojjanne, diinatti xumura gochuu ni dandeenya. Dhalli Oromoo Tumsi har’aa Biyya keessaa fi alatti gaggeessaa jiru , Dhala Oromoof abdii ol aanaa ta’eera. Oromummaaf dursa yoo kennine , ilaalchaan adda ta’uun, diina irratti tokko ta’uu irraa nu hin dhaabu. Sochiin Biyya keessaa fi alaa irraa kan amma hubannes kanuma. Yeroo kana Addunyaan nama dhaggeeffachuu eegalti.
Qeerroon Oromoo Gootummaa isa caaluuf akka of qopheessu shakkii hin qabu. Eegee qeerransaa hin qaban. Qaban ammoo gadi hin lakkisan. kun mammaaksa Oromooti. Oromoon kana ofumaa hin mammaakne. Mammaakisi kun har’a hojjataa jira. Dhiigni obbolaa keenyaa Asfaaltii irratti dhangalaate booree Nuuf taatee, qabsoo isa ol aanaaf nu kakaafti malee , manatti ol nu hin deebiftu. Ummati Oromoo Biyyoota hambaa keessa jiranis, Seenaa amma hojjatan kana daran jabeessuuf, halaknii fi guyyaa hojjachu qaban. Hundumtuu bakka jirutti of qopheessuu fi wareegama barbaachisu baasuuf, wal ijaaruun fardiidha. Haqi Oromoo Ilamaan Oromoo walitti fidu dhihaateera. Gaafas, wayyaanee fageessitee yaadu dadhabdee , muka of irratti muraa jirtuuf moojii !!!!!!!!jala deemtoota har’allee gawwamsaa wayyaaneen machaa’aa jiranifis ani hin beeku.warra mallaqa dhiiga ilmaan Oromoo dhangala’aa jiru caalsifatanii , of gatanii saamicha mana isaaniif karaa mijeessaniif waaqatu beeka !!!! kun waan hin hafne . Sochiin Dargaggoota Oromoo Addunyaa maraa itti fufa. Waan hojjannuu fi maaliif akka hojjannu , ofitti amanamummaan of harkaa qabna. Waan itti jirru hojii keenyaa fi seenaa keenyatu nu ibsa. Oromiyaa borii keessatti mirga guutuu qabaachuuf, boontee jiraachuuf, Afaan guuttee dubbachuuf, har’a qooda kee gumaachii seenaa hojjadhu.

Marchers Demanded Justice for Massacred Oromo Students and Civilians Worldwide

From Washington DC to Toronto, Melbourne, London, Oslo and Johannesburg, the Oromo diaspora held demonstrations worldwide in over 30 cities demanding justice for over 85 students and residents massacred across Oromia region by Ethiopia's TPLF army and police.

The demonstrations aimed at condemning the weeks-long killings, injuries, detentions of Oromo students (oft under ages) and members of the general public by Ethiopia military and federal police. From slogans  commonly carried and heard at worldwide rallies and letters submitted to members of the governments of the cities and countries mentioned, it was clear that the Oromo diaspora was not only opposed to the killings, but it was also outraged by the silence of donor governments to Ethiopia on the ongoing ethnic-cleansing targeting members of the Oromo nationality.

 The marchers sought the attention of Washington, London, Oslo, Pretoria, Toronto, among others, to resolve the ongoing crises in Oromia by ending the killings first and then taking practical measures that would stop the Ethiopian government from using lethal excessive force against Oromo school children and youth. The practical measures, include, ending the culture of impunity by Ethiopia's government officials who order ethnic-based killings of the Oromo as DC demonstrators asked for in the following video.

Over 1,500 Oromo and friends of Oromo marched on Washington appealing to US President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry to discontinue funding Ethiopian government, which uses the funds, advice and diplomatic support it receives to repress and discriminate against the Oromo people and others who don't have any legitimate representation in Ethiopia's state and in ongoing pseudo development activities that are benefiting a tiny minority of  ruling elites from EPRDF and TPLF. 

Oromo students in universities, high schools and even elementary schools have been marching in millions with members of the general public to stop the Addis Ababa Master Plan that's is evicting and will evict millions of Oromo farmers and town residents across areas adjacent to the capital city.  Demonstrators in Washington DC characterized the master plan as  "Addis Ababa Master Plan is a genocide plan" against the Oromo people presented innocently as " development and expansion of Ethiopia's capital city," which is ironically at the same time the capital city of Oromia state by virtue of resting on Oromia's land.  

Demonstrators stressed that they are not opposed to development activities that are legitimately and autonomously conducted by Oromia region for the people of the region without an imposition and territorial colonization of Oromia to benefit non-Oromos in state power in Ethiopia.

People outraged by the atrocities of the Ethiopian government against unarmed Oromo students turned out in large numbers, as rarely seen before, showing  the surge in popular concern about the increasingly bleak directions the Ethiopian government is taking toward the long-persecuted and excluded Oromo population, which is estimated at least to be half of the Ethiopia's 95 million population. Oromos cannot understand how it is possible to develop a country by just enriching a tiny ruling elite from the north while the majority routinely sees its lives and property snatched away illegally at gun-point.

Disregarding  the number of people who turned out in Washington DC to protest widespread massacre across Oromia, US media, including CNN, Fox News, AP and so on were no where to be seen to cover the peaceful rally events that brought several street closures in several states and were clearly massive. Not sure that the media or governments that support Ethiopia will even hear or care to hear from them, protesters shouted naïve, but important slogans such as, "Where is the media? Where is CNN? Where is Fox?" and so on.  Do you expect them to maintain a semblance of independence and report on the complicity of their governments? Well, the silence proves that given that invitations and news tips were sent out to these media in advance to consider covering the rallies. The standard responses to news tippers (concerned callers) were: "Okay, I got your information down,"  hinting you can now hang up the phone and I will forget you right next second. 

The general feeling is that the massacres in Oromia are silenced not only by the Ethiopian government, which has a stranglehold on information flow out of the region, but also by the members of the international media who fail to shade light on the major problems raised by peaceful protesters.

Marchers crossed state lines, country lines and so on to get to the cities in which demonstrations were being held; a sizable number of parents did bring their little ones as there is no one left at home to look after them. 

Some of these demonstrations were grueling as they lasted from 9:am through 2pm, leaving many to lose their voices after shouting slogans for miles and hours without hydrating. But, they seemed to think that losing voice and exhaustion are nothing compared to Oromia's students and residents who are paying the ultimate price in their lives for demanding the end to land grabbing and massive evictions of genocidal proportions in Oromia.


Ethiopia: Should Jigjiga University Students defy Order to Halt Protest?

Jigjiga,about 80 kilometers Eastern of the city of Harar,and the regional capital of the 9 provinces of Somali (Ogaden) region,a region its inhabitants are predominantly Somali and Muslim,which is sealed off international Journalists and aid agencies by the Addis Ababa regime has been a scene of terror for the last couple of years.
,Jigjiga university students that consist of Oromos,Sidamas, Afars, and Somali ethnicity have been conversing and exchanging letters written on them “let’s protest against the dictatorial regime in support of murdered students in Oromia region” Qorahay Media reports.
Outraged by the unnecessary killings of the innocent Oromo students that protested against,Tigray Peoples Liberation Front,the ruling party’s endeavor to annex the Capital City of Finfine (Addis Ababa) in part of the Oromia state,the Jijiga University students’ plan to protest on Friday was delayed by death threats from the head of the Liyu Police and Regional Security officer of the Ogaden Administration,Abdirahman Labago’le,” The report said.
The message of the head of the notorious Liyu Police,Mr. Labago’le, was clear and simple “,any one that’s caught organizing a group of students in part of agitating,mobilizing an uprising should be killed at the scene. Ogaden region is not like Oromia region you can be killed and buried your corpse in an unknown place without the International Communities’ awareness”,The Source said.
Ethiopian government believes that the protests had been encouraged by “media inside and outside the country” and regards as driven by forces that have an intention of “an evil purpose”.
According to Intelligence sources, Tigray Peoples Liberation Front,TPLF, dominant faction of the EPRDF coalition in Ethiopia worried about Tigray,while the government is quietly disintegrating before the 2015-election.
Officials from the most powerful Ethiopian oppositions groups, Ogaden National Liberation front and Oromo Liberation Front, have been conversing amid the increasing tension in Ethiopia, even though they have met several times in abroad in this year ,so many things of what they have discussion still left unknown.

Statement of the National Youth Movement for Freedom and Democracy (aka Qeerroo BilisummaaOromoo) on the Current Non-violent Movement in Oromia


May 9, 2014
Over the last two weeks, the Oromo people and the Oromo youth, particularly the Oromo students of various colleges, universities, high schools, middle schools and elementary schools have been asking the Oromian regional government the right of the Oromo people on their country Oromia in a peaceful and legal manner according to the right given to us by the Ethiopian constitution.
However, the response of the Ethiopian government to our rightful question has been to unleash its Federal Police and a special military known as Agazi, armed to the teeth, on unarmed youth and civilian population and to turn the entire region into a battle field taking the lives of several dozen Oromians and kidnapping and arresting thousands others. Therefore, we, Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo, hereby ask the Ethiopian government to give appropriate and immediate response to the following rightful and legal demands, which are also the demands of the entire Oromo people.
  1. We demand an immediate release of thousands of Oromo youth and other civilians who are jailed and being tortured at several Federal Police prisons in the country. We also demand that the list of these prisoners be released to the Ethiopian public and to the world.
  2. We demand that those who killed dozens of unarmed students and peaceful civilians be investigated by an independent body erected by the United Nations and be brought to justice.
  3. We demand that all political prisoners languishing in jail over the last 23 years of the TPLF/EPRDF rule under fabricated charges and verdict and those who are kept in prison without any charge be released without any precondition.
  4. We demand that the Federal Police and the Federal government military who mercilessly massacres the Oromo people and other civilian citizens be completely removed from Oromia regional state.
  5. We demand that all universities, colleges, high schools and other educational institutions be free of the EPRDF political party police, intelligence (spies), and cadres and for these personnel to be removed from the campus of all educational institutions.

Egypt says following arrest of 3 nationals in Ethiopia

Egypt says following arrest of 3 nationals in Ethiopia

Ethiopian security forces had arrested three Egyptians in the westernmost Gambela region near the border with South Sudan.

World Bulletin/News Desk
Egypt is following up the issue of detaining three nationals by Ethiopian security forces, Egyptian Foreign Minister Nabil Fahmi has said.
"I knew about the arrest of three Egyptians in Ethiopia and we are following up the issue," Fahim was quoted by the private newspaper Youm7 as saying during his current visit to Equatorial Guinea.
"We will announce all the details of the crisis within the next few hours," he added.
Fahmi's statements were the first Egyptian reaction to reports about the arrest of three Egyptians in Ethiopia.
On Thursday, Anadolu Agency quoted a well-placed Ethiopian source as saying that Ethiopian security forces had arrested three Egyptians in the westernmost Gambela region near the border with South Sudan.
The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said two were arrested while trying to board a public bus bound for Assosa in the Benishangul-Gumuz Region, where Ethiopia is building the multibillion-dollar Renaissance hydroelectric dam on the Nile River.
The third, he added, was seized by Ethiopian citizens while taking pictures of a new dam being constructed on the Baro River, a tributary of the Nile River.
According to the well-placed source, the three Egyptians are currently in police custody in Gambella where they are being interrogated.
He said they had been arrested earlier this week, declining to give their names for security reasons.
"The papers with the three Egyptians carried different names …We are still in the early stages of the investigation," the source said.
Earlier, Ethiopian and Somali websites identified the three arrestees as Youssef al-Haj, Ismail Azeezi and Hassan Garay.
The trio was found to have entered Ethiopian territory illegally without registering at any of the four border crossings between Ethiopia and South Sudan, the source said.
They are expected to face charges of illegal entry, holding forged visas and threatening the country's vital facilities, the source said.
The arrests come amid heightened tension between the two countries over the Renaissance dam.
The project has raised alarm bells in Egypt, the Arab world's most populous country, which fears a reduction of its historical share of Nile water.
Water distribution among Nile basin states has long been regulated by a colonial-era treaty giving Egypt and Sudan the lion's share of river water.
However, citing its need for development, Ethiopia says it must build a series of dams to generate electricity, both for local consumption and export.
Addis Ababa insists the new dam will benefit downstream states Sudan and Egypt, both of which will be invited to purchase the electricity thus generated.

Foreign Minister: No serious response from Ethiopia over Renaissance Dam

Foreign Minister Nabil Fahmy said on Saturday from Guinea that Egypt will not be reluctant toward the Nile Basin issue and will take advantage of all diplomatic chances to clarify its stance as well as friends to find solutions that fulfill aspirations of African countries without harming interests of anyone.
"However, we had not found practical response from Ethiopia toward serious negotiations," he added.
He added that he met with his Ethiopian counterpart in Brussels a month ago when they tackled somes ideas that they had earlier considered and they are still awaiting a response from the Ethiopian side.
He pointed to an agreement that was made last year to hold technical negotiations, followed by bilateral negotiations. However, the technical negotiations were not concluded so the following political negotiations were never held.
Uganda and Tanzania, according to Fahmy, proposed holding unofficial meetings for the Nile Basin countries. The proposals were not considered, he said, adding that Egypt is open to dialogue with Africans and has confidence in its rights and desire to reach solutions that do not harm its interests.
Regarding developments over resuming membership of Egypt at the African Union, Fahmy brought up the previous rejection on the decision as well as Egyptian efforts toward the decision. He also pointed to positive indicators by African leaders like support of Guinean president toward return of Egypt to the union as well as the union’s agreement to follow up on the presidential agreements
In relevant news, Fahmy said that authorities in question are following on arrest of three Egyptians in Ethiopia over spying.