Monday, May 12, 2014

Atrocities and Mass Eviction Can Only Be Curbed by Resistance

olf_logo(OLF Statement – May, 12, 2014)
– Afaan Oromo version
– Amharic version
The insistence of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) regime on escalating the use of violent and brutal means to respond to the peaceful and legitimate demand of the Oromo people triggered and intensified wide uprising in Oromia. In this uprising that involved the youth and the others from all walk of life, tens have been murdered, hundreds wounded and thousands detained and dismissed from school. This brutal action of the fascistic dictatorial regime in front of the Ethiopian peoples and the rest of the world once again exposed its hatred for the Oromo people.
Even though the regime could not deny the glaring atrocity, its 23 years history shows that it will concoct its usual boring stage show to create escape goat for its atrocities as evidenced by the following episodes.
1. Following forced withdrawal of the OLF from the Ethiopian Transactional Government 20,000 members of the organization and civilians including children were detained and tortured in the camps of Dhidheessa, Hurso and others. Many of those who were later transferred to Zeway camp and those detained in Hammarreessa camp perished. Subsequently thousands of Oromos are illegally detained at Qaallittii, Qilimto, Zuay, Shawa Robit and in countless military detention centres for peacefully demanding their legitimate rights. Nobody has been accounted for these.
2. The Sidama people, like other peoples under this regime, are denied their legitimate right on their own land. They were massacred in cold blood when they demonstrated against forceful eviction from their ancestral land. Instead of investigating this atrocity committed by the regime’s special notorious unit known as Agaazi, as promised by the regime, the evidences were suppressed and the perpetrators were also promoted. One of the culprits of that atrocity is the president of the Southern Peoples’ Region at the time and the current Prime Minister of Ethiopia Hailemariam Desalegn.
3. It is a known fact that the Gambella people have been subjected to genocide for refusing to evacuate their ancestral land for foreign investors. Again the perpetrators of this incident have been promoted and transferred to Tigray for their maximum safety.
4. One of the subject peoples of the Ethiopian empire, the Ogadenis, have been subjected to total burn down of their villages, systematic looting of their properties and violent raping simply for demanding their legitimate right. Nobody has been accounted for this vicious act of the military and security forces of the regime yet.
5. Officially acknowledged murder of 193 peaceful demonstrators protesting the rigging of the fake election of 2005 by day light in the capital, has never been accounted for because the judge who was in charge of the investigation had to flee the country to save his own life.
6. Because of its lack of self confidence, the TPLF regime wants to muddle even in the affairs of the religious institutions to put its henchmen in charge. Chaos has been created as people normally resist such ominous policies with violent consequences. One of the victims of such chaos is the Muslim community, composed of Oromo majority. Again in this case instead of peacefully resolving their legitimate question, the demand to elect their own leaders instead of being appointed by the state, they ended up dead, tortured or in jail. In the Muslims case they were not only violently mistreated but they were labelled “Extremist Jabhat el Harakat” and convicted with predetermined crimes and jailed.
This regime, in its 23 years of reign, has once again ascertained the successive Ethiopianregimes’ tradition of violently suppressing legitimate demands of the people under their rule. Therefore the only option for the Oromo to claim their legitimate right in the face of this heightened repression is to firmly resist to the last. Oromo nationals inside and outside the country have to stand in unison against the current large scale campaign that threatens their livelihood and existence. Specifically, the Oromo at home have to be wary of the regime-run media misleading propaganda and step up the resistance to avoid further aggravated atrocities. The OLF will work relentlessly for the success of this effort and is confident that this issue will be settled for good.
This antagonistic regime could survive for so long because it could recruit uninformed or myopic elements that run after temporary benefits at the expense of good neighbourhood, fraternity and love taking advantage of the weakness in the liberation camp. Therefore the OLF forwards its call to the following, in a way to rectify this.
To the Oromo Nationals
As history vividly testifies, no Oromo national who has ever served any of the successive Ethiopian regimes, however faithfully he performed his duties, has ever been trusted, accommodated, respected, honoured or felt confident. Oromos are taken in only when the system is in crisis. The sacrifices that the Oromo paid in the war of conquest against Oromo, the wars with Italy, the wars with Eritrea, Somalia and others under the previous regimes, and the external and internal wars under TPLF has never been recognised. It is embarrassing to see Oromos pay further sacrifice either due to ignorance of this fact or for temporary petty benefits. Therefore the OLF renews its call to all those serving the regime in the military and police force, and it’s other structures, since you will eventually be abandoned, mistreated or being body guard of the oppressor; standing for the right of your people is dutiful and right historical record.
To Oromo Nationals in the rank and file of the OPDO
You have worked to implement the TPLF orders on Oromia and Oromo, for the last 23 years, with some of you being involved in the crimes against your people. Therefore we call Oromo nationals and nationalists to take this chance by taking firm stand no more to serve the enemy against the interest of your people and compensate them by joining the struggle and reconcile. Failing to do this and continuing to facilitate the crime against the people is not only going down in history as such but also legal liability.
To the other nationals in the Regime’s Structure
It is obvious that the duty of the military, under the oath, is guarding the country’s borders against external aggression. However, the TPLF has transformed the national army, built on
this the contrary basis, to the army of only its party and uses it to commit crime against the people. Since this is against the purpose of its creation and the “constitution” itself taking part in this is legal liability. Therefore the OLF calls all nationals serving in the TPLF armed forces to know that the legitimate demand of the people has to be resolved peacefully not by military force and hence not to partake in the illegal campaign of this regime against the people under its rule. We want you to understand that those who are killed, detained and tortured are peoples subjugated by the regime you are serving.
To the Ethiopian Peoples and Political Organizations
Everybody knows that the Oromo people are subjugated on their own homeland simply to deny them the benefit of their own resources. Therefore we call on those of you, who believe in justice, peoples’ rights and claim to struggle for the equality of nations and nationalities, to contribute your share in halting the current TPLF inhuman onslaught on the Oromo people and support their legitimate struggle. Condoning these atrocities against the Oromo will not help future peace, equality and neighbourhood.
Specifically, to the Tigrian People in General and Individuals
It is obvious that the Tigraian people had paid heavy sacrifice in the struggle for their legitimate right. We also believe that the Tigraian people are aware that the rights they achieved cannot be protected by oppressing other peoples. This being the general truth it is also the case that many Tigraian nationals in Oromia are widely engaged in activities that harms relation between these two peoples for temporary benefits. Many of these who are in the security, military and other structure of the regime are engaged in atrocious activities that leave considerable cloud in the future relation of the two people. Our people are also observing many of those involved in individual activities but acting against the interest of the Oromo people and providing intelligence to the regime. OLF wants to remind these individuals and others engaged in similar activities, it is better to live in peace without fear instead of accumulating wealth under constant insecurity. We warn all to immediately refrain from such acts against our people.
Besides there is no question that the aspiration of the Tigraian people, like any other, is peace, stability, development and prosperity. We believe that was also the goal of your struggle. However, we think you are also aware of some of your children who mobilised you under the struggle for democracy, equality and liberty, and grabbed the Ethiopian state power with your sacrifice, are committing atrocities worse than the regime they fought. The resentment that is building up in the other peoples due to the atrocities these elements of your children are committing should be of concern to you for the future relation with these peoples. Therefore the OLF requests you to give appropriate decesion so that they desist from these activities. We further request that you understand the true goal of the Oromo struggle and stand by it.
To the governments and the International community
The political, diplomatic and economic support to the dictatorial regimes has brought more harm than bringing peace, stability, development or prosperity. It is undeniable that the TPLF dictatorial regime is using the diplomatic and economic support given by the western and other nations for purpose of suppressing the people under its rule which is contrary to what it is meant for. It is used to silence the citizens so that they cannot freely express their ideas in any form. Therefore many organizations and the people have been repeatedly requesting the donor nations to monitor the utilization of their resources. Therefore the OLF requests once more that you monitor the use of the resources you make available to this regime, use your leverage to force this regime to resolve peoples’ legitimate questions peacefully, and condemn the widespread violation of human rights and the latest atrocities committed against the Oromo people.

Victory to the Oromo People!
Oromo Liberation Front
May 12, 2014

FDG Yuuniversitii Jimmaa Itti Fufuu Irraan Barattooti Oromoo Tikoota Wayyaaneen Qabaman.

Camsaa 12, 2014 FDG Mootummaan abbaa irree faashistii Wayyaanee barattoota Oromoo ukkamsuu itti fufee jira. Haaluma kanaan Barattootni Oromoo 6 koolleejjii barsiisota Jimmaa irraan humna tikaa Wayyaaneetiin ukkanfamanii qabamanii waajjira poolisii godina jimmatti hidhamanii dararamaa jiru. Barattoota Oromoo koolleejjii barsiisota Jimmaa irraa guyyaa kaleessaa konkolaataa dabballoota tikaa Wayyaaneen ukkanfaman qabaman keessaa:-
1ffaa Barataa Guddisaa Cimdeessaa mummee barnoota Civics waggaa 2ffaa. akka malee reebichaan dararamaa jira.
2ffaa Barattuu Jirraanuus badhaasaa mummee sportii Waggaa 2ffaa, barattuu dubaraa reebichaan dararamaa jirtudha.
3ffaa. Barataa Seefuu Hayilee Mummee Geography waggaa 2ffaa
4ffaa Barataa Asaffaa Dhugumaa mummee chemistry waggaa 2ffaa
5ffaa Barataa Umar Roobaa mummee Geography waggaa 2ffaa
6ffaa Barataa Zallaqaa Asiiraasi mummee chemistry waggaa 2ffaa kanneen jedhaman badii tokko malee humnoota tikaa fi pooliisiin qabamani wajjiraa Poolisii godina Jimmaatti Hidhamani dararama jiru.
Duullii Hidhaa kun erga guyyaa kaleessa Jillii ergama Wayyaanee baatee deemuu, koree tasgabbeessituu Mootummaa gidduu galeessa irraa bobbafamne ofiin jedhee ilmaan Oromoo hidhatti guursisaa jiru, kan nama Abdul Qaadirjedhamuun durfamu guyyaa kaleessa ergama diinummaa isaa lallabuuf gootota barattoota Yuunibarsiitii Jimmaagidduutti argamuun olola ofuuf isa akeekkatu, gaaffiin barattoota Oromoo Yuunibarsiitii Jimmaa lafa isa ilaalchisee qaanii fi Salphina guddaan of irra deebi’ee jira, Goototni barattootni Oromoo Yuunibarsiitii Jimmaa tokkummaa isaanii jabeeffachuun gaaffii keenyaaf deebii qubsaa barbaadna, ilmaan Oromoo sabaaba gaaffii karaa nagaa gaafanneef Ajjeefamaniif itti gaafatamta, kannee hidhaa keessa jiran hiikamuu qabu, nuti Hirmii waliin dubbachuu hin dandeenyu,ammaas FDG itti fufayoo nu fixxan nu fixaa maleesodaa keessan afaan qabannee dhugaa falmachuu irra duubatti hin deebinuu jechuun ifatti ejjennoo isanii ibsachuun qaanessaniiru, kana irraa ka’uun barattoota koolleejjii barsiisota Jimmaa biras yoo deemne kanumatu nu mudachuu danda’a waan ta’eefijoollee Oromoo nu rakkisaa jirtu qaba hidhaa jechuun labsii diinummaa ijoollee Oromoo irratti labsaa jiru
Gama biraan tikoonni mootummaa Wayyaanee barattoota Habashaa qindeessuun mooraa Yuuniverstii Jimmaa keessatti akka balaa dhaqabsiisanii barattoota Oromootti qabataniif meeshaa waraanaa hidhachiisee osoo Mooraa Yuuniversitichaa seenuuf jedhanii waariyyoota mooraan qabamanii akka saaxilamanii jiran qeerroon naannicha irraa gabaasa.
Kana Malees sabboontootni barattootni Oromoo dhabbilee Barnoota Ol aanoo irraa Ukkanfamanii eessa buuteen dhabama jira haala kanaan Barattootni Oromoo Yuunibarsiitii harammayyaa irraa ukkanfamanii humnota loltuu fi tikaa Wayyaaneen qabamanii hedhaman eessa buteen isaanitu kan hin beekamnee
1ffaa Barataa Alamaayyoo Gonfaa
2ffaa Barataa Nimoonaa Caalii kan keessatti argaman Yuunibarsiitii Harammayyaa irra qabamanii hanga amma eessatti hidhqamuun isaanii hin beekamne!!

#OromoProtests Solidarity Rally in France Urges the Cities of Paris and Lyon to Abstain Support for the TPLF’s Politically-Motivated Addis Ababa Master Plan, Also Appeal Presented to UNESCO

(May 11, 2014) – The Oromo community in France held demonstration in Paris to oppose the controversial master plan to expand Finfine (Addis Ababa) and the mass killing act committed against the Oromos in Ethiopia. The protesters gathered from every corner of the country to the capital (Paris) in front of the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs and the Ethiopian Embassy.
The protesters expressed their deep condolences by the massacre committed against the innocent students, farmers and urban-dwellers in Oromiya, and urged the French government to stop its diplomatic and professional support and assistance to the dictatorial Ethiopian government. Besides that, they urged the cities of Paris and Lyon to abstain from their roles in Finfine master plan that is politically motivated to uproot our people from their ancestral farmlands in the name of development.
They presented their written appeal* to the Office of the French President, Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Parliament and the Cities of Paris and Lyon to use their diplomatic channels to stop this unpopular and destructive plan.
They appealed also to the UNESCO headquarters in Paris for this plan could destroy the natural resources and cultural heritages of the Oromo people. Finally, they vowed to intensify their struggle until our people attain their full human, social and political rights and democracy reign in our country.
Report by Ahmed Abbaa Bulguu
(Demonstration Organizing Committee)
Miseensa koree Hawaasa Oromoo Faransay
(Miseensa Qinddeessituu Hiriiraa)

The seed of truth will destroy TPLF’s Mountain of falsehood

By Rundassa Asheetee Hunde | May 11, 2014
Not being satisfied by the killing of the Oromo people and by the jailing of tens of thousands of Oromians, the Tigre government seem to suffer from the paranoia of the Oromo and the Amhara recent cosy relationship. In order to create another tension between the two major nations, the Tigre team in Finfinnee is burring down businesses owned by the Amharas in western part of Oromia.  In addition, it is spreading rumors that the OLF received fund from Egypt in order to sabotage the Nile bridge project. However, such evil scheme is never new. In the past, the TPLF spies (killing squad) have planted explosives in Tigre and Amhara owned business and blamed the OLF for it. Please read this link. 
What’s true about the current situation is the same fictional story authored by the TPLF and the same evil plot by it’s killing squad.  Of course, the most important part of the TPLF fictional story is not about fact but it is about maneuvering the rising tensions between the Tigre rulers and the country’s two largest ethnic communities, i.e the Oromo and the amhara into new round suspicion.  it is clear that the TPLF does not need to support it’s story with evidence but just con­struct it’s false rumors inside the society so carefully and spread it until the two sides start cursing each other resentfully.   At the same time, the TPLF will continue to distribute guns to the Tigreans in Oromia so rapidly and aggressively, with the full support of the government fund and social structures.  

This particular effort by the TPLF is prompted by the increasing prevalence of mass protest and by OLF’s attack in south and eastern part of Oromia that is now celebrated out in the open by all ethnic groups of the country. They are also sure that when multitudes of often divided ethnic groups come together and flow into the streets and proceed to publicly slaughter TPLF’s murdering squad that has been killing them for the past 22 years, none of the TPLF leaders will survive. What they didn’t know however is that their rude attitudes and cruelty has been generating all the recent anger unleashed by the Oromo students and the farming community of Oromia. 

The question the TPLF leaders and their pupets have to answer now is, would distributing guns to their tribe alone help them win the upcoming election? 

Surly, any body can see the reason why the TPLF had to make a huge effort to pit the Oromo and the Amharas against one another. They have witnessed a series of rallies held by the two ethnic groups against it and publicizing false story that the OLF has received aid from Egypt may help to divide the two communities.  That being said, the TPLF team has made one factual error by claiming that the Oromo students protest was orchestrated by foreign force.  To begin with, the students protest started because of Finfinnee’s expansion to incorporate central Oromia. 

As I said, above, the TPLF has setup the Oromo people by creating false rumors and by placing explosives at businesses owned by the Amhara nationals. Besides, the TPLF have told the world that the OLF has been destroyed those days when Licho Bukura’s team surrendered.  Other times, they told that the OLF has finally put it’s secessionist agenda aside and accepted the Ethiopian unity without any precondition. In reality however, the story they have been telling the world was never true or accurate but it was a part of their usual day dream to see the Oromo nation remain slaves of the TPLF.

All these being the fact of Ethiopia’s political culture, a sincere search for justice and equality often rests only on the threshold of the truth revealed in the original objective of the OLF. This is to say that even if all the 7 billion people in the world think that the Oromo people are secessionist and thus need to be stopped, they are still in error because to be free from the Tigre colonization is an absolute truth for the Oromo nation regardless of what others think.

In spite of the extent of TPLF’s ignorance about Oromo people’s sad plight and horrific experience under their colonial rule, nothing would alter the truth. The OLF was organized for a reason and TPLF leaders lies will not determine Oromo people’s future aspiration to live freely.  Hence, the Oromo freedom is not a question of “IF” but it is a question of “WHEN”. 
Thus, TPLF’s deception can’t automatically overwrite the truth. The Oromo people struggle for freedom comes from more than a century suffering under the Abyssinians colonial rule and this truth can’t be twisted by few individuals mere desire to keep the Oromo people live under slavery. The Oromo people have overcame many challenges and survived TPLF’s traps and continued to exist. Therefore, TPLF’s false propaganda and their new prescription and varied untrue stories that they try to inject into the blood stream of the Oromo people will not work. Let alone the work of this pitiful small group, the Oromo people have resisted many large wolves of antagonistic and the terrific persecutions.
Just this week, innumerable young and old Oromians have suffered unbelievable death and tortures. Kids are still being beaten up by the TPLF cruel killers all over Oromia and the TPLF Dogs such as Abbaa Duulaa Gammada are running around to superimpose the Tigrean doctrine of uprooting the Oromo people from their lands.  All these efforts are made in order to establish Tigreans colonial ordinances in Oromia and to further dilute the truth with false so that the Oromo people will have a faint understanding of the true color of the TPLF.
Amid all these confusions and lies in which the TPLF leaders and their puppets are engaged in today however, there must come another awakening so soon. The day when another restoration of truth will come and this time never to be lost. We have that promise now, that even though individuals may fall, the Oromo people’s determination to be free from the Tigre colonial rule is  here to stay.
The Oromian youth, whose mind had not been contaminated with TPLF’s misleading lies and tactics will be the instrument of the restoration of the Oromo freedom.  Hence, eventually the seed of truth will fight TPLF’s mountain of falsehood and it is in every Oromian heart and minds in abundance.
Ni Moona!
Rundaasaa Asheetee Hundee


It is not necessary to wait until all conditions for making revolution exist. Time to let the criminal TPLF regime fall, Irreversibly

It is not necessary to wait until all conditions for making revolution exist. Time to let the criminal TPLF regime fall, Irreversibly
THE general election looming ahead in 2015 is already casting a shadow over the Ethiopian government, whose sole uniting bond would seem to be its praise for the memory of its late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi.
His portraits are on all the walls in Addis Ababa, which was not the case when he was alive, and in the Federal Assembly a video projector plays his speeches with the aim of inspiring the new MPs. And yet, since Meles Zenawi died in August 2012, the federal government has been rudderless, lacking a descendent.
His successor as Prime Minister, Haile Mariam Desalegn, has neither the grip nor the political clout and has not managed to impose himself on the other political leaders. He frequently has to be content with merely dealing with everyday business. While it is true the Ethiopian State, whose tradition goes back a long way, has not fallen into decadence, the different factions and regionalist tendencies are making federal power increasingly fragmented.
Divisions produce inertia – Going beyond appearances, the ruling coalition Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) is in an embryonic crisis state. Its central core, the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), is deeply divided between the “provincial” faction led by Tigray Regional State President Abay Woldu, and the “modern nationalist” faction headed by Deputy Prime Minister Debretsion Gebremichael, not to forget the various other Tigrayan sub-factions such as those of the elderly Marxist Sebhat Nega and the Meles Zenawi’s widow Azeb Mesfin.
Facing this inter-Tigrayan squabble, the Amhara in the ANDM and the Oromo in the OPDO (two of the parties in the ruling coalition) are watching from the wings, biding their time before they go into the arena. This freezes the decision-making power, as each faction does not want to make the wrong decision and yield an advantage to its rivals. In early April, speaking on a live TV debate (a rare event in itself), Amare Aregawi the editor of The Reporter asked the Prime Minister who is it that makes the decisions in his office and whether he is capable of making any himself. Much to the surprise of the viewers who are used to seeing decisiveness on their screens, Haile Mariam Desalegn mumbled an unconvincing response, confirming that the question had indeed struck home.
The economy and diplomacy are broken – Ethiopian diplomacy suffers from a lack of leadership at the top of country. Questions about the situation in Somalia are left to the head of the Ethiopian army which is intervening directly in its neighbour’s territory. In the case of the IGAD mediation in the South Sudan crisis, the former foreign affairs minister Seyoum Mesfin was recalled from his post of ambassador to Beijing to lead the mediation. He nevertheless played a fairly effective role of mediator, which was largely taken over by the Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni even though Ethiopia did at the time hold the presidency of IGAD.
Similar blockages have produced similar effects in the management of the State-owned companies. The telephone network run by Ethio Telecom (formerly ETC) provides a very poor service, mainly because of frequent electricity outages which also affect the water distribution system when the electric pumps stop running. The cause is breakdowns of the aging transformers purchased second-hand from India by the Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation (EEPCO) several years ago. Today, EEPCO and ETC are squabbling over who should pay the cost of renovating the electricity system, a problem which Debretsion Gebremichael, the chairman of the EEPCO and ETC boards, has been unable to settle.
Regionalism becoming more intense – Since the end of April, the federal police have brutally repressed student protests against the Master Plan in several universities in the Oromia Regional State. This Master Plan involves the expansion of Addis Ababa whose mayor, Diriba Kuma, is also an Oromo.
In the students’ view, this project would eat into Oromo land and reduce the area their language is used. This regionalist exacerbation is illustrated by certain of the student slogans, proclaiming “Oromia for the Oromos” and by the start of misdemeanours against Amhara farmers obliged to leave their land and take refuge in Addis Ababa.
Certain TPLF officials have no qualms to explain that in their view, some ultra-regionalist elements of the ruling OPDO are discreetly fuelling this student protest movement against the Master Plan.

Egypt-Ethiopia dam dispute 'not a war': Egypt PM

A 'clash' between Egypt and Ethiopia over the Grand Renaissance Dam is not the answer, Foreign Minister Nabil Fahmy says during a visit to Equatorial Guinea

Prime Minister Ibrahim Mehleb
Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab (Photo courtesy of the Egyptian Cabinet)

Egypt's dispute with Ethiopia over the Grand Renaissance Dam "is not a war," Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab said Saturday.
During a visit to Equatorial Guinea, as part of an official delegation that included the minister of foreign affairs Nabil Fahmy, Mahlab said in a press conference the issue should be handled in the context of a "balance of interests."
The under-construction dam is situated near the Sudanese border on the Blue Nile, a Nile tributary. It is set to be the biggest hydroelectric dam in Africa, producing as much as 6,000 megawatts of energy.
Egypt has repeatedly expressed its concern that the dam will affect its share of Nile water. The Ethiopian side insists this will not happen.
"Ethiopia has the right to generate electricity, but at the same time, Egypt's right to life, represented by the Nile's water, shouldn't be compromised," Mahlab said in a.
He denied any possibility of clashes between Egypt and Ethiopia, adding that the historic relationship between the two nations was the basis for shaping future relations between them.
A balance of interests must be guaranteed, Mahlab said. Ethiopia can produce electricity and Egypt can take water.
"Time hasn't run out, and we haven't lost," he added.
Mahlab said that during meetings with officials in Chad, Tanzania and Guinea, he had heard their desire for Egypt to return to the African Union (AU).
Egypt was suspended from the AU following the ouster of president Mohamed Morsi last July. However, the union said Egypt's membership can resume once a democratically elected president is chosen.
A "clash" between the two countries over the dam is not the answer, foreign minister Fahmy said at the same press conference.
He added that Egypt had undertaken extensive diplomatic efforts over the past three months to explain its reservations about the dam.
Nabil also said that Egypt was seeking to meet with Ethiopian and Sudanese officials to explain its point of view and persuade the two countries to engage in serious negotiations.
Last year, Ethiopia and five other Nile Basin countries – Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya and Burundi – endorsed an accord, the Co-operative Framework Agreement, which replaces a 1929 treaty granting Egypt veto power over any project on the Nile in upstream countries.
Sudan, Egypt's immediate downstream country, has backed Ethiopia's plans to build the dam.
Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan formed a tripartite technical committee to study the possible effects of the Renaissance Dam and to try to reach a consensus on the project. However, the three countries' negotiations reached a stalemate last December.