Monday, September 30, 2013

Mootummaan Wayyaanee Ayyaana irreechaa Uummatni Oromoo Nagaan Waaqa Isaa itti Kadhatu Fashalsuuf sakatta’insa jabeessuun Hidhaa Jabeesse

Fulbaana 29,2013 Finfinnee
Mootummaan Wayyaanee aadaa, seenaa fi duudhaa ilmaan Oromoo ukkaamsuuf kan hojjetu ayyaana irreechaa 2013 irratti sakattainsa hedduummeessuun dargaggoota Oromoo yakkees mana hidhaatti ukkaaamse. Mootummaan EPRDF irreecha bara 2012 irratti dargaggoota Oromoo 200 ol diddaa kaasuuf jettu yakka jedhuun ukkaamsuun isaa kan yaadatamu bara 2013 kanas magaala Duukam keessatti jala bultiidhaa qabatee sakattainsa eegaleen Oromoota heddumminaan hidhaa jira. Ilmaan Oromoos uffata aadaa isin uffattan kan ABOti jechuun mana hidhaatti ukkaamse. Dargaggootni kunneen Godina Shawaa lixaa fi Horroo Guduruu irraa ayyaana irreechaa deemaa kan jiran magaalaa Geedoo,Gindebert fi Dukam irratti keellaa tolfachuun dargaggoota hedduu hidhaa akka jirtu gabaasi qeerroo addeessa. Galmee dargaggoota hidhamanii qeerroon faana bu’ee ni gabaasa.
Ammatti magaala Dukam irratti kanneen qabaman keessaa gariin,
1. Dargaggoo Tarreessaa Haayiluu Shawaa lixaa magaala Amboo irraa
2. Dargaggoo Fioomsaa Oljirraa Horroo Guduruu irraa
3.Biqilaa Dibaabaa Ambo irraa
4.Dasgodhaa Ittaanaa magaalaa Baakkoo irraa
Dargaggoowwan kunneen mana hidhaa waajjira Poolisii Bishooftuutti kan hidhaman yoommuu tahu isin mootummaa irratti dargaggoota kakaaftu malee ayyaanaaf hin dhufne jedhamuun qoratamaa jiru. Mootummaan wayyaanee hidhaa fi ajjeechaan ilmaan Oromoo gaaffii abbaa biyyummaa gaafatu kan dura dhaabbachuu itti kan fakkaate daran diddaa babalisaa jiraachuu qeerroon bilisummaa addeessa.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

UN General Assembly:Ethiopia's Leaders Misrepresent Poverty and Conflict

Ethiopia's Leaders Misinform the World

New York has hustled and bustled with heads of state and delegations visiting the city to attend the 68th UN General Assembly. Ethiopia's PM Hailemariam Desalegn and Foreign Minster Dr. Tedros Adhanom each made speeches on themes relating to sustainable development, conflict and security in Ethiopia and Africa. The PM spoke as a head of state and as chairperson of the African Union during the General Assembly "Debate", while the FM Dr. Tedros Adhanom spoke during the after party by Global Citizen Festival,an anti-poverty advocacy concert ambitiously campaigning to end extreme poverty in 2030, at Central Park, New York. This analysis focuses on unpacking for readers how the two leaders of the known autocratic and genocidal Ethiopian state went to great heights using the international opportunity afforded them to take a domestic version of their propaganda to international levels.

Making speeches at such important global venues is assumed to be a "deliberative process" that influences UN policy and decision-making. Because of the global reach of their speeches, we cannot take the speeches very lightly. The speakers had single purpose in minds when they delivered two speeches that relied on a fundamentally similar narrative framework: Ethiopia's economic growth and its asserted "success" in meeting the Millennium Development Goal on child morality, the promotion of a false sense of peace and tranquility while the country is  in ever-increasing turbulence in reality because of the excessive repressions in Oromia, Ogaden, SNNP and other regions of the empire. Those who have ever watched Ethiopian Television, there is nothing new in what the leaders claimed. We heard incessant propaganda like that for the last 22 years of Tigray domination of Ethiopian politics and economy via the fake coalition known as the Ethiopian People Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF). Tigrean People Liberation Front (TPLF) is the engine of this totalitarian party.  Tired of such propaganda back home, some have even broken their TV and radio sets. 

Dr. Tedros Adhanom's "Public Diplomacy" at Global Citizen 

Festival employed what appeared to be an innocuous sense of humor as way of connecting with the audience.  The Minster preached the importance of diversity to New Yorkers and told them how Ethiopia's economy is growing and how Ethiopia met its MDG "3 years in advance of the 2015 deadline." The hard fact about preaching diversity to audiences like  New Yorkers is aimed to hide the reality that his regime  not only suppresses diversity for people different from Amhara and Tigire ethnies such as Oromo in Ethiopia, but also hides it is genocidal aggression towards them. Predictably, the aim of the speech was to hide and misrepresent the brutality of the Ethiopian "government" and to paint a rosy picture about the genocidal sate. Tedros demonstrated that he felt satisfied when he used the opportunity to misrepresent and mislead the so-called "global citizens" (I wonder if they consider themselves such). The Minster could not hide his excitement when he immediately took to his Twitter account on a smart phone and pic-tweeted: 
For UN to facilitate, and for Global Citizen Festival to give a hot mic to  a leader of one of Horn of Africa's sadistically tyrannical Ethiopia, which murders tens of thousands of Oromos alone, jails and tortures tens of thousands of Oromos alone, exiles millions, impoverishes and starves millions of others, is nauseatingly offensive to our collective moral character. If the the more than 75,000 New Yorkers the Minster addressed knew the atrocity crimes that his regime commits in Oromia and Ogaden, it would shock their moral character that someone brought a speaker from a government that persecutes others based on ethnicity. They would probably run out of Central Park if they knew a representative of Nazi-regime type from Ethiopia was speaking to them. Most of the free and democratic New Yorkers had no idea that they were being exposed to speech from someone whose state practices genocide and slavery; where there is no concept of citizenship even in the 21st century when other people are beginning  to rally behind a dubious and new idea of "global citizenship."  

After being introduced by Jeff Sachs, a Columbia University economist and a  supporter of the Tigirean hegemony in Ethiopia, as "an absolutely amazing leader....", FM Dr. Tedros Adhanom, an absolute con artist for his regime, claimed:

 "I bring you peace and good will from Ethiopia and Africa...The reason I was invited here is to tell you the success of Ethiopia and Africa. Ethiopia has done lots of strides in economic, political and social fronts. In economic growth, it has registered more than 10 percent for the last ten years. It has already achieved MDG for under 5 mortality rate 3 years in advance of the 2015 deadline...Ethiopia and Africa are on the rise...The other reason you should visit Ethiopia is because everybody comes from Africa..."    
The direct quote from the speech illustrates how the FM employed core elements of common pro-regime propaganda strategy to swindle the New York audience. Most of his assertions are incorrect and sometimes foolhardy, including his inability to distinguish between models of New York as  melting pot (very outdated) from  a new "salad bowl" concepts of diversity. It made him look foolish when he claimed that everyone is from Africa in front of NYC crowd who would at least know that is not true. 

Claims relating to meeting MDG goals on reducing child morality are also very deeply questionable as it is very likely that Ethiopia furnished the numbers and UNICEF just run with with it like a rabbit without a second thought. 

As far as the common 10% fabricated economic growth figure goes, some serious researchers have found out that in fact,  it  is a myth in works such as "The Myth of Africa's Rise," It is known already that simple presence of GDP and increase in trade volumes are not economic development, according to Rick Rowden (2013). Besides, there is little manufacturing as evidence of economic growth that Ethiopia can point to as its economy is ideologically-driven to exclusively enrich a narrow group. The economy is also dependent on aid.  It was clear that the Minister was firing a makebelieve narrative or a myth on economic growth and improvement in health conditions in his empire. What is problematic is not that he blurted out whatever came to his mouth;it is shocking the UN and Global Citizen Festival decide to hold up Ethiopia as the best example of development on the continent once again just like theWorld Bank does. Some have even asked critical questions such as "Why are we funding abuse in Ethiopia?" and attempted to  provided answers. 

At best, Dr. Tedros Adhanom, was doing a public relations work on behalf of an illegitimate regime that perpetrates genocide in regions like Oromia and Ogaden.

Hailemariam Desalegn and the Fear of ICC  

 Except that they delivered speeches to two different kinds of audiences, Desalegn's speech in the General Debate, is fundamentally similar to the strong case Dr. Tedros Adhanom was making on behalf Ethiopia's regime. Showing the usual posture of Ethiopia to benefit from the war on terror, HMD opened his speech by expressing his solidarity with Kenya on the Westgate Mall attack in Nairobi by Somali extremist militants linked to Al Shabab. That was fair enough, but the problem is that he goes onto opposing international approaches relating to fighting the culture of impunity among heads of state in Africa.  He talked about "development" deliberately avoiding the link between the human rights abuses record of his government and poverty and underdevelopment in Oromia and other well known conflict regions of the country.  Hailemariam Desalegn made these inaccurate statements meant to build the image of already conflict and diseases-ridden Ethiopia and Africa:  

Africa has indeed turned the  corner in reducing the number of conflicts plaguing the continent...ICC has degenerated into a political instrument targeting Africa and Africans.

 If you do a bit of psychoanalysis on these statements, you will know that Ethiopia's leaders are self-conscious and insecure about atrocity crimes they commit and they are interested in hiding the fact that conflicts and human rights abuses exist in the country. That is why the PM was castigating the ICC efforts to arrest few African heads of state who committed war crimes and crimes against humanity.They know they will be next unless somehow they characterize the ICC effort as some sort of the continuation of European colonialism in Africa half a century later after colonialism officially ended. If indeed Africa is seriously concerned that ICC is being used as a political instrument, why did not he propose the establishment of an African alternative to ICC, something like the International Criminal Court of Africa (ICCA)?

His government carries out atrocity crimes from murdering prominent Oromo activists  in jail to genocidal massacres all over Oromia and Ogaden under excuses of fighting the war on terror and religious extremism when there is none. In reality, these innocent people murdered daily by the regime are ethnic others being isolated and targeted based on their ethno-nationality.

Second, the PM's assertion regarding the reduction of conflicts in Africa is half false because research shows while intrastate conflicts have been declining in Africa, intrastate conflicts, including in Ethiopia, are on the rise. The Oromo Liberation Front and the Ogaden Liberation Front respectively have been at war with the Ethiopian state since 1977 and 1993 respectively. OLF and ONLF claim they seek self-determination for politically unrepresented Oromia and Ogaden regions respectively. OLF and ONLF also mention that they were drawn into these conflicts because the Tigrean Liberation Front has violently excluded them from peaceful competition in their constituencies. Researchers put the intensity level of armed conflicts in Ethiopia at the level of "war" or moderate to medium intensity (Thmener and Wollensteen, 2012:10; IISS, 2013). Armed conflict databases says that there are >25 battle-related deaths in Oromia and Ogaden as result of this conflict, qualifying Ethiopia well for a country suffering from internal armed conflicts between state and rebels.  Although Ethiopia's PM claimed that there is democracy and good governance in Ethiopia, the hard fact is the opposite--there is an absolute tyranny of unelected minority elites who grabbed power in 1991 through the barrel of the gun and a degree of US assistance.

Using a public forum afforded to them at the UN General Assembly and at the Global Citizens Festival, these two Ethiopia's EPRDF leaders have proven to us that they were globally implementing  propaganda and image-building strategies they have perfected over the last 22 years, basically misinforming the world about what is going inside its closed door (to media and journalists). They succeeded in doing so since the international community now buys their false ideas about peace, economic growth, development and meeting millennium development goals. For Oromos and most people living in the Ethiopian empire under tyrannical conditions threatening their collective  and individual existence, the speeches were offensive and they were doubly offensive that they were allowed  deliver it on a global stage. The PM and FM were making the case to continue exercising the culture of impunity without international or local objections. The sprawling Oromo diaspora in Western countries alone is testimony to the fact that the cause has been repression and conflicts resulting from a rigid government policy isolating and targeting Oromos for massive rights abuses.

The right thing to do for the UN and the Global Citizens Festival was to categorically distance themselves from being conveyor belts for image-building propaganda campaigns targeting New Yorkers who may have no idea about the atrocity crimes the Ethiopian regimes. Exposing people of the free and democratic world to such nonesenses do nothing short of damaging to the peoples who are really facing brutal repression in their homeland, Oromia, Ethiopia. A good moral character would be to dissociate from criminals whether they are heads of state or not. Therefore, UN's and Global Citizens Festivals giving of hot mics to Ethiopia dictators to misinform the rest of humanity is repulsively objectionable among 94 percent of Ethiopia's population, at least.               

Video Links:
FM Dr. Tedros Adhanom's speech at Global Citizens Festival in New York

PM Hailemariam Desalegn's speech at the General Debate 


Irreecha 2013 “Thanksgiving” Oromo National Holiday Colorfully Celebrated in Oromiyaa and Across the Globe

(September 29, 2013) – An estimated 2-3 million festival goers and pilgrims celebrated this year’sIrreecha at Hora Arasadi in Bushoftu, Oromiyaa, despite Woyane’s attempt to disrupt the Oromo National Holiday with trivial distractions in the capital. Hundreds of Oromos across the globe have also celebrated the month-long Irreecha “Thanksgiving” festival, which was kicked off in Toronto on August 31, 2013.

More at gadaa

Walga’iin Angawoota OPDO Adaamaa Keessa itti Geggeeffaamaa ture Irraatti Mormiin Guddaa Dhalachuun Milkii Malee Adda Bahe.

Walga’iin Angawootaa OPDO kabinotaa Aanaa, Godinaa fi Oromiyaa akkasumas itti gaafatamtoota Wajjirotaa Secterotaa garaagaraa irraa walitti waamuun Adaamaa Galmaa Abbaa Gadaa jedhamu keessa itti akka L/Habashaatti Fulbaanaa 4/2006 irraa egalee hangaa Fulbaana 16/2006 Oromiyaa keessatti bakka bu’oonni Wayyaanee Muktar Kadirii , Abdulaaziz fi Asteer Maammoon guyyaa kudhanii oliif gaggeeffaamaa ture milkie dhabuun mormii guddaan miseensota OPDO irraa bakka bu’oota Wayyaanee irratti dhalachuun bu’aa tokkoo malee diddaa guddaan gargar kan bittina’an ta’uu Odeessii qabatamaa keessaa OPDO bahee saxilee jira.
Kayyoo fi qabxiin gurguddaa walga’ii dhoksaan gaggeeffaamaa ture kanaa qabxiilee gurguddaa sadii irraattii kan xiyyeeffaate ta’uu beekama, kanneen falmisiisoo ta’an keessaa warri gurguddaan.
1ffaa, Baha Oromiyaa keessatti saboota olla Oromiyaa irraa yeroo irraa gara yerootti Ummataa Oromooa irraatti fudhatamaa jiruun wal qabatee Somaaleen lafa Oromiyaa Harargee qabachaa jirtuu irraatti marii gochuu kan jedhuu.
2ffaa, ABO FDG nurraattii kaasaa jira, Ummaata mootummaa Ithyophiyaa irratti kakaasuun fincila qindeessaa jira, Dargaggooti Oromoo maqaa Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo jedhuun biyyaa keessaa fi biyyaa Ambaatti of gurmeessuun sochii mirga Oromoo falmuu jedhuun mootummaa keenya irratti ummata kakaasaa jiru waan ta’eef kana dura dhaabbachuuf malaa fi tooftaa baafachuu.
3ffaa. Mormii yeroo irraa gara yerootti hordoftotni Amantaa Muslimaa Oromiyaa keessaattii nurraatti gaggeessaa jiraan dura dhabbachuu fi mormii isaanii duubaa humnooti adda addaa waan jiraniif saaxiluu fi marii irraatti gochuu kan jedhuu fi
4ffaa. Qaama hojii sekterotaa karooraan rawwaachuu xinxaluu.
Kanneen jedhan irratti marii guddaa gochuun walii galtee malee akka ka’an gabaasi kun ni ibsa. Kana keessatti qabxiin guddaa dhimma ABO irratti fuulleffate keessa hogganoota OPDO kan jeeqee fi mormii guddaa kaasee guyyoota lamaa oliif akka wal falmisiisaa oole beekamaa dha. Qabxii marii lukkeelee ilaachisuun yaadaa fi mormii kabinotaa Godinotaa fi Aanotaa irraa hogganoota OPDO irratti ka’ee dhiyaate keessaa gariin
Waa’ee ABO irraatti mormiin dhalatee, jira. kunis asiin fulduraa  maqaa ABO’n namoota sabboonummaa Oromoo qabanii fi  uumata itti akka farrummaatti labsaa dhaa turre,mootummaanis akkasum jechuun galmuma kana keessatti nuu ibsee hin turree?? Har’a deebi’een ABOn uumata nurratti kakasaa jira sochii godhaa jira yoo jennee barattootaa fi jiraataa Oromiyaa hunda yoo seeratti dhiheessaa jiraanne waanni kun deemee deemee numa warra OPDO iyyuu qofaa ni hambisa. ABOn bara kana nama osoo hin taane akeeka dha.Akeeka kana akkamiin uumata keessaa baafna yoo jenne waan matumaa hin dandayamne waan ta’eef mootummaan keenya if goyyomsuu osoo dhiifnee irra wayyaa dha. Yeroo barbaannu ABOn nama ijaara jenna,gaafa kaan ammoo ABOn hin jiru badeera jenna,yaada wal dhahaa akkasiin hamma yoom uumata sobaa jiraannaa???
Amma immoo ABO’n nu rakkisaa jira, nu duraa dhaabbaachaa jira, dargaggotaa ijaaree socho’aa jira, ummataa nurraa fudhachuuf, goolii kaasaa jira jennee yeroo wawwatnu ummaannii kaleessaa ABO’n hin jiruu jenneen sun maal nun jedhaa? jechuun gaaffii kaasaan, kanaaf nuti kanan uummataa keessaa deemnee salphinaa hin uffannu har’a ummaanni nu darbee deemee waan jiruuf nuti kanaan waan ololluu hin qabnu isinumti warri aanga’oo gurguddaa gadi bu’aa uummata itti himaa jechuun hogganotaa ol anoo OPDO akka Abdulaaziz fi Moktaar afaan fajjefaman.
Kana malees yaada mormii hirmatotaa irraa dhiyaate keessaa itti qabxiin ABO’n qofti maleef dhaadheeffaamee balaaleffatamaa ? Diinni akka G-7, Arbanyoochii fi Ogadeen maaliif akka diinaatti fudhatamanii mariin irraatti hin taasifamne jechuun gaaffin kaabinoota aanaa irraa ka’e guutummaa walgahichaa jeeqee akka turee odeessi keessa OPDO addeessa.
Ajandaan gama biraa  Waa’ee waraana Ogaadeen yeroo yeroon Wayyaaneenhidhachiifamee Oromoo ajjeesaa jirtuu fi lafa Oromoo fi qabeenyaa Oromoo samamaa jiruuf ilaalchisuun yaadaa mormii fi waldiddaa guddaatu dhalate. Innis yaadni garee Lammaa Magarsaa itti gafatamaa wajjiraa milishaa Oromiyaa duraanii kan yeroo amma Biroo Daldalaa Oromiyaa hojjechaa jiruu irraa dhiyaate naannoo ittisa Oromoo irraa gochuuf jecha tarkaanfii walfakkatuu fudhachuu qabna,daangaa keenyaa keessaa baasuu qabna jedhuu yeroo dhiyaatuu gareen Muktaar Kadir ammoo kun tasumaa ta’uu hin qabu jechuun mormii dhiyeessan.Nuti ajaja mootummaan keenya nutti kenneen malee akka naannoo Oromiyaatti ittisa mataa keenyaa gochuu hin dandeenyu jechuun yaada mormii kaasan.
Yaadaa gareen Muktar Kadir kun dhiyeessan Kabinotaa Godinaa Booraanaa Yabelloo, Gujjii fi Harargee irraa dhufaniin balaaleffatame, gareen kaabinotaa Godina Harargee, Booraanaa Yaabelloo fi Gujii yaadaa Lammaa Magarsaa dhiyeessee jabeessuun deggeruun ummanni Oromoo fi mootummaan naannoo Oromiyaa uummata Oromootti balaa dhufe ittisuu qabna.Yoo kana hin goonu ta’e faaydaan OPDO maalii? jechuun mormii guddaa dhiyeessaan. Kanumaan kan ka’e gariin kun walgahii kaabinoota OPDO torbaan tokkoof gaggeefame dhiisanii walga’ii cabsanii ka’an. Yeruma kana haala kanaan , Kanneen qajeelfama TPLFn masakamuu qabna jedhan kanneen akka Muktarii fi Abdullaaziz warra walgahii cabsee bahe duukaa bu’uun kara karaa kadhatanii ifaajja guddaan walgahiitti deebisan.
Kana irraa ka’uun sabbontotn Oromoo walga’icha irraa hirmaatan nuti Oromoonni hanga yoomitti dhiigni ilmaan Oromoo dhangala’aa? hanga yoomitti Obsinaa? Obsi nuu game, Angoo maaliis qabna waranaa? Erga duula Oromoo irratti banama ittisuu hin dandeenye,dhaloota Oromoo dhufaa darbaan ABO jennee hidhaa fi biyyaa ari’aa erga jiraanne aangoo fi gaafatamni nuti Oromoof qabnu kun maali?  Jechuun walgahicha irrati ifatti yaada dhiheeffatan.
Gama kaaniin qabxiin dhimma amantaa Isalaamaa fi gamaagama karoora hojii ilaalchoisuun yaadni dhiyaatee, qabxiiwwaan armaan olii mataa dabbaalotaa diinaa waan nanneesseef utuu sirnaan hin hubatamiin hafee kabinotaa Aanotaa, Godinotaa fi Oromiyaa walumaa galatti namota 1000 ol-n guyyotaa kudhanii oliif taa’amaa ture, fi walga’iin guddaan kun kan ETV fi Radiyoo Oromiyaa illee dabalee osoo hin darbiin wakkatameef bu’aa tokkoo malee diddaan guddaan waan jeeqameef gara fuula duraatti baallamamee adda bahuu gabaasi keessa OPDO irraa nu gahe addeessa.

Irreecha bara 2013 Kana’ratti Hundi Keenyaa Harka Wal-Qabannee Wayyaanee Haa Balaaleffannu

Irreecha bara 2013 Kana’ratti Hundi Keenyaa Bakka Itti Ayyaaneeffannutti Harka Wal-Qabannee Dhiittaa Mirga Namoomaa fi Ukkaamsaa Wayyaaneen Nurraan Gahaa Jirtu Haa Balaaleffannu, Adduunyaattis Sagalee Keenya Haa Dhageessifannu!
Impaayera Itiyoophiyaa keessa ayyaanoonni fi qophiileen sabaa fi sablammoonni biyyatti heeddumminaan irratti hirmaatan danuu dha. Ayyaanoonnii fi qophiileen kun baay’een isaanii kan amantiidhaan walitti hidhaman yoo tahan kaan isaanii ammoo kan mootummoonni abbootiin irree Impaayerittii bulchaa turanii fi jiran dirqiidhaan akka uummattoonni biyyattii irratti hirmaatan taasifamanii dha. Qophiilee fi sirni kabaja ayyaanota uummattoonni biyyattii keessattuu uummanni Oromoo heddumminaan fedhiidhaanis ta’ee dirqiidhaan irratti hirmaachaa ture heddu kaasun ni danda’ama. Kanneen uummanni Oromoos ta’ee saboonni Impaayera Itiyoophiyaa keessa jiran fedhiidhan irratti hirmaatan keessaa ; kan akka guyyaa Irreecha/Waaqeeffannaa, Iida, fi guyyaa Dhaloota Kiristoosii fi kanneen biroo kaasuun ni danda’ama.
Itiyoophiyaa keessatti qophiilee dirqamaan mootummoonni abbootiin irree humnaan akka uummattoonni biyyattii bahanii kabajan taasisaa turanis heeddu tarreessuu dandeenya. Akka fakkeenyaatti bara mootii H/Sillaasee “guyyaa dhaloota isaa fi hangoo itti qabate” uummanni bahee kabajuun, hiriiruun, isaaf sagaduun dirqama ture. Bara Dargii ammoo guyyaa” Abiyootii” bahanii hiriiraan kabajuu diduun nama adabisiisa, farra warraaqisaatiis nama taasiisa. Bara ammaa; bara wayyaaneen uummattoota Impaayera Itiyoophiyaa keessa jiran humnaan dhiittee saamaa bulchaa jirtu kana keessa ammoo wanti hunduu caalaatti cimee guyyaan hiriiraa fi ayyaanaa mootumichaa dachaa heedduun dabaleera. Kan akka “Ginboot 20, ye higga mangisti qan, ye biheerasabooch qan, Ye baandiraa qan”, fi kanneen kana fafakkaatan hedduu dha. Irratti argamuuniis dirqama.
Qophiilee fi ayyaanoota mootummoota abbaa irreetiin qophaawan kana hundumaa yoo walitti qabnee laallu garuu kan faayidaa uumataatiif qophaawan osoo hin taane; sirnoota abbootii irree kana dheereessuuf kan akka waltajjii holoolaatti tajaajilanii dha. Mootummaan wayyaanee / IHDG ammoo sirumaawuu hiriiraa fi ayyaanoota ofii qopheessee uummattoota biyyattii humnaan irratti hirmaachisu itti hanqannaan yeroo ammaa kana akkuma argaa fi dhagahaa jirru sirna Irreecha/waqeeffannaa, Guyyaa ayyaana amantaa Musliimaa, Kiristaanaa fi kanneen biroo waltajjii sanarratti argamuun keessas galuudhan akkan ani isin qajeelcheetti deemaa, akkan ani fedhuu fi hawwutti tarkaafadhaa jechaat jira. Guyyaa ayyaanni akka Irreecha, Iidaa, kiristaanaa fi kanneen biroo kabajaman dabbaloota isaa bobbaasuun amantii gara dirree siyaasa wayyaanee/IHDGtti jijjirat jira. Oggantoonni amntoolee kanaa akka isa faarsan, akka isa deeggaranii fi isaaf sagadan taasisaat jira. Haala kanaanis uummattootaa fi Ordooftoota amntii gar-gar keennaa fi gurshaa adda addaatin qooduun wal dura dhaabbachiisuuf amma danda’e wixxirfachurratti argama. Yoo dafee itti yaadamee deemsi isaa kun gabaabatti cite malee gochaan wayyaanee kun uummata gabrummaa jala jiruf, uummata bilisummaa dheebootee jiruuf balaa guddaa qaba. Oolee bulee rakkina wal-xaxaa uumuu danda’a.
Uummattoonni biyyattii yeroo sirna waaqeeffannaaf, adaa isaanii agarsiisuudhaaf, ykn dirqiisiisa mootummaa wayyaaneetin iddoo tokkootti wal argan/dhufan ykn hiriira adda addaarratti hirmaatan waa heddu dalaguu danda’u. uummattoonni cunqurfamoonni biyyattii keessa jiran shira wayyaaneetiin wal-dura dhaabbachuu dhiisanii iddoo waaqeeffachuuf walitti qabamniittis haa tahu iddoo hiriira adda addaatiif walitti dhufanitti humna isaanii iddoo tokkootti walitti dhufe sana faayidaa walootiif, kabajamuu mirga isaaniitii fi bilisummaa isaanitiif oolfachuu danda’u. Keessattuu uummanni Oromoo yoo itti yaadee, karoorfatee ka’ee mirga isaa kabachiifachuuf iddoon akka Irreecha, masijiidaa fi mana amantaa kiristaanaa bakka olaanaa qaba. Madda jijjiramaa fi sirreefama sirnaa ta’uu danda’a. Kanaaf fakkeenya guddaa tahuu kan danda’u qabsaawaa mirga gurraachoota Ameerikaa kan ture DR. Maartine Lutter King 2ffaa dha. Ka’uumsi nama kabajamaa fi jaalatamaa kanaa fi Ordoftoota isaa mana amantaa Kiristaanaa ture waan ta’eef.
Har’a Impaayera Itiyoophiyaa keessatti fedhii fi dirqiidhaan Ayaanaa fi qophiilee gara garaa sababeeffachuun walgahii fi hiriirri hedduumaatee jira. Keessattuu ayyaanootaa fi qophiilee fedhii uummataatiin qophaawanirratti kan hirmaatan lakkoofsaanis haata’u fudhatamummaadhan iddoo olaanaa qabu. Sabaa fi sablammoonni hedduuniis ayyaanoota kanarratti ni hirmaatu. Carraan akkasii ammoo uummatoota cunqursaa fi gabrummaa jala jiraniif keessattu uummata akka Oromootiif carraa faayidaa guddaa qabuudha. Kan yeroo ammaa kana biyyoota gara garaa keessatti argaa fi dhagahaa jirus kanuma. Uummanni ayyaanoota adda addaa kana kabajuuf walitti dhufes haa tahu inni dirqamaan mootummaaan baafame eennaa mirga isaa fi bilisummaa isaaf falamatu argaina. Qaanqeen iddoolee sirni amanataa fi aadaa itti gaggeefamuu kaate yoo biyya heedduu keechatti laboobdee abbootii irree waaddituu fi hangoo humnaan qabatanirraa buuftu argaat jira.
Yeroo ammaa kana biyya arbaatti, salaata jimu’aan booda, biyya kiristaanaatti kadhannaa sanbataatiin booda, hawaasni iddichatti argame gaafii mootuummoota abbaa irreerratti kaase yoo jabeessee itti fufu argaa jirra. Kan bilisoomees kan bilisummaaf karaa gahees argaa fi dhagaat jirra. Gama uummattoota cunqurfamoo Itiyoophiyaa keessa jiraniitti yoo deebine ammoo carraan fi iddoon gaafilee akkasii; gaafii mirgaa , dimookiraasii fi bilisummaa itti kaasan hedduu dha. Inni tokko hiriira mootummaan koottaa na deegaraa jedhee humnaan isaan baasurratti isuma mootumaa wayyaaneetti gargaluudhaan jibbaa fi diddaa qaban agarsiisuu fi ofirraa fonqolchuuf gamtaan sochoo’uu yoo tahu; inni lammataa ammoo manneen amantaa adda addaa fi bakka akka Irreechii itti kabajamuuutti gaafii fi jabba mootummaa abbaa irreef qaban sagalee tokkoon ol-fuudhanii adduunyaaf dhageesifachuu dha.
Muuxannoo fi dhugaa adduunyaa kanarratti argaa jirruun abbootiin irree keessattuu kanneen akka wayyaanee uummanni gocha isaanii hiriira bahee akka balaaleffattuf hin heyyaman. Mootummaa akka wayyaanee kan hiriiraa hin heyyamne kana ofirraa buusuuf ammoo carraan jiru uummanni cunqurfamaan akka Oromoo wayitii ayyaanootaa fi sababa adda addaatiin walitti dhufu mormii fi jibba mootummaa abbaa irreef qabu tokkummaan dhaabbatee adduunyaaf agarsiisudha. Isa aksiitiif ammoo sirni akka ayyaanaa Irreecha Bishooftuu fi Oromiyaa Iddoo gara garaatti kabajamuu iddoo olaanaa qaba.
Uummanni Oromoo mootummaa abbaa iirree fi saamichaa wayyaanee ofirraa buusuu fi gocha isaa gara jabinaa kana adduunyaatti muldhiisuuf carraalee qabu hundattuu fayyadamuu qaba. keessattuu dargaggeessi/Qeerroon/ Oromoo karaa saaquudhaan adda duree tahuun fardii dha. Uummanni Oromoo Qabsoo hidhannoo dhaaba ijoolleen isaa ijaaran ABOdhan gaggeeffamu cinaatti bakka jirutti gurmaawee murna isa saamaa , ajjeesaa fi hidhaa jirtu wayyaaneerratti sagalee diddaa gabrummaa dhageessiisuu qaba. wayyaanee ofirraa buusuuf lafa amantaa isaa, aadaa fi duudhaa isaa itti gaggeessuu hundattuu sagalee diddaa dhageessifachuun murteessa dha.
Akkuma beekamu dhuma fulbaanaa kanarra ayyaanni Irreecha uummata Oromoo guutuu biyyatiiraa dhufu fi jaalattoota aadaa isaatiin sirna hoo’aadhaan ni kabajama. Sirni kabaja Ayyana Irreecha Oromoon miliyoona hedduun lakkaawwamu irratti argamu kun ammoo sirna achumatti wal arginee Irreeffannee sirbinee, dhiichifnee gallu qofaaf oolu tahuu hin qabu. Akkuma biyyoota Arabaa fi biyyatoo amantiilee biraa hordofan keessatti argine iddoon akkasii madda jijjiramaa fi mirga ofii itti kabachiisuuf socho’an ta’uu qaba. Ummanni Oromootis kana hubachuun sochii isaa cimsee irree tokkoon sirna Irreecha booda mirga isaa wayyaaneedhaan sarbame gaafatachuu qaba. Kanarratti dargaggeessi Oromoo /Qeerroon/, sabboontoonnii fi jaalattoonni bilisummaa Oromoo uumata cinaa goruun gaafii uummataichaa adduunyaaf calaqqisiisuudhaaf of qopheessuu qabu. uumata sochoosuudhaan, ijaaranii iddoolee akkasii baayyee murteessaa tahanitti akka sagalee tokoon rakkina isaa beeksifatu gahee guddaa taphachuu qabu. Iddoo mirgii fi bilisummaan isaa wayyaaneedhaan sarbamee, ijoolleen isaa ajjeefamaa fi hidhamaa jirtutti dhiichisee, Irreefatee galuu qofti Oromoof Gammachuu hin kennu.
Dhiichisanii sirbanii “kan baranaa kan bara egareetiin nu gahii” jedhanii irreefatanii galuun yoo mana nagahaa, tasgabaahaa fi kan ofii qabaatanii dha. Kan Oromoon keessa jiru gabrummaa dha. Gabrummaa kana jalaa baanee abbaa biyyaa fi abbaa malkaa ta’uuf ammoo hundii keenyaa carraa aragannee fi qabnuun mirga keenyaaf falmachuutu nurraa eegama. Birraan kunis yoos; birraa jijjiramaa, birraa bilisumma taha. Kanaafuu ayyaana Irreecha bara 2013 kan akka walii galaatti magaalaa Bishooftuu Hora Arsadiitti kabajamurrattis ta’ee Malkaa Oromoon qabu maraarratti mirgaa fi bilisummaa keenyaaf sagalee keenya tokko goonee ol kaafnee yaa iyyinu, Adduunyaatti haa dhageechifannu! Yoo Abbaan iyyate Ollaan namaaf mirmata waan ta’eef!

Gambella Nilotes United Movement/Army

GNUM/A Press Release, Gambella
September 28, 2013

  • "Unite We Must!"
  • "Where Unity Prevails Success Prevails"
  • "Freedom & Justice for all Oppressed Ethiopians"
  • "The TPLF/EPRDF government must stop killing, detention and intimidation of mass demonstrators and the Muslim Protestors in Ethiopia"
However, as the demonstrators were exercising their rights through peaceful means, surprisingly they were met with unprecedented killings, imprisonment, harassment and some were even forced to exile. This clearly demonstrates that the TPLF/EPRDF government is not yet prepared to admit its flaws, and begins responding to the demand made by the majority Ethiopians who feel oppressed in the system of the minority rule from the north as represented by the TPLF.

Obviously, the TPLF/EPRDF government is contradicting its own constitution for the benefit of its minority people it represents. Freedom of religion, belief and opinion as enshrined in the constitution are constitutional rights of the Ethiopians. The Muslim protestors demands this religious right as demonstrated in Afar, OgadenOromia, and other parts of the country. The TPLF government has no constitutional rights to commit atrocities against demonstrators in killings, intimidation, imprisonment, and forced others to live in exile.

Ironically, these mass demonstrations throughout the country must be known as signs to converge all the oppression parties inside and outside the country to unite and join hands together to fight the repressive TPLF/EPRDF regime for their freedom. It is clear that the TPLF/EPRDF government seized its power through militancy, not through peaceful means in which it repeatedly opposes, and tends to maintain this power over its subjects throughout the country at gun point not on ballots. It should be understood from the government stance point that peaceful means will never make any meaningful impact as an option to resolve the chronic historical injustices in Ethiopia. All opposition parties or the entire oppressed majority Ethiopians must join hands together to bring meaningful challenge to this dictator and corrupt regime, to an end.

GNUM/A would therefore, call upon all the oppressed groups including OromosOgadeniansSidamas,Beneshangul/Gumuz Nilotes, Afar, Gambella Nilotes, Southwestern Nilotic Omotic Nations, and all other oppressed Ethiopians everywhere in the country to work together to end this unpopular government.

It is our core belief as GNUM/A that “where unity prevails there will be always success.” GNUM/A as a political party established through convergent of different Gambella political parties, maintains a symbol of unity for peoples of Gambella, and continue to extend this unity message to all Southwestern Nilotic Omotic peoples, and all the opposition parties inside and outside the country, to embrace the vision of unity for the emancipation of all the oppressed peoples of Ethiopia. We should know that the TPLF/EPRDF government plays divide and rule politics to maintain and prolong its power; and as unity will remain a core ingredient factor to prevail for all the opposition parties operating on different lines, it should be embraced by all the opposition parties to enhance solidarity and promote it.

Our freedom will only be achieved when all opposition political forces put aside their differences and join resources together to fight the oppressive regime, in order to bring meaningful challenge to the repressive TPLF/EPRDF government.

Currently the people of Gambella and all the Southwestern indigenous peoples understand that they are discriminated against their colours, race, cultures and traditions, and denied of their fundamental human rights to security, freedom, prosperity, and popular political representation in Ethiopian politics. Their common sufferings speak loudly to unity and solidarity. Being aware then of our common plights we have collectively agreed and joined hands together under the SENPIM vision as one political entity to fight our historical oppressors and injustices.

The Gambella Region

We are very aware that the TPLF/EPRDF government is vigorously and systematically exterminating the indigenous Nilotic communities of Southwest, in exchange to the Northerners’ direct and indirect settlements and empowerment in our ancestral lands. This act emanates from racist and colonial outlook of northerner historical rulers who have dominated the system and maintained it through manipulation of central leaderships. As the indigenous communities, we are denied of our citizenship rights and freedom in the country beyond any measure. As the TPLF/EPRDF government continue to commit crimes against our peoples, we continue to stand against the government’s criminal acts to ensure true freedom is brought to our peoples to decide for their own destiny freely.

According to our current intelligent service, our peoples are in precarious conditions and the situation has never improved as the TPLF/EPRDF government is currently conspiring on inciting animosity to create ethnic conflicts in Gambella to extinct AnyuaksMajengers, and others; by allowing illicit armed rival groups inside the towns, villages and refugee camps in the region. The proliferation of unknown armed people from South Sudan is the new device and plan of the Ethiopian government to conspire on inciting ethnic conflict in the region.

The Northern (Ethiopians) settlers in the Gambella region enjoy the federal government all privileges including security, political, economic, social and military empowerments as they jointly conspire on possible ethnic cleansing conflicts together with the increasing number of armed refugees from South Sudan, waiting for due time to launch attacks against the Anyuaks and Majengers. The Anyuaks and Majengers villagers and farmers are left vulnerable to unknown armed groups’ robbery and killings, without government protection. Currently, cattle raids, recurring killings and armed robbery are rampant in the Gambella region. The current attack launched against the Ariethvillagers by unknown armed groups within Gog district is one of our concerns and threats to the villagers. The community land is still being leased to commercial investors, while the villagers are facing evictions in districts of Gog, Gambella, AboboItangMetiDimma, and other areas in the region.

We are well informed that currently the TPLF/EPRDF has recruited six sponsored delegates from the Gambella regional administration and sent them to South Sudan to persuade the Anuaks refugees, who fled the country for their safety, to repatriate back to Ethiopia to end up in prisons in Ethiopia, by giving unfounded cheap promises. These delegates apparently tried to enter to Gorom refugee camp in Juba, but only they failed due to strong leadership of the Anuaks refugee in the camp. The Gambella Nilotes United Movement/Army (GNUM/A) condemns this mission and is calling upon the refugee community leaderships elsewhere in the World to stand strong and unite as one, not allowing any puppet to destabilize the unity and the leadership. It should be known that any deal on behalf of the refugees should not take place in isolation to our political leadership.

GNUM/A would like to take this opportunity again to inform the people of Gambella and all the South-western Nilotic Omotic peoples that all those instruments and institutions set up as means of divisiveness and creation of  conflicts against the interest of our indigenous people, should be stopped and abolished.

Lower Omo Valley of SNNPR

In the Lower Omo Valley of SNNPR the indigenous Nilotes and Omotic peoples are still facing serious human rights abuses and atrocities. From March through June/2013 many indigenous Nilotic Omotic tribes have endured indiscriminate killings and imprisonment by TPLF/EPRDF government soldiers. In particular, the Suri people endured the indiscriminate killings by the TPLF/EPRDF soldiers, in which more than 400 Suri’s children, women and men were killed in cold blood, in respond to the foreign commercial investors’ demand in the area, to expand their agricultural lands from the Suri farmers and villagers.

The construction of Gibe III has been carried out without free and informed consent of the pastoral Nilotes and Omotic tribes. The construction of the project is almost to be completed, in which more than eight indigenous tribes will lose their traditional lands. Moreover, the indigenous pastoral communities are forced to sell-out their cattle to keep up with very small number in the area which is against their traditions. The MursiBodiNyangathom, etc, tribes are already in conflicts with the new comers in the area, as the large sugar plantation also is indirectly attracting more than 150,000 settlers from other areas (mainly from the North) with serious potential conflicts to occur in the area.

Similarly, the Dawro people of Southern Ethiopia are facing serious human rights abuses, as the impact of Gibe III Hydroelectric project has already created great damage to their livelihood. As most of Dawro territory is bounded by the Omo and its tributaries Gojeb  and other rivers, the construction of Gibe III hydroelectric project has damaged most part of King Kalala heritage - the traditional stone walls (of 175miles long) which was constructed thousand years ago. The King Kalala stone walls provide social identity and belief to Dawro people, and the construction of this huge project was carried out without proper pre-consultation with the community, it has denied the tribe a history, future and culture as most parts of the traditional stone walls will be submerged by the reservoir with no compensation.

Besides, part of Dawro land is forcefully settled by other neighbouring tribes who vigorously push their way intoDawro territory, through the federal government induced supports in which the Prime Minister Hailemariam is allegedly found to be the key player in this illicit settlement process. Ethnic conflict is already underway between theDawro community and the illegal settlers.

The situation is worsening as many Dawro youths who completed 10th grade from the schools are currently facing serious unemployment; and they are demanding agricultural lands as the only option to provide them self-employment. The federal government respond has not been encouraging while the illegal settlement in the area is increasingly creating ethnic animosity among the tribes. Frustration and anxiety are increasing among the Dawroyouths, and some resorted to take their life by burning themselves alive in protest against the crimes committed by the federal government. The dissidents are facing serious insecurity, imprisonment, harassment, beating, and some are forced to live in exile. The students have boycotted their normal schools in protest to the government.

The exploration of petroleum in the Nyanyathom area has confirmed the availability of petroleum in the area. It has been another factor of tension in the area as the government is vigorously going ahead with the project, and the surrounding communities have been told to be ready for resettlement at a distance of 100kms radius from the project site.

Beneshangul/Gumuz Region

In Beneshagul/Gumuz the indigenous Nilotes are suffering atrocities in protest against the land grab and evictions in the region. The TPLF/EPRDF government responses have been very severe against the indigenous communities, in which the prisons in the region serve as concentration camps for the indigenous communities of Berta, Gumuz,komo, and Mao tribes, in order to enforce the Northerners settlement and domination in the region. Many of the indigenous dissidents and innocent elites have been killed and others are serving life and death sentences in various prisons in the country including Ziway prison where many of these prisoners have endured serious sufferings, and their families, relatives, and friends failed access to visit them.

Moreover, the construction of the Renaissance Dam along the Nile in the Gumuz land is underway with potential impact of displacement and other serious social hazards to the indigenous Nilotes. The proliferation of northerner’s settlers to Beneshangul/Gumuz region poses serious threat to the indigenous populations in the area.

Somalia (Ogaden) and Afar Region

The indigenous Ogadenians and Afar people are facing serious human right abuses and all kind of atrocities in the regions. Displacement and forced migration to prepare their land for commercial agriculture by the government are accompanied by serious threat, intimidation, killings, imprisonments, tortures and rapes.

Oromyia Region

The Eastern Oromyia farmers are suffering evictions from their lands by the government. Similarly, in WesternOromyia in area called Amfilo the government evicted Oromo farmers of more than 300 Oromo farmers and packed them in prisons to prepare the land for the Northern investors and settlers.

These are serious crimes against the indigenous communities of the Southwestern regions including the Oromo community, OgadeniansAfars, and other oppressed citizens in the country in which GNUM/A condemns TPLF/EPRDF government’s crimes and cruelty acts against it citizens.

By and large, the atrocities and human rights violations committed by the TPLF/EPRDF government against the unprivileged majority citizens in Ethiopia are self explanatory. Indeed, the TPLF government is fully engaged in assuring absolute economic prosperity, security, and freedom to the minority Northerners at expenses of majority Ethiopians at any cost. This tells the Northern rulers including the TPLF leaders have their mind-set in plunder as demonstrated by their ancestors and monarchies who engaged themselves in building the nation on the slave economy and entrepreneurship. This has been summed up by the scholars as Abyssinian colonization and domination in which the non Abyssinians Ethiopians still suffer the legacy until today.

It should be known that Abyssinian colonization or domination is still being nurtured and maintained by the minority Northerners and their rulers in Ethiopia. Abyssinian colonization or domination is not just a history, but it is a torment too in the country to the subjects (non Abyssinians). It should be known that it is still alive, active and persistence to any attempt to bring true freedom, security, prosperity, and equal opportunities to all citizens. It persist principles of liberal democracy for the citizens to enjoy equal opportunities, rule of law, and respect to bill of rights in the Ethiopia.

Abyssinian colonization and domination should not be complicated with the hatred against the Northern tribes but as an evil and torment demonic spirit which must be completely stripped off over all the oppressed-majority-non-Abyssinian citizens to bring true equality in Ethiopia. How? 
Ethiopia needs fundamental change to exercise genuine liberal democratic principles to bring meaningful freedom and justice to every citizen. This can only be achieved when each tribe and all the oppressed citizens vigorously fight to achieve their own-freedom-first, before nation-building (nationalism) and patriotism which should as secondary choice. For politics around nationalism and patriotism has been manipulated by the Abyssinian oppressors for ages for their own end. To diverse attentions the poor and oppressed communities in Ethiopia have been manipulated by the Northern dominant regimes to fight proxy wars created by the Northerner leaders along nationalism and patriotism, putting the country first before their individual freedom, forgetting the past and suffering they endured in the hands of their internal oppressors.

But at end of the day, the few dominant minority groups from the North and their rulers prosper at the expense of the majority oppressed non Abyssinian citizens, and maintains that upper-hand politics, prosperity, and leadership to ensure they control our future. Right now who is enjoying security, peace, freedom and prosperity in the country at the expense of poor majority Ethiopians? In the midst of present economic disparities among the individuals, tribes, regions, geographical locations in the facing of rising living conditions and hardships in Ethiopia, who is having the purchasing power as the prices of commodities  deadly rocket in the country? It is the poor and the oppressed who are receiving the brunt. It is the poor and the oppressed who being recruited in the military to fight proxy wars created by their oppressors and beneficiaries.
How long will the oppressed peoples in Ethiopia be manipulated to fight proxy wars created by minority oppressors from the North, and use it for their own benefits at the expense of the majority Ethiopians, who are denied of their freedom and justice? There are many examples of these historical wars including EriteriaOgaden, Somalia, terrorism, etc. Who are fighting and dying in these wars with no posterity and benefit to their families apart from the northerners? All the oppressed Ethiopians must critically assess their past to come together as one to challenge their causes to ensure their own freedom first, before the nation.

As oppressed citizen, why should you die for a country that does not recognize your history and future as a dignified citizen? It is unrealistic for the Gambellans or peoples of the southern region or Ogadenians, or Oromos, or the Nilotes of Beneshangul/Gumuz region, to be dragged in, as part of the three thousand years Ethiopian history which they all don’t benefit equally, and still denied of their own history and tradition to live in the country without future.

Our traditional lands provide our social and political identities, security and sense of belongings. Land should be considered as community property, not state property. The provision that places land to be state property in the Ethiopian constitution has wrong application to the indigenous rights and freedom. It has cunningly given high leverage to Northerner oppressors to divide our land as cake and occupy them at gun points. The denial of freedom and justice against the majority Ethiopians in their own lands and territories by the Abyssinians colonialists and oppressors will have to cease completely, in order to bring true freedom to our oppressed communities to decide for their own destiny in a free political environment.

This achievement can only be realized through unity. Without firm unity and participation of all the oppressed Ethiopians to the struggle, the oppressive ruling of dominant minority from the North will continue shedding innocent bloods in the country persisting our existence as humans; it will continue to deny our political, economic, social, and human rights and freedom until we are perished in our lands. Without full participation to the emancipation process of all the oppressed Ethiopians, the country will not be vindicated from hypocrisy, lying, dishonesty, robbery, corruption, and lack of transparency as they remain as the very essential values and characters of Abyssinian oppressors. No oppressed citizens can be free as long as the oppressive regime maintains these evils, for they resist the very basic liberal democracy principles to flourish in the country; and the TPLF/EPRDF government has failed to realize these principles to all Ethiopians.

We are aware and understand that TPLF/EPRDF government deliberately plays divide and rule politics among our nationalities to extinct the indigenous communities from their ancestral lands. The leadership of GNUM/A would like to inform and strengthen all the indigenous populations and other oppressed Ethiopians to condemn and oppose the current leadership of the EPRDF/TPLF government and unite together to fight the repressive system for the realization of our freedom.

To this respect, we would like to inform the EPRDF/TPLF government to stop land grabbing, force villagization, intimidation, killing of innocent civilian imprisonment and detention of the indigenous peoples and the demonstrators in the country. Furthermore, we would like to call upon the international community to increasingly putting pressures on the TPLF/EPRDF government to stop human rights abuses and crimes against the indigenous communities in Ethiopia, and the release all the indigenous prisoners of Gambella, Beneshangul/Gumuz, Lower Omo Valley of SNNPR, Oromyia, Afar, Ogaden, South, etc, who are kept in different prisons in Ethiopia.

The GNUM/A would like to take this opportunity also to call upon the international community to investigate and condemn this barbaric act of killing, intimidation and harassment of mass protestors in Ethiopia and holds the TPLF/EPRDF regime accountable for all crimes against humanity.

The Gambella Nilotes United Movement/Army (GNUM/A) also takes this opportunity to call upon all the indigenous people of Gambella and pastoral Nilotes of Lower Omo Valley to unite together with other opposition parties fighting against the TPLF/EPRDF government for the emancipation of all the oppressed nations and citizens of Ethiopia. 

In conclusion the Gambella Nilotes United Movement/Army (GNUM/A) will continue its struggle for all people of Gambella and all south western Nilotes Ethiopian to ensure freedom, justice, security and prosperity are brought to our people in the region.

Gambella Nilotes United Movement/Army (GNUM/A) Central Committee 


Saturday, September 28, 2013

Irreecha: Guyyaa Aadaa Oromoo

(A4O, 28 Fulbaana 2013) Ayyaanni Irreecha ayyaana galateeffannaa waggaatti altokko Oromoon yeroo birraa walitti dhufee kan darbee itti galateeffatu; ka dhufu immoo itti kadhatuu dha.

Ayyaanni kun seenaa Oromoo waliin hidhata jabaa fi fulla’aa qaba. Gadaa Mormor bara 6400 caalaa fulla’ee fi Gadaa Odaa Nabee bara 1800 ol itti fufee jiru irraa adda bahee kan hin beekne, Ireechaan Oromoo, bara Oromoon nagaa fi bilisummaan jiraataa tures, bara Oromoon dhibdee fi garbummaa keessa jiraataa jirus otuu walirraa hin citiin, jabina abbootii keenyaan baroota kuma jahaa fi dhibba afurii oliif ka fulla’ee dha.
Dhalooti har’aas seenaa fi aadaa boonsaa abbootii keenya irraa dhaalan, Irreeffannaa, sadarkaa olaanaatti ol guddisuuf tattaaffii guddaatti jiran. Sababa kanaan, Irreechan, guyyaa aadaa Oromoo ta’uun akka sabaa fi biyyaalessaatti beekamaa jira. Kana malees, Irreechan, Oromoota eenyummaa fi aadaa saba keenyaaf quuqamaniif guyyaa galateeffannaa callaa miti; karaa itti waan aadaa fi eenyummaa Oromoo itti deebisanii guddisanii dha.
Irreechan guyyaa itti akka sabaatti gamtaan walarganii dhimma har’a itti jiran waliif himan, waan egeree immoo waliin qindeeffatan, guyyaa walooma Oromoo ti. Gamtaan bahanii Irreecha irratti aadaa fi eenyummaa ofii agarsiisuunis mallattoo sabboonummaa ti.