Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Hacaaluu Hundeessaa fi Abbush Zelleqee Sirba Isaanii Haaraa Dhiyoo Amerikaa Irraa Gabayaatti Gadi Lakkisan

Soraa Halakee

Last week terrorist bomb explosion in Ethiopia was planted by the regime – witnesses

Ethiopian Review has confirmed from multiple witnesses that the Oct. 13, 2013, alleged terrorist bomb explosion in Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa was planted by the regime.
addis ababa terrorist explosionAccording to our sources, the night before the explosion, two dead bodies were taken by TPLF security agents from Menilik Hospital and placed inside the house where the explosion took place. The house was allegedly rented by Somali nationals, but it has now been exposed that the Somalis were brought from the Somali region by the regime’s security agents a few days before the incident took place and were transported back right after the explosion.
Ethiopian Review’s investigation has uncovered that the Somali nationals were brought to Addis Ababa by a special unit named 03 within the TPLF (ruling party) security apparatus that is under the direct command of Debretsion Gebremichael and Getachew Assefa, members of the TPLF politburo.
Contacted by Ethiopian Review, officials at the local police station have said that they are not part of the investigation and do not know the identities of any of the individuals, including the owners of the house who are allegedly involved. But according to residents in the neighborhood, the house belongs to well-known TPLF supporters who are suspected by every one of being spies.
The regime has so far not been willing to reveal the true identities of those who have reportedly been killed while setting up the bomb.
This is not the first time that the TPLF junta has exploded bombs and blamed it on its enemies. A diplomatic dispatch sent to Washington DC by American diplomats in Addis Ababa confirms (in a Wikileaks release) that the regime in Ethiopia is known to fabricate bombing incidents.
It needs also to be noted that the TPLF junta is one of the major sources of weapons to the Al Shabab terrorist group, according to South African Ambassador to the United Nations, Dumisani Kumalo, who was serving as chairman of the U.N. Security Council’s Somalia sanctions committee [read here].
Al Shabab itself is the creation of the TPLF junta. Without the invasion of Somalia by TPLF, Al Shabab would not have come into existence.

Yuunivarsiitiileen Impaayera Itoophiyaa keessaa diddaa barattootaan dhuunfatamuun gabaafame

Onkoloolessa 22,2013 Finfinnee

Yuunivarsiitiileen Impaayera Itoophiyaa keessaa gaaffii mirgaan mudda keessa seene. Gaaffiileen mirgaa mirgi namummaa fi Dimokiraasii keessatti haa kabajamu jechuun Yuunivarsiitii Dabra Maarqos, Jimmaa fi Walloo keessatti finiinaa jira. Yuunivarsiitii Hawaasaa keessatti bulchinsootni yuunivarsiitii humna waraanaa dabalinsaan barbaaduu isaanii ibsatanii jiran. Yuunivarsiitiilee mara keessatti gaaffiileen wal fakkaataan sirni bulchinsa mootummaa wayyaanee sirrii miti jechuun diddaan dhageessifamaa jira. Yuunivarsiitii Baahirdaar keessattis diddaa wal fakkaataan dhageessifamaa kan jiru yoommuu tahu mootummaan wayyaanee waraanaa fi tika ishee naannessuun doorsisa guddaa gaggeessaa jirti. Mootummaan wayyaanee dura dhaabbannaa kamuu taasisu yuunivarsiitiilee keessatti gaaffiileen mirgaa finiinan dhaabbii akka hin qabne qeerroon Yuunivarsiitiilee kanaa beeksisee jira. Yuunivarsiitii Haramaayaa keessattis gaaffiin mirgaa barattootaa fi barsiisota hamate sirna bulchinsa wayyaanee mormuun wayyaanee dhiphina keessa buusee jira.

Cops, immigration intercept 38 illegal immigrants

Loc5Beitbridge Bureau
The Department of Immigration and police have intercepted 38 Ethiopian illegal immigrants who were en-route to South Africa through an illegal crossing point along the Limpopo River.The group was intercepted at around 10am at the Lutumba tollgate aboard a Senator Express bus following a tip off.
The Herald is reliably informed that the Ethiopians entered the country from Mozambique through an illegal crossing point with the assistance of a prominent Mutare businessman.
The suspects who are aged between 20 and 30 years were picked up by their “host” at Valley Lodge along Beira Road in Mutare who was also expected to facilitate a smooth transition to South Africa for the group.
The police officer commanding Beitbridge district Chief Superintendent Lawrence Chinhengo said they had since charged the group with entry by evasion. He said investigations were still in progress.
“We have had a number of such cases where these illegal immigrants come into the country come through Mutare. We are not leaving any stone unturned we want to get to the bottom of this syndicate,” he said.
Chief Supt Chinhengo said initial investigations revealed that the group was enroute to South Africa. He said they had also picked up the bus crew. They are Richmore Mundihwo (40), Misheck Demhe (33) and Roselyne Munhenga (29).
“We received a tip off that they were 38 Ethiopians who were being transported aboard a Senator Express bus from Mutare and we then teamed up with the Department of Immigration.
“We then apprehended them at Lutumba toll gate and investigations are still in progress,” he said.
He added that the bus crew was now assisting police with investigations.
“We will not tolerate such lawlessness where people go to an extent of hiring buses to facilitate illegal migration,” said Chief Supt Chinhengo.
The governments of South Africa and Zimbabwe last year took a stand to deal decisively with illegal immigrants, especially those skipping the two countries’ borders under the guise of being refugees.
According to international refugee laws, the immigrants should seek refugee status from the first country of safety which would then facilitate their movement to their final destination.
It is understood that the traffickers of the migrants have changed drop off points in Beitbridge following the warnings by Zimbabwean authorities.
The illegal migrants are now being brought into the country in trucks and buses then they are dropped off at Lutumba, where they are then taken to illegal crossing points along the Limpopo River which are on the eastern part of the town for further transportation to either Durban or Cape Town in South Africa.

ONLF fighters attack Kebridahar Airport

ONLF fighters attack Kebridahar Airport

Photo: Deputy Prime Minister of Ethiopia Demeke Mekonnen and his delegation landing on the Godey Airport

By Mohamed Faarah

October 21, 2013

(Ogadentoday Press)- Ogaden National Liberation Front “ONLF,” official have claimed that their fighters attacked on Kebridahar town Airport on last week.

Our aim for this attack was to disrupt the visiting delegation in Ogaden and send a clear message to the puppet administration that serves only the colonial agendas in our people and land. The official said to Ogadentoday Press on the phone.

Speaking on the attack the official said that they have killed several Ethiopian Troops at the airport and destroyed two vehicles.

This was a co-ordinated attack and went successfully, the official said.

The puppet administration was hiding the attack but the military leaders informed the delegation, said the official citing their intelligence in the Ogaden.

I can confirm to you that, it was midnight and they have been waiting to welcome the federal delegation in the morning.

There is no comment from Ethiopia government.

The Deputy Prime Minister of Ethiopia Demeke Mekonnen, nine regional leaders, domestic and foreign investors were visiting Ogaden Region last week.

According to Ethiopian government, the domestic investors are interesting to invest the agricultural sector in Ogaden.

Ogaden National Liberation Front, a secessionist group fighting for the independence of Ogaden warns the foreign oil companies in Ogaden, and attacked in 2007 a Chinese oil field in Ogaden.

According to the source, ONLF were watching closely the visit and Pro- ONLF site "Ogaden News Agency (ONA) published that, ONLF fighters are on the high alert.

The arid Somali (or Ogaden) region of Ethiopia, home to some 5 million ethnic Somalis has been isolated from the world since 2005, when the government imposed a ban on all international media and most humanitarian groups from operating in the area.

Ogadentoday Press


በዲሲ እና አከባቢዋ የሚኖሩ የኦሮሞ ማህበረሰብ ለደራሲ ተስፋዬ ገብረአብ ያላቸዉን አድናቆት ገለጹ

ደራሲ ተስፋዬ ገብረአብ ታዋቂ ደራሲ እና ጋዜጠኛ ሲሆን ቀልብን በሚስቡ የሥነ- ጽሁፍ ችሎታው ብዙ መጽፍትን ጽፎ ለአንባቢያን አቅርቧል የኦሮሞን ህዝብ ፖለቲካዊ ታርካዊ ማህበራዊ ባህላዊ እና ሁለንተናዊ ማንነቱን የሚገለጹ ጽሁፎችን በማቅረብ ይታወቃል ለምሣሌ የቡርቃ ዝምታ የጋዜጠኛዉ ማስታወሻ እና የስደተኛዉ ማስታወሻ የተሰኙት መጽፎቹ በአንድም ይሁን በሌላ መልኩ ስለ ኦሮሞ ህዝብ ያትታሉ በተለይም በቅርብ ጊዜ ለንባብ የበቃዉ የስደተኛዉ ማስታወሻ የተሰኘዉ መጽሃፉን ለማሳተም ነፃነት አሳታሚ ከሚባል ድርጅት ጋር ከተነጋገረ በኋላ ይሄዉ ድርጅት “ጫልቱ እንደ ሄለን” የተኘዉን አንዱን ምዕራፍ በማስቀረት መጽሃፉን እንደገና አሻሽልሎ እንዲጽፍ በተስፋዬ ላይ ጫና ፈጥሮ መጽሃፉ እንደማይታተም ቢያስፈራራም ተስፋዬ ጥያቄዉን ባለመቀበል ኪሳራዉን በጸጋ ተቀብሎ መጽሃፉ በነፃ ለአንባቢዉ እንዲደርስ ያደረገ ጀግና ነዉ::
ከቅርብ ጊዜ ወዲህ እራሳቸዉን ብቸኛዉ የኢትዮዽያ አንድነት ጠባቂ እና አስጠባቂ አድርገዉ የሾሙ ፀረ-አንድነት የሆኑ የዲያስፖራ አባላት በኦሮሞነት እና በኦሮሞ ህዝብ ላይ ተደጋጋሚ ጥቃቶችን ሲሰነዝሩ ይስተዋላሉ ከወራት በፊት ታዋቂዉ ወጣቱ የፖለቲካ ተንታኝ ጀዋር መሐመድ ኦሮሞነቱን በአለም አቀፍ ምዲያ ላይ በመግለጹ ብቻ ከፍተኛ የሆነ የስም ማጥፋት ዘመቻ (Character Assassination) ሰለባ መሆኑ ይታወቃል ይሄዉ የስም ማጥፋት ዘመቻ ዛሬ በተጠናከረ ሁኔታ አድማሱን በማስፋት ቀጥሏል በዚሁ መሰረት ደራሲ ተስፋዬ ገብረአብን “በሻዕቢያ ሰላይነት” አስፈርጆታል ለዚሁም እንደ ማስረጃ ያቀረቡበት እርስ በእርሱ የሚምታታ እና ምንም ተአማኒነት የለሌዉ የተለመደ ዉንጀላ ነዉ::
በዚሁ ምክንያት በደራሲ ተስፋዬ ገብረአብ ላይ ሊደርስ የሚችለዉን ቁሳዊና ሞራላዊ ኪሳራ ከግምት ዉስጥ በማስገባት በዲሲ እና አከባቢዋ የሚኖሩ የኦሮሞ ማህበረሰብ አባላት ለደራሲ ተስፋዬ ገብረአብ ያላቸዉን ልዩ አድናቆት እና ክብር ገልጸዋል በዝግጅቱ ላይ የተለያዩ ዉይይቶች የተደረጉ ሲሆን አንዳንድ ሰዎች በኢትዮዽያ እምፓየር ዉስጥ በኦሮሞነታቸዉ ቢቻ የደረሰባቸዉን ግፍ እና መከራ ለታዳሚዉ በማቅርረብ ከዚህ አንጻር ሲታይ ደራሲ ተስፋዬ በጽሁፉ ያቀረበዉ በኦሮሞ ህዝብ ላይ የተፈጸመዉ የግፍ ታሪክ ዉቂያኖስን በማንኪያ እንደ መጭለፍ ያክል ነዉ ብለዋል በመጨረሻም እነዚህ የኢትዮዽያ አንድነት የሚል የማስመሰያ ጭምብል በማጥለቅ የብሄር ብሄረሰቦችን የግፍ ታሪክ ለማፈን የማይቦዝኑ ሃይሎችን እንደ ተስፋዬ ያሉ ጀግኖችን በመደገፍ ልንታገላቸዉ ይገባል ብለዋል::
ምስጋና ለደራሲ ተስፋዬ ገብረአብ