Monday, February 24, 2014

Is Egypt Seeking A Military Defense Pact With Eritrea?

Is Egypt Seeking A Military Defense Pact With Eritrea?

Recently, a Yemeni news agency, Alhadath, claimed Egypt is seeking a joint defense agreement with Eritrea, Djibouti and Somalia. According to the report, the defense pact would include Egypt building military bases in Eritrea and Djiobuti, and would help defend these countries from foreign forces, presumably, Ethiopia.

While Yemeni news agencies are infamously known for fabricating news, there is some evidence to suggest this story could have some truth to it. Last summer, two Egyptian generals visited Somalia to study ways to rehabilitate the Somali National Army facilities. Similarly, in 2012, Wikileaks leaked files from the Texas-based global intelligence company, Stratfor, which quote an anonymous high-level Egyptian source saying they were talking to the Sudanese government to build a military base in the border of Sudan and Ethiopia.

Even with the limited evidence available to support this claim, the information provided is still very plausible when you consider time is not on Egypt's side. By 2017, the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam will be completed. If talks fail, which appears they will, then Egypt must destroy the dam before Ethiopia starts filling it with water or risk flooding Sudan's flat eastern territories upon its destruction. So this leaves Egypt with a 3-year window to find a political solution to this crises before the military option is used.

Once the military option is decided, distance will be the only obstacle left for the Egyptian military. Currently, Egypt can not attack Ethiopia because it is beyond the combat radius of all Egyptian aircraft staging from Egyptian airfields. Therefore, Egypt needs one of Ethiopia's neighbors to provide an airfield to launch its attacks against the dam and other military targets within the country. Naturally, Sudan and Eritrea would be the best fit, due their proximity to the dam, and other military targets. Thus, signing a military defense agreement with either of these countries becomes a top priority for Egypt.

Signing a defense pact with Eritrea could also potentially shield Egypt from international scrutiny if it decides to use military force. For instance, since the regime in Addis Ababa is allergic to peace and has a track record of attacking Eritrea every few years or so, Egypt could use any future minor border disturbance by Ethiopia against Eritrea as a pretext to not only destroy the dam but bring about a regime change in Addis Ababa on the guise of bringing peace and security to the region.

While most bigwigs in Egypt would certainly prefer to end this dispute peacefully, a few observers have noted that some of the top brass in Cairo could be looking for a fight with Ethiopia for reasons other than the dam. Egypt's domestic crises, coupled with its diminishing international clout, could make war a costly necessity in the minds of Egyptian generals. For them, Egypt is in a state of political uncertainty and finding an external threat to rally the country behind could bring much needed stability to the country.

In many ways, Egypt of today mirrors Ethiopia of the 1990s. During that period, the TPLF regime was trying to convince Amhara elites, the traditional rulers of Ethiopia, that they were not the puppets of EPLF. In order to prove their political independence and solidify their rule, they attacked Eritrea. Seemingly overnight, those who were calling TPLF leaders traitors and puppets of Eritrea were volunteering to become canon fodders for them in the name of defending their country from an external threat that never existed.

Whether this rumor is true or not remains to be seen. One thing that is certain is Eritrea will not allow Egyptian troops to have a military base inside the country. Egypt was never a friend of Eritrea, nor will it be one in the foreseeable future. Despite this however, Eritrea's and Egypt's national security are under threat by a wayward regime in Addis Ababa that has no regard for international law. Signing a defense pact would be in both countries' immediate and long term interests.



SEENAA Y.G(2005) | Guraandhala 24, 2014
Ummati mirgi isaa dhiibame yk xuqame mirga isaa kabachiisuuf falmachuun ykn mormuun yk diddaa isaa mul’ifachuun mirga. Dirqamas. Mormii fi diddaan kun garuu, Ajandaa qaama biraa yk diinni qalbii keenya gara dabarsuuf yk waan keessa jirru hubachuuf waa tokko uumuu isaa irraa qofaan kaanee , waan yaannu hundaa irra buufannee, yaada diinaa sanas fashalsinee qofaa kan manatti gallu yoo taate, MARAAMMARTOO DIINAA nuuf kiyyeesse keessa seennee jiraachuu keenya hubachuu qabna. Diinni maraammartoo siyaasaa kan namaa qopheessuuf, joonja’anii akka kufaniif. Kana ragaadhaan deeggaruun barbaada.
“Dursa kaayyoo barruu kanaan kaa’a.”
Qabxiilee Maraammartoo siyaasaa jedhee dhiheessuuf deemu kana irratti, diddaan Ummati OROMOO Biyya keessaa fi alatti gaggeesse guutummaatti deeggaruu qofaa mitii, gama hundaan amma mirgi keenya kabajamutti akka itti fufu qabuttan amana. Kun ta’uuf ammo , waan amma itti jirru fi nu irratti ta’aa jiran caalaa waan har’a gamtaan dhaabbannee falmachuu qabnu akkuma jiru, waan dhaloota itti guddisaa deemnullee jiraachuu beekuun barbaachisaadha jedhee yaadu irraati. diddaa torban tokkotti xumuramtun odoo hin taanee, sagantaa bal’aa,  yk qophii bal’aa yk adeemsa dhalootaallee kan nu gaafatu, diina bara eeggatee nutti ka’us ta’e , nutti ka’ee jiru hundeetii buqqisuun alatti,  filmaati biraa akka hin jirree jala muruu qabna. diina uruursu irraa bu’aan argannee, waggaa 150 boodas tuffatamuu keenyadha. Miniiliikiis ta’ee H/Sillaasee kan  nu irratti faarfachuuf yaalaa jiran, siidaan isaanii akka dachee keenya irra dhaabbatee jiraatu hayyamuu keenyadha. sochii akka dungoo bakka muraasaatti iftuun odoo hin taanee, sochii akka ifa aduu bal’atutti ce’uu akka nu barbaachisu hubachuun dansaadha. Yoo dhalooti har’aa ykn dhalli Oromoo Addunyaa kana irra jiru furmaata buqqaasaa hin umiinitti, faarfachuunis, salphifamuunis, arrabsamuunis itti fufa. Dhalooti itti aanus bakkuma nuuti dhiitaa turre dhiitaa akka jiraatu taasiisu ta’a. kana geeddaruuf, Maraammartoo siyaasaa diinni nu kiyyeesseen odoo hin taane, galii fi ejjannaa keenya ta’uu hubannee irratti hojjachuu qofaan xumura dubbii itti gochuu dandeenya.
=Qabxiilee ka’umsaa .
  1. Baddallee Biiraan  Dogoggora seenaan Namaa hin dhiifne hojjachuu yaaluu isaa irraa, ejjannoo Ummata Oromoo keessa deebii hin qabneen yaadi isaa naafatee hafeera. Naafachuun isaa itti deebi’uu dhabuu isaa hin mirkaneessu. Garuu Kana irraas barachuu qaba. Ummati Biyya keessaa fi alatti sochin taasise garuu kan nama boonsuudha.
  2. Namichi mankaraarsituu Amaaraa tokko Intarneetaa fi midiyaa deeggartoota isaa irratti, Biyyi Oromiyaa jedhamtu hin jirtu , Oromoon bakka biraa dhufee qubate malee Biyyi kan isaa miti fi kkf jechuu isaan, mormiin abbootii dhimmaa irraa kannameef ammas boonsaadha. Dheekkamsi ilmaan Oromoo kan isaan rifaasisee fi adeemsa namichaa kanneen morman , (saboota biraa keessaa) danuudha. Bakka nu hin bu’u kan jedhan illee ni jiran. Kun of-tuultoota amaaraa keessaati. Deemee deemee miniliikiin faarsa.
  3. Qabxii lammaffaa kanatti aanee ammo, Namichi Ani kibbaa ofiin jedhuu fi beekumsan qaba jedhu tokko, miniiliik lammiilee Oromoo harkaa fi harma hin murree. Kan kana raawwate Oromoodhaa . walaayittaa fi kanneen biroo irratti Oromootu waan kana raawwatee jedhee , beektoota keenya amma danda’u arraabse.Ummata Oromoos miniiliiki godhee lafa kaa’ee.
  4. Baatii Hagayyaa 2013 keessas, Nama Affaaritti of himatu tokko, sochii qabsoo Oromoo irraa yaaddoo akka qabu, Qabsaa’oota keenya yakkamaa taasisuu kan barbaadu, Ilmaan Oromoo jechuma Itoophiyaa jedhamu balfachaa jiru fi Biyyattii sanaaf yaaddoo guddoon Oromoo ta’uu kaa’ee, sirna Fedaraalizimii kan deeggaru fakkaatee Tokkummaa isa durii kan dheebootu dubbifneerra.kunis ijaarsa miniiliik hin balaaleeffanne. Itoophiyaaf bo’a.
  5. Wayyaaneen Ajandaan, Lammiileen Somaalee Itoophiyummaa malee kan biraa hin barbaannu jedhanii jedhee karaa miidiyaa isaa bara 2013 hololaa jiruun cinatti, jaruma kana maqaa liyyuu haayil jedhuun hidhachiisee obbolaa keenya fixaa jiraachuu fi adeemsi isaa kun eenyu irratti akka qiyyaafatu hubachuun nama hin rakkisu.
  6. Maqaa Saboota biroonis itti fufun isaa dhakkii hin qabu.
Mee qabxiilee kana irratti qofaa Maraammartoo haa ilaallu. Qabxiileen Arfan waanuma baatiilee 3 asitti walitti aananii mul’ataniidha. Arfanuu adeemsi isaanii fi fedhiin isaanii tokkuma. Yaadi isaanii ykn kaayyoon yaada isaanii tokkodha. Garuu bakka shanii waa tokko irratti kaasuuf qiyyaafatame. Asi keessatti qaamni irratti qiyyaafatame Oromoo fi kaayyoo isaati. Warri irratti akka qiyyaafataniif irratti hojjatamaa jiran ammo, saboota shan  fakkeessuuf yaalame. kun maaliif barbaachise ? kana hubachuun rakkisaa natti hin fakkaatu. Maraammartoo diinni nu qopheesse ta’uu kan mirkaneessu isa kana. Affaar, Amaara , Ogaadeen, Walaayittaa ykn Ummattooti kibbaa wal=ta’anii waan kana shiru jedhee hin yaadu. sababaan warri gaaffii wal irraa qabu akkamiin waliin dhaabbatu ? diinni duris , ammaas anaaf tokkuma. diinuma . dura dhaabbatuun barbaachisaadha. garuu waan nu irratti raawwatame kun murtee akkamii , tarkaanfii akkamii barbaadu ? jedhanii kaasanii yeroo kennanii waan keessa deebii hin qabne, diinnis irraa baratu laachuutu irra caalaan jedheen amana. Sababaan , Mormii fi diddaan har’aa diina rifaasiseera. Garuu diinni nu dhabamsiisuu isaatti dhaadatuuf deebii gadi isa teesisu waan hin taanefidha. bara baraan waan miniliik raawwateen xuxxuqamu qabnaa ? hammeenya isaa kana yaadachaa jiraachuun carraa keenyaa ? waan isa nu yaadachiisu maaliif itti yaannee hin dhabamsiifnu ? waan furmaata nu ta’u itti yaannee maaliif ajandaa kana of irraa cufuuf hin hojjannu ?
Mee ilaalaa … Baddallee Biiraan waan yaadetti tarkaanfii gama hundaa fudhatamuun sababaan ,“miniiliik kaleessa Ummata keenya harkaa fi harma muruu fi ajjeechaa jumlaa raawwate nu irratti hin faarsitaniidha” !!!!!!!! mitii ????????hayyee dansaa . wayyaanee waggaa 20 oliif miidiyaa isaan Tewudiroos, Yohaannis, Miniliik, H/Sillaasee faarsaa fi dhaadheessaa jiran maaliif callifnee ilaallaree ? isaaniif hayyamne jechuudhaa ? kanaafan Maraammartoo siyaasaa keessa seennee akka hin miidhamne jedhe. Kan irratti akka naaf hubattan kanan barbaadu , sochiilee gama kanaan taasifaman salphisuu ykn mormuu koo akka hin taaneedha.
Ani kanan jechuu barbaade, badii Tewudiroos, Yohaannis, miniiliik, H/Sillaasee , Dargiitti furmaata maayyii yk kan bakkaa buqqisu irratti hojjachuu hanqachuun keenya, kan wayyaanee daballee baadhachuuf nu dirqisiisaa akka jiru haa hubannuudha. Rakkoon nu irra jiru kan hundee buqqisuuf wareegama itti kafalan ta’uu qabaadha. Akkuma Addunyaan itti jirtu, Kan bade bade, qabeenyaan kasaarru yoo jiraate kasaarree ,dhaloota itti aanu baraaruun ala furmaatii akka hin jirreedha.
Maraammartoo siyaasaa kana keessaa hedduu kan na raaje, Qamar Yusuuf, Walaayittaa dhageessaa, Sidaamaa Dhageessaa jedhee sirbuutti aanee, Namichi walaayittaan of waame waan    gubbaatti kaa’ee kana Intarneetaan facaase. Kana irraa ka’ee adeemsi kun hundi , qaama ta’e jedhee hojjatutu akka jiru nutti mul’isa. Kun ammo kan maddu, gaaffiin Oromoo dhageettii horachaa dhufuu, shirrii wayyaanee saboota hundaa Oromoo irratti kaasuuf hojjattu hongaa’uu fi adeemsi gama hundaan gaggeeffamu sodaachuu irraa ti. Yaada kiyya yoo hubattanii ta’eef, furmaata maayyii wal haa yaadachiifnu.
Miniiliik qofaa odoo hin taane, waan miniiliik nutti fide hundaa dura dhaabbachuudha. Kana gochuuf ammo nama isa nu yaadachiisuu eeggachuu hin qabnu. Waan miniiliik nu godhe karaan itti gumaa baanu hedduudha. Karaan kun ammo, waanuma inni nutti fide of irraa dhaabuudha.waan seenaa miniiliik nu yaadachiisu hundaa dachee keenya keessaa dhabamsiisuuf irratti hojjachuudha. Kun dhaabatti gatanii kan ilaalan miti. Ol-aantummaa qooqa tokkoo warra nu irratti faarsan dura dhaabbachuun , waan qooqa kanaan ba’anii eenyummaa keenya dhabamsiisuuf deeman hundaa toobbachuu, jireenya hawaasummaa qophummaa hawaasa keenya keessaa balleessuun, Maqaa keenyaa fi ijoollee keenyaa keenyatti moggaasuun, kkf fi waan hundeetii Hawaasa keenya keessaa haftee isaanillee dhabamsiifnee isaanuu isa akka dagatan taasisuu baannaan furmaata hin ta’u. kun halkan tokkotti hin ta’u. hunduu ga’ee isaa bakka jirutti irratti hojjachuu gaafata.akka nama dhuunfaa tokko kaasee hanga sabaatti waan hojjachuu qabnutu jira.
Qabxiilee biroo kutaa 2ffaa keessatti itti deebina.

Statement from the Leadership of the Oromia Media Network (OMN)

Oromia Media Network will be inaugurated on March 1, 2014.
OMN2014_Feb22Oromia Media Network (OMN) is a product of the unwavering spirit of the Oromo people, and their firm belief in freedom of expression and freedom of thought. We believe that the primary purpose of any media establishment is to offer thoughtful perspective on various issues. Cognizant of this, OMN is our grand step towards reclaiming our voice, the voice of truth and fair representation. We are elated to announce that Oromia Media Network will be launched on March 1st, 2014 in the heart of Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Oromia Media Network is an independent, nonpartisan and nonprofit news enterprise whose mission is to produce original, impartial, citizen-driven reporting. The goal of this network is to create multilingual news and programs that will serve as a reliable source of information in the greater horn of Africa region. OMN will offer perspectives grounded in objectivity rather than propaganda. It will uphold international core journalistic and ethical standards of truthfulness, objectivity, integrity, and public accountability while offering a uniquely Oromo perspective. These principles are integrated and adopted into our core values and editorial policy as a media entity.
OMN has a structural governing body that consists of the Board of Trustees, Executive Council and Editorial Board. The Board of Trustees is supervisory body of OMN, while the Executive Council is responsible for the overall management of the organization. The Editorial Board is charged with the development and production of news and other programs.
From Ayub Abubakar, who was murdered because he established the first Afaan Oromo radio in Mogadishu city, Somalia in 1960s, to Lelise Wodajo, who has just been forced into exile after years in jail, Oromo people and Oromo journalists in particular have sacrificed and paid the ultimate price for freedom of expression, to bring truth to light and tell their story in their own way. This project is the latest in this ardent effort to have our voice heard free from intimidation and censorship. We believe that the historic establishment of this media network is an integral part of the multifaceted struggle of the Oromo and other oppressed people to regain their freedom. This is evident in the unreserved support we have been receiving since we initiated this project. It is our collective effort that made it possible for us to stand at this pivotal point in our history.
Therefore, on behalf of the OMN leadership and the team that labored so hard to make this dream a reality, we take great pleasure in inviting Oromo and friends to join us for this historical inauguration at 2 PM on Saturday, March 1st, 2014 at University of Minnesota.
Hamza Abdurezak (PhD), Chairman of Board of Trustees
Girma Tadesse, Executive Director