Monday, August 5, 2013

OLF’s Statement on the Latest Arsi Massacre by TPLF-led Ethiopian Government

Tarkaanfiin Suukaneessaa Sirni Wayyaanee Godinaa Arsiitti Oromoota Musliima Irratti Fudhate Umrii Sirnichaa Gabaabsa Malee Hin Dheeressu

Ibsa Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo

Sirni faashistii Wayyaanee mormii hawaasni Muslimaa ‘Sagaleen keenya haa dhagahamu’ mata duree jedhuun waggoota lamaaf walitti aansee karaa nagaan geggeessaa jiru humnaan dhaamsuuf tarkaanfii gara jabinaa fudhachuu itti fufeera. Sambata dabre Hagayya 3, bara 2013 godinaa Arsii magaalota Kofalee fi naannoo isaa keessatti ummata karaa nagaan sagalee mormii dhageessise irratti humni waraanaa sirnichaa dhukaasa banuudhaan namoota kudhan aduu saafaatiin ajjeesuu fi kudhanoota madeessuun miidiyaalee idil addunyaa hedduu irratti gabaafameera. Namoonni dhibbaan lakkaawaman badii tokkoon maleetti guuramanii hidhaman. Hidhaan kun babal’atee naannoo biraa illee shororkeessaa jira.
Sirni tarkaanfii gara jabinaa kana fudhate muslimoota karaa nagaadhaan ‘hogganootni keenya hidhaman haa hiikamani, barsiisa amantii Ahbash jedhamu dirqiidhaan hin fudhannu’ jedhanii morman rukutee callisiisuuf jecha ‘shororkeessitoota’ ittiin jedhee yakkuu irraa hin dhaabbanne. Dhimma amantii keessa akka fedhe harka naqachuu Wayyaanee waan mormaniif qofa ‘shororkeessitoota’ kan jedhaman musliimonni biyyattii garuu, tarkaanfii shororkeessummaa sobaan itti yakkaman isaanii fudhatu takkaa hin argamne. Waggaa lama guutuuf mormiin geggeessaa turan karaa nagayaan gaaffii isaanii dhageessifachuu qofa ture. Kanas mootummoonni hedduu fi dhaabonni mirga namoomaa idil addunyaa ragaa bahaa jirani.
Mootummaan Wayyaanee humna sodaatu tokkoon ‘shororkeessaa’ ittiin jedhee gara jabinaan rukutuun aadaadhuma isaa ti. Jireenya isaa guutuu mormitoota humna isaanii sodaatu, addatti ammoo Adda Bilisummaa Oromootiin ‘shororkeessaa’ ittiin jechuun addunyaatti lallabachaa yoona gahe. Ammas sirni kun ummata Oromoo irraa hin deebine. Karaa gaaffii siyaasaatiin Oromoo irratti duuluun itti xiqqaannaan dhimma amantii keessaanis Oromoo addatti diinomsatee gara jabinaan rukuchaa jiraachuun isaa beekamuu qaba. Amma duras Onkoloolessa bara 2012 keessa bifuma wal fakkaatuun Kaaba Oromiyaa godinaa Walloo magaalaa Garbaa keessatti lammiilee Oromoo Muslima sobaan yakkee ajjeesuun isaa yaadannoo yeroo dhihoo ti. Hanga ammaatti tarkaanfiin golgaa amantiitiin ummata nagaa irratti fudhatame hundi isaa Oromiyaa keessa.
Addi Bilisummaa Oromoo tarkaanfii faashistummaa sirni Wayyaane godinaa Arsii keessatti ilmaan Oromoo qulqulluu sobaan yakkee ajjeesuu fi madeessuu fudhate gad jabeessee balaaleffata. Mootummaan farra ummatootaa fi farra amantii ummataa tahe kun yakkoota ajjeechaa hanga ammaatti lammiilee nagaa irratti fudhateefis guyyaa tokko seera duratti kan dhihaachuuf jiru tahuu yaadachiifna. Mootummaan mirgootni amantii kamiiyyuu heera kiyya keessatti kabajamaa dha ofiin jedhu baatii Ramadaanaa keessa dhiiga Muslimoota soomana irra jiranii jigsuu isaatiin sirna abaaramaa fi jibbamaa tahuu isaa caalaatti mirkaneeffate. Amantii ummata bulchaan jira ofiin jedhuuf gonkumaa kan ulfina hin qabne tahuu isaa dirreetti agarsiifate. Mootummaan kun Musliimota karaa nagaan qofa mirga amantii isaanii kabajsiisuuf falmachaa jiran dhiibee gara tarkaanfii humnaatti ceesisuuf dhiibbaan taasisaa jirus umriidhuma aangoo isaa gabaabsa malee hin dheeressu.
Injifannoo Ummata Oromoof!
Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo
Hagayya 5, bara 2013

Diina keenya wayyaanee qalbiin jibbuu qofti bilisummaatti nu hi’baassu!

Baarentuu Gadaatin | Hagayya 5, 2013

Dhalataan Oromoo kamiyyuu, kan biyyoota alaa jiraatus ta’ee kan biyya abbaa isaarratti wayyaaneen gabroonfamee jiraachaa jiru hawwiin inni bilisummaa gonfachuuf qabu olaanaa tahuun kan wal nama gaafachiisuu miti. Bittaa halagaa waggoota dhibbaa oliif irra ture kana jalaa bahee biiftuu bilisummaa arguuf xiqqaa guddaan, dhiiraa dubartiin Oromoo hundi hawwii guddaa qaba. Eenyuyyuu wantii oduu hin gaafatamin dubbatuu fi of gaafatu yooman harka diinaatii bahee bilisummaa koo argadhaadha? Yooman ajjeechaa, hidhaa, dararaa fi saamicha murna abbaa irree wayyaanee jalaa bahee biyya abbaa kootii keessatti nagahaa fi badhaadhinaan jiraadha dha? Kan jedhuu dha. Kun hawwiin Oromoo ajjeechaa fi dararaa wayyaanee baqatee biyyaa bahee fi kan biyya keessatti yeroo ammaa kana dararamaa jiruu hundaa ti.
Sabni Oromoo; Oromiyaa kallattii kamittuu argamu, hawaasni Oromoo mootummoota Habashaa kaleessaatii fi mootummaa abbaa irree wayyaanee har’aatiin biyya abbaa isaatii baqatee biyya ambaatti argamu; wayyaanee diina qayee isaa dhuftee nageenya isaa goolaa jirtu, diina qayee isaa dhuftee qabeenya isaa saamtee isa hiyyoomsaa jirtu, diina biyya abbaa isaarratti humnaan isa gabroonfattee ajjeechaa irratti raawwachaa jirtu, diina ilmaan isaa baruumsarraa ariitee doofuumaaf isa saaxilaa jirtu, diina lafa isaa gabbataa saamtee gurgurachaa jirtu akka jibbuu fi ijaan arguu hin barbaanne beekamaa dha.
Har’a Oromoon kamuu yoo gaafatame guyyaa tokkoofilleen tahu uummanni Ormoo bulchiinsa abbaa irree TPLF jala buluun salphinaa fi qaaneessaa akka tahe dubbata. Saamichaa fi dhiittaa wayyaanee jala sabni ammana gahu biyya isaa keessatti dararamaa jiraachuun qaanii fi salphina dorgomaa hin qabne tahuu dubbata. Ajjeechaa, hidhaa, dararaa fi saamicha wayyaaneen Oromoorratti
gaggeesituutti nuffuu aarii fi xiiqiin dubbata. Gaafiin jiru garuu diina keenya wayyaanees tahee kan sanaan duraa; mootummoota Habashaa kan jibbinuu “Qalbii fi haasawa afaanii qofaan moo qaamaa qalbiidhan, gochaan jibbina? ” kan jedhuu dha.
Baayyeen keenya waayeen mootummoota Habashaa kaleessa; warreen saba keenya dararaa turaniis ta’e waayeen wayyaanee har’aa yoo ka’u miidhaa kallattiidhaan akka nama dhuunfaatti murnoota kanaan nurra gahee fi akka Oromootti waloodhan nurra gahe yaadachuudhaan qalbiin diinoota keenya kana jibbina. Afaaniinis mana, mana keenya teenyee ni abaarra, ni arrabsina, osoo haruma gateettii keenyarraa bu’anii ni hawwina. Gaafiin jiru garuu qalbiin wayyaanee jibbinee afaanin mana, mana keenya teenyee abaaruu fi arrabsuu cinaatti gochaan hoo sochii murna nama nyaataa abbaa irree kana diigu keessatti ni hirmaannaa? Amma diina saamichaaf nurratti gurmaawee olaantummaa isaa eeguuf nujjeesaa fi dararaa jiru kanaa; nut Oromoon wal gurmeessinee roorroo jalaa bahuuf qaamaa qalbiin, gochaan TPLF irratti tarkaanfii fudhachuuf socha’aat jirraa? Kan jedhuu dha.
Gaafii kana yoo irra deddeebinee of gaafanne safartuu kamiinuu wal madaaluu hin dandeenyu. Diinni caalaatti nu ukkaamsee nu saamaa jiraachuuf gurmuudhaan halakanii guyyaa hojjeta. Diinni qaamaa qalbiin halakanii guyyaa wal ijaaree biyya abbaa keenyaa saamaa jira, sabboontota Oromoo hidhaa fi ajjeesaa, baruumsa dhabalee godhaa jira. Nuti garuu baayyeen keenya gabrummaa jalaa baanee bilisummaa arguu hawwina malee gochaan waan nurraa egamu gumaachurratti dubatti hafnee jirra. Kanneen hafnes baayyeen keenya wayyaanees haa t’au diinoota keenya qalbii fi afaanin jibbina, ni arrabsina, ni abaarra faa ta’a. jibba keenya garuu gadi baafnee qabatamaan,gochaan agarsiisuu keessatti dirqamni kan qabsaawoota muraasaatii fi kan sabboontoota Oromoo bilisummaa Oromoof cichoominaan qabsaawaa jiraniit goonee ilaalla. Kun ilaalcha dogoongooraa, ilaalcha diinoota keenya humrii nurratti dheereessee gabrummaa nurra tursiisee dha. Osoo saba gama hundaanuu guutuu taanee jirruu balaa ilaalcha dogooggooraa kanaan diinni keenya wayyaaneen nu saamaa, ajjeesaa fi biyyaa nu baasaa akka waggaa 22f nurra turtu ta’eera. Fuunduraafis hanga ilaalcha kana jijjirrannee hundii keenyaa qaamaa qalbiin, Goshaan Tokkummaadhan mirga keenyaaf qabatamaan hin sochooneetti, tarkaanfii keessa deebii hin qabne irratti hin fudhatinitti dhiittaan wayyaaneedhaan Oromoorratti gaggeefamu jabaatee itti fufuun hin oolu.
Rakkina har’a keessa jirru kana furuuf fi bilisa bahuuf dhalataan Oromoo dararaa wayyaanee fi mootummoota Habashaa baqatee biyyaa bahee fi bahaa jiru rakkina biyya keessattii fi kaampii baqattootaa Keeniyaa, Suudaan, Jibuuti, Soomaalee, Misraa, Yemanii fi kanneen biroo keessatti isa muudachaa ture garagalee yaadachuu qaba. Biyya amma dahannaa itti aragte taa’ees tahee karaa biraatiin; hawaasa isaa biyyatti yeroo ammaa kana wayyaaneen dararamaa jiruuf mirmachuu qaba. Gongumaa lammii isaa daqiiqaafilleen tahu dagachuu hin qabu. Miidhaa isaa fi saba isaarra gaheef wayyeenee qalbii fi afaaniin jibbuu qofa akka falaatti ilaalee callisuu hin qabu. Sabni Oroomoo guddichi biyya abbaa isaarratti murna wayyaanee bicuudhaan gabroonfamee jiruus gama isaatiin wayyaanee garaatti jibbuu fi gumgumuu qofaan akka ofirraa buqqisee darbuu hin dandanyee hubatee gochaan, tarkaanfii qabatamaan jibbaa fi diddaa wayyaaneef qabu agrsiisuu qaba.
FDG kana ammoo caalaatti biyya keessatti sochoosuuf Oromoon baqannaan haat’uu sababa biraatiin biyyoota gara garaa keessa jiru deeggarsa irraa eeggamu hunda gumaachuun fardii ta’a. hammeenyaa fi gara jabina, dhiittaa mirga namoomaa fi saamicha wayyaaneen Oromoo fi saboota cunqurfamoo biroorratti gaggeechitu tokkummaan ifatti bahee balaaleeffachuu fi Adduunyaaf saaxiluu qaba. jibba wayyaaneef qabu mana taa’ee abaaruu fi arrabsuu qofaan osoo hin taane gadii bahee hiriirra adda addaa sabboontootaan qophaawurratti hirmaachuu agrsiisuun barbaachiisaa fi fardii dha. Humna, mahaalaqaa fi beekumsa qabun qabsawwota bilisummaa deeggaruu fi jajjeebeesuu aadaa taasifachuu qaba. Tokkummaadhan Hundii keenyaa bakka jirruu wayyaaneerratti qabsoofnaan, qaamaa qalbiin gochaan deeggarree tarkaanfii laaleessaa fudhannaan wanti guyyaa gabaabaa keessatti gateetti keenyarraa diina buufnee biiftuu bilisummaa hin qaammanneef hin jiru.

Another gap between Habasha and Oromo

Gabi | August 5, 2013
oromia-first1The current media fighting between Oromo and Amhara is not both the beginning and end, it is just approval of the past history. It’s about realizing that ones action or two words, which were Oromo, first may have done exactly that, righting a wrong or demonstrating the primary and secondary enemy of Oromo people and Oromia . As a result amazingly there was a voting in the past three weeks on Ethiopia or Oromo first. For me it was very straight for ward and simple statement just like choosing between black and white, because undoubtedly for those who are Oromo, Oromo first and similarly for whose who are Amhara, Amhara first. However that was not a case for every one. After some group showed up to vote against the statement rather than topic. On the surface, it looks again like an attempt to cover up the trues.
Closing heart and brain from the right and fighting for wrong. Somehow doesn’t surprise me, because I know that every injustice arouses anger, or nightmare. A taste and hanger for oppression is the mark of moral deformation. To have no idea of what it means to be treated unjustly is to have no moral knowledge. The Amhara and their illegitimate puppy believe that the Oromo deserve to suffer or assimilated. This deliberate cruelty of the attack is unmistakable. Some people are still following the pass root of their fathers. Which are subjects is grimmer or more morally compelling than crimes of hate. What we are seeing and hearing on the media in the last three weeks are clearly show that these people are going to repeat the same mistake their ancestors did. It is not what I am saying it is what they are saying, when they deny the existence of Oromo people at all. They are not going to accept the reality. They are not going to accept equality. They are not going to accept humanity. They are not going to respect our difference, and they are not going to share our similarity, but they are using every single available chance to assimilate us. They just want to give us fake name and destroy our identity. They will never ever like us who we are, unless we changed to Amhara and fully accept Ethiopianism.
We as Oromo need to remember the past to protect the present and future. They also need to remember what their ancestors (Amhara) did to our people, our right our land, our law, our belief system, our resource and the list will go on which stand out among acts of injustice. Their viciousness instills horror, which are extraordinary, not ordinary crimes. They are the one who cut off breasts that gave us life. They are the one who take away the soul of thousands of Oromo brave, wise sons and daughters. They are the one who barry our well-known constitution Gadaa system. Let Oromo’s reflect some of the past to stand for present and future.
The current media fighting between Amhara and Oromo rose some unforgivable and unforgettable past history. We sought of genocide have past, we sought the Crimes of hate have a past, we sought the oppression have past sadly they have a future, too, as each of the past criminal offspring eagers to contributes to the climate of demonization and the desire for restoring the past system of one ethnicity, one religion in one country. They still want to repeat the same mistake their father did. The cycle extends across generations.
Let me remind you some of the darkest, most dehumanizing human actions, from genocides to paralyse, are recurrent. Hate crimes and group-based violence and domestic cruelty are elements of everyday life for all Oromo of the past and present.
I would like to ask Oromo’s public and private settings, religious groups, political associations, and youth association to confront these hate crimes on the public view. We all need to work to stop the cycle of hate. Let us confront publicly and privately this special designation of hate rime. Let us confront this awful centuries long action which designed and motivated to acknowledge the hunt of Oromo women and men nationally and internationally, just because their mention who they are and what they want. When we think of the cycle of hatred, we need to think of genocide and unimaginable crimes against Oromo. We need to think of all the indiscriminate crime against Oromo people, Crimes of violence against Oromo are still, for the most part, crimes of impunity. Hate crimes and hate speech, and domestic abuse as aspects of a whole. We must stand up for what we love. We have to stop who ever come to destroy that. Because that is our identity, that is who we are, that is our cultural heritage, which are our values that we cant survive without. Therefore we must stand up to fight this unnecessary hatred crime against as.
So we Oromo need to respond harshly to those who introduce, regulating Hatred, to those who utter Crimes speech, to those who want to distort out great history and great culture. I would like to call on Oromo glorious women and men to fight this hatred preach of mass media hatred. I am not saying we have to cause them and their supporters suffering in turn, but I am arguing this endless discrimination and underestimation need to end now. We need to turn on the true history of Oromo people to stop the fiction. We need to speak out the reality to stop fantasy. We need to able to hold the perpetrators responsible for the past and present verbal and physical crime against single moving Oromo. Oromo first is who we are no one can change that. Oromia is our home we can share with who we want. “We don’t hate, only the unloved one hate”.

Genocide in Totolamo Village, Ethiopia,Oromia

Genocide in Totolamo Village, Ethiopia,Oromia
Genocide: 11 Oromo Muslims mowed down in the Totolamo village blood bath
The small maize and potato farming Muslim village of Totolamo in south west oromiyya near the strategic town of Shashemene is in deep mourning after 11 of her citizens gunned down in cold blood by the genocidal Tigre People Liberation Front/ TPLF federal police commandos on Saturday August 3, 2013.
A five year old kid, an elderly imam and four teens are among the dead according to information obtained from Shashemne general hospital where the bodies are stashed in a tiny morgue. The number of the wounded is still unknown.
The fate of hundreds who took refuge inside the Erob Gebya Mosque in the troubled village and surrounded by the federal police is also not yet known. Several others are in detention at the nearby Kofele town police station and the town along with Totolamo village is under total control of the TPLF gunmen in police uniform. Today August 4, 2013 residents are warned to stay indoors as the situation remain frighteningly tense.
The brutal attack on unarmed and benevolent villagers began at nine o’clock yesterday morning after the faithful gathered for their routine prayer meeting. Then the commandos poured into the village and started firing indiscriminately, causing massive chaos and mayhem.
Although genocide has become synonymous with the ruling minority junta for 22 years, the Totelamo blood bath is the first mass killing for newly appointed federal police commander Assefa Abiyo who is said to be more ruthless and ferocious than his predecessor Workneh Gebeyhu.
Scores of relatives from the town of Shashemene are currently waiting to hear the names of the dead or the wounded at the main gate of the general hospital.
Furthermore, in the latest update posted on Minilik salsawi’s Facebook account, Federal police commandos are among the dead in the Totolamo blood bath as the people tried to defend themselves by throwing stones at the heavily armed attackers backed by deafening machinegun fire.
In related news coming out of yet another nearby western Oromiyya town of Dodola, federal police rapid intervention force unit members were chased away from the area about fifteen hours ago by residents after they made an attempt to arrest a highly regarded local imam.
According to updates reaching the Horn Times from Dodola, angry residents followed the fleeing police force to the region’s administration offices and the Jaarsolii (elders) are still locked in negotiations with the authorities.