Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Ibsa ejjennoo Amantii Waaqeffannaa, Norway: Barattoota motummaan Tophiyyaa biyyatti miidhaa irraan gahe laalchisee ibsa ejjennoo | Waqeffanna Oromo Religion in Norway: Press release regarding the killing of Oromo students in Oromia – Ethiopia


Waqeffanna Oromo Religion in Norway: Press release regarding the killing of Oromo students in Oromia – Ethiopia

We are saddened by the news of killings of students in Oromia, Ethiopia. The students protested peacefully against the master plan of Finfinne /Addis Ababa/ due to  the government’s plan to include the farms around Finfinne in the city plan and sell the land as usual.
We have learnt that the farmers around Finfinne have lost their farm land by the name of foreign investment. Their land is given to investors and sold as a plot for building houses. The farmers became the daily labourers on their own land and many of them left their indigenous land.
This has made the farmers servants on their own land. Waqa (God) has not created anyone as master and  servants. We are all equal in front of Waqa.
The students who protested this are being killed by Agazi soldiers and police of Ethiopian government. We watched videos of merciless killings of young students and people on the streets of Ambo, Robe, Nekemt, Dembi Dollo, etc. and the rest of the country. Above all, the Ethiopian government act irresponsibly and didn’t allow the family to collect the dead body of their children. Those who injured are not allowed to get medical attention as punishment. This shows the brutality of Ethiopian government.
The killing of students is not acceptable by any human standards. We call upon our members to stand hand in hand with their brothers and sisters and give them the necessary support. We call upon international community, UN, EU and USA and international religious organizations to condemn the act of Ethiopian government and bring the killers who commit this criminal act to justice.
We also call upon humanitarian organizations to be aware of the situation and give the necessary assistance to save the lives of the injured and displaced ones.
Waqeffanna Oromo Religion in Norway
Bergen, May 8. 2014

Ibsa ejjennoo Amantii Waaqeffannaa, Norway: Barattoota motummaan Tophiyyaa biyyatti miidhaa irraan gahe laalchisee ibsa ejjennoo

Barattoonni Oromoo universitiifi maatin isaanii haala Mastar plaanii Finfinneen naannawa ishii dhuunfachuu laalchisee hiriira nagaa bahaniif ajjeecha fi hidhaa mootummaan Tophiyaa raawwate hedduu nu gaddisiise. Barattoonni kuni kan yaadda’aniif mootummaan Toophiyaa akkuma baratame lafa qotee bulaa naannaa Finfinnee jiru irraa ari’ee akkuma baratame maqaa invetmentiitin gurgurachuuf ta’uu isaati.
Akka haala achi jirurraa hubannetti, qonnaan bultoonni naannaa Finfinnee jiraatan lafa isaanii mana irratti ijaarudhaaf sababa jedhuun mootummaan irraa fudhatee lafa ofitirratti deebi’anii hojjettuu ta’anii qaxaramuu ykn achii ari’amanii rakkinarra bu’uutu isaan mudata. Kanarraa kan ka’e lafa abbaa ofii kan irratti dhalataniifi afaanif  aadaa ofii dhabuun akka isaan mudatu walnama hingaafachiisu.
Akka amantii keenyaa Waaqnis nama yoo uumu kaan gooftaa waan fedhe namarratti raawwatu, kaan immoo gabbartuu gooftaa sanii godhee hinumne. Nama maraa walqixa uume.
Waraanni mootummaa kan Agaaazii jedhamuufi Foolisiin ummata baratoota waliin Naannoo Oromiyaa Ambotti, Roobetii, Naqamtetti, Dambii Doollotti kkf. ajjeessun isaan vidiyoodhaan yoo agarru hedduu nu rifachiisee jira. Motummaan suni irree ofii abdachuudhaf warri ijoollee ofii kan duutellee akka reefa fuudhee hinawwaallane, kan madaa’an akka hinhakimsiisfne dhoowwe. Kuni hagam tokko akka mootummaan suni naatoo uummataaf hinqabne mul’isa.
Ajjeechan barattoota fi ummataa kuni sammuu ilma namaa kamiifuu fudhatamaa miti. Miseensoonni keenya martuu akka obbolaa ofii biyyatti miidhamaa jiran waliin dhaabbatanii deeggarsa barbaachisu maraa godhan yaamicha goona.
Waaqeffannaan Oromoo Norway Mootummoota Addunyaa walta’niif, Mootummoota Waliigaltee Awuroppatiif, Mootummaa Amarikaanitiif, Hawaasa Addunyaatif, akkasumas dhaabilee amantii maraaf akka ajjeechaa motummaan Tophiyaa raawwate kana balaaleffatan akkasumas akka namoota gocha kana raawwate seeraf dhiyeessu gaafanna.
Akkasumas, dhaabbileen gargaarsaa haala kana hubachuun deeggarsa barbaachisu warra madoo fi rakkateef akka godhan yaamicha goona.
Waqeffanna Oromo Religion in Norway
Bergen, Caamsaa 8 bara 2014
Bergen – Norway

Ethiopia: Ambo under Siege, Daily Activities Paralyzed

HRLHA Urgent ActionHRLHA Fine
13 May, 2014.
The brutal attempts of crackdown against Oromo protesters by the Agazi Special Squad continuing unabated in different parts of the regional state of Oromia, reports coming from Ambo in central Oromia indicate that the town and its surrounding has come under virtual seizure by the Agazi Federal Armed Force, daily movements and activities becoming almost impossible.
According to information obtained by HRLHA (this morning) form its correspondents, the Agazi Special Squad has been deployed in Ambo Town and its surrounding in much larger number than before and engaged in indiscriminately kidnapping the local people from along the streets and throwing them into detention centres in the area. There are also reports of widespread rapes being committed against female detainees.
Although the protests against the plan to annex some central small towns of Oromia into the Capital Addis Ababa/Finfinne have been involving Oromos from all walks of life, age and gender, the prime targets have been the youth, university, college, and high school students in particular. Since the protest started in different parts of the regional state of Oromia two weeks ago, more than 50,000 (fifty thousand) Oromos have been arrested and detained from Ambo, Gudar, Tikur Inchini, Ginda-Barat, Gedo, and Bakko-Tibe towns in West Showa Zone of Central Oromia alone, Apart from along the streets in cities and towns, especially students are being picked up even from dormitories and classrooms on universities and college campuses. Reports add that there have been around twenty(40) extra-judicial killings so far that have resulted from brutal actions against unarmed and peaceful protesters by armed forces.
Ever since the violence against Oromo protesters started two weeks ago, and following the release of its first urgent action over the incidents, the Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa (HRLHA) has been monitoring the situation through its correspondents in the region; and has been able to obtain some of the names of the Oromos (students and others) who have so far been killed, kidnapped or arrested, and detained or disappeared. There are also cases of beatings and wounds or injuries inflicted on some of the protesters by the heavy-handed federal armed force. The names are listed below:

Partial List of arrested Students from Addis Ababa University May 11, 2014

1Abebe gadafa12Lataa Olani
2Alamayo Taye13Melaku Girma
3Gaddisaa dabalee14

Mulata Eliyas

4Gamada Dhidhita15Nigusie Gammada
5Gudata Wakne16Nigusie Yoosef
6Guddina17Sisay Safara
7Indalu Yigezu18Taye Teshome
8Jabessa ekele19Teshome Ararsa
9Jamal Usman20Waqo Roba
10Jilo Kamew21Yaatanii Utukan
11Kebede Guddata

May 11, 2014 Arrestees from different universities in Oromia
NoNameDepartmentInstitute Name
1Abebe TaddesePolitical ScienceAddis Ababa University
2Chala DirribaDirre Dawa University
3LenchoElectrical & Computer EngineeringAdama University
4Fawaz Ahmed UsmanMechanical EngneeringAdama University
5Obsa JawarManagementAdama University

Partial list of Oromos  killed by Agazi Armed Force of the Federal Government

NAMESEXBirth PlaceOccupationAcademic  institutionPlace of execution
1Ababa    KumsaMstudentWallaga
2Abdii KamaalMstudent and Krate TrainerGudarGudar
3Abdiisaa GuutuuM9 years old teenager-Gudar
4Abdiisaa FiixeeBussinessmanGudar
5Abdisa NagasaMstudentWallaga
6Alamnee  Bayisa TashoomeeM9th gradeAmboAmbo
7Alamayyoo HirphasaaM9th gradeAmboAmbo
8Alemaayyoo UrgeessaaMFarmerGudarGudar
9Baayisaa SooriiM
10Biikkolee DinqaaM
11Biqilaa  BelayMMerchant-Ambo
12Bultii YaadasaaMJibaatTechinical studentShanaan
13DarejjeeMKebele Milisha-Ijaajjii
14Falmata BayechaMMedicine 5th yearJimmaJimma
15Galana AdabaMGovernance 3rd yearJimmaJimma
16Getachew DarajieMGovernence 3rd yearJimmaaJimma
17Geetahuun JiraataaMJunior Secondary schoolGudarGudar
18Geetuu UrgeessaaMstudentAmbo
19Gexe TafariFstudentWollega
20Gurmuu DamxooMJunior Secondary schoolGudarGudar
21Gosomsaa  BaayisaaMFarmer-Ambo
22Haacaaluu JaagamaaMJibaatShanaan
23Husen UmarMUni studentJimmaaJimma
24Indaalee DessaalenyiMAmboDiplom holder, Bajaji driverAmboAmbo, 01 Kebele
25Indaalee LammeessaaM9th grade studentAmboAmbo
26Isra’el HabtamuMUni studentJimmaJimma
27Kebbedee BoranaaMAmbo
28Kumalaa GuddisaMTikur Incini10th gradeGudarGudar
29Maammush GaaddiisaaMBusssinessman-Gudar
30Mammush GuutuuM11 years old teenager-Gudar
31Naasir TamaamMDriverGudar
32Nagaasaa LameessaaMFarmer oromo elder of 80 years oldAmbo
33Olmaan BiinagdeeMGanjii GooreeFarmer, 75 years  Oromo elder-Ambo
34Taddasee GashuuMWaddeessaa,
Liibaan Machaa J.S.SchoolAmboAmbo
35Tashome DawitMUni studentWallaga
36Zabana BarasaMGovernance 3rd yearJimmaJimma

Partial list of injured or wounded protestors

NAMEsexOccupationAcademic institutionRegionDate
1Abrhaam SuufaaM12th grade studentAmboAmbo
2Balaayi KuusaaMMidaa QanyiiAmbo01.05.2014
3Baayisaa ObsaaMMidaa QanyiiAmbo01.05.2014
4Baqalee ItichaaM
5Bitamaa BaayisaaM7th gradeAmboAmbo
6Darrasaa AyyaanaaMMidaa QanyiiAmbo01.05.2014
7Geetuu warquuAmbo
8Gonfaa Mul’isaaMBajajii driverAmbo
9Kasaahun AseffaaMAmbo
10Miidhaksaa ijiguuMBussinesmanAmbo
11Misgaanaa MammuyyeeAmbo
12Roobee  BeenyaaMAmbo
13Shallamaa CaalasaaaMHigh School studentMidaa QanyiiAmbo
14Shantamaa Qanaa’aaMAmbo
15Sintaayoo MirreessaaF5th grade studentAddis ketema, Ambo
16Taaddalaa TsagaayeeM9th grade studentAmbo High SchoolAmbo
17Warquu ijjiguuMBussinesman-Ambo
18Zarihuun UrgeessaaMAmbo

Partial list of indiscriminately arrested or kidnapped and detained protestors

Below is the list of some of the estimated 50,000 Oromos picked up and detained from different towns in West Showa Z0ne:

NameSexOccupationPlace arrested
1Ababaa MoosisaaMTikur Incini
2Alamayyoo IrreessooMWas ONC Elected member of Oromia regional in 2005Ambo
3Ashannaafii BuusaaM12th grade studentAmbo
4Agidoo WaqjiraaMMidaa Qanyii high schoolAmbo
5Ayyaantuu DagaagaaFMerchant of cultural dressesAmbo
6Baqqaluu GidaadaFAmbo
7Baayiluu MallasaaMGudar SchoolGudar
8Bilisee IndaaluuFHigh school studentMidaa Qanyii
9Biraanuu AddunyaaMHigh school studentTikur Incini
10Burgudee AraarsaaFHighschool studentAmbo
11Caalchisaa AanaaMPreacherMidaa Qanyii
12Caalaa BaayisaaMWith his 5-family memberAmbo
13Camadaa JaalataaMFarmerMidaa Qanyii
14Dagguu TakkaaMElementary J.S. School, 8th gradeAddis Ketama-Ambo
15Dammee TaddasaaFAmbo
16Dararaa GalataaMHigh school StudentMidaa Qanyii
17Darrasaa GuutataaMFarmerMidaa Qanyii
18Dawuti RaggaasaaM9th grade studentLiiban Maccaa Ambo
19Dheeressaa TarfaaMBussinessmanGudar
20Dhibbaa TutishaaMAssistant driverAmbo
21GadaaMAmbo uni studentAmbo
22Gechoo DandanaaMHigh school studentMidaa Qanyii
23Getaachoo dandanaaMBusinessmanGudar
24Goobanaa AbarraaMHigh school studentMidaa Qanyii
25Goobanaa TolasaaMTikur Incinni
26Gonfaa DhaabaaMBussinessmanAmbo
27Gudinaa AbarraaMHigh school studentMidaa Qanyii
28Iddeessaa MagarsaaMChairperson for Waqqeffata for Ambo areaAmboo
29Lachiisaa FufaaMTikur Incinni
30Lateeraa shallamooMTikur Incinni
31Mallasaa KabbadaaMBussinessmanAmbo
32Mootummaa TasfaayeeMTikur Incinni
33Nagarii DhaabaaMAmbo
34Qanaa’aa ChuucheeMEmployee of KFOAmbo
35Salamoon DhaabaaM11th grade studentAmbo
36Shallamaa caalaaMGudar
37Shallamaa CaalasaaaMHigh School StudentMidaa Qanyii
38Shallamaa DirooHigh School StudentMidaa Qanyii
39Taaddasaa MisgaanaaMTikur Incinni
40Taamiruu CaalsisaaMTikur Incinni
41Tammiree CaalaaEmployee of youth and Sport commissionCaliyaa Geedoo
42Tamasgeen AbarraaMBussinessmanAmbo
43Tasfayee DaksiisaaMHigh School StudentMidaa Qanyii
44Tolaa GeeddafaaMHigh School StudentMidaa qanyii
45Wabii XilaahuunMAmbo university 3rd yearAmbo

HRLHA calls up on the Ethiopian Government to:
  1. Immediately stop the racial and discriminatory violence against Oromos, and bring the culprits  toJustice
  2.  Unconditionally release the detained Oromo students and facilitate the resumption of normal classes;
  3. Reverse the decision of the plan and present it for discussion and consultations to the concerned Oromo People, and obtain their consents;
  4. Compensate all loses and damages that resulted from the brutal actions of its armed forces.
HRLHA also calls up on regional and international diplomatic, democratic, and human rights agencies to challenge the Ethiopian TPLF/EPRDF government on its persistent brutal, dictatorial, and suppressive actions against innocent and unarmed civilians who are attempting to exercise some of their “said-to-have-been-granted” democratic rights.

Ibsa Gummi Paarlamaa: Oromoo Waayyanen yakka Uummataa Oromoo irratti dalaga jiru atataman akka dhabu gaafana

Mootummani wayyaneen ofuma isaatti rakko fi jeequmsa umee Oromoo Uummataa nagaa dhiigaa dhangalasa jira. Heera Federala diigun lafa Oromiyya humnan fudhachuuf murtesun isaa rakko umamee kanaaf sababa ta’uun isaa beekmadha. Gaafiin baratoon Oromoo dhiyeessan kun gaafi mirga malee gaafi dhaabba kami iyuu dhadeesa hin jiran. Gaafiin Baratoota Oromoo lafti Oromoo Oromiyya jalati buluu qabdi jeechun isaani gaafi mirgatti. Gaafin kun ammoo gaafi dhaabba tokko utuu hin tanee gaafi Uummataa Oromoo hundati. Gaafin Uummataa Oromoo seeran deebi argachuu qaba malee raasaasi furmata hin ta’uu. Wayyane TPLF waraana boobasu dhisee murtee wa’ee Godina adda Oromiyya akka feedhi Uummataa Oromootti deebi keenuu qaba ture. Garuu mootumman kun tufii fi jibiinsa Uummataa Oromoo irra qabuun jeequmsaa umee dhiigga ijoollee Oromoo dhangalasa jira.
Mootummaan siirna garbonfata wayyane baratoota kara nagaa gaafi dhiyeefta jiran raasaasan rukutuun gaafi kara nagaa dhiyyatee gara finciila Uummatatti jijjira jira. Baratoon University Jimmaa, Wallagaa, Ambo, Addama, Haromayya, Finfinne, Matuu, Bule Hora, Madda Walabu, Kotobe Diredawa fi Manetin barumsaa sadarka lamaffaa Mandii, Najoo, Naqamte, Gimbi Gaafi kara nagaa Mootummatti dhiyeesan Poolisii fi waraanaa federala gamoo mana barumsa galuun baratoota reebuu, raasaasan rukutuun lubuu nama heedu oli ballesun baratoota hedduu hidhe jira. mootumman gaafi nagaa kana gara finciilati jijjirun qabeenya hedduun akka barbada’u goodhe jira. Uummatti Oromoo dhiigga ijoolle isaa dhangala’uu argee gara jabina mootummaa kana balalefachuun gara finciilati seenuuf dirqamuu isaa waan Ambo, Adaamaa, Diredawa, Bale, Naqamte, Mandi, Najoo irratti goodhama jiru ni mulisa. Mootumman wayyane feedhi Uummataa rasaasan uukamsuu irra gaafi Uummati gaafataa jiru kanaaf kara nagaa deebi laachutuu irra jira.
Kun ta’uu banan Uummani hanga deebi isaa argatuti mormii isaa yoomi ilee kan itti fufu ta’a, kun ammoo egere biyyatti fi Uummataa biyyatti giduutti wal dhabdii hin dhabinee fida. Mootumman kara nagaa deebi Uummataa hin deebifnee, rakko isaa mudatu, Egypt, Yemen, Sirya irra barachuu qaba ture. Waluma galatii Mootumman Ethiopia jeequmsaa Uummamee kanaaf sababa waan ta’eef akkasumasi kara nagaa deebi waan lachuu dideef, Qabeenya barbada’ee fi lubu badee hundatti kan gaafatamuu ta’uu isaa beekuu qaba. Gumiin Paarlamaa Oromoo Jeequmsaa Mootumman Ethiopia Uummataa Oromoo irratti Uumee dhiigga dhangalasaa jiru kana Mootummoota Gamtooman, Mootummaa Europa fi Mana Murtii Adunyatti iyyachuuf qoophiidha. Beektoon Oromoo fi dhabbileen Oromoo nu gargarun Oromoo dhiigii isaa dhangala’aa jiruuf sagalee akka tanuuf gaafachaa, dhimmii Oromoo na ilaalata kan jeedhu hunda waliin Oromoof falmachuu akka itti fufnu isiin gaafana.
Media Oromoo fi haawwasi Oromoo biyya ala jiran goochaa sukkanesa wayyane kana mootummoota Adunya fi gura uummataa Adunya biran akka geessan dhamsaa uummata keenya isiini dabarsiina. Mootmman wayyanee humna loltuu fi Poolisiin fayadamuun raasasaan dhiigga dhangalasuun furmata akka hin tanee beekee gaafi baratoota fi Uummata Oromoof furmata dhugga barbaachuu akka qabuu gaafaana. Poolisoon Oromoo, waraanii lammi Oromoo tatan fi Miseensoon OPDO Uummataa Oromoo haqa isaa fi mirga isaaf falmatuu birra akka dhabatan fi diina Oromoo irratti roorisaa jiru akka irra qoolatan Gummin paarlamaa Oromoo wamiichaa isiini dhiyeesa.
Gummi Paarlamaa Oromoo


Amnesty International condemns the use of excessive force by security forces against peaceful protesters in a number of locations across the Oromia region during the last two weeks, which has resulted in the deaths and injuries of dozens of people including students and children. Many hundreds of protesters are reported to have been arbitrarily arrested, and are being detained incommunicado and without charge. Detainees are at risk of torture.
The Ethiopian government must immediately instruct the security forces to cease using deadly force against peaceful protesters, and to release any person who has been arrested solely because of their involvement in peaceful protests. These incidents must be urgently and properly investigated, and suspected perpetrators should be prosecuted in effective trial proceedings.
Since late April, protests have taken place in many universities and towns across the Oromia region over the ‘Addis Ababa Integrated Development Master Plan’ – a plan from the central government to expand the capital, Addis Ababa, into parts of Oromia – the region which surrounds the city. The government says the master plan for expansion would bring city services to remote areas. However, the protesters, and many other Oromos, the ethnic group that makes up the significant majority of the population of Oromia regional state, fear that the move will be detrimental to the interests of Oromo farmers, and will lead to large scale evictions to make way for land leasing or sale. Many Oromos also consider the move to be in violation of the Constitutionally-guaranteed protection of the ‘special interests’ of the Oromia state.
Numerous reports from witnesses, local residents and other sources indicate that the security forces have responded with excessive force against peaceful protesters. Forces comprised of the federal police and military special forces known as ‘Agazi’, have fired live ammunition at unarmed protesters in a number of locations including in Wallega and Madawalabu universities and Ambo and Guder towns, resulting in deaths in each location.
One witness told Amnesty International that on the third day of protest in Guder town, near Ambo, the security forces were waiting for the protesters and opened fire when they arrived. She said five people were killed in front of her. A source in Robe town, the location of Madawalabu University, told Amnesty International that 11 bodies had been seen in a hospital in the town. Another witness said they had seen five bodies in Ambo hospital.
There are major restrictions on independent journalism and human rights monitoring organizations in Ethiopia as well as on exchange of information. Because of these restrictions, in conjunction with the number of incidents that occurred in the last two weeks, it is not possible to establish the exact number of those who have been killed. The government acknowledged that three students had died at Madawalabu University, and five persons had died in Ambo town, but did not state the cause of death. Numbers of deaths reported by witnesses and residents within Oromia are significantly higher. Investigations into these incidents must include the establishment of comprehensive numbers of people killed and injured in all incidents.
According to eye-witness reports received by Amnesty International, of those who were killed some people, including students and children, died instantly during protests, while some died subsequently in hospitals as a result of their injuries. Children as young as 11 years old were among the dead. Students and teachers constitute the majority of those killed and injured.
Protesters were also reportedly beaten up during and after protests, resulting in scores of injuries in locations including Ambo, Jimma, Nekempte, Wallega, Dembi Dollo, Robe town, Madawalabu, and Haromaya.
Hundreds of people have been arrested across many locations. The main Oromo opposition party, the Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) which has been collecting information from its members throughout the region, believes those arrested may total several thousand. Witnesses told Amnesty International that in many cases the arrests took place after the protesters had dispersed. Security forces have conducted house to house searches in many locations in the region, for students and others who may have been involved. New arrests continue to be reported. A small number of people have been released, but most of those arrested remain in incommunicado detention, in many cases in unknown locations. The OFC also reports that two of its members were arrested in Ambo because they had spoken to a Voice of America reporter about events in the town.
Hundreds of those arrested have been taken to unofficial places of detention including Senkele police training camp. One local resident, whose nephew was shot dead during the Ambo protests, told Amnesty International that detainees in Senkele have been prevented from seeing their families or receiving food from them. Military camps in Oromia have regularly been used to detain thousands of actual or perceived government opponents. Detention in military camps is almost always arbitrary – detainees are not charged or taken to a court for the duration of their detention, which in some cases has lasted for many years. In the majority of cases, detainees in military camps have no access to lawyers or to their families for the duration of their detention. Amnesty International has received countless reports of torture being widespread in military camps. The organization fears that the recent detainees are at serious risk of torture and other ill-treatment.
There is a very high security force presence in towns across the region in recent days, including in university campuses. Witnesses in several locations say that classes have been suspended in the universities. Amnesty International has heard from other locations, where classes have continued or resumed, that attendance registers are being taken for every class, with serious repercussions threatened for those not present.
Amnesty International has also received several reports that in a number of locations throughout the region local residents are being beaten and in some cases, arrested by the police, ostensibly to intimidate them against taking part in further protests. Police are also threatening parents to control their children. One witness told Amnesty International that one man who went to collect his son’s body, who had been shot dead during a protest, was severely beaten by security forces telling him he should have taught his son some discipline.
The OFC says the response of the security forces has fuelled further protests as the colleagues, parents and community members of those killed and injured have joined in further protests against the brutality of the security forces. In some locations anger at the actions of the security forces has resulted in burning of cars and damage to property.
The Ethiopian authorities regularly suppress peaceful protests, which has often included the use of excessive force against protesters. The Oromos have long felt discriminated against by successive governments. The current government is hostile to all dissent. However, this hostility often manifests most fiercely in the Oromia region, where signs of dissent are looked for and suppressed even more brutally than in other parts of the country. Scores of Oromos are regularly arrested based on their actual or suspected opposition to the government.
The recent events are highly reminiscent of events in 2004 when months of protests broke out across the Oromia region and in Addis Ababa by college and school students demonstrating against a federal government decision to transfer the regional state capital from Addis Ababa to Adama (also known as Nazret), a town 100 kilometres south-east of Addis Ababa. The transfer was perceived to be against Oromo interests. Police used live ammunition in some incidents to disperse demonstrators, killing several students and wounding many others, which led to further protests. Hundreds of students were arrested and detained for periods ranging from several days to several months, without charge or trial. Many were severely beaten when police dispersed protests or in detention. Subsequently hundreds were expelled or suspended from university and many suffered long-term repercussions such as repeated arrest based on the residual suspicion of holding dissenting opinions.
The events of the last two weeks in Oromia demonstrate that there has been no improvement in Ethiopia’s policing practices in the last decade, and that very serious concerns remain about the willingness of the Ethiopian security forces to use excessive force against peaceful protesters. These events also show that major restrictions remain on the ability of peaceful protesters to express grievances or make political points in Ethiopia. The environment for peaceful protest, freedom of expression and political participation has worsened over the last decade.
The recent events in Oromia fall at a time when the local population and interested parties internationally, are starting to look towards the general elections in May 2015. The aftermath of the disputed 2005 elections also saw excessive use of force against peaceful protesters during widespread demonstrations against the alleged rigging of the election by the ruling EPRDF party. Security forces opened fire on protesters in Addis Ababa resulting in the deaths of more than 180 people. The recent events bode very ill for the run up to the 2015 elections, still a year away. Unless substantial reforms are urgently initiated, Amnesty International is concerned that the run up to the elections will be characterised by further serious violations of human rights.
Amnesty International urges the Ethiopian authorities to immediately and publicly instruct the security forces to cease using excessive force against peaceful protesters in Oromia. While some of the recent protests in Oromia are reported to have seen incidents of violence, including destruction of property, the use of force, including lethal force, by security forces must comply with human rights standards at all times in order to protect the right to life. Amnesty International urges that any police response to further protests must comply with international requirements of necessity and proportionality in the use of force, in line with the UN Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials. These principles state that law enforcement may use only such force as is necessary and proportionate to maintain public order, and may only intentionally use lethal force if strictly necessary to protect human life.
Thorough investigations which are credible and impartial must urgently take place into allegations of excessive use of force against peaceful protesters, and the torture of protesters and other members of local communities in Oromia, and where admissible evidence of crimes is found, suspected perpetrators should be prosecuted in effective trial proceedings that meet international standards.
All persons arrested solely because of their participation in peaceful protests must be immediately and unconditionally released. Amnesty International urges that no-one suffers any violation or denial of their human rights as a result of their involvement in peaceful protests including any suspension or termination of their education.
Finally, Amnesty International urges the Ethiopian government to respect all Ethiopians’ right to peacefully protest, as guaranteed under the Ethiopian Constitution and in accordance with Ethiopia’s international legal obligations, including under the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights. The government should immediately remove all restrictions on free and open political participation, including restrictions on the independent media, civil society and political opposition parties.