Saturday, May 24, 2014

Protesters in Finfinne Demand TPLF to Stop Killing, Evicting Oromos, and Grabbing Land

(May 24, 2014) – Hundreds of thousands of protesters in the Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa (Finfinne) today demanded the TPLF Ethiopian regime to stop killing Oromo students, and to stop evicting Oromo farmers and grabbing their land in the name of “development.” The protest rally was called by Medrek, a coalition of political organizations, including the Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC).
The protesters have demanded justice for the Oromo students and civilians slaughtered by the TPLF Ethiopian regime during the Oromia-wide #OromoProtests in April and May 2014 against the Addis Ababa Master Plan, which outlines the Addis Ababa City’s plans to annex land from the Federally and Constitutionally instituted Oromia in the name of “development,” thereby evicting millions of Oromo farmers and subjecting them to both genocide and ethnocide in their own land.
It’s to be remembered that OFC made similar calls on land-grabbing in Oromia back in April 2014.
Among the slogans chanted by the protesters at today’s rally in Finfinne include: “Stop eviction of farmers in the name of development,” “Stop the massacre,” “Bring culprits to justice,” “Free all political prisoners,” “Stop the land grab,” and “We need freedom of expression.”
Here are some photos from today’s #OromoProtests Medrek rally:
(Ob. Bulcha Demeksa, Gadaa Moji of OFC, on the March):

ግንቦት 16 የሲዳማ ህዝብ ሰማእታት ቀን 12ኛ ዓመት በልዩ ሁኔታ እየታሰበ ነው፡፡

By ለገሰ ዋንሳሞ ዋቃዮ, Hawassa, Sidama

ግንቦት 16 ቀን 1994 / የሲዳማ ህዝብ ህገ መንግስታዊ መብቱን ለማስከበር ህግንና ደንብን ጠብቆ  በተወካዮቹ አማካይነት በቀን 12/09/1994/ ለሲዳማ ዞን አስተዳዳር በተጻፈ ደብዳቤ መብቱን በሠላማዊ መንገድ ለማስከበርና ያለበትን ጥያቄ ለመንግስት ለማቅረብ መነሻው ገባህላዊ ህዝብመሰብሰቢያ ከሆነው ቱሉ ቦታ በማድረግ በመስቀል አደባባይ የሚያበቃ ሠለማዊ ሰልፍ ስለሚያደረግ የአካባቢው አስተዳዳር ለሰልፉ ጥበቃእንዲያደርግ አመልክቶ ነበር፡፡

 ዜጎች መብታቸውን በሠላማዊ መንገድ መጠይቅ ይችላሉ ተብሎ በህገ መንግሰቱ ስለተደነገገ ድንጋጌው የሁሉንም ብሔር ብሔረሰቦችና ህዝቦችንበእኩል ያስከብራል ብሎ በሙሉ እምነት ተቀብሎ ሰልፍ የወጣው ህዝብ የሰልፉን ደህንነት መጠበቅ የሚገባው ከህዝብ አብራክ የወጣ ህዝብንናየሀገርን ደህንነት ለመጠበቅ ቃል ኪዳን የገባው ሠራዊት በገዛ ወገኑ ላይ በጠራራ ፀኃይ የአውቶማቲክ መሳሪያ ውርጅብኝ አወረደ፡፡

 የሠላም ተምሳለት የሆነውን ኢትዮጵያ ባንድራ በማስቀደም ቅጠል የያዘው ህዝብ ከልጅ እስከ አዛውንት በደቂቃዎች ልዩነት እንደ ቅጠል ረገፈ፡፡የተወሰኑ አስከረኖች በአይሱዙ መኪና በላይ ላይ ተደርቦ እንደ ኩንታል ተጭኖ ወደ ሲዳማ ዞን ፖሊስ መምሪያ የተጋዘ ሲሆን ሌላው በየጥሻው ተጥሎበጅብ ተበላ፡፡

 ይህን ጭፍጨፋ እጅግ ክፉ የክፉ ሁሉ ክፉ እንዲሆን ያደረገው ድርጊት ቀጥሎ መፈፀሙ በሲዳማ ህዝብ አህእምሮ የማይፋቂ የዘላላም ጠባሳ ጥሎአለፈ፡፡ እነዚህ ድርጊቶች ምን ይሁኑ

1. የሟቾችንን ቤተሰብ በሀይል በማስገደድ አስከሬኖቹን በሟቾች ላይ የተወሰደው እርምጃ አግባቢ ነው እያሉ እየፈረሙ አስከሬኑን እንዲወስዱመደረግ፣

2. በመንግስት መገናኛ ብዙሃን ቢቢሲን ጨምሮ ሰው አልተገደለም የተገደሉት ዘራፊዎችና ወሮበሎች ናቸው እያሉ ጭፍጨፋው ከተፈፀመበት ቦታ 5 ሜትር ርቀት ላይ ያሉ ህንጻዎችን በኢትቪ በማሳየት አሳፋሪ ድረጊት መፈፀሙ፣

3. ገዳዮችን ለህግ ከማቅረብ ይልቅ ሹመት እየሰጡ ከሞት የተረፉትን ንጽሃን ዜጎችን ለእስራት እንግልት መዳረግ የተቀሩት የብሔሩ ምሁራን ሀገርለቀው እንዲሰደዱ የተደረገበት ድርጊቶች በሀዘን ልቡ ተሰብሮ አጽናኝ ያጣውን ህዝብ ቅስሙ ይበልጥ እንዲሰበር አድርጓል፡፡

 በዚህ የተነሳ ነው ይህ ቀን በመላው ሲዳማ ህዝብ አእምሮ ውስጥ የማይጠፋ ጠባሳ ሆኖ የታተመው፡፡ ይህ ቀን በሀገር ውስጥ ባሉና በውጭ ሀገርበሚገኙ በብሔሩ ልጆች ዘንድ ጥቁር የሀዘን ልብስ በመልበስ ሻማ በማብራት እየታሳበ ዘንድሮ 12 ዓመት ላይ የደረሰ ሲሆን ሲዳማ አርነት ንቅናቄበዚህ ዓመት በሰላማዊ መንገድ መብታቸውን ለማስከበር ሲሉ ሰማእታት የሆኑት ጀግኖችን ልዩ በሆነ መንገድ በሰላማ ሰልፍ ለማሰብ ሠላማዊ ሰልፍጥያቄ ለአካባቢው አስተዳደር ያቀረበ ቢሆንም ወቅቱ ክልላዊና ብሔራዊ ፈተናዎች የሚሰጡበት በመሆኑ ለሰልፉ እውቅና አንሰጥም ተብሎከአካባቢው  አስተዳደር እውቅና በመነፈጉ ሠላማዊ ሰልፉ ወደ ሰኔ 7 ቀን 2006 / እንዲተላለፍ ተደርጓል፡፡

 ሲአን ይህ ቀን በሰላማዊ ሰልፍ ታስቦ እንዲውል የመረጠው መንግስት የሲዳማን የመብት ጥያቄ ለማፈን ባሰማራው ፀጥታ አስከባሪ ሰራዊትበተወሰደው እርምጃ በዜጎች ላይ የተከሰተው ጥፋት ሁለተኛ እንዳይከሰት ከመታቀብ ይልቅ በተመሳሳይ መልኩ በኦሮምያ ክልልና በሌሎች በሀገሪቱክፍሎች እየፈፀም ያለው ድርጊት እንዲቆምና ጥፋተኞችም በህግ እንዲጠየቁ ድምጽ ለማሰማት ነው፡፡

ይህ የሰማዕታት ቀን ሰልፉ ስለቀረ ሳይታሰብ ይውላል ማለት ሳይሆን የሲዳማ አርነት ንቅናቄ ከዚህ በፊት ይደረግ እንደነበረ በሁሉም ሲአን /ቤቶችጥቁር የሀዘን ልብስ በመልበስና ሻማ በማብራት ታስቦ የሚውል መሆኑን እገልጻለሁ፡፡

By ለገሰ ዋንሳሞ ዋቃዮ, Hawassa, Sidama

Ethiopia: Worrisome Situations in Detention Centres

HRLHA FineHRLHA – Urgent Action

May 24, 2014
For Immediate Release
While kidnappings and/or extra-judicial arrests and detentions have continued particularly around academic institutions in different parts of the regional state of Oromia in Ethiopia, disturbing and worrisome reports are coming out of detention centres where the Oromo students arrested in the past two weeks are being held.
According to HRLHA correspondents in Nakamte, Wollega Province in western Oromia, there have been cases of tortures of varying levels as well as detainees being taken away in the middle of the night to unknown destinations for unknown reasons. Fifty (50) detainees, including thirteen females, were taken away at one time alone; and their whereabouts were not known. In relation to tortures, the reports indicate that some of the detainees are isolated from others and held in separate rooms handcuffed and legs tied together with their hands on the their backs. There were ten students subjected to this particular situation, among whom were Std. Tesfaye Tuffa (male) and Std. Bontu Hailu (female). Although not confirmed at this point, there were also eight students who were screened out in order to be transferred to a detention or investigation office at the federal level; and these include:
1. Chalaa Fekaduu Gashe (high school student),
2. Chalaa Fekaduu Raajoo (high school student),
3. Nimoonaa Kebede (Wollega University 5th year law student),
4. Moi Bon Misganuu (Wollega University, student),
5. Abdii Gaddisaa (high school student),
6. Abel Dagim (high school student),
7. Qalbessa Getachew (high school student),
8. Mulgeta Gemechu (high school student),
9. Edosa Namara Dheressa, Civil Engineering, Wallaga University
In the meantime, reports indicate that kidnappings and/or extra-judicial arrests and detentions have continued in different parts of the regional state of Oromia, particularly in Hararge/Haromaya, West Showa, and West Wollega, all in relation to the protests that have been going on in the Regional State of Oromia in opposition to the newly introduced master plan to expand the Capital City of Addis Ababa/Finfinne in all directions by displacing the local Oromo residents. The following are among the hundreds of the most recent cases of kidnappings, arrests and detentions:
1) Edosa Namara Deressa – Wollega University (Civil Engineering)
2) Walabuma Dabale -Adama University, West Showa,
3) Ebisa Dale -Adama University
4) Ganamo Kurke -Adama University
5) Liban Taressa – Adama University
6) Adam Godana -Adama University
7) Bodana (last name not obtained) – Adama University
Name of other detainees arrested May 15-17, 2014,
Partial Detainees in Wallagga, May 16, 2014
NoNameGenderOccupation/GradePlace /Town
1 Robel QannoMWorkerMandii
2 Gammachis HambisaaMEmployeeMandii,
3Bokaa HundeessaaMMandii
4Bacaa KebedeMMandi
5Fiqiru WadajoMBusinessmanMandi
6 Eyob KumaraMBusinessmanMandi
7Raji AbbayaM10Mandi
8Dabaloo TolosaaM10Mandi
9Surra ChaliM12Mandi
10Ebisaa Saqqata12Mandi
Haromaya University
1Nimona ChaliMOromo languageHaromaya
2Magarsaa BaqqalaaMOromo languageHaromaya
West Shawa, Ambo
1Getachew QajelaMAmbo Town
2Alemu MegerssaM8Ambo Town
3Debisa BirruM-Ambo
4Getacho BirruuMPrevious  Kaliti detaineeAmbo
5Tamire ChalaMoffice workerAmbo
Arrested on May 16, 2014 Wallagga University
1Abbabu TafaMstudentNekemt
 2Galata KumerraMstudentNekemt
3Gammachuu ButunaMstudentNekemt
4Gammachuu FikaduMstudentNekemt
5Getachew FikaduMstudentNekemt
6Gutaaa GalanaMstudentNekemt
7Lammessa BalayMstudentNekemt
8Mokonoon AbarraMstudentNekemt
9Mokonon AsaffaaMstudentNekemt
10Mul’isaa TafarraMstudentNekemt
11Nazib JibrilMstudentNekemt
12Shimalis ChaffeMstudentNekemt
13Sofia KadirMstudentNekemt
Arrested on May 16, 2014, West Wallaga Gulisso District
1Abdii MokononM10th gradeGullisoo
2Chalaa RaggasaMBussinessmanAyiraa
3Damee DaddafaMBussinessmanAyiraa
4Daawit TolaMBussinessmanGullisoo
5Dirriba Gaja’aMstudentAyiraa
6Dirriba TasfaM7th gradeGullisoo
7Ebba KaniibaM8th gradeGullisoo
8Efirem Qana’aMstudentAyiraa
9Fikadu GariMFarmerGullisoo
10Gammachu TasisaMBusinessmanGullisoo
11Gammaachuu WakjiraMGovernment employeeGullisoo
12Getane AdabaMFarmerAyiraa
13Getacho OljiraMFarmerAyiraa
14Girma MulatuM10th gradeGullisoo
13Hunduma AwetuMTeacherAyiraa
16Jifara BusunaMstudentGullisoo
17Lalisa IndaleM9th gradeGullisoo
18Lijalem ImmanaMAdminstratorGullisoo
19Malaku AagaMTeacherAyiraa
20Milkessa Samu’elMstudentAyiraa
21Mulatu CawaqaMFarmerGullisoo
22Obsa GetaneM10th gradeGullisoo
23Obsa RaggasaM9th gradeGullisoo
24Qabana HikaMTeacherAyiraa
25Qanani DanielM7th gradeGullisoo
26Toleraa WakumaMstudentAyiraa
27Wande NagasaMBusinessmanGullisoo
28Yaaed DheressaMTeacherAyiraa

The Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa (HRLHA) is highly concerned about the life-threatening situations in the detention centres where those young Oromos were held, and the safety and wellbeing of those who were taken to unknown destinations. Therefore, HRLHA calls upon the Ethiopian Government to abide by all international human rights instruments that it has signed, and refrain from subjecting the young detainees to such harsh situations. It also calls upon all local, regional, and international human rights organizations including UN Human Rights Council, humanitarian, and diplomatic agencies to put pressure on the Ethiopian Government so that it
  1. Unconditionally releases the Oromo students who were detained in the past two and three weeks simply because the attempted to exercise some of their fundamental rights in a peaceful and absolutely non-violent manner.
  2. Stop killing,  arresting and abducting Oromo nationals
  3. To form an independent committee from civilians for investigation and Prosecution of the killing and torturing crimes.