Friday, August 16, 2013

Minneapolis College the first to offer Afaan Oromo in the U.S.

QubeeAfaanOromoby Arijeta Lajka
(OPride) – The Minneapolis Community and Technical College (MCTC) will be the first college in the U.S. to offer an Afaan Oromo course this September, the instructor said.
Adjunct Instructor Mathias Gudina will be teaching a two-level course, Afaan Oromo I and II, starting this fall to introduce students to one of the ancient and most widely spoken languages in Africa.
Considered the lingua franca of Ethiopia, Afaan Oromo, the language of Oromo people, is the third most widely spoken language in the continent, after Hausa and Arabic. In the Horn of Africa alone, there are over 45 million native Afaan Oromo speakers.
Beginning this September, MCTC students will be able to advance themselves in Afaan Oromo. “This introductory course series will teach you how to read, write and speak the Oromo language as well as master Qubee Afaan Oromoo (the Oromo alphabet),” reads the online course description.
The idea for teaching Afaan Oromo as one of several foreign language courses offered by the college came when associate Professor Kano Baja approached Gudina, a former language instructor, with a proposal. 
Gudina then developed the lesson plan as part of the course offerings through the college's Continuing Education Unit. Administrators reviewed the proposal and later approved it. Oromo I and II are introductory courses that will focus on teaching the Oromo alphabet Qubee ­­– adopted from Latin letters in 1991 – Afaan Oromo grammar, sentence structures, and conversations. 
Both courses are open to all students and the general public. Since the course is new, it is expected that primarily Oromo speakers will sign up, however Gudina hopes that some non-Oromo speakers will also enroll in the class.
Gudina has taught Afaan Oromo since 1993 in Europe, Oromia, and the U.S. Most recently, in 2008, he taught introductory Afaan Oromo at Our Redeemer Oromo Evangelical Church in Minnesota.
"I wanted to take [the course] to higher education where there are more opportunities to use technology and a support system to deliver quality teaching,” Gudina said in an email response to OPride. 
In Ethiopia, under emperor Haile Selassie’s rule, the use of Oromo language was widely prohibited, especially in schools, government offices, and the media. When the Dergue regime was overthrown by a coalition of Oromo and other rebel fighters in 1991, Ethiopia began to recognize other languages and nationalities within its borders. 
The New Education and Training Policy allowed native languages to be established in school systems. Since 1994, Afaan Oromo is the official language of the Oromia region and is taught in both high schools and colleges. 
In order to become a professional in Oromo linguistics, literature and language, colleges in Oromia region now offer a BA in Afaan Oromo. Addis Ababa University has a Post Graduate Program.

One of the lower Cushitic language groups, Afaan Oromo is also spoken in parts of neighboring East and Horn of African countries such as Kenya, Somalia, Djibouti, and Tanzania. It shares words and phonetics with Somali, Afar, and other Cushitic language groups.
In a world where technology has established English as the dominant global language, preserving foreign languages or taking language courses are as culturally significant as ever. Cognizant of this significance, Oromo activists from around the world took to social media to celebrate the news last week when it first became public.
Resources for learning Afaan Oromo online:

Ethiopia: The Justice System Becoming a Political Tool in Ethiopia

HRLHA - Calls for Reversal of Racially and Politically Motivated Sentences
August 15, 2013
Press Release
The Federal High Court of Ethiopia sentenced 21 Oromo Nationals (most of whom are university students) 
to as much as 2-8 years in prison on 7th August, 2013. The report HRLHA received indicates that all of them have spent about three years pending trials on alleged charges of collaborating with the opposition organization of Oromo Liberation Front with the intention of committing terrorist crimes. According to information obtained by HRLHA through its correspondents, most of the defendants were very young Oromo students picked up at different times from different universities and colleges in the regional state of Oromia and other parts of the country.

>Full report Oromoliberationfront

Commander Tesfaye, who ordered the Kofale Massacre, was killed by OLA

The Woyane military commander, Tesfaye, based in Bishoftuu, was killed on August 10, 2013. He is responsible for killing about a dozen innocent Muslim prayers including children and women, on August 5, 2013 (See bold text in Afaan Oromoo below)

Oromiyaa Bakkoota Adda Addaatti WBOn Injifannoo Galmeessaa Jiraachuu Ajaji Waraana Bilisummaa Oromoo Beesise

(Madda Oduu ABO/MOA/Hagayya 14, 2013) Humni addaa WBO Godina Wallagga Bahaa keessa sosso’u tarkaanfii Hagayya 12, 2013 fudhateen qabeenya miliyoonaan shallagamu barbadeessuu ajaji WBO Godinaa Wallagga Bahaa beeksise. Humni addaa WBO tarkaanfii kana kan fudhate Ona Haroo Limmuu bakka Yaasoo jedhamutti oggaa tahu qabeenyi barbadeeffames kan inveestera Wayyaanee Ibraahiim Asaffaa jedhamuu ti.
Tarkaanfii kanaanis:
1. Saliixa kuntaala 600
2. Boqqolloo kuntaala 800 fi
3. Nuugii kuntaala 400 barbadeeffamuu ibsi bahe ni hubachiisa. Inveestarri
Wayyaanee kun qonnaan bultoota Oromoo fi Gumuz naannoo sana jiraatan lafa isaanii irraa ari’uun kan qotataa turee fi ummata dararuun beekamu dha. Ummatootni naannoo addatti ammo ummatni Oromoo tarkaanfii fudhatame kanaan gammachuu itti dhaga’ame ifatti ibsatanii, WBOn gaachanaa fi abdii ummata Oromoo ti jechuun cinaa kan dhaabbatuu itti fufan tahuu beeksisanii jiran.
Gama kaaniin humni addaa WBO waraana mootummaa Wayyaaneef qajeelfama kennuun kan ilmaan Oromoo Kofaleetti fccisiise Komander Tasfayee irratti tarkaanfii fudhate. Tarkaanfii hammeenyaa fi gara jabinaa ilmaan Oromoo irratti fudhatamaa ture keessatti hogganaa Faxinoo magaalaa Bishooftuu qooda ol aanaa kan qabaachaa ture Komander Tasfaayyee irratti tarkaanfiin kun kan fudhatame Hagayya 10, 2013 tahuu ibsi WBO hubachiise. Hogganaan waraana Wayyaanee kun kanaan duras Kaaba Shawaa Ona Dagam keessatti ilmaan Oromoo mana hidhaatti kan guursisaa fi ajjeesisaa ture tahuu kan hubachiise ibsi WBO tarkaanfii irratti fudhatame kanaan haalaan madaa’ee hospitaala Koriyaa keessatti waldhaanamaa kan jiru tahuu addeessee jira.
Tarkaanfii gara jabinaa Ona Kofaleetti fudhatame kanaan ilmaan Oromoo fayyaaleyyii fi meeshaa maleeyyii 20 ol ajjeefamuu namootni naannoo hubachiisaniiru.
Kana malees humni Addaa WBO humna farra ummataa irratti tarkaanfii fudhate. WBO Godinaa Wallagga Bahaa keessa sosso’u humna diinaa sababa WBO sakattaana jedhuun ummata irra qubsiifamee ummata saamaa, doorsisaa fi yakka gudeeddii raawwataa jiru, Ona Limmuu Galiilaa bakka Baddeessaa Gammadaa jedhamutti haleeluun midhaa guddaa irraan gahuu ajajni WBO godinaa kanaa beeksise. Tarkaanfii humna addaa WBO Hagayya 3, 2013 kanaan loltoota Wayyaanee ajjeefaman keessatti ajajaa 10 Taddasaa Danieel akkasumas Fiqaaduu Dessalee kan jedhaman kan argaman oggaa tahu miseensotni humna saglii bobbaatee hedduu haalaan madaa’uu ibsi bahe dabalee hubachiisa. Humni addaa WBO tarkaanfii kana fudhate gochaa diinummaa ummata Oromoo irratti humni diinaa raawwataa jiruuf mootummaan naannoo Oromiyaa fi bulchiinsi godinaa Wallaggaa itti gaafatamoo tahuu beeksisee, kanneen gochaa diinummaa waraana Wayyaaneef tumsaa fi golgaa tahan hunda irratti tarkaanfii kan fudhatu tahuu hubachiise.
Akkasumas gootichi WBO Godinaalee Ormiyaa gara garaa keessatti tarkaanfii diina irratti fudhataa jiruun diina irraan miidhaa adda addaa dhaqqabsiisaa jira. Akka kanaan humni addaa WBO Oromiyaa Bahaa keessa sosso’u Adoolessa 22, 2013 Harargee Dhihaa Ona Mi’eessoo bakkoota Doddotaa fi Bareedaa-Calloo jedhamutti lola dheeraa adeemsiseen waraana diinaa 21 hojii ala taasise. Ibsi Ajaja WBO Godinaa Harargee Bahaa akka hubachiisetti waraana diinaa gaaga’ame keessaa 7 battalumatti kan ajjeefaman, 14 ammoo madoo tahuu beeksise. Tarkaanfii WBO diina irratti fudhate kanaanis ummatni naannoo gammachuu fi deggersa WBOf gabu mul’isee jira.