Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Africa's journalists honor jailed editor Woubshet Taye

Ayyaanni Irreecha Godina Jimmaatti Kabajame.Qeerroon Bilisummaa Diddaa Sirna Wayyaanees Jabeesse!

Photo0348Onkololessaa 13,2013 Godina Jimmaatti Ayyaannii Irreechaa Malkaa Deeddeetti bakka uummanni kumaataan argametti sirna howwaan kabajame.
Sirna Kabajannaa Ayyaana Irreechaa kana irraatti Onkololessaa 12/2013 galgala Oromoon akkuma aadaa abbaa isaa kaleessaatti Korma Qaluun jalbultii Ayyaanichaa sirna ajaa’ibsisan egan. Qeerroon dargaggoonni Oromoo Yuuniversitii Jimmaa barachaa jiran ayyaanicha irraatti qindomina guddaan argamuun Oromiyaa farsaa, Gototaa Oromoo Qabsoo Bilisummaa Oromoo irratti Wareegaman kanneen Akka J/ Taddasaa Birruu, Maammoo Mazammir, Elemoo Qilxuu, Abishee Garbaa, Jaagamaa Badhanee, Gaddisaa Hirphasaa, Alamaayyoo Garbaa, Simee Tarrafaa, Laggasaa Wagii , Tasfahuun Camadaa fi Gootota hedduu maqaa dhofnee fixuu hin dandeenyee maqaa isaanii kaasuun Farfatan, maraarsifatan, nuti jjoollee isaniti gumaa isaani baafna jechuun dhaadataa sirboota warraaqsaa kan Eebbisaa Addunyaa, Hayiluu Kitaabaa, Hirphaa Ganfurree, Hacaaluu Hundeessaa, Ilfinesh Qannoo, Adinal Mohaamed, fi kan Artistoota hedduu wal harkaa fuudhuun sirbuun Oromoof jajjabinaa fi barnotaa dabarsuun, jibbinsaa Mootummaa Abbaa Irree Wayyaaneef qaban ifatti ittin mul’ifatan.
Qeerroon Gototni Oromoo Yuuniversiitii Jimmaa fi bakkota garaagaraa irraa walitti dhufaan humnota tikaa Wayyaaneen marfamanii utuu jirani ABO fi WBO’n gaachana uummataa Oromooti, yaa baala tuufoo ABO, WBO fi qeerroo nuf wayyaa nuufoo jechuun diina garaa kutan humnonni basaasaaf warannii wayyaanee tokkummaa ummataa irraan kan ka’ee waan qabee gadhiisu dhabe . Dargaggoon Oromoo itti fufuun Sirboota Ummataan hedduu sirbuun uummata garaa raasan. Ayyaanni irreechaa kun haala kanaan Godina Jimmaa Magaalaa Jimmaa Malkaa Deeddeetti Sirna ho’aa ta’een warraaqsa  Qeerroo Gootota Baratootaa Oromoo Yuuniversiitii Jimmaa fi Barsiisotaa Oromoo Yuuniversiitii Jimmaa fi Kolleejjii barsiisotaa Jimmaan ayyaneffatamee jira.

Ethiopia Ranks 33rd Out of 52 in 2013 Ibrahim Index of African Governance

London — Since 2000, Ethiopia has progressed most in the category Human Development
The 2013 Ibrahim Index of African Governance (IIAG), released today , shows that Ethiopia ranks 33rd out of 52 African countries.
The 2013 IIAG provides full details of Ethiopia's performance across four categories of governance: Safety & Rule of Law , Participation & Human Rights , Sustainable Economic Opportunity and Human Development. Since 2000, Ethiopia has shown its biggest improvement in the category Human Development.
Human Development measures welfare, education, and health . The 2013 IIAG shows that 94% of Africans including those in Ethiopia live in a country that has experienced overall governance improvement since 2000.
The 6% of people living in a country that has experienced governance deterioration since 2000 are based in Madagascar, Eritrea, Guinea Bissau, Somalia, Libya and Mali.
Despite improvements since 2000, Ethiopia's governance score remains below the continental average for Africa as well as the regional average for East Africa.
Ethiopia's performance in the 2013 IIAG:
· Ranks 33 rd (out of 52) overall
· Scores 47.6 (out of 100), lower than the African average (51.6)
· Has improved by + 5.1 since 2000
· Ranks 8 th (out of 11) in the East Africa region
· Scores lower than the regional average for East Africa (47.9)
· Ranks its highest in the category Sustainable Economic Opportunity (15 th out of 52)
· Ranks its lowest in the category Participation & Human Rights (38 th out of 52)
· Ranks its highest in the subcategory Infrastructure (14th out of 52) and ranks its lowest in the subcategories National Security and Rights (46th out of 52)