Friday, September 6, 2013


Statement of Oromo American National Foundation (OANF) on the Murder of Engineer Tesfahun Chemeda by the Ethiopian Regime

Oromo American National Foundation | September 6, 2013
The dastards in the Tigrean ruling thugs committed an unforgivable cowardly act against a gallant Oromo activist, Engineer Tesfahun Chemeda. After kidnapping him in Kenya where he sought refugee status due from the constant harassment by the Tigrean henchmen in his Owen country Oromia, they render him to that wretched land –Ethiopia, against all the laws of civilized international standard. Even though the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the United States and the Kenya Judiciary absolved Engineer Tesfahun Chemeda from accusation of the Ethiopian regime that he was involved in terrorism, the malicious cowards of the Wayannee regime bribed corrupt Kenya security officials and did rendition him to their dungeon, in Ethiopia!
In the ensuing two years, they tortured him relentlessly to break his inexorable will to fight for dignity and democratic rights of the Oromo nation. He was a valiant fighter contemptuous of the barbarians at core sore of our nation’s essence! They placed him 24 hours a day for two years in solitary confinement! In their final criminal assault, they murdered him and lied to the world by announcing that he took his own life! It’s been said that cowards die a thousand times while a hero dies only once – it is the ignoble fear of the Wayannee thugs that will die thousand times! Tesfahun Chemeds valiant courage, to stand to their ghoulish act without breaking down is a testament to the heroic ethos of our élans who continue to confront the Tigrean thugs everywhere in Oromia undaunted!
The vile massacres of Oromos in Kofalee and the ghastly killing of Tesfahun Chemeda is our anguish, but in any struggle, lives will be lost against diabolical and fascist gangs! The struggle and its glory, like a diamond will sparkle, and the memory will live in the hamlets, valleys and mountains of Oromia for generations to come! The best, the brightest, the finest will continue to be martyred for the dignity of our people. We inherit our courage to struggle from our forefathers and mothers, Oromia with its brave sons and daughters will be defended with revolutionary zeal. All the spilled blood of Oromo martyrs will soak the fertile soil of Oromia to rise up like the seeds of spring to bloom our hills and magnificent valleys to urge us to fight-on! Let us bring the best of our knowledge and our time to this inheritance of honor and glory!
The Tigrean lunatics hoped to kill our nobility and splendor. A lunatic may kill an Oromo activist/revolutionary, but he cannot kill the revolutionary idea of free Oromia! The idea of free Oromia shall never die; new generation of gallant Oromo youth will pick-up the torch to fight for the next thousand years or till Oromia becomes a freeland!
Hence the struggle for Oromia will continue and like Engineer Tesfahu Chemeda, a new generation of Oromo youth is willing to pay any price, confront any foe, engage friends and allies of our cause until the political and social conditions of our land is emancipated! And so, Tesfahun Chemeda and all the Oromo martyrs, we are proud that in this struggle, your valiant life will be celebrated, your heritage will be honored!
We will paraphrase a song/poem from Eva Peron’s opera and Khalil Gibran’s Verses //,,,,,to venerate our fallen comrade TESFAHUN CHEMEDA
It won’t be easy you’ll think it strange
When I try to explain how I feel
That I still need your love after all that I have done
I had to let it happen, I had to change
Couldn’t stay all my life down at heel
So I chose freedom
Running around, trying everything new…
Don’t cry for me OROMIA
The truth is I never left you
All though my student activism days
My pure existence
I kept my promise
Don’t keep your distance
And as for fortune, and as for fame
I never invited them in
Though it seemed to the world they were all t desired
Don’t cry for me OROMIA
Have I said too much?
There is nothing more I can think of to say to you
But all you have to do is look at me to know
That every word is true……
The significance of a man is not in what he attains, but rather he longs to attain
You give but little when you give of your possession. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give
We also dedicate a poem by an English poet:- William Ernest Henley It is called INVECTUS
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquered soul
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud
Under the bludgeoning of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Oromo American National Foundation
811 Upshur Street, NW
Washington DC, 20011
Phone: 202-722-1274

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