Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Latest News Updates on #OromoProtests FDG

Abay Tsehay, One of the Top TPLF Men, Said: “Nothing Will Stop the [Addis Ababa Master] Plan”

(May 4, 2014)
#OromoProtests OPDO senior leaders who returned from their failed attempt to persuade students in number of universities unanimously recommended that Addis Ababa Master Plan should be postponed in order cool things down and conduct ‘educational’ campaign. However their recommendation was rejected by Abay Tsehaye, veteran strongman of TPLF, who is currently serving as the ‘Prime Minister’s advisory for urban development. He reportedly told them, ‘Nothing will stop this plan’. It is said that even Kuma Demeksa, who is seen publicly defending the Plan endorsed the recommendation to postpone but only to be overruled by the real power holders.
You might recall that in 2003, at the meeting held in Ziway, Abaye Tsehaye proposed Afaan Oromo to be removed from being working language of a dozen of towns in Oromia, because ‘not even 30% of urban population is Oromo.’ At the time, Suleyman Dadafo, then head of the propaganda department of OPDO walked out of the meeting in protest, never to be seen again in high level meeting. Abay’s plan at the time did not go through. Now it seems he has found an even grander plan to eliminate any thing Oromo from major urban centers.
(Caamsaa 4, 2014)
#OromoProtests Hogganoonni Dh. D.U.O mooraalee Yuniversitiiwaaniitti boobbaafamnii joollee tasgabbeessuu yaalan milkii malee erga deebi’anii booda, ummata tasgabbeessuufi mari’achiisuuf jecha karoorri ‘Maastar Pilaani’ yeroof akka dhaabbatu waliif galaniis, yaanni isaanii Abbaay Tsahaayyeetin fudhatama dhabsiifame. Abbaay Tsahaayyee bu’ureessitootaafi hoggannoota gameeyyii TPLF keessaa tokko yoo ta’u yeroo ammaatti dhimma guddina magaalaa irratti gorsaa muummicha ministraati. Karoora Maastar Pilaanii kana wanti fedhe dhaabuu hin danda’u jechuun qondalonni OPDO hojirraa oolchutti akka seenan akeekkachiisun himame. Wanni ajaa’ibaa Kumaa Dammaqsaatuu, kan yeroo ammaa midiyaalerraa deemee Pilaana kana faarsu, yaada karoorri kun yeroofis ta’u haa dhaabbatu jedhu deeggaree ture.
Yoo yaadattan ta’e namichi Abbaay Tsahaayyee jedhamu kun bara 2003 keessa walgahii Ziwaay keessatti godhamerratti, magaalota Oromiyaa kurnan tokko, kan akka Jimmaa, Asallaa, Gobba, Ciro, Adaamaa kkf keessatti Afaan Oromoo afaan hojii ta’uurra akka hafu yaada dhiheesse ture. Sababni inni kennes ‘magaalota kan keessa lakkoofsi Oromoo dhibbeentaa 30 ol hin ta’u, sunuu Afaan Amaaraa beeka. kanaaf Afaan oromoo hin barbaachisu yaada jedhu ture. Gaafa san Suleeyman daddafa kan hoggus itti gaafatamaa Damee Ololaa Dh. D.U. O ture yaada Abbaay mormuun walgahii dhiitee yoo bahu, qiondaalonni hedduun faana waan ka’aniif, yaanni sun achumaan kufe. gaafasi as Suleeyman Daddafoo aangorra darbamee biyyoota hiyyeeyyii Dhiha Afrikaa keessa joorfamaa ture. Hanga Dhihoo kanaatti Jabuutitti ramadamee ture.
Kana qofaa miti. Ragaaleen Seenaa akka mul’isanitti Kaartaa naannoo Tigraay kan Raayyaafi Azaboo Oromiyaarraa mure fudhate san kan kaaye, erga aangoo qabatan boodas oromummaan ummata Raayyaa keessa dhiqame Tigrummaan akka bakka bu’u suduudaan itti hojjataa akka jiru beekama. Namoota Wayyaanee keessatti tuffiifi farra Oromoo ta’uun beekaman keessaa hangafni Abbaay Tsahaayyee ta’uu ragaa qondaalli Dh.D. U.O cufti bahuudha.

Haramaya Still Under Siege

(May 4, 2014)
#OromoProtests Haromaya University still under siege by (in)security forces. Students unable to leave campus. Those who ran away during the beating are denied entry as well. Also banks given strict order to not payout money sent by parents to any one using student ID. Many students stranded outside campus without means to pay for food and shelter. Residents in neighboring towns have been extremely gracious in hosting them. We are grateful to our people of Haromaya and ask them to continue with their solidarity with the defenseless students.

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