Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Oromo Youth Association in Trøndelag (OYAT): Killing Oromos Will Not Stop the Oromo Struggle

Ajjechaa fi Hidhaan Qabsoo Oromoo hin Dhaabu
Hacuuccaa fi gabrummmaan saba Oromoo irratti bara dheeradhaa ka’ee jiru, har’as bifa jijjiirratee itti fufee jira. Mootummaan abbaa hirree Itoophiyaa TPLF-dhaan hoogganamu jibbiinsa fi tuffii uummata Oromootiif qabu, gochaa gara jabina daangaa hin qabneen yeroo gara garaatti mirkaneesseera. Sagantaan Maaster Plaanii Magaalaa Finfinneef qopha’e kunis qabeenya Oromoo saamuu fi mirgaa abbaa biyyummaa Oromoo dhabsiisuu irratti kan xiyyeeffateedha.
Sabni Oromoos yeroo ammaa kana karoora kana mormuu isaatiif wareegama lubbuu fi miidhaa guddaan irra ga’a jira. Waldaan Dargaggoota Oromoo Trøndelag (WDOT) haala suukanneessa yeroo ammaa kana saba Oromoo irra gahaa jiruuf gaddi guddaan itti dhaga’ameera. Haaluma kanaan WDOT rakkoo uummata Oromoo irra gahaa jiru kana ilaalchisee walga’ii goodhe irratti ibsa ejjannoo armaan gadii baaseera.
1. Sagantaan Maaster Planii Magaalaa Finfinnee yeroo amma karaa mootummaatiin qopha’e, fedhaa fi yaada uummata Oromoo ilaalcha keessa kan hin galchinee fi hin hirmaachifne waan ta’eef cimsnee mormina.
2. Gaaffiin mirgaa bartoonni Oromoo kaasan, gaaffii haqa irrattti hunda’ee waan ta’eef guutumaan guutuutti ni deggera.
3. Barattoonni Oromoo gaaffii fi mormii karaa nagaatiin dhiheeffatan, mootummaan gaaffii ka’eef deebii seera qabeessa kennuu irra, haala suukaneessaa ta’een dhukaasa irratti banuudhaan ajjeechaa fi miidhaa barattoota Oromoo fi uummata Oromoo irratti raawwatu akka dhaabuu fi gaaffiin isaaniis deebii sirrii akka argatu cimsinee gaafanna.
4. Sababa gaaffii mirgaa ka’e kaanaan walqabatee barattoonni barumsa isaanii irraa hari’aman akka barumsa isaaniitti deebi’an; akkasumas Oromoonni bakka gara garaatti hidhamanii gidirfamaa jiran atattamaan akka hiikaman ni gaafanna.
5. Qaamni ajjeechaa fi miidhaa kana geessisaa jiru atattamaan gara murtiitti akka dhiiyatu jabeessinee gaafanna.
6. Hawaasni adduyyaa fi jaarmiyooleen mirga dhala namaatiif dhaabbatan marti gochaa sukkanneessa mootummaan Itoophiyaa uummata Oromoo irraan gahaa jiru akka balaallefataniifi dhiibbaa barbaachisaa ta’e akka irratti godhan jabeessinee gaafanna.
7. Hawaasni Oromoo biyya ambaa jiran marti gaaffii mirgaa sabni Oromoo biyya keessa jiru gaafataniifi itti wareegamaa jiran, gama barbaachisu hundaatiin akka cimsanii cina dhaabbatan kabajaan gaafanna. Akkasumas jaarmiyaleen siyasaa, hawaasumma fi amantii hundi tokkummaadhaan fedhii saba Oromoo irratti xiyyeeffatanii yeroo kam irra caalaa tokkummaadhaan waliin hojjechuufi gaaffii mirgaa saba Oromoo kabachiisuuf gahee isaanii akka raawwatan kabajaan ni gaaaffanna.
Waldaa Dargaggoota Oromoo Trøndelag,
Caamsaa 6, 2014, Norway
The current violations of human rights in Oromia is a continuation of the deep-rooted subjugation and marginalization of the Oromo nation in Ethiopia. The current TPLF-led government has particularly time and again proved its deep-rooted hate and atrocity toward Oromos. It has been undertaking limitless human rights violations over the last 23 years. The so-called “Integrated Master Plan for Addis Ababa City” is a systematic plan to grab the land of the Oromos and further marginalize them from their own fatherland.
The Oromos are paying heavy casualties simply because they are opposing peacefully to the participatory wicked plan. OYAT expresses its deep condolences over the victims of the ongoing atrocity in Oromia. From our meeting regarding on the current situation in Oromia, we have come up with the following consensus points:
1. We strongly condemn the proposed Master Plan by the government due to its lack of the consent and participation of the Oromo people.
2. We fully support the legitimate questions and demands raised by Oromo students.
3. We strongly urge the Ethiopian regime to immediately stop its brutal actions against the Oromo people, and give proper response to the peaceful and legitimate demand of the people.
4. We urge the Ethiopian regime to immediately release all imprisoned Oromos and call for the return of dismissed students to their studies.
5. Those who are undertaking this atrocities and indiscriminate killings should be brought justice as soon as possible.
6. We call upon the international community, human rights organizations and other concerned bodies to condemn the ongoing brutal action of the Ethiopian regime on the Oromo people and impose the necessary pressure on the regime.
7. We call upon all Oromo communities all over the world to stand on the sides of Oromo youths sacrificing their lives. We also call upon all Oromo political parties, religious institutions and civic organizations to strengthen their unity more than ever and work towards ensuring the rights and freedom of the Oromo nation.
The Oromo Youth Association in Trøndelag
May 6, 2014, Norway

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