Tuesday, June 3, 2014

What is meant by this OPDO? TPLF Employees or Non-Oromos??

By B. Ibsa
This time is a very serious period for Oromo nation (Race) in Oromo history as the fighting is going on between Oromo Nation and the TPLF/Aghazi plus non-Oromo OPDO members including singers of Minilik invasion. This is indicated by the rise of Oromo people from East to West, North to South including Oromo Diaspora worldwide against colonizers.
This paper is not aimed to discourse about the historical background of the Abyssinian colonial settlers in Finfinnee, and their bridge; employed Gobanas to control Oromo nation. Rather it reminds the urgent need of organizing available human power in order to dismantle the historical Abyssinian colonial bridge, known to Oromo nation as Gobana; the colonial road map of Abyssinians, created twice as internal enemy by Amhara and Tigray-led colonial rule, respectively.
Let me ask one question both my Oromo nation in general and Oromo leaders in particular. Really, is it difficult for such large number of Oromo people to crash the administration of TPLF in Oromia run by TPLF employees/OPDO totally not supported by the Oromo people, where each Oromian district is run by less than 10 TPLF employees at District level and even very less at Zonal level? The main bridge for the life existence of dictatorial TPLF at the center of Oromia is a neglected OPDO group by Oromo People. Thus, today, dismantling/crashing this colonial bridge should be one of the most strategies of Oromo struggle to end the linkage of North origin; Abyssinian colonizers. I hope that although this strategy is entirely rejected by Non-Oromo or Oromo speakers of Top OPDO members (like current Oromian President of Yem Origin and many others), those Pure OPDO Oromos will support and stand with the whole Oromo nation to realize this alternative strategy to prevent Oromia assimilation like Finfinee of Amhara domination.
It is well known that this strategy is entirely accepted and fully supported by Oromo nation and Oromo leaders since the Top OPDO members especially those Non-Oromos made their stand clear conducting a genocide against Oromo race being at the side of TPLF on the realization of Finfinnee Master Plan, which long planned at destroying Oromia through gradual assimilation of 100 kms from Finfine in four directions. Thus, these top OPDO-TPLF employees are to serve Tigrean- led-colonial rule of Ethiopia controlling and assimilating Oromia; the largest region economic resource for Tigrean ethnic based domination. Today, thousands of Oromos are in prison; hundreds have been killed on the Street within a month. Now, Oromia is controlled by Aghazi (Tigrean Army). Thereafter, what should be done? Oromo has lost Finfine for a half and century and still today. The same and more disaster things will be realized on Oromo generation if Oromo will be controlled and silent as under Amhara-led for 120 years. Thus, several strategies should be defined for continuous action to stop the long ambition of TPLF and their right hand pipettes.
Dismantling OPDO administration in Oromia is one of the smooth strategies for Oromo struggle to cut the linkage from central colonial rule, and very suitable with available human resource, support and action at any time and place throughout Oromia. The existence of available human power against our enemy is confirmed from the current rise of Oromo nation throughout Oromia and in Diaspora against this Master Plan Expansion. Thereafter, what is required? The organization of Oromo voluntaries throughout at their birth place and at District level with a minimum input of material support to crash this pipette administration.
Akeekkachisa Seenaa
Egaan, akkuma kaneen duraa, ummati Oromoo adoodnee, du’a hin oolle sodaannee yoo ciifna/rafna ta’e, akkuma Finfinneen, diinaan to’atamtee jirtu magaaloti Oromiyaa harka diinaa galani, ‘’Oromoon baadiyaadha; kan waa gochuu hin dandeenye’’ jedhamuun, Oromootti kan seenamuu ta’a. Kanaafuu, toftaa fi istraatejii adda addaa baasnee irratti haa dalagnu. Walii haa beeksifnu. Kan yeroon gaafatu kana. Har’a yeroo itti seenaa seenessinu miti. Yeroo wanta gochuu qabnu irratti mala baafnuu fi irratti cichinee dalagnu ta’uu qaba. Rabbi adooddaa kana keessaa nu haa baasu. Ummata Bilisummaa kadhataa jiraatu nuun hin taasisin. Maaltu nu hir’annaan bilisummaa jaarraaf kadhanna. Gootummmaan seenaa Oromooti. Waraana sirna Buttaa yoo labsine iyyuu ga’aadha. Ummati keenya waliin kakatee kaanaan kan boodatti deebisu hin jiru. Waraana sirna buttaan, bulchiinsa diinaan/TPLFN Oromiyaa irraa diriirfamte haa mancaafnu. Faayidaa Istraatejii kanaa akka gadiitti haa ilaalu.
Barreeffami koo kun Jarreen. Dura bu’oota Qeerrootti’’ naaf haa tamsa’u. Qeerroo irratti abdii olaanaa qabna. Dhalooti kun, dhaloota hin faalamne. Kan mirgaa fi Bilisummaa isaa dabarsee hin laatne, dhaloota goota, kutataa fi bilchaataadha.
Yaa Qeerroo, Abashooti dhaloota iasaanii Oromia badhaatuu jaarraa oliif yeroo dhaalchisan,Oromoon dhala isaa gabrummaa dhaalchise. Har’as Oromoon itti fufaan dhala isaa gabrummaa dhaalchisuu hin qabnu. Kan dabre ni ga’a. Jaarraa tokko dhaalamnee, dhaanamneerra. Kanaafuu, akkuma diinni Oromiyaa fufaan dhalootaa isaa dhaalchisuuf, guyyaatti sa’aa 24 hojjataa jiru, nu’is, Oromoon sa’aa 24 yoo irratti hojjanne malee dhala gabrummaa dhaalchisuun kan itti fuftu taati.
Kanaafuu, Istraatejiin inni tokko, bulchiinsa diinaan Oromiyaa irratti ijaaramte ijaaramnee dhabamsiisuun daandii qabsoo kkenyyaa keessaa tokko haa godhanu. Ijaaaramnee irratti hojjannaan nii danda’ama. Wanti hin danda’amne biyya lafaa kana irra hin jiru.
Advantage of Dismantling OPDO Administration
  1. It cuts the infiltration of Oromo speakers into Oromo political parties
  2. It prevents the participation of OPDO in the next election, under TPLF colonial rule representing Oromia
  3. It cuts the linkage between Abyssinian colonizers and colonized Oromo nation existed for more than a century forever.
  4. It cuts the flow of Oromian resources utilized by colonial rule to control the whole region
Oromo should work day and night to liberate his country, Oromia.
OROMIA SHALL BE FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
B. Ibsa

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